The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 17 February 1905

Total Pages: 22
111 132 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 896 111 Arrival of the Imperial High Commissioner. Friday, 10th Feb. Shortly after five o’oclock this morning the Indo-China liner Suisang (Captain Wheeler) entered the harbour from Singapore, and two hours later Dr. Gnoh Lean Tuck and Messrs Lim Seng Hooi and Gan Teonjr Tat, together with Mr. Ung Bok
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  • 465 111 By (he death of Mr. J. Cooper on Thursday last, at the advanced age of 91 \ears, another Jink with the past of Singapore has been severed. The late Mr. Cooper was Deput y Registrar in the Shipping Office, Singapore, and retired about 30 years ago
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  • Page 111 Advertisements
    • 75 111 yp.e Echo. 11 f t liljr-y j ns Hce satisfies everybody, and justice Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, L<l, N0.‘2'26-23'2, Beach Street, Penauc. (ABLE ADDRESS: E c h o —P e u a n g Telephone No. 188. Editor, Chesney Puncan. LIM SENG
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  • 226 111 Obituary. Mrs. Chung Keng Quee. i: regret to announce the death of Mrs. Chung Keng Qu<-e (Tan Gaik Ln), widow of the late Captain Ah Quee, the multimillionaire, which occurred last Thursday evening (Bth inst.) at 7.30 at her residence in Church Street. The deceased lady was 43 years of
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  • 119 112 insurrection Spreading in Poland. (Echo Special). Berlin, 9 Feb. —The insurrection amongst the Congress Poles in the socalled Kingdom of Poland, surrounding Warsaw, is spreading and is expected to embrace the whole of the Polish ra f, <*. The stiikes have spread to the district around the Ruhr
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  • 36 112 Failure of Paris Loan. (Echo Special). Berlin, 9 Feb.—The Russian loan being raised in Paris has failed, and will probably be reintroduced in April, but a peace movement is expected to set in before then.
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  • 44 112 A New Loan Foreshadowed. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 10 Feb. —Reuter’s Tokio correspondent wires that Mr. Tokahasi, the VicePresident of the Bank of Japan, sails on the 17th instant for America and England. His journey is considered as presaging a new foreign loan.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  44 words
  • 28 112 A New Loan. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 10 Feb.—A new Chinese five per cent loan is to be issued on Friday in London and Berlin at 97.
    .. ... ■+ ■■■- (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  28 words
  • 157 112 The Gun Difficulty. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 10 Feb.—The Turkish gun difficulty has I Ken compromised. France has received a portion of the order for new guns, which are to be paid for from the loan raised by the Ottoman Bank, negotiations for which have been reopened. German financiers
    – (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  157 words
  • 547 112 Alleged Bribery. (Echo Special). Singapore, 10 Feb. —Mr. AA E« Nash, the Municipal Superintendent of Mains and Sewers, has procured a summons against Mr. Seng Heng Guan to-day, for attempting to bribe him with the sum of eighty dollars. Mr. Seng Heng Guan is the farmer of the Clyde
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  • 1133 112 (Saturday, 11th Feb.) The Hongkong TeleWhere is he? graph states that the police are now investigating a mysterious disappearance case and endeavouring to trace the whereabouts of Henry Ullmann, son of the proprietor of J. Ullmann and Co., jewellers, of No. 34, Queen’s Road Central, Hongkong, and of
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  • 2346 113 Ordinary Meeting. liie ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commission of George Town was held in the Municipal Chambers last Friday afternoon. Mr. J. VV. Hallifax, President, piesided and there were also present Mr. L. H. Clayton, Mr. A. K. Adams, Dr. Locke, Mr. Cheah Tek Thve, and
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  • 87 114 The German cable-laying steamer Stephan left. Nordenham about three weeks ago to lay a cable of 3,500 kilometres length between Menado, on the island of Celebes, to the island of Yap, one of the Carolines group, and from Yap to Guam and the North American Ladrones group.
