The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 7 February 1908

Total Pages: 26
109 134 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 109 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. |15 Per Annum. Single Copy 40 cents. Vol. 6. Penang, Friday, 7th February, 1908. No. 5.
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  • Page 109 Advertisements
    • 303 109 I I CONTENTS. X X < X x V x x LEADERS: PAGE. M18C* LLANEOV >(f<. utd )t* Mt x The ChmogH New Yeir 109 i M<»t«>r N tn- f«<»m Hum®... Ill 127 x Traffic Regulation 113 A rmv an IN w Notes '...Ill x British or Dutch South Africa
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  • Page 110 Advertisements
    • 161 110 J THE I STRAITS ECHO I MAIL EDITION. fl Published the day prior to the departure of each mail K 1 for Europe, and contains the latest local and States fl news originally published in the daily issues, as well as F fl all important news from various parts of
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  • 1044 111 (Front Our Own Correspondent.) Loudon, Jan. 10th, 1908. The Wire Wheel. The advantages of the wire over tie wood wheel is obvious in the tropics. At Homo there is a tendency to adopt wire wheels on account of their greater strength and indifference to temperature and
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  • 63 111 which has just taken over quarters at Tientsin, from South Africa, will remain for a couple of years in North China, and on the expiration of that time it will proceed to India ria the stitions of Hongkon; and
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  • 81 111 The Singapore Free Press says -A resident of Pulau Braui says a leopaid or panther has beeu seen on the island and that the natives ate afraid to go about at night.” This is no new story for according to the natives of Pulau Hantu, which is the district near
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  • 151 111 an extraordinary proceeding took p’ace. The pirties were Imli.iu Mahomedans, ami the claim was for the balance of a loan. The defendant maintained that the alleged balance had been paid up; but he did not pioduce any receipt. He
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  • 867 111 (brom Our Own Correspondent) London, 11th January. The New Captain of the King Alfred.” Flag Captain C. F. Thursbv. having completed bis 1 w° years in command vf the King A’jrei, flagship of the China Station, vacates that appointment. The new flag captain is Captain Lewis
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  • 135 112 Thk entries for the 8. C. C. lawn tennis tournament, says th“ Singapore Free Pre**, appear likely to be well up to the unprecedented number received for the autumn tournament. In addition to the classes in the previous one, a new competition has lieon added—the new-comtn’s handicap,
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  • 168 112 A mkkting oi the Map Committee of the Hiraitn Branch of ike Royal Asiatic Society ww held at f ingapore on Tuesday afternoon at 5 p.m. at Hie rooms of the Royal Asiatic S«‘ciety in the RafHes Museum I beie were present Dr.
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  • 113 112 it. the Pithecaulhioand wbicb certain DarXs thought to be the lontt for raiasing link, continue, to .nterest men of science m Germany. 1ue latest putant is Dr. Volz, a Prussian scient.H, who Visited Java in person recently, and examined the locality of the hud His conclusions are
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  • 36 112 v (Supplied by Reuter.) The Premier Still III. London, 31st Jan.—Sir Henry CampbellBannerman is still absent. Mr. Arthur Balfour and the Speaker are also absent, the former suffering from influenza and the latter from gout.
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  • 87 112 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Question in Parliament. London, 30th Jan. —Mr. Asquith, in the House of Commons, deprecated the discussion of the question relating to Indians in the Transvaal and said that the Government bad the best ground for hoping that the negociations proceeding would remove
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  • 66 112 (Supplied by Heater.) Banger of a European War. Loudon, 31st Jan.—Lord Ripon, Lord Privy Seal, referring to Macedonia, in Par. Lament, said that the Government would use every effort to maintain the conceit of huiope. lie added that questions were involved which might give rise to a war between
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  • 60 112 GS'iQiphed by Heater.) The Evacuation of Chumbi Ordered. Loudou 31st January.— Reuter has been uiioi med that ti e evacuation of Chumbi Ins d b r be Por,e whicb K «-Runsian representations pro>™>ug to telegraph and arrest anv forward movement. fhe Porte also .lenies anv M?7” I" 8B S
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  • 74 112 (Supplied by Reuter Parliamentary Control of Immigration. London, 30th Jan. —In the Canadian House of Commons a motion dissenting from any treaty depriving Parliament of the control of immigration has been defeated. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the Premier, made a stirring appeal on behalf of Imperial interests, and asked whether
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  • 84 112 (Supplied by Reuter.) Friends To-day, Enemies To-morrow.” Loudon, 3lst Jan —The Reichstag has passed the second reading of the German Naval Bill. In reply to Herr Bebel, who protested that the increase to the Navy was only aimed at Britain, Admiral von Tirpitz, Minister of the Navy,
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  • 46 112 (Supplied by Reuter.) Two More Banks Fail, London, 31st January.—It is reported from New York that the New Amsterdam National Bank, which has liabilities of $4,500,(00 (gold), and the Mechanics and Traders Bank, which had a capital of $2,000,000 (gold), have closed their doors.
