The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 25 August 1905

Total Pages: 20
727 746 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 678 727 (Friday, 18th Aug.) Reuter tells us to day The Interned that the Peace PlenipotenWarships. tiaries are now proceeding to discuss the surrender to Japan of the Russian warships which have managed to give the gallant Togo tne slip and fly for refuge to neutral ports where they have
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  • 653 727 The “A. G. Ropes” Dismasted in Kir Channel. In yesterday s issue we (Japan Chronicle, July 23) reported the dismasting during a storm of the sailing vessel “A. G, Ropes,” from Hongkong to Baltimore via the Horn. Yesterday the master of the failing vessel,
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  • Page 727 Advertisements
    • 144 727 rpne Straits Echo. w W Q -til ir j tt itioe«»< i3flw^ vJryootly an(l J usticea lon Em 'SO)i. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundayi.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., Ko. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE pVILY local ?-34 per annum OUTSTATION Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free)
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  • 2410 728 Meeting of Shareholders. Fresh Capital Urgently Required. Last Thursday afternoon an extraordinaiy general meeting of the shareholders in the Penang Hills Railway Company, Limited, was held within the Chamber of Commerce. The Hon. J. Bromhead Matthews presided, and there were also present Messrs. J. G. Allan, M.
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  • 293 729 Peace Negotiations. Progress of Conference. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 1. th August.—The Peace Conference has agreed upon Articles seven ami eight of Japan s demands, which have refeience to the Chinese Eastern Railway, with the exception of one point, which requires elaboration. indemnity and Warships. London, 18th August.—The
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  293 words
  • 54 729 The Army Wants More Fighting. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 18th August. —The Daily Telegraph’s Tokio correspondent wires that Feld Marshal Oyama and all the Japanese Generals have memorialised the Throne declaring that the Japanese forces arc anxious to deliver a crushing blow at the Russians ami urging that stronger
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  54 words
  • 168 729 The Tsar’s Concessions. (77m Oetaeiatixcher L'oyd'r'' Service.) Berlin, loth August—Constantine Pothe Procurator of the Holy Svnod, has stated that, in the projected Constitution officials will not be eligible for election. The towns will have 410 delegate's and the villages 90, the delegates deciding on reforms, the Constitution ami questions
    (77m “ Oetaeiatixcher L'oyd'r'' Service.)  -  168 words
  • 75 729 A Move by America. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th August.—Mr. Conger, formerly American Minister at Peking, is returning to China to try to remove the antiAmerican boycott. Chinese (internment Intervenes. (Echo Speciale.) Hongkong, 19th August.—The Viceroy of Nanking has issued a proclamation condemning the boycott movement. A Prohibited
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  75 words
  • 21 729 Another Famine Feared. (Echo Special.) Simla, 19th August.—Owing to the failuie ot the monsoon a famine is imminent in India.
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  • 70 729 Burial Committee’s Report. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 19th August.—At yesterday’s meeting of the Legislative Council the Report of the Chinese Burials Committee was laid on the table. The Report recommends inter alia that the privilege of burial in private grounds should henceforth only be extended in the case of
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  • 79 729 Big Flood on Yangtsze. (Echo Special.) Hongkong, 19th August.—Owing to the rising of the Yangtsze River thousands of houses have been swept away at Chunking. Tur latest official returns show that there are 193,299 sin me* and 109,970 Buddhist temple.-, throughout Japan, in addition to 1,142 Clirihtian churche* ami
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  • 1295 730 And What will Happen if They Do? [Though strongly deprecating all comment of an alarmist nature, I am of opinion that the procedure of the Chinese Government calls for careful observation. Numerous small details suggest that sinister motives underlie its action. The present military activity
