The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 1 April 1910

Total Pages: 20
1 259 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. 115 Per Annum. Single Copy 40 cents Vol. 8. Penang, Friday, Ist April, 1910. No. k.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 173 1 I /ZZ/ZZ/ZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.'ZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZ. CONTENTS. Leaders page. Sports (Ootid); page. S x Adversaria 242 259 R ile Shooting: At Kampong Bahru x Story of a Chinese Viceroy and a 243 251 British ...246 P.LRC... 252 x Missionary University for China 254 Miscellaneous Law and Police Presentation to Mr. G. H. Lees 243
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 167 2 gj a d id gi y v I THE I STRAITS ECHO j MAIL EDITION. J ■■■■MW»» 1 H «I I J» j Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States V .m news originally published in the daily
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  • 857 242 Will some respectable person in Kampar send us authenticated particulars of a petty trades num there called Foo Kong He says that certain things happened in the presence of an Inspector of Police, a senior detective named Mye Siew, a detective named Ah Seng, and others, and we want
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  • 481 242 Bowls Tournament, Following whig the results of the ties played on i byrsday laet, Single Handicap; Wiigbt beat Daniel, 21—20; Owen but Uoueton, 21 —l9. Mr. J W. Hallifax jm now the elected Chairman of the Penang Visiting Justices. 2nd Lieut. W. L. Kemp. S nore Volunteer Engineers, is
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  • Page 242 Advertisements
    • 104 242 The Straits Echo. C' t I"- J,... i V.!* 4 WW'IO i 1 1'011» rt A'! .'*>»< i>t rm CRITEKIiIN 1,1.1. IM„ »/->K —2R2, Beach Strpnt. P niinj,PRICE D/jl l.orAl M* per >•»»••«.«»' OUTSTATIONS I'ontaite Mitra Util, MIHTION (H(M Krre) M 5 OAHI.U AIM'RKoH £ch« —Penaiitf r*i*■> AU WuHie» ni'
      104 words

  • 677 243 The binese staff of Mews. Pritchard A, Co. presented a valedictory address to Mr. G. 11. Lees at his residence *'Holmdenin Scotland Road, yesterday forerjpon, on the occasion of his approaching departure for England. The address, which was accompanied by a piece of silk, was
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  • 569 243 Dramatic and Pianoforte Recital. There was a good attendance at the Engineers’ Institute last Thursday night to hear the dramatic and pianoforte recital by Messrs. John T. Wenyon and Linton David, two artists who are not unknown to Penang. 'I he performance was under the patronage of Major
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  • 505 243 'At Kampong Bahru. f l hree competitions were shot off at Rampong Bahru yesterday—The Police Handicap, the Brick C impetit ion and the Vanishing Target. Below we give the conditions and results of the various competitions; The Police Handicap. Inspt. Maun F. 30 scr. 30 Ist C-I Evans
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  • 1568 244 TAll Bights Reserved U 4 BY <» Cut-Cavendish” (Author of How to Win at Bridge,” •«The Complete Bridge Player,” etc.). Defensive declarations do not as a rule come within the dealer’s province. In faC, it tt debateable point whether the dealer should ever declare defensively at all. A
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  • 210 244 A member of our staff has inspected the Tuah Pek Kong 'lemple in King Street, which was recently renovated and in connection with which the Chingay procession was held. The temple belongs to the Keh community, w hich is composed of five sections, all of
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  • 223 244 Contributed- Anniversary of the Prophet’s Birthday. The annual testival of the Prophet’s birthday was celebrated at the Kapitnn Kling M osque on Friday, after the Khutba prayers. The venerable High Priest of the Muslim Society, assisted by other well-known Quran readers, recited the birth, life and work
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  • Page 244 Advertisements
    • 41 244 Stands Unrivalled. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy never disappoint-, those who use it for obstinate coughs, colds and irritations of the throat and lungs. It stands unrivalled as a remedy for all throat and lung diseases. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 45 245 (Echo Special.) ChainpionshiD W<»»» by Mniilfaiofi. Singapore, 28th March Mugliston won the Straits Golf Championship Miles is the runner-up. In the inter-team competition Singapore scored 213, Sepoy Lines 252, the Garrison 258, and Penang 266. Jn the inter-port competition Singapore scored 9 and B.
