The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 28 May 1909

Total Pages: 28
1 598 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. L Per Annum. Single Copy 40 coati ■Vol. 7. Penang, Friday, 28th Hay, 1909. No. 21.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 286 1 **P" CONTENTS. Leaders page. Miscellaneous: page. Things Generally 573, 578, 583, Victoria Day 575 A 585 1 k 588 592 Local Ice War 576 I Perak Paragrams 576 5 Law and Police The R ecen t Carters’ Strike 576 Supreme Court 578 4 589 Talk of Tongkah 576 4 594
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 146 2 —l 1 l I THE STRAITS ECHO! Im 1 MAIL EDITION. J Published the day prior to the departure of each mail 4 for Europe, and contains the latest local and States m news originally published in the daily issues, as well as J all important news from various parts
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  • 1425 573 On pages 6 and 7 of this issue of the Echo we reproduce a number of paragraphs from the first annual report of the committee of the Parish Hall. It corers only eleven months life of this youthful but useful institution, which was started by sincerely philanthropic folk
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  • Page 573 Advertisements
    • 94 573 The gjsrraic* /*< V* 4 I# kr; st 1:■ -J ',T /T‘ \-5V T_ .r |T Tl H CRITERION PRESS, IM. IW Street. Pm a *v PRICE »94 p« r •*4«n” OiIIJMXAI OUTHTATIONM Pontage KxUR. -4Ui B niTi<»N Preet lIS CABLE ADDRESS Echo— Penang.” T.lephono No. 343. n, -All bantne»
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  • 2844 574 The titst annual bulletin for the year ending 31st March has reached u< We «elect the following paragraphs Ata general meeting Mr. James L Wood ford was made a Patron owing to his generosity towards the Parish Hall. The number of members on the rolls was then
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  • Page 574 Advertisements
    • 69 574 Don’t Put It Off. Don't allow twenty-four hours toelapse without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluci Remedy in your hi me. I’rue, you may no' need it within that time, but it is better than any doctor’s prescription and worth twenty timps its cost in cases of diarcramp c >lic or
      69 words

  • 537 575 List of Subscribers. cis. Hou. R. N. Bland 50 00 I). VV. Gilmour, Esq. 50 00 Khoo Cheow Teoug, Esq. 50 00 Hon. A. R. Adams 25 0 Opium and Spirit Farms 25 00 Justice T de M. Braddell 25 (0 Gan Ngoh Bee, Esq. 25 00 Sarkies
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  • Page 575 Advertisements
    • 55 575 *t«lief from Rheumatic Pains. Pli o't lie in P Ower f Cbarn. Bd ra clearly shown in tis® both ĕ Ca L H‘mmatoiy iheuma°oe an nV b ch are painful, 11 8 liDiraent give j oslan ,uaerer '0 sleep, which ,w «reral dT 8 a6 ot been »ble to do
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    • 88 575 A Bargain. When you can save from 25 to 50 per cent. I on any article, you have a bargain. Wheal you luy a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic,! Chobra and Diarrlcea Remedy at the regu- 1 jar puce, you will probably save several I times its cost in doctor’s bills
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  • 163 576 Ito vv —Perak Pioneer. An agreement is reported to have b en reached between the Penang Ice Manufacturing Companies and the Kinta Ice Works, by which t're ice war, that has been raging for some time past finally culminating in the invasion of one another’s territories, is
    Ito vv —Perak Pioneer.  -  163 words
  • 247 576 Yesterday afternoon, Teh Cheng Neow, a nonia, prosecuted her husband, OoiTekSim, for (1) mischief by breaking sundry articles and (2) assault. He was also called upon to show cause why he should not be bound over to keep the peace. Mr. McKnight Young conducted the prosecution, while
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  • 55 576 On the 12th ins!., while Pichamuthu, a Tami', was feeding bis bullocks in Batu Gantong, one of them attacked him and gored him in the thigh, to the effects of which be succumted. Yesterday, the Coroner concluded the inquest connected with the death of the man, and returned a
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  • 103 576 A wire has been rec°ived by the Chief Police Officer that Lim Chee Bring, against whom a warrant is out for criminal bieach of trust, has been arrested at Hongkong. It is stated the King of Siam intends going on a short bolid ly trip
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  • 277 576 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping 19th May. The Resident. The British Resident left on Sunday for Kuala Lumpur to be present at the Conference of Residents. He is expected to return to morrow. State Council. A meeting of the State Council will be held in the Council Chamber
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  • 316 576 The following letter was in the Malay Mail:— Since the beginning of May there hive appeared in your p’.per various articles on the subject ot the carters’ strike. They have certainly dealt with it in an elaborate manner, describing the various interests affected thereby and mentioning
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  • 452 576 The news that there will k/ i,IS Queen s Scholarships a ft ftr k Do wae not. very well re ,L towkaye <:f whT bl relatives in the P eD#n SchoJb them (the (roprietor declares that if ha(l k have kept his son at home L «10.0
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  • 94 576 A meeting was held at Ma^a 8 of the Eurasian community to erl disabilities in general. One of the said Eurasians were committing suicide by not unitedly and ear distinct powers of re P reB f resolution* Legislative Council. A number of were passed at the meeting.
