The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 8 March 1907

Total Pages: 28
1 205 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. $l5 Per Annum. Single Copy 40 cents. Vol. 5. Penang, Friday, Bth March, 1907. No. 10.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 394 1 X x r/////////// z ,/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ,ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ,Z <^ ZZ ZZZ/ZZZZ CONTENTS. X X x Leaders: page. Sport: Page. x Our Animal Drudges 180 A. 180 x x The Fire Danger 180 Penang Cricket Club: Lawn Tennis x The Truck System .7 182 Tournament 180. 183 192 i The Egoism of the Government
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 175 2 .y~ '■i/vT r >' r Ar f ;.aj <r4»*r^ V t .n v'* I LrXS&H&h >■ >n^^! A. •L ,B j 0 I a\ THE P 5 STRAITS ECHO I I MAIL EDITION. Published the day prior to the departure of each mail |J < for Europe, and contains the
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  • 743 180 One of the first things that strikes the stranger upon landing in Penang is the large number of bullock carts employed along the front of Weld Quay in bringing cargo to and from the lighters which serve the steamers. The animals drawing these vehicles are as plodding
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  • 183 180 Only on Monday last had we occasion to refer to the danger to which the town is exposed through the inadequacy of our appliances for the extinguishing of fires. Last evening another fire took' place and again there was delay in the arrival of the engines. It
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  • 115 180 luc Competition for Mrs. Fox’s prize was finished last Wednesday, the 27th, in a deluge of rain. The f llowing ate the scores Feb. 23 rd. Feb. 27th. 150 100 150 100 Hep. vds. yds. vds. vds. GT. Mrs. Tate ...12 31 *32 ‘3O *27 132
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  • 25 180 Lawn Tennis Tournajuent. The following tie was played off dayChampious/» q>. G. k. K. Mugliston beat 11. C. Sells 6 -3, 6-2.
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  • 348 180 There was an outbreak of fire last night at about eleven o’clock in a ship chandler’s shop in Beach Street, the chop b ing Sin Heap Seng, No. 267, the bouse being owned by Mr. Khoo Guat Cheng. As usual, the engines could not arrive on the scene until
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  • Page 180 Advertisements
    • 103 180 Til® Strnits Echo. .-0 f? < iml justice satisfies everybod) an 1 Justice alone.—Emerson Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) at th i CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY IXM’AI 124 per annum OFTSTAIIONS Postage Extra. MAIL BDITIONJI’oet Free $l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone
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  • 171 181 Hie effect df seniei.cos on pris mers has I>e '0 b ’ought tul he not ice of the 311 gist ial es in Perak. These gentlemen aie informed 1 fiat they should (ij avoid imprisoning first offenders if a fine can he made to meet
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  • 427 181 A case of considerable importance was heard before the Bench Court yesterday afternoon. The charges framed against Sena Mahomed Sultan, Kling cloth shopkeeper, No. 194, Beach Street, against whom a Bankruptcy Petition was presented, were two, viz:—(1) that, after a Receiving Order had been made,
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  • 168 181 The mercantile, banking, legal, ami sections of the community concerned in the commerce of Magapue hive very decided that tiie work of Mr. Noel Irotiei as Postmaster General of the Straits inents has in its efficiency been of such marked benefit, to communities particularly, that, on
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  • 163 181 The London correspondent of the Times of Ceylou says I am informed that there are no less than six future planters leaving England during the next fortnight in one batch, al! proceeding to Malaya to learn planting and secure billets there. They have chosen Malaya as
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  • 229 181 An Unfounded Rumour Auour the Duke of Connaught. Statement* have been made iu several quarters that it ism contemplation to introduce important changes in the office of Inspector-General of the Forces, ami that the Duke of Connaught will probably vacate his appointment. We 1 :ave authority
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  • 597 181 Fiom Lloyd’s Register we'errn that dur. ing 1966, exclusive of warships, 886 vessels of 1.828 343 tuns gross (v z, 815 steamers of 1 8J9,4-3 tons and 71 sailing vessels of ]8 910 tons) have been launched in q le United Kingdom. The warships launched at both Government
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  • 168 182 The Disestablishment Question. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 28th February. —The House of Commons, by 198 votes to 90, has adopted a resolution expressing the desirability of disestablishing and disendowing the Church of England. Mr. Birrell said that he personally believed that if the Church were freed from trammels of
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  168 words
  • 142 182 The Anglo-Russian Negotiations. (Supplied by He id er.) London, Ist March.—Reuter learns that, while it is yet premature to indicate the definite lines of any Anglo-Russian agreement, the negociations between the two countries are making satisfactory progress, one tangible result of which is the joint offer of a loan
    (Supplied by He id er.)  -  142 words
  • 30 182 The Belfast Returns. (Supplied by Reuter.) lst March.—So far 123 cases of ever lu d deaths have occurred 'p aS Four people who were attacked uesday evening, died yesterday.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  30 words
  • 24 182 To Visit Tangier. (Supplied by Reuter.) lst March.—The Aga Khan left wil| (On i^? r Continent yesterday and V before returning
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  24 words
  • 63 182 Church and State. (Suppled by Renter.) Loudon, Ist March.-\ telegram of the «th February stated that there was every ludicatiou that the French Bishops would accep i' Briand s proposals ami so bring Tr U U t0 1h9 French Church question. Lnfortunately another deadlock is now reported. The Vatican
    (Suppled by Renter.)  -  63 words
