The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 10 February 1905

Total Pages: 14
97 110 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 513 97 (Friday, 3rd Feb.) Some ten years ago or thereabouts the board of Justices of the Peace in Penanguld boast of three representatives of the Chinese Community in the persons of Mr. Kaw Seang Tat, Mr. Chew Sin Jeong, and Mr. Cheah Tek Soon. While three was, perhaps,
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  • 956 97 Wanted: a Court of Appeal. That a Court of Appeal is greatly needed in the Federated States few will deny. The advisability of establishing such a Court has often been advocated in the Press of Malaya, and it is therefore surprising that in this enlightened era we
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  • Page 97 Advertisements
    • 84 97 The Straits Echo. ifiSß Jnstice -ntinfte” everybody, and Justice alone.-Emerson Established .June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundiys.) AT THB CRITERION PRESS, Ld„ No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. CABLE ADDRESS: PRICE: DAILY. LOCAL 24 per annum OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra MAIL EDITION (Post Free) §l5 E c li o—P e ii
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  • 1275 98 Of all the festivals in their calendar none is of so much importance to the Chinese, or looked forward to with as much joyful anticipation, as New Year’s Day. 3he birth of the new rear is regarded by the Chinaman as also his natal day hence with
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  • 151 98 An extraordinary general meeting was held on 9th ultimo to consider a resolution authorising the board to reduce the capital from ■£305,000, in shares of £1 each, to £76,250, in shares of ss. each, by cancelling capital to the extent of 15s. per share. Mr. A. Gaussen,
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  • 362 98 The 1904 Output. Great Falling Off. The total output of tin from the Federated Malay States last year was 856,238 piculs, showing an increase of 25,590 piculs compared with 1903. Selangor's increased output amounted to 16.747 piculs, Perak’s 7,264 piculs, and Pahang’s 2,194 piculs. Negri Sembilan alone shows a
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  • 718 99 Calcutta Lawyer Gets Six Years. A. Calcutta wire to the Rangoon Advertiser reports the conclusion of the trial of Ernest Hardwick Cowie at the Criminal Sessions of the High Court before the Chief Justice. Mr. Sinha, standing counsel with Mr. Shelley Bannerjee, instructed by Messrs Orr Dignani
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  • 524 99 Dr. Mugliston’s Report. I he public health of the Island of Penang for 1903, regarded from the actual mortality, i.e., the total number of deaths registered, and by the death-rate per mille of the estimated population, was better than that during the two previous years, 1902 and
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  • 128 99 Manchuria. The Recent Fighting. (Echo Special.) Tokio, 3 Feb.—Field Marshal Oyaina reports that during the engagements of the 25th to 29th ultimo the Russian forces opposed to him consisted of the Fifth Siberian Army Corps, one mixed corps of the Second and First Brigades of Sharpshooters, part of
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  • 640 99 A Russian Magna Charta. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 2 Feb.—The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily Telegraph wires that as the result of an interview which Mons. Yermoloff, the Minister of Agriculture and Crown Domains, had with the Tsar on Monday and the latter’s earnest representations, the
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  • 53 100 Prince Eitel Friedrich. (Echo Sj>ecial.) Berlin, 2 Feb.—Prince Eitel Friedrich is said to be recovering from his illness. German Commerce. Speaking in the Reichstag, Count von Buelow, the German Chancellor, proposed the making of new commercial treaties with the various Powers. The suggestion was greeted with applause and passed
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  • 22 100 Strike of Electricians. {Echo Special.) Berlin, 2 I* eb.—T'he employes of the electrical works in Paris have gone out on strike.
