The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 26 June 1908

Total Pages: 34
1 679 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. 115 Per Annunii Single Copy 40 cents. Vol. 6. Penang, Friday, 26th June, 1908. No. 25.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 268 1 CONTENTS. Leaders: page. Sport: page. Heavy Fines 648 League Football: P.F.S. vs. P.W. 649 The Presidential Election 552 Crescents vs. M.R.C. 669 The Coming World’s Fair 659 Football: P C.C. vs. C.R C. 666 Terrorism in Bengal 664 Rifle-Shooting 654 The New Siama-e Codes 668 Selangor Races 661 676 A
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 174 2 t liit i h.rrg hi ih fin w* in i d THE j STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. i ft I i ft h Published the day prior to the departure of each mail i < for Europe, and contains the latest local and States 9 news originally published in the
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  • 663 648 We have before now inveighed against the unwisdom, not to say injustice, of heavy fines, and we should not have thought it worth while to revert to the subject to-day but for the fact that one ortwoof those who dispense justice from our Magisterial Bench still persist in
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  • 208 648 The highest earthly honours freely bestowed on the crowning climax of our efforts to please; actually a kindergarten for children and normal school for the whole nation." Thus Harmston’s Circus advertise their Matinee to-morrow. We do not know if the word “Kindergarten" will keep away the children (who
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  • 586 648 {Bejore Mr. Scott.) Yesterday afternoon Omar, a Malay lad, was mulcted in the sum often dollars and costs for using abusive language to a Malay woman, named Bunamal, on or about the loth inst. The judgment in the case in which two Japanese, named Nalasaki and Tomok,
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  • Page 648 Advertisements
    • 103 648 The dtr »Ita Koho j H' Jjf v V vi Mi MM "CT l d ,M, e i rtb:l»h«i Mir (w«>* »on<l»y>.l IT TH S CRITERION PRESS, Lhl., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penam/. PRICE: daily louaj a !n,,n OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone
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  • 522 649 Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Penang. A somewhat novel point of law was referred to the Chief Judge of the High Court, Rangoon, on the 13th ult., by the District Magistrate of Mergui, regarding the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Penang in the
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  • 1086 649 Penang Free School vs. Penang Wanderers. A goalless draw was the result of the League match played on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon between the Penang Free School and the Penang Wanderers. The calls for no special comment. During the greater part of the first half the Scholars had
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  • Page 649 Advertisements
    • 37 649 Chamberlain’s Colic, and Cholera Diarrhjsa Remedy. This remedy has been in use for over thirty years and has proved itself to be the most successful remedy yet discovered for bowel complaints. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents
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    • 27 649 Sprains Quickly Cured. Bathe the parts freely with Chamberlains Pain Balm and give them absolute rest, a quick cure is certain. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 205 650 «.rotation» from Cornishmen. M and Ml>un t> News Echo's Popular Man ComTbe Inimd Mr. Foo Choo Choon, the of Malaya, at the head of the poll b O than 56,219 votes. Mr. Lim Eow tb Xith 40,927 votes to his credit,
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  • 351 650 The returns of imports and exports of tbe Straits Settlements are now published in a condensed and convenient form. The returns for the first quarter of the current year have the following summary, in which the returns for 1908 and 1907 (Ist Qr.) are compared.— Imports. 1 Qr
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    • 371 650 To iue Editor of the straits Echo. Dear Editor, Your cutting from the Straits Tunes on the above subject, in last night’s issue, is very interesting reading, although I do not quite agree with the reasons given therein. They are mostly secondary. If they are correct, the
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  • 297 650 To the Editor of the Straits ikaa Sir, Having frequently read of tbe great trouble and expense planters experience in trying to maintain the fertility of their land, would you kindly permit me to give a description of the Melilot,
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  • 551 650 Annual Meeting. Following the second annual dinner of the China Society, London, at the Trocadero Restaurant on the 28th ult., the annual meeting of the Society was held. Mr. G. Jamieson, c.m.g in asking Mr. Ivan Chen to present the report, referred to the gift made to
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  • 558 651 A correspondent who signs himself Fair Play” sends us from Milan, says the Times, a long reply to ’‘Citizen’s” letter on "Siamese Ambitions,” which we published on March 31. Fair Play has resided for over 20 years in Siam, where he "had ample opportunities of witnessing the enormous
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  • 1139 651 State Secrets. Before the Singapore Court of Appeal, consisting of the Hon’ble Justices Fisher, Braddell and Sercombe Smith, on Monday morning, was heard the appeal of the Crown against a decision of the acting Chief Justice. Khoo Sian Tan and Khoo Siew Jin proceeded against
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  • Page 651 Advertisements
    • 96 651 An Australian Commercial Traveller’s Story. It is the commercial traveller who hnds the many changes of climate and water try ing. Mr. Chas. G. Chapman, who represents a large Brisbane concern, had been troubled for years with chronic diarrheaOn one of his trips a fellow traveller recoin mended Chamberlain’s Colic,