  • 55 182 Mrs. Thaw's Evidence, (Supplied by Reuter.) Li n lon, Ist March.—The searching crossexamination of Mrs. Thaw is concluded. It disclosed a number of painful details concerning her acquaintance with Thaw before their marriage, but the entire frankness of her admissions is regarded as tending to corroborate the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  55 words
  • 226 182 The Estimates. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, Ist March.— Naval estimates show a reduction of 1,427,091 and a thousand men, while new con truction is to cost <£B.IOO,COO as compared with <£9,235,000 in 1906-07. The programme includes two or (unless the Nival Powers reach an understanding at the Hague
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  226 words
  • 972 182 To the uninitiated reader the Truck System Enquiry which is now being com I tie ted in Perak may not appear to have any interest for Penang, but that it very deeply concerns us every old Penang hand is well aware, for our prosperity’, nay, our very
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  • 746 182 Obituary. 4 A Famous Conjurer. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, Ist March.—The death is announced of the famous conjurer Bertram. An Advocate of Peace. London, Ist March.—The death is announced of Mr. Hodgson Pratt, the famous advocate of Peace. Obituary. Mr P. R. R. Goodman. e regret (o announce the deith
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  • 140 183 Lawyers aud other folk who have to work out the relative English, Chinese aud Mohamedan dates iu the course of business, will welcome the advent of a calendar which has just been compiled by Mr. Cheam Chow Heng, Interpreter to the Penang Police Courts. The calendar covers
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  • 75 183 La w n Tennis T ui<nam e x i Following are th? lesuhs of the ties played off yesterday. Profession Pairs. C. C. Rogers and E. S. Haslam beat A. R. Adams and S F. B. Martin, 6—2, 6—2. A. S. Anthony and A. F. G. Anderson
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  • 473 183 A Good Show. Last evening Spampaui’s Circus made its bow to the Penang Public and scored a success. There was a good and appreciative audience, the show commenced ou the stroke of time, without any long waits between turns, and the iesult was that it was over in
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  • 93 183 A rubber-tyre was the subject of a case heard before the Court of Requests vesterday afternoon, the parties concerned" being Mr. H. Hilton and Messrs. Chin Seng Bros the well known coach-builders. It appears that Mr. H. Hilton sent his carriage to Chiu Seng Bros, to
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  • 99 183 There were two cases of attempts at suicide before the Second Court, to dav. In the first case, a Chinaman, who had been suffering from fever for some time, cut his throat with a broken bottle. He was sent to Hospital, and recovered. Mr. Hereford discharged him.
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  • 136 183 This morning a European, answering to the name of Robert Cohen, was arraigned before the Second Court, on a charge of cheating. The prosecution alleged that the accused described himself to Mr. J. L. Woodford as the Manager of an Estate iu Bagan Serai, and,
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  • Page 183 Advertisements
    • 62 183 A Good Family Liniment. Every family should be supplied with a bottle of Cbambe-lain’s Pain Balm. For cuts, bruises, burns, scalds or similar injuries which are of almost daily occurrence, there is nothing so good. It cools and soothes the wound aud not only g* instant relief but bungs about
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  • 428 184 The Kuala Lu:, pur C. li bra i ion. (From On)' Own Correspondent.) g U ala Lumpor was fnjtt? on Wednesday niifbL ’be occasion being the celebration of l| H CljapG"h Meh, or Lan.ern festival, by i he Straics-boru Chinese of teat town A precession started from Towkay Yew
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  • 137 184 NoRJIaL EXAMINA'ItON, f... l 'din U CJudlJat presented tliemselres '«Hi nid Th‘ llfl! lhe junior Th aut! Hvelve f()r by Mr F r iminalions were conducted (Ur f’-f 1 8.8. and KM.S., Mr »0 of Schools, Selangor, W ‘Beti.biu ner ip et,r of Scbo l3 "“■ee”B^i,“? S "T
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  • 1072 184 (/>om Oir Ow.i Correspond t f 2/lh Feb: u.irv, I*JO7 Quite the most important. occurrence of tl,e > us ihe soi-.u; Kittle la in- u-Hir ner ween u, o nva i qp) s and iue wire puld.smd by Le Mo was no exaggeration. Even since the dan
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  • 205 184 A CJKcubAu has Iwn is>nel to fcharehvMecs <4 Gm uidvrroft R <;,, da’vd Singapvue, 18 d Feb, hi which it i.< stitcd Hie Di lectors lune considered it advisable to pur. h ise from Mr E. H. Bratt the Hidden I reasure Edate. The properly c
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  • Page 184 Advertisements
    • 46 184 Neuralgia and Sciatica Cured. The great, pun relieving power of Chamberlain's Pain Balm has lem the surprise ami delight, of many Aufferers from neuralgia and sciatica. The excruciating pains chtraderistic of the-e diseases are quickly allayed by this liniment, For sale by all Chem'bli and Stoiekev|>er.3.
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  • 1314 185 Writing to our Ipoh contemporary Junius ’says: Recent events indicite that the Liberal Government does not seem to enjoy the confidence of the Colonies in consequence of its indiscreet interference in their internal affdrs. Transvaal, Natal, and Newfoundland bad each an occasion to raise a hue-and-cry against
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  • 630 185 Some Particulars of the Working. Our representative paid a visit to the property of the Serendah Hydraulic Tiu Mining Company on Sunday last, says the Malay Mail, and t hrough the courtesy of Manager, Mr Rene Proust, was enabled to obtain the following particulars with regard to
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  • Page 185 Advertisements
    • 57 185 Rheumatism Can be Cured. Many sufferers from this painful disease have been surprised and. delighted at the prompt relief obtained by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. A permanent cure may be effected by continuing its use f° r a short time. It will cost you but a trifle to try it.