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  • 689 577 Bangkok Banker’s Strange WS Experience. Soon banker, broker. at. J shb one of tbe best known Chinese cb f” on in Bangkok, siys bdSlDe He was born in the district of came to Bangkok when he T.iebu, Cbi 45 arg of age- He iS 7* here
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  • 289 577 How Millions Will Salute the Inion Jack. Last year 7.000,000 children, at Home ami in the Colonies, celebrated Empire D iy, May 24 This year it is hoped the number will rise to between 8,000,000 and 9,000.000. In the United Kingdom alone the number will exceed 3,500,000
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  • 34 577 (Echo Special.) Jockey’s Thigh Fractured. Kuala Lumpur, 21st May.—Kidd, the jockey, while riding on the course here this morning was crushed against the rails and received a compound fracture of the thigh.
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  • 240 577 (Supplied by Reuter.) Churchill’s Unemployment Bill. London, 20th May. —In the House of Commons, Mr. Winston Churchill, President of the Board of Trade, sketched his Labour Exchanges Bill which will be introduced tomorrow, establishing a uniform national system of exchanges and a central clearing house at a cost
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  240 words
  • 38 577 (Supplied by Reuter More Sympathisers. London, 20th May.—The Congress of Naval Reservists in Paris have resolved to call the reservists in all the ports to cease work in sympathy with the postal and other strikes.
    (Supplied by Reuter ) ♦  -  38 words
  • 65 577 (Supplied by Reuter.) Chinese Minister Explains its Success. London, 21st May.—At the annual dinner of the Japan Society, M. Takaaki Kato, Ambassador, presided. Prince Fushimi and Ambassador Hayashi (Rome) weie present. The Chinese Minister, Li Ching Fong, proposing the toast of the Japan Society, attributed its success to
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  65 words
  • 55 577 (Supplied by Reuter.) Lord Roberts’ Bill Introduced to Lords. London, 21st May—Baron Newton, on behalf of Earl Roberts, introduced in the House of Lords the latter’s National Service Bill, which would make service with the Territorial Force compulsory for all men between the ages of eighteen and thirty. The
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  55 words
  • 70 577 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Newspaper Sensation. London, 21st May.—The newspapers hava been full for we«-ks past of repoi Is ostensibly emanating mainly from eastern counties about an airship that flies by night. ft is termed by scoffers the Scireship.” The stories received a fillip yesterday from circumstantial reports
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  70 words
  • 119 577 (Supplied by Reuter.) Speech From the Throne. London, 21st May.—A telegram from Constantinople says that the Sultan proceeded to the Chamber to witness the swearing of the Deputies to uphold the Constitution. The Grand Vizier read the speech from the Throne referring to Turkey’s good relations with the Powers
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  119 words

  • 978 578 According to a book writer by the name of W. H. Dawson, the German workman does not yell himself hoarse at football matches, nor set grandstands afire, nor bawl garbled extracts from the Daily Mail Yearbook in pothouses. He has a different way of enjoying hii leisure, for
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  • 92 578 Results of Wednesday’s Play. Mrs. Park and Brearley beat Mrs. Welham and Rogers B—6 6—2. Miss Jones and Hodge beat Mrs. Dunn and Adams 7—5 j 3—6; 6 4. Results of Thursday’s Play. Mrs. Dunn6ea£ Mrs. Martin 7—5; 6—3. Whitlock and Pledger beat Fox and Linton
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  • 349 578 IN CIVIL ORIGINAL juris D CT|o|( (Before Mr. TAornfo».) Khoo Cheng K ay and Othwg Lim Teow Teng and T is action was dispel ot Ihe plaintiffs were 11) Kh (2) Khoo Cheng Eng La», the administrator of Kboc SJ?* deceased. The defencauts m Teow Seng, (2) Khoo
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  • 172 578 Chow Seng of Chop Seng Lee vs. F. Heise and W. H. Mawley. Yesterday Mr. Brown, the Assistant Du* trict Judge, disposed of the above action. The plaintiff claimed $3O, being the price of work and labour done by the plambfi tor the defendants, as carpenter and bricklayer,
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  • 116 579 «•notgudty r DiD g of the 2nd tost.. while a borne a cow in Kampong If 1 ag ed some bamboo-ehootß and H'”' fm” b which tbo accused bad kept i.t on the ground. Thereupon in b k a struck tbo animal on ,be a cheap (an
