The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 2 December 1910

Total Pages: 30
1091 1120 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1091 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. |I5 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 cent». Vol. 8- Penang, Friday, 2nd December, 1910. No. 48.
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  • Page 1091 Advertisements
    • 281 1091 I I zzzz/zzz/ zz z^ zz z zzz z zz zzzz z zzzzz. CONTENTS. X I t > Leaders: page. Miscellaneous: page. I x “My Country, Honest or Dis- “A Meeting to Attend 1,094 honest” 1,093 The Un Peng 1,094 <t 1,115 Income Tax 1,093, 1,097, 1,101 1,106 The Income
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  • Page 1092 Advertisements
    • 176 1092 y M S E r I STRAITS E€Ho| MAIL EDITION. TB wbmww— 'j Publishing the day prior to the departure of each mail F I Il for Europe, and contains the latest local and States I Jl news originally published in the daily issues, as well as t I a
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  • 658 1093 If we could reconcile our conscience to that motto, we might find a tolerant word or two for the bare-faced suggestions made at the Straits Association dinner by Mr. Evelyn C. Ellis. But we take it that the well-known sentiment applies with equa force to
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  • 205 1093 Mr. J. M. Allinson’s point against the local Income Tax Bill was a strong one. Premising that The European merchant alone is powerhs.5. His import would rot at the wharves and not a pound of what is known as Straits produce would arrive, unless he had at his
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  • 102 1093 Boadicea” is the usual -p!- ling. It is the name of the Que»m of the Iceni, wife of King Prasutagus, who-e kingdom comprised Norfolk and Suffolk. The Romans grabbed the land when Prasutagus died, outraged hi- daughter-, ami flogged his Queen. She collected her p<-ople, atta/-ke<l and took Colchester,
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  • 972 1093 Munic ipal Commission. SPECIAL MEETING. A special meeting of the Municipal Corn* mi"»!' n was held at the Municipal Oflb'ea yesterday afternoon to consider and piss Supplemental Budget No. 2of 1910. The following gentlemen wen- present: Mr. F. J. Hallifax (President), Mr. W. T. Chapman, Mr. J. W. Hallifax, and
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  • Page 1093 Advertisements
    • 97 1093 The Straits Echo. ®E| jestice satisfies everybody and justice alone.--A> r tan Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THB CRITERION PRESS, LTD., No. 226—232, Beach Sheet, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL $21 per annum OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) 5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo —Penang.” Telephone No. 343 A.B. -All business
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  • 43 1094 says a Shanghai piece gooda firm, are afraid to do business, and although the actual supply of money in Shanghai is ample it is all lying idle in the foreign banks, who are only too anxious to loan it out.
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  • 625 1094 Crescents vs. Free School. The Crescents managed to score two points in the League match against the Free School which was played on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon. There was nothing notew< rthy in the game. From the start, when the Crescents played two men short, they had their
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  • 34 1094 A Meeting to Attend.” Readers interested are requested n JO that the date ha 6 been a The special general meeting at the P O n at J° p W m annoUnCed Monday, Dec’.
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  • 72 1094 p T Pew .7, which got stranded off lulo nkus island yesterday night, is still fast on the rocks, though efforts are being made by the Eastern Shipping Company to tow hei oit. At high tide the water is up to her awnings. Most of her cargo
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  • 67 1094 A meeting of the Penang Rural Board will be held at the Hon. Resident Councillor’s Office at 12 noon on Saturday, December 3rd. Business. 1. Minutes of last Meeting. 2. Supplemental Budget No. 1. 3. Conditions for issue of Pigstye Licences. 4. Provisions for Stationery for 1911.
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  • 31 1094 -was solemnised by the Rev. F. W. Haines, between Mr. Johan Seilberger, engineer, and Miss Caroline Hernien Harinck, both of Pangkalen Brandan, Sumatra.
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  • 48 1094 has resigned and may lie expected to leave Shanghai early in the new year. It is said that the post of Consul-General at Shanghai has been offered to Mr. E. D. H. Fraser, c. m. g., Consul-General at Hankow.
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  • 47 1094 Kuala Lumpur, assembled on the School padang on Tuesday afternoon to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. A. Dainton on their departure for Java, where Mr. Dainton is taking up a position in a well-known rubber company.
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  • 96 1094 the Municipal Presi- VV V V7LIL ILlvUM. V I y dent will not take too seriously I^ r "2° 68 suggestion to round off the corner of Ilagan Jermal and Burmah Roads. It is absurd to call it “very dangerous.” It is safer as it is
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  • 79 1094 two bullock cart Yesterday atternoon t(X)k drivers, karpava and Mohame into their heads to a race a Road. In doing so one of e wa Jking over an old Malay woman who was wa ng quietly along the thoroughfare. They and when Hamilton this morning said that hich
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  • 1514 1095 Before Mr. A. W. Bailey, in the Second Court, yesterday, Mr. G. A. Hall, District Judge, prosecuted a -Tamil, named Murugan, for defamation of character. Mr. Hastings Rhodes Acting SolicitorGeneral appeared for Mr. Hall and Mr. G. E. Wriifht-Motion for the defendant. Mr. Hall stated that
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  • 16 1095 -We have no evidence sutfi ’i- ent to warrant our saying that it wasn't dial«-t«-s.
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  • 16 1095 has ordered fifty quick-firing guns from the Krupp Works for the Chinese Arrnv.
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  • 20 1095 has decided that commencing next year all China's military students shall lie sent to Germany.
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  • 25 1095 of the Suugei Lima Estate, M itang, has b»vu granted a first class appraiser s liven* *e for the current vent.
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  • 22 1095 Chemor, the prvqiertv of Mr. E. Phillips, has reached the producing stage, last month’s output being 176 !b«. crepe rublier.
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  • 29 1095 has won first place and a gold modal in the contest in oratory held in Taint Library, North Western University.
