The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 17 November 1905

Total Pages: 24
1033 1056 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 391 1033 Fri dag, 10th Noo.) Mk. Moreland, of the United Wells. P rovinues Com mission, reporting on the chronic illhealtli of the Naini Tai Terai, India, says a supervisor was deputed who made a detailed and most intelligent study of about forty wells, taking trial borings where necessary. His
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  • 704 1033 The Collector of Customs' Views. The Collector of Customs at Manila is wroth because a writer m a Singapore paper lias been adversely criticising the port. 'Hie writer of the article in question spoke of the storms which sweep over Manila harbour, rendering it unsafe for shipping. But
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  • 351 1033 Ira de Development. The Chinese Government has sent despatches to the different viceroys and governors inst ructing them to report on all cities and ports suitable for trading purposes. It is the intention of the Government to declare all such ports open to the trade of the world so
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  • Page 1033 Advertisements
    • 123 1033 The Straits Echo w $W‘ w f I «M® W||w justice satisfies every body and justice alone.—E,asm»/ Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT the CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL 524 per annum OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) ?15 CABLE
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  • 687 1034 Horrible Butchery. Jews Burnt Alive. Relief Measures Concerted. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, Bth November. —Russia is quieting down and the controversies are growing less. The rumour of a voyage abroad for the Tsaritza is a pure invention. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, Bth November. —An ofiicial communique issued in
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's ” Service.)  -  687 words
  • 161 1034 A Lengthy List (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 9th Nov. —The following Birthday Honours are announced —The Hon. Mr. Newton, of the Mauritius Legislative Council, receives the honour of knighthood, Lord Windsor receives an Earldom Lord Iveagh is created a Viscount Sir Forbes Leith, a prominent Scottish Volunteer, is
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  161 words
  • 200 1034 Naval Demonstration. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 9th November.—l t is expected that a combined fleet of the Powers, composed of fifteen warships, will appear in the Levant at the end of the week. It is stated in Vienna that if this demonstration does not modify the opposition of
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  200 words
  • 1977 1034 Ihe Straits Times’ Allege 1 HE Straits I lines of the 6th the following anent the Crown A C Uta Us under 11, e Sin-p0,.,^' 8 Scheme:— n P e nar[ H)Ur In respect of the statement made i„ ,k paper on 1' nday last to the effnM Crown
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  • 461 1035 There was great excitement in the village of Pulau Tikuson the Bth inst. when a number of its residents found themselves relieved of their fowls and kitchen utensils by some midnight marauders. For thres or four nights already thefts had lieen of constant occurrence, so on the Wednesday
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  • 1353 1036 A Parade of the Volunteers and Malay States Guides, under command of Capt. Adam, was held on the 9tli inst. on the Sepoy Lines parade ground in honour of the King’s Birthday. There was an excellent turnout and a number of spectators were present. A feu-de-joie was
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  • 459 1036 The Consolidated Malay Rubber Estates, Ltd. Details of the new Company, of which (says the Times of Ceylon) large blocks of shares have this week been taken up in Colombo at «£1 premium, will doubtless interest our readers. The authorized capital is «£75,000, and the directors have the
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  • 1645 1037 (Saturday, 11th Nor.) A popular entertainer More Waste. once remarked that ninety per cent, of the people in bis audiences were fools, hence he catered for them and lot the wise folk do as they pleased. Surety the enterprising people in England who have decided to give British
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  • 225 1038 CRONSTADT MUTINY. The New Ministry. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 10th November. —Fires and disturbances are reported from Cronstadt owing to the mutiny of the sailors, which is, however, being suppressed. The revolt continues at Warsaw. M. Timiraizeff has been appointed Minister of Commerce and M Shipoff Minister of
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's ” Service.)  -  225 words