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  • 173 579 The Short Credit Boycott. It is well known to Echo readers that Chinese retailers at Penang buying from British importing firms asked for longer credit than some of them were disposed to gire, and that in certain cases the Chinese resorted to their usual method of quietly boycotting
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  • 145 579 Mr. D. W. Gilmour, as Honorary Treasurer, acknowledges with thanks the following subscriptions to the forthcoming Agri-Horticultural Show to be held in Penang on 9th, 10th and 11th August this year. Amount previously acknow-nled.-ed, «6,259.65 Wan hgoh Bee t< 25 Lawrence Ariizoo 100 Hoefeld and Co. 25*--$6,409.65 ,SuBden,’n Actin
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  • 627 579 On the 14th inst. it was reported in the Echo that a baba, named Quah 800 Hock, was charged with (1) forging an indenture of sale, by altering the date from 3 11 08 to 14 1 09, with intent to evade a fine
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  • 592 579 Further Details of the Unfortunate Traiellers. No details have been received of the murders reported in Yunnan, but it is believed that the two victims are Dr. Brunhuber, a well-known traveller and his companion Herr Schmitz, who arrived in Rangoon from Madras by the steamer Tara
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  • 3197 580  -  [All Rights Reserved] by E. EVERETT-GREEN. Harold —do listen a moment! Who can that be singing The young man, with a fine, intellectual face and air of supreme absorption in his task, lifted his head, his hand with his fountain pen suspended in mid-air. Somebody
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  • 224 581 Directors’ Report. Penang, 22nd May, 1909. Gentlemen, Your Directors have pleasure in submitting the Accounts of the first year’s working of the Company. The net profits of the year after allowing for 20 per cent, depreciation on the property of the Company amount to 1110,834.00
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  • Page 581 Advertisements
    • 32 581 A Cure for Bowel Trouble. No matter how severe an attack of diarrhoea may be, Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never fails to give relief. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 80 581 A Bargain. When you can save from 25 to 50 per cent, on any article, you have a bargain. When you buy a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at the regular price, you will probably save several times its cost in doctor’s bills before the summer is
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  • 1344 582 Programme and List of Resolutions. Following is the programme of the 3rd Anti-Opium Conference, to be held at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday and Monday. The proceedings will open on May 22nd at 9.30. a.m. with the reception of delegates by the President of the Conference (Mr. Choo
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  • 116 582 Farewell to D. 0. The farewell entertainment announced y our Tapah correspondent as gl Tp“ daW our ot Mr. C. W. C. Parr. D. 0.. B. Pwajg who is transferred. Proceedings comme««J with sports at the new recreation p after which a farewell address iwa g the subordinate
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  • Page 582 Advertisements
    • 63 582 Relief from Rheumatic Pains. The great pain relieving power of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is clearly shown in cases of sciatica and inflammatory rheumatism, both of which are extremely painful, but one application of this liniment gives rehef and enables the sufferer to sleep, which in many instances he has not
      63 words
    • 67 582 Don’t Put It Off. Don’t a ,ow w< t fo n'iic°Chotera without Chamberlain 8 Co ll Diarrhoea Remedy in y° ur but it vou may not need it w.thin that tiß is better than any doctor’s pre worth twenty times its which art rhcea, cramp colic or ys t t
      67 words

  • 941 583 (f 6 0»r Ipoh, 21st May. Victoria Day. «.king great preparations here to Wear hrtieVictoiia Day and. indeed, •'""'irt arra»^ m 9 whioh b ’*’n r )hat May 24 W ,|l b e a dJ V' Td“ V Ipoh. Tl,e day P S Wlt, w fbu 8 f
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  • 28 583 (Supplied by Reuter All Resolutions Passed. London, 21st May. —The House of Commons has passed all the Budget resolutiors which had been reported to the House.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  28 words
