The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 21 August 1908

Total Pages: 38
1 933 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 22 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. I nJ Per Annum. Single Copy 40 cents. Vol. 6. Penang, Friday, 21st August, 1908. No. 33.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 403 1 I //////7//ZZZ?ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZ>ZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZ I CONTENTS. I T Leaders: page. I Miscellaneous: pagb. > I 5 On Trial 898 I H. E. the Governor 898 A 910 5 I i The Race Barrier 905 I St. John’s Institution 890 A 902 5 s Destructive Pests 909 I The Penang Chinese Money Changers’
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 149 2 1 I THE I STRAfiTS ECHO MAIL EDITION. J J| Published the day prior to the departure of each mail j for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as f all important news from various parts of the Far
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  • 601 898 We are glad to learn that a compromise, satisfactory to both parties, has been arrived at with regard to the Municipal Burial Grounds By-laws. The Chinese are confident that they can prevent burials without a permit by rules of their own the Municipal President is pleased to give
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  • 284 898 Date of Arrival Uncertain. We are courteously informed by the Hou. the Resident Councillor that the dale of His Excellency the Governor’s arrival in Peiang is not certain. Owing to a break down in the plant at. the Electric Light Station, last night the lights in certain
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  • 975 898 IN CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION. airfare the Acting Chief Jutlice an,l Justice, Fisher and Braddell.) A. IL A. IL S. M. Mutyah Chetty vs. Chi Si Tcoiig and Chop (Juan Bui Li. This was an appeal against the decision of Mr. Justice 1 hornton. I he cause of action
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  • Page 898 Advertisements
    • 108 898 The straits Echo. J M;< > fM I <Sa? JflsUrega ti6floB everybody and jest ice a lone- -Emtnon. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TH! CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., j| 0< 226—232, Beach Street, Penarg. PRICE daily LOCAI s2* par annum OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL BDITION (Post Free) fls CABLE A DDR!S3
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  • 58 899 (Before Judge Wolf er etan.} Receiving Stolen Property. Gurusami, a Kling man, and. Minachi, a Kling woman, were yesterday convicted on three charges of dishonestly receiving stolen goods, the property of different persons, an 1 were sen t< need, the first prisoner to two years’ R J.
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  • 380 899 (Before Mr. Scott Theft. Sakareh Ratten, a Hindu, and Che Din, a Malay lad, were yesterday charged with limit < t a gold bangle set with rubies, the proper’y of one Rimasainy Patten at Ipoh. The prisoners wor.i extradited to Ip h to ftatid their trial Possession
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  • 257 899 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday Double Handicap, Clans A. Threlfall and Parsons beat Dunn and Goldie, 6—3 7-5. Single Handicap, Class B. Scott beat Brearlev, 6 3 1— 6 6—3. Mr. O’iver Marks, who had to go into Hospital at
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  • 541 899 An O-oinaiy Mwtins of tho Commissioners was hob] ti Un Cl Pil Office yesterday ufleruovi., wh h tfc 1 ing gentlemen were nresent Mr v r fax (President), Mr. J xv Wn- aii,> Lim Eu Toh and Mr. Lim CbeneVi*' M Mr. L M. Bell (Municipal O. W.Park
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  • 1557 900 H E Opening the New Schools. HE the High Comroi.sionsr, Sir J.ffiu c M g, opened t i»e new A d Thuildiogs ef S'- ,l,n s [astit, ioa 0,1 NaL yesterday afternoon, siys ffednesd».’’ 3 Malay Mad. S.r John And?rwn »cco.nnau .a Evident-General, arrived at St. Johns
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  • 448 900 Mr. Goh Taik Chee, Piesident and Hon Treasurer of the Penang Chinese Money Changers’ Syndicate, requests to be allowed the medium of the Strait» Echo to inform those who have deposited prohibited coins with the Syndicate for exchange into Straits currency—some of whom are
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  • 629 901 (FiOin Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 17th. Some chat ges are about to take place >n the command of some of the ships of the China Squadron. Commander Hugh L. P. Heard has been selected to succeed Commander Bernard L. Majondie in the command of the
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  • 1114 901 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Wednesday, August 12. Chinese Champion Swimmer. Il is not generally known that we have a Chinese champion swimmer in Singapore. This is Master Chia Cheng Keng, a longdistance swimmer, and more will probably be heard of him as be gets older and stronger. Some
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  • Page 901 Advertisements
    • 59 901 As a Last Resort. B> fore going to the cx P GDBe doctor for a case of diarrlcer J n 0 procure a bottle of Chamber at Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy regultbe more than pleased wit ,L eWor ]d There is not another medicine i rolDe dy. that has saved
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  • 640 902 The New Buildings. r.rnla Lumpur contemporary gives OfuLng description of the new buildtbe ol lotion with St. John’s Instituopened by H.E. the High SmoiMioner the other day Th, site on which the St. John s Inn’s new buildings stand is, as gt,tU Ldent in Kuala Lumpur knows,
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  • 129 902 {Supplied by Reuter.) Gala Dinner at Ischl. Tarhl 11 Au a telegram from Ischl states that at the gala, dinner given in honour of King Edward, the Emperor of Austria and King Edward exchanged toasts, and referred to the cordial relations between England and Austria. Emperor of Austria’s
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  129 words
  • 92 902 {Supplied by Reuter.) Mr. Lloyd George Interviewed. London, 14th August.—Mr. Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, interviewed by a representative of the Neue Freie Preset, is reported to have said that he was convinced the Anglo-German entente would mean the ending of the tension which is oppressing
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  92 words
  • 54 902 {Supplied by Reuter.) Another Seizure of Arms by China. London, 13th August.—The Hongkong correspondent of the Standard states that the Chinese authorities at Chinchau have seized 10,000 rifles and 2,000,000 cartridges which have since been claimed by a Japanese merchant. An international question similar to the Tatsu
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  54 words
