The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 27 August 1909

Total Pages: 34
1 970 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. l|s Per Annum. Single Copy 40 cent! Vol. 7. Penang, Friday, 27th August, 1909. No. 34.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 264 1 I CONTENTS. Leaders: page. Sports: page. De Profundis 939 Lawn Tennis P. C. C. Tournament 5 Companies, Dollar v. Sterling 939 939, 950. 958 4 966 x The Other Pole 944 Rifle Shooting: PLRC.,.. 958 < i Unpiiated Letters 951 Daily Mail Empire Cup 958 In the Air 958 League
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 142 2 I THE I STRAITS ECHO I MAIL EDITION. cH ling— I I Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as I I all important news from various parts of
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  • 465 939 With a delicacy of expression and a tone of melancholy alike suitable to the catastrophic occasion, one of our friends writes to another of our friends that the verdict was unfavourable. To us, with a commiserate sympathy for which we are humbly grateful, the other broke it gently.
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  • 465 939 A long letter of great interest to those interested in /companies engaged with local products appears in the Malay Mail, from one who signs himself “Anti-Conversion.” He has been struck by the marked superiority of most of the local propositions, as compared with the sterling investments
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  • 436 939 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following was the result of the tie played yesterday:— Double Handicap, Chss A. Final: Henderson and Ivens beat J. G. Anthony and Reimann 7—9, 6—2, 6—3. Mr. J. W. W. Hughes, Cidet. is appointed to act as Assistant District Officer, Kuala Pilab, Class V,
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  • Page 939 Advertisements
    • 104 939 BtrMfiU» SScho. /'•> s< '•Vs» •Cft ■=•>- 1 S F l J .no .itufieH every body and lanttee alcne—**™*. •’nhHphad dßily (except Sunday».) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Lit?., Ko. 226—‘232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: MIIJLOUAI 2 P»r annum OUTSTATIONS Foetage Hxtra. MA( j, IPITION (Font Free) (16 OAKLK AI)I)IIF88 Echo
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  • 4481 940 IN APPELLATE JURISDICTION. (Before Sir W. 11. Hyndman Jones, C. J Mr. Justice Thornton, and Mr. Justice SercombeSmith-) Boustead Co. vs. Straits Government. In tlie Supreme Court yesterday the Full Court of Appeal resumed the hearing of the appeal against the decision of Mr. Justice Braddell in the
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  • 308 942 (From Our Own Correspondent Cricket. The Perak Club Cricket Ground is being raised and turfed under the supervisioi>>of Mr. P. Aloss, the Outdoor Secretary of the Club, and.when completed, which is expected to be in another fortnight, it will have regained its reputation as being the best
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  • 295 942 Doctors and Red-Tape In view of our recent leference to the si destopping of the Deputy-President of ihe Alunicipai Commission, which we suggested was an infringement of a principle, and others think was a setting of common sense before red-tape, Dr. Park will probably be interested by
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  • 1110 942 Our Kledang, Ltd. Penang shareholders in Limited, will be «orry to hear that which was beginning to show 1 6 ttl i approvement, has had a set h a spring, struck in the flooded the mine. Reports effect that this #X ">" 5 pours out so much water
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  • 60 943 (Echo Special.) More and Less. Kuala Lumpur, 20th Aug.—The rubber exports for the seven months just expired amounted to 2,998,428 lbs against 1,608,260 lbs. in the same period of 1908. The total tin exports for the seven dan'-oo W T, 453)887 P ikuls > a S
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  • 30 943 (Supplied by Reuter.) Government Grants £20,000. London, 20th August —The Government has decided to grant Lieut. Shackleton X 20.000 towards the heavy indebtedness incurred for his Antarctic Expedition.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  30 words
  • 34 943 (Supplied by Reuter.) Greece Conciliatory. London,2otb August.—Reuter learns that the Greek reply to Turkey was so conciliatery as to justify the hope that it will satisfy the Porte and remove all Turco-Greek misunderstandings.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  34 words
  • 46 943 (Supplied by Reuter.) In Asiatic Turkey. London, 20th Aug.—The State Department at Washington announces that American firms are endeavouring to obtain valuable concessions in Asiatic Turkey, including the right to build railways connecting Angora and Alexandretta, Aleppo, and ultimately the headwaters of the Euphrates.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  46 words
