The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 14 February 1908

Total Pages: 30
1 160 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 22 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. 115 Per Annum. Single Copy 40 cents. Vol. 6. Penang, Friday, 14 th February, 1908. No. 6.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 350 1 Z/ZZ/////// zz ZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZ /ZZZZZZZZ Z//ZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZ//ZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/Z/ZZZZZZZZZZZ/Z/ZZZ/Z/ZZZZ//ZZZ/ZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZyzzzzzzzzzzzzz z CONTENTS. Leaders: page. Miscellaneous: page. The Modern Englishman... 133 Singapore Noles 134 Rats and Disease 137 Kinta Notes 134 The Defunct Tribune 141 Eastern vs. Western Customs 135 S x The Development of Egypt 147 The Chinese Business Instinct 135 The Proposed Ordinance
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 160 2 r > j^jjjjjj^JgS^jJßfi^fcfiKSrftofflfi^^^^S^® ^l ?8» THE I STRAITS ECHO j MAIL EDITION. n Published the day prior to the departure of each mail W 1 for Europe, and contains the latest local and States ft i news originally published in the daily issues, as well as P 9 all important
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  • 948 133 This is a. trite topic, but it lia> been brought to the fore again by the wellknown publicist, Mr. Havelock Ellis, who, in the latest numb of the MTang Review, contributes a excellent article on the“ Character of the Anglo-Saxon,” an article to which the English papers
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  • 381 133 1 he, First Ordinary General Meeting of the Eastern Shipping Co., Ltd., was held at the Company’s Offices, Nos. 41 43, P>each Street, yesterday at 2 pm., when the following gemlemen were present Messrs. Khaw Joo Tok (chaiiinan), Quah Beng Kre, Lim Eow Hong, Chopng
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  • 186 133 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the Jesuits of the ties played yesterday 8 n /le Handicap, Clans A. W S. Dunn 1 eat A. F. G. Anderson, 6- 6 -2. Single Handle tp, Clas< B. J. Jennings beat Hou. A. R. Adams, 7 6—4. VV. P. G.
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  • Page 133 Advertisements
    • 114 133 The Stvaits IL-dio. i> /■’> 'Ft V-/ V a, j V. Justice satisfies everybody an<l justice abnje.— Ed» rson, Knbliahed dally (except Sundays.) AT TH» CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226 —232, Beach Si rest, Penang. PRICE: daily local per annum OUTSTATIONS Posture Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) >'s CABLE A
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  • 216 134 (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) Annette Kauffman», Plaintiff. William McKnight Young, Dejendom. Thi plaintiff claim was inter alia) f<»r damages for injury by the defendant’* negli gence a* solicitor to the plaintiff in drawing a certain Bill of Sale by way of mortgage ot the English Hotel. The case
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  • 352 134 (Before Mr. Scott.) quite a number of gambling cases were tried by Mr. Sjott in the First Couit this morning. Small tines were imposed on tbe accused persons. Goh Teow Keang, a Chinaman, was this morning charged with (1) letusing to pay hisrickisha fare and (2) assaulting
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  • 982 134 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Wednesday, sth I cb. Chinese New Year. 1 1. Chinese New Year passed off very quietly For .Inlays every boa”" «ntTlbere are a Rood number, were gaily decorated, while numerous snops and JL. also assumed a br.yht Every Chinaman donned holiday at ire, and
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  • 205 134 (From Oar Own Correspondent.) I poll, 6th Feb. The Chinese New Year. The Chinese N<-w Yeir passed off very quietly here. From the early morning there were seen Chinese dressed in holiday attire going about visiting friends and wishing them “Kung Hi Fat Choy,” but there was no
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  • 49 135 January Output. 'l’ho following lIS* giVvS Ul6OUfpU‘S of till" ore from some of the principal mines in the F. M. S. for last month Piculs, Tronoh Mines 3,. 34 17 Kle lan <4 Mine 420 Gopeng Mine 615 New Gopeng Mine 220 Kinta Mines 430 Redhills 400
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  • 202 135 Chinese Conservatism Greatly on the Wane. During the Chinese New Year holidays, says the Straits Times, there has been a general tendency on the part of Chinese to depart from the wonted conservatism in Celestial customs. Especially in regaid to diess has this change been m
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  • 275 135 An American journal is responsible for the following:— On a recent visit to one of the United States fl-et to Hongkong, one of the coolies engaged in pissing coal, was accidentally caught in the machinery, ami Lol his leg so badly crushed that it was decided
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  • 1380 135 Some Malay Ghosts and Ghost Stories. \.By Southern Cross A newcomer is not long in Malaya before he beats the above word and leans its meaning for Mai tya teems with Hardus— at least st the Malays say. Nursein aids in the homelmd frighten their “naughty” charges by telling