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  • 916 186 Mr. Barnes and the Chinese. There was abundant evi lence of the popularity of Mr. Barnts with the Chinese, when on Saturday last a large body of representative members of the Chinese community assembled at the Chinese Protectorate, to present an address to the Secretary for Chinese Affairs
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  • 77 186 County Council Elections. (Supplied by Reuter.) London 2’d Much.— T -day’s elections fo>- the London County Council are exciting an in'erest almost tq ial to that displayed over the Parliamentary elections. The electoral campaign has been attended with unusual bitterness. While the uniu issue turns upon the financial and
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  77 words
  • 54 186 Th: Njre Divisions. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 2nd March.—An Admiralty Memorandum which has been issued explains that the No e Division of the lew Home Fleet will consist of six battleships and six armoured cruisers completelv manned, which are never to leave home waters aud will ba constantly
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  54 words
  • 80 186 A New Loin. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 2nd March —Reuter’s Teheran Correspondent wires that the Persian Parliament has agreed to the National Bank advancing the Government two million tomans, two fifths of which will Im pay«l>'e this month, for the payment of theannv, etc. etc. Ihe Batik will cash
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  80 words
  • 74 186 War Claims (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 2id March.— I'he Ritssiiu Government has paid com pen a ition for the sinking of the German steamer T, tutus, with a cargo of rad way sleepers, by the Russian cruiser Ri>n. The claimsof the owners of the Brbish steamers Oldhamia. Ikhona and
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  • 34 186 Eelrm Pasha. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon. 2nd March.—Fehim Padja is now living luxuriously iu Brusa, Asiatic Tuikev where he is trerted with the utmost di»’ tinction. The Diplomatic Corps at Constantiuople are iudiguaut.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  34 words
  • 56 186 Ship Subsidy Bill. (Supplied by Renter) Loudon 2nd March -The Washington Houseot Repres utative has Hauck out the clauses of the Ship Subsidy Bill, providing a fast mail service between San Francisco Hawaii, Japau, China, and the Philippines’ als> hues between San Francisco, Australia’ Puget Souud, Japan,
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  • Page 186 Advertisements
    • 83 186 Nothing Equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowel Complaints in Children. Wc have used Chamberlain’s Colic, olera and Diarihoea Remedy in our ami.y f or years, says Mrs. J. B. Cooke, of Nederlands, Texas, U. S. A. “We have given lt to all of our children. We
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    • 74 186 Whooping Cough in Jamaica. During the epidemic of whooping cough which was prevalent in Jamaica, Chimberlain’s Cough Remedy was freely used. Mr. J. Riley Bennett, Chemist at Brown’s Town, Jamaica, says of it: “I cannot speak too highly of this reme iy. It has never failed in a case where
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  • 52 187 The New Ministry. (Supplied by R niter.) Loudon, 2nd March —General Botha has recast hit* Volkite Ministry with Mr. J. Smuts as Colonial Secretary and Acting Attorney General. Mr. H. H. Hull as 'Treasurer, Sir J. H. De Villiers as Minister of Mines and Mr. Riseik as Minister
    (Supplied by R niter.)  -  52 words
  • 44 187 A Promotion. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 2nd March. —The Hon. L. D. Carnegie, m.v.0., Councillor of the British Legation at Peking, has been appointed Councillor of the Legation at Vienna. Mr. Stephen Leach, first secret try of the Legation at Christiania, replaces him.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  44 words
  • 74 187 Another Loan (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 2nd March. —It is expected that a Japanese five per cent,, loan to convert the two six per cent, loans will be issued about the 15th March at 99. The moonlight Band performance on the Esplanade was very enj >vable last evening, and
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  74 words
  • 1066 187 We du not think that we err in charging the Government with egoism. So many instances of the egoistical spirit displayed must be still fresh in the minds of our readers that they will have no difficulty in agreeing with us. For instance, one has
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  • Page 187 Advertisements
    • 63 187 A Good Family Liniment. Every family should be supplied with a bottl'd of Chambe lain’s Pain Balm. For cuts, bruises, burns, scalds or similar injuries, which are of almost daily occurrence, there is nothing so good. It cools and soothes the wound ami not* only gives instant relief but brings
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  • 671 188 Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting of the Ctiiuese Recreation Club was held at the C.ubhouse yesterday, at 7 30 p. in., and was ver v well attended, over thirty members beiDa present. Mr. Gan Teong Tat, the Vicepresident, occupied the chair. The Hon. Secretary, Mr.
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  • 82 188 Spainpani s Circus played again on Satuiday evening to a picked house and an appieciative audience. The turns were both good and varied and everything went with a capital swing. 'lhe Circus folk express themselves as satisfied with their visit to Penang and this always meins that a
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  • 246 188 B. It. C. vs. C. R. C. A one-innings cricket mitcb was played at Butterworth on Saturday last between the Butterworth Recreation Club and the Chinese Recreation Club of Penang. A very interesting game ended in a win for the latter team, which was playing one man short, by
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  • 106 188 In cur columns of the loth ultimo it was reported that the Coroner had returned a verdict of death by rupture of the spleen in the case of the Chinaman Tan San Moh who died on the 11th ultimo, at No. 281, Bridge Street.
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  • 921 188 The Annual Inspection. Ihe Annual Inspection of the Penang V oinntt-ers t<»« k nhce yesterdav, the InOfficer being Major Pedley, of the Rural West Kent Regiment, who arrived from Singapoie foi the purpose. Major Pedley had already announced that he wished to test the men as to their
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  • 182 189 To-day, two Malays, Aliand Tambi, were charged before the First Court with a sacrilegious act, to wit, destroying 18 headstones and defacing the inscriptions on others, in the Jewish Burial-ground, on the 2nd ultimo. Mr. Adams, who conducted the prosecution, stated that the accused were ’he
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  • 83 189 Kinta Tin Minis, Ltd. The folioving are the returns from the Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd, for the mouth of February Output 200 piculs Approximate value 55 11.000 Receipts from water lent 6 720 Working expenses 4,200 Profit 13,520 The football match between the Gove rament Service Team an 1
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  • 449 189 Highway Robber r. About 2 o’clock last Tuesday afternoon a daring highway gang robbery took p’ace on the Lahat Road, says the Tinies (J Maltiyn. Four armed Chinese held up two Chinese who were walking along the road, ami succeeded in securing cash and notes from them to the
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  • 348 189 The ri.oaid of March 1 contains the following items of iinortn/ tion Mr. \V. G. 51 ixweil, S dieitor Genera] Straits Settlements, reported bis return from leive of absence and lesumed t| ie duties ot Ins appointment on the 23rd uit With refeieuce to Government Notify, lion No.
