The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 28 August 1908

Total Pages: 34
1 964 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. 115 Per Annum* Single Copy 10 cents. Vol. 6. Penang, Friday, 28th August, 1908. No. 34.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 370 1 CONTENTS. X V X x X X X X X X X X i Leaders: page. Sports: —(CW) Page. 5 A Matter of Moment 933 Perak Rices 939 948 The Porte’s Capitulation 940 Rifle Shooting 950 Our Police 943 Perak R fle Association 960 Clothes and the Man 949 x
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 155 2 iitmiwi nnrii n n ~irm rim nn iiii imiiiiMairwiiiT I I THE STRAITS ECHO i MAIL EDITION. J r I I 1 I Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as
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  • 896 933 The plain lesson to be learnt from the periodical outbursts of violence against the Negroes in the Southern United States is that no sound and progressive civilisation is possible where two physically and morally separate races occupy the same area. Ultimately one must quit. The Negro
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  • 660 933 In Bankruptcy Jurisdiction. (Before Mr. Judice Braddell.) Mr. Gan Teong Teik’s Examination. The public examination of Mr. Gan Teong Teik, against whom, it will be remembered by our readers, a receiving order has been granted, was held yesterday, when in answer to Mr. R. I) Acton, the Acting
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  • Page 933 Advertisements
    • 96 933 Tb e Straits Echo. /r W" O’ JM1 W «UM" antl Btlc6 11TO8 published dally (except Sundays.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILT LOCAL W•• per annum OUTSTATIONS I’ostage Kxtra. MAIL BDITION( Post Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRLSS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343. B -All business
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  • 159 934 (lief ore Judge Wolferstan.) Theft of Jewellery. The two Cbinarn o n, Chia Gnt-k Him and L iu Jin Hin. who had been remanded on the charges, respectively, of theft as a seivaut in respect of $2,030 worth of jewellery, the properly of one Ng Seng Sui. at
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  • 466 934 (Before Mr. Nunn.) Marble-playing, and What Came of it. On the 4'h inst. some Chinese boys in Chulia Street Ghaut Road, who were playing marbles, took it into their heads to throw stones at the back door of a Chinese house in the neighbourhood. There lived in
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  • 200 934 (From Our Own Correspondent Alor Star, 20th August. Distinguished Visitors. The Hon. and Mrs. Turner and Miss Day arrived here by the Seagull at 5 p. m. yesterday and was met by Mr. Hart. The Captain of the Seagull reports having met with very rough seas.
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  • 225 934 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday Championship (unfinished tie.) W. H. Threlfall (Runner-up) beat V. D. Parsons (Holder), 7—5 3—6 7—5; 6-3. Single Handicap, Class C, Final. MacDonald beat Bell, 6—B 6-4 6—2, Work has been started on the Birch Memorial
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  • 483 934 Directors’ Report The following is the eight y-aixth the Court of Directors of the Shanghai Banking Corporation to k sented at the ordinary half-yearly Meeting of shareholders at the Cit/R? Hongkong, to morrow J Gentlemen, The Directors bare now to 6ubmit a General Statement of
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  • Page 934 Advertisements
    • 37 934 A Stubborn Disease. Rheumatism is considered by the men to be the hardest disease control, but Chamberlain’s licat ion remarkable power over it. On PP will give relief. Tbe George Town Di P 6O •ary. Wholesale Agents.
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  • 1380 935 LIST of winners. (Concluded from page 9-4 Division D. 11. SS Carved wooden box. 1. Ist prize. Bulat School Master, Bernang. 2nd prize. Kidan Bin Dolah, Negri Sembilan. 231. Wood carvine, any other form. 1. Ist prize. Zabadi, Brunei. 2nd prize. H. B. Ellerton, D. 0., Negri Sembilan.
