The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 7 August 1908

Total Pages: 32
836 867 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 836 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. $15 Per Annum. Single Copy 40 cents. Vol 6. Penang, Friday, 7th August, 1908. No. 31.
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  • Page 836 Advertisements
    • 292 836 CONTENTS. X < I| JZ '95 olnr.a Leaders: page. Sport: —(CowL) page. Burial By-laws ...838 Tennis: Penang Cricket Club How Not 0 Treat Them ...842 Tournament 855 86) L Market Gardens 847 Penang Races 839, 842 849 'W Vi 4 More Light 854 The Penang Horse Show... 850 V The
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  • Page 837 Advertisements
    • 173 837 JB 5 m I H THE i MB b CB 5 I STRAITS ECHO B -<■ <-<• V.- I MAIL EDITION. j I I 3 Published the day prior to the departure of each mail 1 for Europe, and contains the latest local and States 5 news originally published in
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  • 773 838 The Municipal Commissioners are, we rejoice to note, not unwilling to listen to reason, and their expressed readiness to drop about half a dozen of the superfluous and unnecessary bylaws that were proposed leads us to hope that soon we may be permitted to bury the burial question.
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  • 13 838 the unrest in Annam is at an end.
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  • 12 838 haye jaid a dividend of 6 per cent.
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  • 14 838 at Kuala Kang- sar on Wednesday to Miss Olive Tippets.
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  • 15 838 that one or two cases of cholera have occurred on Seliusing Estate.
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  • 19 838 is beginning to coinplain "'•'b ft r of a want of rain. Many wells have run dry.
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  • 22 838 was given to Mr. A. H. Ferguson of the Chartered Bank at the Birch Club at Ipoh on Wednesday.
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  • 23 838 Assistant Manager of the Gedang Bidor Rubber Estate Co., Ltd., has been appointed Manager of Alor Pongsu Estate, Perak.
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  • 130 838 There was a very big audience at Matsuo’s Mst evening to see the opening performance by “Ihe Japanese Living Devils,” who, b< the way, are playing in Penang for only a few nights. Although Penang has seen innumerable conjuring entertainments we have no hesitation in saying
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  • 136 838 It is now believed that among the eight mon arrested for complicity in the murder of Dr. Barrack in Pahang, the police have got the really guilty members of the gang. Three are detained at Kuantan and five at Belat. 'These have confessed, as a result of
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  • 24 838 that about fifty Free School scholars will cycle to Taiping tomorrow. They will sppnd Sunday there, returning to Penang on Monday.
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  • 28 838 from Bremen and one big of letter mails from Penang were received at Hongkong damaged by water owing t > the tire on the s.s. Schnrnhwst,
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  • 31 838 of Mr. R >bert Young will be sorry to hear of the death of his only child, Joan, aged three months, which took place at England House” yesterday.
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  • 32 838 for six months ended 30th Junel 1908, amounted to 09,013 lb. including al, grades, as against 54,-510 lb. at same date last year.
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  • 26 838 Miss Anderson and suite h»vo kindly consented to bf^present at the opening of the Hales Tours” Exhibition at Singapore on Wednesday next.
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  • 33 838 when Mr. A. Hale, District Officer, Larut and Krian, goes on leave shortly, Mr. C. W. Harrison, Assistant District Officer, will act for him in addition to his own duties.
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  • 32 838 yesterday at Port Swettenham by s. s. Kiblna from Singapore and the Rev. J. Meneuvrier, V. G., left yesterday by s. b. Taroba for Port Swettenham.
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  • 36 838 from Bremen by the Garman mail s’eamer Derfllinger due on the 5th prox.:— Mr. J. Hotchkiss, Mr. H. Blacklin, Mr.G. V. Oldham, Mr. R. Doughty, Mr. and Mrs. V. Rensburg.
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  • 50 838 and the padang in the Malay Settlement has undergone a complete tn.nfonn ition. In the centre a large piece of ground has breu railed off, while the various buildings have been put up all round it.
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  • Page 838 Advertisements
    • 89 838 Straits ffSi liSr JM tl« embody and JoBtice atone.- Published dally (except Sundays.» AT TH> CRITERION PRESS, Ltd,, v 0> 226—232, Beach Street, Penary. PRICE: DAILTWCAI ver annum 0UT8TATION8 Postage Extra. MAIL BDITION (P°8t Free) fl5 cable addres Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343. tn *11 business communications should be addressed Mamager.