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  • 189 189 The following is the list of cases to be heaid at the Assizes which begins tomorrow (1) 1. Lim Chye Lye. 2. Kuah and 3. Lim Ah Saa, (i) Gang Robbery, (ii) Voluntarily causing grievous hurt in committing Gang Robbeiy. (2) 1. Gan Lian, and 2. Gob Ah
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  • 1286 190 Some Fleeting Impressions of a SINGA PGR 8 VI SI T OR. (Bj an Occasional Correspondent of the Straits Times.) Ou Wednesday morning, I woke to find Singapore infamous, so I hasten into print. Now, I don’t know anything about. Penang, but when you are giving
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  • 92 190 The Premier’s Opinion. (Supplied bf/ Reut j r.) U«ndor, 2nd March.— Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman, in the course of an article in the new Liberal weekly, 7’4e Nation t considc. s that the objections to discussing the limitation of armaments at the Hague conference are baseless. He points out
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  • 87 190 The County Council Elections. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 4th March.—The County Council elections resulted in the sweeping defeat of the Progressives. 79 Moderates or selfstyled Municipal reformers and 39 Progressives have been elected as compared with 35 Moderates 83 Progressives iu the Council of IJO4 Ihe Reformers include 5
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  87 words
  • 88 190 A Baron Murdered. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 4th March.—Baron Bunberg, a Member of the Russian Council of the Empire, while out driving near Reval, on the Gulf of Finland, was attacked by a gang of six men. Baron Bunberg and bis servant were killed and the coachman wounded. The
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  88 words
  • 54 190 The Benadir Revolt. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 4th March.—Signor Tittoni Minister of Foreign Affairs, speaking in the Italian chamber and referring to the recent revolt at Benadir, said that the Italian Government intends carefully to reorganise the state of affairs at Benadir, engage more native troops and establish a
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  54 words
  • 52 190 The Shipping Subsidy Bill. (So/i/died by Reuter.} London, 2nd .Mareli.-The Washington House of Representatives has pissed the Shipping Subsidy Bill as amended. California and Aliens. Lomhm, 3rd March.— The Lower House ot Califmmi has passed a Bill which precludes any alien from holding land in (Jahfornia for upwards of
    (So/i/died by Reuter.}  -  52 words
  • 26 190 The Order of the Bath. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 4th March.—Prince Alexander of Teek takes the Cross of the t o the Hague.
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  • 56 191 Loss of the “Jean Bart.” (Supplied by Healer > London. 4th Mirch. The French Jean Bail, winch went ashore off the Barbary coast on 20th Febi u try. is regard 1 as a total loss. Only her armament can be saved and her crew will be distributed amongst
    (Supplied by Healer >  -  56 words
  • 54 191 A Trip to the Riviera (Supplied by Ileuter.) London, 4th March. —Mr. Joseph Chamberlain has gone to the Riviera. London, 4th March.—There is great secrecy as to the departure of Mr. Jo-eph Chamberlain from Highbury,” his London house, where the specialists consmtel as to the advisability of the
    (Supplied by Ileuter.)  -  54 words
  • 30 191 The Sculling Championship. (Supplied by Heater.) Loudon, ‘3rd March. —George Towns has defeated Durnau for the World’s Sculling Championship by two lengths, on the Nepean River, New South Wales.
    (Supplied by Heater.)  -  30 words
  • 474 191 The Agri-Horticultural Show is to be held, this year in Perak and, as will be seen by reference to another column, it was decided to hold it at Kuala Kangsar instead of at Taiping. We fancy that this will cause disappointment both in Ipoll and Taiping, for,
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  • 945 191 The fine avenues of trees which Pen- ang possesses are certainly one of her prides and serve to show that our forefathers took a healthy pride in the appearance of the Settlement, a pride which we should like to see maintained in nouncertain manner. Nowadays there does not
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  • 71 192 I, A V, N ’l’ NN 13 To URN A M E NI. 'J'HE following ‘ies were played cIT yister- Cham pionsl<ij>. p Dennvs beat S F. B. Martin, o_],6—o. J) jib e II indiaap. —(bass B. A. Btenley and A. H. Ferguson beat E. Lees and
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  • 140 192 The following Indians arrived here on Sunday last bv s.s. Bharata Rev’ B C. Sircar. M.A., Secretary, Y.M.C. A., Calcutta; Mi ss Lilavati Singh, M.A., Vice Principal, Isabdla-Thoburn College, Lucknow: Mr. R Sirajuddin. 8.A., Professor of I hilosophv, Forman Christian College, Lahore Mr. N J.
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  • 179 192 I he Circus last evening played to another crowded house, so that the only matter •cub ing tl e management is as to whether oi no t ,e stay of the show in I’euang is not <4 t-nef duration. There was a large number of Eur. p aus
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  • 109 192 In Appellate Jurisdiction. In (he beginning of January last a charge of theft of a gold bangle valued at $BO, belonging to a Chinese woman of Telaga Ayer, in Province Wellesley, was preferred against a Chinese priest by the name of 'J an Mok. 'l’h3 defendant was convicted
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  • 305 192 The Opening. The Assizes opened in the Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice Thornton, this morning. There were altogether six cases down for hearing, and the Solicitor-General said that lie would take them in the order given in the list. Gang Robbery. In the first case (1) Lim Chye
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  • 82 192 In the Third (Joint, to-day, a cas**w.s t ted in which a Siamese woman named Jiat sentenced to four months’ imprisonment for t heft of jewellery. A witness for Ihe let» nee, aho a Siamese woman, was unibl» speak any laugu ij.e other i ban her
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  • 151 192 In our issue of the 26th February we stated that M r Hereford had been served with a writ, of mandamus at the instance of Mr. Wright Motion, ordering him to appear before Mr. Justice Thornton and show cause why he refused to grant a summons to
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  • 353 192 Yesterday afternoon, the trial of Ali aud Tambi for committing mischief in the Jewish Cemetery was resumed. The defen. dants are brothers. The value of the damage done is about $5OO. Two witnesses, living in the neighbourhood, deposed that at about half past eleven on the
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  • Page 192 Advertisements
    • 40 192 with Ü BANI Oxle y charged Lim Ah Peng mornl' P ossess ion of 123 grains of StreV la hpi eHter^a v at 234, Carnarvon h ft lec *se was postponed to enable a a ccuse) to call a witness
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  • 1146 193 My dearest Fanny.—The rain has com-* at last, after a very long hot and dry spell, during which we all got most abominably dirty, grittv and bad tempered from heat and dust. Even the trees were growing heartily sick of the drought, for they were all she Iding
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  • 921 193 The Review of the Far East.” We have just received the January number of the lieview of the Far East. The first article is on that Chinese sage, McngTse, who flourished from 372 B.C to 288 B. C. and is better known under ’he Litmisad form of his name, Mmscius.