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  • 679 936 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Wednesday, 19ih Aug. The “Patrol” Ashore. Information has reached Singapore that the Telegraph Company’s cableship Patrol is ashore near the Tulau Laut Straits. Captain Simmonds is in command of the vessel. As the local telegraph office refused to give the Press any information it
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  • 372 936 The rubber returns for the F.M 8 ah the exports up to July 31st to be D July. Year 1908. Perak 32,827 222 460 Selangor 164,428 1,030.995 N, Sembilan 28,847 *354*805 Totals 226,102 1,608.260 Increase over the similar period last vmr 626,975 lb.—say 280 tons increase. J There
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  • Page 936 Advertisements
    • 67 936 As a Last Resort. Ib fore going to tbo expense of calling a doctor for a ciee of diarrhoea or dysentery, procure a b >tile of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will bp moie pleasel with the result. There is not aro‘l er medicine in the
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    • 98 936 A Well-Known Remedy. There are few peoples in this cOl^ 1 tr v have not used, or at least beard of Chain lain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrheea Kemeop It is the first thing they think of when or any member of tbe family are s n with Diarrhoea, pain in
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  • 4280 937  -  All Rights Reserved BY ANNIE S. SWAN, AUTHOR OF “Aldersjde,” Gates of Eden,” A Lost Ideal.” Love, the Master Key.” Nancy Nicolson,” Mary Gartb.”. tc Ac. CHAPTER VIII. His Chance. Archibald Currie had no partner. Since the death of Abraham Willett, the original founder of
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  • Article, Illustration
    425 939 {Echo Special.} Second Day, Thursday, 20th August. I—A Handicap for Horses—3 15 pm. I hat ran in Race 1 or 3 on the first day. aluo $359. Distance, 1’ miles. Entrance fee, $2O. 4 Mr. Wyncott’s br a g Sunray 911 1 Mr. Wyncott’s” bagMarathon9. 3 2 Mr.
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  • 46 939 Supplied by Reuter.) Queen Wilhelmina Does Not Want War. London, 21st August —Queen Wilhelmina of Holland is averse to a war. and everything will be done to settle the dispute With Venezuela pacifically. Neverthe’ess the Dutch uaval yards are working day and night»
    ■' ♦ ( Supplied by Reuter.)  -  46 words
  • 277 939 (Supplied by Reuter.) 5 Per Cent. Reduction in Wages. London, 21st August.—The Lancashire cotton spinners have given notice of a five per cent, reduction in the wages of their employes. Shou'd the operatives not accept these terms there will be a lock-out which will affect thirty-six million
    • (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  277 words
  • 114 939 (Supplied by Reuter.) Arrival at Sydney. London, 21st August.—The American Pacific Fleet has arrived at Sydney from Auckland and was accorded a magnificent reception. [The following, says the Strait* Time*, the remainder of the itinerary of the Pacific Fleet to Manila Bay Leave Melbourne September 5, arrive
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  114 words
  • 68 939 (Supplied by Reuter.) Rescue Operations Suspended. London, 21st Aug.—Rescue operations t the Maypole colliery, near Wigan, we e continued till early yesterday, when th-*y were suspended owing to the lecrudescence of flames. The scene round the pit mouth was exciting. Volumes of smoke were belched out
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  • Page 939 Advertisements
    • 50 939 A Message from Australia. Messrs. Williamson A Co., Jutdah Queensland, writes: “Ch mberlain’-» Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy enjojs a great reputation in these parts. It has effected some really remarkable cures, and there is scarcely a home w ib< ut a bottle." The George Tuwu Disposal y, Wboleialu Agents.
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  • 1142 940 The further news from Turkey is additional evidence of the amazing change which has come over the worst of the world’s surviving despotisms. The Sultan is suddenly seized with a passion for reform and the fury of energy which he brings to his task indicates the power
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  • 569 940 (Before Mr. Nunn.) Alleged Receiving of stolen P rriterl Yesterday afternoon a Tamil named Andar Asari, pleaded n g to the charge of dishonestly property, to wit. a gold Ufe 832, the property of Nagata pl another goldsmith. g Path «>. B T E e ß»s UBed
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  • 41 941 Rowing werejhe results of e ties played j) ou iji e Handicap. jVlies Jones and Duncan beat Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, 6—B; 6—o; 6—4. Double Handicap, Class A, Final. Nicholas and Jamieson beat Tbrelfall and Parsons, 6—3 7-5.
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  • 223 941 Matsuo’s Cinematograph. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, which has regumed business for the last few days, seems “be as popular as ever and there should be a very crowded house in the tent at Penang Road this evening. We hear that the management have just received another consignment of new films.