  • 36 943 (Supplied by Reuter England 'Toasts Austria. London, 19th Aug.—The King gave an official banquet at Marienbad yesterday evening, in honour of the birthday of the Emperor of Austria. He cordially toasted Francis Joseph.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  36 words
  • 41 943 (Supplied by Reuter To Talker and Killer. London, 19th August.— 'The Kaiser has specially invited Mr. Winston Churchill to attend the Imperial manoeuvres in Bivana. He has also invited Marshall Mahsud Shevkat, the hero of tbe capture of Constantinople.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  41 words
  • 71 943 (Supplied by Reuter) Imperial Helplessness. London. 20 h Aug—The Government insisted that the South African Union Bill be passed through Committee without any amendment, expl lining that any alteration would not be accepted b/ the South Africans, and so the Bill would be wrecked. Ihe Libour Members,
    (Supplied by Reuter)  -  71 words
  • 44 943 by Reuter.) But Not Much Worse For It. London, 20th August—H. M. S. Aysmemnon [first class barbette, Lunched in 1906, costing X1.605,065] grounded at Longsands, in the North Sea, during gunnery practice. She was refloated, with, it is believed, little damage
    by Reuter.)  -  44 words
  • 52 943 (Supplied by Reuter.) Secret Manoeuvres. London, 19th Aug.—The German secret naval manoeuvres have opened in the West Baltic, whence they are expected to extend to tbe North Sea. Nearly a hundred vessels, commanded by Prince Henry of Prussia, are taking part. The Kaiser holds a review on the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  52 words
  • 178 943 (Supplied by Reuter.) Peace Not Despaired cf. London, 19th Aug.—Advices from Constantinople say that the situation seems to have entered decisively a pacific phase, in consequence of Greek aisurarce* that tie forthcoming reply totbeTurkish ro e will be satisfactory. Statistics sometimes puzzle us. Here is an item clipped. Some
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  178 words
  • Page 943 Advertisements
    • 54 943 Don’t Ignore Slight Injuries. Don’t neglect giving every cut, wound or bruise prompt attention. Blood poison may appear and an ugly scar or even the loss of a limb result. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is an antiseptic, heals the wound rapidly and all danger is avoided by its use The George
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    • 69 943 Infantile Cholera. Any unusual looseness of a child’s bowels during the hot. weather should bo a warning to mothers Infantile cholera may develop in a few hours, and prompt action should be taken to avoid it. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, followed by a dose of castor oil, w
      69 words

  • 1141 944 We presume that it is just as important to the interests of human kind as it ever was that the North Pole should be discovered and definitely located, yet there seems to be a sort of elump in North Poles. There are expeditions preparing or engaged, but
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  • 4622 944 IN AIN-ELUrMl R1SB1CTI0!j (Before Sir II 7 11, r JuMce Thornton, 4Mr■*'. Smith.) e R esbevid Ihe bearing of the anneal Q decision of Mr. Justice Braddelltea»"* Quay Reclamation case was L.l terday afternoon. CludM The Hon. A. R. Adams with Mr 8 e Ambrose appeared for Messrs
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  • 4589 947  -  [All Rights Reserved] by OWEN RHOSCOMYL. Fur lie the waters of IJyn Alo, between Jwoods of Eola and the grey front ke “ru.i Ou the level spread of wondrous the bead of the llyn rises the old C w House of Rola. looking down
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    • 1881 949 A Rangoon Muslim’s Munificence To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, D is gratifying to note upon reliable authorities that Mr. Abdul Careem Jamal, a Moslem gentleman of Rangoon, has granted Rs. 200,0C0 for Mohammedan Education. Whether this donation would he exclusively devoted to Rangoon or
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  • 24 950 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following was the lesult of the tie played yesterday Championship A. G. Anthony beat Neubronuer 6—2, 9—ll, 6—2.
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  • 33 950 (Echo Special.) Elaborate Arrangements. Ipoh, 21st August.—The entries for the Ipoh Olympics are very good. The arrangements are most elaborate, including a variety entertainment and a dance at the New Club.
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  • 49 950 (Echo Special.) 7s. 6d. per lb. Kuala Lumpur, 21st August.—The Planters Stores Agency has received a wire that No. t plantation rubber is 7s. 6d. per lb. Downward Tendency. Messrs. A. C. Harper Co. have received a wire that the market is dull and shows a downward tendency.