  • 88 1038 Anglo-Japanese Manoeuvres. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 10th, November. —The Standard says that theoretically the Japanese navy will form part of the scheme of world-wide naval manoeuvres to be carried out by the British fleet in 1906. It will be assumed that the situation is threatening and that the
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  88 words
  • 84 1038 Guildhall Speech. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 10th November. —Mr. Balfour, the Premier, speaking at the Guildhall banquet, referred to Japan as our new ally, the Great Power which has arisen in the Far East.” He continued that this was a happy time to survey foreign polictics, when our allies
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  84 words
  • 41 1038 More Waste. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 11th Nov.—lt has been decided to construct a railway across British North Borneo from west to east, beginning at Tenom, on the west coast. A company will be formed to carry out the plan
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  41 words
  • 679 1038 Following is the Secretary's repott, read on the occasion of the celebration of the first Anniversary of 1 lit» above Association on 9t h November, 1905 Before proceeding with the Report proper on the working of this Association dining the one year it lias existed, I
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  • 156 1038 -Free Press. A special meeting of the above company was held on the Bth inst. in the Singapore Exchange to consider the question of the payment of Directors for the time subsequent to June, 1905. 'Hie Hon. W. P. Muddell presided and there were also present
    -Free Press.  -  156 words
  • 236 1038 But for the promptitude of inspector Simpson, Penang would have been treated to a lire of formidable dimensions on the lOlli inst. At about seven o’clock smoke was seen to be issuing from A N. Woodfords stoii in Beach Street and the alarm was laised. Inspector Simpson immediately got
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  • 140 1039 The month)} magazine of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce states that an increased amount of interest i s markedly beiisg exhibited in the rubber import trade", which bids fair to become more valuable* every year, iiasmuch as the demand for the •irtic'e appears likely to be greater than the
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  • 201 1039 Compensation Fund Suggested. Dealing with the responsibility of the Japanese and Russian Governments in disseminating drifting mines in the northern seas, the N. C. D. News holds that it is the duty of these two Powers to compensate at least the individuals who have lost their property or
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  • 266 1039 Honolulu, Sept. 20. —News has just been received here of the brutal and treacherous murder of W. Finlayson, a South sea trader, by the crew of the cutter Savoia, off the Solomon islands, in August last. While the Sav »m, a craft of about fifteen
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  • 657 1039 1 he foilowing i- a truncation of an Impi'iial Rescript published on I’ith ult. announcing Hie coin-iu-ion <>l [if-ac»* with Russia. W e have alw,iv> made it our principle to 111 '1*1:1111 Hie j >e;'.re ol Hie I rien t, to gua ra H tee
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  • 2727 1039  -  AUTHOR OF Ike (lin'd oj Sor mi', “The Trra het' y oj Lorraine, The Hand oj God," Tore x Loyaltij," -t Hoyat Hebei," Her Soldier S n'i‘ tiii'H if, “'I he itf i/ ij the Season l/ii‘ Tea-ehop Girl, “.I Scotch Mnri'iat/e," “The Milliner x Model, “A
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  • 1176 1041 (Monday, l.'jfJi Nor.) In another column will be found an addre<s delivered by a Chinese ladv ductor upon the boycott question and tne 'outh African labour problem. A perusal of this lady’s remarks will show that the altitude which she adopts is a most moderate one. She
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  • 344 1042 PO E 3 DEMAND AUTONOMY. .Martial Law Proclaimed. (The O-'ta>iatischer Lloyd'*” Service.) Berlin, 12th Nov. Russia remains quiet and the railway traffic in the vicinity of Warsaw is more regular, though the shops are still closed. The Polish Deputy Peterhoff is striving for the autonomy of Poland. Count Lamsdorf
    (The “ O-'ta>iatischer Lloyd'*” Service.)  -  344 words
  • 74 1042 I'anv I‘o’tics (The Lloyd'* Service.) Berlin, 12th N v—ln die F reneli Chaml>er the Government, party has proved victminus, passing a vote of confidence in M. Rouvier by 291 to 132 votes after a declaration that there would be no guarantee for the home ami foreign policy of France
    (The “ Lloyd'* ” Service.)  -  74 words
  • 17 1042 The Rttlwiy Strike. (The O*to*i'tti>ch'r Lloyd's” Service.) lierlin, 12th Nov.—The railway strike is spreading throughout Austria.