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  • 73 941 In his latest official fortnightly report on the working of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co Capt. E. T. Miles, the General Manager, says:— From Ist to Bth inst., under repair, scraping and coating hull, chipping and cleaning boilers, putting in new lower tumbler, pinion
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  • 131 941 T- July Outputs. M tollowing tin mine outputs for the ontb of July are reported M Q t line Pels. 1,332 clean ore. Durnau Hydraulic Tin 112 Mb. Qan Ngoh Bee arrived in Ipoh by the ma ’l tram on Thursday. o 'J rteen -ye ar -°ld Filipino
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    • 560 941 Dear Su° Editor of the Stra its Echo. Being a lover of music I often amuse myself at home by playing either the violin oi concertina; I have done so for more than five years, and none of my neighbours have raised any
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  • 221 941 Another Vote for the Penang Wharves. 1 At yesterday s meeting of the Legislative Council, Captain oung, Colonial Secretary, was to move That this Council approves a vote of $23,50(?, to be charged on the current revenues of the Colony, being the estimated cost of additional equipment for
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  • 306 941 Mr. Lim Swee Keng of Klang has just imported two more Arrol-Johnson motor busses of 25 h.p. each. One is destined for the Seremban to Kuala Pilah route and the other for the Klang—Kuala Selangor run. Two similar busses are now on the way from
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  • 500 942 Well-Known Singapore Towkay Charged with Breach of Trust. Khoo Teck Siong, a well-known young towkay, appeared before the District Judge, Mr. E. C. C. Howard, this morning, says Thursday’s Straits Times, on a charge of criminal breach of trust, in November 1907, in respect of 34,300, the
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  • 602 942 Says our Singapore morning contemporary A good many will remember the classical example of the association of the tender passion with the Fire Brigade in the Gilbert and Sullivan Opera of “lolanthe,” where the Fairy Queen sings of the famous former chief of the Metropolitan
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  • 222 942 (Supplied by Reuter.) Admiral Sperry Interviewed London, 21st Angust.-Admi ral c. of the American Pacific Fleet inter.» j-’ Sydney, states that the Australian welcome was almost belief. The most pleasing thing was th?! indicated the heartfelt sympathy English-speaking nations who are united only by ties of blood
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  222 words
  • 87 942 (Supplied by Reuter.) Resents Incursions into his Domain. London, 22nd August.—Mr. H. B. Asquith, the Prime Minister, returned to London from Scotland yesterday and had an hour’s conference with Sir Edward Grey, Foreign Minister, which is provoking num* berless surmises. It is semi-officially stated that the conference
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  87 words
  • 64 942 (Supplied by Reuter.) Prolonged Furlough for Austrian Gendarmerie Officers. London, 22nd August.—Baron Alois von Aerenthal, the Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, has notified M- Isvolsky, the Russian Foreign Minister, of his intention to g ITO the Austrian gendarmerie officers in Mace donia prolonged furlough on the g rOUD that
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  64 words
  • Page 942 Advertisements
    • 63 942 As a Last Resort. Before going to the expense of calling a doctor for a case of diarrhoea or dysentery, procure a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will be more than pleased with the result. There is not another medicine in the world that has
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    • 91 942 A Well-Known Remedy. There are few peoples in this have not used, or at least heard of C alD lain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhcea x.e It is the first thing they think of w 6 or any member of the family are s with Diarrhoea, pain in the stomac 0
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  • 26 943 (Supplied by Reuter.) Advisers to be Engaged. for lg 4d Ausrust.-Tbe Forte has Joam a British adviser to re- Navr and a French adviser for
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  26 words
  • 56 943 by heuter.) Centenary of Vimiera. 22nd Airaust.— King Manuel of pXal ’made his first appearance outside f .bon yesterday, and made a short speech Lbs occasion of the celebration of the batu of Vimiera by a memorable military Ltacle He unveiled a monument comXorating Wellington’s great victory over the
    by heuter.)  -  56 words
  • 28 943 (Supplied by Reuter A Record Passage to America. London, 22nd August—The Lusitania hag made the outward Atlantic passage m 4days 15 hours, which is a record.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  28 words
  • 58 943 (Supplied by Reuter.) Mine to be Flooded. London, 21st August.—The hope of rescuing the entombed miners has been finally abandoned and it has been decided to flood the mine. The King’s Sympathy. London, 22nd August.—The mine has been flooded. Seventy-six people are dead. The King telegraphed
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  58 words
  • 43 943 (Supplied by Reuter,) The Congo Annexation Bill. London, 21st August.—A telegram from Brussels states that the Belgium Chamber is discussing the third reading of the Congo Annexation Bill. It is believed that the passing of the Bill by the Senate is assured.