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  • 111 112 from Worcester, Mass., states that Mr. Harry Grout, a young electrical on i, nicer cf that city, has devised a method of transmitting eiec'rical energy through the air, without the employment of wires. Reclaims that electricity for both light and power can be conveyed safely and reliably by
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  • 110 112 as it was in 190b. '1 be modern growl h of engineering and subroutine woik has brought into existence a new ailment, named caisson disease. Surgeon Rees points out in the report that those especially liable to
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  • Page 112 Advertisements
    • 45 112 Croup is Imminent. No matter how well your children may appear to lie, you are never safe without a Little of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedv in -be bouse, fads tv relieve /nd “s |«ifectlv safe to give the little ones. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 39 112 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Cures Colds. Ibis remedy acts on nature’s plan, allays the cough, relieves tho lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions, and aids nature m restoring the system to a healthy condition. TheGeo’ge Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents. J
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  • 62 114 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday M jp.d Double J/andii ai Mrs. Gori and M. K. Whitlock beat Mins Martin and G. Wright-Motion, 6-2; 6-1. Double Handicap. II. C. Sells and W. II Threlfall W. F’. G. Taggart and F. Duxbury,
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  • 142 114 Germany’s New Automobile Gun. *lhe latest engine of warfare is a specially designed motor car which the German military authorities have produced for making war on airships. This motor-car is well aimoured, and yet has sufficient sped to enable it to follow up a dirigible balloon in
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  • 189 114 Alleged Uck of Facilities. Port Bwetteuhain in supposed to Iih the port of the State, mh the Sehngor It coat a good deal of money to create Some jM-ople think it whs wasted because t he port ought to have U-eu in another place Under these circumstance., the
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  • 1540 114 Froat O Gw a C Thursday, 30’h Jau. The Alsagoff Murder. As previously mentioned, this case is i Jr»',] of interest, but do one attracting a good ueal ol imeie bargaioeil for the lui.-e crowd ot Arabs and Malays that invaded the Court at the last btnriug. The
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  • 297 115 Changes and more changes in the current coin of the Colony will in time, says the Free Press, perhaps habituate the native to almost anything tint bears the King’s head. Certainly they aie having enough practice to drive out of their minds all idea of rejecting
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  • 12 115 from Port Munmvum an wettenham this morning.
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  • 22 115 ore from the Kledang Min c uu <>re irom tue ixieoang e or month of Juiuary was Piculs
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  • 140 115 at a luncheon at the Canadian Uu T b H O tawa, Viscount Midleton alluded 7 «‘I’” Hsthe main prop of the Empire, tar ‘tom India pulling upon us, he said, we were aMvays pulling upon India. Troops '•■m Im.ia saved Natal, and helped to
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  • 172 115 A Hint to the Children. On the 17th ins*. Lady Lugard made her first public speech m> far as Hongkong is concerned. She presented the prizes at the Baxter School for Girls, and took the opportunity to commend the work of the ladies connected with the institution.
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  • 33 115 has passed the first part. and the medicine and midwifeiy sections of iIih sec md portion of the bird M B. Ex tminatmn
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  • 44 115 I lie well-known artist, is just completing live pictures for Mr Leung Fee, the ia’e Chinese Consul at Peuanv, and has now received a coin mi.* sion to paint a full-luure life-size portrait of the Sultan of Kedah in State uuifoiin.
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  • 45 115 pl iced before the public is an electrical instrument, which, according to its inventor, will locate free metals at almost any depth, map out the course and width of the vein, and ascertain its exact position below the surface.
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  • 72 115 extraordi- nary contains a consolidated list of Qualified Medical Practitioners registered under the Medical Registration Ordinance in the St raits and the F. M. S. There are but 155 names in the list; and these Medical Practitioners are the only ones who may attend to the
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  • 84 115 Of the changes in the law, two are worthy of note as they affect the common transactions of everybody. All cheques should bear a four-cent stamp; an additional adhesiveone cent stamp should be affixed to the cheque-forms already
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  • 295 115 A correspondent writes to the Burma Echo as follows:— Penang, 6th January. At the end of a quiet and uneventful trip, everything on board the steamer being A-l, we faced the plague inspection, at Penang, which seemed to be enforced with strictness and grandmotherly interference. It
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  • 18 115 was caught in a net by some Chinese fishermen at Tanjong Rhoo, Singapore, on Tuesday.
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  • 26 115 was to return to Colombo about the end of last week, as he intended to be present when ex-Empress Eugenie of France arrived.
