The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 24 February 1905

Total Pages: 20
133 152 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 2703 133 (Friday, 17th Feb.) The Revenue Farms of the Straits Settlements are of much greater importance to the Government and to the ratepayers than many people may suppose. Indeed, it is highly probable that nine out of ten of the denizens of the West have nothing more than
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  • Page 133 Advertisements
    • 91 133 Straits Echo. f m W. W ‘£aV'7 —< j nBt .ice Batwfles everybody, and justice alone.-Kmcr«e« June Ist, 190.3. Published daily (except Sundays.) at m n CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Bowing. PRICE DA I LT. LOCAL 821 per annum OUTSTATIONS Postage Ex tin MAIL RDITION (Post Free)
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  • 628 134 Increased Gratuities and Pensions. An order has just been issued by the Viceroy of India revising the scale of gratuities and annuities to Indian Civil Servants, the effect of which is to enhance <•:; >reciabl v the annuities earned by a service of more than t welve
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  • 1288 135 The Hongkong College of Medicine was founded in 1887 for the purpose of medicine, surgery, and undwrfe y to Chinese „,i such others ns might avail themselves the“privileges it offers. The College has its head-quarters in the Alice Memorial Hospital, aud'the atmi.ued
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  • 84 135 The following is the constitution of the new Cabinet:— Premier and Minister of Finance M. Bouvier. Minister of Justice Chaumie. Foreign Affairs Declasse. Interior Etienne. ar Berteaux. Marine Thomson. Colonies, Clementel. Public Works Gauthier. Public Institution Bienvenumartin Commerce Dubief. Agriculture Ruan. Under Secretary of Fine Arts
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  • 409 135 One Empire, One Flag. See that grand old flag that's flying O'er the ramparts of Quebec The flag that flew—red, white, and blue, Above the Victory’s deck. It never waves where cowards stand But floats above the brave And streams upon the mastheads Of ships that rule
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  • 595 136 Writing on 18th ultimo the Shanghai correspondent of t he China Mail says The Health Report for December does not present v<-.y cheerful reading. Reports vague and uncertain as to the prevalence of smallpox h ive bi<*n rite, and now we are told that th* te was
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  • 579 136 (Monday, 20lh Feb.) That the con lident preRubber. diction of the Fcho that the price of fine Para rubber would steadily advance was based upon trustworthy information is proved by news just leceived by one of the leading European firms of Penang in Ihe form of a wire
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  • 73 136 Singapore Firm’s Difficulties. A big Singapore Chinese firm is under, stood to be in difficulties over land and rice speculations. The amount stated to be involved varies from 81,640,000 to 81,160,000, ami the Chitties are, according to the Straits Times, hit to the exlent of from 8800,000
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  • 150 136 A Big Haul. Our Bukit Mertajam correspondent reports that on the 15th instant Inspector Conlan effected a very important seizure of forged Government notes in his district. It appears that at. I o’clock on Wednesday last, the Inspector, accompanied bv some picked P C’s and ’tecs, dashed into
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  • 359 136 General Stocssel Interviewed. Interviewed by a Times of Ceylon representative at Colombo the other day, General Stoessel is reported to have stated be would not be interviewed. Then the reporter handed the General a copy of lhe Times’ Peking correspondent's report on the fall of Port
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  • 499 137 Selangor Chamber s Anniversary Celebrations. *“LaW Saturday the Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce celebrated the first anniversary of its inception at its headquarters in the Federal capital. The function was as interesting as it was successful, as will be b wb from our
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  • 170 137 The Menace of the Rand. The Straits Times notes tha? His Excellency the Viceroy of Canton remains firm in counteracting coolie emigration from bis provinces to the Kami. Neither orders to the contrary nor promises, apparent,!v, can move him. The Viceroy, at. the date of last mail advices
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  • 417 137 Double and Treble Event Betting Barred. The following announcement, has been made by the Calcutta Turf Club authorities After the Racing Season 1904-1905 no double or treble event betting will tie allowed in the Calcutta and Tollygunge Enclosures. Any bookmaker infringing this rule will forfeit bis license.