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  • 89 114 Writing under date Hamburg 19th January, the L. C. Express correspondent states A telegram from Batavia reports that Mr. C. J. de Jaager, member of the Council of Netherlands India, has been charged to visit several districts in Java in connection with the abolition of the Government’s
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  • 95 114 The Six-Bob Mark Passed. Messrs Lewis ami Peat’s report dated London, 20th January, came to hand last Saturday morning. It contains the following interesting particulars of rubber sales on the 19th ultimo Straits. 6 bags fine dark biscuits fetched 6s. per pound. 1 case inferior dark, marked M.A. ss.
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  • 203 114 Departure for India. Hrs Excellency Tong Shao Yi, Imperial High Commissioner, whose arrival in Penang is reported elsewhere in this issue, continued his journey to India by the Suisang, which sailed alxiut noon on Saturday. Several of our leading Cantonese fellowtownsmen, prominent amongst whom were Messrs Foo
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  • 918 115 Proposed Short Route from Penang to Bangkok. t H p’ following leaders from the semiofficial Bangkok Times, in which the proposed opening of a short-cut between Penang and the capital ot Siam is advacated, are reproduced in order to draw attention to the possibilities ot the future
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  • 347 115 Last Friday afternoon a lengthy series of correspondence regarding the reduction in the rent of the Penang Opium and Spirit Farms was tabled in the Legislative Council. In the last letter of the series, the Opium Farmers regret that His Excellency has not seen his
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  • 1296 115 Hero and Creator of the Japanese Navy. By Hi rata Tatsuo. In the, family of Togo, in the clan of Satsuma, was born a child. His friends gave him the name of Heihachiro. Satsuma is one of the greatest homes of the fighting traditions ot the Japanese samurai.
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  • 101 116 Peace Rumours Denied. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 10 Feb.—lt is definitely denied in St. Petersburg that Russia lias authorised any Power to make overtures for peace. We have the highest authority for stating that it is rumoured that there will be no more rumours of peace for some time.
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  • 132 116 Preparations for General Election. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 11 Feb.—Mr. Herbert Gladstone, the chief Liberal Whip, has warned the Liberal agents to complete immediately all arrangements for a general election, as he expects the dissolution to take place at any moment after the opening of Parliament on 14th instant.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  132 words
  • 52 116 The Chinese Indemnity. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 10 Feb.—The New York World says that the United States Government has practically decided to return to China, after the close of the Russo-Japanese war, twenty-two million dollars of the indemnity for the Boxer rising, remaining after the settlement of the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  52 words
  • 95 116 Hon. J. M. Allinson. (Echo Special). Singapore, 11 Feb.—At yesterday’s meeting of the Legislative Council, His Excellency the Governor and the Hon. G. S. Murray spoke in eulogistic terms ot the services rendered by the Hon. J. M. Allinson, the occasion being his last appearance in the Council
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  • 252 116 (Monday, Id February.) 1 view of the desperate striving of the Russian Government to obtain a “coaling station en route to the Far East, the London Globe is of opinion that it may be just as well that the AngloFrench Agreement of January 15, 1896, expressly
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  • 787 116 Why Dewey is Demonstrating. It will doubtless be recalled that on the 7th ultimo Reuter informed us that the United States Government had sent a sixty days' ultimatum to Venezuela notifying that, if the claims of the United States and European Powers were not fulfilled, Admiral Dewey, with a
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  • 873 117 Annual Prize Distribution On Saturday evening at six o'clock was held the annual prize distribution of St George s Girls’ School in the Town Hall, and 1, as it always does upon these occasions, attended in force. Miss Jones, the headmistress of the School, can
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  • 315 117 The Charges of Breaches of Neutrality. At last we are informed of the nature of Russia’s charges against China, the Negapatam mail bringing London files up to the 20th January from which we gather that Reuters Agency learns that the charges of breach of neutrality brought by
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  • 601 118 Neu r kali i y. A struggle to (b-atli are we witnessing; A struggle ‘iwixt West and East; While neutral nations gather around. Like vultures awaiting a feast But each is bound by the nations Jaw To refrain from giving aid, But th'- law don 1 appeal
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  • 62 118 Russian Losses. [Echo Special.) Tokio, 12 Feb.—Field Marshal Oyama reports that up to the 10th instant he has buried abou> 2,000 Russian corpses in the vicinity of Heikontai. International Amenities. Berlin, 12 Feb.—The Tsar has invited the German Prince Leopold, who is proceeding to the front, to visit
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  • 111 118 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 11 Feb. —Reuter s correspondent at Port Louis, Mauritius, wires that vessels arrived from Nossi Be, in Madagascar, report that the Russian Baltic fleet is still there and that a conflict has arisen between Admiral Rost jest vensky and the German companies who are
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  111 words
  • 32 118 Strikes Spreading. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 12 Feb.—Fresh strikes have broken out in St. Petersburg and the provinces and the authorities are apprehensive regarding the course of events on Sunday (12th).