    (Supplied by Reuter,)  -  43 words
  • 48 943 (Supplied by Reuter.) Visit to Berlin. 2211,1 August,—Mr. LloydnnJ’.’ aneellor of the Exchequer, is at fl_ r a ln Berlin. He has paid a visit to Miniau? B® thl ann ;Hollweg, the German intend interior, and, it is stated, in aXany into ld age peaBi B
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  48 words
  • 649 943 M e know on high authority that the I olicenian s lot is not a happy one, what with the enterprising burglar, the cutthroat, and the raucous coster who insists on showing his filial demotion by jumping on his mother. But great as are the woes of the
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  • 470 943 (Before Mr. Nunn.) Theft. Liang Lau Bun, a Chinese, tukang ayer to Mr. A. F. G. Anderson, was this morning charged bv his master with theft of five tins of milk and three bottles of soda water. The detendant pleaded not guilty to the charge, but was
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  • Page 943 Advertisements
    • 37 943 Should be Kept in Every Household. result of saving my child I regard r^m 8 Cholera and Diarrhoea medi cine which should be in Adams, Merchant, Lin^ ITer N° Va Scotia. The. George Town J» Wholesale Agents,
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  • 468 944 The Government Gazette of August 21 contains the following items of information Mr. R. H. Young, Superintendent. Singapore Re-Survey, has been appointed Demarcation Officer for Singapore in addition to his other duties. The King’s exequatur, empowering Mr. Eisaku Suzuki to act as Consul of Japan at Singapore, has
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    • 552 944 To THE EwrOß OF THE STRAUB ECHO. Dear Sir, One of the most regrettable effects of the present depression of trade lies in the fact that some of the promising pupils of local schools have either to discontinue their studies for lack of support from
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  • 2568 944 ORDINARY MEETING, FRIDAY AUGUST 21. Present His Excellency the Governor Sir n Anderson. “dm His Excellency Major-Gen. T. g on Capt. Young (Col. SecretaryT Hon. W. G. Maxwell (Act. Attorney > Hon. J. O. Anthonisz (Col. TreXpri Hon. A. Murray (Col. Hon. John Anderson. Hon. E. C. Ellis.
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  • 422 946 A deputation of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, comprised of Messrs. Leong Lok Hing, Lim Hua Cheam, Lim Eu Toh, Goh Taik Chee and Yeoh Guan Seok, waited on the Hon. the Resident Councillor to-day with reference tothe regulationsfor the quarantine of passengers. Dr. S. H. Lucy,
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  • 3839 946  -  OUR SHORT STORY. [All Rights Reserved]. BY ARABELLA KENEALY. AUTHOR OF Dr. Janet of Harley Street,,’ A SemiDetached Marriage,” &c. CHAPTER I. His friends said that Cecil Urquhart was one of the most charming and the most fortunate of men of their acquaintance. He was young, good-looking, healthy,
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  • Article, Illustration
    610 948 (Echo Special.) Third Day, Saturday, 22nd August. 1. —The Galloway Handicap—3-15 pm. A handicap for Galloways, value $490. Should, in the opinion of the handicapper, sufficient Galloways enter for this race he shall divide them into two classes when there will be a race for each class, of
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  • 88 948 (Supplied by Reuter.) Rumoured Government Intention. London, 24th August.—The Oerter states that the Government, in view of avoiding annua! Anglo German wranglings, has agreed on the necessity of a four years’ naval programme till 1911, when it is hoped that Germany would be able to consider the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  88 words
  • 118 948 {Supplied by Reuter.) Abdul Aziz’s Army Defeated. London, 23rd August. —Reuter's correspondent at Tangier states that a wireless message has been received giving information that Abdul Aziz’s advance guard has been routed by Mulai Hafid near Marrakesh. It is reported on the most trustworthy information that the whole of
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  118 words
  • 74 948 {Supplied by Reuter.) Between Paris aD London, 23rd August. H- America Wireless Telegraph Company o has obtained the consent wir€ Government and is engage* 0 f of less installation at the Etffel To«r the establishment of wjreless tetep» between Paris and New York. 1« is confident of success.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  74 words

  • 39 949 (Supplied by Reuter.) flendarmerie Officers’ Leave a” Extended. rnndon 23rd August.-The Russian «Xmerie ffiMr9 Ma u cedonia w l< are e ent on leave, have been granted an elteosion of leave of absence in view of their recall.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  39 words
  • 50 949 (Supplied by Reuter.) plans of a Hamburg Firm Adopted. London. 24th August.—The Russian Government has adopted the plans of a Hamburg firm for the construction of new battleships of 20,000 tons and with a steaming capacity o f 2U' knots. The armament will consist of twelve-inch guns.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  50 words
  • 252 949 Service of Praise. The Rev. F- W. Haines, Colonial Chaplain, sends for publication the following programme of sacred music which will be rendered at a Service of Praise by the choir of St. George’s Church to-morrow, at 6p. m. At the close of the service there will
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  • 1072 949 Few men a medical specialist is reported to have said, “can get along successfully m life without the moral support of smart clothing.” That is at once a splendid advertisement for the tailors and a serious indictment against average humanity, for the dictum implies that only
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  • Page 949 Advertisements
    • 39 949 A Stubborn Disease. Rheumatism is considered by the rredical men to be the hardest disease there is ot control, but Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has remarkable power over it. One application will give relief. The George Towq Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 856 950 Ladies’ Rifle Chib. Despite the inclemency of the weather a lew of the members <>f the Ladies’ Rifle Club turned up at the Range yesterday afternoon, for the weekly practice. It was raining hard when the shooting began at the 100 yards range; the rain had abated a
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  • 119 950 Result of Six Months’ Working. A General Meeting of Shareholders of the Eastern Shipping Co., Ltd., was held at 3 p.m. yesterday at the Company’s Offices, Nos. 41 43, Beach Street, at which a statement for the first six months’ working was laid before the Shareholders.