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  • 554 136 A very interesting sign °f the times in the East is the vast number of Chinese s'udents now abroad,” says V. K. Ting, who obviously writes with special knowledge, in the Wettminnler Review. Five years ago. the most accurate observers would not dare to predict that
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  • 139 136 Tl,n Times > 8 European, faMI order, of tbe Buddha U.i have Rangoon for London next Maicb. H known that there ar several Europeans who have entered be Buddhist priesthood trout time to tin Sk.buA»and a NW who .sto v, Inndon
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  • 121 136 (Supplied by Reuter.) Reduction of Armaments Demanded. London, 6th Feb—Sir Henry CampbellBannerman, the Premier, has granted a special day in tbe House of Commons to discuss the question of the reduction ot armaments. Ibis is understood to be owing to pressure from tbe Radicals. Au Explanation. London, 7ih
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  121 words
  • 140 136 (Supplied by Reuter King Manuel’s Concessions. L< udon, 6th Feb,—King Manuel has signed decrees rest»» ing the liberty of tbe Press an I grantiug Pai li mientary immunity. I’lie Adroinistiative Commissions of the I owns with which Seulmr Fianco leplaced ihe Municipalities are resigning. Requiem Service in St. Paul’s.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  140 words
  • 43 136 (Supplied by Reuter.) Anti J apanese Speec li es. Loudon, "li Feb.—The Convention of the'lo t; n 8 b a ue9 11:18 opened at »tl Ibe repre, eß taiive ot the AmeriX T" ot Ld, ur •»»*> *>' >"Wsivui.d anti-Japanese speech H
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  43 words
  • 39 136 (Supplied by Reuter.} fhe New French Minister. London, 7th Feb.—Vice-Admiral Touchaid has been appointed French Minister to Russia in place of M. Bompard, who asked to be recalled on finding himself no longer a persona g<ata.
    (Supplied by Reuter.}  -  39 words
  • 347 136 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Bishop of London’s Opinion. London, 6ih Feb. —lu convocation yesterday tbe Bishop of London, iu moving a resolution urging the obligation of Great Britain to co-operate with China in restricting the consumption of opium, said that it was a humiliating fact that while
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  347 words
  • Page 136 Advertisements
    • 36 136 Something Good. Cb»mb»rl»ii l Coogh R.m-.iv is W ij D J° U w l’ Pn your cold is seated am) your hiugs a>e erne; good when you cannot de*p for coughing. '1 he lowy Wholesale Agents.
      36 words
    • 137 136 How a South African Merchant Warded off an Attack of Pneumonia. 1 here is al ways cause for alarm when a severe cold is accompanied by pain in tbe chest. Mr. H. j je Grange, who is manager of a stoie at Jansenville, C. C., believes Ch imbpi lain’s Cough
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  • 1177 137 Never since the famous Jackdaw of Hheims was cursed with bell, book and candle for stealing the Bishop’s ring has a small culprit been indicted with so much formality as the rat has been cursed. A distinguished jury of scientific men has met and discussed whether the
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  • 569 137 (Before Mr Scott) Mahomed, a Klivg, was yesteid<v afternoon charged with trespassing into theDato K'amat Police StUion ami with being disorderly. Ihe evidence led bv the prosecution showed that he, without obtaining permission. went into the Station and used the telephone. When questioned, he created a disturbance
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  • 51 138 town Tennis Tournament Following wore the results of the played yesterday Ladiee D ruble Handicap. Mrs. Hendry and Mrs. Anderson beat Miss Hogan and Miss 0. Hogan, 6-4; 6-1. Single Handicap, Cbm C. Dr. Smith Leal H >os, 6—4 6—4W. McKnighf Young w. o. from Dr. F
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  • 263 138 Penang Champion beats Selangor Champion. It. is not generally known ♦lni. whilst the Colony’s cricket team wn Ku ila Lumpur a tennis match whs plav*d he*ween Mr. V. D. Parsons, tennis champion <4 I’enang, and Mr. Eveipst, champion of Kuala I urn pur. The match was played
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  • 251 138 Four Generations. In connection with the announcement of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Roland I raddell it is to be noted, says the Free Pres-. as a quite remarkable incident tb it this is the appearance of the fourth generation of the Braddell
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  • 551 138 The new Mail Contract with the Briti»b India Storm Navigation Company commences in a fortnight.. It is well known that e English Mails come and go one week by the P. ami O and the alternate week by th b- 1. Both services have given general
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  • 2192 138 —S. F. P. Wednesday, February 5, 1908. Present. His Excellency the Governor (Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.g.) His Excellency Major-Gen. T. Perrott, c.B. Hou. Capt. A. H. Young (Col. Secretary.) Hon. A. T. Bryant (Act. Col. Treasurer.) Hon. W. C. Michell (Act. Auditor-General.) Hon. H. Fort. Hon. John Anderson.