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  • 40 1095 haf been ap|x>inted acting A. D. C. to His Excellency the Governor and Coinmamter-in-Chief, Straits Settlements, from the 18th instant, during the absence on leave uf Captain C. H. Gay, R. G. A.
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  • 57 1095 alleged to lie her paramour, in Pitt Street a few days ago, appeared before Mr. Hamilton, in the thin! Court to-day, charged with murder and attempted murder respectively. The rase was, on the application of
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  • 145 1095 WM registererl on the 19th inst. with a nominal capital of $50,000. The sliares have l»eeu taken up by privat i subscriptions, The directors are: Messrs. Mr. C Held (chairman), A. Hitching and U. E. Giovannoni, Er. C. Held will take over f b»* Secretary
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  • 169 1095 was caused m the Tiiinl C .urt this morning wk-u a Chinaman apisjan-d and gave name sai<l he was a Mohamedan. He wax charged by Inspector Mann with giving false infor- >'■«"■•■« I- the Police. 1|„ in'.' it tint in tie- morning be went to the houw of
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  • 856 1096 A Kidnapping Case. In the District Court, before Judge Hall, yesterday morning, Hassan, a Malay youth, was charged by a Chinese woman named Khoo Gek Ki, with kidnapping her daughter Chuah Sui Ho, from her lawful guardianship on the 10th instant. The prosecutrix deposed that in the beginning
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    • 306 1096 TO THE t]DIIOR OF THE STRAITS ECHO. Dear Sir, It is very amusing to read the evidence of Mr. Artie Tully in the Tully v. Cowan Case. Mr. Tully tells us who Sturgeon and Torpedo are and refuses to say who Ah Yet is, and does not tell
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    • 214 1096 Cafe Chantant. To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, I have pleasure in enclosing for publication statement of the accounts of the two performances. The gross estimated takings were announced as $1,188, but, now that all the returns have come in and been checked, the exact figure
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  • 45 1096 (Echo Special.) Annual Report. Kuala Lumpur, 25th Nov.—The Selangor Turf Club’s report for the year ended September 30 states that the net profit was nearly $2,000. A sum of $3,559 was written off for depreciation. During the year 68 new members joined.
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  • 55 1096 (Echo Special.) The Champion Wins Again. Kuala Lumpur, 25th Nov. —At the Lake ‘Club last night Mr. John Roberts beat Mr. E. M. Baker in a game of 1,000 up in which the winner was conceding 700 points. Baker’s score was 907 at the finish. Roberts best breaks were
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  • 169 1096 {Supplied by Reuter.) Critical Situation. London, 24th Nov.—A private telegram received in London states that early this morning business was suspended at Rio de Janeiro. The situation is critical. Warships Mutiny. London, 24th Nov.—Private telegrams received at Barrow, London, and the Coutinent report that the Brazilian warships
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  • 50 1097 (Supplied by Reuter.) Traders’ Manifesto. London, 24th November.—The Constitutional Free Traders have issued a manifesto urging the Moderates to support the Unionists whatever Tariff views they held. The Budget and The Lords. The Lords have passed the second reading of the Budget without going to a division.
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  • 27 1097 (Supplied by Reuter.) An Altitude Record. London, 24th Novemlier.—Mr. Drexel, at Philadelphia, flew at a height of 9,970 ft in a monoplane. This is a record.
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  • 238 1097 (Supplied by Reuter.) Deputation Waits on Foreign Secretary Grey’s Reply. London, 25th Nov.—A deputation from the Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom waited on Sir Edward Grey with reference to the effect of the Japanese Tariff, especially in regard to textiles. Sir Edward Grey said that
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  • 68 1097 news has reached the colony of the appointment of Mr. Joseph Horsford Kemp to the important post of Crown Solicitor and King’s Proctor of Hongkong. Since January 1st, 1910, the post of Crown Solicitor and King’s Proctor has been held by Mr. F. B. L.
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  • 80 1097 of the North Division of the F.M.S. Kailways are to be increased, says the T. O. M. Heretofore, the section under his care has extended from Prai to Tanjong Mali in and this will now be extended, from 1st January, so as to include
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  • 801 1097 We h a ve rea l, attentively, ai>out twelve hundred samples of the literature generically descrilied as Tracts. A lot of well-meaning people subscribe that these things may be distributed gratis. Then* are several tract societies. which provide remunerative employment for some go»>l men, so that they are not
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  • 232 1097 Ihe Income lax Bill has lioen postponed, and we Ixdieve there is a possibility that it mav be abandoned, if sufficient argument against it Im? forthcoming. It will not do merely to declaim against it in the Club rooms the public opinion must make itself publicly apparent, the
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  • 415 1097 W« were talking „t ,i„, 0 lb .lay alM.ut the W«l»h .Sink... ,,,.1 how hanl a miner, hfe mu.t I». L. Crivaia that he was a minor till he was 21, a statement which interested some of the men more than such an obvious thing should
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  • Page 1097 Advertisements
    • 34 1097 Surest Defence. This is the season when sickness stalks through the land in the form of pneumonia. The surest defence against the disease is Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 829 1099 Interesting Evidence in the Cowan Case. The hearing of the charge of criminal breach of trust brought by A. W. Tully against M. S Cowan, wis resumed in the third court Singapore More yj r R 0 |,i ns u on Wednesdav. The Hon. Hugh Fort
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    • 187 1099 To thm Kunos os tite XTiam Kc«o. Sir, I have no doubt there are many beeides myself who read with astonishment the announcement in last night’s EcAo the Municipal Commissioners had given permission to the lessee of Pulo Tikus Market to use the building in the evenings for
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    • 124 1099 io ih« or Mr«*rr» F.c«a Iir Sir, Perhaps you will have something to s.,v iv *i an 1 •*'»gg. ,tion of A Well M ishcr with regard to th»* Baud, appaerHlg in the eo| unHl o f y nh r p lt n GG>//c. Fancy him sugirestrng
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  • 174 1100 (Echo Special.) Second Reading. Singapore, 26th Nov. —At the meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday the Hon. Mr. W. Evans, Colonial Secretary, maintained that the Chinese would not evade the income tax by a fraudulent statement which was not likely to deceive the collectors, who would be
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  • 56 1100 (Echo Special.) 10 Months’ Figures. Kuala Lumpur, 26th Nov.—Following are the final figures of the tin exports for the past 10 months: Total 614,218 pikuls, value $46,678,413, duty $5,882,222. This, as compared with last year, shows a decrease in output of 50,350 pikuls, and increases in value and
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  • 36 1100 (Echo Special:) To Succeed Mr. Conway Belfield. Lumpur, 26th Nov. —The Malay Mail hears on good authority that the Hon. Mr. J. O. Anthonisz will succeed Mr. Conway Belfield as Resident of Selangor.