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  • 37 245 (Echo Special.) Ijist Batch Homeward Bound. Singapore, 28th March.—The Helipolu from Durban for Chefoo carries the last of the Chinese labourers in South Africa. She put in and landed .19 Chinese convicts.
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  • 30 245 (Echo Special.) Attendant Killed. Singapore, 28th March. —As the result of an explosion at the Seah Leang Seah Theatre in Victoria Street an attendant was killed.
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  • 36 245 (Echo Special.) Burned Deck Furniture to get into Singapore. Singapore, 28th March.—The s.s. Perak was three hours overdue on Saturday. She ran short of coal and burned the woodwork, deck furniture, and cargo skids.
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  • 23 245 (Echo Special.) Generars Cup Won by Charier. Singapore, 28th March.—Charter won the General’s ('up at the meeting of the Rille Association.
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  • 27 245 (Echo Special.) Pepper. Singapoio, 2 lib March. —Following are to-day’s prices: White Pepper, buyers, $26.75 The prices of copra and black pepper remain unchanged.
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  • 36 245 (Echo Special.) Extension of Appointment. Singapore, 2Uh March.—His Majesty the King has approved of the reappointment of Sir John Anderson as Governor of the Straits Settlements for another term ot three years.
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  • 33 245 i Echo Special.) Crew Saved. Singapore, 24th March —I lie sfe inn i Tai Sony struck on a net off Swatow and sank. The cn w were rescued.
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  • 30 245 (Echo Special.) Proceeding Home. Singapore, 24th March. —Dr. T. Murray Robertson is going home at the earliest opportunity in consequence of the nevus of his wife’s health.
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  • 89 245 (Supplied by Reuter) S. 8. Granted Minimum Tariff. London, 26'h M och —President Taft has iasnpd a proclam it ion granting a minimum tai ff to China, Afghanistan. Nepaul. Bhutan, Johore, Kwangtung, Wei-Hai Wei, Straits Settle ments, Malaya. Borneo, Sarawak Hongkong, and Ko wk on. Dissatisfaction Causes Republican
    (Supplied by Reuter)  -  89 words
  • 155 245 (Supplied by Reuter Labour Amendment to Veto Resolutions. London, 26th March.—Mr. G. N. Barnes, Chairman of the Labour Party, will move an amendment on the veto resolutions, declaring that the Lords are an irresponsible body opposed to the general well-being and a hindrance to the national progress,
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  155 words
  • 40 245 (Supplied by Reuter.) Settlement in Sight. L mdoE, 26 h M uch —'l ne South Wales coal owners hive ffeied an impoitant modification t > tie r pievioas pn porals and a spoedj butUemeut is uiosl probable.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  40 words
  • 88 245 (Supplied by Reuter.) Very Active. Lord n. ‘26 h Mar —Mount Etna i« most ac’ive. The I *v* is constantly advancing i! nd devastilt in he cultivated land. Vineyards Buried. London, 25th March —A number of cra’ers on E i>a are in eruption The main lava stieam is 12ft
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  88 words
  • 44 245 (Supplied by Reuter Destroyers Collide. London, 24th March —The destroyers Stay and Mullard collided at night while maroeuvting. Their bows were damaged. 'I hey sent wireless messages for help and H. M. S. Bacchante and Aboukir arrived and brought them in.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  44 words