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  • 94 950 (Supplied by Reuter.) Powers Take Further Step. London, 20th August.— Reuter’s Constantinople correspondent says that the Powers have presented a joint note counselling Turkey in energetic terms not to push relations with Greece to such an extreme as will jeopardise peace in the Balkans. The Powers and Turkish Interests.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  94 words
  • 51 950 (Supplied by Reuter Haldane Tells Commons. London, 20th August—Mr. Haldane told the House of Commons that the reason for the Duke of Connaught ceasing to serve on the Promotion Selection Board was that it was considered essential that the Board should consist of officers in active military
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  51 words
  • 44 950 (Supplied by Reuter.) Rushed Through. London, 20th August.—The House of Commons has passed the Third Reading of the South African Union Bill. Some amendments to the Colour-Bar clauses (forbidding persons of non-European descent Legislative representation) were rejected in the Committee stage.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  44 words
  • 89 950 China and Jap an (S«p r (ied Ueuhr.) Amicable Settlement. London, 20th August _Re utei tative at Tokyo learns Ut an nouncement of an amicable s Ml e “!,“i questions outstanding between tv” al Japan will be made shortly Ch a d Dispute Settled. London, 21st Augu.t,-R em ,r’. con(l
    (S«pr(ied Ueuhr.)  -  89 words
  • 62 950 (Supplied by Reuier) Eighteen Bills Dropped. London, 21st Aug.—Mr. Asquith’s statement on the progress of public business say. it is intended to pass ten Bills, including the Finance Bill, the Irish Land Bill, the London Elections Bill, and two naval Bill, dealing with the decisions of the Defence
    (Supplied by Reuier)  -  62 words
  • 196 950 (Supplied by Reuter.) Arrangement Made. London, 21st Aug.—The Imperial Defence Conference has clcsed The arrangement with Canada now only awaits ratification by the Canadian Parliament. Mr. M. S. Pariy has left Kuala Lumpur for Home. He may return iu the Spring. i Thirteen Singapore Chinese caught at a
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  196 words

  • 1139 951 U NPRINTED LETTERS. Mr C. Edwards writes a long A tn the Echo about Our Police > etter He notes that the Resident for “''ilnr in his report for last year conduct of the force was X t goodand that seventy tneu w dismissed during the year Mr. Edwards does
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  • 372 951 1 hiee Europeans, one of them a lady, set <ff ves’erdi) to explore the Kuala Muda. the iiver that divides Province Wellesley from Kedah. 1 hey Mt Penang in a steam-launch, the kapitan of which seemed indifferent to questions of tidal rise and fall. Off the mouth of
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  • 242 951 Iho h. a. Kiblna brought down from Singapore, on Friday last, six blood hounds tor the Penang Police They are being trained by Sergeant Rilph, of the Central Police Station for Police patrol duty. We understand that, when trained, the dogs will accompany Policemen on their
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  • 4042 952 Extracts From Mr. Carruthers’ Report. From the report of the Director of Agriculture for the year 1908 we take the following extracts The fouith annual report of the Department of Agriculture, Federated Malay States records a year of satisfactory progress iu agriculture, especially in regaid to
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    • 627 954 To the Editor of the straits Echo. Sir, '1 be Mobammadan Community, owing to the death of the late IL M. Noordin, j p are likened to a fl ock of sheep who have lost, the shepherd and are scampering off in all directions.
