The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 14 August 1908

Total Pages: 34
1 898 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. 115 Per Annum» Single Copy 40 cents. fol. 6. Penang, Friday, 14th August, 1908. No. 32.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 255 1 CONTENTS. Leaders page. Sport —(Coni.) page. The Straits as Purgatory ...867 Perak Races 871 880 “The Electrical Rattle Trap” ...867 Rifle Shooting 880 889 The Sultan and His Subjects 875 Coronation Day... 889 The Mergui District 884 Miscellaneous: Sons of the 50i1... 888 Singapore Notes 871 Our Serial: The Expiation
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 152 2 THE STRAITS ECHO I MAIL EDITION. j I i H Published the day prior to the departure of each mail 1 for Europe, and contains the latest local and States fl news originally published in the daily issues, as well as n all important news from various parts of the
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  • 530 867 Very few of us are probably aware that we recently had the honour to be visited by no less a person than Sir Samuel Alexander Sadler, the famous manufacturing chemist and coal-owner. Fewer still, we venture to assert, turned out to greet the distinguished visitor. Nevertheless,
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  • 187 867 Elsewhere in this issue will be found a letter from Mr. George Mayne on the recent decision of the Municipality to borrow $lOO,OOO for electric supply extensions. Our correspondent certainly states the point of view of the ratepayer forcibly, but the object of the loan is
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  • 91 867 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday Sinjle Handicap, Clans A. Procter beat J G- Anthony, 6-2 6—3. Hodge beat Dunn, 6 —3 6—l. There are now m the F. M. S. service appointments to be known as Malay Cadets, and these
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    • 613 867 g ir To TUE Edhor of ihe Straits Echo. Could you kindly allow a small space in your fairplay newspaper, for a few words of fair comment on t he latest deliberations of the City Fathers,concerningthe proposed unloading of that bad speculation, the tramway and
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  • Page 867 Advertisements
    • 96 867 Th e str» its Echo < o--.. «&< mi loe,lr pnbltohed daily (except Su Ui M AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., n t o 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICK: inP ,T 524 per annum DAILY LO AJ OUTSTATIONS Postage MAIL BPITION (Post Free) 515 uablk ADORES Echo— Penang.” Telephone No.
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  • 596 868 (Before Judge Wolferstan Uttering Counterfeit Coins. Y<-stprd«y afternoon two Chinese, Tan Hint and Cheng Hoon, were placed in the dni k on the charge of attempting to practise deception on two persona by inducing them to accept two f.dse coins, to wit, two dollars. The accused were further
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  • 563 868 (Before Mr. Nunn.) Qmh Kim Cheng, a Chiuamin. was yesterday prosecute»] by Mr. Divid Beatty, Acting Assistant Protector of Chines», for making an agreement with an emigrant, named Teh Ah B »on, to labour at Sungei, a place outside the Colony, in contravention of section 10
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  • 4570 868 F. M. S. ss. THE STRai ts A VICTORY FOR THE Cdlnw The first da.’s play n thk interesting cricket fixture cima 1 an<l Singapore Cricket Club's ground h day. f Ibe visiting team anived by the Selangor early in the morning a ft. a very pleasant experience in
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  • 247 871 iist'oTentbies. (Jlowine are the entries .for the JEJ* p«» k Kaces to be he,d at Bay. 18th August. Race I. The Barbel I Eeli P se e Marathon. Race 11. ,„1 I Monazite Doland N J vit Race 111. Uebtß XonJs" Race IV. Inwood n l Lady
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  • 391 871 It may not be generally known that a a be g sT Capital baS beeu in the State of Selangor in mining machinery, tl O 1S J 0^ ever a difficult matter to ascertain the quantity and value of accessories, pumps, rads and sucn other things, but we
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  • 159 871 The output from the Serendah Hydraulic Tin Mine for the month of July, was Pels. 437.68 of undressed ore. The rubber harvested in July, on the Balgownie Rubber Estate, amounted to 3,247 lbs. dry, making 10,995 for the first four months of the financial year. output of dry
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  • 1108 871 (Lrom Our Own Correspondent.) Wednesday, August 5. The Cricket Match. Ihe cricket match between the Colony and Em F. M. S. resulted in a win for the Colony by seven wickets. The game was an one, and the brilliant display of Griffith-Jones pulled the match out of the