    (The “ O*to*i'tti>ch'r Lloyd's” Service.)  -  17 words
  • 47 1042 Relief Fund Opened (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 12th Nov.—The Lord Mayor has opened a fund for the relief of the unemployed. Queen Alexandra has made a donation of j£2,000 and appeals to all charitable persons in the Empire to relieve the starving people this winter.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  47 words
  • 1493 1042 Mv dearest Fanny. We’ve got over the King s Birthday gymkhana. S. range to say the rain managed to hold off, except for» a shower in the second event, until we were all but done, and then it came down in torrents ami stopped the tug-of-war. I can't
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  • 1350 1043 An Address by a Chinese Lady. (South-Ch wa Ilaiiy Journal, 19th \>()th Oct.) On Sunday afternoon, at the headquarters of the World’s Chinese Students’ Federalion on Burkill Road, tiie Chinese residents of this city (Shanghai), mostly members of the literary class, were treated to one of the most
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  • 465 1043 P. P. C. vs. Straits Schools. A very interesting match was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon lietween the above elevens, but, unfortunately, owing to having to make wav for the football match, P. C. C. vs. Planters, the game was left unfinished, Ihe Schools had a couple
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  • 2230 1044 —/Straits Tinies. A Meeting of Hie Council was held on Friday lasi, 10* h install). His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, k.c.m g pr* sided, and there were piesen* the Hons, the Acting Colonial Secretary, Hie AttorneyGeneral, Colonial Trea.suier, Auditor-Gene-ral, Colonial Engineer, and the Hons. G. S.
    —/Straits Tinies.  -  2,230 words

  • 278 1045 A special wire to the Straits Times gives the following results for the great Aust lalian race which was run on 7th instant: Blue Spec (8 stone) 1. Scot Free (7 stone 7) 2. ‘'Tartan” (9 stone) 3. Blue Spec” is a. Brown Horse, 6 years old, By
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  • 1087 1045 (Tues lay, I Uh A r j ri dnE prophets are busy China and the just now with the future Prophets of China, says the Standard. 1 his boy of fen thousand years or so—what will he become? The latest vaticinator is the new Chinese Ministers Franco, whose
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  • 104 1046 TO 'VN IN FLAM£S. Foreigners in Danger. {The Ostusiatischer Lloyd's” Service.) Shanghai, 14th Nov. —A revolution has broken out at Vladivostok and fighting is taking place in the streets of the town, which is burning in different places. The life and property of the inhabitants is greatly endangered and
    {The “ Ostusiatischer Lloyd's” Service.)  -  104 words
  • 271 1046 Germany Neutral. Polish Revolt Spreading. {The Ondasiatischer Lloyd’s” Service.) Berlin, 13th Nov.—Germany has held no conference with Russia on the Polish question and there has been no formation of special bodies of troops on the frontier as alleged. Germany most decidedly declines any interference in the Russo-Polish troubles. Poland
    {The “ Ondasiatischer Lloyd’s” Service.)  -  271 words
  • 158 1046 Togo to Visit England. A New Japanese Loan. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 12th November. —The Tokio correspondent of the Telegraph states that it is definitely decided that Admiral Togo will visit England with a Japanese squadron, probably in March next. The United States Legation at Tokio is to be
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  158 words
  • 57 1046 The Future King (d’uppZtetZ by Reuter.) London, 13th* November. —The plebiscite on the Storthing’s decision to offei the Crown of Norway to Prince Geoige of Denmark was proceeding yesterday and to-day. London, 14th November. —The Norwegian plebiscite returns show the certainty of an overwhelming majority in favour of offering
    (d’uppZtetZ by Reuter.)  -  57 words
  • 71 1046 King Alfonso’s Visit. {The Otdaxlavtiseher Lloyd s Service.) Berlin, 13th November.—The visit of King Alfonso to Germany has passed off splendidly and he left for V ienna amid the heartiest farewells of the Imperial Family. Prince von Bu ow has gone to Nuernberg to unveil a monument to Wilhelm
    {The " Otdaxlavtiseher Lloyd s Service.)  -  71 words
  • 38 1046 The Royal Visit. {Supplied by Reuler.) London, 14th November.—The Prince and Princess of Wales are daily participating in functions of every description in Bombay and are winning golden opinions from people of all classes, races and religions.
    {Supplied by Reuler.)  -  38 words
  • 162 1046 The Immigration Laws. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 11th Nov. —The Hon. Alfred Deakin has introduced in the Australian House of Representatives amended Immigration Bills, the first of which provides that the Commonwealth may make arrangements with Ihe Government of any other country by which merchants and tourists may enter
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  162 words
  • 29 1046 Mine Disaster. {Supplied by Reuter,, Irnndon, 111 h November i n Driefontein Deep Mine, hi tta T fthe has collapsed. One white and hamrs were killed. -seven
    {Supplied by Reuter,,  -  29 words
  • 26 1046 A Royal Visitor, {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, Lit I, November.— The Kaw Lreeee has arnve t at W„.d,or ou a l King Edward.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  26 words
  • 128 1046 The following Proclamation appears in the Gazette:— AV hereas by Ordinance No. XVII of 1905, entitled an Ordinance for the tatter administration of Mohammedan and Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments, it is, amongst other things, provided that that Ordinance shall not come into operation unless and
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  • 316 1046 It will be remembered that sometime ago some of the members of the Jubilee Club were arrested for playing in a common gaming house, and, ou being brought before Mr. Peel in the lower Court, were convicted and fined 810 each. They have now, through Mr. Marlin, of Messrs.