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  • 150 730 The following is believed to plete schedule of mining concessions gnS by t,he Chinese Government In thejhree eastern provinces T n p sia, Karn,, Clnapiku, JNi U g kuw d «”<■ chun. Ulb In Shaul,mg. To Germany, all phw along the Kiaochau Railway ami al mo
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  • 407 730 Mr. Wilfrid Walker’s Celebes Trip Stopped By War. Owing to the troubles in South Celebes, we learn. Mr. 11. Wilfrid Walker, the English ex lorer whose researches in New Guinea and elsewhere we have had occasion io mention aforetime m these columns, has been obliged to
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  • 1194 731 (Saturday, 19tk Auyast,') Xot so very many months ago one met a class of people in who walked about with an exceeding ’great swagger and regarded other people askance. They were not very different in appearance from the others, except that their clothes were newer and they seemed
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  • 694 731 Scarcity of Cocoanuts. uh the advent of new inventions for the cleaning and preparation of hemp, and the stimulus which has of fate been given to the cultivation of the cocoanut tree from the product of which is derived copra, a great hand to hand conflict
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  • 1447 732 (Specially written for the Straits Echo.) Now there came once to the laud of I’ulau Pinang a young man of goodly presence and noble mien, and having been told in his own country for all the years of his lite that he was as nothing, he
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  • 674 732 -Times of Ceylon. Enemies of Rubber Complaints are being made of the dattons by rats on young rubber tr«« a at.’ncKs being made apparently on the 2/ nt the tree. It has long been porcupines are also serious depredator? the low country and we have also heard J
    -Times of Ceylon.  -  674 words

  • 937 733 —Rangoon Times. Jockey’ B Action to Recover Fees. Ih tbe Small Cause Court at Rangoon on he 3rd iust., Comer, a jockey, sued one Abdul Rahman to recover Rs. 999 for ro fessional services rendered. In his plaint [estated that on the 7th of December, 1903, t
    .—Rangoon Times.  -  937 words
  • 280 733 A Remarkable Increase in Japan. Chinese students continue to reach Japan in ever-increasing numbers. The Jiji says that scarcely a steamer brings less than a hundred, and that three or four hundreds are always waiting in Shanghai for an opportunity to come. Looking back to the beginnings of
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  • 940 733 Singapore, 14th August. Dear Old Man, —I ni just fresh from a chat with Madame Bassett who has returned from a visit to Shanghai where she sang to a most enthusiastic audience. Those who were charmed with Aladame’s singing in Penang will lie interested to learn
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  • 130 734 Sir John Madden, the Chief Justice of Victoria, has discovered a new method of dealing with old offenders. As he puts if, under this system they “sentence themselves.” Sir John’s plan is to add up the culpiit’s previous sentences, and award him the sum total
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  • 240 734 A Singapore Scare. The Deaconess’ Home on Mt. Sophia has been transformed into a. haunt of dire apprehension owing to the fact that a sick puppy recently chased one of the girls round the compound, says the Straits Times. A report of the matter has been made to the
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  • 1049 734 Arrival in Singapore. This morning’, says the Straits Times, of 11th inst., their Imperial Highnesses Prince and Princess Arisugawa of Japan arrived back in Singapore on their return to Tokio after their trip to Europe to represent the Emperor of Japan at the wedding of the
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  • 1126 735 (Monday, 21st August.) Those who have had reaPtiblic son to complain in Penayg j of tenders for public works efl being allotted privately, without c'ont ractors in general having had opportunity to compete, will read with some interest a paragraph appearing in the Indian Daily News of 29th
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  • 47 735 News has reached us that I lie Sungei Besi Mine al Kuala Lumpur has just changed hands. Towkay Foo Clioon having taken it over from Towkay Yap Loong Heng for the sum of $62,000. The property covers an area of over 120 acres.