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  • 599 137 Mr. 11. Droete, Consul General tor the Netherlands-Indies at Hongkong, writes to the Hongkong Telegraph under date 28th January;— In continuance of my letter of 26tli inst., No. 128, J have the honour to inform you that to day I received the following infor-rnati-m
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  • 771 138 A Blow at Autocracy. Grand*Duke Sergius Assassinated (Echo Special.) London, 17 Feb.—As the Grand Duke Sergius was driving towards his Palace in Moscow to-day he was killed bj the explosion of a bomb. Two men. who are believed to have thrown the bomb at the (Land. Duke, were
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  • 328 138 The Tibet Expedition. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 17 Feb.—The Rt. Hon. H. St. J. Brod rick, Secretary of Sta c for India, replying in the House of Commons to the Rt Hon. J. Bryce, Member for Alierdeen, said that, the cost of the Tibet Expedition was .£812,730, and had
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  328 words
  • 550 138 New Unofficial Members. (Echo Special). Singapore, 18 Feb. —Mr. John Anderson, of Messrs Guthrie C<>.. has been gazetted as an Unofficial Member of Council, and Mr. AV. F. Shelford, of Messrs Paterson, Simons (Jo., has been similarly appointed, doubtless to act until the arrival of Mr. John Anderson. The
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  • 1881 139 Opposition to the New Bill. (Tuesday, 21 t Feb.) Pollowivg appears in Hie advert isenlent columns of our Singapore exchanges of 16th instant:— Notice is hereby given that an extraorJinarv general meeting of tlm Tanjong Pagar D<»ck Company, Limited, will be held t the Singapore Exchange on
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  • 240 140 —Straits Times. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Singapore Po o Chit» "as held <>n lhe 14th instant in the Exchange, Air. E. L. BroCtcman preaiied ovh a sm ill attendance <>f members. Tne minutes of 1 ist meeting were read and confirmed The Chairman in
    —Straits Times.  -  240 words
  • 361 140 The Tamsui district of Formosa is declared infected with plague. The Assiz. s will be held in Penang on Tu sdny, 28th proximo. Porbandar, reported plague-infected since September last, is now declared free. Mr. 1) G. Campbell, Acting British Resident, Selangor, is appointed to act as Commissioner of
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  • 666 140 i The present height, of raw rubber puces is, savs the Gummi Zeitung, a very important question for the whole india-rubber trade, both manufacturers and Dealers. That journal published lately some remaika on the subject which it followed up with a statement from a Brussels expert in reply to
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  • 201 140 -Free Press. We hear that a telegram arrived last Thursday in Singapore from Saigon, annouucing that the French armoured cruiser Sully, a fine new ship of close on 10.000 tons, has been stranded on the Tonkin coast probably in or near the Bate d Along, which is
    -Free Press.  -  201 words
  • 318 140 {Stolen from Japan Chronicle.) The Kobe Thunderer came out the other day witn some light and airy Stray Notes' which include these tasty morsels; I l ORSE for Sale, 3 Apartments, hot and cold water. An v one can be shown over inferior on Saturday first,— Address at
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  • 514 141 The Murdered Grand» Duke. (Echo Special.) Rprlin 21 Feb.—The remains of the z j Duke Sergius have been buried G T P tlv in a Moscow convent, pending port to St Petersburg. The German Attitude. Au attitude of reserve is maintained Berlin Government circles concernino* the recent occurrences
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  • 1717 141 What has been done to Mitigate its Evils? Nothing Wednesday, 22nd Feb.) At the risk of incurring the everlisting enmity, hatred, malice and uncharitableness of our readers—as we find ourselves in the toils of another dry season with the water supply just as you was —we venture,
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  • 3276 142 List of Sections. 1 IESCRIPTIVE A CCOUN'T. To tlm foreigner who lias lived hali-a-dozen years amongst the Chinese the Chingav procession must have been a memorable sight; but there must be a, great manv newcomers to whom tne wool Chingay’ conveys no meaning. For the information of
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  • 3156 144 Nineteenth Annual Meeting. A Useful Year’s Work. POSTAL REFORMS. The nineteenth annual general meeting „f the "f ">« Peuang Chamber of Commerce «as held in the Cnamta of Commerce on Monday afternoon. Mr. A. <;. Stephen .«tcupted the chan-, and there „ere ‘dso present. Hon. John
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  • 142 145 The tin duty collected in Selangor last month amounted to $318,618, or an increase of $17,261 compared with the corresponding period last year. In other States there has been a falling off, a fact which points to the necessity for the speedy development of the agricultural resources
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  • 303 145 Hongkong Shanghai Bank 'The seventy-ninth report of the court of directors to the ordinary half-yearly general meeting of shareholders held at Hongkong on Saturday, 18th instant, is as follows Gentlemen, —The Directors have now to submit to you a general statement of the affairs of the Bank, and balance sheet
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  • 1354 146 Superfluous Departments. Why Not Reduce j hem r The Malay Mail, a daily paper published in Hie capital of the Federated Malay Stab--, deals, in a recent editorial with the ever-increasing tendency io multiply departii: ’lit' which it contends is a stumblingblock to all-round efficiency. Our contemp<nai
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  • 49 146 Peace Party Growing. (7A7m Special'). Berlin, 21 Feb.—ln high Russian circles there is a growing feeling i n favour of peace being concluded with Japan, but the Tsar is inclined to continue Ihe war, not being depressed by the tragic death of his uncle, the Giand-Duke Sergius.