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  • 50 1046 Obituary. Mr. E. R. Belilios, C. M. (L {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 14th Nov. —The death is anuou ced of M.. Emanuel Raphael Belilir c.M.G, jp.of Hongkong, lately a Membe” of Council of that Colony, the donor of a public girls’ school, a reformatory and the founder of several scholarships.
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  • 1934 1047 No. 3.* Enylar.d expects that man n'i I <<(> his duty."—Nelson. My Dear Friend, —Throughout the whole leiigt h and breadt h of the British Empire, the 100th anniversaiy of the Battle y f Trafalgar (Oct. 21st) has just been celebrated with great
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  • 1280 1048 The Sub-Contracts Question. Thus the Straits Times of Saturday last: Government has conceded that—through the grace and mercy of the Crown Agents—it is possible that sub-contracts on the proposed Harbour “Improvement” Scheme may be given to local contractors by whatever British firm proves the successful tenderer for
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  • 599 1048 hill Details. r The Cau e of the Tragedy. Ihe Rev. A. Bum, o f q it Etrangeres, has kindly placed at the di oi the S C. Morning Post the snh-t two letters which he has received mission at Lie. chow, gi viu< 7.°“ the tragedy
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  • 1210 1049 II ednesday, loth Nov.) Information has reached History of an official quarter iu' the War. London from Tokio to the effect that, by order of the Mkudo, a history of the late war in the Far East is t > be prepared, to be placed in the State
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  • 524 1049 A pimhc meeting of the Penang cornu c nty was held on the 14th inst. at 3 p.m. at the Chinese Town Hall to discuss the t I nee Ordinances regarding Fisheries,Estates, ami Registration of Finns which had lately been laid before the
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  • 288 1050 The Tsar. Governors Dismissed. Anglo-Russian Entente. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's” Service.) Berlin, 14th November. —The Tsar has removed to Tsarskoeselo. Count Witte has recalled five Governors on account of the Jewish massacres. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 14th November. —The Governors of Odessa, Esthonia, Tomsk and Kazan have been dismissed from
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's” Service.)  -  288 words
  • 18 1050 Revolt Nearly Ended. (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyds'' Service.) Shanghai, 14th November.—The riots at Vladivostok have been nearly suppressed.
    (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyds'' Service.)  -  18 words
  • 137 1050 Rank of Diplomats. Peace Thanksgiving. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's” Service.) Berlin, 14th November.—The German Government intends to accede to the suggestion of Japan and raise the Japanese Legation to the dignity of an Embassy. London, 14th November.—The Cologne Gazette states that at the suggestion of Japan, Germany and Japan some
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's” Service.)  -  137 words
  • 29 1050 A Monarchy Favoured. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 14th November. —The Norwegian, plebiscite regarding the election of a King shows a four-fifths majority in favour of a Monarchy.
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's ” Service.)  -  29 words
  • 75 1050 Municipal Amenities. Dock Hands on Strike. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 14th November. —The members of the London County Council have received a cordial invitation from the Paris Municipal Council to visit Paris in January. London, 14th November, —The Dockyard employees at Toulon, L’ Orient, Brest, Rochefort and Cherbourg go
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  75 words
  • 45 1050 —China Mail. Canton, November 3rd. —No further news has been received here concerning the massacre at Lienchow. Several hundred soldiers, under the command of a captain, have been despatched to the scene of the murder by order of the Viceroy. China Mail.