  • 78 583 (Supplied by Reuter.) Mystery Explained. London, 22ud May —lnterviews with balloon manufacturer are published showing thut numerous model airships have been sold in England for the purposes of adve>tisement, some twenty five feet long This, it is believed, explains the late mysterious appearances of airships. German Press Opinion.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  78 words
  • 52 583 (Supplied by Reuter.) Encounter with the Police. London, 21st May.—A telegram from Paris states that a thousand navvies on strike pelted the Police who were attempting to disperse them, with glasses, waterbottles, and chairs from the cafes, wounding a dezen. The cavalry were called and charged the strikers,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  52 words
  • 36 583 (Supplied by Reuter.) Proposed New Bill. London, 21st May.—The French Chamber is discussing a Bill allowing silkworm grow era 60 centimes per kilogramme of raw silk for 20 years from May 1, 1909.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  36 words
  • 38 583 (Supplied iy Reuter.) I ransfeis his Fortune to Government. L.mdon, 22nd Miy Constantinople j uinal s‘:itt'N that Abdui H on id has signed a transfer to the <»f his deposits in the banks of over XT,000,010.
    (Supplied iy Reuter.)  -  38 words
  • 42 583 (Supplied by Reuter.) l Cremated. London, 22nd May.—The body of George Meredith was cremated at Woking to-day. There was no service, but the membeis of deceased s family attended. The ashes were put in an urn and removed to Dorking.
    —• ' – (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  42 words
  • 941 583 The letter from New Subscriber in reply to our reference to local road hogs is one of the kind we are always glad to find in our mail basket. No reasonable person ever doubts that there is much to be said on both sides, but sometimes the admittedly
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  • 1729 584 Annual Gymkhana. The annual gymkhana of the Penaay Hunt. Club provided an excellent afternoon's sport lor the large concourse of ladies and gentlemen who gathered on the race course last Saturday afternoon. S-*ven events filmed in the program ue; the weather was favourable; and the arrangements, in
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    • 595 585 To run Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, Possibly you do not reii;z how much attention is now given to the ernnme ts in your bright and br>tzv journal I and my friends do not always agree with them, but they never fail to interest us. Your
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  • 2503 585 Yesterday’s Celebrations. It was a happy thought that one day of the year should be set apart to celebrate the memory of a great and good queen. It rs happier still that children should take a leading part in such celehiation, and the celebration takes its happiest form
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  • Page 586 Advertisements
    • 63 586 Relief from Rheumatic Pains. The great pain relieving power of Chambeilain’s Pain Balm is clearly shown in cases of sciatica and inflrmmatory iheumatism, both of which are extremely painful, but one application of this liniment gives rehef and enables the suffeier to sleep, which in many instances he has not
      63 words

  • 349 587 p.C-C. C.R U2 Recreation Club wereanuthilast Saturday after,b turn Cricket Tournament rhe ?»■>»”“ Cr,cket G ub r Mention of Joo Wan, who earned <***<% they were all at sea against Mtbiib* 1 o e y r an(l R e id. the former forr 13 runs and the latter
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  • 167 587 By the Rev. F. B. Meyer. Why bad God raised our race to so high a dignity? asked the R v. F. B Meyer at Kuala Lumpur. What was His purpose and how had that purpose been served The British race held this great tiust for
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  • 157 587 Singapore and Penang Men Killed. An explosion on board the petroleum tank steamer Groningen at Tanjong Priok, near Batavia, on May 8, resulted in loss of life. The explosion, says the Straits Times, is supposed to have arisen from some of the crew smoking on board—a
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  • 47 587 (Echo Special.) All Resolutions Adopted. Kuala Lumpur, 25th May.—The Anti-Opium Conference was most enthusiastic. All the resolutions were adopted. Bishop Oldham, in the course of an excellent address, said that the next Conference would be held at Singapore. The date has not yet been fixed.