  • 71 902 {Supplied by Reuter.) Probable Agreement Between Russia and Japan. London, 14th August.—The Times correspondent at St. Petersburg states that Russia and Japan are about to begin pourparlers with the view of concluding an agreement for the mutual protection of seal and other fisheries in the Western Pacific.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  71 words
  • 48 902 {Supplied by Reuter.) Big Gun Bursts. London, 14th August.—A big gun burst on board the French training ship Couronn* at loulon. Six men were killed and thirteen terribly injured. The disaster was due to the overheating of the gun through too frequent firing of disintegration powder.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  48 words
  • 57 902 Supplied by Reuter.) Wright’s Success. London, 14th August.—Mr. Wilbur Wright continues every morning and evening bis flights of from seven to ten kilometres. He preserves a height of about 30ft. from the ground and his average speed is a kilometre a minute. It is generally recognised that his flights
    { Supplied by Reuter.)  -  57 words
  • 270 902 {Supplied by Reuter.) The New Regime. London, 14th August.—The preliminary work of reform is progressing in Turkey and the salaries of overpaid official! have been reduced. Exaggerated notions of the new regime produced preposterous strikes among workmen which the Young Turks have suppressed. Crime in Constantinople has decreased by
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  • Page 902 Advertisements
    • 99 902 A Well-Known Remedy. There are few peoples in this country who have not used, or at least beard of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is the first thing they think of when they or any member of the family are stricken with Diarrhoea, pain in the stomach or
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    • 63 902 As a Last Resort. Before going to the expense of calling a doctor for a case of diarrhoea or dysentery, procure a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea liemedy and you will be more than pleased with the result. There is not another medicine in the world that has
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  • 4503 903  -  All Rights Reserved BY ANNIE S, SWAN, AUTHOR OF Aldersyde,” Gates of Eden,” “A Lost Ideal,” Love, the Master Key,” Nancy Nicolson,” Mary Garth,”& c c CHAPTER VII. Paying the Price. The lad entered a little shyly and shamefacedly, his cheeks flushed, Ins eyes bright
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  • 1140 905 It would appear, from the report of the debate on the Indian Budget, that there are several members of the House of Commons who bold that the education of the subject race is not an unmixed blessing. It breeds discontent. Mr. J. D. Rees, for instance, is
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  • 743 906 |N CIVIL appellate jurisdiction. ~1, Acting Chief Justice asid Justices F Me, and Braddell.) iriflf vs. T. S. Arnasliellam A ff V. P- L. Palaniappah ttettj chett> In the above appeal, the bearing of which Xluded yesterday, the plaintiff was h e appellant and the defendants respondX plaintiff,
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  • 370 906 {Before Mr. Nunn.) Uttering a Counterfeit Note. It will be remembered that a Chinaman, named Seng Kun, was charged tbe other day with uttering a counterfeit ten-dollar note at a house of ill-repute in Campbell Street, and tbat after a number of witnesses had been beard for
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  • 209 906 The Japanese Living Devils.” Ihe Japanese Living Devils are giving only a few more performances in Penang, the troupe leaving for Deli sometime this month. There is a change of programme nightly for tbe rest of tbe company’s stay in Penang and there should be another bumper house
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  • 383 906 According to Chinese folk lore the spirits of the departed revisit the places they knew in the flesh during the 7th moon (this month). Their visit is celebrated by a feast, as it is believed that the ghostly visitants would be angry and work harm"
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  • 40 907 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday Mixed Double Handicap. Miss Jones and Duncan beat Miss Burke and Threlfall, 6—l 6-2. Profession Pairs. Jamieson and Nicholas beat Hodge and Brearlev, 6—4; 7—5
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  • 87 907 The Kuala Lumpur-Bentong Road is nearing completion and will be ready for traffic in another few weeks’ time. Towkay 8 Loke Yew, Thio Tiau Siat and Chew Kam Chuan, in Towkay Loke Yew’s DeDion car, visited Beatong via this road some weeks ago. This is believed
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  • 122 907 At a special meeting held recently at the offices of the Selangor Anti-Opium Society Mr. Loke Chow Thye was elected President of the Society vice Mr. Chan Sow Lin resigned. The Committee, while accepting with regret the resignation of Mr. Chan Sow Lin and thanking him for
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  • 209 907 Through the exertions of Col. Walker, who started, and acted as Hon. Treasurer to, the Hugh Low Memorial Fund, a very handsome brass tablet, with the following inscription deeply incised, mounted on a oarved alabaster slab, has recently been placed in Ail Saints’ Church, Taiping,
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  • 701 907 Loans to Agriculturists in Straits, and F.M.S. The Kuala Lumpur correspondent of the Straits Times writes as follows on the Bth in st.: It has sometimes happened that, in certain economic matters, the Fedeiated Malay States have started ahead of the Colony; and the question of granting loans
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  • 122 907 Opium imports for 1907 record hvu chests, an increase 1,056. 13,714 The average price of Benare, at .hid, transactions were done waa $789 per char or $23 more than in the Drevinn» Exports reached 10,120 chests, a 350. To the Federated Malay States 4 «Rfi
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  • 367 907 As a quid pro quo for the large quantities of rice exported from Burma porta to Penang and Singapore it appears that this Colony returns a considerable amount of other food stuffs. Mr. A. S. Judge of the Rangoon Custom House writes as
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  • Page 907 Advertisements
    • 37 907 A Stubborn Disease. Rheumatism is considered by the ff men to be the hardest disea control, but Chamberlain s a app |jcatioo remarkable power over it. r y lgpeß will give relief. Tbe George sary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 1678 908 proceedings on the concludING DAY. Prizes Presented by Miss Anderson. The fine weather which has favoured the Show continued yester- (says Thursday's Malay Mail), when the it day was brought to an end with the f’ving and jumping competitions and the orMentation of the prizes. The weather, P
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  • 19 909 The output, of tiu ore from the Kledang Mines for the month of July was Pels. 370.