  • 41 245 (Supplied by Reuter.) Close Season Ordered. London, 25th Ma’ch.— The United States Senate has passed a bill authorising a close season at the seal fishery in the Pribykff Islands on the expiry of the lease in April.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  41 words
  • 101 245 (Supplied by Reuter.) Agreement Reached. London, 25th March. —An agreement has been reached wi'h regard to the railway dispute on the 16th March on all points except wages, which it was arranged to Ruhmit to arbitration. [On March 16 Reuter wired: A strike of firemen on all
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  101 words
  • 97 245 (Supplied by Reuter Passed by the Senate. London, 26th Mai ch —The Fretch Senate passed »hc Tar.ff entirely by 281 votes to 5, a majority of 276. Tax ou British Machinery. London, 25th Match.—The Paris Senate has hdopmd increases of from 2) to 3) pe* cent on British
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  97 words
  • 22 245 (Supplied by Reuter.) Executed. London, 26th March.—A telegram fro ol Harbin stales that Prince Uq‘h murd® rer has been executed.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  22 words

  • 31 246 (Supplied by Reuter Exchange Visits. London 26 th March.—-Ex-President Roosevelt and the Khedive exchanged visits at Cairo. The ex President was mobbed by hundreds of enthusiastic Americans.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  31 words
  • 81 246 (Supplied by Reuter.) Large Sum for New Construction. London. 26 b March —A telegram from St. Petersburg says that the Council of the Empire has reinserted into the Navy Estimates the sum of 14,674,000 roubles originally intended for new construction which the Duma reduced by 11,000,000 roubles.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  81 words
  • 38 246 (Supplied by Reuter.) Two Battalions Mutiny. London, 28th March.—According to a telegram from Shanghai, two battalions of modern infantry mutineed at the Tsing KiAngpu grand canal and troops have been despatched to punish the mutineers.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  38 words
  • 38 246 (Supplied by Reuter.) Mediterranean Cruise. London, 28th March.—A telegram from Washington states that the U. S Government h s decided to send the Atlantic battleship flset on a ctuise to the Mediterranean in November.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  38 words
  • 63 246 (Supplied by Reuter Policy of the Triple Alliance. London. 25th March.—Herr von Beth-mann-Hollweg, the Garman Imperial Chancellor, has been visiting Rome A communique issued at Rome says that the conversations between him and the Italian Ministers have shown that the policy of the Triple Alliance is so
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  63 words
  • 35 246 (Supplied by Reuter.) Record Year Anticipated. 28th March.—There has been a B»u 6 ’J ,creas in emigrants from Great J. ln 3,500 sailed from Glasgow yesteritiljijllloBl J rom Canada. The forthcoming
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  35 words
  • 667 246 Some five or six years ago there was a Viceroy at Canton who was a special favourite of the late Empress-Dowager. He had distinguished himself dining the flight from Peking in 1900 by loudvoiced devotion to the Imperial person, and by truculent
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  • 48 246 Van Cnylenbiirg—Fryer. A quiet wedding took place at St. George’s Church nt 330 o’clock yesterday afternoon when Mr. Carl Wilhelm Frederick Van Cuyleuburg, of Kampar, was joined in mirriage to Miss Nellie Fryer, of Maidenhead, Berks, England. Tbe Rev. F. W. Haines officiated at tbe ceremony.