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  • 453 735 We have l>een favoured with a copy of the eightieth half-yearly report of the Court of Directors ot the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, which shows that, the net profits for the half-year ended 30th June amounted to $3,711,062.18. Of this $500,000 is to he placed to
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  • 968 736 Perak Autumn Meeting. Second Day. (Echo Special) Taipiiig, 17 th August. —Splendid weather favoured the second day’s racing, and the finishes were most exciting owing to the fine handicapping. Archie Campbell acted as starter. Following are the results I. —The Griffin Handicap. Value $250, a handicap for
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  • 170 736 Peace Negotiations. Conference Adjourned. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th August.—The Peace Conference has been adjourned until Tuesday afternoon, when the Protocols will be signed. In the meanwhile the Plenipotentiaries will consult their respective Governments, as the final decision rests with Tokio and St, Petersburg. A Disagreement. London, 19th
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  170 words
  • 104 736 The Projected National Assembly. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's' Service.) Berlin, 20th August. —The Tsar’s Manifesto states that the first meeting of theßational Assembly will take place in the middle of January next. The members wi l possess unlimited freedom of opinion and speec and will have the right of investigating
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's' Service.)  -  104 words
  • 57 736 Swimming Club Members. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 21st August. ll‘ e launch Nippon, .which was pioc Tanjong Katong yesterday morning members of the Swimming Club, med abaft the funnel by thesteamei and sank in four minutes. There w excitement but all were savedThe Geher Hydraulic Tin of Tanjong Mali...,
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  • 31 737 Caroline Breaking. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 21st August.—lt is reported that the German steamer Caroline, which on Kemaman on the loth inst., is breaking up, as her plates are opening
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  • 501 737 Lord Curzon Resigns. (Supplied by Eeuter.) London, 21st August.—lt is officially stated that Lord Curzon has resigned the Viceroyship of India, Mr. Balfour, the Premier, having communicated the news of the resignation to King Edward. London, 21st August.—Further papers which have been issued regarding the administration of the Indian
    (Supplied by Eeuter.)  -  501 words
  • 642 737 P. C. C. V. W. E. L. I he tootball match between the I’enang C'icaet Club and the Chinese Weekly amment League 011 the Esplanade p 1 < > as hursday evening was witnessed bv a iairlv large number of spect itors, who were a good exhibition of the
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  • 177 737 A correspondent writing to a Hongkong paper on the subject of the American boycott in Canton says that Sand Lot meetings are being held each evening on the Honan side of the river somewhat similar to those organised by Kearny in San Francisco in 187th At those meetings
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  • 352 737 Wreck of a War Correspondent’s Steamer. The German steamer recently reported to have been wrecked on the coast of Saghalien proved to be the German steamer Cecile, a Press boat chartered by Baron Krieglstein, the correspondent of the Berlin Lokal Anzeiger. The following particulars
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  • 1128 738 A Drawing-Room Man. The Corean is above everything else a man of the drawing-room, and ail his instincts move along the leisurely ways of life. Anything like haste or einpressement is unknown to the eternal laws that govern him. I'his characteristic of his is evident in all his
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  • 718 738 {Strails Times Correspondent.) SoURABAYA, ath Auoiiaf H’k events in the terror/ Kapl. of Bon, develop witl rnpnh y. 1 he troops, after trvi o to find a northern passage froni CaheV."’ to reach Bom, were re-embarked and veyed to Badjowe, the nortofU COa July 28th they
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  • 285 739 Fairyland.” )Ir Choa Kim Keat appears to have tUshered it, or rather to have constructed a retreat among the cocoanut trees at Passir pauiang so thoroughly charming as to warrant the fanciful name which he Ins applied tv it—“• Fairyland,” says the Singapore Free Press. The fortunate and benevolent owner,
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  • 244 739 Ihe list of Secretary Taft's Philippine party, from the United States, says the New York “Nation” show’s that twentysight Senators and Representatives h ve reeu willing to give up their summer vacation and pay all personal expenses, except ’-heir transportation, on the trip for the sake o
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  • 1163 739 1 Tuesday, Augud. c.,, EtA! much remains -to .'One i„ t t p S'tnitarv improvement in ‘‘'tang is beyond question, :lll d comphuiits of bad drains, broken drains roads with no drains at all and a thousand and one other things are constantly being brought to our notice.
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  • 89 740 Peace Negotiations. President Roosevelt s Aims. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 21st August.—President Roosevelt is receiving the support of the neutral Powers, whose aims are for the continuation of the Peace Negotiations and against any interference as regards the conditions of peace. A Disheartening Report (Supplied by Reuter.)
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  89 words
  • 178 740 The Tsar’s Empty Promises. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 21st August.—A complete absence of enthusiasm is the most striking feature of the comments of the Russian press upon the project for the constitution of a National Assembly. There are no signs of rejoicing anywhere. The high rental qualification required for
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  178 words
  • 44 740 The New Viceroy. (Echo Special.) Simla, 22nd August.—lt is understood here that the Earl of Minto, Governor-General of Canada, succeeds Lord Curzon as Viceroy of India. According to Indian public opinion the Earl of Minto is considered a weak successor to Lord Curzon.