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  • 167 146 (Supplied laj Reuter.) London, 22 Feb.—Reuter's St. Petersburg correspondent states that, despite official denials, according to information received from a source enjoying high patronage, lhe question of the conditions whereon Russia is prepared to make peace have not only been formally discussed by the Tsar, but have practically
    (Supplied laj Reuter.)  -  167 words
  • 241 146 Another Step Forward. (Supplied laj Reuter.) Loudon, 21 Feb. —It has been decided to convene a Zemsky sober, or National Parliament, which will probably meet on 4th March. Martial Law. By an Imperial manifesto martial law has been proclaimed at Tsarkoye Selo, owing to the great number of
    (Supplied laj Reuter.)  -  241 words

  • 495 147 When Will it Revert to China? (Thursday, 23 rd Feb.) The loss of Port Arthur to Russia raises an interesting question as to the future of Wei-hai-wei, which we hurriedly “leased” from China after 11. M. S. immortalite left Port Arthur at the request of Russia. That the action
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  • 776 147 A .telegram was received I he Chinese on the 30th ultimo by the Indemmty. Shanghai Tao tai to pay over to the authorised paities the indemnity difference on the 31st January. China, it will be seen from Him, always meets her obligations even if these are not anticipated
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  • 118 147 This is the most important river harbour in the Straits of Malacca, and the delay and inconvenience to shipping caused by the present inadequate berthing accommodation accentuated by the increased number of vessels visiting the port, led to the application to the Government of India for the services
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  • 146 147 The Opium Farms of the Kingdom of Siam, for three years commencing with next April, have been secured by Messrs Koe Guan Co’s Syndicate, at the following yearly rentals: (1) Siam proper 110,010 cattie*, Siamese currency, equivalent Io $5,280,480; Monthons Lokhoon and Chumpon, 8,010 catties, equivalent to
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  • 97 148 The number of plague cases reported in Rangoon up to 16th inst. was 32 of these no less than 24 proved fatal. A slight fall took place in the plague mortality in India during ended loth just,., the improvement bein'' shared by the Bornbav Presidency, Bengal, the United Provinces,
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  • 545 148 Another Rubber Co A company is now being organised with an authorised capital ol $200,00<) of which, however, it is proposed to issue only $105,000 —to take over and work the Balgownie Rubber Estate at Kajang, about mid wav on the hue from Kuaia Lumpur to Sereinban. The total acieage
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  • 221 148 {From (Jut Omn Correspondent.) The members of the Butterworth Polo Club have fixed Mondays and Fridays for holding matches. Last Friday and Monday there were matches played between pick-up teams. The Pier. The Bagan Tuan Kecliil Pier is under repair. The roof at the end of the pier
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  • 349 148 The Rev. Father Claries Hector Letessier, Vicar in charge of the Chinese Catholic Church of Our Lady of Sorrows at Mac A lister Road, celebrated his 25th anniversary as a priest on Tuesday. The Church was beautifully decorated by Rev. Sister St. Beniot and Rev. Sister St.
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  • 611 148 j At a recent meeting of the Association of j Chambers of Commerce, held at Manchester i the following motion was carried:— "That this meeting is of opinion that His Majesty's Government should take some effective steps to bring about the abolition of ship, ping
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  • 613 149 Sk Josephine writes from the Convent afi kin2 us to publish the following expressions of gratitude To Mr. Robert Young. The Lady Superior and Sisters of the Convent desire to express their to their kind benefactor (Mr. Robert! oung) his verv generous offering towards a nicnic for
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  • 1407 149 One who was there writes Thursday, the 16th inst., was fixed for the loimexpected treat of the orphans of St. XavieEs Instnution. The spot selected was the brothers’ bungalow, Penang Hill—a spot known only to the privileged boys of the School—the duces of their
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  • 346 150 11 b v. ar y Tournament. EoLI/iV/ino 11'*‘ t h** results of i i.e second week’s 1. -s in the Ee- iuary lawn tennis tournament under *!:< auspices *>l ihe Penang Gh -ket Cino 27tc Chain? b ip. 11. A. X' ii irommr b* at It.- 11. C.