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  • 278 950 First Annual General Meeting. The first annual general meeting of the Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Ltd., was held this morning in the registered offices of the Company at the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Buildings. There were present Mr. F. D. Osborne (chairman) and Messrs. Mcßain, Gilchrist,
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    • 59 950 Sir HEE D IT O R O F T HRBmil9Ecaa Will you please convey through medium of your paper the thank, of Bandsmen and myself for the kmdte, hose who bad attended on Sunda. the funeral of our countrywoman tk Mrs. J. Nicholas, and oblige he
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  • 455 950 (Before Mr. Nunn.) Murder. T P 1 enf l uir y ,nto th e case in which one I Lok Wa stood charged with murder bv causing the death of one Mak Leng, on or about the 16th April last, was concluded I yesterday afternoon, when the
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  • 1379 951 mtFYEiKLY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS. piscassion Co n cern|n.g Tbe fifteenth half-yearly meeting of the C- U Tin Company, Limited, was held at 3 pl (says Saturday’s Straits fi“,) at the Company’s Offices, Gresham House. Singapore. u r G A. Derrick, Chairman of the riora,’ presided, and
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  • 65 951 A Hongkong telegram to the Tinies of Ceylon, dated August 10th, is as follows: The Hongkong Government has proposed to close the divans on the 31st March, 1909, and to reduce the opium farmer’s tent by 60, 'J00 dollars per month for the remaining part of tbe
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  • 298 951 ’lhe above company was registered on July 9tb, with a capital .£l,OOO in 980 A shares of <£l each and 400 B” shares of Is. each, to acquire rubber and other estates in the Malay Peninsula and elsewheie an I to carry on the business of
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  • 778 952 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 31st. Promotions and Changes. It has been officially announced that Major A. Martyn and Major M. P. Buckle, Ist Battalion, the Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment, have passed the examination in tactical fitness for the command of a battalion.
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  • 401 952 The Cochinchine Francaise, a Saigon newspaper, in its issue of July 29«publishe8 a letter from Dr. Sun Yat Sen. The noted revolutionary throws light on the encounters between alleged Reformers and French soldiers on the Tonkin border by pointing out that part of the Imperialist force,
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  • 3590 952 The Annual Report on the St,.;. <, meats Police Force and on the Crime, for the Year 1907, reference was made in our editorial column, /„«2 4 is as follows Office of Inspector-General of Singapore, 18th Mar luib Sir,—l have the honour to forward k with my report
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  • 148 954 (Supplied by Reuter.) Masters and Operatives. London, 25th August—Although the Lancashire cotton trade is depressed it is e dared that there is no cause for the aar existing in some quarters with reference the notice regarding a five per cent. re lion in the wages. The organisation
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  148 words
  • Page 954 Advertisements
    • 40 954 Should be Kept in Every Household. As a result of saving my child I regard Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a medicine which should be in every household.—John Adams, Merchant, Gold River, Nova Scotia. The’GeorgeTown Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 58 955 (Supplied by Reuter.) T| Seff Sultan and French Policy. 25th August.—Mulai Hafid has proclaimed Sultan at Tangier amid iXp^ted that tbe Frcnch vill their policy in Morocco regardless L change of Sultan, the French govrf Intal organs agree that Mniai Hafid "mot be recognised until a new European Conference
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  58 words
  • 65 955 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Magnificent Spectacle. London, 24th August,.—Six thousand cavalry, taking part in the great cavalry manoeuvres at Salisbury Plain which began on tbe 18th inst., charged at high speed over undulating country before General Sir John French yesterday. It was a magnificent spectacle. A new feature
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  65 words
  • 57 955 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Grand Review. London, 25th August.—A telegram from Sydney states that a review of 13,000 of the military and naval forces of the Commonwealth, together with detachments from tbe British and American warships, took place at Centennial Park yesterday in the presence of Lord
    ■ • (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  57 words
  • 17 955 (Supplied by Reuter.) Arrival in England. London, 25th August.—King Alfonso Spain has arrived in England.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  17 words
  • 31 955 (Supplied by Reuter.) British Gendarmerie Officers. London, 25th August.—Great Britain has not taken steps to recall the British Genannerie officers in Macedonia, preferring 0 wait for a unanimous international agreement.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  31 words
  • 47 955 (Supplied by Reuter.) Butch Government’s Reply. renii°^ D August.—Holland has country °1 cezuela > insisting that that arehaLr i re scind various decrees which «Armful to trade at Curacoi. the Torth 8 an u ie Caribbean Sea, Butch.-.Ed aS S°I y eneZUela bsloD^in o to
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  47 words
  • 40 955 (SuppKed Reuter.) Load Ur ns Squires. Maey August.— A telegram from Sac C6Bsful n 8 j- at Tommy Burns was Peking Ollt i 18 against Squires, I() uad. u le> °PPonent in the thirteenth u was a good fight.