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  • 98 740 (Echo Special.) Simla, 22nd August.—The details of the Army Reform Scheme involve the conversion of the Army Headquarters into an Army Department with divisions of Chief of Staff, Adjutant General, Quartermaster General and also a Finance Branch under a civilian secretary. The Scheme advocates the transfer of the
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  • 1300 740 How He Risks His Money > (For the China Mail by Mr. Li Sum Ling.) The present article is intended to give readers an idea of the various ways of gambling which flourish in the vast Empire of China, and of which, unfortunately, the Chinese people are
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  • 1282 741 Hints on Home Fashions. London, 20th July. dearest Edith. —This year all liidies re wearing white skirts and they are prova most "useful, as well as economical, every smart girl one sees at the seaside resorts aud watering places wears either a white serge, linen, or holland skirt and
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  • 649 741 Says the London correspondent of the Scotsman —Much satisfaction is felt at the announcement that the Anglo-Siamese agreement with reference to the Siamese Malay States is expected shortly to become effective in Trengganu. The terms of the agreement have never l>een made public, but, as J was in
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  • 804 742 Syndicate in Difficulties. Penang Members Approach British Minister. A crisis seems to have been reached in the affairs of the Opium Farm, reports the Bangkok Times. The Farm, as already announced, is trying to get its contract modified, and we understand the syndicate Lave been told that
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  • 1196 742 LOSS OF JEWELRY. The Hongkong Telegraph reports a case of interest to hotel proprietors ami others which was heard by the Puisne Judge at the Supreme Court on the 3rd inst., wheli Mrs. Janet Bell sued Mr. Ahmet Rumjahn for 8391 damages for loss of
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  • 711 743 (Wednesday, 23rd August.) Our London corresfhe Chinese pondent understands that Arniv. the War and Foreign Offices have received reports from Pekin which place it beyond doubt that the Chinese Government is making much real progress in the reorganisation of its army. The outside world, according to these reports,
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  • 136 743 Calcutta, 7th August:—Demonstration and protest meetings against the partition of Bengal were held this afternoon. Processions of students marched through the streets to the maidan and the town hall, some 15,000 persons taking part. The principal speakers were the Maharajas of Cossimbazar and Mymensingh, and resolutions
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  • 217 743 About 10 o’clock on Monday morning Towkay Loke Yew’s steamer Stephan arrived at Singapore from Tringganu via ports. The Malay Captain reports that the Dutch steamer Carolina stuck on the Kemaman Bar when attempting to enter Kemainan, says the Straits Times. She grounded in the middle
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  • 203 743 The Bangkok iimes understands that the difficulty with tl ie Opium Farm has been settled by giving the present Farmers the monopoly tor four years, in place of three, while the price has l>e**n slightly reduced. In addition, the revenue the Farm has to pay this year
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  • 386 743 A Hint for Malaya. Simla, sth August:—An extensive correspondence is published which has passed between the Bengal Government, the Government of India and the Secretary of State upon the subject of the proposals for making provision in Bengal for the technical education of students in mining, and
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  • 269 744 Peace Prospects. Pessimistic Predictions. (Echo Special. Washington, 23rd August. —Diplomatic circles here are pessimistic regarding the conclusion of peace. Hongkong, 23rd August. —A telegram received here from Tokio states that President R- osevelt, in order to prevent a rupture of the Peace Negotiations, has had a consultation lasting
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  • 65 744 Dissatisfaction and Disgust. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 23rd August. —There are symptoms of general indignation in Russia at the meagre character of the constitutional concessions made by the Tsar and this widespread dissatisfaction is aggravated by the unsatisfactory economical conditions of the country. The Old, Old Story. Berlin, 22nd
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  65 words
  • 61 744 A Norwegian Offer. (The Ostasiattiecher Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 22nd August.—Norway has offered to conclude a perpetual alliance between Norway ami Sweden. The Cry for Disunion. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 23rd August.—The Norwegian Storthing has passed a resolution by 104 votes to 11 requesting the Swedes to concur
    (The “ Ostasiattiecher Lloyd's" Service.)  -  61 words
  • 23 744 Rajah of Boni Captured. (Echo Special Soerabaya, 23rd August —The Dutch troops have effected the capture of the Rajah of Boni.