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  • 2847 839 AUTUMN MEETING. Second Day’s Racing. Several Fine Finishes. There was a larger attendance at the race course yesterday than on the opening day of the Autumn Meeting, both the Ladies’ and the Members’ Stands being well filled and, if the attendance increases proportionately, we should have a
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  • 53 840 has taken up his duties as Supervisor of Customs, Port. Swettenham, but is for the time being employed in the Chinese Secretariat. Mr.W. T. Chapman, Acting Supervisor of Customs, Kuala Lumpur, is carrying on the duties of Assistant Treasurer in addition to
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  • 74 840 at their meeting on Tuesday arrived at an important decision with regard to the rebuilding scheme. A general meeting is to be held on Saturday, August 29th, to consider the new proposals. Our contemporary is glad to note that
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  • 543 840 (By ore Judje Wolf er. tan A House Divided. day moruin/, the case came up in which the sons of Mohamed Ariff, the wellknown millionaire, figured as parties—Che Dm accusing his elder brother, Wan Che, of w icngfui c 'uliuement. lu<> Hon. Maxwell E I hornton, counsel for
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  • Page 840 Advertisements
    • 45 840 A Message from Australia. Messrs. Williamson Co., Jundab, Queensland, writes: “Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcei Remedy enjoys a great reputation in these parts. It has effected some really remarkable cures, and there is scarcely a home without a bottle.’ The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 42 840 Should be Kept in Every Household. Asa result of saving my child I regard Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a medicine which should bo in every household. —John /Xdasis, Merchant, Gold River, Nova Scotia, lhe George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 302 841 (Before Mr. Scott.) Half-a-dozen Chinamen were yesterday fined four dollars each for gambling in house No. 41, Rope Walk, which was raided by Sergeant Gilroy. Four Chinaman were yesterday charged with, and convicted of, committing an affray in public at Weld Quay and were sentenced to one
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  • 81 841 by the French mail steamer Yarra, he landed at the Borneo wharf and was met by Mr. Severn, Private Secretary to H. E. the Governor. Among others who had assembled on the wharf to welcome
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  • 83 841 We would set our Taiping contemporary’s mind at rest. The Perak Pioneer thus peradventures: We do not know if any attempt is to be made at decorated stabling’ at the forthcoming Horse Show in Penang. On« of the wonders of the International Horse Show at Olympia was horses stalled in
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  • 112 841 (Echo Special.) Two More Arrests. Singapore, 31st July.—Two Cantonese arriving here from Port Swettenham have been arrested on suspicion of complicity in the murder of Dr. Barrack in Pahang last week. [Our correspondent says nothing about any large amount of money being found upon them. The two
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  • 145 841 (Supplied by Reuter.) Manoeuvre Not Dangerous. London, 31st July.—Mr. Reginald McKenna, First Lord of the Admiralty, speaking in the House of Commons yesterday, said that the Admiralty had thoroughly considered the signal incident of the 7th inst. and was satisfied that the manoeuvre which Sir Percy Scott
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  • 63 841 (Supplied by Reuter.) Memorial Presented to the Premier. London, 30th July.—A memorial signed by 144 members of the House of Commons, demanding a reduction in the expenditure on armaments, has been presented to Mr. H. H. Asquith, the Premier. On the other hand, a non-political Navy Committee
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  • 76 841 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Inter-State Commerce Commission. London, 30th July.—The New .York newspapers state that, owing to the new regulations of the Inter-State Commerce Commission, all the great railways, including the Canadian Pacific, having steamship services in the Pacific, have notified shippers that they are abandoning the
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  • 55 841 (Supplied by Reuter.) Sir Gerard Lowther Welcomed. London, 31st July.-Sir Gerard Auguitu, Lowther, who has been appointed Bntiih Ambassador at Constantinople, arrived at Constantinople yesterday. A crowd of the Liberal Turks, who met him at the station, shouted -long life to England, Liberty and the Constitution and escorted tbe
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  • 46 841 (Supplied by Reuter.) Acquittal. London, 3lst July.—Mr. Robert Sievier, Editor of the Winning Pott, who was charged with threatening to publish a matter concerning the South African magnate, Mr. Jack Joel, with intent to extort .£5,000 hai been acquitted. The case excited great interest.
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  • 39 841 (Supplied by Reuter.) Burned to Death. London, 30th July.—Mr. W. Vanderbilt and a stepson of the famous writer George Sand, were pinned down by the overturning of a motor-car at Poissy, France, and burned to death.
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  • 30 841 (Supplied by Reuter.) Town Quiet. London, 30th July.—A telegram from Bombay states that the town is quiet again. The mills are resuming work and tbe markets have been re-opened.
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  • 54 841 (Supplied by Reuter.) Important Amendment. London, 30th July.—The House of Lords have adopted an amendment to the O Pensions Bill, exempting tbe disquabnca of persons imprisoned for less than a mo Lords Pass the Third Reading. London, 31st July.-Tbe House of Lordi has passed the third reading of
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  • Page 841 Advertisements
    • 63 841 As a Last Resort. Before going to the expense of calling a doctor for a case of diarrhoea or dysentery, procure a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will be more than pleased with the result. There is not another medicine in the world that has
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    • 39 841 A Stubborn Disease. Rheumatism is considered by the medical men to be the hardest disease there is to control, but Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has remarkable power over it. One application will give relief. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 99 841 A Well-Known Remedy. There are few people in this c 2 U pu; ra berhave not used, or at least heard of, Iain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrba* Bern It is the first thing they think of when W or any member nf the family ar cran) p with diarrhoea, pain
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  • 4457 843  -  r All Rights Reserved J BY ANNIE S. SWAN, AUTHOR OF Aldenyde,” Gates of Eden,” A Lost Ideal,” Love, the Master Key,” Nancy Niedson,” Mary Garth,”&c„ c> CHAPTER V. A Year Later. Lidgate got out at Clapton Station in the dusk of an autumn evening,
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  • 1380 845 SPECIAL MEETING. Yesterday afternoon a Special Meeting of the Penang Rural Board was held in the Land Office to consider the Building Bylaws and the By-laws regarding Market Gardens. Thera were present Mr. W. Peel (President), Dr. S. H. Lucy and Messrs. C. G. May, J. E.
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  • 17 846 in the water supply at Raub in the last few weeks.
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  • 55 846 that it is proposed to paint i he gun ports of the Victory yellow, tbeir colour at Trafalgar, and to re-rig the ship as she was in Nelson’s time. But is there not some mistake Our impression is that the Victory was entirely demolished some time
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  • 66 846 —Speaking in the House of Commons in reply to questions by a member Sir Edward Grey, Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated that the new agreement with Siam in regard to the Northern Milay States had not yet been concluded, bir Edward said
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  • 170 846 The Amsterdam correspondent of the London an d China Express writes on the 8th inst.:- erW 88ai ll i at Prince Henry of the Netb India S PW a visit to Netherlands of aA Q he f this vear> The Sultan week 9 h n?k a datthe Colonial Office last
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  • 991 846 (I'>ooi Our Own Correspondent) Wednesday, July 29. Darul Adab Sports. I he Darul Adab Club sports were a huge success. II. E. the Governor and Miss Anderson were present, and Miss Anderson gave away the prizes in the absence of JI. H. the Sultan of Johore through indisposition.