    —China Mail.  -  45 words
  • 341 1050 Writing on 24th ulto. the Canton correspondent of the S. C. Morning Post says There are many signs here that the Chinese boycott of American goods is abating. The s. s. Bramtocco, built by Messrs. W. 8. Bailey and Co. specially for river work for the British-American Tobacco
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  • 561 1050 The last mail brought tiles of thu estnig, useful, and exceedin,| t rated London fortnightly th? hJ- v 1 lus Journal up to 25th September tain a mass of information m Courirbber planters and shareholder to Plantations. In the numbed ber, British Malaya, i e the Str. J teln
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  • 592 1051 Hints by Bulwer-Lytton. Recently a remarkable letter of sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, giving bints for the successful administration of a Colony, cami to light. It was wiitten by Sir Edward in 1859 when he was Secretary of State for the Colonies, and was addressed to Sir
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  • 169 1051 Cn the 1 Ith in»:, a very rnteiestmg civil suit was heard by Mr. Peel sitting as a Commissioner of the Court of Requests, in the second Court, in which two Chet tv Odeapah Chetty and P. I,’ 0. 1/eria Kurpen Chetty) were concerned. Jdeapah Chetty the
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  • 173 1051 General Van Hkutsz, the GovernorGeneral of Netherlands India, has been striving hard to balance the Budget of the Colony and clear away a. chronic deficit. To do this, fresh taxation has been laid on, says the Straits Times. Among the taxes that came under his consideration was an
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  • 250 1051 Tanjong Pagar Methods. Thus the China Mail:- Business methods of various people have often been the subject of comment, and even the working system of the Tanjong Pagar Docks has not escaped the imputation of lieing ‘questionable.’ During the course ol (he recent Arbitration proceedings it
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  • 648 1051 Before His Honour Mr. Justice* W. W. Fisher. Chem Bi (Appellant) vs. Che At (Respondent.) I his was an appeal against the decision of Mr. Smith-Steinmetz, who convicted the appellant on the following charge:— That he, the said Chem Bi, on or about the month of May, 1905,
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  • 2052 1052 In Civil Jurisdiction (Before the Hon. W. W. Fisker, Pu is ice Judge.) Dr. P. V. Locke and C. A. Waller VS. Joseph Smith and Louise A. Smith. The following is Dr. Locke’s evidence continued from our issue of Bth inst. Smith came to witness in Anson Road
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  • 1077 1053 (Thvrad'ty, p th y fJv The Dean of Norwich Conscription. (Dr. Lefroy) has the courage of his ccmviciioiic', and has just made known his opinions on conscription in n > uncertain way. Writing to a correspondent he says W n never may he our f -lin*>‘s towards conscription,
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  • 99 1053 The inquiry into the Gapis Estate riot has again been fixe»! for the 15th inst., says I upsdav's Pioneer. Not much headway was made in Monday's inquiry and the interest iu it is rapid I v lagging. On Friday last Mr E. R. Salisbury, the manager, bad»
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  • 120 1053 A Hon K»>ng telegram of 13th instant to 'he Straits limes says: —'lhe Rev. E. Dwstoe and Mrs. Dewstoe, Wesleyan Missionaries in the inteiior or the Canton district, have been recalled to Canton. Mr. Dewstoe states that at Lienchow and vicinity then 1 is scions unrest and
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  • 375 1053 This story will be appreciated by the inaiiv residents who have reason to believe that t heir “boys’ taste for whisky ia stronger than their alleged honesty: There was a man in Atlanta who once suspected a negro in his employ of tampering w ith the contents
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  • 180 1054 The railway slip, or rather a series of slips, between Padang Rengas and Bukit Gantang is of a more serious nature than anticipated, and it is probable that the line Will not be clear for a fortnight, says the Ipoh paper of Tuesday last. Hence the Penang-Ipoh
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  • 469 1054 The Madura Leaf. A recently issued Bulletin of the Department of Agriculture, Madras, gives some interesting notes on the cultivation and curing of tobacco as followed in Dindigul in the Madura District, the part of India where almost all the best tobacco is grown. The soil that the
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  • 136 1054 The Editor of the North China Daily News has received the following letter:— Sir, —I am directed by 11. M. ConsulGeneral to inform you, on the authority of II is Majesty’s Minister at Peking, 1 hat there is absolutely no foundation for the statements contained in
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  • 362 1054 Messrs. Lewis and Peat’s Report. 27th October. At auctions to-day the following parcels of Ceylon and Malay States plantation rubber were offered Rosebury, 2 cases fine biscuits, mixed colours at 6s. o|d. I case fine scrap, little sandy and heated 4s. 9d. Denswortb, 2 cases dull and mottled
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  • 241 1054 Mr. Richard Barry, who is cm L; India from M Shurin?'*±s* i.,r a slory of eueoui.ter with General it Mi., larry was will, staff photoy.rupherforUnderwoX» wood at the time w leu they ft*; Noyi at 1-headquarters befoteP^tAT 41 Look after your bodies.’ the oi said after greeting us.