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  • 66 872 (Echo Special.) A Strange Revenge. Singapore, 7th August. —The Chinese boatmen of Hong Lira Quay seized a detective constable to-day, bound him securely, and suspended him by his queue from the ceiling. A body of Police, who went to the man’s assistance, were twice driven off. The third rush,
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  • 129 872 (Supplied by Reuter.) .£25,000 Compensation. London, 6th August.—The airship disaster was witnessed by a crowd of 4,000 people who went into a panic. The soldiers who were holding the ropes were dragged into the air and many were injured. Count Zeppel n is in despair. The German
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  129 words
  • 148 872 (Supplied by Reuter.) Ministry Resigns. London, 6th August.—A telegram from Constantinople states that the Ministry has resigned and that Kiamil Pasha is forming a new Cabinet. Two ex-Ministers and other promiuent officials were arrested and taken to prison amid the jeers of the crowd. Fehim Pasha Lynched. London, 6th
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  148 words
  • 63 872 (Supplied by Reuter.) Speech from the Throne. London, 7th Finnish D,at opened yesterday. The speech fm. a Throne lamented the the feeline of solidarity in interests with the Euisi,» people and the non-recognition of the itZ Ifinnish'people. 8 The President replied firmly i nßirtin the principle of
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  63 words
  • 25 872 (Supplied by Reuter.) Conclusion. London, 7th August—The Lambeth Conference concluded with Communion at St. Paul’s Cathedral, two hundred and fortythree bishops partaking.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  25 words
  • 36 872 (Supplied by Reuter.) Butter Famine. London, 6th August.—An extraordinary butter famine prevails in Australia, when the price has risen forty.eight shillings in ten days. The price is now quoted at two hundred shillings per cwt.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  36 words
  • 27 872 (Supplied by Reuter.) Australians to Visit England in 1909. London, 6th August.—The Australian! have accepted the Marylebone Cricket Club invitation to visit England in 1909.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 41 872 (Supplied by Reuter.) Saghalien. London, 7th August. —A telegram St. Petersburg states that M- l8VO j 8 Russian Foreign Minister, and the Charge d’Affaires have exchanged not* reference to the demarcation of and Japanese possessions in SagD aii
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  • Page 872 Advertisements
    • 42 872 Should be Kept in Every Household. As a result of saving my child 1 regard Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a medicine which should be in every household.—John Adams, Merchant, Gold River, Nova Scotia. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 39 872 A Stubborn Disease. Rheumatism is considered by the medical men to be the hardest disease there is to control, but Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has remarkable power over it. One application will give relief. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 41 872 A Message from Australia e Jundabi Messrs. Williamson L•. Queensland, writes: •'Chamber ain a Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy eon great reputation in these part* fected some really remark» fettle*" there is scarcely a home wit ou The George Town Dispensary, Agents.
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  • 4906 873  -  [All Rights Reserved. BY ANNIE S. SWAN, AUTHOR OF Aldersjde,” Gates of Eden," A Lost Ideal,” Love, the Master K.v w Master Key, Nancy N.colson,” <■ Mary Garth.”&c., Ac. CHAPTER VI. A Busy Evening. “Who is th afc ma l21 inquired Lidgate bluntlyThe unusual question
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  • 624 875 A revolution from within has accomplished for Turkey what the European Concert, wiih its petty jealousies, has in vain endeavoured to do, and that t ere is leal vigour and wisdom on the revolutionary side is evidenced by the tact that the Sultan has been
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  • Page 875 Advertisements
    • 51 875 A Message from Australia. Will mB9n Co Ju udab, Cholera and W n >teB l Chamberlain's Colic P’U remits’ Plarrbcei Remedy enjoys a m 10n n u these parta R h eftber ii BcarrJ ea T remarkable cures, and GeoSa T a h U3e Wlthout a bottle.” 8 lown Dispensary,
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    • 66 875 As a Last Resort. B fore going to the expense of calling a doctor for a case of diarrt cei or dysentery, procure a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and D arrtoei Remedy and you will be more than pleased with the result. There is not another medicine in the
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  • 46 876 His Excellency the Governor leaves Singapore to day for Port Swettenham and Kuala Lumpur, for the Asri-Horticultural Show, which opens on Monday. Wk are courteously informed by the Hon. the Resident Councillor that His Excellency is expected in Penang on the 17ih inst.