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  • 88 846 Straits vs. F. M. 8. Following are the final selections for the F. M S Cricket team to meet the Colony at Singapore to-day A. B. Hubback (capt.) W. H. Bacon A. C. Corbetta R. M McKenzie k Selangor Dr. A. J. McClosky Rev. G. M Thompson H. R
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  • 128 846 We are courteously informed by the Hon. Secretary of the approaching Agri-Horticul-tural Show at Kuala Lumpur that at the request of several ladies it has been decided to postpone the Table Decoration competition until the second day, 11th August, the judging for which will commence at 10
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  • 91 847 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Irish University Bill. London, 31st July.— of Lords passed the third reading of the Irish University Bill yesterday. Lords’ Amendment to Old-Age Pensions Rejected. London, 1st August.—The House of Commons has rejected the amendment of the House of Lords to the Old-Age Pensions Bill,
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  • 177 847 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Conflict with the Troops. London, 31st July.—Serious labour riots have broken out at Draveilvigneux and Villeneuve near Paris. 'J he rioters barricaded the streets, pelted the troops with cobbles and need revolvers freely, wounding several of the troops, who at length fired and
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  • 97 847 (Supplied by Reuter.) General Amnesty. London, 1st August—A telegram from Constantinople states that there is a general exodus of obnoxious Palace officials. There is much disquietude at the release of 930 criminals and political offenders regarding whom an amnesty has been declared. The amnesty affects 200,000 Armenians in America
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  • 30 847 (Supplied by Reuter.) To Visit Germany, London, 31st July.—The Libour Party will visit Germany next Whitsuntide in order to promote an understanding between English and American woikers.
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  • 52 847 (Supplied by Reuter.) American Car Second. London, 3Ut July.—The American Tho mas car in the New York to Paris race which arrived at Eydtkubueu on the 27th July, has reached Paris, finishing second in the great race. The German Protos car, it will be remembered,
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  • 91 847 (Suj plied by Reuter.) Summing up by Chief Justice. London, 31st July—The Chief Justice, in his summing up of the case in which Mr. Robert Sievier was charged with extortion by Mr. Jack B. Joel, dwelt on the extreme difficulty of deciding between the contradictory evidence. He
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  • 50 847 says there is to be a golf match between Perak and Selangor during the forthcoming holidays. The match will be played on the fine links at Batu Gajah and there will be both single and foursome matches. The players to represent Perak are now being selected.
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  • 45 847 has arranged 28 fixtures for the Australian footballers, commencing with Devonshire on September 26 The teams will include England, Ireland, Wales, the Universities, Counties and the Army and Navy leading clubs, concluding with a match against France on Jan. 1.
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  • 57 847 it is rumoured that there is a prospect of the post of honorary consul for the Republic of Brazil at Singapore being revived. The appointment has been left in abeyance since the death of
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  • 48 847 has been ordered to Ceylon, and Lieut-Col. N. W H. Du Boulay, Royal Garrison Artillery, Sandown, Isle of Wight, to Mauritius. Lieut-Col J. G. E. Wynne, Royal Garrison Artillery, Dover, has been ordered to Plymouth for duty, vice Lieut-Col Lewis.
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  • 75 847 —consisting of wives of offi :ers of the American fl >et, which is at present on a round tbe world cruise—have planned to follow their husbands in older to greet them at various ports. The better halves,” says the New York Herald,
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  • 550 847 We are glad to see that tne R at2 Board is actively co-operating rhe Municipal Commissioners to "p the use of night-soil in gardens within its jurisdiction is an admitted fact that a boat diseases have their origin in thia sanitary practice, and every one X indulges in
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  • Page 847 Advertisements
    • 99 847 A Well-Known Remedy. There are few peoples in this country who have not nsed, or at least heard of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is the first thing they think of when they or any member of the family are stricken with Diarrhoea, pain in the stomach or
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  • 507 848 did not “> ke the "J a P a f neso L j vi to capture the fancy of the D®’ 1 19 rllh ij c f or there was a packed house SX Di ht aud the accorded the various turns was "Seotburiaslic. Last evening
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  • 17 848 Lumpur toT ,t dde11 has goue {o Kuala Pur t0 Lear the appeal cases.
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  • 15 848 An other launch, 1 16 at arrived from 8 P re for the Penang Wharves.
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  • 35 848 Cn »ford O f Rh b ears that Mr K- A. on long lĕ aVA K ng wbo is now in Australia mat. g e. is to be married on the 27th
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  • 35 848 M B J T p E»Ute, Trona To 086, Mana 8 er of St.John’s the p A J' x P back from Home lnit U. Nore, due here on the 18th
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  • 35 848 i‘ k Ki m 0 nd tjj an Jiak Kim. Mrs. Tan i*" holi(] a >ack 10 Singapore from **®er Prince r a^ an tke Gorman mail te jesterjay.