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  • 283 118 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 11 Feb.—The Russian ironmasters have memorialized M. de Witte, the President of the Council of Ministers, demanding the improvement of the condition of the workmen, equality for all in the eyes ot the law, the right for workmen and masters alike to cease
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  283 words
  • 422 118 The New Loan. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 11 Feb. —The new Chinese five per cent, loan, which was issued by the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank in London on Friday at 97, has drawn a great rush of subscribers. The crowds had to be controlled by the police and the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  422 words

  • 1116 119 U February.) The Burma Governnubber in ment has sanctioned Burma- proposals for regulating grants or leases oi land for rubber cultivation in Burma. In der to encourage private enterprise to take up the industry, a large experimental plantation has also been established at Mergui, where rubber cultivation will
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  • 65 119 Mr. T. Tanaka, His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s Consul at Singapore, has addressed the Editor of the Straits Times as follows —Sir, —l beg to inform you for publication that, under date of the 9th February, the Japanese Government have added to their list of Conditional Contraband, the following
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  • 112 119 Play, which has been rather quiet of late, owing to the P. V. camp, tennis tournament, etc., will receive a stimulus by the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Warren, who are giving a silver cup for competition. The conditions are to be first, a qualifying round, to
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  • 350 119 Outbreak at Rangoon. Our Rangoon correspondent writing under date Friday last, 10th instant, reports on the outbreak of bubonic plague in the neighbouring Burmese port as follows The most important news, and what has caused most local anxiety this week, is an outbreak of Bubonic Plague here. It seems
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  • 1990 120 In Civil Jurisdiction. (Before the Hon. A. B. G. Law, Pumne Judge.) CHETTY PARTNERSHIP CASE. Interesting Point of Law An irrqxui.'ut case affecting the Chetty money-lendin community and moneyborrowers in Penang in general is proceeding in the Supreme Court. The plaintiffs are R. AL Al. Letchmanan Chetty and
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  • 599 121 Italian Mission’s Experience. Kkutek’s Agent at Rome lepoits as follows -.—Signor Sylos Sersale, the well-known Italian explorer and traveller, has reached Naples on his return from Aden. Signor Sersale, who was accompanied by the Italian Consul-General Pestalozza, visited Italian Somaliland to study the best means of making
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  • 1322 121 A meeting of the Council was held on Puday last, 10th instant. His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.g. presided, am] there were also present Hons’ the Colonial Secretary, the Attornev-General, the Colonial Engineer, the Auditor-General, !-t a w Colomal Treasurer, and the Hons. J< Na Jiak
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  • 1196 122 Dail'i Chronicle. Chinese Case in the Chancery Court. Clothed in a gown of pale-grey silk, beneath u crimson cape, and wearing a black akuli-cap, Ixjewelled and profusely ornamented, his Excellency Chang-Yen-Mao, of the Chinese Court, attended the Chancery Division of the London Law Courts on the 19th
    Dail'i Chronicle.  -  1,196 words
  • 26 122 General Gripenberg s Successor. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 13 Feb. —General Kaulbars succeeds General Gripenberg in the command of the Russian Second Army in Manchuria.