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  • 893 954 (From Our Own Correspondent Kuafa Lumpur, S du» day. The Temple Affray. The temple affray which caused so much stir here at beadquarters now some time back has receded a step in the course of the past two days through the acquittal of the last of
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  • 361 954 The well-known race horse Perplex (by I Grafton.—The Riddle) was put up to auction, I without reserve by Messrs. Powell and Co. I at Abrams’ yards, yesterday afternoon, I says last Saturday’s Strait» Timet, and I was knocked down to tbe Sultan of Jobore I for $2OO. The
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  • 4566 955  -  ll Rights Beserv.-d. BY CHRISTIAN LYS 7 Author of “The Hepsworth Millions,” The Mystery of Ladyplace,” A London Cobweb,” etc. [Continued from l> a ge 921 CHAPTER XV. 4 fbibndly enemy. \sbworth folded the letter dehberOTRcUy aa B“““ had handed 1110 b 6 “^fl’ook^g^ouine'’ I «aid. and
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  • 324 957 Official Changes Impending. Several changes in the higher appointments of the Government service are pending, says the Straits Times, but no official pronouncement has so far been made |in this |connection. luthe legal department, Mr. Justice Braddell has gone Home ill and it is quite likely that
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  • 107 957 (Supplied by Reuter.) Railway Concession to American Company. London, 21st August. A telegram f»otn Constantinople states that the Chamber has substantially approved of the project of a concession to an American Company's railway from Sivas to Mosul via Van on condition that no better terms are offered within 16
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  107 words
  • 33 957 (Supplied by Reuter.) Proposed Visit to China. London, 21st August—Lord Kitchenre sails from Tuticorin for China on September 12. He was entertained at a brilliant farewell banquet at Simla last night.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  33 words
  • 43 957 (Supplied by Reuter A Deficit, of JKH.OOO.OOO. London, 21st August—lt is calculated that the deficit of the French Budget for 1910 would be at least .£8 000,000, which it is proposed to get by additional tobacco an 1 wine taxes.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  43 words
  • 69 957 (Supplied by Reuter Disastrous Floods. London, 23rd August—A telegram from Melbourne states that heavy rains have caused the greatest floods in Victoria for 40 years. Bridges have been demolished and the railway interrupted Great damage was done. A large loss of stock is reported. Later.—The rain has abated and
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  69 words
  • 39 957 (Supplied by Reuter An Explanatory Document. London, 23rd August.—'J he Cretan Government has handed the consuls a written assurance regarding the hoisting of the Greek fl ig. The consul» requested some alterations in the text of the document.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  39 words
  • 45 957 The Waratah.” (Supplied by Reuter Search Abandoned. London, 23rd August.—A telegram from Cape Town states it is officially announced that the Government and the Admiralty have abandoned the search for the BuralaA bound from Melbourne to London, which was reported missing since the 3rd inst.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  45 words

  • 127 958 (Suvp'ied by Reuter Aviation Week at Rheims. London, 23rd August.— A great aviation week begins at Rheims to-day. President Failic’-es, the French Ministers, Mr. Lloyd George, and Mr. Winston Churchill are attending. Thirty-seven aeroplanes are entered and despite the high wind against which many are powerless M. Lotebure circled
    (Suvp'ied by Reuter )  -  127 words
  • 944 958 Many people in Penang have children older than the telephone. It is so much a thing of daily routine and necessity now, and so many wonderful inventions have followed it in the short twentytwo years since the first telephonic message was received, that we have quite ceased
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  • 202 958 Yesterday-, s hooU hollowing was ih e IMul shoot of the Penang bJL »l pr *<x» which took place at r. Rfl Club yesterday c *tnpong 4 I «c Mrs. Mawley 7.. f Keun 3 31 «4 Miss Wemyss 30 61 Mrs. Hamiltrn 33 29 M
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  • 60 958 Bathurst Civilian Rth Cluh, N S.W, won with 803 out of a possible 840. The positions of other competitors show Penang well up. Singapore R fie Club 42nd with 757 Malay States Vol. R fie Club 43rd wit 757. Penang V »1. Rifle Club 144 h
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  • 52 958 1 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of th® tw played yesterday Mixed Doubles'. Mr. and Mrs NeubroDD" beat Mrs Wrigbt-Motion aod J 6-8, 6-3: Mis. Dunn and McAithu Miss Mahler and Ambler 9-7, b Single Handicap, Class C. B it3b,e G Lees 5- 7 6
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  • Page 958 Advertisements
    • 39 958 Sold the World Over. We have in stock many rhcea medic nes, says K. prominent merchant of Turt e U.S A, but sell more of Ch Colic, Cholera and Diarrb®» of all others put together. Town Dispensary, Wholesale AgPP
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    • 319 959 WIM EPHOR OF TUKSTRA.TS BOHO ’’Xrte return of P»rt of the lhi-r Ky bv the American Government Ia t that China intends to devote the to the sending of students boe to America chosen from every IDD 7 Mr a higher English education, but iSe. is ever made
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    • 106 959 To IHE EdHOR OF IHE SlRAIia ECHO. Dear Sir, lu your issue of yesterday we notice that L U the Glamorganshire jough 32) cases Gelignite aud 174 cases gators consigned to Messrs. Boustead 6 WO a ®h you to note that these U as Ageuts for Messrs. Coy,
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  • 180 959 The reighbourhood of pemises No. 58 was the scene of considerable excHeinent, yesterd tv afterno m About 4pin Abou Ginny, a Kling. 71Ui at IP p rprn j s es threatened ail of a sudden, to kill himbeit. He took his stand inside the house and
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  • 347 959 Mining prospects in Negri Sembilan are most gloomy They aie summed up as fol lows ly the Resident, Mr. D G. Campbell. The tin-miaing industry has experienced another year of gieat depression. The continued diminution year after year in the output of ore, although doubtless partly
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  • 840 959 (From Our Own Correspondent J Ipoh, August 23. The Ipoh Club. 1 he new Ipoh Club has been open some moot s now and wa hive had ample t'me to pick out its faults. There have been many grumbles about various paits of it but so far Me
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  • Page 959 Advertisements
    • 55 959 Cough Remedy. Wit. T a medic 06 of great worth and «Hurd J?' Whea ,ou ha ’e a cough or 4. «iek .r.“ rUinto b ”*t>> Unruntto. r l' ef Bhlch U “«olds. It is •M. Th, f a 6 aDd can a wa J s f>® depended *Ag, 0U
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    • 59 959 Proper Treatment for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. The gre t mortality from dysenteiy and diarrhoea is duo to a lack of proper treatment at the first stages of the disease Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is a reliable and effective medicine, and when given in reasonable time will pre vent
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  • 41 960 (Echo Special.) Slips Interrupt Mails. Kuala Lumpur, 23rd August.—Serious slips took place last Saturday and Sunday at the 409th mile of the Johore Railway between Bekok and Niyor. Trains are interrupted and the mails are being carried by sea.