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  • 183 848 in criminal appellate jurisdiction. (Before Mr. Justice Fisher.) It will be remembered that last week we reported the particulars of an appeal case man ±1 Nf, 8V‘ ki Tomok, and a Japanese woman, were concerned and in winch j udgrae t was eierved Ihe following were the convictions
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  • 392 848 (Before Mr. Scott.) Liang Fuk, a Chinaman, was this morning changed with (1) possession of housebreaking implements, and (2) attempting to cause hurt to a public servant. The accused pleaded not guilty. Aboo, Detective corporal No. 6, stated that, acting on instructions from DetectiveInspector Ambrose, witness, in
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  • 237 848 Important Point Settled by Acting Chief Justice. In the Supreme Court, yesterday, says u J v r 8 Singapore Free Pres the Acting Cmef Justice, Air. A G. Law, gare judgment on the preliminary point raised in the hearing of the action by the Chetty
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  • 100 848 The Government Gazette of July 31 contains the following items of information; Messrs. Lim Eow Hong and Goh Taik Chee have been appointed members of the Committee of the Society for the Protection of Women and Children (Po Leung Kuk). Penang, vice Messrs. Lim San Ho and Cheah
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  • 67 848 of the H. B. Va. Ill 17 Kutsang from Singapore oa the 16th ult., a Macao Chinaman was arrested bv the W ater Police on a warrant. He is suspected of the murder of Mak Ling within the jurisdiction of the settlement of Penang. Evidence
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  • 105 848 President and Hon. Treasurer of the Penang Chinese Money Changers’ Syndicate, semis for publicition the following statement of collections of prohibited copper coins made by his Syndicate up to date:— From 12th Aug., 1907, to 26th July, 1908. Amount forwarded for exchange by 877 depositors 820,321.98
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  • 2392 849 AUTUMN MEETING. Third Day’s Racing. An Objection Disallowed. There was a larger attendance, both in the Ladies’ Stand and the Members’ enclosure, on Saturday than on the two previous days of the meeting and the spectators were treated to a really fine finish in the race for
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  • 1767 850 An Undoubted Success. Tine weather favoured the Penang Hor*e Show which was hold «t fh? g yeslerday. Th io sn tx"en a »n C P l bl > Committce w '>o provided ”7' i„ nilr frjcnd X horse, «IheRes.dentCouocilloraptlvputit different 6 e D UI ber f
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  • 19 851 of the Church Work Association on Thursday, at 10-30 a.m., at the Town Hall.
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  • 27 851 has been appointed to the headmastership of the new Government school which is to be opened at Ipoh about the beginning of November-
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  • 80 851 to H. M. the King at the Levee of July 6th at. St. James’s Palace was that of Col. Fitton, H. G, D. S. 0., A. D. C-, Royal West Kent Regiment, on appointment as A. D. C. to his Majesty the King, by the Inspector-General of
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  • 93 851 as reported by our Singapore correspondent on Friday, were arrested on the arrival of the s.s. Penang from Port Swettenham on suspicion of being implicated in the murder of Dr. Barrack. The men say they have
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  • 3161 851 Meetings. 1. Ordinary Meeting, of the Commi. sioners were Le!d on the 11th and 25th r the month- n Staff. 2. Mr. H E. J. Ingley, who was taken on temporarily last month as an overseer to supervise construction of drains, resigned his appointment.
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  • 100 853 We have received from Capt. E T. Miles, the General Manager of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co., a copy of the following ciicular, dated Tongkah, 2nd Aug., which he has issued to those interested in the company Since recovering the ladder on July
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  • 399 853 (Echo Special) The I. M. S- vs. Straits Cricket Mat l Singapore, 1 st A ugust.-Fin!S L favoured the F. M. 8. vs Tl o at^ r cricket match which was bL.? iU Singapore to-day. The F M f 3t batted first and were all out ‘be?® the lunch
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  • 26 853 {Echo Special.) Engagement Announced* Singapore, 4th August.—’The e D nient is announced of Misi 0 daughter of H. E. the Governor, to Geoffrey Farrant.
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  • Page 853 Advertisements
    • 98 853 A Well-Known Remedy. There are few peoples in this country who have not nsed, or at least heard of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoci Remedy. It is the first thing they think of when they or any member of the family are stricken with Diarrl.cci, pain in the stomach or
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    • 49 853 As a Last Resort. Before going to the expense doctor for a case of diarrhoea procure a bottle of Chamterl.»’ Cholera and Diarrhcea Re®? J be more than pleased W1 There is not another median e 1nJ that has saved as many lives a The George Town Dispensary, Agents.
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  • 318 854 (S«pr Iied b y Seuter -'> H sultan Feeling at Adrianople. Ant S n 2„a August.—While driving to I'l- vesterdav and on Friday the ,h &^oo k d'up in his carriage all the way Sultan rrlpdXd the cheers of the people aD t droops' He afterwards received the “A'
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  • 95 854 (Supplied by Reuter.) Sir Henry Blake’s Criticisms. London 4th August —In a long letter Sir Governor of Hongkong from 1903, criticises severely the closing of e opium divans in Hongkong without Wigations on the spot, and dwells on the wnousloss of revenue at a time
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  • 47 854 A (Supplied )t) Neuter.) 3rE ni0,,iSt Win Haggw.' August.-Ai the by-election by i Pre a vaca ncy has been (RadipaiT 1 W’Niam Randal Polled 2867 vn t r Gu ioess (Unionist) 1 6) teating Mr. Warren Inland Q«? Urr0W8 Socia Hst) who dQa Ovules respectively.
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  • 173 854 by Reuter.) Rioters Sentenced to Imprisonment. London, 1st A U g US Slx y niae officers and soldiers wera injure.) at the riots at Draw, v.gueux, Several rioters wore sentenced to terms of imprisonment ranging from a week to four months. ,i A1 S, c re' ar
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  • 44 854 (Supplied by Reuter.) French Detachment Ambuscaded. London, 3rd August.—A French detachment which was pursuing the Chinese bands in Tongking was ambuscaded and the captain and a lieutenant were killed. The Chinese losses during the past fortnight were 149 killed and 117 captured.
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  • 38 854 (Supplied by Reuter.) Magazine Explosion at the German Barracks. Loudon, 3rd August—The German barracks at I’eking was burned yesterdav, The magazine exploded killing two German soldiers and one French and wounding seventeen German, French, and Turkish troops.