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  • 38 876 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday:— Single Handicap, Class B. I vens beat Hutson, 6—2; 6—2. Double Handicap, Class B. Lamb and Lungley beat Donald and Dennys, 6—2; 6-0.
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  • 268 876 The “Japanese Living Devils.” Thb new programme of the Japanese Living Devils is quite as good as the previous ones and that is not saying a little. There should be a good house at the show to-night. The Pathescope.” Those who are fond of laughing, or of hearing
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  • 1205 876 It has been proposed to establish a Branch of the National Service League in Penang, and in this connection the Hon. R. N. Bland, Resident Councillor, to-day sends us, for publication, the following notice, together with a leaflet explaining the aims and objects of the great
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  • 332 877 society rejoicing in the sobriquet of the Red Coats gave another of its excellent entertainments, followed by a dance, at the Parish Hall last night. The piece chosen was a Musical Comedy in two acts, entitled The Coopers,” which went off with a swing from beginning to
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  • 1159 877 {Before Mr. Nunn.) Uttering a Counterfeit Note. it Will be remembered that Ui freng Kun a Chinaman, was chaiged the other day with l ‘ttermg a counterfeit ten-dollar note and WIJ. h H C V e WaS reraanded till yest-rdav. X en the hearing was resumed, Leong
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  • 1289 878 RECOGNITION OF POLYGAMY BY SINGAPORE COURTS. Decision in Towkay Saigon Case. At the Supreme Court this morning, says Thursday’s Straits Times, the Acting Chief Justice, Mr. A. G. Law, read one of the longest judgments ever given in the local Courts. It was that in the estate of
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  • 608 878 In Singapore trade is steady and ducted on proper lines. You 8 h goods, beat the other fellow when. your and usually do fairly well, says a the Magazine of Commerce. The IQ trade there w enormous. 1 downs —store rooms-which would A even a large
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  • 725 879 WHuht) writes in < E 'X e I. «11. WP“‘ ,o ’“PP, 0 o,her ®a. v 1 1 f but I saw one case at Singapore P laD s jiPAtes the limit. The tree was whlCb Ton a slope possessing a few scattersOand a
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  • 368 879 F.M. S. Tin. July Outputs. The following tin mine outputs for the month of July are reported The Belat Tin Mining Co., m| Lt T? Pc,s ->30.25 The Kuantan Tin Mining I Co., Ltd.,... 94.50 oipiau Tin Company, Ltd., H 8 The well-known racer Sunray, owned by Dr. Travers, has
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  • 136 879 {Supplied by Reuter.) Death of the Leader. London, Bth August.-Mr. Mylius Erichsen, the leader of the Danish expedition to Gieenland, and two companions were driven on an icefloe in a snowstorm. Their provisions were exhausted and they perished. The Eskimo who brought back the news fell dead
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  136 words
  • 63 879 (Supplied by Reuter.) Disastrous Fire. London,Bth August.—That historic building, Burley Hall, near Oakham, Rutlandshire, was gutted by fire yesterday, the damage sustained being estimated at .£50,000. The house party included Mr. Winston Churchill, President of the Board of Trade, who had a narrow escape while assisting the firemen.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  63 words
  • 75 879 (Supplied by Reuter.) A City in Darkness. London, Btb August.—A telegram from Paris states that on Friday night the city was plunged in darkness for two hours, owing to the strike of the electricians which was arranged as an ostentatious warning to the Prefect of the Seine department for
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  75 words
  • 61 879 (Supplied by Reuter.) Prisoners Released. London, Bth August-—The Troops which returned to Smyrna from Salonika immediately released the criminals in the gaols. Most of the prisons in Turkey are now emptied. Snltan Receives the Diplomatic Corps. London, Bth August.—The Sultan yesterday received the diplomatic corps and reiterated bis resolve
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  • Page 879 Advertisements
    • 100 879 A Well-Known Remedy. There are few peoples in this country who have not nsed, or at least heard of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhcei Remedy. It is the first thing they think of when they or any member of the family are stricken with Diarrhoe i, pain in the stomach
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    • 47 879 A Message from Australia. Messrs. Williams >n Co., Jundab, Queensland, writes: “Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoe i Remedy enjojs a great reputation in these parts. It has effected some really remarkable cures, and there is scarcely a home without a bottle-” The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 410 880 Exactly seven years ago yesterday the crown of the greatest empire the world has ever seen was placed upon the head of King Edward, who has worthily maintained the traditions of all that is best in the British monarchical system. He had a difficult task before him in