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  • 81 960 (Supj lied by Reuter Greek Reply Satisfactory. London, 23rd August. A telegram from Constantinople stites that, following the Council of Miuis'ers on Saturday, the Press was < ffiiiilly informed that the Greek reply was sai is factory. Further Appeal to the Powers. London, 24 h Aug.—Reuter’s correspondent at Constantinople
    (Supj lied by Reuter )  -  81 words
  • 86 960 (Supplied by Reuter Honours to Wright Riplane. London, 23rd August.—The opening day of the Aviition Week at Rheims was marred by wind ami rain. Towards evening the wind dropped, enabling the spectators to witness the unprecedented sight of nine aeroplanes racing simultaneously Honours went to M.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  86 words
  • 50 960 (Supplied by Reuter.) An Effective War Weapon. London. 23rd August.—A telegram from Melbourne states that Mr. Alfred Daakin, in an interview, said that the fleet towards which Australia proposed to contribute in place of Dreadnoughts will consist of 6 cruisers nine destroyers and a small flitilia of submarin"B
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  50 words
  • 51 960 (Supplied by Reuter.) Fixed for September. London, 23 d August.—Very important aimv maroeivres will take place in the West of England in September in which 50,000 men, 20 0 0 horses and 200 guns will be engaged in a 72 hours’ battle under mode r n war
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  51 words
  • 65 960 (Supplied by Reuter.) Mappin and Webb’s Premises Broken Into. London, 24'h Aug.—Ten burglars broke into the premises of Messrs Mappin and Webb, the jewellers, in Cheapside on Sunday afternoon, bludgeoted the watchman and unpacked jewellery to the value of <£7,000. The watchman however, managed to attract the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  65 words
  • 56 960 (Supplied by Reuter.) Rioters Fired Upon, London, 24‘h August —The strikers at Pittsburg have incited the women and attacked the steelworks. The troops were called out and fired a volley into the rioters, of whom they arrested scores. The Deputy Sheriff, a trooper aud three foreigners were
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  56 words
  • 50 960 (Supplied by Renter Notified to the Admiralty. London. 24 h August.—The King, from Marienbad, has notified the Admiralty that he deeply regrets the boiler disaster on one of His Majesty’s Ships on the 16. h iust. which caused the death of two men and injured two others.