    —S. F. P.  -  2,192 words
  • Page 138 Advertisements
    • 32 138 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Absolutely Harmless. te.iZ: u 3 c, a ">- children to take’ L* 9 P e, f ecls *le for harmful. Tte o’ lt contai ‘>s nothing Wholesale g T Wn
      32 words

  • 329 139 Wild Boar Shot in the Heart of the Residential Quarter. The shooting of the wild boar in the midst of the city of Singapore rounds more like a fiction than solid fact. For some days the footprints of a huge boar weie seen on the
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  • Page 139 Advertisements
    • 64 139 Pneumonia. Old people and th se who have weak lungs cannot be too careful in guarding against this disease. Pneumonia always results from a cold or an attack of influenza, andean be prevented y the timely use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. We have as yet to hear of an attack
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  • 459 140 A Very Successful Evening’s ‘Entertainment. Th» Penang SL Andrew’s Society gave what was calle*] on the programme A Nicht wi’ Burns” last night in the Town Hall. The evening’s amusement lojk th*- f<»»tn of ▼ocal and instrumental promeaa-’e concert and inoii of the items on the
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  • 142 140 (Supplied by Router.) A One-Sided Bargain* Loudou,7lh Feb— Dnrioj! the delwie i<i I!>•' House of Lords ou the Auglo- Russian Gollveunou Lord Cu.zon said .he ta.ruess <>• the b-reaiu was doubtful m respect to Afeliau.stau, bad iu respect to llnbet *url worse in respect to Persia where
    (Supplied by Router.)  -  142 words
  • 57 140 (Supplied by Reuter.) Senhor Franco in Paris. London, 7th Feb.—The ex-Dic‘ator Senhor Franco has gone to Paris and two of his Ministers have fled Portugal. The Funeral To-day, London, Bth Feb.—lt is expected that King Manuel and Queen Amelia will lie absent from the funeral to day. Stringent piecautious
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  57 words
  • 17 140 (Supplied by Reuter.) Arrival at Tangier. London, 7th Feb.—Kaid Maclean has arrived at fang-er.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  17 words
  • 60 140 (Supp'iel by lieate> I nderniining Britain’s Might. London, 7ih Feb.—ln the House of Commons the Rt. I’ou. Sir Edwa.d Gipv, becieiaiy of Stale for Foreign Affair-, said that our assent to the immunity of private moperty at, sea wou’d encourage the other owers to make
    (Supp'iel by lieate> )  -  60 words
  • 38 140 (Supplied by Reuter.) BeMgnation of Finance Minister. P b He Stengel, Grrm.n il rm f F '“»uce. has resigns 1 owing!,, bo difficult... Of obiaming a r.venue for N Lerp s e'i expenditure on the Army and
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  38 words
  • 41 140 (Supplied by Reuter.} The Seattle Convention’s Resolution. London, 7th Fei».—lt is reported from Sett tie that the Convention of the Asiatic Exclusion Leagues has ended. Ihe delegates have adopted a memorial to Congress demanding the absolute exclusion of Orientals.