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  • 166 880 The magnificent, three storeyed edifice, opposite the present Railway Station, which has been in process of erection for the last three years, will be opened for business in about a month. No ceremonial opening, we are reliably informed, will take place. In the ground floor the
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  • 404 880 Vote of $13,500 Passed. At last Friday’s meeting of the Legislative Council the Colonial Secretary moved for a vote of $13,500 for a tug for use in connection with the Government Wharves, Penang. He explained that a telegram bad been received stating that the launch Puffin
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  • 86 880 lirst Day’s Handicaps, 1 lie following are the bandici» f„,,, first day s racing (18th Aug a t TainiJ Race 3 -Ex-Griffin Race P 8 Second Start 10 7 Cartoon Connaught Ringer 80 97 Race 4—The Trial Stakes Lady Brockleigh 9-5 Quorrobolon? oLynwood 8 0 9 Race 6.—Open
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  • 131 880 Annual General Meeting. At the annual general meetin? of the members of the Singapore Cricket Club, held at the Club Pavilion on Thursday last Captain A. H. Young, c.m.g., was re-elected President for another term amidst applause, and the following were elected to form the Committee
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  • 307 880 The Ladies’ Bisley. A Ladies’ Bisley is to be held in Taiping on September 21st and 22nd and will be open to all the ladies’ rifle clubs in this part of the world. All the events, with the exception of one, will be fired for with the miniature
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  • 564 881 comment Gazette of August 7 conT Mte following items of informant tbe the Governor has appointH sK u 0 Captain Arthur Young, 63 1 tn be his Deputy during hie absence Malay States, whither he on the Bth instant. The Keppel Harbour Football Club and d ana Ladies’
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  • 530 881 Annal of tho Maine” and “Alati ,llniil in Singapore. lae American and A aba ma arrived at Nngapore at 10 30 a m v“Vuez ay froU Man la ro te boni w "‘X The list of officers of the battleships hows a considerable change in the personnel
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  • 551 881 'tie following description of British olalaya was delivered by Lieut. Holland a ttie Starboard Lights entertainment in Singapore the other day British Malaya is a tract of territory variously described by the glorious British übhc as being in China, India and Burma, it is conveniently divided for cricket
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  • 534 882 Amidst manifestation of the deepest sympathy and greatest grief, the remains of the late Dr J. W. Birrack were interred at Teluk Sisek on the 16rh July. From the time that his remains had been brought back to Kuantan, until the cortege left his quarters,
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  • 444 882 Severe Encounter Between Police and Chinese. Never since the famous riot in \V ayang Street in 1902, when two men were shot before the rioters could be subdued, have the Singapore Police experienced such a fierce encounter as they did early this morning, says Friday’s Strait< Times.
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  • 160 882 Thus a correspondent to the Times of Celyon At last there was only one cooly,” sings a planting poet in one of your recent issues, which reminds me of a story I heard when at the Straits. It related to a plactf up Perak way,
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  • 582 882 Directors’ Report for The following is the report oFL tors of the Socic’c des Etains d ft v irec 1907 Ur The total output in tin ore won from u various concessions amounted to 1 kilos, against 1.609.706 kilos, in 1906 is made up of
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  • 502 883 t TPs are to be levied in China on native mines and cattle, the proceeds of P bieh afe to be utilised for the development ’f The Minister of Education has obtained ' fro™ the Tbron £or appolDt nf Mr Foo Tseng Hu as Director of ““Girls’ Normal
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  • 37 883 Hie following tin mine outputs for llm month of July ate reported Soc cte des Etains de Kiuta p c 3 2 6’5 Bruseh Hydraulic (for 15 days' working) Cbeudeiiang Mines Pahang Consolidated V.’. T^s
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  • 256 883 Sanguine Chinese Mine-Owners. Writing on the 29th ult. the Ipoh conespomlent of the Malay Mail says -L Despite tbe long period of ow prices, the Chinese mine-owners seem to have it firm y fixed in their beads that we are shortly to. see a return to the
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  • 181 883 (Supplied by Reuter.) Russian Note to the Powers. London, 9th August.—Russia has communicated the Anglo-Russian reform scheme with regard to Macedonia to the Powers, but only for information. She considers that in view of the events taking place in Turkey the Powers should defer any action
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  181 words
  • 21 883 (Supplied, by Reuter.) Arrival at Auckland. London, 10th August. —The American Pacific I’l et has arrived at Auckltnd.