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  • 60 115 is reported from the Bukit Mertajim village. During the mu ill hours of the 30th ultimo, the house of a Chinaman was broken into, the robbers tak'iig away propei ty worth about 545, after stabbing the Chinaman, his wife and child, all of whom are
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  • 55 115 Hargreaves and Co., who are sole agents for the Crompton-Blon-del Patent Flame Arc Lamps, are doing a big business in them. The intense golden light given by these laipps is very noticeable and attractive, while they only use half the power
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  • 161 115 will soon be able to dispense with shopwalkers if the invention specially designed by a Miss Louise V. Almy, of Detroit, is generally adopted, as she hopes. At the present time, says the New York correspondent of the Daily Mirror, customers at the large shops travel from
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  • 1978 116  -  OUR SERIAL. STORY- BY VIOLA GRAEME, AUTHOR OF The Child of Sorrow," T/u Treachery of Lorraine." The Hand of God," Lore's Loyall'/," "J Royal Rebel.” "Her Soldier Sweetheart," "The Beauty uj the Season," The Tea-shop Girl,” "A Scotch Mariiage," The Milliner’s Model A
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  • 49 117 (Supplied by Heater Further “I ii employed Legislation” 1 Rejected. Loudon, 31 at Jan —The Labourite amendment to (he address urging further le islation regarding the unemploye 1 was reacted by 1. 5to 146. Die result was cheered by the minority, which comprised Labourites, Nationalists and Unionists.
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  • 42 117 “Down with all Trusts (Supplied by Reuter.) President Roosevelt’s Message to Congress. Loudon, 1st Feb. President Roosevelt is sending Congress a special message denouncing Corporations and Trusts, notably ihe S'andard Oil Company, in the most vehement terms and demanding fresh rigorous legislation.
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  • 87 117 (Supplied by Renter The Scheme for an Army. Loudon, 1st Feb —Reuter’s Melbourne correspondent wires that the Minister for Defence has laid before the Senate a defence scheme which provides that every male his to undergo training from the age ot twelve to eighteen as a cadet and to
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  • 38 117 (Supp’ie I bi/ Reuter The Kaiser’s Birthday Proclamation. London, 1st Feb.—The Kaiser, in a proclamation to his peop'e on tie occasion of his bii ihday, hopes God will continue to guide the nation in the path of
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  • 143 117 (Sui plied by Reuter.) Dr. Jameson Resigns the Premiership. London, 1st February.—It is reported from Capetown that D<’. Jameson, c.b., P.O., Premier of Cape Colony, has resigned. [On Jan. 29th Router told us that in 1he elections for the Cape Legislative Council (he Dutch party have come out
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  • 69 117 who arrived r.t Bombay on December 27, on sick leave, committed suicide on Jan. lOlh by swallowing a large quantity of phenyle, while, it is supposed, in a state of temporary insanity, broujo on by overwork. He was formerly well known in
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  • 685 117 BRITISH OR DUTCH SOUTH AFRICA 1? we through Knuter that the Dutch party had been very successful at the elections for the Cape Legislative Council andon the ton ot it came (he news that Dr. Jameson, the 1 remier, had resigned. At the time we surmised that Dr. Jim’s resignation
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  • 505 119 The Government Gaze fe of January 31 contains the following items of informstion: His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to make the following appointments with effect from the 22od January Mf. A de Mello, Parsed Cadet, to act as District Officer. Balik Pulau. Mr. J. S. W.
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  • 207 119 Judges for Penang Appeals. Mr. Justice Fisher to Relieve the Senior Puisne Judge. During the sitting in Penang of the Court ot Appeal, which will consist of the Chief Justice Mr. A. G. Law, Mr. Justice Braddell and Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, and Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton
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  • 16 119 THUS Thursday's Times of Malaya “The gang-robbery and burglary season ends to-day. Kung bee fat soy!”
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  • 70 119 which takes home Col. Walker and his team for Bisley in Aprd next, will also take away a number of our Lady shots, says the Taiping paper. In addition to Mrs. and Miss Birch, the fair contingent will consist of Mesdames Douglas, Vanrenen, Harper, and Pinknev. The
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  • 144 119 marked the departure of the Russell’s Infantry from Singapore on Friday last. At ha'f past ten a couple of military saises were taking each a hone along the road between Borneo Wharf and Tanjong Pagar, when a passing tram-car frightened one of the horses near the
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  • 161 119 the Resident of Perak, accompanied by Mr. W. Cowan, the Protector of Chinese, made the round of the Chinese shops in Ipob and enquired how the general trade depression consequent on the
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  • 673 119 Truth of Plantation Story Tested. Latest Evidence for Prosecution. When the court resumed its sitting at Singapore, on Thursday afternoon, to continue the further hearing of the charge of murder preferred against Tophik biu Khursbid Aljunid, Sulong bin Mohamed Ali Marican and Sheikh Mohamed bin Agil, in
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  • 194 120 Main January" in Tampin. Athletic Sports for native» were held on th* padang in fruBt of Club on the o instant and were a great success Dung w. patronised by the natives from theiurroun Huadredaof Malaya fa J ,0 n Rembau bv train and strings of bullockcarts brought holiday parties
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  • 27 120 having been cabled for from home owing to the serious illness of bi* father, Dr. Bridges from Kuala Kangsar has moved to Ipob.