    (SuppKed Reuter.)  -  40 words
  • 500 955 Apparently they order these things better >n Shanghai. The Tanjong PagZr Dock Board recently tendered for the construction of eight barges for the military department of the Philippine Government, and, according to the Times, competition for the contract was very keen, the principal shinyards at
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  • 549 955 (Before Mr. Scott.) Possession of a False Baching. Bun Ah Sun, a Chinaman, wis tins morning given the option of a fine of $2O or thre* weeks’ imprisonment for being in poasessi in of a false daching v Theft. for s ealing eighty cents in cash from
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  • 519 956 Lawn Tennis Tournament. In the Double Handicap, Class B. tie, fixed for yesterday, Brearley and Ivens walked over from Lamb and Lungley. The Miz&d Double, Handicap, Final tie, Miss Jones and D. Duncan vs. Miss Boyd and Dr. Nicholas, fixed for Friday, the 28th inst., will be
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  • 563 956 NEXT FRIDAY’S ORDERS. The Government Bonded Warehouses. A meeting of the Legislative Council will be held on Friday, when Captain Young, the Colonial Secretary, will move that the Council approves the amended rules for the Government bonded warehouse, Penang, and the bonded warehouse at Tanjong Pagar, laid on
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  • 273 956 Reception to Mr. R. d. Prf Yesterday there was to be 9 at the Singapore Y.M.C.A. to Mr p’? Pringle on his return from hi B moBt ful efforts to secure the funds for the but mgs to be erected on Orchard Road on tL site given by
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  • 211 956 Of the late Mr. J. C. Budd, whose death has been announced in our columns, the Singapore Free Press says: Mr. Budd came here from the Penang branch]in 1891 to take over charge from the late Mr- William Dougal, who died at Aden on the
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  • 137 956 Sir Henry Blake Cables to Sir John Anderson. The London correspondent of theB Times wires as follows on Sun ay Sir Henry A. Blake, G.C.M.G.» of the Internationa! RubbBr J olymp». Trade Exhibition to be held at Shepherd’s Bush, Dona Excellency September 26, has cabl« to Hu Sir
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  • 746 957 ......Il io th® Rev. W. E. Horley. Mvprv interesting gathering met in the A Opium 0" Saturday afternoon, Aul din Took paper, the occasion being to B Tf reweß to the Rev. W. E. Horley who bld ut t 0 leave for Europe. Tea was pro18A at
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  • 245 957 r °ker (London, E. C.) writes to the financial Times on the 24th ult. as follows: I take the liberty of drawing your attention to the balance-sheet and profit and loss account of the Straits Settlements (Bertam) Lubber Company, Ltd., which as a shareholder, I received a
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  • 311 957 The Head-hunting Scare Again Says Monday’s Straits Times Whenever any public work of importance is started in Singapore, some extremely foolish or malicious person starts the rumour that the Government are seeking for heads to place in the foundations. When the Memorial Hall was begun, and in
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  • 1254 957 The Case of K. p. y. r. r. r. sJurfv. S E O, Mr” a "j u r B ,CJ C B up for p ub lc eiamiuafL by Oftcal Ass,Mr. F JI. Bad.leley Mr. Dllis represented five creditors and Mr G S Si«L on bohalf of
    1,254 words

  • 123 958 (Supplied by Reuter.) No Clue. London, 25th August. —The wife of Major-General Charles Edward Luard, f.r.g.8., has been murdered- Her body, with two revolver shots in it, was found yesterday afternoon in the balcony of a lonely summer house in the dense woods near Ightham Knoll, Kent.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  123 words
  • 42 958 (Supplied by Reuter.) To Lunch with the King To-morrow. London, 26th August.—M. Isvolsky, the Russian Foreign Minister, and M. Clemenceau, the French Premier, had an hour’s conference at Karlsbad yesterday. M. Isvolsky will lunch with King Edward at Marienbad to-morrow.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  42 words
  • 59 958 (Supplied by Reuter.) Objection in Arabia to the Proclamation. London, 26th August.—The Vali at Hedjaz, a province of the Turkish Empire in Arabia extending along the northern half of the Red Sea, has supported the Shereef of Mecca and refused to allow the proclamation of the Constitution. The troops
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  59 words
  • 32 958 (Supplied by Reuter.) Commercial Treaty with Japan. London, 26th August.—Japanese delegates are on a visit to Chili with a view to the conclusion of a commercial treaty between Chili and Japan.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  32 words