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  • 258 652 b y neuter.) Decision Irrevocable. j io t h June.—The speech of Permanent Chairman of the a Convention, eulogising President n Stevoked a remarkable demonstration 1 minutes. Senator Lodge’s impresMlD jJiaration that President Roosevelt’s was irrevocable reduced the Hall to ulence again. "Yesterday Reuter wired ThTchieigo Convention
    by neuter.)  -  258 words
  • 122 652 (Supplied by Reuter.) Lemoine’s Formula Nonsensical. London, 19th June.—The Frenchman wmomp, who swindled Sir Julius Wernher of £60,009 on the pretence that he had a formula for making diamonds, has absconded. His secret formula, enclosed in a packet the seal of which has since been Broken, proves to
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  122 words
  • 95 652 1 tbe “"■mercial traveller who fio<] B w of ehutateaud water try«nt. a larn/n Cba P mau whl > repretroubled f r Sb ne concern had been 0a o M J ars Wltll chronic diarrhcea. ■««ded Ch'" l' PS fe OW traveller recom. wit t
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  • 216 652 (Supplied by Reuter.) Mulai Hafid Proclaimed Sultan at Tetuan. London 19th June.—Mulai Hafid has been proclaimed Sultan at Tetuan. fb£ T M /^%.T an^ier correspondent says that Mulai Hafid s cause is meeting with sue DODuktiorTf M CtioU aDd that for once th population of Morocco seems united in
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  216 words
  • 44 652 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Anglo-Russian Agreement. London, 19th June.—Reuter’s correspondent learns that the details of the AngloRussian Macedonian proposals have practically been settled. As soon as the agreement is definite the two Governments will seek the adhesion of the other Powers.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  44 words
  • 43 652 (Supplied by Reuter.) To be Passed within Seven Days. London, 18tb June.— Under the guillotine, the resolution allocating seven days for the remaining stages of the Old-Age Pensions Bill was adopted by 306 votes to 102, a majority of 204.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  43 words
  • 65 652 (Supplied by Reuter.) Turkey’s Decision. London, 19th June-—Turkey has decided to withdraw all her troops, except one battalion, from Samos. On the first inst. Reuter wired Turkish warships have arrived at Samos (an island in the Aegean Sea, close to the coast of Asia Minor) where they were received
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  65 words
  • 743 652 The Presidential Election, which is now in full swing in America, promises to be in one respect unique. When appeals to the country are made not in accordance with the needs of politics, but in obedience to an immutable time table, there is no certainty that there
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  • Page 652 Advertisements
    • 84 652 Be on the Safe Side. Your physician may be busy or out of town just at the time some member of your family has an attack of colic or diarrhepi Such cases frequently prove fatal before a doctor can be summoned or medicine procured. No physician can presciibe a better
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  • 403 653 The officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the Penang Volunteers gave a most enjoyable dance in the Volunteer Drill Hall at Fort Cornwallis last, night. There was a fair number present and after the dance bad been in progress an hour the Hon. R. N. Bland, Resident
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  • 276 653 (/Wore Jfr. Nunn Ui Ah Teng, a Chinaman, was this morning fined $2 for ill-treating four ducks by carrying them by the legs. Yesterday evening while Mr. 11. Perrett, As-'stant Superintendent of Police, was wa. king along Kort Road, a Hindu lad came up to h.m and
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  • 286 653 Matsuo’s Cinematograph. Despite several counter-attractions, Matsuo’s has beeu doing very fair business all along, and to-night, with the change of programme, there should be another crowded house for this popular show. The Emperor Cinematograph. There will be a change of programme, also, at the Emperor Cinematograph, which show,
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  • 247 653 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, 19 lh J une The British Consulate. As Mr. Frost is now on tour the Brit k Consulate is closed. The Consul left earß Wednesday morning, together with his not° D server (Bachee, the ex-Kulirn detective J? was in the
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  • 355 653 Tonkin and the Straits Contrasted. Hitherto, the commercial resources of Tonkin have attracted little attention in Japan. But, now, the Japanese are determined to gain a footing there, and to develop trade for all that it is worth. So far, they have started business in the Colony
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  • 633 654 Sala y States Guides at Bisley. 1 beadinaof" Tlia Army, in the l nnmb'r (dated May 30) of the Stand-Lyire-wtiieb, bv the way, is the J teklv brought out by the propnetora »f Lindon Standard for the purpose of "iT oversea readers with a complete P £vo?’be «eek’s Home
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  • 529 654 Professor Hankin, a bacteriologist of Agia, does not agree with those who declare that there is no virtue in the anti-opium plant, Combretum sundaicum. Writing in the Indian Trade Journal the Professor declares that its remarkable action appears to be due to the presence of an alkaloid
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  • 1271 654 (b'rotn llr Own Correspondent) Thursday, June 18. Marriage of Captain Stockley. lue 1 enarig friends of Captain Stocklev, a. t>. c. to 11. E the Governor, will be interested to hear that his marriage with J lsS Ismay Hamilton, daughter of the late Mr Dacre Hamilton and Mrs.