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  • 48 854 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Fresh Outbreak Probable. London, 2nd August—The granting of the Turkish Constitution has caused much excitement at Teheran and a frish outbreak is feared. Over one hundred people, mostly merchants, have taken refuge in the Tuikish Embassy and demand a speedy summoning of Parliament.
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  • 52 854 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Lords Pass the Bill. London, 1st August.—The House of Lords have passed the Old-Age Pensions Bill, but, with a view to preventing the establishment of a precedent, passed a resolution declining to acquiesce in the Speaker’s ruling that their amendments were a breach
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  • 690 854 Any one taking the trouble to study last year’s Municipal report will agree with Mr. L. H. Clayton that the Electric Supply Department is not in a nourishing state. Not yet perhaps, would be the more correct phrase to use, for there is no reason to doubt that
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  • Page 854 Advertisements
    • 39 854 A Stubborn Disease. Rheumatism is considered by the medical men to be the hardest disease there is to control, but Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has remarkable power over it. One application will give relief. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 37 856 the new Governor-Gene- ral of Indn ni uew Governor-Gene-wiles for ls ,x P e <=ted to leave Mar«ianie n Eist on th 27 th inst., c| e P ed b .v Messrs. Picanon and Delon-
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  • 89 856 number of wk- k ar the August from strength t* JUSt to ban(3 proceeds interest an/ Iength never fails to are pnorl a, USe the illustra•hict did b« t i p °r rapl18 of ,he ,wn teams lut Eater? th e Si-’sapore Esplanade Penang" Se T>.
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  • 2383 856 (Before Mr.' Scott.) The Bribery Charge. The hearing of-the erse in which Acting Sergeant Alexander Dennys stands charged 1 receiving «ratification, was resumed yesterday afternoon. M A1 P Th Uld < cross exarn ined by the Hon. 3 Z r T° U S 90uusel for the defence,
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  • 187 857 A $13,500 Tua; for the Penang Wharves. At next Friday’s meeting of the Legislative Council Captain Young will move That this Council approves a vote of $13 500 for a tug for use in connection with the Government Wharves, Penang. The Land Improvement Ordinance Amendment Bill (Bill to
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  • 32 857 This Q Uiviuui y. XU 13 is the second child and is tu be named Pu Kai.
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    • 181 857 To the Editor of the Straus Echo Dear Sir,-Kindly allow me a space in your valuable columns to maka few remarks anent the post of Signal geant, Fort Cornwallis, wmch has en r dered vacant by the retirement of Mr C j Scully on pension. Since the retirement
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  • 356 857 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, 3rd August. Official Movements and Changes. Mr. E.W. Birch, British Resident of Perak, has been granted an extension of one month’s leave, commencing from the 15th November. The Raja Muda of Perak will not represent the Sultan at the Agri horticultural show at
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  • 111 858 (frM Our Oum^or^l' mdeni > Alor Star, 2nd Aug. Urilisb Consul, wbn returned from Ibe B ritlb h Kodah on t he 31st uit bi» t0U ’“overland for Perlis He will be ieft Mahout ten days. I hear that bo a«»y f to Padang Trap,
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  • 155 858 Tw and a Half Months Aground. Th. Captain of the fame- L. Easton a ailiogsbipbelongine to San Frauci-co, now oort has a ta'e of great hanW'.p to tel'. ifX the vessel was jus' <ff Cocos Islan.i she ran aground, and it w»‘i days beto r
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  • 32 858 has been ordered H r me by her medical advisers to undergo an operation at the hands of a specialist.
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  • 31 858 the fortv fi’st anniversary of the accession of he King of Siam by tbeerec'ion of a statue in Bangkok.
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  • 30 858 and a suite of twelve persons arrived at Singapore from Bangkok, by the German s'eamer Deli on Munday morning.
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  • 102 858 happened at the Wayang Ka e sim on Wednesday mght\ Mr the proprietor, has been ill in boapifor some time, and has recent y recover e 1 'thanks to the ca»e and attention to him. Dr. Letsk and a party present
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  • 110 858 DnnoU 2 P a P pr Mrs. Wille. a Ur a lv rpnresplJ tative at Bislev woqM an P r v f PQ{ escape at home It Btr 6 H art hat she Wil staving in Mrs attend th«°R R i' U and wishing to to
    110 words
  • 1330 858 iuE DISCOVERY OF documents refused Decision of the Gmrt of Anneal Euia 10 a.m rill 1 1 qo 1 r, 1 l od a m v 8 turd y s Straits Times, Mr Justice sercorobe Smnh a9 euxaRHd ;1 ||u °f P |h" e A U,t ead
    1,330 words
  • 68 858 otMr. M W. I’, ft. Superin- tendent of the Singapore Fi e Brigade, aid Miss Edie J-nninu8. daughter of Mr. F. K. Jennings, of Instilu ion Hill, Singapore, took nhce at. St. David’s C’buicb, Exe er, <>n the Ibh ult. M*. and Mrs iVit have booked tueir retu
    68 words
  • Page 858 Advertisements
    • 42 858 A stubborn Disease. Rheumatism i« emo iered by tho tredicil men to tie the hat lest dinerse there is to control, but Cb mh.rl.ins Pain Bam ho, remarkable rover over it app rcation sill give '■eli’f TuGnrgi I’ovu Ihspnwary. Wholesale Agents.
      42 words

  • 296 859 Official Programme. The following is the official p-ogramme of the forthcoming Agri-Horticu!tural Show at Kuala Lumpur:— First Day, 10th August. 8 a.m. Judging commences n ail divisions except F. 10.30 am. Gate opens; admission $1 or by ticket. 11 a.m. H. E. the High Commissioner, Sir John Anderson,
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  • 23 859 has accepted the Honorary Colonelcy of ’be Ceylon Artillery Volunteers subject to the approval of the homo authorities.