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  • 29 1100 (Echo Social.) Building Fund. Kuala Lumpur, 26th Nov.—A bazaar was opened yesterday in aid of the Convent Building Fund. It concludes to-day and was most successful.
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  • 21 1100 (Echo Special.) Most Successful. Kuala Lumpur, 26th November.—A most successful dance was at the Lake Club last night.
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  • 34 1100 Molyneux-J ustice. (Echo Special.) A. Marriage at Kensington. Kuala Lumpur, 26th Nov.—At St. Mary Abbot’s, Kensington, Captain C. R. Molyneux was married to Miss Eva Isabel Maud, youngest daughter of the late MajorGeneral Justice.
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  • 54 1100 (Echo Special.) Tyersall. Singapore, 26th Nov.—The Singaporeans have decided to form a country Club at Tyersall, the property of the Sultan of Johore, whb has consented to a lease of the buildings and grounds. An elaborate scheme is proposed which is estimated to cost $175,000. The estimated
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  • 19 1100 (Echo Special.) Pepper. Singapore, 25th Nov.—To-day’s market prices were as follows: Black Pepper $14.75, no buyers. White $25.75,
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  • 173 1100 (Supplied by Reuter.) How it Began. London, 25th Nov.—Reuter’s correspondent at Rio de Janeiro states that all the officers went ashore after a blue jacket from the Minas Geraes, who was in command of a squadron of four ships, sent a wireless message to the President demanding
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  • 40 1100 (Echo Special,] Frasek axb Co.’S R epobt Singapore, 25th Nov.—Messrs Co. s report states that the forced nil U* 8 locally had apparently not affected fl Sales ral tone of the rubbed market which is steady. n 18 most
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  • 39 1100 (Supplied by Reuter.) China’s Resolution. London, 26th Nov._A telegram from Peking states that the Assembly unanimous! ly passed a resolution to apply the fullest anti-opium measures and deprecating a renewal of the agreement with Great Britain.
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  • 69 1100 (Supplied by Reuter.) Question Regarding the Ex-Shah. London, 26th Nov.—Sir Edward Grey, Foreign Secretary, replying to a question in the House of Commons, regarding the allegation of the Persian Government that the ex-Shah had intrigued with the Turcoman Tribe, said that so far as he was aware that had
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  • 14 1100 has gone through to Rangoon, and hopes to come here in April.
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  • 22 1100 will redeem fifteen debentures on the new pavilion in February next, the numbers of which are posted in the pavilion.
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  • 25 1100 since last Monday has been •47, *51, l 88, ‘31, and 1’66 inches each day, as registered by the gauge at Fort Cornwallis.
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  • 28 1100 were heard by Mr. A W. Bailey, to-day. All the defendants were convicted and fined in sums ranging from $5 to $25.
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  • 28 1100 laden with granite for Kedah, encountered very bad weather off Kuala Muda on Friday night and had to be beached to prevent her from sinking.
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  • 43 1100 Harbour Master, accompanied by the Hon. Mr. Robert Young, proceeded to Pulau Langkawi by the Leong Ho last night. He will return on Monday, his duties in the meantime being loo after by Mr. H. Muir, Government Manne Surveyor.
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  • Page 1100 Advertisements
    • 48 1100 Known Everywhere. A well-known Manitoba editor writes: “As an insile worker I find Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets invaluable for the touches of biliousness natural to sedentarv life, their action being gentle and effective, clearing the digestive tract and the head.” For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 69 1100 Do It Now. Now is the time to get rid of y°? r r k eu tism. In fully nine cases ’out of ten1 attack is simply rheumat'sm of the due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, neither of which require any internal trea ment. The free application of
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  • 920 1101 We have tried to discuss this subject several times, and, in the words of a cleverer contemporary, words now fail us to do it sufficient injustice. There are indications plenty in our local Press that 1/efore the Bill passes, it may legitimately be mentioned as ink 'em tax.
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  • 73 1101 We understand that with the appointment of Chief Secretary to Government, F. M. 8., the post of Federal Secretary is to lie abolished. In his stead a new appointment is to lie created ami which is to lie styled First Assistant to the Chief Secretary. It
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  • 65 1101 It is notified that the Governor in Council has been pleased to order the cancellation, as from the 31st day of December, 1910, of that part of notification No. 477, published in the Gazette of 30th September, 1887, whereby the Government ground in Penang, generally known as
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  • 94 1101 Smart Work. Last Saturday was a very busy day at the Government Wharves, the cargoes of the following steamers having to Im* dealt with by the Wharves’ employees Benlede discharged 400 tons. Manchaon 1,003 Catherine Apear 650 (alongside Hweftenham Pier.) Pembrokeshire 200 ton». Perseus shipped 475 This makes
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  • 28 1101 lias juft paawd his ex- amination in criminal law at the Inns of Court.
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  • 30 1101 has sue- celled the late Mr. Davis as Tamil Visiting Teacher. A Tamil 'cbool is to be built at Klang, by subscription. —Klang corr.
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    • 577 1101 to tun l.ora r Twr srs«in «<~ao. Dear Sir. If the tint In.-» not gone forth that the discussion re the Band is now closed, I should like to say a few word.» which mav serve as f»w*i for reths-f ion. 1 wonder if anyone
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  • 23 1101 to the use of spittoons in a public armvking room ban L*-n inaerUvl in tie- Clmndu Revenue Ordbn
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  • 19 1101 ha* Ikm» made bv the Governor and the Baja of Peril» for th« surrender of iugitive cnnunal».