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  • 48 587 (Echo Special.) The Daily Mail” Shoot. Ipoh, 25th May.—Victoria Day was celebrated here yesterday by a parade. 2,500 boys enjoyed sports on the Padang. The shoot for the Daily Mail Empire Cup resulted in a total score for the Ipoh rifle team of 715.
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  • 17 587 (Echo Special.) Singapore, 25th May.—Shooting for the Daily Mail Cup the Singapore team scored 757.
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  • 96 587 (Echo Special.) Kuala Lumpur, 25th May.—Empire Day was celebrated by a big display ot fine decorations and illuminations. Ihe Ball was a great success. Selangor vs. Negri Sembilan. In the cricket match between Selangor and Negri Sembilan the former team scored 205 runs, and the latter 72
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  • 135 587 (Supplied by Reuter.) Doings at Home. London, 24th May.—There were over a hundred church parades by the Territorials on Sunday, and special sermons were preached in 6,240 churches. To-day at 18,200 schools, four million scholars throughout the Empire will salute the Flag. Apart from the central monument, which
    ♦ (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  135 words
  • 107 587 (Supplied by Reuler.) And Croaks Calamity. London, 22nd May —Lord Charles Beres, ford was the guest at an Australian banquet, at which he urged the Colonies to build cruisers so that, eventually the Horne 'and Colonial fleets might form a grand Imperial navy, thus making war
    (Supplied by Reuler.)  -  107 words
  • 30 587 (Supplied by Reuter China and Britain. London, 24* h May.—The Chinese Minister had an audience with the King, presenting his credentials and a letter from the Emperor.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  30 words
  • Page 587 Advertisements
    • 32 587 A Cure for Bowel Trouble. No matter how severe an attack of diarrhoea may be, Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never fads to give relief. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents,
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  • 73 588 (Supplied by Reuter German Satire London, 24th May. —The Burgomabter and vice-Burgomaster and 33 members of the Berlin corporation have arrived as guests of the City of London. Elaborate festivities are in progress. The German press, discussing Anglo German relations, speaks satirically of the scare concerning German
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  73 words
  • 27 588 (Supplied by Reuter.) To be Subsidized. London, 24th May—The French Chamber has agreed to the clauses of the Silkworm Bill, granting bonuses to manufacturers.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 134 588 (Supplied by Reuter.) Hague Says Both Sides Wrong. London, 24th May —The Hague Tribunal has given its decision on the dispute between France and Germany over the Casablanca affair of last November. It says the Secretary of the German Consulate there was guilty of a grave and
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  134 words
  • 29 588 (Supplied by Reuter.) Another Government Bill Thrown Out. London, 24th M»y.—The Finance Committee of the Reichstag has thrown out the whole of the Government’s Succession Duties Bill.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • 39 588 (Supplied by Reuter Two More Dreadnoughts, London, 21 h M ly. —A telegram from Washington says that, the Secretary for the Navy announces an increased naval programme for 1911, including two Dreaduouyhts and live toqe loers.
    + (Supplied by Reuter )  -  39 words
  • 95 588 (Supplied ly Reu*er.) Conditions Compared with Peking in HMM). L>n<lon, 24 h May—The Novae Vremyas at'leheran cites the siege of the Peking Legations, and insists on the immediate despatch of a strong force of cavalry artillery from Baku via the EnzeliTeheran road. Later —The St. Petersburg press
    (Supplied ly Reu*er.)  -  95 words
  • 81 588 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Jameson Raider! London, 24th May.—The New York Herald reports that the mining engineer and financier, Hays-Hammond, who was sentenced to death in connection with the Jameson Raid, has been offered the post of Minister to Peking. President Taft, it explains,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  81 words
  • 43 588 (Supplied by Reuter.) Honours for Explorers. London, 25th May.—The Royal Geographical Society has presented a Founder’s Medal to Dr. Stein for his exploration of Turkestan. Captaiu Rawling (Tibet) and Raisahib Lalsingh (surveying expeditions Yemen to Eastern Chin: are also honoured.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  43 words
  • 22 588 (Supplied by Reuter.) No Charitable Bequests. Loudon, 25th May.—Sir Donald Cuirie’s will bequeaths «£2,377,052. There are no charitable bequests.
    ■ » (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  22 words
  • 41 588 (Supplied by Reuter.) Two Steamers Detained at Marseilles. London, 25th May.—The Naval Reserves at Marseilles have voted to join the strike in sympathy with the others. Two steamers due .to sail yesterday were detained for want of crews.