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  • 30 120 grandson of the founder of Singapore, has arrived in Singapore by the last mail from Home, and is slaying at the Grand Hotel de 1’ Europe.
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  • 42 120 was defeated at cricket yesterday by a combination from the two big cruisers now in port. The Penang team tiffined on board the King Alfred and put their defeat down to the great hospitality of their hosts
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  • 37 120 Lite Manager of ♦I Straits Trading Company, Limited, Kuali Lumpur, and now in England, has joined the Board of Directors of Kramat Pulii, Limited, of which Sir William Hood Tieacher is Chairman.
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  • 44 120 -Our morning contemporary the Eastern Daily Mail announces that it will temporarily cease to be issued from the eml of the month. Rumour has it that the removal of the paper to Kuala Lumpur is contemplated.
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  • 675 120 the king and the crown PRlNCE ASSASSINATED. The Infante Manuel Succeeds to the Throne. (Supplied by Reuter-) London. 3rd Feb-White the King and Queen of Portugal ““°“P aDied n X f Crown Prince (l.tnz Phthppe. Duke <>t Braganzi) and their second son. the Iofan Manuel, were driving in an
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  • 77 120 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Alienation of Public Lands. London, 4th Feb.—In reply to Mr. Josiah Wedgwood, Liberal Member for Newcastle-under-Tyne, who asked a question with reference to the alienation of public lands in the Federated Malay States, Mr. Winston Churchill, Under Secretary of State
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  • 59 120 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Severe Conflict in the Cabinet. London, 4th Feb.—There seems to have been a severe conflict in the Cabinet concerning the Army and Navy Estimates. According to the Daily New» the former have decreased substantially, but the increase in the Naval
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  • 174 120 (Supplied by Reuter.) Harry Thaw Found to he Insane. London, 2nd February —At the retrial of Harry Thaw, who was charged with the murder of Stanford White, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty.” They found 1 haw to be insane and ordered that he
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  • Page 120 Advertisements
    • 140 120 An Indian Nobleman Uses Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. You will see by the following that Chambei lain s Gough Remedy is a favourite in the palace as well as with tbe humbler people in India: “lor the past four years I have been netting large supplies of Chamberlain's Gough Remedy, not
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  • 80 121 (Su].'p ied by Reuter president Roosevelt’s Message. Loudon, 2ud Feb. —The House of Representatives received President Roosevelt’s message with demonstrative applause. Senator T. B. IHvi 8 sa ’d that it was the best Democratc Document ever issued by a Republican President. r [On Saturday Reuter told us
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  • 24 121 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Wales Beat s Scot land. London. 3rd February.—Wales has defeated Scotland at Rugby football bv 6 to 5.
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  • 80 121 (SuyvlieJ bu Reuter.) Forming a New Cabinet. London, 3rd February.—The Hon John Xavier Merriman, m. l a., s p,, member of the Cape Parliament for Namaqu ilan<l, and a member of the Jameson Raid Committee, is forming the new Cabinet at the Cape. (The Premier, Dr. Jameson, it
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  • 25 121 (Supplied bi/ Reuter.) A Unionist Win. London, 3rd February.—A Unionist has been elected for South Hereford replacing Col- Alan C. Gardner, deceased.
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  • 1552 121 Ln his introductory sketch of Malay Law, the sixth of the valuable series of Papers oi: Malay subjects issued by the F, M. S. Government, Mr R. J. Wilkinson proves not only that be is a master of his subject but that lie has the gift of skilful
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  • 277 122 (Before Mr. Wo’Jerelan.) Owing to the Chinese New Year holidays to-day’s list of the Police Court cases was a beery one. There were about eighty cases on the list, of which three-fourths were gambling cases. Almost all those concerned in the gambling cases pleaded guilty to the
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  • 38 122 THE P. O. extra steamer Manila, left Colombo at 3 p.ui. ou Saturday' last is expected to arrive here on the morning of Friday, the 7th inst.. and will leave for Singapore, China and Japan on the sam«
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  • 37 122 the Ldipral member U W?tT f0 Tk hi ,,he »d«p*8Lm etey i me.nbvr bribe Skipton <f Yorkshire al ,.i Percy Clive wa, cboien .i.„ Amunxat candidate.