    (Supplied by Reuter.}  -  41 words
  • 60 140 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Question of Granls-in-aid, Lou lon, Stb Feb. —Mr. Walter Runciman, Financial Secretary to ti e Treasury, has declined to entertain the suggestion of Mr. Josiah Wedgwood, Libeial member for Newcastle-under-Lyme, that no further grant-in-aid be made to British East Africa and added that
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  60 words
  • 162 140 (Supplied by Reuter.) Publication Ceased. Loudon, 7th Feb. —The Tribune has ceased publication through lack of funds. [The Tribune was founded some two years ago by Mr. Franklin Thomasson, the wealthy cotton-spinner of Bolton and Liberal Member for Leicester. He was the Governing Proprietor of the paper, and
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  162 words
  • 30 140 (Supplied by Reuter Address to the King. Louden, 7’ I» Feb.— The House of Commons ha> vot»d Ihe add rets iu re[lv to th® King’s tpeecb.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  30 words
  • 35 140 (Supplied by Reuter Australia’s Score. London, 8 h Feb. —At Melbourne in Ibe hoinih 'lts* Match Ans ralia a»e all out for 214 runs. England has made 9 runs for du wickel.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  35 words
  • 29 140 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Loan to be Raised. London, Bth Feb—The North German Lloyd Company have decided to raise a lean 1 1 a million-ant-a-quarter sterling.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • Page 140 Advertisements
    • 133 140 How a South African Merchant Warded off an Attack of Pneumonia. There is always cause for alarm when a severe cold if accompanied by pain in the < best. Mr. li. L. Le Grange, who is manager of a store at Jansenville, C. C., believes Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is better
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  • 810 141 fven those who cannot bring themselves to agree with the politics of the Tribune, whose demise Reuter wired out last Saturday, will learn with regret that the paper has ceased publication. It was one of the few journals in London which carefully eschewed sensationalism never during its
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  • 290 141 Other shows may come and go, but Matsuo’s goes on for ever. Without a doubt it is the most popular cinematograph show that has visited Penang, and its popularity increases day by day. On Saturday night the tent at the junction of Penang Road and Campbell Street was
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  • 541 141 (Before Mr. Wolferstan.) Ee Lai, a carter, was this morning charged with driving his bullock-cart in a manner so las as to indicate a want of due regard or the safety of others. The defendant was fined four dollars, the fine going to the piosecutor, a rickisha
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  • 512 142 Shooting Competition*. Thk Penang Volunteers’ rifle-shooting competitions opened on Saturday and were concluded yesterday. Following were the full scores in the various events Saturday Bth Fab, Thk Running Max Competition. Range 200 yards. Open to efficient hon. members, recruits and reservists. -J (jJ 71 .3 <0 12 3
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  • 494 142 The Omtmml Gazette of February 7 contains the following items of informMr. W. W. Seay, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has lieen authorised to file a specification for A process of and apparatus tor the Production of Ice and Cold.” His Excellency the Governor, with the approval of the Right
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  • 616 142 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 17th. The cruiser Royal Arthur leaves Portsmouth on the 19th for Hongkong with over 800 officers and men aboard for distribution amongst the ships of the China Squadron. The Royal Arthur will arrive at Singapore on the 26th prox., calling
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  • 747 143 WEEK BY WEEK. (Front Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Bth Feb. The Chinese New Year went off without any apparent trouble and all true Celestials were in their holiday attire for several days and everybody seemed to have a ripping time of it. The theatres, wa'yangs, and
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  • 80 143 January Output. The following figures give the outputs of tin-ore from some of the F.M.S. mines for last month Tronoh Mines Piculs 2,652.62 Labat Mines 300.00 Mendrus Mines 206.00 Pusing Lama Mines... 442.00 The output triven above for Tronoh is of dressed ore; the figures given in our
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  • 391 143 The following from Lord Elgin to the Governor was laid upon the table of the Legislative Council on Wednesday Downing Street, 28th December, 1907. Sir, —I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. 447 of the 7th of November reporting the desire of
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  • 456 143 New Books. The following new books have been received at the Library Whitaker’s Almanack, 1908. The New Zealand Official Year-Book, 1907, by E. J. Von Dadelszen. Sailing Alone Around the World, by Captain Joshua Slocum. Hustled History, by the Authors of “Wisdom While You Wait.” Through the Magic
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  • 3967 144  -  OUR SERIAL STORY. BY VIOLA GRAEME, AUTHOR OF The Child of Sorrow," The Treachery of Lorraine," The Hand of God," Love» Loyalty," "A Royal Rebel." 'Her Soldier Sweetheart," “The Beauty of the Season,', The Tea -id op Girl," A Scotch Marriage," The Milliner's