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  • 279 150 MOST POSTAL BUNGLING' To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir,- Since the new system has been introduced from the Ist of this month, out mail Utters. etc., are delivered much later than ever before, and there are days when we get no mail at all’. On many
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  • 367 150 To the Editor of The Straits Echo. Dear Sir. —lu reading your leading art icle last night on the water trouble, I could not help thinking that the policy pursue*! by the Municipal Commissioners in that connection is a very high-handed one. Instead of sympathising with the
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  • 1425 150 If So, Would it Prove Detrimental to Planters or to Manufacturers? To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —Your issue of the 20th inst. contained a leaderette on the price recently obtained in London for a, small lot of Perak-grown Para rubber (6s. 4d.),
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  • 655 151 A SERIOUS GRIEVANCE. Io I in- Editor of the Straits Echo. >')lr. I am a poor fisherman with a large family. J have resided at Matang, if Perak, during the last five years. During all this time I have maintained mvself and htmily by fishing. I catch
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  • 327 151 Tho Tsars Naves. 4 Large Order for Torpedoers. {Echo Specials.) Berlin, 22 Fob.— A despatch received from Cairo by the Frankfurter Zeitung states that the firm of Messrs Lewis, Hixon Co., of New Jersey, U.S.A., states that the firm has received a Russian order for the supply of
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  • 81 151 The Report of the Commission. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 23 Feb. The report of the North Sea Enquiry Commission has been published. It does not discuss the question of the presence or absence of Japanese torpedoers. It declares that Admiral Ro.-I jest vensky might legitimately have believed
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  81 words
  • 32 151 South Russia. Fearful Butchery. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 23 Feb—A laconic telegram received from Baku, in South Russia, states that all offices are closed and the streets filled with corpses.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  32 words

  • 780 152 PERAK. (Front Our Oi'-a. Correspondents.') Ipoh, 20 Feb.— The British Resident of Perak, the JL»n. E. W. Birch, c m.g is expected here on his way to Batu Gajah to alien 1 the Kinta Races. The Senior Magistrate of Perak, who is still in Taipin. on an official
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  • 160 152 Births. On 19th February, at No. 9 Dlioby Ghaut, Singapore*, the wife of G. A. Hansen, of a son. On 13th February, at “Roseneath 1, Wilkie Road, Singapore, the wife of George W. Branson, of a son. On Ist February, at Kuala Lebir, Kelantan, the wife of Mr.
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  • 121 152 Penang,23rd February. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 1/] 1 i a 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/ 3 Credit 3 Documentary ...2/A Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1474 3 days’ sight Private 149.1 Bombay, Demand Bank 1471 3 days’ sight Private 1491 Madras, Demand Bank 1471 3
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  • 193 152 Bersa with Gold M ine Co., Ld. 13.— sellers Rann Australian Gohl Mining Co., Ld 8 4 nom. Redjang Lebong Gold Mining Co., Ld 230 ?to»i. KadanaGold M iniugCo,, (fully paid) 5 10.— nom Bruseh 'Tin Mining Co., Ld. 3 2.— sales Karangan 'Tin Mining Co. 5 'd.—sellers Kiula
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  • 181 152 r*a- S 76.80 Gold leaf 3 79| B. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.)S 24.— sellers White Pepper 3 38—sellers Trang Pepper, business S 23.—sales Cloves (picked) .8 38.— sales ace 85 sellers Mace Pickings 72.— sellers Nutmegs 110 s 41.—sellers f No. 1 6.10 -nom u o ar > m
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  • 38 152 Deaths. At Berlin, on the 3rd February. Mr. Carl Hermann Snethlage. Theodore Hiltermann. of Dusseldof, Germany, senior partner in the firms Hiltermann Bros., Manchester and Bradford, and Brinkmann and Co.. Singapore and London, aged 78 years. (By telegram).
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