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  • 81 246 Mr. T. B. Peterkin, manager of the Mercantile Bank of India. Ltd., informs us that he has.received a telegram from bis Head Office to the effect that the Directors of the Mercantile Bank at the forthcoming yearly meeting of shareholderswill recommend that a 6% dividend be
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  • 290 246 The Echo gets quaint letters sometimes. The following, headed Increase ofCrimes,” reached us last week. Dear Sir—lt is a notorious fact that notwithstanding the efficient machinery which ttie Government poHHesses for the detection of crime-, criminality appears to be ran pane in localities almost in close proximity
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  • 1757 247 (From Our Own Coi respond-.rd Taipmg, 26»h Match. This annul I fix’uie played off duiiog ‘he Eaater Holiday» commenced tun morning at 11 30 a.m an hour later than the scheduled time, in very fine weather, the ground being all that could be deaired. The Perak Captain,
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  • Page 247 Advertisements
    • 41 247 Stands Unrivalled. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy never disappoints those who use it for obstinate coughs, colds and irritations of the throat and lungs. It stands unrivalled as a remedy for all throat and lung diseases. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 2232 248 A Record Day. The annual general mee'ing of Sandycroft Rubber Comply was held at Singapore on 23rd inst. Mr. F. E. J*go presided and said The report is unusually full of detail but there are a few points upon which I should like to touch. The sum which
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  • 438 249 CMir worthy contemporary, the Straits Echo, has got a bit off the rails on the subject of our coufments anent the proposition to refloat Ayer Kumng Estate in London, •ays the Perak Pioneer. 'What we maintain is that the proposition is k perfectly sound one as at present
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  • 82 249 (Echo Special.} Both Kuala Lumpur, 29th March. In cricket match between Selangor and Singapore which was played at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday and Monday, Selangor scored 160, the top scorers being McKenzie 30, Corbetta 34 and Jalleh Cameron took 7 wickets for 37 runs. Singapore replied with
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  • 29 249 (Echo Special-) Scott to Relieve (’onlay. Kuala Lumpur, 29th March.—lt is understood that Mr. W. D. Scottwill go to Tringganu to relieve Mr. W. L. Conlay as Adviser.
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  • 34 249 (Echo Special.) Garden Party In His Hononr at the Japanese Consulate. Singapore, 29th Mar.—Mr. E.Sudzuki, Japanese Consul at Singapore, gave a garden party yesterday to meet Captain Shoji of the cruiser Ikoma.
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  • 46 249 (Echo Special.) Fine Shooting. Singapore, 29th March. —At the Rifle meeting yesterday very tine shooting was made in the Governor’s Cup which was won by Chater. Phillips was second and Elliot third. Of the first seven men five are representing Singapore at Bisley.
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  • 58 249 (Echo Special.) Huge Rubber Estate. Singapore, 29th Mar.—The ex-Rajah of Patani is considering an offor for the purchase of 200 sq. miles of his rubber land, at Batu Mangkebang, Kelantan, and the Rajah Muda’s concession at Ninggiri, Kelantan. Besides tin petroleum has now been discovered which
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  • 26 249 (Echo Special.) Proposed Mills at Khota Bharn. Singapore,29th March. —Messrs. Wee Bin and Co. propose opening rice and oil mills at Khota Bharu.
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  • 59 249 (Echo Special.) Before Justice Fisher. Singapore, 29th March.— Wee Theam Tew, the Chinese lawyer, was brought before Mr. Justice Fisher on two counts of perjury. He claimed to be tried. Mr. Crabb Watt prosecuted for the Crown and Mr. Farrer Baynes was for the defence. The Court
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  • 24 249 (Echo Special.) Coming Marriage. Singapore, 29th March.—lt is reported that the Rev. Frank Swindell, Colonial Chaplain, Malacca, is marrying shortly.
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  • 44 249 (Echo Special.) Municipality’s Successful Prosecu tion. Singapore, 29th March.—The Municipality has succeeded in its prosecution against Ho Yang Peng, Tan Cheng Tee, Lee Siew Jim and Lim Jim Siew Neo for non-compliance with a notice to close their wells at Teluk Ayer.
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  • 11 249 (Echo Special.) $270. Singapore, 29th March.—Balgownies are quoted at $270.