    —— » (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  41 words
  • 638 588 It is told us that, since about the ere,ld British importers and their ov**" customers, an advance has U UDeie in the direction of ness is resuming on a fentin., UUBl to both sides, and the who had been making hav wbilf’aS sun ot Chinese favour ref used
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  • Page 588 Advertisements
    • 69 588 Relief from Rheumatic Pains. The great pain relieving power of Chambei lain’s I’.im Balm is clearly shown in cases of sciatica an 1 ii fl immatory rheumatism, both of which are ex'remely painful, but one application of this liniment gives reLef and enables the suffeter to sleep, which in m
      69 words
    • 70 588 Don’t Put It Off. Don’t allow twenty-four hours to elapse without Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in your home. True, you may not need it within that time, but it is better than any doctor’s prescription and worth twenty times its cost in cases of diarrhoea, cramp colic or
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  • 92 589 iritish and Chinese Merchants Again nn in Accord. The Echo i’ informed that in the case of at ujt one of the remaining two British turns a. held out against the Chinese piece-goods ta,m’ demand for longer credit than two mntlw. compromise has been agreed upon, Sich means
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  • 328 589 “A Waltz Dream.” Tbeir biggest audience last night most loudly applauded the Bandmann Comedy Company’s presentation of A Waltz Dream,” which, for Penang, was well staged. It satisfied those who like plot, it titillated those who like fun, and it greatly pleased those who like music. King Joachim
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  • 613 589 IN CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION (Before Mr Justice Braddell.) The following criminal appeals were heard, yesterday afternoon Hock Seng vs. Ihe Crown. The appellant was prosecuted by Mr. R (1. Andrew-, Building Inspector, for disobeying a mandatory order to demolish certain unauth oised and insanitary plank partitions to the
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  • 203 589 Native Deduction. Ye.-trrd.v afiernoon, l.<* p e'imiuiry e; quiry was begun in ihn cise in which Mahomed H u-sam, elm k t<-Mr, prosecuted a compatriot, Shaikh '*adar, for theft of clothing to the value of $137 and o-d. ’1 he tale told by the complainant
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  • 395 589 Creditor Resorts to Thug Methods. A Kling yesterday pleaded guilty to the charge of assaulting a Tamil. The complainant said that he owed the accused fifty cents. On the day in question, the complainant passed by the accused’s shop, when the latter called out and demanded the
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  • 1129 590 P. C. C. VS. A.-C. 8. The first of the League matches was played off on the Esplan ide yesterday afternoon between the Penang Cricket Club and the Anglo-Chinese School, resulting in a victory for the P. C. C. by six goals to nil The School team, much
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  • 477 590 Anglo-Malay Rubb er DIRECIORS' REPORT FOR The Direc’ors have n| e3HniQ their third annual report and'V^ 01 accounts for the year 1908 Blaten W of Revenne. The crop of rubber amounted to lbs dry against an estimate of 325 and an actual yield of 224 77« estates contributed to thi
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  • Page 590 Advertisements
    • 80 590 A Bargain. When you can save from 25 to 50 per cent, on any article, you have a bargain. When you buy a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at the regular price, you will probably save several times its cost in doctor’s bills before the summer is
      80 words

  • 1575 591 gay doings. The Town En fete. 1 Taiping. 24* h May. r n£? broke without a cloud in the Tb ®T was earl aBtirto •kJ “tbe’cMebraUons, the first event of >U ’Tbre Tbe idea that H not be behind hand in rejo.cing with should not
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  • 384 591 Commerce” writes to the Malay Mail No more striking commentary could be made upon Sir John Anderson’s speech at the dinner, given recently in his honour by the Straits Association in London, than the fact, just announced, that the P. and O. are about to send steamers of
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  • 161 592 Change of Presidents. Mr. E. A. Marican having tendmed in his resignation of the presidency of 1 iie Muslim Society, the majority of the committee members thereof are in favor of elec’ing Mr. K. Pachee Ha joe Mohomed Noor, the popular Ex President of the P. P. C
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  • 367 592 Information has been received, says the Straits Times, that a sum of $50,0 >0 has been stolen from the treasury of the Chartered Bank in Hongkong. The notes stoleu were in one bundle containing one hundred $5OO notes. The robbery was discovered by an employee who had