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  • Page 193 Advertisements
    • 48 193 Neuralgia and Sciatica Cured. ’The great pain relieving power of ■berlain’s Bain Balm has bean the slir P rl j_ and delight of many sufferers from neur gia and sciatica. The excruciating characteristic of the-e diseases are q”ic allayed by this liniment. For sale I Chemists and Storekeepers.
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  • 633 194 —Pioneer. A. meeting ot a spnciil committee convened for tha pii-poso of miking preliminary a ningeiiiHit* tor the proposed agri-hort icultural Show was held at T.tiping on Saturday, 2nd March, at 2 30 p m. The Resident of Perak (Mr. E. AV. Birch) took the chair.
    —Pioneer.  -  633 words
  • 295 194 Pu Ing Lama. Tin Mines, Ltd. I he output from this mine for the month o rcbiuaiy was 9)0 piculs of tin ore produced, of an approximate value of $51,000. I ahang January Output. The output of tin was 2,170.61 pikuls against 2,524.48 pikuls in December. Ihe approximate value
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  • 45 194 Many Collisions off Dover. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, I h March.—A remarkable series of accidents has occurred in the Straits of Dover as the result of fog. Altogether seven steamships and five sailing ships have been in collision and two steamers have been sunk.
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  • 51 194 President Roosevelt’s Sympathy. (Supplied by Reuter.} London, sth March. —President Roosevelt Las given a hundred dollars to the Russian Famine Relief Fund, started in New York, and writes to say that Russia has been a good friend to America in the past and he therefore appeals for
    (Supplied by Reuter.}  -  51 words
  • 42 194 The Shipping Subsidy Bill. (Supplied ly Reuter.) LoibLm, 4 h March.— ft is reported from W a*hi(igton that the Democrats in the Senate have decided to talk out the Shipping Subsidy Bi 1. Congress ad journs to-day at noon.
    (Supplied ly Reuter.)  -  42 words
  • 26 194 General Botha Invited. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, sth March.—Sir Henry Camp-bell-Bannerman has announced that General Botha has been invited to the Colonial Conference.
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  • 83 194 A Very Weak State. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 4th March.—Ou embarking at Dover for the Continent Mr. Joseph Chamberlain was almost unrecognisable. He was wearing glasses and appeired quite unable to walk without aid and leaned heavily upon the shoulder of his daughter, at the same time using
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  83 words
  • 25 194 A New Bishop. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, sth March.—Father Kojunian, the Rector of the American College at Rome, has been appointed Bishop of Alexandria.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  25 words
  • 84 194 A Phantom Petition. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, sth March.—Lord Elgin, in reply to Sir Edward Sassoon, said that he bad not received a petition from Brunei praying for incorporation with Sarawak and he had no reason to suppose that any considerable proportion of the Borneans desired it. The British
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  84 words
  • 22 194 The Governor Resigns. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, sth M arch.—Sir Alexander Swettenham has 1 esigne 1 the Governorship of Jamaica. r
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  22 words
  • 46 194 More Arrests of Students. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, sth March.—A force of fifteen hundred police searched the students’ quarters at the Polytechnic Institute at St. Petersburg, yesterday morning, and discovered a number of infernal machines' bombs, repeating rifles and some dynamite Fifteen arrests were made.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  46 words
  • 23 194 Another Visit to Paris. (Supplied by Reuter.) I.imlon. sth Marcb.-King Edward has arrive! in lans, where be was received without ceremony.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  23 words

  • 68 195 Mr. Haldane’s Schemes (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, stl> March. Mr. Haldane, in intro iucing the Bill for crea'iug t be 'l errilorial Scheme machinery for 'he Army, emphasised the reed of thoroughness iu order to allay the public unrest and avert a disastrous orgiuised movement in the foim
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  68 words
  • 672 195 We must apologise to our readers for the subject of the present article, but we think that, in the interest of the Settlement, it ought to be written and this is our excuse, if, indeed, any excuse is needed, which we doubt. The outbreak of the Russo-Japanese
    672 words
  • 393 195 On Friday last we drew attention to t he lack of drinking troughs for cattle throughout Penang and the consequent .suffering that must ensue amongst the patient brutes which draw our gharries or bullock carts. A correspondent now points out to us that there is no drinking
    393 words
  • 492 195 Thanks from Japan. The following letter is to baud from Vice-Admiral Viscount Yenotnoto:— Editors of Straits Ec 1 o. Feb. 15th, TJO7. Gentlemen, —I have the honour to express our grateful and hearty thanks for your appreciation of the aim aud object of this association and for
    492 words

  • 1060 196 Coux tekf/it Coins (IJffore V/’. Justic3 Thornton.) this'eu-e, wiiicii cone on forbearing ps e rJav afte noon, (1) Gin Lem and (2) pri'n A'i Ching (a youth) were charged J \h (a) delivering a counterfeit King’s coin known as a, dollar, knowing it to be such when it
    1,060 words
  • 795 196 (Mfor# Mr. Justice Thornton.) In th s case, which came on for hearing before Mr. Justice Thornton this morning, Wong Kang was charged with attempting to commit robbery. He claimed to be tried and the following jury was empanelled:— i Messrs. John R. Beckett (Foreman), Ail in Ed. living,
    795 words
  • 183 196 Two Women Buiciiered. Eiry this morning, Cintra. Street was the scene of an atrocious double murder, the victims being Magudu and Rangathotn, two Koringgee women, who were stabbed to death by a compatriot, named tSundraswainy, and horribly mutilated. It appears that both the deceased and the assailant were
    183 words

  • 42 197 The enquiry into the extradition of Itcbi was n sum d yesterday afternoon. The attendance of the complainant was not procurable. After Mr. McKuight Young bad addressed the Court on lehtlf of the prisoner, the latter was discbargel.