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  • 1819 1102 A public meeting was held at the Chinese Town Hall on Saturday afternoon to consider and discuss the proposed Income Tax Bill. Among those present were the following: Messrs. Leong Lok Hing, Lim SengHooi, Quah Beng Kee, Lim Cheng Teik, Boey Tiang Beng, Ooi Chye Hock,
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  • 568 1103 the outcome of a villainous PLOT. Cowardly and Savage Attack. The Sumatra Post, of Novemlier 17, gives particulars of an interview with Mr. Freudweiler, the head manager of the company which employed the late Mr. Darke who, as we have recorded, was brutally murdered in Sumatra. He
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  • 2473 1103 ORDINARY MEETING, FRIDAY. November 25th. Present. His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson. His Excellency the General Officer mmsnd ntg Troops, Major-Gen Stephenson, c R Ihe t o.i lile ih“ Colonial Secretary, \V Evans the \forney-G •neral’. F. Eelfield. •> the <ol 1'reaj.urer, \V. <'. Mic‘ ell. the
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  • Page 1103 Advertisements
    • 43 1103 Croup. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy ough appears, will prevent the attack. lor by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 17 1104 has appointed Lieut. R. G. Crofton, R. G. A., to be his Aide-de-Camp.
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  • 33 1104 Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Estates, Ltd., and Director of the Eastern International Rubber and Produce Trust, Ltd., was to leave Naples for the Straits about No veinher 14th.
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  • 45 1104 learns of the death of Mr. Jno. Fred. Giffening, father of Messrs. J. F. Giffening of Matang and of J. and B. Giffening of Seremban, at Point de Galle at the ripe old age of 90 years.
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  • 38 1104 is announced of Mr. Walter Grenier, accountant of the Federated Engineering Co., Ltd., and Miss VanLangenberg, daughter of Mr. T. C. VanLangenberg of the Sanitary Board, Kuala Lumpur. It will take place in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 56 1104 from Batu Gajah, will act as Chairman of the Sanitary Board, Kinta North, vice Mr. F. W. Douglas, till the end of the year in addition to the carrying on the same duties in the Kinta South district. Truly a formidable undertaking as there is plenty of
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  • 1667 1104 Public Health La ws Important P 0I nt 8 a Sinoapoh» Appeal Case. e (Straits Limes) have inct copy of a written judgment by Fisher in an appeal from an o'rder the first magistrate under Section Municipal Ordinance, known v the Order. That order dirS th e apS? to execute
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  • 22 1105 has lieen appoint- ed to be an unofficial memljer of the Legislative Council with effect from October 2K.
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  • 25 1105 courteously informs us that last week, Nov. 20—27, seven patients were admitted, five male and two female.
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  • 28 1105 the Malay States tin magnate, has become a director >f one of the Nigerian tin companies, which seem to have a prosperous future in store.
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  • 32 1105 We are informed that “the indigenous Roman Catholics of Kuala Lumpur have petitioned the Bishop of Malacca and the Papal Delegate asking that a Tamil Priest lie appointed.”
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  • 112 1105 was held by the members of the Crescent Star Sports Club yesterday morning, alxiut 20 memljers taking part. The hares were Messrs. Samsoodm, Shaffee, Ismail and Kader Mvdin. The start by the hares was made at half past five, and ten minutes later the “hounds”
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  • 156 1105 Chong Ah Lin before Mr. R B. Oslsmne for criminal breach of tnpt in respe -t of one bongkal and three mayams of gobi, valued at 876. It app-ars that on the 10th instant the accused was given three Lmgkals of gold to lie
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  • 12 1105 Echo Sfecul.) Dull. Singapme, 2-th Nov. The rubber market is «lull.
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  • 23 1105 AAAo i Most Svc< ennevl. Singapore, 2*th Nov. The Gymkhana given as a farewell to the Middlesex Regiment was most successful.
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  • 25 1105 (Erho Serial.) Pepper and Copra. Singapore, 28th Nov. Following are today's market prices: Sundried copra $10.15 no buyers. Mixed 9.1*0 Black pepper 14.25, buyers.
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  • 89 1105 (Echo Special.) Farewell Dance. Taiping, 26th Nov.—The farewell dance and supper given to Mr. E. W. Birch and his wife was an unqualified success. All Taiping was present. Mr. Moss, in a felicitous speech, proposed the health of Mr. Birch who in reply thanked him for
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  • 34 1105 (Echo Special.) Shot bt a Corporal. Taiping, 26th Nov. A huge rhinoceros was shot at Trong by a Corporal of Police. It was brought to Taiping and given to the Museum authorities.
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  • 103 1105 (Supplied by Router.) Re ex Shah’s Pension. Ixxndon, 26th Nov.—Sir Edward Grev, Foreign Secretary, replying to a question as to the despatch of Gholams from the British and Russian legations to press for the payment of the ex.Shah's pension with instructions to wait until it was |»aid, said that
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  • 43 1105 (Supplied fry lieuLrr.) I t Ai-htrian Government Order. f/>ndon, 28th Nov. A telegram from i<*nna «fates that a Government order has ls***n d-u<'«1 requiring all pun<wmgvr «teamen* going beyond Gibraltar or Allen to lie fitted with wip h-as telegraphy installation.
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  • 121 1106 (Supplied by Reuter.) Campaign Begins. London, 26th Nov. —The political campaign began in earnest yesterday evening. The Liberals in their speeches demanded fair play; the Conservatives denounced Home Rule, a single chamber Government, and- emphasised the importance of the Unionists being in power at the time of
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  • 96 1106 (Supplied by Reuter.) German Interpretation. London, 28th Nov.—At a full dress debate at the Reichstag there was a Social interpellation censuring the Kaiser’s recent utterances asserting Divine right. Vigorous; Defence. Herr von Bethmann Hollwegg, the Imperial Chancellor, vigorously defended the Kaiser and affirmed that the Prussian
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  • 41 1106 (Supplied by Reuter.) Terminus Decided Upon. London, 28th Nov. —The Koelnische Zeitung learns from a Turkish source that at the request of Germany, it has been decided that the terminus of the Baghdad Railway be at the Persian Gulf.