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  • Page 654 Advertisements

  • 1165 655 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 29th. Reliefs for the China Station. The cruiser Charybdis will not be engaged in ’he naval manoeuvres as she has to undergo refit preparatory to taking out a relief crew to the cruiser Astrse on the China Station. Toe new
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  • 3606 656 repo rt for 1907 (Continued from page 639.) veterinary report. oihlliui December 3Dt, 1907. br working of this department has There has been a consiincrease in the work °f all the sub I,». Wrt rk has gone on smoothly. There has Jn an increase
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  • Page 656 Advertisements
    • 31 656 Sprains Quickly Cured. Bathe the pads freely with Chamberlain’s Pam Balm and give them absolute rest, and a quick cure is certain. The George Town I 6 qH li-i.u lie Agents.
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  • Page 658 Advertisements
    • 60 658 A Certain Cure for Bowel Complaint. When attacked with diarrhoea or bowel complaint you want a medicine that acts quickly. The attack is always sudden, generally severe and with increasing pain. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoja Remedy has never been known to fail in any case of colic, diarrhoea *»r
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  • 154 659 (Supplied by Reuter.) Sherman Adopted s Vice-President London, 20th June. —The Chicago Convention has adopted Congressman Sherman of New York for the post of ViCe-President of the United States. He is the noimme of Mr. Taft. Mr. Taft’s Snceessor as Secretary of War. London, 20th June.—Mr. W.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  154 words
  • 208 659 (Supplied by Rente) Let Them AH ome London, 20th June.—Considerable stir and even anxiety has been caused by the remarks alleged to have been made by the Kaiser in the presence of foreign military attaches, at a review of his troops recently. He is reported to have
    (Supplied by Rente) )  -  208 words
  • 130 659 (>S'a pphed l>i/ lit liter M. ichon’H Defence of the Government Policy Loudon, 20tl> June—A tebgram from Paris states that a heated debate on the Morocco question t.< ok place in the French Chamber yestei'lav. M. Pichon the Minister of Foreign Affiirs. indignautly repudiated the suggest ion of M
    (>S'apphed l>i/ lit liter )  -  130 words
  • 477 659 (Suppl >ed by Reutei Detained at Zort Said. London, 19th June —The P.& O. steamer Himalaya, which arrived at Port Said from London on Tuesday, was detained there having broken a steam pipe which it would take some days to repair. There have linen no cases of
    (Suppl >ed by Reutei )  -  477 words
  • 842 659 As stated by us in a previous i BBUp we nave received from Mr. K R' i• Acting Consul for Japan i n Si n S a little pamphlet explaining the aim’ and scope of the Grand Exhibition w’nW will be held at Tokio in 1912.