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  • 379 1054 Peril in the China Sea. Deadly mines are still drifting promiscuously about northern seas, says the China Mail. Two steamers calling at Tientsin recently sighted specimens and realising the 100 to 1 chaiice of being blown up that they ran if they interfered with them, probably left them
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  • 206 1055 Another Strike. Protection for the Jews. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd'” Service.) Berlin, 15th Nov.—Russian Poland has quieted down after the proclamation ot martial law. f I he Russians are frightening the Poles by false reports of German interference Finland is quiet. The British and German Governments are jointly undertaking the
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd'” Service.)  -  206 words
  • 39 1055 Diplomatic Changes. (Supplied by lieuler.) London, 16th Nov. —It is reported in Berlin that Herr Striebel, Director of the Colonial Department, replaces Baron Mumm von Schwartzstein as German Minister at Peking, the latter going to Tokio as Ambassador.
    (Supplied by lieuler.)  -  39 words
  • 45 1055 Russia’s Fecimgs Regarded. (The 0 I tsi ilischcr Lloy i.< Service. Berlin, loth Nov. —The Paris I’emps announces that, owing Io her regard lor the feelings of Russia, France will not at piesent raise her Legation at Tokio to the rank of an Embassy.
    (The “ 0 I tsi ilischcr Lloy i.< Service. ')  -  45 words
  • 138 1055 To Welcome the New King. (The 0,-tasialischer Lluyd s' Service.) Berlin. 15th Nov. —British and German •nen-of-war will welcome Prince Charles of Denmark on his arrival at Christiania as King of Norway. We understand that the formation of a Masonic Lodge in Bangkok is now a practically accomplished thing.
    (The 0,-tasialischer Lluyd s' Service.)  -  138 words
  • Public Opinion.
    • 1068 1055 To ihe Edit, r &lt; p ihe »ieuts Echo. ‘Sik, I road the Report of th»* Hindu Association which was published in your columns on the 11th instant with much pleasure. I was also pleised to read the Hindu Association came into existence alter the “Indian
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    • 161 1055 io the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir,—Kindly insert the following in your paper The Japanese Cinematograph. l ii»* generou» proprietor of the above Show gave ,i fiee entertainment to the boys of the Penang Free School last night. The boys went in lull force ami enjoyed themselves very
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  • 129 1056 Wanted at Once. Writing on 3rd inst., the Canton correspondent ot a Hongkong paper says: For some time it has been rumoured that each province should have its own legislative Assembly but no arrangement has been arrived at, owing to the fact that certain students who
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  • 477 1056 A Good Opening. Mr. R. Dupont, Curator of the Botanic Station in the Seychelles, contributes a special report on the work of the Botanical Department last year, which is published as an annexure to the Annual Report on the Colony for 1904. Mr. Dupont writes
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  • 371 1056 Per Rotorua, from Tongkah ***** Nov. Messrs. Khaw Joo Sin, Sala Jorgensen and Vara. Per Malaya, from Deb 14th Nov. Messrs. Neol, Kluik, J. Obrien, Morton, Mr. and Nirs Kounnigh, Miss Kmosta Osaka, Dr. Jonkos. PerLingkat, from Tehik Anson 14'h Nov Messis. J B. Bourne J. M setup, Dr.
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  • 114 1056 Penang.l6 th November (R/y courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Defmand Bank ...2/lj 4 months’ sight Bank 3 Credit •••2/2,% 3 Documentary 2/21 Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs 161 3 days’ sight Private 163 Bombay, Demand Bank 161 3 days’ sight Private 163 Madras. Demand Bank 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 166 1056 Belat Tin Mining Co Ld. BersawahGoid Mmin-Co t’.i i B-eh Hydraulic Tin Mimi Duff Development Co. SR Fraser Neave, Ld. Geou;e Town Ihspensarv ro Howarth Erskine, Ld. nn Karangan Hydraulic Tin M Kima Tin Mines, Ltd u New Gopeng Miffing Co., Ld si Raub Australian Gold Minmg Co., Ld.
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  • 138 1056 Gold leaf $75. B. Pepper W. Coast 31h5.50z.) out ot stock White Pepper 35| seders I rang Pepper season over Cloves (picked) out of season Mace 00—sellers Mace Pickings 52 selers Nutmegs 110 s 31J sellers 1 6 ID nom. Sugar &lt; 2 stwk. Basket 3 50 sales I
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