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  • 70 1106 (Supplied by Reuter.) Work Girls in a Panic. London, 28th Nov. —Thirty to forty fatalities occurred in a fire at a business tenement at Newark, New Jersey. The work girls were seized with a panic and jumped off lh3 windows, only a third of this number being
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  • 87 1106 Messrs. H. Twamely and A. Joubert to be Surveyors, F.M.S. Survey Department, Mr. G. H. Fox to be Chief Resident Engineer for Construction, F.M.S.R., Mr. L. Lewton-Brain to Ire Director of Agriculture, Mr. C. E. Donaldson to act as Magistrate, Seremban, Mr. R. W.
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  • 902 1106 There is something about this subject that seems to draw us as the phenomenon of combustion attracts lepidoptera. We hope to make a better end than the moth does, though. First of all, while we are up in arms directly the voice of the impudent is heard —the
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  • 18 1106 is expected to relieve Raja Chulan as Magistrate at Taiping early next month.
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  • 24 1106 have been selected for service in the F. M. S.—Messrs. T. P. Coe, H. C. Bathurst and J. K. Stark.
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  • 31 1106 and M. H. Hil- ekes returned to Singapore from their visit to Jimah estate by the steamer Perak, last Saturday, in company with Mr. Howard Bray.
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  • 30 1106 in his excellent review of the past half year at the meeting yesterday afternoon, referred to Sir Robert Young. That is intelligent anticipation.'
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  • 37 1106 has offered a reward of «£250 to be paid to the person who, in the Directors’ opinion, first gives the information which results in a conviction for forging or uttering the transfer receipts.
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  • 41 1106 We do not publish letters assailing statements in our contemporaries, and we are sorry that we cannot make an exception, even in your case. After all, Hanson is as hanson does, you know, and he’s not half a bad chap.
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  • 44 1106 who was formerly Cu- rator of the Sarawak Museum, and after leaving there went to the Transvaal to take up an appointment in Pretoria, has been appointed Director of the Albany Museum at Grahamstown, Cape Colony, in succession to Dr. Schonland.
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  • 69 1106 hears that the me naiavia Dutch armoured cruiser De Ruyter will leave Sourabaya for Singapore early nex month to be docked. A man-of-war e Koetei—will be despatched from Java to Bangkok next month for an official visit w Siam. The armoured cruiser Koningin Reqentes has gone into
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  • 72 1106 will Is it any use noping be done to check the wanton, persis en unnecessary tooting, barking, and shrieking of motor horns r Las although it usually takes an eartbq wake our leuda, Mr. Trengrove, the Man, managed to make him bolt, 7
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  • 1997 1107 HALF-YEARLY MEETING. The half-yearly general meeting of the Penang Cham ter of Commerce was held in the Chamber yesterday afternoon, with Mr. J. Mitchell, of Messrs. Adamson, Giltillan and Co., Ltd., in the chair. The following gentlemen were also present: The Hon. Mr. Robert Young, and Messrs.
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  • 468 1108 Kulim Chinese Particularly. Saturday and Sunday Ben Mitchell, exPolice Commissioner, had Kulim in his pocket—or on his verandah. The Chinese Merchants presented him with an enormous address, and a Japanese silver bowl in a Burmese silver casket, and a host of Europeans turned up to look-see. These
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  • 102 1108 The Glasgow Evening News, under the joyous headline of Renfrew Scores Again,” has the following: :—It is officially reported from Ottawa that the Canadian Government have awarded a contract for a new Government dredger, for use in connection with the deepening of the harbour at Prince Rupert, the new Pacific
    102 words
  • 469 1108 There were about a score in attendance at the course to view this morning’s work. It was a good training morning and although the track is still on the heavy side after the exceptional long spell of wet weather we have had, some useful exercise was done. The
    469 words
  • 195 1108 A little over a fortnight ago we reported a burglary at No. 353, Dato Kramat Road, which forms part of a block of shophouses opposite Dunlop Road. Last night this house was entered again and the way the thief effected an entrance seems to point to the
    195 words
  • 2325 1108 Supr eme Court. (Bejore Mr. Justice Smith) Lee Teng See v. Cheah Choo Y 1w< This was a motion by the set aside an AwaM of the P. V. Locke and Mr. Goh Bo™ Drease which had been submitted arbitration. or 1,617 shares of the Eastern Smelting Co al
    2,325 words

  • 26 1109 the measure» for the «Oppression of opium are unsatisfactory, and that there in a considerable increase in planting.