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  • 73 146 (Echo Special.) Fire in Petaling Street. Kuala Lumpor, 10th Feb.—A fire occurred in Petaling Street at 3.45 o’clock this morning and four houses were burned. The damage done is estimated at $75,000. Further Particulars. Kuala Lumpur, 10th Feb.—The fire burned out five first-class shophouses— No. 48 to 56
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  • 78 146 (Supplied by Reuter.) Will Germany Act Against France? London, 9th Feb,-The French papers have been considerably exercised over the reports that Abdul Aziz and Mulai Hafid FrXb a PPealed a S> a Dsl 'be An apparently inspired German commuutcaiiou explains that both Sultans have solicited German intervention and that
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  78 words
  • 91 146 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Ambassador at Vienna ordered to St. Petersburg. London, 9th Feb —The Tsar’s having ordered the Ambassador at Vienna to return to St. Petersburg is much commented on in view of Russian annoyance at Baron von Aehrenthal’s speech to the Hungarian dele, gation on
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  91 words
  • 46 146 (Supplied by Reuter The Judicial Reform Scheme. London, 10th Feb. —The Ambassadors at, Constantinople have advised their respective Governments to postpone the presentation of the scheme for judicial reform in Macedonia. They recommend a modification of it which will rentier it more acceptable to Turkey.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  46 words
  • 97 146 (Supplied by Reuter.) Perfect Order at the Funeral. London, 10th February.—At the double funeral of the late King and Crown Prince of Portugal on Saturday at Lisbon there was perfect order and solemnity. The Royal Family was not present. Memorial Service at St. Paul’s. London, 10:h Feb.—Their Majesties King
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  97 words
  • 78 146 (Supplied by Reuter Decreases in the Exports and Imports for January. London, 10th Feb —The Imports and Exports for January show deceases of <£4,160,488 and <£662,840 respectively. A new-comer to Penang would probably have thought that the place was being bombarded last night, for firing began soon after
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  78 words
  • Page 146 Advertisements
    • 63 146 Pneumonia. Old people and those who have weak lungs cannot be too careful in guarding against this disease. Pneumonia always results from a cold or an attack of influenza» andean be prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. We have as yet to hear of an attack of
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  • 343 147 The Building of the New Pavilion. A Special General Meeting was held yesterday evening in the P. C. C. Pavilion, the business before the meeting being (1) to adopt the Sub-Committee’s Report re the proposed new Pavilion and (2) to amend Rule 21 increasing the Entrance Fee
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  • 185 147 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday Championship. A. G. Anthony beat A. F G. Anderson, 6-3; 8-6. F. Dennys beat F Duxbury, 6-0; 6-3. Double Handicap. Dr. Nicholas and G. Muglistou beat M. K. Whitlock and D. Duncan, 6—2 6—2. J.
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  • 423 147 These paragraphs appear iu Lord Elgin's letter on the Governor’s despatch cove’in the Estimates I have .he honour to acknowledge the receipr of your despatch No. 454 of the 14 h of November transmitting the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure of the Straits Settlements for 19 >B.
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  • 103 147 (Echo Special.) Another Naphtha Explosion. Singapore, I Itli Feb.—Last night a large tongkang, laden with naphtha and kerosine, suddenly burst into flame whilst lying alongside the steamer Den of Crombie. The blazing boat was cast adrift and ere they could escape two of the Kling crew were very severely
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  • 36 147 (■Supplied by Reuter.) Sir James Laing A Sons Suspend Payment. Loudon, 10th Feb —The big shipbuilders, Sir James Laing and Sous, of Sunderland me j ,ave suspended payment, they employed five thousand workmen.
    (■Supplied by Reuter.)  -  36 words
  • 61 147 (Supplied by Reuter.) Settling Many Disputes. London, loth Feb.—Britain and America have agreed upon a treaty settling the use of the waters of Niagara, the navigation rights of the river and the boundaries of the Lake Fisheries. The Rt. Hon. James Bryce, His Majesty’s Ambassador Extraordinary ami
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  61 words
  • 252 147 (Supplied by Reuter.) Russian Opinion. London, 10th Feb.—The Daily Telegraph's St. Peteisburg correspondent wires that Russia has replied to Britain that the proposal ot reform m Macedonia is beset with insuperali'e difficulties. It will probably be dropped. [Macedonian inform does nut seem to bo getting much forrader.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  252 words
  • 154 147 (Supplied by Reuter.) Punitive Expedition Against the Zakka Khels. London, 11 th Feb.—lt is understood that the Indian Government has decided to despatch a punitive expedition under MajorGeueral Sir James Willcocks, k.c.m.g., D. 8.0., cb commanding the Nowsbera Brigade, against the Zakka Khels and that it will possibly start
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  154 words

  • 34 148 Supf’l lt>‘l bl/ BeilleT.) An Arbitration Treaty Signed. London. 11th F«b.—A Franco-American Arbitration Treaty, applicable to anv u-sue that may arise between the two coni tries, baa been signet] at Washington.
    ( Supf’l lt>‘l bl/ BeilleT.)  -  34 words
  • 34 148 (Supplied by A Liberal Protest Against Reduction. London, 11th Feb.—A meeting of forty Liberal members of the Home of Commons has passed a resolution protesting against the reduction of the Naval Estimates.