    23 words
  • 94 859 besides a donation of be ks for the pupils. Measures have also been taken tor despatching several teachers from Peking, the outlay to Ire met out of school funds. Outside Chinese circes in Java, says the Straits
    94 words
  • 869 859 The text of a bill to consolidate and am -nd the law relating to forestsand foil st produce has been drafted and will Le brought before the Legislative Council. The objects and reasons *tate When Mr. H. C. Hill, Conservator of Forests, of Her Majesty’s Indian
    869 words
  • 27 859 The output of the Lahat Mines Ltd for the month of July, 19 8, is Piculs 827-77of clean dressed ore, realizing $€3 901.57.
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  • 167 859 The British Resident of Perak has, with the approval of the Resident-General, rescinded Rule 9 of the Rules framed under the R-venue Farms Enactment and substituted the following:— (i) The fanner and his agents shall not lend money to any person for the purpose of gaming, and
    167 words
  • 75 859 (Supplied by Reuter) General Strike a Fiasco. London, 4fh August —Though the general strike was a fiisco several collisions between the Police and the demonstrators took place in Paris yesterday. A number of policemen were injured. Yesterday Reuter wired The Labour Unions in Paris are arranging for
    75 words
  • 78 859 (Supplied by Reuter.) Deputation Returns to AdrianopleLondon, 441 August.—The jb-pu ation to the Sultan has returned to Adrianople, veying the Sultan’s grie’ings to the tr r and also his promise to pay all a rrear to discharge the time-expired soldiersThere were tremendous cheers o Sultan. Arrears of Troops to
    78 words

  • 30 860 (Supplied f, U Iteuler fr»ns-Atlantic Warship Record. J'iitttbePnneeofWdps on board, Iras e-,1 at C‘WPS. h'ving made th* tram*jS’ie warship record in 5 days. 18 hour ud 40 minutes.
    30 words
  • 93 860 (Supplied by Reuter Refugees at the Turkish Embassy. Lindon. 5'h August—Firing has been in progress at Tabriz sine Monday mo ning. The Turkish Consul demanded a cessation of the civil war and stated that o h -rwise his Government would have to inteivene as a protest on
    93 words
  • 44 860 (Supplied by Reuter.) Disastrous Bush Fire. London, 4th August.—A bush tire swept over hundreds of square miles in the Crow’s Nest Paas region of British Columbia, des troying several townships and rendering thousands of people homeless. 170 people are dead and missing
    44 words
  • 29 860 (Supplied by Reuter.) Hsit to Sweden. London. 4th August. Tim Kaiser and K-iiwin who are in Stockholm, we e ivceivSwe7 Osc tr II and Queen Sophia of
    29 words
  • 105 860 (Supplied by Reuter I wenty-four Hours’ Trip, airlhm k“' h Z ppelin’s h. P h as t tartp<1 from FriH S ricUh=,i.. n on h »'e "f I.«ke Constance, for «aclw/ lir 1,<lurs ,rl P a, ™g 'be Rhine. He eSi„ M r V0 ca 10 ne
    105 words
  • 24 860 by Reuter'.) r. n1 Opening. Pr T 1 ’X 5t 'c A1J?,JSt The Httttday. Lon S re88 opened in London
    24 words
  • 644 860 Kniter brings n< dismal news to-day. Count Zeppelin’s airship has been destroyed, partly by the unsubstantial element in which lt sails a ,>d partly by dre. ut i s destruction does not mem. that with it the science of aerial navigation has vanished Oto thin air. Enough
    644 words
  • 259 860 A large number of members of the newlyormPd UW R fl Club tm ned up at the Lange at < Bahru yesterday afterneon for pr c« >ce. and nome v e good scoring was done The>e h no d< ubt «hit with pract,p our ladies
    259 words
  • 60 860 Lawn ’Tennis Tournamert. Following were the results of the ties played ye.xterdav Mixed Double Ha*d rap. Mr. and M h Dunn bent Mrs. K**nn and 1 vens, 6--3 5 7 6—1. ion Pa'rs. ParsobS «nd 1 roctor beat Sayo and CLavor, 6-2; 6-3. cnn>>if it^h' /> H
    60 words
  • 15 860 The Anglo-Malay Rubber C o.’s output dry rubber for July was 31 935 lbs. of
    15 words
  • 19 860 of the Straits T olintf Co Ku da Lumpur, has btOu transferred to RiWing.
    19 words
  • 20 860 from hi» holiday in Singapore by the Germ m mail liner Prinz Ludwiy yt-sie'diy.
    20 words
  • 23 860 Kuala I umpur, hi» returm-d to tin Federal capital after an absence of ovei two mouths.
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  • 212 861 (Before Judge Wolferstan.) Our readers will remember that about two w<eks ayo the cook of premises No. 45, Penang Street, a Chinese cloth dealer’s shop, decamped with a large sum ot m ney and Hat he was subsequently arrested by th« P- lice To-day the man Liong Ah
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  • 208 861 (Before Mr. Scott.) Six Chinamen were yesterday fined $10 each for gambling at No. 203. Hutton Lane, which was raided on the 4th inst. by Mr. V. G. Savi, Assistant Superintendant of Police. For working a bullock in an unfit stare a Kling carter was yesterday mulcted
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  • 40 861 reports that the trade in tin blabs there «hows considerable improvement. The tin is made into foil and used in the manufacture of joss pajer, in wh ch commodity Ningpo carries on a large trade.