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  • 97 1109 have issued a proclamation to pwwiuouuu u> the two tu-cused persons. Tan Pek Nya and Ng Chi Chu, wlio did not surrender to their hail in the Police Court last week to be tried for importing morphia into the Colony. 1 heir Laillxind of $i.,000 each was estreated
    97 words
  • 98 1109 in tlm report r 1. i report ot the latest rut. 1st sales at home, ’•/hen the larged quantity ever offered, Waa brought 1,1,0 the market vs our Tait,mg eontemporary, that Lamlenfale smokij sheets from the Lauderdale estate fetcled 5s 10 d tymg with
    98 words
  • 96 1109 Il »ugIM to lx- socor. led for server IU Johore as soon as he t, relieved by Mr H Norman who returua from leave neit month. ln«« toe [‘eraJt whi h all-* And yet another F M H. official for Johor»- for we
    96 words

    • 972 1110 To thi Editor of thb Straits Echo, Sir, I hope there will be no shrinkage of the Colonial Revenue in 1912 or in any subsequent years as is feared by The Honourable Mr. Evans our Colonial Secretary. If there is any deficit in the budget at all I
      972 words
    • 273 1110 To thb Editor or thb Straits Echo. Sir, Straight Talk would appear to be talking through his hat when he sta’tes that we pay $83 and a fraction per hour for the services of the Band. I suppose he knows what he means and it might be
      273 words
    • 375 1110 To the Editor of thf. Straits Echo. Sir, As the pawn-broking farms for another period of 3 years commencing from the 1st January, 1911 ,are about to be let aaid I deem it necessary tn ovn, tice practised by the nawm.h in M parently encouraged
      375 words
  • 62 1110 (Echo Special.) Jugra Crop. Kuala Lumpur, 28th Nov. —The rubier crop of Jugra Estate for October was 10,600 lbs. Singapore Rubber Singapore, November 29. —The Singapore Rubber Exchange will be opened on January 1. Latest Prices. At the November auction the following prices were obtained No. 1 sheet 8315
    62 words
  • 144 1110 (Echo Special.) Kuala Lumpur Meeting. Kuala Lumpur, 28th of the District rr hipelago Grand Chapter of the Eastern g ua l> which were held at the t sU cLumpur, on Saturday nigh present, cessful. Over 80 Freemasons verc p Obituary. (Echo Special.) Mr. F. V. Guy. Kuala Lumpur, 28th
    144 words

  • 29 1111 (Supplied by Reuter.) The End. London, 28th Nov.—A telegram from Rio de Janeiro states that the mutineers have surrendered and that the officers have resumed command.
    29 words
  • 254 1111 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Feature of the Coming Election. London, 28th Nov.—A feature of the elections will be the number of uncontested returns. Apart from Ireland at present there are 04 seats without Lilieral candidates and 38 without Unionist Candidates, compared with 9 and 1 respectively last
    254 words
  • 1330 1111 There is a Taiping preacher who shocks us Last Sunday as ever was. in a Taiping pulpit—where high seriousness is requisite —he treated journalism with light and airy persiflage. It is too solemn a business f« r flippant parsons to meddle with, ami we trust they will confine themselves
    1,330 words

  • 73 1112 Penang Club Passes Useless Motion. There was a large attendance at the Special General meeting of the Penang Club which was held last night. The pro-Band party won, the resolution that the subscription of resident members be raised by 50 cts., this money to go towards the Club’s
    73 words
  • 14 1112 this morning with 378 deck passengers.
    14 words
  • 20 1112 this morning with 18,000 tins of Langkat oil consigned to the Asiatic Petroleum Company.
    20 words
  • 23 1112 between Perak and Penang will be played in Tai ping on Monday and Tuesday, the 26th and 27th December.
    23 words
  • 30 1112 will be played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between a combined team of the P. R. C. and C. B. C. and the Penang Cricket Club.
    30 words
  • 27 1112 it appears, favour tapping rubber trees on the herring bone, or opposite quarte r, daily, as productive of the best results.
    27 words
  • 46 1112 and not Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, as stated in our issue yesterday, who heard the motion brought by Mr. Cheah Choo Yew to set aside an award made by the arbitrators in a dispute between him and Mr. Lee Teng See.
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  • 105 1112 Apart from his capabilities as a business man, the deceased was a great sportsman and naturalist. He was a member of the expedition which recently explored the unknown regions of Perak. His large collection of birds
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  • 144 1112 Sidambaram Chetty was charged with fabricating false evidence on the 24th February, 1909, in a stage of judicial proceeding by making an affidavit in Suit No. 525 of 1909 then pending in the Supreme Court, Palaniappa Chetty v». Sitambaram Chetty, containing the following false
    144 words
  • 45 1112 of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, will be pleased to hear that his younger son, Basil, who joined the Middle Temple some four months ago, has successfully passed his Boman law examination, {/■king second class honours.
    45 words
  • 362 1112 Hynes—Gilman. At St. George’s Church yesterday afternoon, Mr. Arthur Cecil Hynes, Agent of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank at Ipoh, was married to Miss Doris Enid Mary Gilman, who is a sister of Mr. E. W. F. Gilman, the Ipoh Magistrate. The happy event drew a large number
    362 words
  • 196 1112 Following is the report of Mr. H. B. Collinge, Inspector of Schools, Perak, on the Tronoh Free School, which has an average enrolment of 55 and an average attendance of 41. Infants. 25 on the Register; 10 examined. Very fair in all subjects. Reading very good. Standard
    196 words
  • 809 1112 B. R. C. vs. CRESCENTS. Fine D IS play~^7 he Ciummo b 1 ms season s League comn*tR;~ a close yesterday afternoon when n C. and the Crescents fought out League fixture on the EsnlanaVi Z a8t large crowd of n e 1 worth Recreationists, who nut Q
    809 words

  • 124 1113 At the monthly meeting of the North of England Steamship Owners’ Association’s Committee of Management held on October 31, fat Newcastle, says the Newcastle Chronicle, communication from the Liverpool Steamship Owners’ Association was read asking support in protesting against an ordinance of the Legislative Council of the
    124 words
  • 89 1113 Following are comparative statistics of F. M. S. tin exports in recent years 1910. 1909. 1908. 1907. pkls. pkte. pkls. pkls. January... 66,897 73,612 93,983 67,849 February. 63,255 46,352 62,831 64,455 March ...48,718 61,100 66,402 56,139 April 60,319 65,126 62,495 67,814 May 62,499 63,121 61,632
    89 words
  • 16 1113 was born to Mrs. Her- Lert Welham last night at the General Hospital.
    16 words
  • 23 1113 in Fenang fur the marriage of his sister, Mr. E. F. Williams undertakes Lis magisterial duties.