  • 53 958 (Sujyplied by Reuter.) Improvement in Health of Troops in India and Egypt. London, 25th August.—The Army Medical Report for 1907 shows an improvement in the health of the troops in all stations, especially in India and Egypt, and a deterioration at Gibraltar, Crete, Mauritius, North China, Bermuda
    (Sujyplied by Reuter.)  -  53 words
  • 29 958 (Supplied by Renter.) Abdul Aziz Refuses to Abdicate. London, 26th August.—lt is reported that Abdul Aziz refuses to abdicate and that he intends to collect a fresh army.
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  29 words
  • 83 958 (Supplied by Reuter.) American Proposal for a Immigration Bill staten that it in reported on e ood au fe tha Japan ban practical], refused to aZ to the American proposal for the negoul tion of a new Immigration Treaty. lit regarded as certain that m the swat
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  83 words
  • 972 958 I As a general rule very few people I take the ordinary advertisement seriously. More often than not it is a bait to catch customers, and in some cases so transparent is the taradiddle that no one is deceived. There may be people who think that Beecham’s
    972 words
  • 65 958 Obituary. I (Supplied by Reuter.) Baron Speck von Sternburg. London, 26th August.—Baron Speck von Sternburg, the German Ambassador at Washington, died at Heidelberg of cancer yesterday. He contracted the disease in India. Domestic Occurrence. Death. At 342, Dato Kramat Road, to-day at 2-30 a.m., half-an-hour after birth, the son of
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  • 463 959 IN bankruptcy jurisdiction. (Before Mr. Justice Fisher.) In re chop Heap Thye Seng. 1 his is an application for a receiving order by chop Guan Tin Hoe against chop Heap M by6 M S^ ng i Bpf re tbe case P roe eeded, Mi McKmght Young, on behalf
    463 words
  • 145 959 (Before Judge Wolferstan.) Escaping from Lawful Custody. This morning a Chinaman, named Li Bek alias, Li Tiong Tek, pleaded guilty to the charge of escaping from legal custody, to wit, tbe local prison, on or about the 9th September, 1904. Warder Shellock said that the accused had been
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  • 614 959 (Before Mr. Scott.) Theft as a Servant. For stealing about 25 catties of tin, valued at $16.15, the propertv of the Eastern Smelting Co Ltd., at Dato Kramat Road, Darah, a Javanese, an employe of the Company, was yesterday sentenced to thiee months’ rigorous imprisonment. Forging a
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    • 503 960 To ms Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —A meeting was held a few days ago at the house of Haji Zakariah of Lumut Lane, to discuss the new rules and regulations relating to Mohammedan marriages, and also to nominate a proper person for
      503 words
  • 555 960 {From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, 24th August. P. R. A. Meeting. There is to be a meeting of the Perak Rifle Association on the sth, 6th and 7th September, when a large number of outstation members are expected to be present. The State Council. A meeting of the
    555 words
  • 89 960 The following j s a list nf the Perak Rifle Association’, t next month, referred to in our?.? 6 Notes’ to-day. There are 39 al Jp""» quite so many as last year, bn T“ 01 anticipate a good meeting. to Messrs. Harper, Barbnnr u C. Barnard, B
    89 words
  • 539 960 In the August Blackwood m are k completion of Mr. Hugh Cliff o ?d?W Malayan story-- Saleh It record, fl life of a young Malay Rajah, which previously published, who had been England for his education on his return? the land of his fathers. The descent to
    539 words

  • 120 961 flowing items are taken frim the ChiM Express of the 7tb inst.:— Lahat Mines. Output for July. 49 tons of ore; estimated nine,WOO. Malacca Rubber Plantations. The outturn of dry rubber for the month of July was 4.080 lbs. Anglo-Malay Rubber. Crop harvested July 31,965 lbs. dry, increase
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  • 470 961 In November, 1906, a number of samples of tin ore from deposits in the limestone hills at Sungei Raia, Lane Range, Kinta, Federated Malay States, were received at the Imperial Institute. After examination it appeared probable that the deposits resulted from the disintegration of lodes
    470 words
  • 883 961 Tho fi n ual General Meeting. Labu (FMQ a n p a L ßeneral n,eetin <f,he 1 ou (b M.S.) Rubber Company, Limit d was held at the office, 5, Wbittington-avenue the Hon a C’h tr i et ’r LOndon ODtho sth inst Thn 6S L
    883 words
  • 457 961 The plague-carrying rat is still in India, in Hongkong, in Mauritius, in the Straits, and though fierce war has been waged against him we are as far as ever, it would seem, from stamping him out, says the London and China Express. There has come
    457 words

  • 31 962 IE ho Special.) Sudden Death of Mrs. Murphy. Singapore, 27th|August. —Mrs. P. M. Murphy, wife of the Deputy Mastei Attendant, died suddenly last night. An inquest will he held to-day.