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  • 48 592 (Supplied by Reuter.) Amended Estimates. Lmdin, 25th May.—A telegram from Rome states that the amended Naval Estimates provide for an expenditure of «£17,000.000 spread over six years, an incteise of «£5.872 000 as compared with the original estimates They include the building of two Dreadnoughts.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  48 words
  • 74 592 (Supplied by Reuter.) Twenty Mail Steamers Detained. London, 26th May.—As a result of the strike of the French naval reservists there are now twenty mail steamers being detained at Marseilles. The Government has hastily introduced a Bill authorising the conveyance of mails to Algeria in foreign bottoms,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  74 words
  • 45 592 (Supplied by Reuter.) More Cruisers Needed. London. 26th May.—Admiral Koester, in opening the Navy League Congress at Treves, insisted that Germany had too few cruisers as compared with Great Britain. The defect, be said, must be remedied, and a seventeenth battleship added.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  45 words
  • 44 592 (Supplied by Reuter.) Russian Demand. London, 26th May.—A telegram from Tabriz states that the Russians have demanded the detention of the Nationalist leader Satackhau at Tabriz pending the payment of 200,000 roubles as damages done to the Russian road between Julfa and Tabriz.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  44 words
  • 26 592 (Supplied by Reuter.) Heavyweight Championship of England. London 25th May.—Boxing for the heavyweight championship of England, Langford (America) knocked out Hague (England) in four rounds.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  26 words
  • 1031 592 Partisans are painfully sometimes. If the ’n o the opium question Straits Settlements and the F v 7 bad reported differentlv tho rv of the Society for the Suppression of Opium Trade would undoubted!v h 9. referred to the Co mmiBB i one TJ± ble and disinterested men.
    1,031 words
  • Page 592 Advertisements
    • 32 592 A Cure for Bowel Trouble. No matter how severe an attack of diarrhoea may be, Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcei Remedy never fails to give relief. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
      32 words
    • 64 592 Relief from Rheumatic Pains. The great pain relieving power of Chambe lain’s Pain Balm is clearly shown in cases of sciatica and inflammatory rheumatism, both of which are extremely painful, but one application of this liniment gives relief and enables the sufferer to sleep, which in many instances he has
      64 words
  • 74 592 Obituary. {Supplied by Renter) Admiral H. C. St. John. London, 26th May —The death is announced of Admiral Henry Craven St. John, who entered the Navy in 1851, was made a Lieutenant in 1857 for action at Fatshan Creek, a Commander nine years later for the destruction of a piratical
    74 words

  • 209 593 Verdict of Homicide. Some days ago. there appeared in the columns of the Echo, an account of the inquest, held touching the death of a Singhalese, named David, at premises No. 129, Penang Road It was adjourned. Since then, one of the jurors, who sat thereon, had been taken
    209 words
  • 67 593 Results of Tuesday's Play. Mr#. Park and Brearley beat Mrs. Sproule and Savi I—6 6 —o 6—l. Miss V. Brown and Criswick beat Miss Jones and Hodge 6-4; 6-4. Results of Wednesday’s Play. Whitlock and Pledger beat Cooper and Cavendish 3—6; 6—o; 6—l. The following ties
    67 words
  • 82 593 Bowls Tournament. Following are the results of the ties played yesterday:— Single Handicap W. Daniel (4-2) beat G. B. Southam +3) by 21—20. C. Buckell (4-5) beat F. N. Bell (4-3) by 21—8. Double Handicap: F. Daniel and W. Hamilton (scr.) beat Upton and WrightMotion by 21—11.
    82 words
  • 139 593 We are informed by Mr. W. Van der Woude, Sub-Agent of the Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij, that a telegram has been received from the head office at Batavia intimating that the dividend of the Netherlands Trading Society for the year 1908 has been fixed at 8 per cent. Mrs.
    139 words
  • 1275 593 C. IL C. vs G. S. A great deal of interest centred in the League fixture between the Chimse R creation < lub and the Government Service which was played off on Victoria Green yesterday afternoon. One excellent judge of the game went so far as to predict,
    1,275 words

  • 668 594 (From Our Own Correspondent) A lor Star, May 24. New Buildings. A new slaughter house, only for butchering cows, sheep and buffaloes, is now under erectioa in Jalan Bahru and will probably be completed in a few days’ time. A quarantine camp is also under erection at the
    668 words
  • 482 594 (From Our Q m His Sister’s Honour 8 A sensat.oual stabbing case took pU. Thursday evening and the whole of fit afternoon, until late, was occupied, Amphurs Court. wtth the It would appear that a Siamese clerk walking through one of the many behind Tongkah town, when
    482 words

  • 201 595 a return of statute ini* Migrants, p enaU g and the KM S. fbo last three months through the daring J be t on Department, and the Hindus other than the above Repaid thrown passages:Penang* r’-S ham. Free Other Kangany Immigra* Coolies. Hindu Coolies, tions. P asBeD gers.