    42 words
  • 119 197 Inspector Ambrose charged Chong Kim Pui, a nonia, with assaulting Leong Ptk Kam, another nonia, at No. 7 Stewart Lane, last night. The accused, who lived at Kam par, heard that her husband was paying attentions to a rival, at the above address. She came down here
    119 words
  • 111 197 The Anti-Opium Conference assembles in Ipoh on Friday and Saturday next, when delegates from Singapore, Malacca, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Kam par and Penang are expected. The delegates include well-known merchants, Dwyers, ministers and doctors, both English and Chinese. The Conference open with the reception of the delegates
    111 words
  • 117 197 N. R A. Medal. Firing for the N. R. A. medal, which carries with it the privilege of shooting for the Prince of Wales’s pi'z 1 at Bisley, took place on the Balestier nil range, Singapore, on Saturday afternoon. Eighteen competitors took put. The light was dull, but good,
    117 words
  • 140 197 Yesterday eve ting, at 5-30, the funeral co)t°geot Mr. 11. J. A. Crowe was met at the gate of the cemetiy, in Western R ad, by a large number of mourners, friends and subordinates of the deceased. The hearse was borne by Messrs. Adams, Kaulfuss,
    140 words
  • 26 197 Tronoh Mines Ltd. The output for the mouth of Februaiy was as follows: Picul-’. Pnas d tin <»re produced 1 /2080 A [(proximate valui .$9/,000
    26 words
  • 542 197 In the case of Goldenberg and Zeitlin vs. Chew Swee Heng, tried before the Court of Kt quests yesterday afternoon, many nice and intricate points of law were involved, as two pro-notes —the subject-matter of the action were curiously framed. Mr. Balfour E. Ross appeared for the
    542 words
  • 489 197 tOJIK REFLECTIONS UPON TH J AWAKfN ing of Asia.” As announced, a. lecture on the above subject was delivered last night by the Rev C. rfucir, m. a., at the Anglo Chinese School t he audience, numbering about a bundled consisted practically of Indians and Chinese 'The lectuier spoke
    489 words
  • Page 197 Advertisements
    • 84 197 Nothing Equal to Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowe! Complaints in Children. “We have used Chamberlain’s Colic» Cholera, and Diarihoea Remedy in oU family for years,” says Airs. J. B. Cooke, o Nederlands, Texas, U. S. A. “We have given it, to all of our children. We have
      84 words

  • 35 198 Mr. Pett Coming. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 6th March.—Mr. Pett, the Superintendent of the Singapore Eire Brigade, leaves on Saturday for Penang, to inspect and advise on the reconstruction of the Fire Brigade.
    35 words
  • 27 198 A Mad Horse. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 6th March.— A horse went wad in Robinson Road yesterday and savagely attacked its syce, who has sustained serious injuries.
    27 words
  • 52 198 Truck System and Opium. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 6th March. —Mr. Winston Churchill, replying to a question by Mr. Arthur Acland Alien, said that Lord Elgin had informed the High Commissioner of the Federated Malay States that the practice of partly paying Chinese m'ners in opium
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  52 words
  • 33 198 The New Loan. (Supplied ly Reuter.) London, 6th March. —The new Persian loan of twenty-six million will be issued next week at 991, half being placed in London and half in Paris.
    (Supplied ly Reuter.)  -  33 words
  • 51 198 A Record Budget. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, sth March —The Washington Congress has been closed. The appropriations voted during the session aggregated two hundred millions sterlingand constituted a lecoid. Congress. London, 6th March.—Congress has been adjourned. The Shipping Subsidy Bill was lost by the adoption of filibustering
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  51 words
  • 144 198 Ail Ominous Resolution (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 6th March.—The Egyptian Ldiieral Assembly has voted a resolution demanding the creation of full parliamentary institutions as soon as possible and meanwhile urging the 6overnment to extend the powers of the Council and the General Assembly with ajview of controlling the financial
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  144 words
  • 136 198 The Political Outlook (Supplied by Reuter.) London, sth March —Thegeneral attitude of Russia ti- ay, on the (ve of the opening of the Dum», is ppss mistic, the only question discussed being how long it will be before the Duma is again dissolved. Opening of the Dum i. Loudon,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  136 words
  • 24 198 Promoted to Admiral. (Supplied by Reuter} Loudon, sth March.—H. IL 11. the Prince of Wales has been gazetted an Admiral.