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  • 731 122 Linking up the Chain of Evidence. A. Rickwha Coolie’s Testimony. The Als.goff Murder Case, be.ore the Third M.uis'.rateat Singapore lor prelum irv enquire, is attracts vouch The latest evidence tendered for tire provent ioi. is la t of a rickisha coolie w..o is alwed to have
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  • 298 122 Gramophone Records of Operatic Singers. The vaults of the Fans Opera were the scene of a weird and oiiginal ceremony ou Christmas Eve. They are to serve as a storehouse of gramophone records which will be of the deepest interest to future generations. It is proposed
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  • 26 122 has found 31 ilayan lubber so satisfactory that the Company proposes purchasing rubber properties n the Federated Malay States.
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  • 34 122 Mr. Go» don Bennett, proprietor of the New York Herald, who is a loeu yachtsman, is expected in Colombo shortly in his new yacht Lysatdrate, with a party of friends
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  • 60 122 a European named E. II. Sutton, who came from Ipob, shot himself with ,i pistol in the Japanese Hot I in CLulia Mreet. There were two wounds on his right temple. On receiving information, the Police went to the spot atid letno ed the man
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  • 105 122 President and Treasurer of the Penang Chinese Money Changers’Syndicate, sends for publication the following statement of collections of prohibited coins made by bis syndicate up to date From 12th Aug 1907, to 26th Jan., 1908. Amount forwarded for exchange by 815 depositors $19,429.59 Amount for which
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  • 989 123 The matked success of the many Companies interested in the cultivation of rubber in the Federated Malay States is the subject for an interesting and fav livable review of the industry by the Investor's Guardian. •'The remarkab’e success which characterize! the reports of the rubber producing
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  • 311 123 Thomas A. Edison announces that he has perfected the electric storage battery upon which he his been working for years, says the C iblenews-Amer lean of the 23rd ult. If Mr. Edison's enthusiastic predictions are realised, horses will be banished from the s' reefs of N-»w York
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  • 20 123 left for Siugapoie this afternoon. Toe Mon mouth goes io Colombo to receive her relief crew.
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  • 29 123 defeated the P. C. C. at Hockey yesteidav by 8 goals to one. Toe P. C. C. played two men ebort most of tao t inie.
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  • 736 123 Government Dog-shooting Order Criticised. At ast Friday’s meeting ot the Singapore Municipal Commissioners, considerable discussion took place regarding the suppression of rabies. It was reported that, during the month of January, 957 dogs had been destroyed. Of these, 665 were unlicensed; 271 were licensed but unmuzzled and
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  • 43 124 fl 1JI r» iv J miles and is controlled by foreign nationalities at follow»: J-iuhi. 730 miles; Kus>w, 1331 miles; Britain. 725 miles Prance, 50 mile*; Germany, 343 miles. China herself controls but 61 miles of the entire system.
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  • 47 124 which was played on the C R. C. ground yesterday afternoon between the Mahomedan Football Team and a team drawn from H. M. 8. Monmouth, resulted in a victory for the Mahomedans by two goals to nil. Mr Jas. T. Dobbie was the referee.
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  • 45 124 dispatch from tbeChinese Charge d’Aff a ires in Washington asking for the stoppage of the emigration of Chinese (Cantonese) labourers into Brazil, the Waiwupu has instructed Viceroy Chang Jin-chun of Canton to take steps to prevent labourers from going abroad.
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  • 51 124 and Niobe Mrrived at Singapore from Bangkok on Saturday morning, and exchanged «alutes <4><th Fort. Cannii g at abotp 8 1”» o’cl ek. They are bound for Batavia, for which port weie to leave to day. Itear-Admiral idoyipa ih on board the Fursl Hi*
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  • 83 124 a resident of the ptOVimx* of Chiktign, there Ins been din* »vered (mya the iokio }or<<lzn Chuho) the «Hbrt man m the woild Fujimathii i* I7() •yearn ed age. Born in Yatmiziki, Chikugo fPWMOP*'. he saw wars of tins feudal diamv'8 in SaUutna rebellion, am] ifpOttheal 'he
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  • 1453 124  -  OUR SERIAL STORY. BY VIOLA GRAEME, AUTHOR OF m-/J Sorrow” "The Treachery of Lorraine’’ "The Hand of God," lie Cai l f l{ a i KeM.’’ "Her Soldier Sweetheart,’’"Th.- Beauty of the Seaton,” Lees Loyalty. A Boyallteoe 4 GamU „<, GM ll,e f,':.