    (Supplied, by Reuter.)  -  21 words
  • 115 883 (Supplied by Reuter.) t Tabriz and Turkey. Lomlou 9th August.—A telegram from bt. I etersburg states that a party of Young lurks have arrived at Tabriz and are organising a propaganda for tbe unification ot the Mussulman States under a Liberal Constitution. 'Hip correspondent of the Daily
    (Supplied by Reuter.) t ..  -  115 words
  • 36 883 Armstrong Co. (Supplied by Reuter.) £1,000,000 Debentures Issued. London, 9th August—The shipbuilding firm of Armstrong Co. Ltd., are issuing debentures for £1,000,000 at and bearing interest at 4 per cent, for extensions in Italy and Japan.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  36 words
  • 324 883 (Supplied by Reuter.) All the Defendants Found Guilty. London, 10th August.—The trial of the Mile End Guardians on a charge of conspiracy and contravention of the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act concluded on Saturday after a twenty-days’ hearing. A verdict of guilty was brought against all
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  • Page 883 Advertisements
    • 59 883 Mre D^ S Last Res °rt. e T“ Se f Calling a a bottle o f or .dysentery, and Diarrh Cbamberl ain s Colic, n m »re than nt m dy and >' ou win is not ano?U 1 w th ,be resulttmbaasave3 aB medicine in the world George Town
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  • 52 884 (Sup] lied by Reuter. The Artificial Restriction of Families. London, 10th August.—The Lambeth Conference has concluded its sitting. The Anglican Bishops condemn the artificial restriction of families. The resolution with regard to the re-marriage of the innocent party in a divorce suit was adopted by 87 votes
    (Sup] lied by Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 574 884 The Government of Burma are gradually awaking to a sense of their responsibility in the development of that rich district which forms the southernmost portion of the territory they acquired over eighty years ago. When we examine the result of British rule in the Tenasserim division of
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  • 27 884 The following subscriptions have been received for the Canton Flood Belief Fuad in Penang:— APeady acknowledged $17,C60 14 Mrs. Ang Teng Pong 25.00
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  • 112 884 (Before Mr. Scott,) Ku Lip Hua. a Chinaman, was this morning charged with being in possession of more than twelve official dosesot adeleterious drug, to wit, morphine powder, and a hypodermic syringe. The accused domed the charges A Chinese detective stated that while ou his round in
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  • 185 884 The output from the K maboi Mines, Ltd., for the month of July, was as follows Elevator Pels. 43.27 Tribute 208/ 8 Total 251.35 pels, of clean ore. Besides this, 6 oz«. of gold was obtained. Mu. Sarwar, Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court, has returned from sick leave. We
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  • 1904 884 ORDINARY MEETING, FBIDav AUGUST 7. Present HiS AndMon nCy th 6 Sir His Excellency Major-Gen. T it:Hon. Dr. D. J. Galloway. Hon. T. S. Baker. Hon. Tan Jiak Kim. Absent. Hon. R. N. Bland (Act. Res Conn P,. Hou. W. Evans (Act. Res. Uounefc Hon. A. Murray (Col.
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  • 2785 885 DETAILS OF CJLoNYS IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Heavy Increase of Bankruptcies. ie state Oi trade m the Straits S ttlenion s uriD g 1907 affords small grounds for satisfaction, says the Straits Times. I ne gross total value of imports into the including the coasting trade, reached oo»"
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  • 560 887 COLONIAL TREASURER’S ANNUAL REPORT. Increased Revenue and Expenditure. The annual financial report and statement s of the Colonial Treasurer, the Hon. Mr. A. T. Bryant, formed the subject of a paper laid on the table at the Legislative Council meeting on Friday. The document is a bulky one.