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  • 32 249 (Echo Special.) Copra and Pepper. Singapore, 29th March.—Following are the market prices for Copra and Pepper. Sundried Copra, no buyers, $ll.lO Mixed 10.70 Black Pepper, buyers, 15. White 26.75
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  • 95 249 (Supplied by Reuter.) Bhutan to be Guided by Britain. London, 29th March.—An amended IndoBhutanese treaty has been signed whereby Bhutan receives R 100,000 from January 1910 in consideration of which Bhutan agrees tn be guided by Great Britain regarding her external relations The British cant interfere in the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  95 words
  • 43 249 (Supplied by Reuter.) Agreement on Important Questions. London, 29th March. —A telegram from Constantinople states that the conferences between the Tut kish and Bulgarian Ministers have resulted in a complete concordance of views in a series of important questions, chiefly economic-
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  43 words
  • 45 249 (Supplied by Reuter.) Eight Killed. London, 29tb March. —A telegram from Manila states that 8 men were killed and several injured on the U S- cruiser Charleston by the explosion of a 3 in- breech block which blew off while target-practising.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  45 words

  • 113 250 Roosevelt on SelfGovernment. (Supplied by Reuter.) Denonncps Methods of Anarchism. London, 29th March.—A telegram from Cairo states that ex-President RoosevJt, in an address at the University in the presence of an assemblage of Egyptian and European notables, declared that self government was not a matter of decades but generations. It
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  113 words
  • 28 250 (Supplied by Reuter.) Daughter Born to the Crown Princess. London, 29th March. —A telegram from Stockholm states that the Crown Princess has given birth to a daughter.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  28 words
  • 67 250 (Supplied by Reuter 250 Perish by Fire. London, 29th March —While the villagers ofOekoerito in Hungary were dancing in a coach house fitted up as a ball room a fire broke out A rush was m ide to the exit, and many whose clothes were burning
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  67 words
  • 1386 250 The Ipoh chess champion gives best” to the chosen of the Penang Chess Club. He must advertise less in future. By the way, we noticed that the recent bachelors’ ball at Ipoh, like some rubber flotations, was over-subscribed. Mr. J. McC. Reay announced or caused to be announced in
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  • 913 251 THE ASSIZES. (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) Simpang Ampat Murder Mystery. The adjourned assize» were resumed before Mr. Justice Thornton in the Supreme Court this morning when the hearing was begun ot the Simpang Ampat Murder mystery, h ive persons were placed in the dock in connection with the
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  • 206 251 The following clipping from the S. F. P gives further details of the Straits Steamship Co.’s steamer Perak, whose recent experieuce when within sight of Singapore makes a very interesting story of the sm: The Straits Steamship Co.’s. Perak was three ou arriving at Singapore on Saturday morning,
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  • 379 251 Monday at Kampong Bahru. Following were the results of the P. y R. C. competitions which took placa at Kampong Bahru on Monday last; 500 Yards— Bisley Target 1910, A sighter and 7 counting shots. Prize—Cup Presented by AM, Stewart, Esq. A. M Stewart 33 Sgt.-Major Sayers 32
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  • Page 251 Advertisements
    • 61 251 An Excellent Liniment. Every family and especially those who reside in the country should be provided at all times with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. There is no telling when it may be wanted in case of an accident or emergency. It is most excellent in all cases of
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    • 62 251 The Same Old Story. The old, old story, told times without number, and repeated over and over agam for the last 37 years, but it is always a welcome story to those in search of health There is nothing in the world that cure® coughs and colds as quickly as
      62 words

  • 506 252 Yesterday afternoon at. the Ringe, the members of the P. L. R C. shot at 100 yards range (Deliberate Firing) for a prize given by Mrs. Alma Baker. This was w On by Mrs. Mitchell with the excellent of 34 82. Handicap total. A Quick Firing and “Wantage” practice
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  • 747 252 (From O <r Own Correspondent Kuala Kangsar, 29th March. Mr. A. J. Slater was, on th« eve of his departure on long leave to Europe, the recipient of a farewell address from the subordinate officers of the P. W. iapartment stationed at Kuala Kangsar and
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  • 763 252 -f* The following circular has been issued to the shareholders of Linggi Plantations, Limited:—For some time past the directors have been considering the advisability, as a matter of prudence, of creating a reserve for the Linggi Plantations, Limited, additional to that accumulated from premia on the issues of
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    • 366 253 To tbb Ewtoa or ths Straits Echo. Dear Sir, The Chinese, I think, must have spent thousands of dollars on the Chingay Procession, and if the money is spent on some kind of charitable purposes I dare say it will be more thankful and beneficial. I wonder that
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  • 627 253 Directors’ Report and Accounts for Last Year. The th; o- nth ordinary gen?ral meetin of F.asc; and Ne'ive. Ltd., was held yesterday. The directors’ repo t and accounts for the year ended December 31 were as follow Printing Department—There has been a satisfactory increase of work
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  • 57 253 (Echo Special.) Expected on April 9. Kuala Lumpur, 29th March.—The new General Manager of the Railways is now en route and will arrive on April 9. His name is Anthony and he is a son of Dr. Anthony, Congregational Minister of Plymouth. Formerly he was Chief
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  • 29 253 (Echo Special.) Copra and Pepper. Singapore, 30th March.—Sundried Copra is quoted §11.25. Mixed is §lO.BO. Black Pepper is quoted §14.75. White Pepper unchanged. No buyers for any.