    23 words
  • 955 1113 Presentation of Address. ♦1 '7i^ ialcorn f, P ,n,kntat writes the Chinese Communitv held a reot>- n nour f Mr. E. W. Birch at th.. C unese lheatre in Leach Street verfer4.iv aiternoon. Mrs Birch and the Misses Bin h were present as were a
    955 words
  • 109 1113 Says the Af. Af. On th a Rawang-Kuala Selangor Road, in the big forest reserve, there are visible from the road several jelutong trees which are Ixnng tapp'd, presumably by the American combine which, it will be remembered, has secured the sole rights to jelutong
    109 words
  • 98 1113 (From Our Cor ectponlen! II"' «1 StOa rt A»«irfant Marfmat the Malay (.ollege, i n consultation with Major Murr»y of tl... M. S. <1 forming a Cad»it Corps, consisting of 65 senior lx>ys and alxnit 30 juniors Only the wmiors wdl p r;w .fi M gkooting. The first
    98 words
  • 26 1113 will lie held on Thurmlav, r*«*etnher r, ’nnrjtsr ai th»i ot G»*jrg»! 1 Girl* Home at 10 30
    26 words
  • 32 1113 < oy.*r* are Iming Uid for atemt eighty, ami an »*lab>ral» i programme has been prepared.
    32 words

  • 440 1114 (From Our Own Correspondent.) 29th November. The dance given at the Perak Club on Friday last as a farewell to the Resident and Mrs. Birch passed off very successfully. Dancing began at 9.30 and supper was served at 1 a.m. Mr. W. H. Tate proposed the toast of the
    440 words
  • 53 1114 Both Prince Tsai Tso and Tsai Shun have requested their mother to grant them permission to cut their queues, but she has advised them to wait until the second moon of next year when the period of imperial
    53 words
  • 93 1114 —I wish to pro- test against the continuous use of the searchlight from the ports at night. Coming up to an anchorage between midnight and 1 a.m. this morning (Saturday) the light was
    93 words
    • 148 1114 To tub Editor of tub Straits Echo Sir, The letter over the non-de-plume Fairplay published in your issue of yesterday’s date discloses a real grievance and injustice suffered by the poor and unprotected natives and the sooner the grievance is removed the better for them.
      148 words
  • 31 1114 (Echo Special.) Ex Opium Farmer Fined. Singapore, 29th Nov.—Towkay Guan Hin, ex-Opium Farmer, was fined $100 under the Liquors Ordinance and Merchant Marks for selling samsu, labelled brandy.
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  • 26 1114 (Echo Special.) Special Meeting to be Called. Singapore, 29th Nov. —A special meeting of the shareholders of Jimah Estate will be called on December 6.
    26 words
  • 19 1114 (Echo Special.) Pepper. Singapore, 29th Nov. To-day’s market prices are as follows Black Pepper $14.37-2» buyers. White $25.50“
    19 words
  • 82 1114 (Echo Special.) Half Yearly Report. Singapore, 30th November. —The Tanjong Pagar report for the half year ended June 30 shows a nett balance of $277,624, of which $200,000 is put to the Reserve, $6,795 towards Fire Insurance, and $70,829 carried forward. Prye River Dock. The Prye
    82 words
  • 47 1114 (Echo Special.) Latest Prices. Kuala Lumpur, 30th Nov —Tk. Stores and Agency have receired a cable giving the following prices ndon Plantation Para o' Sheet Biscuit R t Fine Crepe R Best Scrap J Bark Scrap q Scrap untreated 5 Rambong Fine hard para g q
    47 words
  • 32 1114 (Echo Special.) Greetings. Singapore, 30th Nov.—Singapore Brother Scots have sent a greetings message to Penang, Calcutta, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca Shanghai, Hongkong, Yokohama, Batavia’ Bangkok, Colombo, Manila, Rangoon, Wei-hai-wei and Tientsin.
    32 words
  • 156 1114 (Supplied by Reuter.) Demonstration at Belfast. London, 29th November.—A demonstration was held at Belfast. Twenty-thousand were unable to obtain seats in the Ulster Hall where the speakers threatened stem measures in the event of Home Rule. The Earl of Londonderry declared that Government would be responsible if
    156 words
  • 37 1114 (Supplied by Reuter.) Death Roll. London, 30th Nov.-During a storm in the Caspian Sea a landing sta &e WaS se 8 and 300 Persians drowned Ten were wrecked and seven coast towns
    37 words
  • 42 1114 (Supplied by Reuter.) Ferguson’s Paper. n London, 30tli Nov.-Mr■ c.m.g., read a paper in th Institute on Ceylon, the Malav Java. He compared the ex haustively residential colonies and de past with their products, communications, struggles and present position.
    42 words

  • 620 1115 Echoreaders, permit us to introduce Mr. Euripides of Salamis. He’s a very good chap. He was, like George Bernard Shaw, more than a mere playwright. He was a philosopher of twenty-two carat, though the Greeks were quite English in failing to value him truly until after he had
    620 words
  • 86 1115 Refloated. Alter a week of strenuous toil the* s tn Peng, which stranded off Pulo Tikus island on the night of the 23rd inst hal*en refloated. Shortly after noon to-dav, the Liat came into port under her own steam and looking little the worse for the accident.
    86 words
  • 190 1115 [Our representative at the Ball is as!«w»p at his desk and we cannot rouse him '1 he following unfinisi ed M.S. was found beside him Ed. i The spotted kind are the worst, as they look as if their bite would lx» poisonous, jet what an air
    190 words
  • 19 1115 made a savage attack on Mr. Towle, a warder, last Monday.
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  • 17 1115 has been added to the staff of the Perak Veterinary Department.
    17 words
  • 41 1115 The latest news to hand is that Junk No. 2G with three Chinese on board was wrecked off Pulau Langkawi on Monday night. The Chinese are reported to have lieen drowned.