    (Supplied by Renter )  -  50 words
  • 456 960 (««2’l'iied ty Hartly Damaged, I London, 24 h Aueust-H it I bal going at full 0 I rocks near Torquay last Tbur»l, I nation at Plymouth ahow« thv ,h. l I ously damaged and leaking n I will take four months. rf Piiri I The Hannibal is a
    (««2’l'iied ty )  -  456 words
  • Page 960 Advertisements
    • 56 960 Don’t Ignore Slight Injuries. I) m’t neglect giving every cut, wound or biuise prompt attention. Blood poison mav appear and an ugly scar or even the loss of a limb result. Chamberlain’s Pam Balm is an antiseptic, heals the wound rapidly and all <1 anger is avoided by its use
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    • 70 960 Infantile Cholera. Any unusual looseness of a child’s bowels during the hot weather should I e a warning to mothers Infantile cholera may develop in a few hours, and prompt action should be taken to avoid it. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrbcei Remedy, followed by a dose of castor oil,
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  • 1706 961 Th e Afr 'th AfH«" to take hel pr per pl?Ce S«»* 7i,» other great self-governing in the councils ot the EmDoD, '> find» it difficult to approve the P '7lifieation winch limits membership rfher House of Parliament to per0' O f European descent. line ;.inn our contemporary remarks,
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  • 1173 962 Fifteen Defendants. The hearing of the case referred Io in the Echo, a few weeks ago in which fifteen Chinese were accused of having taken part in a secret society, was commenced yesterday afternoon, before Mr. de Mello. All the accused were charged with attending
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  • 63 962 At the meeting of the Legislative Council to be held on Friday next, Mr. Baker will put questions relating to trade returns, Tamil coolie labour, etc* The bills relating to Native States prisoners, apportionment of rents, courts, civil procedure and criminal procedure are down for third reading. The
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  • 754 962 The Times of I FraukA. Ilarri S on B 8ch C m)|,| between 41. an d Ji-1 jJ 111 hiT ‘«t| mining operations at Uin v h Carri *i 0» lawful authority, an offers "itho® I Section 114 of the Mining I Accused pleaded I Mr.
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  • 441 963 Traffic Upset Near Niyor Station. The following clipping from the Straits Times of last Monday gives further particulars of the damage to the railway line at Niyor, about which our corespondent wired yesterday: The railway line through the state of Johore has come to grief at a
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  • 281 963 (Echo Special.) Malays Preparing a Demonstration. Singapore, 25 th August.—-The weather for the wedding of Mr. G. U. Farrant to Miss Anderson, which takes place at the Presbyterian Church this evening is at present most perfect. Mala 7 s > under the auspicies of the Malay Football
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  • 33 963 (Echo Special.) Sendayan Estate. Kuala Lumpur.—The Sendayan Estate, Negri Sembilan, has been floated in London with a capital of £40,000. It is 1,000 acres in extent, planted over with rubber.
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  • 51 963 (Echo Special.) To Be Unveiled in October. Ipoh, 25th August.—The Birch Memorial has been completed, and the clock chimes are now going. It is understood that the bust of Mr. Birch will be unveiled at the end of October by Sir John Anderson during his visit to
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  • 33 963 (Echo Special.) Increase in Imports and Exports. Singapore, 25th August. —The trade returns for the second quarter show an increase in the imports of §959,661 and in the exports of §1,940,039.
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  • 124 963 (Supplied by Reuter) Sir Edward Grey’s Reply to a Scotch Memorial London, 251 h Aug.—Sir Edward Grev, Foreign Secretary, rep'ying to a memorial fiom Scotland urging for a speedier ending of the opium traffic and a lelaxation of the treaty obligations in favour of China, said
    (Supplied by Reuter)  -  124 words
  • 50 963 (Supplied by Reuter.) 11 Rioters Killed. London, 24th August.—A telegram from Pittsburg states that the deathroll of the steelworkers who went on strike and were fired upon by the troops is eleven. The strikers wrecked a portion of the steelworks with nitro glycerine. A further outbreak*!! feared.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  50 words
  • 66 963 (Supplied by Reuter.) Consecrated at St. Paul’s. London, 2bth August.—Dr. Ferguson Davie was consecrated, at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Bishop of Singapore, the Archbishop of Canterbury presiding. lhe Rt. Rev. James E. C- Welldon, m a sermon, dwelt, on the suitability of episcopacy to the Oriental mind,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  66 words
  • 50 963 (Supplied by Reuter.) Collision in Monte Video Harbour. London, 25th August.—The N-I). L. Schlesien collided with an Argentine excursion steamer, the Colombia in Monte Video harbour. The Colombia sank and from 150 to 30) of her passengers, mostly women and children, were drowned. The Schlesien is leaking badly.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  50 words
  • 49 963 (Supplied by Reuter.) ■■■♦'l Gasworks Explosion. London, 24'h August.—A telegram from Geneva says that a terrible explosion took place at a gasworks. Jhe gasometer blew up and shook the whole city. Ihe Death Roll. London, 2<th August—Fifty were killed and thirty injured in the gasworks explosion at Geneva.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  49 words