    201 words
  • 320 595 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Royal Win. London, 26th May.—Following is the result of the race for the Derby which was ran at Epsom yesterday The Derby Stakes of 6,500 sovs. by subscriptions of 50 sovs. each. Colts 9 st., fillies 8 st. 9 lb. The nominator of the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  320 words
  • 44 595 (Supplied by Reuter The Japanese Lectureship. London, 27th May.—Mr. John Harrington Gubbins, c.M G., has been appointed the first lecturer on Japanese at Oxford University. The lectureship is an experimental one an 1 will be tried for a term of three years.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  44 words
  • 74 595 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Citizens Defence Force. London, 27th May.—The Earl of Dudley, Governor-General of Australia, in opening the Commonwealth Parliament, said that a measure providing for an effective citizens defenca force would be introduced shortly, as effective defence was required by the expected vast increase in
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  74 words
  • 54 595 (Supplied by Reuter.) Unexampled Prosperity. London, 26th May.—General Louis Botha, speaking at Pretoria, said that never before in the history of South Africa has there been such solid signs of prosperity. Stockbrokers Busy. The South African section of the Stock Exchange has been most busy, many of the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  54 words
  • 191 595 (Supplied by Reuter.) Plans Submitted. London, 26th May.—The plans of the fortification at Panama Cann I has been submitted to President Taft. The cost will be <£l 500,000 and there will be sixty heavy guns and a garrison of 4,500 men. Siys the Free Press of last
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  191 words
  • 119 595 Bmnano, 28th May. (Ry courtesy cj the Char terr-I Rank.) London Demand Bank ..2/-3J i months’ sight Rani 3 Credit ••2/4/, 3 Documentary Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 174| 3 days’ sight Pnvai** 176 Bombay. Demand Bank 174 M luimein, Demand Bank 173 3 days’ sight Private 176 Madras, Demand
    119 words
  • 187 595 Gold Leaf $62.59 B. Pepj. er( W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock White Pepper $16.25 buyer» Trang Pepper 12.75 sales Cloves out of season Mice 73.— buyers Mace Pick in cm 66.50 sales Nutmega 110 s 17.50 sales f No 1 6.65 sales Sugar 2 ttock L Basket 3.80 sales
    187 words
  • Page 595 Advertisements
    • 63 595 Relief from Rheumatic Pains. The great pain relieving power of Chamberlain’s Pam Balm is clearly shown in cases of sciatica and infiiminatory rheumatism, both of which are extremely painful, but one application of this liniment gives relief and enables the sufferer to sleep, which in many instances he has not
      63 words

  • Page 596 Advertisements
    • 784 596 Is This Messaga Meant For FOR. sa.le. Yen i Sai p If You Ark a Sufferer from Nerve ninm I Debility Weakness. ahe Depression CHINESE SCRIBBLING PAPER I Due to Feeble Health, It Is. FA AP Mr Mamin Vas Tells-for the Sake lAlkx HL Mil IV I |j <f Suffering
      784 words

  • 1194 597 ANTHONY AND ANDERSON. Exchange Share. ,J C.pil.l DirtdpW* N.m., I i i -J l| L I S *ll 5 j Minin -IAOOOO 30,000 10 10 10% for year ending 31/3/08;Belat Tin MinmgTvn/d 7 -J l? 03 S 22.500 10 10 Bru:ini Ltd '■> H •S? i oW.OOO 00,000 .10 10
    1,194 words

  • Page 598 Advertisements
    • 263 598 terr rmr.< x. «*>«rr. X _;/W ;,><t «uaflW <?CT« r P.7I* ‘ESSIPM Wmmr,-X Uwn.r I The CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. I B i sffi j® ESTABLISHED 1883. I PRINTERS PURLISHERS. |g Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO,” and “SIN POE.” I B The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and l! B
      263 words