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  • 521 887 i.—S.T. Excess of Exports over Imports of Straits Dollars. Under tbe heading Currency and Exchange, the financial report and statements for the Straits Setth merits for the past year, prepaied by the Hon. Mr. A. T. Bryant, Colonial Treasurer, state that the average circulation of Government Nates
    i.—S.T.  -  521 words
  • 269 887 The general condition of trade and agriculture in Java in tbe past year was, according to official statements, satisfactory. An improvement in economic conditions in the interior, as a consequence of the good rice crop, contributed much to the revival of trade. The import of foreign rice
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  • Page 887 Advertisements
    • 63 887 As a Last Resort. B-fore going to tbe expense of calling a doctor for a case of diarrbcei or dysentery, procure a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will be more than pleased with tbe result. There is not another medicine in the world that has
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  • 598 888 (Fro i Our Own Cor rep undent) Tai iug, 1 ‘th August Official Movements and Changes. Tne Resident left for Ku-ila Lumpur yesterday. Mr. F. W Knocker, Curator, Perak Museum, has been granted an extension of three months’ leave till the end of October. Mr. Stanley Bunting, a
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  • 179 888 (<S <pplied I y Reu er Wright Broihtrs’ Success. L udon, llih August—Avii'<>r< a»-e’in- '< >■ ,-p! v !•!!'h s':-'i' 1 h•> Wright brot hers’ fl gli in th*-ir i'! -Hip ve-terdiiy. The airship was perltc’ly b id like and icsponsive to evet v mot ion of the steersman.
    (<S <pplied I y Reu er ,  -  179 words
  • 29 888 (Supplied by Reuter.) American Comments. London, 11th August.—The American newspapers are printing numberless interviews with the American competitors in the recent Olympic games, denouncing British unfairness.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • 60 888 (Supplied by Reuter.) Warm Welcome to the Americans. London, 11th August.—The Americans met with an enthusiastic greeting from the public and press at Auckland. The Auckland papers dwell on the Anglo-Saxon brotherhood which will help to ke?p Australia white. One paper suggests that after the expiration of
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  60 words
  • 54 888 (Supplied by Reub.r) Chinese I mmigrat ion. London, llih August. Chinamen are. striving to enter Australia in defiance of the Immigration laws. The F-deral Immigration searchers at Sydney yr-s orday discovered Chins men lying on ihe too of the boiler of a German vessel Prinz They were unrecognisable owing
    (Supplied by Reub.r)  -  54 words
  • 56 888 (Supplied by Reuter.) Will Visit the Kaiser and the Emperor of Austria. Lindon, 11th August.—King Edward has started f a Cronbeig, where he will meet the Kaiser, after wh ch he will proceed to Ischl to me. t tie Emperor of Ans lia. From Iscbl he goes on
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  56 words
  • 56 888 G' S W'W fc?/ j&gt; euter) Shipbuilding Strike. London, 10 h August -Owii l7 fo a pu e as to wagos 12 000 people' ha-k-l out f'o n the shipbuilding Swtm an&lt;l unlHs, tbn di.pme i, lW Wednesday (tomorrow) 58 000 i will be idle and the construction of
    G'SW'W fc?/ j>euter)  -  56 words
  • 34 888 (Supplied by Renter.) Stubborn Fighting at Tabriz. London, 10th A ugust.—Stubborn figbtinc took place at Tabriz last Sifurday The revolut.unarms sustained heavy losses in killed and wounded and also lost some gu UB
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  34 words
  • 41 888 (Supplied by Reuter.) 174 Deaths in South-Eastern Russia. London, IOHr August—36o cases of cholera and 174 deaths from that, disease are repoitad by the governments of Astrakan, Sarati ff and the Don territory, in SouthEastern Russia, since the 21st July.