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  • Page 659 Advertisements
    • 86 659 Be on the Safe Side. Your physician may be busy or out of town just at the t ine some member of your family has an attack of colic or diarrhoea. Such cases frequently prove fatal before a doctor can be summoned or medicine procured. No physician can prescribe a
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  • 254 660 The Government yacht Sea Meiv, which conveyed H. E. the Governor and party, arrived here at 6 a m. yesterday. At 10 a m. Sir Joan landed and inspected the Jetty shed under construction near Victoria Pier. A Government Gazette Extraordinary, dated June 19, contains the following
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  • 533 660 (Bejore Mr. Scott.) In consequence of Sergeant Gilroy’s raid on premises No- 86. Campbell Street, yesterday evening, fourteen Chinamen were this morning convicted of playing in a common gaming house. They were fined S 3 each. One of them, who was fun her charged with assisting in
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  • 1101 660 Tbe Government G'zett* of June 19 contains the following items of information 1 he additional instructions pissed under the Riyal Sign Manual ami Signet to the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Straits Settlements respecting the Executive and Legislative Councils, are published for general information. The Right Hm’ble tbe
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  • 666 661 11. E- the Governor has been pleased to define the im ts ot George Town as follows, witn effect from the Ist of next month 1. Ftom Pillar No. 1 on the beach at Buau Jermal along the northern and eastern boundaries of lots 16, 17, and
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  • 325 661 Entries for the Selangor Turf nuu. Meeting closed on Saturday a t Following is the list of the entries ***** First Day, 7th July. I.—Maiden Plate Kenmare Benevolence Stockade 2. Horse Handicap. Pin First Tenor Rapture Zanibar Pause 3.—Selangor Trial Stakes. Lady Brockleigh First Tenor Peiplex Newbury 4,—
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  • 352 662 The British (Sumatra) Rubber Estates. We have been informed by wire that a new rubber company—the British (Sumatra) Rubber Estates —has just been registered in London. The company is formed to purchase and work the Serbajadi,” “Bandar Kuala” and Sungei Karei Estates, which adjoin each other
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  • 628 662 Directors’ Deport for 1907. the following is the Report of the Directors of the I’ronoh Mines, Ltd presented at the sixth annual meeting held at Cannon B'reet Hotel, London, on the 4tb inst The Directors have tbe pleasure to pres mt to the shareholders the Accounts of
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  • 1289 662 SIR FRANK SWETIENHAM ON RUBBER. A Profitable Field of Investment. The fodowing is the concluding portion of the article in Chambers's Journal on British Malaya as a Field for Investment,” by Sir Frank Swettenham, k. c m. a., formerly Governor of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner for
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  • 1206 663 A PRACTICAL SUGGESTION BY A SINGAPORE MERCHANT. Restoration of Security in Native Dealing. Amongst all the opinions we have published < n the local depiession of trade, the Straits Tunes, there has been apparent a hesitation to suggest any action calculated to restore public confidence. The following proposal
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  • 93 664 (Echo Special.) Wrttk of"the “New Orleans.” 1* 22nd June.—The Marine S ?Fnauiry into the stranding of in the Pulau Laut swi'ts. w bich sat on Sat day h f a9 1 the master’s certificate for g months- The Court found that he casualty was caused by the neghof the
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  • 158 664 (Supplied by Reuter.) An Enquiry into Frontier Incidents Probable. London, 21st June.—A telegram from Paris states that China, while expressing regret at the frontier incidents and thanking the French for their support in suppressing the rebellion, h is demanded an enquiry into the facts. France is inclined
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  158 words
  • 111 664 The "Gladiator""St. Paul" Collision. (Supplied bn Reuter.) Admirality Court’s Decision. London, 22nd June.—The Admiralty Court has decided that the Gladiator alone was to blame in the collision with the St. Paul. [lt will be remembered that on April 25 m a blizzard, the American Line steamship,’ C rm l< e<
    (Supplied bn Reuter.)  -  111 words
  • 76 664 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Unionist Win. ma a 2 X JU 7~? e have lon of Yorks tbe Pudbo y divi Wed by the be s e a vaca °cv was Whiteiey/Lib Mr VUI P. to the peerage. 22nd a T^ Ular Con teBt. 5,444 ’Jr UQ,on ’«t
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  76 words
  • 55 664 (Supplied by Reuter.) Gmt Demonstration at Hyde Park. tinn°f d q D ff"“ Ud June A re at demonstration of Suffragettes took place at Hvde Park yesterday A procession of 30.000 women ot all ranks and society marched to the Park escorted by Police. A resolution demanding the right
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  55 words
  • 436 664 (Supplied by Renter.) Reported Formation. London, 21st June.—Reports of the formation of an International Steel Trust with a capital of £150,000,000. have been renewed Big works, it is said, will be constructed in Great Britain, giring work to many. According to the Siam Observer, tbe proposed
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  436 words
  • 1068 664 Following upon the serious and brutal outrage committed at Mozzafarpore i as t month, when two English ladies were killed by a bomb, the news wired out by Reuter to-day is of grave significance and would seem to indicate that the Indians in Bengal are actively organising