    40 words
  • 54 861 Chaplain of Kuala Lumpur, who went to Singapore to play cricket with tl e F. M. S. team, p i eHch« ed at St. And ew's Cathedral on Sunday evening, ar d asdsb d the Colonia Chaplain, the*Rev. H. C. Izod, at the early celebration
    54 words
  • 67 861 1 a., joint Secretary of the Y M. C A.’s of Malaria, is on a visit to Kut a i umpur. Mr. R. D. Pringle is cu* in Pna g o the 13th in<h, after his cobec'ing t ur in England and Australia. I- is
    67 words
  • 760 861 Government Service vs. National Union. A fair number of spectators journeyed down to Pangknr Road yesterday -afternoon tn witness the League match between the Government Servceand theNitional U lion The game which was, on the whole, very interesting though great'y in favour of ihe Government Servants, ended in
    760 words
  • 153 861 About 200 Cadets '‘marched out” last night, accompanied by thn hand of gt Xivier’s Institution. The fall j n place at Fort Cornwallis and punctuillyat 8 p.m. the cadpfs set on thpir night march the following being the route selected Fort Road. Light Street, Farquhar Street' Nortbam
    153 words
  • 65 861 the Rev. W. E. Horley will be obliged to accompany Mrs. Hurley to England. They will probably sail from Singapore on Sent. 14'h The Rev. H. B Mansell, of the English Church at Singapore, will he in charge of the work in Selangor ti’l the
    65 words
  • 55 861 Mr. Willie Freear, the popular entertainer, is proceeding from Madras to Mysore, Travatcore, Hyderabad and Baroda to plav before the Maharajahs, the Nizam, and the Gnekwir. Mr. Freear then goes on to Rangoon, the Straits, and thence to Borneo, Sumatra and the neighbouring settlements, en
    55 words
  • 77 861 about noon. in a k< ngsi house on a mine at Songei Bear» not far from the premises of the Straits Trading Co. The wind caused the flames to spread across the road whe»e stood a number of smad houses where low grade
    77 words
  • 89 861 Ipav ng Bombay snow tnac rne jjayerin, O t. 10, is to take the 6rh Dragoon uar from India to Durban, for Cape p°^ n and then proceed with the 2nd a Kent frem Durban to Hongkon f e Middlesex
    89 words

  • 131 862 ifnn Our Own Corresponded) Alor Star, 5‘h Aug. v«.r..Q'»l> Benz Kee Cb De L Ve H0C t S other Chinese gentlemen arrived ii»d eignt U at noon on Sunday here b y tv naid a visit to the Chinese Club Ib e K 0p%°> Farm and
    131 words
  • 173 862 The Straits as Purgatory. At the meeting of the Tees Port* Sanitary Authority at, Middlesborough last month Sir Strnuel Sidler, the chairman, was congratulated on his return home after bis travels in the Far East. In returning thanks, Sir Samuel said he was delighted on coming home
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  • 300 862 The Journal oj Iropical Medicine a r d Hygiene calls prominent attention to the fact that tbe brilliant, results obtained at Port Swettenbam, undef Dr. Malcolm Watson’s directions, whereby malaria was practically eradicated from amongst tbe community, are in danger of being annulled. Owing to railway
    300 words
  • 135 862 Th 0 Observer reports the death of the I-incws-Cuumpon, wife of R ar-Admi-ral H R H. 1’rince Chumpon, and eldest daughter of H. R H Prince Bhanurangsi which occurred suldenly on the L6h uh from heart failure. The sad occurrence has p uuged the who’e
    135 words
  • 239 862 Mr. Loke Yew Interviewed. There has been some tu» i tj—r correspon ience in the E'igli-h Press on ihe subject <>t the Hongkong Opium Firm and in this con unction a representative of our Kuala Lum ■nr contemporary interviewed Mr L*k<Yew on Tuesday morning. The Ma
    239 words
  • 45 862 I’ue generosity of China eu is well known, and their S icietv in London, the S amg Yea Tong, has just made a contribution of «£20 to the Samen’Hospital, where many Chinese seamen are treated.
    45 words
  • 102 862 on the 15 h ult. Amongst the guests were:—The SiameseCharj. e I'Aff Ores, Lu mg Sanp ikitch. Sir Albert Rollit, Sir William Hood Troicher. (a former Resident General of the F
    102 words
  • 119 862 “A A. K writes It is customary on occasions of ma’riage among Brahmins for the bridegroom to be attired in true b -chelor’s dress, canying c idjan b>< ks and a bundle of rice, and pretend to set out for Benares, there to lead a life of celibacy The gi'ls
    119 words
  • 783 862 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 10th. Un the refo-ma'ion of ibe 3 d B.ttahou Q teen s Own Roy, 1 West Kent Regiment •nto the 3 d iSpenal Rtseive) Battalion Queens Own R .yal Wd«t Kmt Regiment, captain G. I) Lister, of tbe West Kent
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  • 16 863 died yesterday afternoon at the General Hospital from heart failure.
    16 words
  • 25 863 by Mr. Scott for receiving money for an inadequate consideration, has withdrawn his notice of appeal.
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  • 101 863 a married man, who has just been visiting summer resorts, has introduced into the Georgia Assembly a measure relating to the wiles and blandishments of the gentler sex. The Bill provides that “If any woman, whether maid or widow, shall betray into matrimony any unsuspecting male subject
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  • 109 863 on the 14th ult. urged upon the Home Secretary the necessity of further legislation for the regulation of noisy and dangerous motor traffic. In reply Mr. Gladstone complained that the local authorities in London had not exhausted their existing powers. Why
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  • 121 863 was on the lOih ult. entertained to dinner in the Middle Temple Hall by the Bar of England in lecognition of his appointment to that position. Replying to the toast of •’Our Gu f st,”
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  • 163 863 The Chinese Minister in the United States is a perennial source of copy to the American reporter. To one he has now pro- claimed his conviction that he will live 200 years by the aid of a proper system of diet. To the Boston correspondent who applied for details, the
    163 words
  • 965 863 A Very Satisfactory Report. The report of the Kepong (Malay) Rubber Estates, Ltd., to 31st December last, which was submitted to the meeting of shareholders on the 9th prox, states that the estate consists of 1,560 acres in a compact block in the Selangor district of
    965 words
  • 84 863 The following items are taken from the London and China Express of the 17th ult:— Pahang Consolidated. Return for June: 2,900 tons ore treated—1,250 piculs tons) tin produced—operating time equalled 28 stamps continuous running—owing insufficient power pumping water (for Mill). Vallambrosa Rubber. Final dividend 3 J per cent.,
    84 words
  • 57 863 July Outputs. The following outputs of tin-ore for the month of July are reported Pcls. Rambutan Ltd 280 Gopeng Tin Mining Co. Ltd. 64) New Gopeng Ltd. Tpkku Ltd 300 Kinta Tin Mines Ltd. .i. 100 The output from Sungei Besi for the month of June
    57 words
  • 37 863 to report on the Mill j i pay and allowance of the Indian Govern ment clerks, whose rates of pay have remained unchanged during the past 40 years.