    »— . (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  41 words
  • 52 888 (Supjdied by Reuter.) Market! Decrease in Imports and Exports. London, 10th August.—The July returns of the United Kingdom show a decrease in the imports of «£5,43 1,739 and in the exports of &lt;£6,746 606 (including a of £2,382,340 for cotton goods) as compared with the corresponding month of
    (Supjdied by Reuter.)  -  52 words
  • 781 888 It is as well to begin by defining our subject. By sons of the soil, speaking in reference to the Straits Settlements, wo mean those who are born and domiciled heiie; who, in fact, regard this place as their home. This definition would exclude those sons
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  • Page 888 Advertisements
    • 44 888 A Stubborn Disease. Rheumatism is c uisicered by the medical men to be the hardest disease there is to control, bit Chamberlain s Pain Balm has r» markab e p over over it. One app’ication will give reliel. Ihe George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 518 889 (Before Mr. Scott.) Valehsami. a Hindu, was last Tuesday convicted ot (1) being in possession of a wire-mat L»? which he’could not give a satisfactory account, and (2) stealing a lOHu’-amp. viiued at $125. the property of one Mat N &gt;or. Accused was sentenced to six months’imprisonment.
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  • 706 889 1 ’’•’.chce by the Ladies’ Rifle Club. 1 he following were the scores made by the members of the Ladies’ Rifle Club at the practice shoot on Tuesday afternoon 7) ro r-j o o' O =&gt; rH H -Mrs. Fisher 32 26 58 Mrs. Leuring 24 20 311
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  • 91 889 tfl f 1 Omary. Mr. Gob Uwe Keong. f l an s(unw the’ death of !1 ve Manager c f the 1 o'ehe" thi- V L bicll ,nuk Place at of only two days. ,llness The deceased, who wk ay c leaves a wife, two sons an 1,1 I f
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  • 412 890 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played last Tuesday Profession Pairs Hodge and Brearley beat Griffith-Jones and Stronach, 6—3 B—6. Parsons and Procter beat Kogers and Haslam, 6—2; 6—3. Mr. A- Hood Begg, Manager of Messrs. Guthrie Co., left for Singapore by the
    412 words
  • 268 890 Tne following items are taken from the Lonlon and China Express of the 2Ph ult. The Sungei Choh Rubber have made a call of 2s. 6d. per share, payable Sept. 1, on shares 12s. 6d. paid. New Gopeng. The accounts for year ended April 30 show a profit
    268 words
  • 277 890 July Outputs. The following tin mine outputs for the month of July are reported Tronoh Mines, L’d., Pels. 2,500.00 (which has realised $92,744 Fusing Lama (from the monitors only) 101.00 The advance figures of the export of tin from tie stale of Perak for the mon h of
    277 words
  • 7350 890 BRILLIANT FUNCTION AT Tm&gt; MALAY SETTLEMENT HE Opening Ceremony Performed hv a tornmis Bioner, lhe fifth annual Agri-Horticultural gk of the Straits Settlements and v q Malay States was opened yesterLT™* l says Tuesday’s Maloy Mail, by lV°P‘“S’ leucy Sir John Anderson, the High r missioner, in
    7,350 words

  • 210 894 (Supplied, by Reuter.) Welcome by the German Press. London, 12th August.—The German semi-official press welcomes King Edward’s visit to Cronberg, hoping that it will conduce to untroubled relationship between the two countries. Later.—King Edward has arrived at Cronberg where he bad the most
    (Supplied, by Reuter.)  -  210 words
  • 46 894 (Supplied by Reuter.) Proposals in Abeyance. London, 12th August.—The proposals in respect to the closing of the opium divans in Hongkong are at present in abeyance owing to the absence of Lord Crewe, Secretary of State for the Colonies, cn the Continent.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  46 words
  • 68 894 (Supplied by Reuter.) Large Sum for Mission Work in the East. London, 12th August,—A memorandum from the Archbishop of Canterbury leaommends that the unall cated balance of &lt;£220,000 from the I an-Anglican Congress thank-offering be devoted to mission work in the colonies Japan, China, India and Ceylon
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  68 words
  • 23 894 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Sultan’s Generosity. London, 12'h August.—The Sultan has offered to defray the cost of consti uctiug the Parliament House.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  23 words