    31 words
  • 78 962 {Supplied by Reuter.) A Eulogistic Article in the Times.” London, 26th August.—An article in the Times on the fiftieth anniversary of the first Anglo-Japanese Treaty, reviewing Japanese progress, concludes that Japan will go forward in the path she has chosen with the unfailing sympathy of Great Britain, of
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  78 words
  • 121 962 {Supplied by Reuter.) Zia Pasha Interviewed. London, 26th August.—ln a remarkable interview Zia Pasha, late head of the 'Turkish Secret Police who is now in London, approves of the Young Turks but admits they can never forgive him, as he, at the bidding of his superiors during his term
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  121 words
  • 97 962 {Supplied by Reuter.) Mulai Hafld’s Recognition. London, 27th August.—ln political circles the situation in Morocco is viewed calmly. It is deemed necessary to avoid premature negotiations for the recognition of Mulai Ha fid and to obtain previous guarantees of his recognition of the Algeciras Act. The Right of the
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  97 words
  • 61 962 {Supplied by Reuter.) Lunch with King Edward at Marion had. London, 27th August.—M. Isvolsky, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and M. Clemenceau, the French Piemier, motored together from Ca’rlsbad and lunched with King Edward at Marienbad. Private Conversation. London, 27th August.—M. Clemenceau, the French Premier,
    » {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  61 words
  • 154 962 {Supplied by Reuter.) Visit to Paris. London, 27th August.—Sir Edward W. Goschen, British Ambassador at Berlin, is at present at Paris. The European Hospital at Seremban has been re-opened for the admission of patients. > Mr. IT. P. Clodd, manager of the firm of Baxendale and Devitt
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  154 words
  • 123 962 Pbnang, 27th August. {By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/3}| 4 months’ sight Ean'r ...2,4 A 3 Credit 2 4 ’s 3 Documentary ...2/4 j Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 175 4 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay, Demand Bank 175 j Mouimein, Demand Bank 3 days’
    123 words
  • Page 962 Advertisements
    • 67 962 A Crippled Fira-Official. Cured of Agonising Nerve Pains, Numbness and Debility by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Mr. G. F. Weston, head foreman of the Byculla Fire Station, Bombay, has seen eighteen years’ Fire Brigade service in India; it is not surprising therefore that, as a result of this arduous occupation,
      67 words
    • 548 962 tion, this debilitating di sea 6 emaciated, nerve tortured w v Williams'Pink Pi|| s d, sp X k”" 1 built up his nerves, and o h pa once again a strong, vi gorou “J s be added—exceedingly gratefn] n “Although I have to T o and cold and wet ln
      548 words

  • 930 963 0/ fl I CL, o Number of > p ';'l Capn. Shares > L.t Divide ,d > s issued. p 3 .'«ame J i I j. o —l 3 -y 22,500 10 10 3 Z’ moo }S ir 0p c foty ng3o /c 7S p g iiSo 120:000 x
    930 words

  • Page 964 Advertisements
    • 211 964 %EESa£j&m£'?ssE < I The CRITERIONJRESS, Ltd. g£ ESTABLISHED 1883. PRINTERS PURLISHEKS. Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO,” “SIN POE,” 1 “CHAYA PULAU PINANG.” The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and lithographers in the Orient. 1 Our plant is of the very latest pattern and by con- stantly supplementing our type we
      211 words