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  • 1152 665 (Before Mr. Scott.) Three Chinamen were yesterday afternoon charged with stealing fifteen cents’ worth of mingosteens from the plantation of a noma at Raya Trubong on the 17< h inst. The defendants, who were represented by Mr. Y ung, admitted plucking the fruit but. added tha? they
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  • 562 666 Another Great Programme. «rat change of programme at HarinTbefa i nlace last night and it is no ston’s to?k piac former eliege mnie D was, the new one is oven better, however, was nothing like as Tbe O a Saturday night, but then, ot c"ur=e Monday 13 always
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  • 498 666 Penang Cricket Club vs. Chinese Recreation Cluh. The large crowd which gathered on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon to see the above teams do battle were treated to an excellent display of football. The Penang Cricket Club, as will be seen, put a strong team in the field, but all
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  • 112 666 The total quantity of rubber exported from the F. M. S. during the month of May, 1908, was 180,904 lbs., distributed as follows Perak 27 439 Selangor 135.597 Negri Sembilan 17,867 Total 180,904 The grand total for the five mouths is 965,1801b5., an increase over the same perio
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  • 207 666 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, 22nd June. Kedah Peak Climbed. A Mday who has just arrived from Yen says to me. Tuan Konsol dan Tuan Richey adadi Guuong Jerai, which means that Mr. Frost, tne British Consul, and Mr. Richey, Legal Adviser to the Kedah
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  • 384 666 Consular Report. Mr. Meadows Frost, H. B. M.’s Consul at Tongkah (Puket), in his report for the year 1907 on the Monthons of Saiburi and Puket, which comprise the Western Siamese States of the Malay Peninsula, says that trade generally was good during the year in Monthon
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  • 583 667 (Contributed Taiping, June 20tb. We have bad no rain for the last. two days and consequently the sun is intolerably hot, though the nights are undesirably cool and chilly. Something is evidently wrong with the weather just now. There is prevalent fever of a very
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  • 453 667 The Standing of the Compradore. A case of great interest to bankers and their customers was decided by a jury at the Hongkong Supreme Court early this month. A Chinese banker, Li Yau San, brought an action against the Russo-Chinese Bank to recover the sum of $40,015,
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  • 138 667 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Language Test. London, 22nd June.—The regulations requiring a language test from Chinese sailors signing on in the United Kingdom have been issued by the Board of Trade, which is communicating with the Colonial Office with reference to the facilities for providing natives of the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  138 words
  • 27 667 (SujipZied by Reuter.) Another Bomb Outrage. London, 23rd June.—The comnart of an East Bengal train was wrecked bomb near Barrackpore and two Euron*? were grievously injured.
    (SujipZied by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 101 667 (Supplied by Reuter.) e The Duma’s Decision Reversed. London, 22nd June.—A telegram f roa St. Petersburg states the Financial Com. mittee of the Empire has reinserted into the Budget the eleven million roubles for new battleships which the Duma rejected on the Bth inst. [On the Bth
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  101 words
  • 59 667 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Brilliant Function. Loudon, 22nd June —The garden party of King Edward and Queen Alexandra, which was held at Windsor at the close of the Ascot week, was attended by 9 000 people. It was one of the most representative and brilliant gatherings.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  59 words
  • 43 667 (Supplied by Reuter.) Left Port Said on Saturday. London, 22nd June —The outward bound P. <fc O. steamer Himalaya, which had been detained at Port Sa>d since Tuesday last owing to a broken steam pipe, proceeded ou her journey on Saturday.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  43 words
  • 80 667 The Pudsey ByElection. > (Supplied by Reuter.) Newspaper Commeuts. London, 23'd June —The Unionist papers describe the result of the Pudsey y* election as a smashing defeat for the Government, especially as it is largely a Labour constituency. Th«y also attribute it tn growing alarm of the socialistic trend ot
    ■ > (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  80 words
  • 41 667 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Anglo-Rusnian Agreement London, 23rd June.—Sir Foreign Secretary, replying to Mr- Lynch, Liberal Member Ripon. l t Great Britain was in agreement wit with regard to the Macedonian q« but the other Powers bad not yet suited.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  41 words

  • 178 668 (Supplied l>;/ Reuter Steamship Service to Shanghai. vTin 22nd June—A telegram from LOD Ltat'es that New South Wales '‘lbout to invite tenders for a steamsh]p r vice to Shanghai. RISIDEB being a large contributor to the l una fund of St. John’s Institution, Ku la draper. Mr.
    (Supplied l>;/ Reuter )  -  178 words
  • 853 668 There is no doubt that the new Siamese Penal Code, which has received Royal sanction and comes into force next September, will have an important bearing on the projected Anglo-Siamese Treaty. In a previous article we pointed out that the main objection against the surrender by
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  • 1081 668 (Refore Mr. Scott.) Chin Kang, a Chinaman, was this morning charged with professing to tell fortunes. 1 he accused admitted the charge. The Police Constable in charge of the case said that yesterday afternoon he saw the accused surrounded by a lot of Chinamen in Campbell otreet.