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  • 127 909 We heir that the Sempam Tin Mining Co. at, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, have recently stopped work by order of the Mines Department, owing, it is believed, to the Company’s tailings having flooded the Power Station of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Co. We understand that
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  • 381 909 The Times of Ceylon has the following Mr. Herbert Wright’s Eastern trip is over, but he will have not finished describing it to the readers of the journal for weeks to come. A point he kept in mind whenever he found himself on a steamer was—rubber
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  • 141 909 (Supplied by Reuter.) Agreement Between Russia and Japan. Loudon, 1541 August.—The Times correspondent at St. Petersburg states that the Russian Ambassador at Tokio has been instructed to negotiate with regard to the seal fisheries agreement which will take the form of Japan’s adhesion to the Russian Conventions
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  141 words
  • 41 909 (Supplied by Reuter.) Favourable Report. London, 14th August —Lieut.-General Sir lan Hamilton, Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Command, in his report on the performance of the Territorial Army on Salisbury Plain states that the new force has done remarkably well.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  41 words
  • 16 909 (Supplied by Reuter.) Arrival at Marienbad, London, 14th August.—King Edward has arrived at Marienbad.
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  • 42 909 (Supplied by Reuter Appointed Ambassador at Berlin. London, 15th August—Sir William Edward Goschen, British Ambassador at Vienna, has been appointed Ambassador at Berlin. The change was arranged at the recent meeting of King Edward and the Kaiser at Cronberg.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  42 words
  • 65 909 (Sup/ lied by Reuter Crowd and Fleet Patrol. Loudon, 15th August.—A telegram from Auckland states that the crowd threatened the Fleet patrol who were collecting stragglers because the patrol bandied some sailors roughly. The patrol drew their revolvers and the Police drove back crowd and escorted the patrol to
    (Sup/ lied by Reuter )  -  65 words
  • 40 909 (Supplied by Reuter.) Depression. London, 15th August.—It is stated that the depression in the Manchester cotton trade is worse than it has ever been for a quarter of a century. The continuance ot short-time working is foreshadowed.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  40 words
  • 21 909 (Supplied by Reuter.) An Interesting Announee men London, 15th August.— H that Queen Wilhelmina of pregnant. u °Hand u
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  21 words
  • 61 909 (Supplied by Reuter.) r t ll loon Disaster. London, 15th August.—At th. f. British Exhibition the balloon of theAm?' can Captain Lovelace, while being exploded causing a huge mass of fl.». Captain Lovelace’s girl-secretary was bum to death and six persons were injured n eluding Captain Lovelace.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  61 words
  • 921 909 It is the intention of Government at the suggestion of the Director of ’the Botanical Gardens, soon to introduce into the Legislative Council an Ordinance to prevent the introduction into the Colony of pests and insects destructive to our trees, plants and crops. At present there exists no
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  • Page 909 Advertisements
    • 39 909 A Stubborn Disease. Rheumatism is considered by the medical men to be the hardest disease there is to control, but Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has remarkable power over it. One application will give relief. The George Town Dispeut>aiy, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 194 910 Arrival in Penang. 1. E. the Governor, Sir John Anderson accompanied by Miss Anderson and suite’ arrived at Prai at 10-40 a.m to-day, tra’ veiling by a special train from Taiping. The Government launch Booby, under the comjnand ot Captain Perkins, Senior Boarding Jtiicei, had gone upto
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  • 394 910 The Penang Volunteers had a Field Day yesterday, the parade being at the junction of Burmah and Gottlieb Roads. A large number turned up including members of the Cadet Corps and the Malay States Guides. In the sham fight which took place, the attackers were composed of
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  • 649 910 An Enjoyable Run. An excellent run, to which about a score of riders turned up. took place yesterday morning, all entering thoroughly into the spirit of the sport. A few minutes after < o clock the advance sounded and the merry fGld set off down Rice Course
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  • 492 911 IN CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION. (Before the Acting Chief Justice and Justices Fisher and Braddell.) Ahdulrani bin Shaik Ismail vs, Cheah Bean Neoli. This was an appeal against the order of the District Court. The plaintiff, Abdulram, sued the defendant, a nonia, for $2OO, being, the balance due on
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  • 583 911 (Before Mr Scott Gambling. In consequence of A. S. P. Savi’s raid on premises No. 149, Carnarvon Street, on Saturday, no less than eleven Chinamen were this morning fined $5 e ich for gambling in a common gaming bouse. All the money found on the gaming table