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  • Page 124 Advertisements
    • 128 124 titv: I 11 1 How a South Af rican Merchant rded 0,r a Attack of duoin'04,1; Pncu in on ia. There is always cause for alarm when a 'D Mvwe-eoId is accompanied by pain in the chest,* MrcH. L. Le Grange, who is manaen. ger-of aatore at Janienville, C. C
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  • 301 125 (Supplied by Reuter.' 4 The Attitude of the Progressists. London, 4'h Feb.—Vice-U.nural F<ircira 1) Amaral h’s formed a Calm et The Progiessist leade.s have passed a resolution deploring the assassin nions and loyally supporting the Government provided the political pii>oiie s are rebased an I measutes taken Io have
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  • 98 125 (Supplied by Reuter.) ■> Ex-Viceroy’s Sensational Speech. London, 41 h Feb.— Whilst Parliament was debating questions regarding Irelai d the Earl of Dudley, Ex Viceroy of Ireland, created a sensation in the House of Lords by denouncing coeicion as meaning war and advocating conciliation. He said that disloyalty
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  • 19 125 (Supplied by Reuter.) Concentration of Russian Troops. London, 5th Feb.—The concent ration of Russian troops in Finland continues.
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  • 15 125 (Supplied by Reuter.) England Beats Victoria. London, 5th Feb.—England beat Victoria by 33J runs.
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  • 825 125 There is no doubt whatever that the immigration difiiculty between Japan ami Canada will be amicably settled and, indeed, it is now practically settled. Japan is Britain’s ally and, as Sir W iltrid Laurier put it in his stirring speech to the Canadian House of Commons, it
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  • 52 126 baa been summoned to Tokyo to attend a consultation regarding the health of the Japanese Crown Prince, who is suffering from a lung complaint, which baa lately become more serious The professor started on 15th ult. From 189(1 until 1904 he was Court physician to the
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  • 135 126 has finished the compilation of the Naval Year-book which allow» that the United State» i, ■econd in atrengtb, being eclipsed only by lbal °‘.iGT 1 The book places t ruce third, fourth, and Japan fifth. Doting the last 24 year,
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  • 486 126 (Before Men»re. Wolfer.tan and S Vous; Siong. a Chinaman, was this momin- arraigned on the chargee of uttering aud befog in possession of counterfeit coms, to wit two twenty-cent p eces. The complainant, a Kling money-changer named Ibrahimsa, stated that, about 8 p.m. on the 23rd ultimo,
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  • 26 126 who ig employed with the Arm» Ordinance Department: has n ad yX"d 0 e rank of Third Class Ordnance Officer.
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  • 41 126 to give di rec- tions for tkV 10 give direcn u if i appointment of T. de M T Braddell Esq., Barriater at-Law, to be a Strait* Set tC f Supre,ue Gourt <>* the eBU yB ,b0
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  • 384 126 Council was to meet on Tuesday, the business being the passing of a bill to amend the Courts Ordinance to enable the Governor to appoint a judge of the Supreme Court to perforin temporarily the duties of Attorney. Geneial without thereby vacating bis ap. pointment as judge but,
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  • 114 126 Judge to Act as AttorneyGeneral. The Hon. W. J. Napier, Attorney-General, Straits Settlements, is seriously indisposed and Justice T. de M. Braddell has received instructions to leave for Singapore as soon as possible to act as Attorney-General. Mr. Justice Braddell with his Private Secretary, Mr. J. W. Scott, left to-day
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  • 16 126 for this afternoon was postponed to next Thursday» there being no quorum.
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  • 29 126 worth of jewellery yesterday. The trinkets had been left in the jewel-case on a dressing table.
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  • 38 126 between Robert Walter Campbell Sbelford, M.A., f.l.s., youngest son of the late Mr. Thoma® Sheiford, c.m.g,, and Audrey Gurney, second daughter of the Rev. A. and Mrs. Richardson, of Combe Down Vicarage, Bath.
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  • 472 127 excitement at the e. &o. HOTEL. Diners in Darkness. We cannot give any other beading than the above to a paragraph chronicling another failure of the electric lights all over the Town, for we have got so used to writing it that it i« quite dear
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  • 135 127 Whitley’s Splendid Bowling. The Kuala Lumpur paper, in its report of the F.M.S. vs. Colony Cricket Match, says Whitley has been bowling very well this year, but nothing he has done comes up to his performance yesterday. In the course of six overs and three
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  • 111 127 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following worn the results of the ties played yesterday t Championship Hodge beat J, R, Brown 6-4; 7—5. m Handicap. Miss Tozer and J. G. Anthony beat Miss Hogan and Dr. Niven 6—1 6—2. Profession Pairs. C. C. Rogers and W. g. Dunn w.
    111 words
  • 143 127 H. M. S. Alacrity is now at Singapore awaiting the King Alfred, which left for the Southern Settlement yesterday. Capt. Lewis Clinton-Baker, whose appoint* input to the command of the King Alfred as flig-captaiu to Vice-Admiral the Hon. Sir He i worth Lambton, the new Commander-in-chief of
    143 words
  • 16 127 one of Singapore’s oldest legal men, has retired. He settles in Europe.
    16 words
  • 21 127 has robbed Mr. Careless, secretary of the Masonic Club. Mr. Careless should be more careful in future.