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  • 933 669 Crescents vs. Mahomedans. These two teams met on the Esplanade yesterday evening in their League fixture and a large crowd of natives turned out to witness their struggle. It certainly was a struggle for strenuous play was 'he order of the dav with both teams and Mr. Dunford
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  • 176 669 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, 23rd June Official Movements. Said Hasan, Chief Judge, Kedah High Court, has returned from Penang and resumed his duties. Mr. J. G. Richey, Legal Adviser to the Kedah Government, whose visit to Yen in company with Mr. Meadows Frost has
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  • Page 669 Advertisements
    • 61 669 A Certain Cure for Bowel Complaint. When attacked with diarrhoea or bowel complaint you want a medicine that acts quickly. The attack is always sudden, generally severe and with increasing nain. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy his never been known to fail in any case of colic, diarrhoea n
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    • 28 669 Sprains Quickly Cured. Bathe the parts freely with Chamberlain Pain Balm and give them absolute rest, D a quick cure is certain. The George To Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 694 670 The Klang Gymkhana Club are bolding a it meeting on Friday and Saturday tw^ u 'following are the entries and handicapsfirst Day, 26th June. I.—The Sultan’s Cup. Messrs. Mason and Jacques’ Little Henley’s Chance 10. 6 Vr." Devereux’s Surprise V-H The Kuala Selangor Kongsi s Colleen The
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  • 1090 670 in the current number of the Government Gazette are published "Additional Instructions to the Governor and Commander-in--Inet of the Straits Settlements, "given at Our Court of St. James’s this nineteenth day or May in tbe eighth year of our reign.” they revoke the third and thirteenth clauses of
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  • Page 670 Advertisements
    • 94 670 Arj Australian Commercial Traveller’s Story. It is the commercial traveller who finds tbe rainy changes of climate and water trying. Mr. Chas. G. Chapman, who represents a large Brisbane concern, had been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. On one of his trips a fellow traveller recommended Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
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  • 1271 671 A correspondent wiites to the Times oj Malaua, as follows I ask permission, through the medium of your paper, again to address the public and the Government on the most pressing subject of the moment, viz., the financial condition of the mining industiy. In my previous letter
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  • Page 671 Advertisements
    • 84 671 Be on the Safe Side. Your physician may be busy or out of town just at the time some member of your family has an attack of colic or diarrhuei. Such cases frequently prove fatal before a doctor can be summoned or medicine procured. No physician can prescribe a better
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    • 37 671 Chamberlain’s Colic, and Cholera Diarrh ©a Remedy. This remedy has been in nsA or 0 thirty years and has proved itself to be most successful remedy yet discovered bowel complaints. The George I own pensary, Wholesale /XgenG.
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  • 199 672 (Supplied. by Reuter.) Chinese Immigration Bill. r ,n“g.d Juue.-'fbe Cbiuese Immi- Bill'pwsed by the Canadian House «1 Commons restricts the admmsion to Cbrnese students paying a head tax of 300 ?I j wbicb sum is repayable after the *le'tion of a year's study in Canada mrer 1.000 persons attended
    ( Reuter.)  -  199 words
  • 91 672 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Aims of Liberalism Expounded. London, 23rd June.—Mr. H. H. Asquith, the Premier, speaking at Birmingham, summed up the Government’s aim as the establishment of a community of freemen. The great objects of the Liberal Party are to equalise the burdens and make
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  91 words
  • 78 672 (Supplied by Reuter.) An Important Amendment. London, 24 r ,o June.—Mr. Herbert Gladstone, Home Secretary, in moving the second reading of the Eight Hours Miners’ Bill, announced an important amen iment postponing for five years the inclusion of the cause requiring the descent and ascent
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  78 words
  • 52 672 (Supplied by Reuter.) Another Heir to the Throne, tn J |ine —A son has been born w the Queen of Spain. t j Criminal Pardoned. Snain D h June—King Alfonso of g hat a criminal wa s to be vesterdav t Or(lo7a te,e^ra phed a pardon commemorate the birth
    ♦ (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  52 words
  • 94 672 (Supplied ay Reuter.) Ihe Imprisonment of a Britisli Subject. London, 23rd June.-Mr. J. A. Pease Liberal Whip, replying t 0 Mr. D M* bmeaton. Liberal Member for Stirlingshire’ tn the House of Commons yesterday, explained that the British subject, Mr. Bethell who was imprisoned at Seoul for publishing a
    (Supplied ay Reuter.)  -  94 words
  • 220 672 (Supplied by Reuter.) Cossacks Surround Persian House of Parliament. London. 24th June.—Reuter’s correspondent at Teheran states that Cossacks surrounded the Persian House of Parliament fia rly yesterday and demanded the surrender of certain members of Parliament. This was refused, in consequence of which fighting ensued and some Cossacks were
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  220 words
  • 51 672 (Supplied by Reuter.) An Engagement between Revolutionaries and Tonkinese Troops. London, 24th June. —An engagement was fought on the frontier last Friday between six hundred Chinese Revolutionaries and one hundred and fifty Tonkinese sharpshooters. Two French Lieutenants, two Sergeants and fifty rebels were killed. Reinforcements have been
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  51 words
  • 87 672 (Supplied by Reuter.) M. de la Grange’s Record. London. 23rd June. —M. de la Grange travelled 15 kilometres in an aeroplane at Milan, traversing the distance in 16| minutos. [According to the Daily Mail Year Book M. de la Grange constructed a large machine with some 500 sq fe
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  87 words
  • 672 672 In another column appears a letter from M r George Mayne, pointing out the deficiencies of our Municipality, which thought fit last year to raise the rates and taxes by two per cent., and, owing to the multiplicity of its schemes for the oncoming year, threatens to
    672 words
  • Page 672 Advertisements
    • 36 672 Chamberlain’s Colic, and Cholera Diarrh ©a Remedy. remedy has been in use for over mL neirSand hasproved to be the r< me iy yet «’«covered for 2“*"* Tbß ae r e Tow Di L Wholesale Agents.