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  • 92 911 (fro n Our Own Corr npondmt} Alor Star, 16ch A ugu Passengers arriving from Pp nan <, L longer to undergo a medical inspection Tunku Abdullah, the ex-Sultan of p ßrfl L is on a visit to Kedah. Last Friday he L u a visit to
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  • 450 911 Owing to tbe non-confirmation of the entry of Novar which was made by wire. Race 2, First Day, and Race 2, Second Dav’ of the Perak Turf Club’s meeting which commences to-morrow, did not fill, j n place of these two races, therefore, the Com mittee of the
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  • 526 912 (lotions by Penang’s Represents n«it Legislative Council meeting will J lace on Fridav next, when the Hon. will ask the following ques/11 Why no nomination for Penang for l relative Council was made until the S?j un e in view of the fact that strong presentations were made
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  • 443 912 The Government Gazette of August 14 contains, the following items of information His Excellency the Governor bas been pleased to re-appoint Mr. J. R. Nicholson ana Mr. E. Anderson to be members of the lanjong Pagar Dock Board for a further period of three years from the Ist
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  • 580 912 Directors’ Report for 1907« lire Report and Accounts of the La hat Mines, Ltd., for the 13 months ending 31st December, 1907, w hich were to lie presenter! at the first Annual General Meeting of the shareholders on the 30th July last, show that the whole
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  • Page 912 Advertisements
    • 40 912 Should be Kept in Every Household. As a result of saving my child I regard Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrbcea. Remedy as a medicine which should lie in every household.—John Adams, Merchant, Gold River, Nova Scotia. TheJGeorgeTown Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 610 913 H E Tang Shao-yi. Governor of Fengtien, Southern Maiichuna, who has been appointed Special Envoy io ihe United States, left Peking for Mukden y.sterday (27th ult.) to hand over his seah of office to V iceroy Hsu Shih-ehang, who has been appointed to act as Governor ad interim
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  • 112 913 (Supplied by Reuter.) Riza Pasha Disgorges £200,000. London, 17th August.—R'zi Pasha, rxMinister ol War, has refunded about £200,000 amassed while he was in office. H a is permitted to return home. It is hoped that other imprisoned officials will do likewise, thereby relieving the pressure on the Treasury. The
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  112 words
  • 107 913 (Supplied by Reuter.) Two Japanese Ships Captured. London, 17th August.—A telegram from Washington states that the Department of Justice has advised that the Japanese ships, Hinseri Maru and Parki Maru, with crews totalling 59, captured in the Behring Sea and charged with seal-poaching, be taken to Unga, Alaska.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  107 words
  • 96 913 (Supplied by Reuter.) Nothing to Fight For.” London, 17th August.—Mr. Winston Churchill, President of the Board of Trade, speaking at Swansea, deplored the idea of persons spreading the belief that an AngloGerman war was inevitable. Such a war was a wicked and a hellish crime; there
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  96 words
  • 71 913 (Supplied by Reuter.) Gambling in Ships. London, 17th August.—Mr. Winston Churchill, President of the Board of Trade, is urgently convening a conference of shipowners and underwriters to consider measures for suppressing the illegitimate gambling in ships under the policy proof of interest insurance system whereby persons, totally
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  71 words
  • 61 913 Supplied by Reuter.) Whites Attack Negroes, London. 16rb August.—Serioin between Whites and Neoroes i riOt:D yesterday at Springfield, wu-.‘ “T u!t C a whi,e Tw Whites burned most of the and lynched a negro. Two were kiltt seventy five injured. w A further outbreak took place to-da, T mob
    ( Supplied by Reuter.)  -  61 words
  • 40 913 (Supplied by Reuter.) In Quest of a Continent. London, 16th August.-The eminent explorer. Dr. Charcot, has sailed from Havre for the Antarctic regions in anBoo ton barque in quest of a mysterious continent which is supposed to exist.
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  • 61 913 (Supplied by Reuter.) Appointed Ambassador at Vienna. London, 17 th August.—Sir Fairfax Leighton Cartwright, Minister-Resident at Munich, has been appointed Ambassador at Vienna in succession to Sir William Edward Goschen, who has been transferred to Berlin. [Sir F. L. Cartwright became an attache in 1881 and has
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  61 words
  • 26 913 P. O. Company. (Supplied by Reuter.) New Steamer Launched. London, 16th August.—The new Peninsular and Oriental steamer Morea, 11.500 tons, was launched at the Clyde yesterday.
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  • 104 913 (Supplied by Reuter.) Decrease in Revenue. London, 17th August.-The English railway returns of Semester, ending last June, show a decrease of £1,188,030 in tbene revenue. A Peking dispatch states that Prince Cbm? and Grand Secretary Chang Chih-tung we called into the Palace on the morning o 28th ultimo
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  • Page 913 Advertisements
    • 45 913 A Message from Austra p Jundab» Messrs. Williamson J-' 0 Queensland, writes: “Chatnbe rai g Cholera and DiarrL.ei Reme y l |e f. great reputation in these P^ rtB, fected some really remarkable there is scarcely a home witbou a The George Town Dispensary, Agents.