    (Supplied by )  -  34 words
  • 711 148 The public meeting at the Chinese Town Hall yesterday afternoon, as will be seen from our report in another column, registered its emphatic protect against the passing of tin* proposed new law regarding the Itegis’ration of D-iitlin. There w»-r* some sixty people present and the gathering was
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  • 174 148 A correspondent writes to us The Loudon Presbytery is to ordain the Kev. Ernest Lawson, m.a., on February 11th for the Penang Presbyterian Church. He is to sail on the 14th instant to take over the charge which our highlvrespected fellow-citizen, the Kev. R. Y. W
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  • 705 148 (Before Mr. Wolfer elan.} X ILndu bullock-cart driver was to-day given the option of a fine of five dollars or seven days impi isoument for working a bullock in au unfit state. ]t will be remembered that fifteen Chinamen were arraigned ou the 4th inst. on the
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  • 84 149 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday Double HandicapH. C. Sells and W. H. Threlfall beat A. F. G. An de "son and W. J. Hodge, 6 —o; 6—4. Single Handicap, Class A. A. G. Anthony w. o. from Dr. Nicholas. 0.
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  • 332 149 Penang Wanderers vs, Maliomedan Football Team. A fair number of spectators wended their way to Pangkor Road yesterday afternoon to see the above teams meet in a game of “soccer” on the C- R. C. ground. When the game started it w<s anticipated that th»* Mahomedans would win as
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  • 2914 149 ASIATIC COMMUNITY’S PROTEST. Public Meeting at Uie Chinese Town About six'y people attended the Public Meeting held at the Chinese Town Hall yesterday afternoon to consider the advisabiiity ot protesting against he passing of the proposed new law regarding the Registration of Deaths. Messrs. Lim Hua Cheam,
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  • 318 150 The output of tin-ore from the Serendah Hydraulic Tin Mine for the month of January was Piculs 837, 60 catties. Baroness von Schwitzer, a millionairess, and once a famous Roumanian beauty, committed suicide at Crajora because she realised that she was beginning to look old* China is seeking
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  • 711 151 FIRST DAY, lITH FEB. (Echo Special). Batu Ga jah, 11th Feb.—The Kinta Gymkhana Club’s annual meeting opened here to-day. It was fine when racing commenced but came on to rain just after the third race and did not cease until the sixth race was reached. Following were
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  • 409 151 (Supplied ly Reuter.) Leaders Willing to Register. London, llth Feb. —Reuter’s Johannesburg correspondent states that Asiatic registration has been resumed. Gandhi and another leader, desirous to set an example, started early for the registration office but were waylaid by eight irreconcilables, Punjaubis and Pa» hans, and
    (Supplied ly Reuter.)  -  409 words
  • 90 151 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Asiatic Restriction. London, 12th February —The Governor of British Golumb.a baa uiven his assent to the Asiatic Restriction Bill. [On ~lth Jan. Reuter told us that it was reported from Ottiwa that Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the Premier, speakin tr in the House of Commons,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  90 words
  • 224 151 (Supplied by Reuter.) Germany’s Attitude Correct and Courteous. Loudon, 12th Feb.— Replying to an interpellation by M. Jaures. M. Stephen Pichon, Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced that the German Embassy had communicated with him. It appears that the Moorish Sultans had lieeu complaining of France’s attitude.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  224 words
  • 21 151 (Supplied by lleutec.) Another Australian Win. London, 12»li Feb—Australia has won the Fourth Test Match by 308 runs.
    (Supplied by lleutec.)  -  21 words
  • 60 151 (Supplied by Reuter New Bill in Parliament. London, 12th Feb. —Government has introduced a Bill for the Protection of Children. It prohibits smokiny under the age of sixteen and authorises policemen to arrest an offender. D also abolishes imprisonment for children. It will amend the reformatory and
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  60 words

  • 151 152 Russia and AustriaHungary. (Supplied by Reuter.) Recall of Ambassador Denied. London, 12 h Feb —lt k fficidly contradicted at St. I’H'Hifbmv that th»* Ambassador at Vi<mna Imh been summoned to St. Petersbmg [On the 9th instant lleuf-r told as that the Tuar m having ordered the Ambassador at V ienna
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  151 words
  • 276 152 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Naval Committee’s Recommendation. Loudon, 12th Fob.—lt is reported from Washington that the Naval Committee in the House of Representatives recommend the appropriation for two battleships instead of the four desired by President Roo-evelt The to*al Naval appropriation is >101,000,003 (gold). A message from
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  276 words
  • 1117 152 Yesterday’s wires inform us that Reuter’s Johannesburg correspondent reports that Asiatic registration has been resumed and that Mr. Gandhi and another leader of the Indian community have expressed their willingness to register themselves, but were forcibly prevented from taking the step by a party
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  • Page 152 Advertisements
    • 37 152 Every Bottle Guaia.iteed. l Cough VOU R >»’bfi?d after ututg two-tbu suf the bottle acc d, ‘7 directions, retu-n whit is bf f u, k ,0,. lef U() Durams,. Witold A geu u e go W
      37 words

  • 1207 153 B4jie Messrs Woferstan and Sro t Attempted Extortion. Kdssim, a M day, was inis mornin' ar-mi-ruel on the charge of attempting to extort money by putting a person in fear of bodily injury. Tbe complainant, Naina Mahomed, a Kliou cloth shop-keeper of No. 28 Chulia Streep stated
    1,207 words
    • 314 153 Thf. Indians’ View. Io IUK Eihtor of ri IB straiti Echo. Bear Sir, Aunut you, report. ilbuut the j, oftbe,„,u,tin c l,P|d to protest Lm.t tbe h'Xr rH ar<l ‘0 the regieuan t 1 fHel bound “»n Lndiriu, to innko holne remarkg j tb there ron, that
      314 words
  • 67 153 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were tbe results of the ties played yesterday Mix°d Doub'e Handicap. Mrs. Ncubronuer and G. R. K. Mugliston beat Miss Boyd and 11. C. Sells, 6-2; 6—2. Single Handicap, Class B. Jack Jennings w. o. from Dr. Keuu. Rouble Handicap (unfinished tie;. \V.