    21 words
  • 28 127 was held in the Town Hall, Singapore, on Tuesday evening to bid farewell to Bishop Hose, who is retiring from the Straits. The Governor presided.
    28 words
  • 30 127 In consenting to the order counsel for the company admitted that “further investigation had proved the promotion to have been a mistake.”
    30 words
  • 33 127 FROM Messrs. Teik Chin Co. of Ipoh we have received a most useful calendar with European and Chinese dates. The pictorial portion of the calendar contains a photograph of the firm’s fine offices.
    33 words
  • 34 127 —an ornate cigar box—which Selangor holds for the current year by virtue of her performances in 1907, was on view in the Selangor Club during the match with the Colony.
    34 words
  • 39 127 which were last employed on the China Station, have just been commissioned as tenders to the gunnery establishments at Portsmouth and Devonport respectively. They have been re-armed with 4-incb quickfiring guns and 3-pounder quickfirers.
    39 words
  • 1254 127 {hroni Our Own Correspondent.) London, 17th Jan. Two Coming Events. lhe present month is the dullest, deadest time of all the year for the motorist, and for motor business all round. But plans and preparations for the coming season are in process. Among the interesting events
    1,254 words

  • 58 128 tlo-io -.ok place 1 11« J«nu. wrTn li I! ''l’b"k. t> Mi»» I.„cv Mr J B n I /"'“'""r <> f 'bOafe Mr. J B Rundle, <f Hat ah,” Svdrev u< W 0U H V i"'b' 1r n ‘M>« of lat. Hon.
    58 words
  • 400 128 Our Own Correspondent) Taipiug, 5th Feb. day morning, the 29th Jaruaiy. A Malay Settlement Officer. lenient has been strengthened by the addttton of a JI ay Settlement Officer ''V’T’V™ Tahrim, transferred from Kwala Ka An Interesting Pam ph let. The second volume of the K Mb. Museums is
    400 words
  • 52 128 an- nouncps the discovery of a method of making p *!"T pulp from a native bamboo grass called sasa, which grows profusely in Japan. It would appear to be s mewhat akin to the esparto grass of Spain and North Africa, from which paper is
    52 words
  • 71 128 which left Singapore for Batavia in company with cruiser Niobe. are two prmcea of the blood. One of them is a O'yal Harness, Lieutenant Prince von lessen I hihppstbal Barschfeld and the other is Prince von Thurin und Taxis. Admiral Coerper has also
    71 words
  • 270 128 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, 30th Jan. The railway line linking Johore to the F. M. S. lines will soon be com. piered. The Sultan recently Wk the Governor over a part of the line at the Johore Bahru end. The Gemas, or Segamat end of the
    270 words
  • 29 128 has been struck at the Lahat Mine, the extent of which has yet to bo ascf rtmied. The output, for December was 11 tons.
    29 words
  • 26 128 i f the 2nd Battalion, Singapore, has been promoted lieutenant, after three and a half years’ service.
    26 words
  • 33 128 at Marseilles, of Mis. Ellen Lee, widow of Mr. W. A. Pickering, c. m. g., at one time Projector of Chinese in the Straits Settlements.
    33 words
  • 28 128 of inoculation against plague, Captain Liston submitted himself ata Bombay meeting to the operation for the fifth time
    28 words
  • 46 128 by his will left the whole of bis for- tun<>, amounting to over «£100,000, to his widow, beciu-o she had aided him in his business, anil fte'ing t hat none others have c lims on my bount v.”
    46 words
  • 37 128 died on the 14th ult in his b9th year. Taking pait in the Perak Expedition, 1875, be was mentioned in despatches, was awarded the medal with clasp, and promoted assistant commissary-genera).
    37 words
  • 73 128 the creditors met in the case of Edward Frederick Venables, described as a major in His Majesty’s ‘2nd Battalion Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment), stationed at Singapore, domiciled in England, and temporarily residing at Bath. It was stated that the
    73 words
  • Page 128 Advertisements
    • 42 128 Every Bottle Guaranteed. > I his is done with Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and if you aie not satisfied after usins two-thirds of the bottle according to directions, return what is left and your money will be refunded. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
      42 words

  • 421 129 The Mining Journal's very favourably on the proposal which has barn put forward in some qua-ters for the holding of a mining exhibition sumo lime this xeir at I poll Says the Jbu, no I: “At first sight the proposal may not appeal particularly to
    421 words
  • 57 129 (Supplied. btf Reuter.) Reinforcing the Fleet. Loudon, 6th Feb—The Tint's' Washington correspondent states that repoits aie current that Admiral R ibley Frans’ IDet is to be reinforced by a number of new battleships and cmis us and th it a fleet of eight vessels wid be left
    57 words
  • 40 129 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Lock-out Threatened. London, 6th Feb.—i ae Mayor of Sunderland has appeale I to Mr. Lloyd George. President of the Board of Trade, to avert the shipbuilding lock-out as the industrial outlook is appalling.