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  • 689 914 Tur Olympic Games refused to boom. --Lid slowly and not so well as K“ oters antici .P ated 10 a eD n L some mornings was decidedly and the lost deplorable thing Ct the «hole affair was that inciX should have occurred which gave j to no
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  • 378 914 Yesterday’s Practice Shoot. The seventh practice shoot of the Ladies’ R’fle Club was held at the Rifle Range yesterday afternoon. Already the members have made considerable progress in shooting and if they only continue to improve as they have done it will not be long ere our
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  • 346 914 Annual General Meeting. Ihe annual general meeting of the members of the Penang Amateur Dramatic Club was held at the lown Hall at 6-30 pm. yesterday, when the following ladies and gentlemen were present The Rev. F. VV. Haines (Chairman), Mrs. H. A. Neubronner, Mrs. V. D. Parsons, Miss
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  • 139 914 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday Double Handicap, Class A Nicholas and Jamieson beat Anderson and Procter, 6-0; 3-6; 6—3. Threlfall and Parsons beat Rogers and Griffith-Jones, 7—5; 6—3. Double Handicap, Class B. Ivens and Brearley beat Bell and Keun, 6-3
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  • 1741 915 LIST OF WINNERS. {Continued from page 908.) Division A 111. 1188* 14. Coconuts, unhusked, bast sample. Ist prize. Penghulu Hassan, I’enang. 2nd prize. Penghulu, Sungei Pringgi, Matang. 3rd prize. Haji Latib, Setapak, Kuala Lumpur. 15. Coconuts, husked, best sample. Ist prize. Penghulu, Sungei Pringgi, Matang, Perak. 2nd prize.
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  • 1151 916 (Bejore Mr Scott Ittering a Counterfeit Coin. Kah Chuan Kui, a Chinaman, was veste--day convicted of uttering a counterfeit guilder to one Slum Mira, and given the option of a fine of $o or seven days’ rigorous imprisonment. 8 Using Criminal Force. iesterdiy Saw Wbee Leow and
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  • Page 916 Advertisements
    • 41 916 Should be Kept in Every Household. As a result of saving my child I regard Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy as a medicine which should lie in every household. —John Adams, Merchant, Gold River, Nova Scotia. ThelGeorgeTown Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 584 917 (Fro/n Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, 17th August. H. E. and Sir Hugh Low’s Memorial Tablet. His Excellency the High Commissioner and the Acting British Resident arrived on Saturday evening by motor from dapah, Miss Anderson having arrived the previous evening. On Sunday morning the party proceeded to Selama,
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  • 643 917 The Private Demonstration As announced m our issue of s last, a private demonstration of streneth »2 given by Ben Hur at the PatuL King Street Theatre yesterday aft er „X D when the medical profession, the PrA» the leading gentlemen of Penan» invited to be present. The
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  • 110 918 p H Mauleffinch h organising a a Bovs’ Scouting Corps, under the Wregulations of the I'.aden-Powell lde There are to be seven patrols of L rpB ’hovs each, the ages of the lads to ue from nine hag taken bold of t j ie and placed
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  • 381 918 Decision of Singapore Municipal Commission. A subject of no little interest to our Chinese readers came up before the Singapore Municipal Commission at last Friday s meeting. The President moved that in reply to a communication from the Colonial Secretary the Government be informed that the Commissioners
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  • 863 918 (I'ro/n Our Own Correspondent London, July 24th. On Transport Service. 10-oay the cruiser Charybdis returned Lorn the manamvres ioSbeeiness to prepare lor her voyage to the China Station with a new crew for the cruiser Astrae, and details for other ships of the Squadron. The voyage
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  • 228 918 Export Statistics for the First HalfYear. The advance statement of weight of block tin and tin-ore exported from the Federated Malay States during the first half of thia year, and of duty collected thereon, as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year, has been issued by
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  • 76 918 (Supplied by Reuter.) Lock-out Averted at Stettin. London, 18th August.—The shipbuilders at Stettin have resumed work, and the lockout has been averted. [On the 10th inst. Reuter wired Owing to a dispute regarding wages, 12jM>) employees have been locked out from the shipbuilding yards in Stettin. L
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  76 words
  • Page 918 Advertisements
    • 44 918 Should be Kept in Every Household. my child 1 reß:lr l a» Cholera and Diarrhoea e?er v hinunk J 3 which should be in Q 4 r h ii d, ~“J OHN Adams, Merchant, wTI S3 tu 1113 G o urge Town ’’hjlesue Agents.
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  • 128 919 (Supplied by Reuter.) Disquieting News. London, 17th August.—Disquieting news comes from Mosul, a walled town in Asiatic Turkey on the right bank of the Tigris, and Diarbekir, which is sometimes called Kara by the Turks, where a fanatical party is refusing to recognise the new regime in Turkey. The
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  128 words
  • 92 919 (Supplied by Reuter A £100,000,000 Loan Proposed. London, 17th August.—The Daily Telegraph understands that the Government is considering a proposal to raise a loan of £100,000,000 for a fund to be drawn upon as required for the necessities of the Navy, thus obviating the disorganisation of Budgets.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  92 words
  • 99 919 (Supplied by Reuter.) American Distrust. London, 18 h August.—The New York Herald is ventilating the idea of an American alliance with China so as to counterbalance the power of Japan, but the movement possesses little substance. The Times correspondent at Washington says that the U. S. Government
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  99 words
  • 133 919 (Supplied by Reuter.) Inoffensive Negro Lynched. London, 17th August.- A telegram from Springfield, Illinois, states that an aged and inoffensive negro was lynched on Saturday night, and the position of the Negroes is pitiable. 2,500 troops are patrolling the city. The cavalry dispersed the mob who were attempting to
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  133 words
  • 1760 919 LIST OF PRIZE WINNERS, (Continued from jjage 916 Division B. I Class. 83. Airoids other than Caladiums. 3 plants. Ist prize. No ent 2nd prize. 84. Caladiums. 3 plants. Ist prize. Tong Tak In. Kuala Lumpur. 2nd prize. Mrs. Carruthers, Kuala Kumpur. 85. Coleus. 3 plants. Ist prize.