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  • 36 253 (Supplied by Reuter.) Active Again Yesterday. London, 29th March.—There was a fresh eruption of Etna yesterday. Three streams of lava devastated the orchards and vineyards and reached the extreme limit of the eruption of 1886.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  36 words
  • 28 253 (Supplied by Reuter.) 400 Killed. London, 29th March —Four hundred were killed and one hundred injured by the fire at the village ball at Oekoerito
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  28 words
  • 49 253 (Supplied by Reuter.) Turco-Bulgarian Conference. Lond/n, 29th M j rch.—A telegram from Constantinople states that the Conference of the Turkish and Bulgarian Ministers discussed the questions of a commercial treaty, delimitation of frontier and the linking up of railways. I.he Tsar Ferdinand of Bulgaria left yesterday evening.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  49 words
  • 58 253 (Supplied by Reuter Wide on Thursday. London, 3 'th Mar. —In the House of Commons .Mr. Asquith moved that the House go into Committee to consider the relations of the two Houses and the duration of Parliaments. The Division is expected to occur on Thursday, after which the resolutions
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  58 words
  • 19 253 Obituary. (Echo Special.) > Robert McClelland. Kuala Lumpur, 29th March.— Mr Robert McClelland died at Home on the 22nd inst.
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  • 59 254 (Supi lied by Renter Follow Murder Last December. I/oidon, 3<)th March.—The m»n who hI.oI Head, iu a theatre L*t December. Mr. Jack hod.'a Collector in the Nasik district of Bombay, has been sentenced to death, to aether with two others who abe ted the niutdcr. Time otbei accomplices
    (Supi lied by Renter )  -  59 words
  • 72 254 (Supplied by Renter.} Troops Drowned. London, 30« h March—A telegram from Pietei maritzburg states that 6(’O soldiers of the Wiltshire Regiment, who w»*re 1 cc< mpanymg mai oeuvres under Methuen, were caupht by a storm while crossing a spruit. The water rose suddenly and 150 of the
    (Supplied by Renter.}  -  72 words
  • 67 254 (Supplied by Reuter Another Manila Yarn. London. 30th March. —Manila terorts t bat a soldierof the American Engineer Corps, who was caught photographing the fortifications at Corregidor, revealed a plot to supply plans to two Japanese. Two Japanese were arrested at the rendezvous indicated by the soldier,
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  67 words
  • 423 254 An appeal is beirn* made to the Chinese merchant princes in Malaya to support financially the scheme for a university at Hankow with which Lord William Cecil has latteHy been associating his name. We hope they will ignore it, or keep their money for better uses.