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  • Page 863 Advertisements
    • 93 863 A Well-Known Remedy. There are few peoples in this country wb° have not nsed, or at least heard of Cham r Iain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea It is the first thing they think of w 0° or any member of the family are with Diarrhoea, pain in the stomach or
      93 words

  • 58 864 (Echo Special.) Fire. Singapore, ,M1 Au ust f f C jXungalow “Letcoinb, in Giltstead d was burnt to the ground this The building is insured. The use ofthe fire is unknown. Municipal Motor Driver Fined. Singapore, 6th August. The driver f Municipal motor fire engine «rtmadrick” who was charged
    58 words
  • 211 864 (Supplied by Reuter.) An Unfortunate Accident. London, 5th August.—Count Zeppelin’s airship, which started on Monday on a twenty-four hours’ trip along the Rhine, broke its moorings in a gale at Stuttgart and caught fire. The airship disappeared in the air, but Count Zeppelin is safe. Several persons,
    211 words
  • 107 864 (Supplied by Reuter.) Deaths Exaggerated. August.—The number of c 8re P° r ted in the Crow’s Nest Pass bush Drohahl X^r?/ rat L he latest news is that dav> w 70 an d not 170, as reported yesteraa?) were killed by the disaster travorJ^^? ra D3
    107 words
  • 28 864 Applied by lleuler.) r.„. Rt tur to Paris. k ret ™w?tt u i> u st P f res deat Pa||^res 1 ari8 after his visit to
    28 words
  • 47 864 (‘SuppZfet/ by Reuter.) Minister of Marine Resigns. t ’v A V® ust -~Hassin Rami retied Th i i JImi8ter Marine P J public are excited and im XtTcaR'T 1 thp of the whole Cabinet and the formation of a homogeneous Liberal ministry have fuUr Uiher iDisters
    47 words
  • 50 864 (Supplied by Reuter.) Competitive Traffic. 1 is reported that the Midland, the North-Western and the Lancashire and Yorkshire railways have concluded an agreement with reference to heir competitive traffic, which is estimated to save a minimum of <£200,000. The stock of all three companies has advanced in consequence.
    50 words
  • 67 864 (Supplied by Reuter.) Mr. Winston Churchill on the Injurious Effect of Tariffs. London, 5th August.—Mr. Winston Churchill, President of the Board of Trade, speaking at the Free 1'rade Congress which opened in. London on Tuesday, dwelt on the injurious effect of tariffs, which fostered suspicion and jealousy
    67 words
  • 112 864 Pbnang, 6th August. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/3 J-J 4 months’sight Bank 3 Credit ...2/4 J 3 Documentary Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs- 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank Moulmein, Demand Bank 173| 3 days’ sight Private 1'< 6| Madras, Demand Bank 174|
    112 words
  • 174 864 Joki $65. Pepper( W.Coast 31bs.5 oz.) no stock hl *£epper i-ranz 1 eptxir $10 tuyere for India .'r out of season 70.— nominal ilar» i ,ck>ngs 58,-eaZes Nutnwgg a 14o. I 6.65 sales 3u^r j 2 no stock C Basket 3.50 sellers lapioca Biour 1.S0 noiuifwl ra 6.60 buyers
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  • Page 864 Advertisements
    • 371 864 The Danger of Sleeping on Deck. A Ship Purser’s Story. After sleeping one night, on the deck of the steamer on which I then was Purser I was attacked with severe pains in the lower part of the back, and from that time onward until Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cured
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  • 39 864 Obituary. (Supplied by Reuter.) M. Lavino. London, 6th August.—The death is announced of M. Livino, the Times correspondent at Paris. DomesticOccurrence. Death. Johnston.—July 10, at sea, on s.s. Armadale Castle, Moi’ris Alexander, son of late A. Johnston, of Singapore.
    39 words

  • Page 865 Advertisements
    • 625 865 taking three bottles of these Pills there was ‘T-*’* T~t_ Z\ T »"FS- JW y no need for more as I was cured of ail the symptoms of my complaint. “Since then I have fait in perfect condi- T/ s f «w« «inhTTll JOHN MARTIN, MINER TU r flr f
      625 words

  • 987 866 5 o. Number of. 'S P x si Capi,al Sw 1 Lui Divide i.i, Name i j R I '13 I* I 3 1 arsis SB 8 B sis ,s, $8 B.J lonl S 120,000 12,000 10 10 57] p. c. foi )903. Kirar<nnl'vi r-v v S4. gqj 60,000
    987 words

  • Page 867 Advertisements
    • 225 867 9l I The CRITERIONJ>RESS, Ltd. j S? ESTABLISHED 1883. fl M U PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. nH 9 Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO,’ “SIN POE,’ 1 “CHAYA PULAU PINANG.” H «ar .-The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and 9 lithographers in the Orient. IS T H P. oP Our plant is of
      225 words