    1,760 words

  • 1143 921 Horse-racing has been termed the sport of kings, probably because only those with a kingly income can afford to indulge in the pastime. It requires a long purse to buy fleet horses, to train and upkeep them, and the chance of the owner recouping himself for
    1,143 words
  • 39 921 (Be/ore Judye Wolf enlm > Participating in an Unlawful Assembly. In connection with the unlawful asspm ki case recently tried bv Mr Nunn Chinaman was yesterday sentenced to mouths rigorous imprisonment for pating in the assembly. P rtCb
    39 words
  • 584 921 (Before Mr Scott.) Possession of Deleterious Drug Tan Kun alias Beh Ah Hun, a Chinese medical practitioner, was to-day charged bv Detective Sergeant Thrale with being ij possession of more than twelve official doses to wit over one thousand grains, of morpbu' in contravention of the Deleterious
    584 words

  • 390 922 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday Championship Runner-up Tie. Tbrelfall beat Haslam, 6-4; 6-0 6-4. stnj’e Handicap. Class A. Final. Hodge beat Procter, 8-10; 6—l; 6-3. Single Handicap, Class B, Final. Ivens beat Scott, 6-4; 6-1. Profession Pairs. Nicholas and Jamieson
    390 words
  • 561 922 Perak Planters Adopt Discharge Tickets. A general meeting of the Perak Planters’ Association was held at the Perak Club on Saturday morning, says the Taiping correspondeut of the Malay Mail. The secretary having read the notice convening the meeting, and the minutes of the last meeting
    561 words
  • 614 922 foltow^ gapore COrreB P° ndeDt writes as accepted a the gentlemen who to fo P rm thl* E h Governor 8 nomination o form the opium commission, that tbev have kept their own counsel so well and discu° S .on e ;f h U |f7 eOl^
    614 words

  • 123 923 High Admission Fee. The Kuala Lumpur correspondent of the Straits Times, writing on August 12, says: 'I he admission fee to the Agri-lloHi-cultural Show of a dollar on the opening day has been considered somewhat, hiyh. The numbers of visitors on that day might have been doubled
    123 words
  • 114 923 Mr. W. W. Richardson. General Manager of Sal ik South, Ltd, writes to the Malay Mail as follows I should like it to be known there is no truth in the rumour that Silak South, Limited, had a trial run on the 10th inst. The Directors of
    114 words
  • 181 923 Directors’ Report. The report of the directors of Tekka, Ltd., from the date of incorporation, January 21st, 1907, to the 31st January, 1908, states that *up to the end of the company’s finarci il year the layiug of the hydraulic plant hal not been completed, but the water
    181 words
  • 164 923 Iho t\v cuididatrs whose names wore submitted to the Acting Japanese Consul at Singapore for his approval and appointment, were again subjected to a higher t x imin ition in which translation from Malay into English and vice versa, wore given, also composition in Malav and
    164 words
  • 592 923 The Hongkong Telegraph of the 24’h ult. icl tes the following interesting incident: The Baroness Kirchner neu Kirchen and her untitled but even more lerutiful niece, Mme. Angela Schmidt Thury, boarded the liner Mongolia at Yokohama on her last, trip across the Pacific and after dinner their
    592 words
  • 527 923 Mining Exhibition in London The workl’s great ethib opened at the Olympia, London, on th. Ila ultim >, by the Right Hon. Lord Strath! h and Mount Royal, cc. M 0 Hi b missioner for the Dominion of c.»,?' There was a large and representative eatu' ing at
    527 words
  • Page 923 Advertisements
    • 96 923 A Well-Known Remedy. There are few peoples in this have not nsed, or at least heard of C a| n lain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrban KemMjh It is the first thing they think of when or any member of the family are s with Diarrhoea, pain in the stomach or
      96 words

  • 1092 924 list of winners. (Continued from page 920 Division B. VII. Cu*' rn Beans» best collection. Optional, 1 Ist prize. Jayah, Penang. 2nd prize- Abmin, Kuala Kangsar. i7i Cabbages, 3. Optional. Ist prize. Teh Seow Teng, Kuala Lumpur. Highly Commended. R. M. Connolly, Ipoh. 172. Lettuces, 6. Optional. lit
    1,092 words

  • Article, Illustration
    685 925 {Echo Special.) First Day, Tuesday, 18th August. I.—The Maiden Plate, 2-45 pm. Value $4OO. A race for maiden horses, weight 9 stone 3 lbs. with an allowance of 10 lbs. to ex griffins imported at a price not exceeding $4OO and an allowance of 5 lbs. for ex-griffius
    685 words
  • 229 925 {Supplied by Reuter.) American Sympathy with Holland. London, 19th August.—The United States have expressed sympathy with Holland with regard to the action of Venezuela and will not oppose a blockade by the Dutch or other maritime measures, provided that there is no military occupation. [A despatch
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  229 words
  • 80 925 {Supplied by Reul er.) Daily Telegraph’s Comments. London, 18th August.—The Daily Telegraph, alluding to the article in the Westminster Gazette p’eading in guarded terms for the adoption of the Naval Loan Scheme, states that the proposal should make clear to all parties what would be the action
    {Supplied by Reul er.)  -  80 words
  • 19 925 {Supplied by Reuter.) Unprecedented Cavalry Mananrre, London, 18th August.-The great ca,,i„ manoeuvres at Salisbury Plarn, which
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  19 words
  • 114 925 {Supplied by Reuter.) Bulgarians and Greeks. London, 19th August.—Hostility between the Bulgarians and Greeks io Macedonia still continues. Official despatches from Athens bitterly complain of Bulgarian attacks on the villagers and their attempts to force the people to abandon the Patriarchist faith. The despatches declare that the Bulgarians are
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  114 words
  • 58 925 {Supplied by Reuter.) Accused Negro Proves his Innocence. London, 19th August—An extraordinary sequel of the racial war at Springfield was that the negro who was accused of assaulting a white woman, who identified him as her molester, has conclusively proved his innocence. It was this allegation which started the
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  58 words
  • 52 925 Supplied by Reuter.) Marked Decrease in American Imports and Exports. London, 19th August.—The trade depression in America is similar to that in England, the imports during ths last seven months decreasing by over £50,030,C00, an compared with the corresponding period of last vear. The exports show a decrease
    { Supplied by Reuter.) •• ♦  -  52 words
  • 71 925 > {Supplied by Reuter.) Seventy-six Entombed. London. 19th August.—ln an explosion at the May pole colliery, near W igan, seven ysix miners were entombed. Rescue parties have gone down to their help but were ID dered by the gas and there is little hope o saving the entombed
    ■ > ■— {Supplied by Reuter.) *  -  71 words
  • Page 925 Advertisements
    • 39 925 A Stubborn Disease. Rheumatism is considered by the medical men to be the hardest, disease there is to control, but Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has remarkable power over it. One application will give relief. The George Town Dispensary. Wholesale Agents.