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  • 419 254 In reply in Mr. T. Taylor, Colonel said, in the House of Commons on the 10th in«t lu the case of the SraitA the Colonial Government are putting themselves in a position in which they will be able to exercise very considerable control
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  • 647 254 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, 29th March. The Perak State band has returned to Taiping and will stay here till the end of October. It will not be forgotten that last year Taipiug was not behind the other towns in the F. M 8. in celebrating in a
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  • 3285 255 THE ASSIZES. (Before Mr. Judice Thornton.) Simpang Ampat Mardei Mystery. AcCUbKD (1) Tiob Tai Mee—Opium and Spirit •bopkeeper at Simpang Ampat. (2) Tioh Piah Wah —Coolie employed by the deceased. He sjept in the house on the night of the murder (3) Salat bin Haji Ismail—Police corporal who
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  • 101 256 (Echo Special.) Overcapitalisation. Kuala Lumpur, 30th March.—The Selangor Chamber of Commerce met today with Mr. W. F. Nutt in the chair. In his speech Mr. Nutt, alluding to the present prosperity, warned the people against the flotation of companies with a capital spelling ruin when the
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  • 37 256 (Echo Special.) Divers Get Much Jewellery. Singapore, 31st March. —The Press reports that much jewellery, mostly the Baioness de Beniczsky’s, has been recovered by the divers from the wreck of the La Seyne.
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  • 47 256 (Echo Special.) His Defence. Singapore, 31st March.—Mr. Wee Theam Tew’s defence is that in the Police Court he gave certain evidence which he subsequently found was incorrect. He therefore corrected himself in the Supreme Court, where he was not allowed an opportunity to explain.
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  • 46 256 (Echo Special.) American Invasion of Singapore. Singapore, 31st March.—The s. a. Cleveland, with 760 American tourists, has arrived. There was some hitch about the convenient mooring of the steamer. The huge party is rubbernecking the environs of Singapore as the previous big bunch did.
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  • 29 256 (Echo Special.) Visit to tocos Island. Singapore, 31st March.—Sir Arthur Young has gone to the Cocos Islands as a guest of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company.
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  • 25 256 (Echo Special.) Pepper and Copra. Singapore, 31st March.—Following are to-day’s prices Sundried Copra, no buyers, $11.30 Black Pepper, »14.62 1 White »27.
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  • 39 256 (Supplied by Reuter.) Troops Hurt. London, 31st March --From Millheim on the Rhine comes nows of a collision between a military train and a train de-luxe. Fifty persona, mostly soldiers, were either killed or severely injured-
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  39 words
  • 20 256 (Supplied by Reuter.) 136 d. per lb. London, 31st March.—Best lubber has touched Ils. 4d. per lb.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  20 words
  • 25 256 (Supplied by Reuter.) Down Among the Dead Men. Loudon, 31st March.—A despatch has reached Berne from Adesabeba to the effect that Menelik is dead.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  25 words

  • 108 257 (Supplied by Reuter.) Labour and Nationalitf* Promise tn Support Asquith. London, 30tb March. —In the House of Commons yesterday Mr. H H. A*quith said there was room and need for a second Chamber, but the* Lords were only a travesty %nd a caricature thereof. Mr. A. J.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  108 words
  • 34 257 (Supplied by Reuter Military League to Dissdlre. "London, 31»t March.—Athene reports that the all-powerful military league has decided to dissolve iu view of the royal proclamation summoning the National Assem* bly.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  34 words
  • 536 257 (Supplied by Reuter.) lluMia Destroying Its Autonomy? London 30th March A telegram from St. Petersburg states that a Bill will be presented to the Duma providing that the legislation of Finland, eicept in purely local affairs, be vested in the Legislative- The Finnish Diet will elect one member and
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  536 words
  • 187 257 Gold I»eaf |61.8 > Black Pepper no stock White Pepper 251 buyers Trang Pepper 17 50 buyers Cloves 68 sales Mace eO.- sell, rs Picking* 7°.— nominal Nutmegs 110» J A fti'es f No I 7«.>-—«of.»» Sugar < 2 H" stock Basket 535 nominal Tapioca Flour 1.70 sellers. Copra...
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  • 118 257 Prnano, 31st March (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4,6 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4’ a 3 Credit 2/4V 3 Documentary.. 2/4»» Calcutta, Demand Bank R s 174^ 2 3 days’ sight Private Bombay, Demand Bank Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 3 days’sight Private Madras, Demand Bank
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  • Page 257 Advertisements
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