  • 50 964 (Supplied by Reuter.) Embassies Abroad Warn the Porte. London, 24th August.—R-uter’s correspondent at Constantinople says that it is understood that all the Turkish Embassies abroad telegraphed to the Porte a warning of the disfavour with which the Powers view a Chauvinistic policy as part of the policy of Turkey.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  50 words
  • 54 964 (Supplied by Reuter.) Across Turkestan, Tibet and China. London, 24th August —Professor Meyer, a representative of the United States Bureau of Agriculture, has arrived at Liverpool en rtute to Batoum, whence he starts on a botanic expedition across Turkestan, libet and China in search of plants suitable
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  54 words
  • 230 964 i—— (Supplied by Reuter.) Huge Attendance. London, 24th August.—There was a huge attendance at Rheims. where aviation trials are in full swing. Some remarkable speeds were attained. World’s Record Broken. M. Bleriot circled a course of 10 kilometres in 8 min. 42| secs., which was a
    • i—— (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  230 words
  • 701 964 It ceases to be a matter for flippant comment. To think of so much good, honest, healthy food stuff going to waste among the London poor, as a result of a silly prejudice, is to feel impatient with that attitude of modern human nature which makes so many
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  • 383 964 There was a special tiffin at the Town I Club yesterday, to mark the occasion of the I nuptials of His Excellency’s daughter,ud I special menu cards were printed, headed I Wedding Bells.” We do not print the I programme of edibles, because
    383 words
  • Page 964 Advertisements
    • 48 964 Sold the World Over. "We have in stock many colic and diarrhoea medicines,” says R. M. White, a prominent merchant of Turtle Bayou, Tex., U. S. A but sell more of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy than of a!! others put together. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale!Agents.
      48 words

  • 242 965 U IPPELLATE JURISDICTION. a- TV. H Hyndman Jones, Chief (W'fi Justice J- R I»» and ilr Jib'- 1 Jvt i ce Scrcombe Smith rnß vs. Cheah Ngoh Oh. and Cheah Choo Yew. nfar bearing before the Tbi« ciseu c od i ont ba 23rd iast. and f" follow,
    242 words
  • 314 965 Well-known Kongsi Sued. The Echo is informed that summonses fere served yesterday on the President ud Committee of the Seh Yeoh Kongsi, in connection with an important suit, in which the following particulars indicate the plaintiffs’ claims. 1 To have an account taken of the administration by the
    314 words
  • 633 965 A meeting will he i, e ;d a! t K, ciu Kling Mosque at 1-30 p. in. on Friday, Um lOtu September, io consider the followimpropositions:— 1. To confirm the third readin of the rules of the Muslim Society. 2. To ascertain whether the dogmas of Islamic fanli
    633 words
  • 707 965 Govt. Service vs. Anglo-Chinese School. A f iif 1 y large crovd journeyed down to I angkor K >ad yesterday afternoon to witness the Lo gu mi'ch between the Govt. Service and the Anglo-Chinese School at Victoria Green which ended in a goalless draw. he Anglos had the
    707 words

  • 37 966 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday:— Profession Pairs Haslam and Neubronner beut Kinder and Linton 6—o, 11—9. The remaining ties were unfinished and will be continued on Friday.
    37 words
  • 370 966 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, 24th August. Resident at Ipoh. The British Resident left on Sunday after* noon for Ipoh where he will make a stay of some weeks. Malaya v, Hongkong Cricket. The Singapore Cricket Club, on behalf of the Straits and F. M. S. Cricket Clubs,
    370 words
  • 1334 966 FURTHER EVIDENCE. Mr. Coxon’s Evidence. This case was cont inued in the Wai den’s Court, Batu Gajah, on 23rd instant. Mr. Coxon, continuing his evidence, said that he had an idea that defendant was doing something he ought not to do. Witness went up to the place
    1,334 words

    • 689 967 w Editor o» THE STB/ITS Echo. Si T'hTve perused with no little amusement h. M I M. under the above head- in your issue of the 23rd “isone in a position to throw liebt on the A T think it right to taka a
      689 words
  • 496 967 Much interest, has been taken in the first consignment of frozen pigs from China. The shipment also included Poultry. 8.418 cases game, 10,674 cases eggs, 21,048 cases deer, 1 345 carcases beef, 12 quarters. On sth inst. there were offered for sale at the market
    496 words
  • 464 967 (Echo Special.) A Brilliant Affair. Singapore, 26th August.—The wedding of Miss Anderson and Mr. Geoffrey Upcott Farrant was a most brilliant affair and took place under ideal weather conditions. Many buildings were decorated, as well as the ships in the harbour. The Presbyterian Church, where the marriage
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  • Page 967 Advertisements
    • 52 967 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This is a medicine of great worth and erit. Try it when you rnhave a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. It is pleasant to take and can always be depended upon. The George Town Dispensary,
      52 words

  • 40 968 (Echo Special.) Judgment Reserved. Tpoh, 26th August.—The Harrison case was concluded yesterday. The Warden reserved judgment. In his defence the defendant stated that he had done everything openly and thought the Government knew what he was doing.