      39 words
    • 59 925 As a Last Resort. j: Before going to the expense of calling a doctor for a case of diarrhcea r se pX' procure a bottle of Chamber lain 8 Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you be more than pleased with e There is not another medicine inthe that has saved
      59 words

  • 1061 926 seems the subject Sa defence, and how diverse the «'“m the state of our Army and One school of politicians holds ??.»are not spending enough money tb> Lrtlnships, another as stoutly mainLt the burden of armaments has S’Je well-nigh intolerable one party Ztbat Germany is preparing to puus,
    1,061 words
  • 553 926 (B fore Mr. Scott Lnlawhil Possession of Property. l or being in possesion of a brooch set "i i)u dps and peatls for which be could not account, at L-ith Street Ghaut yesterday, Mamkam, a Kliug, was this morning sentenced to three weeks’ R. I. Carrying Offensive
    553 words

  • 30 927 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following was the remit of the tie played Mixed Double Handicap. Miss Boyd and Dr. Nicholas beat Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, 6—3 6—o.
    30 words
  • 156 927 In the House of Commons on the 25th ult. Mr. Carlile, for Mr. Mitchell-Thomson. Member for Lanarkshire, asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affrirs whether he was now in a position to give information with regard to the new agreement with Siam. Sir E. Grey:
    156 words
  • 350 927 Replying to a question by Sir E. Sassoon» M.P. for Hythe, Colonel Seely, Under-Secre-tary of State for the Colonies, made the following statement in the House of Commons on the 28th ult.:— The treaty with the Sultan of Brunei, which was signed in 1905. provides that
    350 words
  • 745 927 The following items aie taken from the London and China, Express of the 31st ult Labu (F. M. 8.) Rubber. The report from Feb 9 to Dec- 31, 1907, stares the quantity of rubber obtained was 24,582 lbs which sold at 3s. 10 12d. per lb. gross. The
    745 words
  • 417 927 The output from the Sungei Besi Mine for the month of J uly was Piculs 668 58 of clean dressed ore. Mr. H. E. Davidson has left the F. M. 8. to join a rubber estate in Borneo. Mr. F- L. Pratt, late leader writer for tbs China
    417 words
  • Page 927 Advertisements
    • 55 927 As a Last Resort. Before going to the expense of doctor for a case of diarrhoea or y procure a bottle of Chamberlain Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy an y be more than pleased with tb There is not another medicine init that has saved as many lives as o Ugaie
      55 words

  • 1517 928 i Inference to the Straits. of the opium traffic in the Th kstprn Colonies wis raised in ComF* r E /snnnly on the Civil Service Esti»l!SeOn the House of Commons, on the '“-ben a vote to complete the sum :8“ for the salaries and
    1,517 words
  • 160 928 The first show of the Peking Palace Dog Association was held in the Botanic Gardens, Regent’s Park, London, on the 14 f h ult., and Lord Algernon Gordon Lennox, who with Lord March had much to do with the establishment of the Association, must have
    160 words
  • 210 928 Professor Koch, the noted bacteriologist, now in Tokyo, recently paid a visit to Baron Makino, Minister of Education, and after expressing his thanks for the welcome accorded him by the Imperial House and the Government as well as by private individuals, which he deemed not only
    210 words

  • 1176 929 A correspondent of the Times writes from Singapore on the commercial depression now being experienced in tha Colony. He states It was no secret that the collapse of tin and heavy losses by the Cbine-e in exchange transactions with Hongkong and' China had involved
    1,176 words
  • 576 929 Collectors’ Opportunity. The Horjuji ot Nara, one of lUaM and biggest Buddbwt ie mp I e 8 h j offering, says the J apan Tim*,*;'' opportunity to the public to get ti» 1 of well-known national Llo'J years ago there reigned the Empri Koken Tenno. She was
    576 words
  • Page 929 Advertisements
    • 100 929 A Well-Known Remedy. There are few peoples in this country who have not n*ed, or at least heard of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoei Remedy. It is the first thing they think of when they or any member of the family are stricken with Diarrhoe i, piin in the stomach
      100 words
    • 40 929 A Message from Australia» Messrs. Williamson Go-, Queensland, writes: Chamberlain 8 Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy great reputation in these pirts. fected some really remarkable cur v tf i_» < there is scarcely a home without a The George Town Dispensary, Agents.