    (Supplied by Reuter}  -  24 words
  • 45 198 Prince Alexander’s Mission. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 6th March.—Prince Alexander ofTeck handed the Order of the Bath to Prince Henry at the Hague wiih a simple ceremony. Queen Wilhelmina decorated Prince Alexander with the Grand Cross of the Order of the Orange of Nassau.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  45 words
  • 35 198 A Courtmartial. (Supplied, by Reuter.) London, 6th March.—Captain Kingsmill and Lieutenant Noake, who were tried by courtmartial for the stranding of JI. M. S. Dominion in the St. Lawrence, have been severely reprimande
    (Supplied, by Reuter.)  -  35 words
  • 51 198 Wreck of the Dakota.’’ (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 6th March. —Underwriters are largely interested in the loss cf the steamer Dak ta, which was wrecked off Sa garni yesterday. A sum cf at least six hundred thousand steiling is involved and forty guineas per cent, has been already paid
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  51 words
  • 77 198 The Customs Question. (Suppl ed by ReuUr.) London, 6‘h March. —Reuter’s Constantinople correspondent, wires that the Porte has approved and the Sultan saneti ned drastic reforms in the Customs administration, which were stipulated by the British Embassy as a preliminary step to the three per cent, increase in the
    (Suppl ed by ReuUr.)  -  77 words
  • 389 198 In another column will be found a very able article culled from the Times on the subject of racial differences. The leading London daily deals with the matter in that fair spirit for which the paper is renowned and comes to tbe only conclusion that can be
    389 words
  • 506 198 On page 5 to-day will be found the prospectus of the Eastern 'Trading Company, Limited, a concern which is about to be floated by the leading Chinese merchants and miners of Ma laya and which cannot, we should imagine, fail to appeal to everybody who is interested
    506 words
  • Page 198 Advertisements
    • 62 198 A Good Family Liniment. Every family should be supplied with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. For cuts, bruises, burns, scalds or similar injuries, which are of almost daily occurrence, there is nothing so good. It cools and soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief but brings about
      62 words

  • 176 199 A New Proclamation'. A G<>c. i hnieiit Gazette I'l.dmu diw.i ij was issued <>n Monday containing a. proclamation substituting a new Schedule to the Straits Settlements Cmnagp Order. The schedule determines (he fineness of the dollar at 312 grains (insteid of 116) and the hast, curient weight as 308
    176 words
  • The Assizes.
    • 763 199 (/5- ’< re Mr. Justice TkorM 'it.) In- ibis case, which came mi for henimg ve-terdav afternoon, (1) KhooT-J’g Ihi). 2) Teh Wan, (3) Aug Tian Su, (I- Tan Kee Tin and (5) Aug Saw weie charged with gang robbery. Mr. W. G. Maxwell prosecuted. Al. the accused,
      763 words
    • 520 199 (Jjfjare Mr. Ju tici Thei'idon.) This case, which was partly heard on Tuesday list, ami was postpone! in orderto er able t lie second and third defendants to produce their witnesses, was resumed before Air. Justice Thornton at 10 30 this morning Air. S. F. Bremtoii-Alartin now appeared
      520 words
    • 217 199 (Keforc Mr. Justice Thorntjn.) In this case, which came on for hearing at 12 30 p.m. to-day, Yap Pong was charg with the murder o‘f Ong Long by stabbing him with a fish bone on the 25th Deceit) e > 1906, at, Jelutong. The prisoner pleaded not guilty an<
      217 words

  • 87 200 Li H<e, a Chinese woman, pleaded guilty, 10-dav, to a charge of using criminal force to a female child aged about three months. Mr. Clavtou, who prosecuted, stated that the victim was sold to the accused and that the natural mother came to him recently and
    87 words
  • 336 200 Exemplary Punishment. The Assistant Postmaster-General prosecuted ex Chinese postman Wong Ah Wene for obtaining 6 cts. from the addressee of two letters, the postage whereof had been duly paid. The complainant, a Chinese lad keeping apetiy-shop in Kelawei, deposed that the accused brought to him two letters
    336 words
  • 68 200 La-t night the British Cinematograph played to a very good audience, among wtmm were many well-known people Tie programme was excellent and those in the higher-priced se\ts were presented bv the management with pietty Japanese silk’fans, ve understand that the show is exhibiting here for only fuur
    68 words
  • 86 200 The following is the official list of Referees:— Free School Messrs. W. E. Mann and W. E. Macdonald. Anglo-Chinese School Cb bl- Mr. Yeoh Teik Soon. Government Service... Mr. Trusdale. Y M.C.A. Messrs. Jas. T.Dobbie and J. Robertson. P. Butteiflies Mr. T. P. Nailer. Crescent Messrs.
    86 words
  • 353 200 —Financial News. The Serendah Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. We are courteously infonned that the above mine has declared an interim dividend of 121 per cent, payable on 20th March. The transfer books will be c'osed from the 12th to 19th March inclusive. Mining in the Malay States. Dealings
    .—Financial News.  -  353 words
  • 109 200 European Resident Committed to the Asylum. A European, named 'Thomas Esson, residing at River Valby Road, Singapore, was charged bv Police Inspector Crummey, before r. Green, the Second Magistrate, ou Moudiy morning, for trespass at Government House last week. Esson went to Government House and demanded
    109 words
  • 165 200 American Aid Declined. The S. C. D. Journal says:—On the recommendation of T. E. Sheng Kund-pao and Lu Hai-huan, of Shanghai, the offer of the U. S. Government and people to despatch shiploads of Hour and other foodstuffs to China for the relief of the famine stricken people
    165 words
  • 230 200 Following is the programme of the Anti-Opium Conference, to be held at Ipoh:— First Dav, Bth March. 3 p m. Holding of Conference at Chinese Theatrical Hall, Ipoh. 5 p m. Photograph to Ire liken 8 p.m. L°cture and also a lantein and flag pr< cession by those who
    230 words

  • 1479 201 I uuiJQ T//e Time-, The Problem in the East. Il is not unfair to siy that. it lias hitherto been assuinp'ion <;f the wh it* raco of mankind i hat the world belongs to (liphi, and that aciuil p»s<sion and euj >yii e it are mainly nfftiis
    I uuiJQ T//e Time-,  -  1,479 words
  • 416 201 A'l TEMPTED PIISONING EUROPEANS Lab nan, February 27. Details of the sad accident which be r el| Inspector Reynolds on Ash Wednesday have appeared in your columns, and it only remains to he added that, in spite of a thorough search of the coast and islands not a
    416 words
  • Page 201 Advertisements