    40 words
  • 39 968 (Supplied by Reuter Protest Against Torture. London, 26th August.—The Legations of Tangier are considering a diplomatic protest against the tortures and mutilations practised by Mulai Hafid on the captured followers of the Pretender which have aroused European indignation.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  39 words
  • 75 968 The Columbia”“Schlesien” Disaster. (Supplied by Reuter Passengers Asleep When Vessels Collided. London, 25th August.—A telegram from Monte Video states that about 80 people perished in the collision between the excursion steamer Columbia (which sank) and the Norddeutscher Lloyd Schlesien. Those who were rescued were mostly sailors. The passengers were sleeping
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  75 words
  • 60 968 (Supplied by Reuter.) Two Europeans in Danger. Loudon, 26 h August -The Times cones pondent at Teheran si vs h U, Wiight, of the Bank of Persia, and Janes, of the IndoEuropean Telegraph, are in grave danger in a village 50 miles west of Kerman Eight hundred robbers are
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  60 words
  • 89 968 (Supplied by Reuter.) Found Shot Dead. London, 25th August.—Lord Eliot, heir of the earl of St. Germans, was found shot dead in the gunroom of his father’s country seat, lie had been in ill health. More Details. Lord Eliot was a Lieutenant in the Coldstream Guards and was
    (Supplied by Reuter.) » ■ –  -  89 words
  • 67 968 (Supplied by Reuter.) An Important Resolution. London, 25th Aug.—A telegram from Manchester states that at a cotton trade meeting, representing from three to four million spindles, it was resolved to form an association the members of which bind themselves unler severe timncial penalties not to sell yarn
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  67 words
  • 41 968 (Supplied by Reuter.) Transfer of Stations London, 26th August.—The Colonial and Naval Establishment Bill which has just been issued authorises the transfer ot the stations Esquimalt and Hallifax to Canada and legalises similar transfers in future in other colonies.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  41 words
  • 85 968 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Compromise. London, 26th August.—The Times correspondent at Pekin states that a compromise was reached on Tuesday with regard to the main points of the Manchurian question, except the jurisdiction of the Fushun Yan Tai mines. The arrangement provides for the retrocession of Chientao
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  85 words
  • 119 968 Penang, 26th August. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 B 7 2 3 Credit 2/4| 3 Documentary.. 2/4 IlCalcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 175} 3 days’sight Private 176} Bombay, Demand Bank 175 f Moul mein, Demand Bank 175 3 days’sight Private
    119 words
  • 108 968 Gold Leaf $64.8) B. Pep) er(W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock While Pepper $l6 37} sales Trang Popper 14 75 buyers Cloves out of season Mace 80. sales Mace Pickings 66.50 sales Nutmegs 110 s 18.50 sales No 1 5.80 sales Sugar < 2 no stock Basket 3.85 sales Tapioca
    108 words
  • Page 968 Advertisements
    • 511 968 H I I i '|7 c,. I I I I HundredsofHomK Abb Desolated Yearly ry ib g....,, of Malarial Fever I Here is More Proof irom Ceyta» That the Great Remedy i O r Malaria is Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills “Early last, year when employed’ at th Kurunegala Fibre and
      511 words

  • 1088 969 JI_J JI »11— l _—uui L—— I—U—XIU^.«U— —-JBL-11XX -JUL—MML- S Number of p -a ii <*“•■ I i n™. f. i i Il 8 S. i I _js—- i i I <J 1*» M S 10 10 12 for y“ r^to 81 /w|watTi M“4% n J »5251»5 50 S
    1,088 words

  • Page 970 Advertisements
    • 236 970 "'Ll'' W *asgf ffijajf SW®. "3^ >®BE< fessr< I The CRITERIONJ>RESS, Ltd. I ESTABLISHED 1883. I PRINTERS PURLISHERS. I BM 1 W II Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO,” and “SIN POE.” g The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and I lithographers in the Orient. g I Our plant is of
      236 words