      40 words

  • 155 930 (Supped by Reuter.) f,k has had a meeting that Mr- au i tbe Opposition leaders, tb rdXheved that a compromise with reaJutic registration in the Transvaal ‘retched g T>’e Registration Act will but it will not be enforced. ten Indians, including some leadITtbe “rnmunity, were sentenced to
    (Supped by Reuter.)  -  155 words
  • 51 930 (Supplied by Reuter.) Commercial Treaty with Austria. London, 20th August.—A telegram from Belgrade states that the Skupstchina.” the Servian Parliament, has finally passed the commercial treaty with Austria. It is expected that the customs feud, which had been going on for the last three years, is now at an
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  51 words
  • 76 930 (Supplied by Reuter.) Helplessness of the Rescuers. London,2oth August.—Upwards of eighty miners are hopelessly entombed in the Maypole colliery. The most heartrending feature of the disaster is the helplessness d the rescuers to assist those entombed, lor hours volumes of yellow smoke issued bora the mine
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  76 words
  • 40 930 -<*■ (Supplied by Reuter Negotiations for a Loan. Loudon, 20th August.—The Porte is for a loan with lhe Ottoman and the Tobacco Regie Company, e offer of the German Orient Bank to otnmodate the Government with a loan w declined.
    -<*■ – (Supplied by Reuter )  -  40 words
  • 22 930 (Supplied Reuter.) Udon 11 to Universities. German August.— Henceforward u niveraitr° meU ,e admitted to German 011 same footing as men.
    (Supplied Reuter.)  -  22 words
  • 35 930 —-4. (Supplied by Reuter) The Question of National Honour. London, 20tb August.—lt is nu.nuiued at the Hague that arbitration of the Venezuelan dispute would exclude the question ot national honour being involved.
    —-4. (Supplied by Reuter)  -  35 words
  • 34 930 (Supplied by Reuter.) Young Egyptian Movement. London, 20th August.— A young Egyptian movement has arisen in Egypt and several Arabic papms ire urging the Sultan to advise the Khedive to grant the Constitution.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  34 words
  • 49 930 (Supplied by Reuter.) 4 Austria’s Reply to Russian Note. London, 20th August.—Austria has replied favourably to the Russian note with regard to the Anglo-Russian reform scheme in Macedonia. She states that she can only rejoice if the new regime in Turkey secures equal rights to all Turkish subjects.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  49 words
  • 40 930 Marriage. Crane—-Buchanan.— On July 11. at St. Leonard's, Chesham-Bois, by the Rev. T. H. Fitzpatrick, Rector, Charles Scowen, eldest son of Charles E. Crane, of Singapore, to Edith Gladys, fifth daughter of John M. Buchanan, of Bromley, Kent.
    40 words
  • 119 930 Penang, 20th Augu.-t. (Ry courtesy oj the Chartered Rank.) London Demand Same ..2/3 4 months’sight Bans ..2 4/g s&gt; 3 Credit 3 Documentary ...2 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs L 5 3 days’ sigh* Prvat*. 1.6| Bombay, Demand Bank Uo Mouimein, Demand Bant !&lt;4.| 3 days’sight Private l’.6| Madras, Demand
    119 words
  • 197 930 Gold leaf 565. B. Pepper! W .Coast 3H s.&lt;- oz. no stock While Pejper buyers Trang Pepper §lO buyers Jor India Cloves (picked) out of season yj ace 70.— nominal Mace Pickint s 58. buyeis Nutmegs libs FJ 50 sa/es f No. 1 6 65 sales j 2 no
    197 words
  • Page 930 Advertisements
    • 40 930 °uld be Kept in Every Household. °p Bav in Y child I regard °r C Cholera and Diarrhoea e,er ybougfth e&lt; hcme which should be in River DAMB Merchant, vvi V&lt;i i kc ()t ia. The George Town Wholesale Agents.
      40 words
    • 338 930 DO YOU 11,1 ewoy YOUR MEALS? Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Restore the Appetite, Stimulate Digestion, Cure Disorders of the Liver and Stomach. A Message of Thanki from Moulmein. Loss of appetite, a disinclination to take sufficient food at regular meal times, is a sure indication that the digestion is debilitated,
      338 words

  • Page 931 Advertisements
    • 963 931 himself deiivrd gieß bei.f ti' by these K" ’jF ■jC r €\AY' S Pills-had, m fact, b?en rest-red to he&lt;bh It* j Uflllftim and vigour by them —I procured some Dr. LIUULUiI WHiXIlv Williams’ Pink Pills from the New Medical Hall here in Moultnein, and I am glad to T
      963 words

  • 976 932 d. g Number ot .-3 Id Ji Capital. Shares Last Dividend N 2 t o J| issued. J J. 5 3- JjLl_? X Kjsl Sirxxqi=ip±. s :;h 4 f'S 1 T p“ Mxr -h-&lt; W 5 »IS 1-0 000 J 1 25 PC f ***** p C fvr 08
    976 words

  • Page 933 Advertisements
    • 248 933 The CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. I ili r. ESTABLISHED 1883. E PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. I s i g Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO,’’ “SIN POE,” A “CHAYA PULAU PINANG.” S H The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and I lithographers in the Orient. II t| Our plant is of the very latest
      248 words