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  • 123 744 Germany’s Reply to France. (The Ostasiati scher Lloyd's" Service) Berlin, 22nd August.—Prince von Bulow, the German Chancellor, who is staying at the village of Norderney, in Prussia, will personally draft the reply of Germany to France concerning the Morocco programme. Germany agrees that, as a special case, France shall
    (The “ Ostasiati scher Lloyd's" Service)  -  123 words
  • 346 744 The following telegram was despatched from Bangkok on Bth inst., on behalf of the community of Chinese merchants, to the Tung Wah Hospital, Hongkong, and to the Tung Tsai Hospital, Singapore “Communicate all our agencies ship no American goods. Boycotted strictly here by whole community. Tinwah Hospital.” The
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  • 609 744 liie Indian Daily News of Qi ai says:—A warning voice is heard i 1 Ult> Malay States about the extm!!? .bents made as to the possibility,, by those who are interested in the tion ot rubber companies Of picturesque statements are part of the pany promoter’s stock-in-trade and
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  • 1328 745 BY A PHYSICIAN \Vjth the approach of milder mornings persons whose state of health does not mit of indulgence in the matutinal bath temperature of the winter and early «Iring atmosphere gradually abandon the lash of hot water in their tubs,” and take the water as they
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  • 635 745 eo Son Sen<. and Tan Ching bad illicit chandu valued at $6OO. They now have no chandu, but a little option of a fine of *5OO each or six months in gaol. A large number of shop-keepers ami petty traders were yesterday afternoon mulcted bv Mr. Steinmetz
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  • 122 746 Lode Tin.” With regard to the rebate of duty to be allowed on Lode Tin the following was the definition proposed by the Resident of Selangor at the recent Residents Conference as to what was to be considered as “Lode Tin”. 5 When tin is won from rock of such
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  • 137 746 An interesting experiment is being made in Bhavnagar —the experiment of boring wells m the State on the Japanese system for the purpose of supplying drinking water as well as for irrigation. H. H. the Maharaja has engaged the services of a Japanese, by name Ito, who has
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  • 134 746 Opening ok the London Branch. The formal inauguration of the English Branch of the World’s Chinese Students’ Federation took place in London on July 18 when over fifty members attended. His Excellency the Chinese Minister to the Court of St. James presided, and delivered in the
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  • 81 746 Cricket Club’s Tournament. Nearing the End. The following ties have been decided Single Handicap, Class B. G. H. Lees beat G. Teeling 6—4; I—6 B—6. Double Handicap. C. C. Rogers and B. C. Criswick beat Dr. Skae and M. H. Graham 6—4: 7—5. Mixed Doubles—Final. Mrs. Dunn and
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  • 40 746 The Chief Police Officer courteously forwards us the following return of dogs shot outside Municipal limits, Penang Number of dogs previously killed 6,715 Number of dogs killed during the week ending August 19th 321 Total 7 ,036
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  • 118 746 Per Teesta, from Singapore 19th Aug. Hon. Hugh Fort, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Fong Chee. Warder Spry, Mr. E. Ariva, Mr. M. Angulia. Per Hebe, from Singapore 19th Aug. Miss Ichikimsa. Per Coromandel, from Singapore 18th Au/. Messrs. W. Ullett, Chen Heng and Cheok Sum. From Yokohama for London, breaking
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  • 122 746 Births. On the 23rd July, 1905, at Cooltin.” Labuan, the wife of E. J. Perkins, Civil Engineer, of a son. On Thursday. 10th instant, at No. 1 Queen Street. Singapore, the wife of Alfred Pereira, of a daughter. Ou the 28th July, at Shanghai, the wife of Dr.
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  • 117 746 Penang, 25th August. (By courtesy of lhe Chartered Bank.) Lpndon Demand Bank 2/1A 4 months’ sight Bank ...2 1’ 3 Credit ...2/1 3 Documentary ...2 1| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 158 3 days’ sight Private 160 Bombay, Demand Bank 158 3 days’ sight Private 160 Madras, Demand Bank 158
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  • 201 746 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ld. S 5 Bersa wah Gol d M i ning Co., Ld. $l2 n Uriel, Rubber Syndicate, M.S spre»5pre» Z" Breseh Hydraulic Tin Mi u Duff Development Co. Fraser A Neave, Ld. sini George I own Dispensary 8 Howarth Erskine, Ld. $265 Karan ga.n Hydraulic
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  • 158 746 Gold leaf 74.50 B. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.) out of stock White Pepper 38| sellers Trang Pepper season over Cloves (picked) out of season XI ace ro.—sei lets Mace Pickings 05. buyers Nutmegs 110 s 34. sales r No. 1 6.10 Sugar > 2 no stock. Basket 5| seders
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  • 17 746 Death. .At Raffles Hotel at 11 a.m. on Bth August G. Gilmour, Manager, Central Engine Works Singapore
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