    40 words
  • 38 129 (*5 lied by Reuter «> Aiiipiiuinep.i Io Address Regarding Irish Orders Rejected. Lonuoii, 5th Feb.—In the House <.f Commons yesterday an amendment to the Address regarding the disorders in Ireland was rejected by 414 to 115 votes.
    38 words
  • 48 129 (Supplied l)y Renter.) The Hon. Thomas Agar-Roberts Elected Unopposed. London, 6h Feb.—The Hon. Thomas Agar-Roberts, Liberal, who was elected to 1 <u hament for the Lomlmiu Division of Cornwall in 1906 but was unseated on a petition, has been elected unopposed for St. Austell (Cornwall).
    48 words
  • 77 129 (Supplied by Reuter Death Penalty Demanded on Generals Stoessel, Reiss and Fock. London, 51 h Feb—II, is repotted from S’. Petersbu'g that, at the court martial on t|j M Russian Genera's for the surrender of P>i» Arthur, the Public Prosecutor demand*- I that the penalty
    77 words
  • 30 129 (supplied by Reuter.) Arrival of China’s Representative. London, 6th hob.— lhe new Chite-e Minister to St. 15 let sbibg has p’esented his credentials to I he Tsir.
    30 words
  • 297 129 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Decree of Nullity Obtained. London, 6th Fib.—The Countess of Yarmouth has obtained a deciee of nullity of marriage. [Amongst the cases set down for hearing in the Divorce Court during- the Hilary 'Term, was a suit for nullity of marriage by
    297 words
  • 122 129 lb nang, 6th February (Ry courtesy oj the Chartered Rank.) London Demaud Sank -/8i 4 months’ sight Bank 2 3 Credit 3 Documentary Caicu t.n, Demand Bank Rs 173$ v 3 days' sight Private 175} Bombay, D miaud Bank 1 73| Moutmem, Demand Bank 173} 3da v>’ sight, Private
    122 words
  • 166 129 $65 4 B. Popport W(5 <H*. f „.i White PepfHit 18 50 x/'Z Prang Pepper in Ixn> >d f Cloves (picked; 1’9 sa'e .dace 55 //or, iZ Mace Picking* 55. sal* 1 Nutmegs 11 Os 23 J— s>ll, f No. 1 5.30 xo/ Sugar < 2 no stock Basket
    166 words
  • Page 129 Advertisements
  • 20 129 Domestic Occurrence. Death. Young— At the General Hospital this inornHig Rhoda, the only daughter of It. Young, aged 19 months
    20 words

  • 1018 130 1 X j “f Nu r, i(; r«f J P Di i(J eud. Nam6 i 1 S 5 Capital. bnares 3 < issued. J 5 I x Mining- q-j u t Mining C >.» Ltd. i‘8.75 Ex S B H 1907 160,000 5,530*13 10 |j u il lW<T !1,ent
    1,018 words

  • 1397 131 Two competitors, Masters G. F. Pykett and Khoo Thein Moh, obtain full marks in the Puzzle 3 Competition, but as Master Pvkett won the $5 Prize only last week ha is, in accordance with the rules governing these competitions, ineligible for the Prize again until the
    1,397 words
  • Page 131 Advertisements
    • 134 131 How a South African Merchant Warded off an Attack of Pneumonia. There is always cause for alarm when a severe cold is accompanied by pain in the chest. Mr. E. L. Le Grange, who is manager of a store at Jausenville, C. C., believes Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is better than
      134 words

  • Page 132 Advertisements
    • 738 132 r —ikdown,Eczem»», KHoo *-~Hunn ukihkniu aim Sent.' Moh, BOA 1 are soil, and also direct ri 3 (i .i l,,,> b,re i w tfedicioe Co., SiocA- 203, Maia Road, Talping, <«“ A IU1W HI f Jrom the JM W. g Dr. williams' > mi. puts. tur s 7 y. p
      738 words

  • Page 133 Advertisements
    • 509 133 v vtisem e n t s for SAL.E. FOR SALE. sy^LJE johi pi™ m Guide to Penang, ROMANCE OF MODERN MALAYA. OLIVER ASHWELL. THB E. F. Statchly, F. E S LONDON DIRECTORY, price 50 omts Carburettor Club,” In Peril ("{Worth a Dollar a copy," in Penang,” etc. (Published Annually.) R
      509 words

  • Page 134 Advertisements
    • 237 134 The CR1TERJON_PRESS, Ltd. W b jr$TA BLI SHED 1883. 'Ml S PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. I Refers ,f U» -STRAITS ECHOS “SIN POET 1 "CHAT* ™LAU FINANG.” I B The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and g H‘ lithographers in the Orient. I B g g Our plant is of the very
      237 words