      36 words

  • 405 673 We have received the following communication from the Superintendent oi the Government Printing Office The Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, presents his compliments to the Editor, Straits Echo, and has the honour to state that the Government of the Colony has decided to discontinue the publication of the
    405 words
  • 645 673 The Jumping Competition. The better class seats in Harmston’s tent were well tilled last night by those desirous of witnessing the jumping competition tor local horses and the interesting new programme Harmston’s is showing this—its last —week in Penang. In the first half of the programme the feats
    645 words
  • 49 673 (Before Judge Wolferstxn.) This mo ning a Chinaman, named y 0 Ah Yat. was arraigned on the cbargeof breaking into the house of a compatriot Lim Ah Tiam, with intent to commit theft’ As he was an old offender, he was sentenced to one vear’s hard labour.
    49 words
  • 462 673 (Before Mr. Scott.) A Malay woman was yesterday walking along Perak Road, with a basket,containing a sum of sixty cents tied in a handkerchief slung over her shoulder. Suddenly she felt somebody trying to snatch the basket awav. Turning round she missed the money from the basket,
    462 words

    • 557 674 WnO ßM—’«“ STBAXIB ECHO, n 0„ generally considered that a ■M i f misfortune has struck the com'b‘r aud that very hard times store for the citizens, it is the duty of "‘".’There to try and lighten the burof trying “iriXllunSood’that our Municipality -oo zed with bad speculations,
      557 words
  • 2164 674 Presentation to Sir Wm. Adamson, C. M. G. An interesting ceremony took place at the Institute of Directors, 4, Corbet Court, London, E C., on the 2nd inst., when the members of the Straits Settlements Association met to present an illuminated address to Sir Wm. Adamson, c.
    2,164 words

  • 122 675 Question in Parliament. In the House of Commons on the 3d inst. Mr. Laidlaw, Member for East Renfrewshire, asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he was yet in a position to infoim th*- House if the Siamese protected States of Kedah, Tringganu. and
    122 words
  • 380 675 China and the Opium Traffic. The Times Peking correspondent telegraphs: —The Chinese delegates to the international conference on the abolition of opium, which is the result of American initiative, and which meets at Shanghai next January, are practical, English-speaking meu, one of them being an ex-Consul-General at
    380 words
  • 357 675 Annua! Meeting. IheS'Xth ibiiUal inert ng ~r .1 T Mine,. Ltd w ,s t eld in London on th U 9 Mr. G B o ccupjina Xt 1 Li propositi the adoption of then, Rep rt for 1907 <«b'Ch was publi,S" .beE ho of Monday last, the
    357 words
  • 423 675 The following information regarding Rubber Companies in Malaya is given in the Loudon and China Express of the sth inst.:— Linggi Plantations. Crop durinv M»y approximately 15 500ibs. Anglo-Malay Rubber. Crop for May 25,980 lbs. dry last year, 15,859 lbs drv Damansara (Selangor) Rubber. Tbw >h
    423 words

  • 416 676 Handicaps for First Day, July 7. Following are the handicaps for the first day’s races in the Selangor Turf Club’s approaching meeting Race 2.— Horse Handicap. Value $5OO. $5O to the 2ud horse provided there are 5 starters the property of different owners- A handicap for all horses
    416 words
  • 699 676 CRITICISMS OF A MERCHANT’S PROPOSAL. Prevention of Fraudulent Trading. Says Saturday’s Straits Times:— In reply to the communication published by us on Thursday last [which was reproduced in Monday’s KcAo.—Ed., S.E ‘1 we have leceived the following letter it is only fair to A Local Merchant to state
    699 words