  • 57 894 (&lt;S'upp/ied by Reuter.) Inadequate L eav e Facilities London, 13th August.—The nar complaining of the attitude of emT especially those of London, who ar“ to be spoiling the efficicy of the A&gt;my training now proceeding at Plain by not granting adequate ties. .Many territorials ai e only
    (<S'upp/ied by Reuter.)  -  57 words
  • 76 894 (Supplied by Reuter.) Exemplary Punishment. London, 12th August.-In connection with the recent order in the retl)oT mg army lieutenants H. Smith and Robert son from the second battalion of the Buff, and depriving three other subalterns of a year’s service, it is announced that this punishment
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  76 words
  • 60 894 (Supplied by Reuter.) Mutinous Crew. London, 11th August.—A destroyer arrived at| the Firth of Forth during the recent manoeuvres owing to the crew being dissatisfied with the rations and the stopping of shore leave. They threw overboard the gunsights and the signal-books. Several of the crew have
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  60 words
  • 170 894 (Supplied by Reuter.) Prominent Croatians and Bosnians Arrested. London, 12th August.—Numerous prominent Croatians and Bosnians who were concerned in the trial at Cettinje on the "th June in which a witness named Nasties made a sensational statement, have been arrested in connection with a Greater Servia insurrectionist
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  170 words
  • Page 894 Advertisements
    • 48 894 A Message from Australi Messrs. Williamson Co-' U p ]j c Queensland, writes: Cbamberlmn a Cholera and Diarrhoe i Remedy great reputation in these P ar tB, aD d fected some really remarkable little-” there is scarcely a home withou a eaa e The George Town Dispensary, Agents.
      48 words

  • 345 895 by Reutei.) German Enterprise.” rondo». ll‘ b August.-A telegram from Petersburg states that the Novoye S' savs that the Germans are actively for the establishment of a bank with tiding facilities in Tabriz, with the idea, t believes, to secure the summoning of an International Conference in Persia similar
    by Reutei.)  -  345 words
  • 134 895 &lt; PINANG, 13TH AUGUsT. I C irtea y Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/3|| 4 months’ sight Bank 3 Credit 2/4 P &gt;” a 3 Documentary ...2/4A Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 A 3 days’ sight Private 176 ‘hay. Demand Bank 174 A hoi mein, Demand Bank 173| n
    134 words
  • 172 895 Gold leaf S6&lt;s B-fepPM W.Co™ 31b».;. W. 3 no stock Pepper 815.-tu Frs xiaag tapper 810 buyers for India season -I VO.— nominal Maca 1 58,-salss iNutmbjjs la l T 1». buyers 6.65 sales no slock m SMsellers Tapiot; &lt;t u j I.BQno?mna' Go P ra 6.60 buyers l9o,
    172 words
  • Page 895 Advertisements
    • 185 895 "Before I was Fifteen," 4 Many Women Sigh fob the Happy Days of Childhood, When Headaches, Backaches, and Antemia Were Unknown. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Help Women as No Other Medicine Can. They Bring Roses to the Cheeks and Brightness To the Eye. Restore Appetite, Sleep and Strength. Here is
      185 words
    • 456 895 nogs round my eyes, I always felt weary and '•f-preswJ. and verj little would make me cry. Co.dneas of the bands and feet were y a PP e it was so poor that I did not care to take food at all. &gt; t n at night I could not
      456 words

  • Page 896 Advertisements
    • 389 896 FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Fci PANT' &lt;L_A\ JC YOUR BLOOD with GRIMAULT UC°' J CHINESE SCRIBBLING PAPER t Hie fcar v FOR OFFICE USE, BIU Ufi V BL o ~;z: «1 m Hl of 180 full sheets. 1532—1327. The original sarnw saparilla. recom* (Can be cut to 12"x8".) BY mended
      389 words

  • 1099 897 I s I 2 Number of p Capital. Shares Lait Dividend. N f 2 .2 1 g issued. g O 2 2: C/J o 3 K lo 10 3,^f “neareu.l.» g 3 1 ,3/cs.:., i 25 Jwl K 6 5400 10 10 10p U £oryeare din 30 4 08
    1,099 words

  • Page 898 Advertisements
    • 220 898 I The Ltd. |r ESTABLISHED 1883. S PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. 0 Proprietors of the “STR/JTS ECHO,’’ “SIN POE, r A “CHAYA PULAU PINANG” l| The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and I i*g lithographers in the Orient. s| il Our plant is of the very latest pattern and by con- I
      220 words