    67 words
  • Page 153 Advertisements
    • 65 153 Pneumonia. Old people and tin se who have weak lungs cannot be too careful in guarding against this disease. Pneumonia always results from a cold or an attack of influenza, and can be prevented r.y the timely use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. We have as yet to hear of an
      65 words

  • 698 154 (From Oar Ow.-i Cot i es t undent.) London, 24* h Jan. The China Squadron. Thk crui-er Royal Arthur, Captain R E. R. Benaou. with naval reliefs for the China Station. Mt Portsmouth on the 19th inst. and will carry out her itinerary already laid down
    698 words
  • 332 154 (From Our Own Correbpondent.) Taiping, 11th Feb. Sport. A team from H. M. S. Monmouth, on the invitation of the Perak Club, paid a vsit to Taiping on Thursday last and had a friendly contest at football with a picked laipiog team. Taipiug having won the toss, the
    332 words
  • 98 154 Mr. Pratten, Managing Director of Taylor bros, jam manufacture! s of Sydney, Hobart and Brisbane, has just, got bick t.’> Sydney from a tour through the Far East lie vives his impressions in the Sydney Daily Telegraph. Of us he says:—ln the Malay 1 emnsula I
    98 words
  • 317 154 Arrival at Victoria Point. (Front a. Correspondent His Honour Sir Herbert Thirkell White f c.i e., i.c 8., Lieut -Governor of accompanied by Ladv White. Miss White and Mr. G. F. Arnold, b a I c s., his Private Secretary, arrived at Victoria Point,
    317 words
  • 267 154 Ipoh to Malacca. It is lumoured, says the Ipoh paper, that a motor race from Ipoh to Malacca and back is one of the possibilities of the near future. We hope this is iiue, for if properly arranged to be a test of reliability as well
    267 words

  • 1640 155 I 2SI Acres of Mining Land. r |'iiP v meeting of sl.a eholdeis of ()i i-HHi, Limi p'l, was held i Win- nX Loudon, EC, on the 17th < f undo- die presidency of Sir William Hood Tocher, K c M the chairman of ibe comply. 'Hie
    1,640 words
  • 333 155 The following information regarding mining and planting companies in Malaya is given in tlie London and China Express of the 24th ult. Lanadron Rubber. The statutory meeting of the Lanadron Rubber Estates, Limited, was held at the Cannon-street Hotel, E. C.. on 23rd Jan. Mr. Andrew Mell wraith
    333 words

  • 90 156 /7'7/ < Spec io Serious Fire in a Drug Store. Singapore, loth Feb. —At •> <> clock this morning a tin* broke out in I biilip Street in Mr. Low Kim Pong’- drug «tore which was gutted, the adjoining buildings being damage»! slightly. Ihe total contents were insured for
    90 words
  • 73 156 (Supplied h ii Reuter France’» Request to Spain. Loudon, 13 h Feo -It is reported from Madrid that France has uni a not»? Io Spain requesting h»*r to fake a mon active part in Morocco and to mho I a force to do ratli*»r in<»re than
    (Supplied hii Reuter )  -  73 words
  • 37 156 (Supplied bn Reuter.) The Evacuation of Siybulak. London, 13th Feb. —It is slated from Constantinople that the evacuation of Siybulak is officially reported. This is largely ascribed to the representations of the Persian Ambassador.