  • 75 676 (Supplied by Reuter.) New Steamship Service to Sydney, Batavia and Singapore. London, 25tn June —The Gov-rnment of New South Wales has arranged to grant the Burns Philip Company an annual subsidy of £2,000 for the establishment of a steamer service to Sydney, Sourabaya, Samarang, Batavia and Singapore.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  75 words
  • 228 676 (Supplied by Reuler.) Persians Use Bombs Against Cossacks. London, 24’h June.—The Daily Mail conespondent at Teheran states that in the attack by Cossacks on the Persian House of Parliament last Tuesday bombs were thrown from the House of Parliament and the Mosque disabling the Russian guns, and
    (Supplied by Reuler.)  -  228 words
  • 32 676 (Supplied by Reuter.) Thank-offering of £333,208. London 25ih June —It is announced that the thank-offering of the Pan-Anglican Congress amounted to £333,208, of which £63,695 were ftvin Colonial dioceses.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  32 words

  • 352 677 (Supplied bi/ Beu!er.) Sliding Scale Amendment Adopted. London, 25th .June. lhe House 4 Cominons’ committee on the Old Age Pensions Hill has adopted an amendment establishing the principle of the sliding scale Mr. Lloyd-George favoured the amen Iment. [ln the course of the debate on lhe second reading
    (Supplied bi/ Beu!er.)  -  352 words
  • 120 677 Penang. 25th June. (By curtesy oj the Chartered Ban';.) London Demand Bink i months’ sight Bin» 2 3 Credit 3 Documentary ...‘2 1 Calcutta, Demand Bank Its Lo 3 days’ sight Private 1,6 Bombay. D-tninu Bank Mouhnein, Demand Bank l»3j 4 days’ sight Private 1.6 t Madras. Demand Bank
    120 words
  • 184 677 Gold leaf $64 75 B. Pepper( W.C->asi Xirm.niM. »no stock White Pepper $15.75 buyers Trang Pepper 10- b i ers Cloves (picked) 31— buyers Mace 70.— sellers Mace Picking»- 55.— buyers Nutmegs I lOs 18 —buyers t No. i 6.30 sales Sugar < M 2 no stock Basket 3.50
    184 words
  • Page 677 Advertisements
    • 71 677 A Certain (.me for Bowel < ,oni plaint. When attacked >vitn 0 <rihu*i or Lowe] complaint vou wint a imdi. iue that ac s quickly. The at tack is al wavs Bidden, gen erallv severe and with incre*sing pun. Chamberlaiu’n Colic, Un «era and D arrl.cyi Remedy has never been
      71 words
    • 88 677 Two Sisters in Ceylon. Cured of Anaemia and Its Attendant Ailments by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. lalking not long ago about the merits of Dr Williams’Po-k Pills as a Biood-T-nic medicine, Mrs. Dickson, of “St. Heliers,” h»tta Road, Colombo, very kindly gave permission for the publication of the facts of
      88 words
    • 509 677 I 1 *1 X 1 1 age, fell into an arasmic condition,» sa q Mrs. Dickson. “They became weak TJ tinn, their complexions assumed au u 2 thy pallor, they were troubled with headache’ and lost the bright and happy spur whic all girls ought to have. Their appetites too
      509 words
  • 152 677 Obituary. (Supplied bl/ /i'ew/er Ex-President •Cleveland. Loudon, 25'h June —The de-’th is announced of Mr. Grover Cleveland, ExPresident of the United States [Mr. Grover Cleveland was born at Caldwell, New Jersey, in 1837. In 1853 he we it to New York as bookkeeper and assistant teacher in the Institution for
    152 words

  • 1134 678 Number of P x 3 Capital- Share 2 La Dmdend Name. i S -2 3 s r issued. Six 3 5 P ot o 300.000 30.000 10 10 25 f, for year ending 31/3/07 Belat Tin Mining Co* Ltd 47s IK”’ WOW 22.500 jI» I» Bruang Ltd 25 J®S
    1,134 words

  • Page 679 Advertisements
    • 229 679 The CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. I ■N ifeJ ESTABLISHED 1383. 3 PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO,” “SIN POE,’' i “CHAYA PULAU PfNANG.” iM The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and lithographers in the Orient. li m Our plant is of the very latest pattern and by con. I |n
      229 words