    41 words
  • 71 1115 pun basing toys and ornaments for her Xmas Tree. She returned to Taiping this morning and informs us that a.s the Penang people are settin' up several Xmas Trees they have created a demand that puts up prices higher than she
    71 words
  • 68 1115 understands that Mr. E. W. Bindi, Resident of Perak, is corning to Kuala Kangsar for a final visit to-day when he will visit the school, More leaving for England at the end of the week. He is to be accompanied by
    68 words
  • 97 1115 before Judge Hall, this morning, Kung Lirn Neoh pro-«*-iite<l her son, Tan Choon Kee, for the theft of fifty cent*. The accused, who is a fairly well educated youth, is a victim to morphia injection and has 'lone no work for some time. On the 23rd
    97 words
  • 2662 1115 A Braw Bright Nicut. J i the greater pirt of th*' week Scotland mono}». >lis>»4 the T»>wn Hall m anticipation of, and prepirati n for. the national carnival which took pl.t, e la*t night, when the inhabitants of Penang were invite! to plunge into the giv revels
    2,662 words

  • 712 1117 England v. Scotland. There was an alleged Rugby Football match on the Padang yesterday. It was an excellent fifth-rate game. Scotland kicked off, and everything else about their play seemed off too. Their lack of knowledge of the game was only slightly more conspicuous than the same
    712 words
  • 142 1117 We wandered through the crowded halls, My heart ami I, Admired the hangings on the walls, My heart and I, Perspired softly mi»l the throng And thought the incense rather strong, The while we cried How long how long My heart ami I, We scanned the
    142 words
  • 12 1117 arrived from Madras thin morning with 1,498 deck passengers.
    12 words
  • 60 1117 Magistrate at Taiping, who lias Wa indisposed labdr, proceeds shortly on a -e*a trip through Java and China. He will spend a few days in Ipoh as the guest of Datoh Sri Adika Raja and then goes to Kuala Kangsar on a visit to his father-in-law,
    60 words
  • 1158 1117 A ■orn*.-p»n l**nt -ends u* th** following WliiLst in Rmgoon I was invited to the conimmy of Mr. Lim Chm Tsong's eldest son's m irriag»* which was celebrat»»! on the 13th «lay of N v»»ml*»*r at hi* father's palatial town n**id»*nce in China Street. The
    1,158 words

  • 29 1118 are Sir George Murray and bis brother, Mr. Harry Bailey, at present manager of the Vallambrosa Plantation in the F. Malay States.
    29 words
  • 69 1118 we pointed out that there was a dangerously situated hornets’ nest in Macalister Road. The P. W. D. took no notice. It doesn’t do to neglect Echo tips. It is reported that Mr. N. Wilkinson of the P. W. D. is in hospital as a
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  • 18 1118 (Echo Special.) Pepper. Singapore, 1st December.—To-day’s market prices are as follows Black Pepper $14.25, buyers. White $25.25
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  • 57 1118 (Echo Special.) An Enthusiastic Gathering. Kuala Lumpur, 30th November.—The St. Andrew’s dinner was a great success. Eighty were present. Mr. Frank Adam was the chieftain. It was an enthusiastic gathering and the speeches were very humorous. And at Singapore. Singapore, 1st December. —Nearly a thousand
    57 words
  • 28 1118 (Echo Special.) Scotland Beaten. Singapore, 1st December.—The Rugby match between the World and Scotland resulted in a victory for the former team by 18 points to nil.
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  • 19 1118 (Echo Special.) Over $105,000. Singapore, 1st December.—At the sale the estate of Syed Alsagoff realised $105,030.
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  • 29 1118 (Echo Special.) Two More Cases. Taiping, 30th November.—Two fresh cases of small pox have broken out. There are nine cases altogether in the Quarantine Shed.
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  • 21 1118 (Echo Special.) Pensioned. Kuala Lumpur, 30th Nov.—Mr. John Russell, the Government printer, left for Home yesterday on pension.
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  • 122 1118 (Echo Special.) Escape. Taiping, 1st December.— The attempt murder took place of Mr. Stanley Harm Assistant at Sandycroft estate. He was murderously attacked by his Tamil cook and his condition is critical Dr. Jacques, who is his medical attendant, is doubtful of his recovery. The
    122 words
  • 26 1118 (Supplied by Reuter.) At Funchal. London, 30th Nov.—The Morning Poet correspondent at Lisbon states that 77 cases of cholera and 32 deaths occurred at Funchal.
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  • 70 1118 (Supplied by Reuter.) Bills for Their Suppression. London, 1st Dec.—A telegram from Paris states that Bills for the repression of Railway strikes have been drafted. They will penalise acts of sabotage with imprisonment ranging from terms of a month to five years and with fines of from £2
    70 words
  • 40 1118 (Supplied by Reuter.) Admitted by Liverpool Authobiti® London, 30th November.— The Health authorities have admitted the i ka'e cargo of 6,270 carcases of Chine *jT besides thousands of packages eggs, lard, ducks, geese, snipe, and bean*-
    40 words

  • 16 1119 Firth On N< -'Uh. at 13 Lsgan Road, iu, f Eb M a daughter.
    16 words
  • 115 1119 Penang, 2nd December. />’y cotirtery of the Chartered Hank £jond"ti Demand Bank tf 4 montbs’ sight Bank 2' 1 3 Credit 2/3 7 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bink [is. 17H 3 days’sight Private 175$ Bomba Demand Bank 174| Moulmein, Demand Bank 174 3 days’sight Private 175 Madras, Demand
    115 words
  • 205 1119 Gold Leaf $64.80 Black Pepper no stock White Pepper 24| buyers Trang Pepper 18.— nominal. Cloves 50.— sellers Mace 95.— nominal Pickings 90.— nominal Nutmegs 110s. 21.— sellers No. 1 6.2b sales Sugar -j 2 6.10 sales kBasket 5. nom. Tapioca Flour 1.55 nominal Copra (mixed) 10.— buyers fTahbun
    205 words
  • Page 1119 Advertisements

  • Page 1120 Advertisements
    • 233 1120 ,WSiS|| The CR1TEWTPRESS, Ltd. S ESTABLISHED 1883. I .PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. IrS i n fl P Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO” and “SIN POE.’’ t B The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and I H lithographers in the Orient. fl- 'Our plant is of the very latest pattern and by con-
      233 words