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  • 71 122 Coolies Delay a Steamer. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 14 Feb.—The steamer Court field arrived here yesterday with 1,342 emigrants from Chinwantao to South Africa. The vessel was to have continued her voyage yesterday, but has not left yet. The captain came ashore and reported that the coolies refuse to proceed
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  • 298 122 President Roosevelt's Plans Upset. (Supplied by Reuter.) T/ondou, 14 Feb. —President Roosevelt and the United States Senate have reached a disagreement concerning the Arbitration Treaties which the Hon. John Hay, United States Secretary of State, had laboriously concluded with great Britain, Japan, and several other European Powers. The Senate,
    ■ ♦ (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  298 words

  • 1230 123 (Wednesday, lath Feb.) «wording to our Rangoon Correspondent tba A Xible scourge of the Far East, bubonic phgue, a disease winch up the present the flower of the medical profession has failed to successfully grapple, a disease which spreads rapidly, fills cemeteries, and causes the inhabitants of the
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  • 607 123 The A B Car Question. Meeting at Kuala Lumpur. Important Resolution Carried. Following the debate on the much-vexed car question which took place at the Selangor Chinese Literary and Debating Society’s meeting on the 29th January, when, as reported in our issue of the following day, a resolution was carried
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  • 2116 124 lll.—Postal and Telegraph Points. I By Our Special Co nirni ssione r.) A'J the conclusion of my second instalment of my trip on the first through express from Penang to Kuala Lumpur I had taken mv readers wit h me as tar as Taiping, when the
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  • 847 125 Ipoh correspondent reports that a meeting of shareholders of this Company, which commenced business in the only part of last year, was held in the town last Saturday, the 11th instant, at 2.30 p in. Mr John I Phillips (Chairman of the Board of Directors)
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  • 144 125 THE ’PHONE SERVICE. To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —I our report|in last Thursday’s issue, of an interview with the Ag. Asst. P. M. G., was interesting, not to sav ludicrous. It may at least sfipw the public what a capable man they have at
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  • 399 125 Mr. W. Meikle is opening up an estate near Kuala Selangor for Mr. Boustead, who has other interests near Klang. An old resident, who has recently revisited the Klang district, was not only surprised but absolutely amazed at the progress made in rubber planting in thiM: district. Surely,
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  • 657 126 Tour of the British Resident to the New Territory and Upper Perak. Oub Ipoh correspondent writes: Ibis visit of the British Resident to the New Territory and Upper Perak is of great importance. The Resident (the Hon. E. W Birch, c.m.g.) proposes to travel from Kuala Kangsar by
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  • 146 126 Russian Cruisers Warned OH. (Echo Specials). Berlin, 14 Feb. —The six Russian cruisers which have arrived at Dar-es-Salem, in German East Africa, have been prohibited from taking Government coal and requested to leave the port within twenty-four hours. A Prophet Discredited. Berlin, 14 Feb. lhe Petit 1 aiisien,
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  • 572 126 The Liberal Leader Speaks. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 15 Feb.—ln his speech on the opening of Parliament, Sir Henry CampbellBannerman said that the fiscal policy question still overshadowed everything. He vigorously condemned the Government for clinging to oflice, though the feeling of the country had been indubitably demonstrated. He
    ■ »■— (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  572 words
  • 278 126 The New Member. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 15 Feb.—lt is believed here that Mr. D. K. Somerville, the General Manager of the Straits Steamship Company, Ltd., will succeed the Hon. J. M. Allinson on the Legislative Council. General F. Nicholson, the British Attache with the Japanese troops, left Yoko*
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  • 1167 127 Cause, Effect, Remedy. (Thursday, 16th Feb.) As civilization advances so do life’s little worries increase. One of these Xich has lately cropped up in Penang a so-called “new nuisance caused Mr bellsand horns and, as set forth in r issue of Saturday last the InspectorGeneral of Police
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  • 548 127 Successful Performance by School Children. It was a happy thought that inspired a repetition of a performance of Ali Baba or the Forty Thieves” by the scholars of St. George’s Girls’ School, and, as on Satuiday, the Town Hall was on Wednesday evening well crowded with
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  • 3995 128 In Civil Jurisdiction (Before the Hon. A. F. G. Lav:, Puiffue Judge.) Sequel to Sale of Bert am Estate. An impori.iut suit came on for bearing in the Supreme Court on '1 uesday afternoon al the instance of tlm Official Assignee and Official Receiver, involving a. sum of
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  • 1762 130 Important Application in Supreme Court. In the Supreme Court yesterday an application was made to His Lordship the Hon. A. F. G. Law, Puisne Judge, by Mr. Akhoy C. Rudra, barrister, to abridge the six months’ notice necessary ere a ban ister can practise in t lii-
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  • 224 130 The Toyo Risen Kaisha, whose steamships, the Hongkong, American, and Nippon Maru, were taken off their usual run for use with the Japanese navy, will soon be in the field again with three new, fast ocean liners. ’The material for the liners has been bought in Scotland.