    • 71 201 Whooping Cough in Jamaica. During the epidemic of whooping cough which was prevalent in Jamaica, Chambeilain’s Cough Remedy was freely used. Mr. J. Riley Bennett, Chemist at Brown s lowo, Jamaica, says of it: I cannot speak highly of this remedy. It has never w* in a case where I
      71 words

  • 55 202 A Morphia Case. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 7th March.—The Agent of the Singapore Opium Farmer had J)r. It. E. Goone Till, he arrested on a warrant lor b u ing in possession of morphia. The Maoist rate termed th(> proceeding as most irregular, saying that a summons would have been
    55 words
  • 16 202 Arrival at Biarritz. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 7th March.—King Edward has arrived, at Biarritz.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  16 words
  • 101 202 The Twa Power Standard. (Supplied by Heater.) London, 6th March.—During the discussion on the Naval Estimates, the lit. Hon. Edmund Robertson, Secretary to the Admiralty, said that the opinion of the Admiralty was that the Two Power Standard was adequately provided for as regarded the latest types, viz.,
    (Supplied by Heater.)  -  101 words
  • 55 202 Au Indian Question. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 7di March.—Mr. John Morley, iu reply to Sir William Bull, said that the question of the treatment of Indians in the Colonies was not included in the agenda of the Colonial Conference, but if there was time he would invite the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  55 words
  • 39 202 Civil Service Grants (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7th March.—The Civil Service Estimates include grants in aid of Wei-hai-''e* °f£ 10,000, being an increase of £5,500 East Africi £152,975, a decrease of £11,025 Uganda £85,000, a decrease of £27,000.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  39 words
  • 45 202 Privilege Leave Pay. (Supplied by Reuter.) jondon, /th March.— In reply to Sir e ury Seymour King, Mr. John Morley that it had been decided to allow officers on combined leave in England to draw ‘>eir privilege leave pav from the Home Ireasurv.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  45 words
  • 65 202 A Grand Coup. (Supplied by Reuter.) uy neuter.) coriafn° n i 11 arc b-—The Constantinople the ix <)l b ie Daily Mail wires that e England and the French bought h 1 ie Bank have jointly theFr e f l ua vs at Constantinople from h) o e French
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  65 words
  • 56 202 Germany and the Baltic. (S ii ppi ted by Reuter.) London. Hh March.-The Pans correspondent <d the Times draws attention to beimanys piedonnnant position in Denma.k and confirms that si e is working toothand nail to make the Baltic a mare c auium by the neutralisation of the Straits,
    (S ii ppi ted by Reuter.)  -  56 words
  • 29 202 Liberal Eorecasts (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7th March.—The Liberal newspapers, iu forecasting rhe Budget, express a belief that the duties on tea and sugar will remain untouched.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • 26 202 Baroness BurdettCoutts. Personality of her Estate. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7th March.—The net personality of the estate of the late Baroness BurdettCoutts is declared at £63,325.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  26 words
  • 20 202 The New Parliament. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7th March.—The Transvaal Parliament is to meet on the 21st March.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  20 words
  • 82 202 A Question of Monopoly. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7th March. —Mr. J. D. Rees asked whether a private corporation was endeavouring to obtain a monopoly of the bonded warehouses at Famagusta, in Cyprus, whereby Indian merchants would be merged in such corporation .Mr. Winston Churchill replied that the matter
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  82 words
  • 35 202 The New Loan. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7-h March.—The Japanese loan will be twenty three and not twenty-six millions sterling and the bonds aie already quoted at from a quarter to half percent, premium.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  35 words
  • 70 202 Mr. Churchill s Speech. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7th March.—Mr. Winston Churchill, speaking at the dinner of the African Society, says that the development o" Great Britain’s protectorates and crown colonies in Africa must figure prominently in the work of the Empire and that, until they have
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  70 words
  • 50 202 A German Demand. Iy Reuter.) London, 7ih March. —It is reported Berlin that the German Minister at Teh» ran has presented a demand to Persla fu an indemnity for the recent outrages on German subjects, but it is stated that the reported occupation of Persian territory is wholly baseless.
    Iy Reuter.)  -  50 words
  • 112 202 Penang, 7th March. (Ry courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/4| 4 months’sight Bank ...2/41 3 Credit ...2/H* 3 Documentary ...2/4£ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 173| 3 days’ sight Private 175{ Bombay, Demand Bank 173| Moulmein, Demand Bank 171 3 days’ sight Private 1751 Madras, Demand Bank
    112 words
  • 170 202 Gold leaf 64.60 B. Pepper( W.Coast 31b5,5 oz.) sl7.— no slock White Pepper $24.- duyaru Trang Pepper slB£ buyers Cloves (picked) s42.— tales Mace sB3.— sales Mace Pickings 70; sellers Nutmegs 11 Os 27’ sales L No. 1 5 20 sales Su g ar < 2 no stock Basket
    170 words
  • Page 202 Advertisements

  • 941 203 i. Z- 4 x si Capital. sharps > Last Dividend. Name. J’ T I Z issued. I—l s 1 _O__ Mining. 1903 WOO I 30.000 10 10 Wat Tin Mining Cm, Ltd $l9. f( ]-'(hn 10,000’r J j u ]Q Bersawah Gold Mining Co., Ltd /zoin ,z z 10
    941 words
  • Page 203 Advertisements
    • 41 203 The I lend! Confectionery, fln( rew g she| Go s fdE CELEBRATED 17a. Northam Road. SPECIAL RESERVE Chocolates, Bonbons, O.V.G. Whisky. J .soe,l Fondants, SANDILANDS, BUTFERV Co., GIN 4/ FrmonaWe' <■ JN RED CASES. I k!VA!\(j ,|j. .5 i Sandilands, Buttery Co.
      41 words

  • Page 204 Advertisements
    • 1042 204 Advert iseme nt s S i c lily Girls Make Weak Wives. I ThO Penar *s Khean Qua r n;,.« Insurance Co., Ltd. p r# VViHiams Pink Pills Pale Girls Rosy, Sad Girls Happ/ Ill— "KJ" .E-L _Z&_ TXT O JLi S. llkad Office No. 38. Beach Street, I’enang. lKe
      1,042 words

  • Page 205 Advertisements
    • 281 205 11 Z 2X -Kk X k ,k -7^37 <*>~- < k < fc >^7s’ h /vsz a-/cta' k^77i St*'*s! 7 I The Ltd. I J ESTABLISHED 1883. PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. I Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO,” “SIN POE,” A “CHAYA PULAU PINANG.” I The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and* J
      281 words