    (Supplied bn Reuter.)  -  37 words
  • 46 156 (Supplied by Reuter.) Ih it a Coincidence London, I2tb Feb.—Mr. Keir Hardie’s arrival at Durban coincides with violent attacks by the English Radical Piess on the Natal Government on account < f the conduct of the Zululaud ixpedttion and the ptoseculiou of Dim/, iln
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  46 words
  • 197 156 Su/ p u'il In/ RchL i’ During' Raid on the House of ('OIIIIIIOIIN. London, 12 h Feb.—’’’he Suffiagel.ies made a dating raid on th»* House of Com. mom. yesterday. '1 hey d*ovc uo to tL- ntraii'Mi of Hl. Stephen's concealed id pantechnicon vans, with M object <»l sur
    ( Su/ p u'il In/ RchL i’ )  -  197 words
  • 112 156 PINASG. 13tH I EBRUAKY. (By cwTl-.ty tM Chartered LondonUeinanu Bans o'i’s 4- months’ sight Bank ..4 4 T8 3 Credit W 3 Documentary Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 3 days’ sight Private 175} Bombay, Dnnand Bank !73j Moulmein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’ sight Private 175| Madras Demand Bank 173}
    112 words
  • 175 156 tjohi 1*14.1 $65.40 B. Pepjwirf W.Coasi Bib*. ••»<>/.. i no stock White Pepper 18.25 sellers Trang Pepper in small supply Cloves (picked) 27.50 buyers Mac»* 75. sellers Mace Picking* 55.— buyers NutinegH i lOn 23,j— sellers f No. I 5.30 sales Sugar 2 no stock Basket 3.50 sales Tapioca
    175 words
  • Page 156 Advertisements
    • 78 156 Cheap Week End Excursions to Selangor. V I RST CLASS RETURN TICKETS will be granted per s.s. Kistna f,H p <>rt Swettenham Sa mday afternoon available onb/ for u,n P e^s s Perak,” or P| n Seng.” due to leave 1 ort Swettenham on the next after a.m. on the
      78 words
    • 540 156 MB. FHEUWKEBK STILL WELL Now 73 Years <f Age. Ykt t He Indigestion and Catarrh of the Stomach of Which Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Cured Him Have Never Returned. Mr. J. G Nieuwkerk, the popular met. chant of I’dlembang. Sumatra, paid a flying visit to Singapore recently, and though now
      540 words

  • 1104 157 fl si I o Number <»l j-5 U w H 1 b-tt Dividend. Name j "A J 1 A 1 f li l 11)03 H 300, ‘»00 30.000 10 10 25 for year ending 31/3/07 P«l t Tin at n J" g t 1907 300,'V>0 22,500 10 10 edrenain
    1,104 words

  • 86 158 At there are only four entrant» for th* Schoolboy Hvwler. C h. petition and it ha*, been represented t<» in»* that ihe scarcity of the competitor» nt <foe to the tec' that, on account of the holidays, it is d'ffi *idi to gel th* coupon» which
    86 words
  • 688 158 The Art of Life. Lord Avebury, who «•.<« recently e'ecled Rector of St* Andrews Umve-imy, hi suecesaion to Mr. Andrew Can eg»e. was formally installed in the office on th»* 16th int Principal Sir .lame» I) maldsoi', Vice-Chancellor of the University, presided The Rector said that there never
    688 words
  • Page 158 Miscellaneous
    • 132 158 MATSUO’S I GRAND OPENING NIGHT, JAPANESE OIMAMAPS HT! T ,eHr JAPANESE ACROBATIC NEW PICTURES! NEW PICTURES" f SHOW> s s brom London and on (he way back to Japan. GRAND PROGRAMME TU-NlGilTHi FOK TBEASO of Ca m bc street and e Road. s THEATRE HALL, wr inr nmum nun i
      132 words

  • Page 159 Advertisements
    • 457 159 Advert isements. F OH“ZIZZ FOI. SALK. FOR SALE FtSTBL'CK DKLI I’ONY, 4 years J °HH MARTIN, MINER "the REVIEW OF THE Apply 31.1-08 58 tanolemuik. A ROMANCE OF MODERN MALAYA. FAR EAST,’’ FOH. EALE. BY OLIVER ASH WELL. l W BH. P. Twin Cylinder New Orleans AUTHOR OP EDITED BY
      457 words

  • Page 160 Advertisements
    • 248 160 W; '<& 'V® WWW UMBI BK Bl W 1 The CRITERJON_PRESS, Ltd. ESTABLISHED 1883« 1 PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. |l Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO." “SIN POE," A “CH AYA PULAU PINANG.” I The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and I lithographers in the Orient. fl fl Our plant is of the
      248 words