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  • 808 131 The Accusations against General Stoessel. A few days ago the Hongkong Telegraph published a telegram from its Shanghai correspondent stating that some officers of the Port Arthur garrison were then taking steps to have General Stoessel tried by court-martial for selling Port Arthur to the Japanese.
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  • 348 131 The Mallet has a corner all to himself in the Glasgow Evening News and here is a sample of clips, culled from various sources, which he drives into it. Masonry is not a myth. It is most emphatically a real and a practical institution. It has been
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  • 531 131 February Tournament. The February lawn tennis tournament under the auspices of the Penang Cricket Club was begun last Friday evening on the Esplanade. The weather was all that could be desired for the game, ami, consequently the ties were witnessed by a very large number of spectators. Following
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  • 52 132 Peace Rumours (Echo Special). Berlin, 15 Feb —A report has been received here from London to the effect that the Russian Embassy there lias hand**d to King Edward a lettei iiom the T-ar which is alleged to be concerning the question of the conclusion of peace between Russia
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  • 59 132 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 15 Feb. —Speaking in the House <»f Commons, Lord Lansdowne, foreign Minister, said that intervention in the war would he an ill-considered move at present and likely to be fraught with the worst results. It was unnecessary to say that, should the opportunity
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  59 words
  • 368 132 The Fiscal Question. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 15 Feb. —The Rt. Hon. Herbert Henry Asquith, k. c., Liberal member for Fife/will move in the House of Commons that, Mr. Chamberlain’s fiscal policy having l>een discussed for two years, the time has now come for submitting the issue to the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  368 words
  • 27 132 Another Huge Diamond Discovered. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 16 Feb. —Another huge diamond, weighing 334 carats, has been found in the Premier Mine at Pretoria.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 69 132 Births. At Kuala Lebir, Kelantan, on Ist February, the wife of Mr. Percy F. Wise, of a daughter. At Shanghai, on Feb. 12th, the wife of J. M. Dow. of a daughter. Marriage. On 17th January, at the Dixon Halls, Glasgow, by the Rev. Wm. Rattray, Tron Parish
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  • 293 132 Penang,l6th February. (By courtesy of’ the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...l/llj 4 months’ sight Bank ...2 3 Credit ...2/| 3 Documentary Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 147 3 days’ sight Private 149 Bombay, Demand Bank 147 3 days’ sight Private 149 Madras, Demand Bank 146 j 3 days’ sight
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  • 173 132 Tin $76.72| Gold leaf 794 B. Pepper (W. Coast. 31b5.50z.)$ 24.— sales White Pepper 38— sellers Trang Pepper, business 25.50 sales Cloves (picked) 37.— sellers Mace 85.— sellers Mace Pickings 72. sellers Nutmegs 110 s 41. sellers No. 1 6.10 nom Sugar > 2 no stock. (Basket 6.25 sales
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