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  • 56 100 The New Judge. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 2 Feb.-Justice Sir John G. Barnes, k.c., succeeds Lord Jeune as President of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division of the High C oUrt of Justice, whilh Air. Henry B. Deane, k.c, Recorder of .Margate, succeeds Justice Sir John K. Larues
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  56 words
  • 542 100 (Tuesday, Ith Feb American army officers are Canned said by a Frisco exchange to Rice, be greatly interested in the report that Texas rice-growers have at last succeeded in canning rice, because of the agitation on to make rice an army ration and the consideration being given the
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  • 602 100 O'Neill-Fry A pretty wedding was celebrated at St. George’s Church ou Thursday afternoon (2nd inst.) by the Rev. F. W. Haines, m. a., Colonial Chaplain, when Sergt. O’Neill, of the Police, was united to Miss Jessie Fry. Sergt. Ommaney acted as best man. After the ceremony a small party
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  • 598 101 The 1905 Camp- l v -iftmioon the Penang Volun--0" F u to eonnnand of Captain A. R. tesrs .txxl out to their annual camp Adams, rhe Co ps efl ofe r rC S d'about five o'clock ami on arrival ,I ro ''a Pin" gronml. where the Malay t
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  • 454 101 Important Haul in Johore. Last Friday afternoon a dinting saw a Chinaman landing near Clyde Terrace market, Johore, with a suspicious-looking bag over bis shoulder. Thinking that it might contain opium the dinting demanded to see the contents, but the Chinaman refused and rudely requested him to be
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  • 75 101 The Tsar’s Armada. The Coal Question. (Echo Special.') Berlin, 5 Feb.—The Russian Baltic fleet will obtain coal from Batavia until the 24th degree of north latitude is passed, a little to the north of Hongkong, in the vicinity of Amoy, when coal will be sent from Saigon. The
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  • 274 101 Wave of Unrest Reaches Finland. High Official Shot At. (Echo Special.) London, G Feb.—lt was reported here this afternoon that M. Jonshon, Procurator of the Finnish Senate, had been assassinated at Helsingfors, the capital of Finland. Later news is to the effect that the shots tired at the
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  • 201 101 Hundreds Killed and Wounded. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 3 Feb. —Six hundred persons have been killed and a thousand wounded in the riots at Warsaw, the capital of Russian Poland. Addresses to the Tsar. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 6 Feb. —An assembly of Nobles at Moscow has decided
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  • 199 102 A Sensational Speech. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 6 Feb.—The Rt. Hon. Arthur H. Lee, Civil Lord of the Admiralty, speaking at Eastleigh, said we had not so much need to keep our eves on France and the Mediterranean as we had to look with more anxie’v, though not
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  199 words
  • 179 102 A Warlike Demonstration (Echo Special.) Berlin, 3 Feb —The American fleet is conducting a naval demonstration off the coast of Venezuela, as the result of the hostility shown by the President, General Castro, to Air. Bowen, United States Minister at Caracas. [On 7th January Reuter wired:—“The United States Government
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  • 524 102 Wednesday, Bth J 1 eb.) It is notified by His Indian Excellency the Governor, Immigration, with the consent of the Government of India, that the following classes of immigrants, namely, all Sikhs, Pathans, and I unjabis, the same being of the agriculturai classes, are labouring classes and that
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  • 2572 102 I—Penang to Prak (Ry Oar Special Commissioner.) T'iie normal quiet aud stillness of a some, what, dull and niisty morn—the first of February —found me speeding, about 645 a.m towards the Penang terminus of the Federated Malay States Railways. 1 Waß installed for the nonce as
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  • 629 104 Mrs. Pykett’s J.title Ones have an Outing at Aier Etam. 31 rs. Pykett has forwarded the following for publication from the Anglo-Chinese School Will you kindly allow me through your columns to exj rows my th inks to Mr. S*ng Hooi for his kind thoughtfulness in giving
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  • 249 104 Procurator’s Assailant. (Echo Special). Berlin. 7 Feb.—The man who shot at Mons. Johnsson, the Procurator of the Finnish Semite, at Helsingfors, is named Gadd. Martial Law Declared. Berlin, 7 Feb.—Martial law lias been declared in Sosnowiec, a mining and industrial centre in Russian Poland. The Crimea. The University
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  • 115 104 Crown Prince's Tour. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 7 I eb.—The German Crown Prince is touring in Florence. Tour for 'the Kaiser. Ihe Emperor Wilhelm, acccmpanie 1 by the Empress, starts on a trip to the Mediterranean on 23rd March. Inland Canal Scheme. The Lantag has approved the German Inland Can
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  • 523 104 Commissioner at Singapore. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 8 Feb. His Excellency Tang Shao Yi, the Imperial Chinese High Commissioner who is proce> ding to India to confer with Lord Curzon, the Viceroy, on the Tibetan Treaty, is passing through in the Indo-China liner Suisang, as a passenger for Calcutta. [The
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  • 1839 105 Russian Machinations Exposed. Belgians the Tools of Aggressive Powers. {Thursday, 9th Feb.} By the German mail which arrived this morning we received a budget from our London correspondent which includes an article clipped from the St. James’s Gazette, signed <; T. 11. M. H,”
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  • 545 106 Hi -1.. t 1 bv an Indian Tibet. <■ ,b injHH.irv m.'.t Mr. S. M. Eras *r. of th- Foreign Office, India, is a;<ooii;:' I a Syr-ial Commissioner to meet 'lt- Excellency long Shao ’i i, li./li <' !h;h. ,'e-r ot China, on his arri al at Cab-utt:.
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  • 1796 106 4 Needs of the Moment. I*OST3IA TER INTER VIE WE I>. Several matters el paramount importance to the gen nal public of Penang and the Federated Staff's having cropped up recently, and these having been supplemented bv a letter from a correspondent who signs himself “Grumbler, weon
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  • 600 107 Ihe Denunciation of China Designed to Cause Intervention. I rdbably one of the most accurate explanations of the wholly groundless fuss about Chin:! having committed breaches of neutrality is to be found in a communication from the London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, who reported on the Bth
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  • 599 107 Bennett Burleigh Interviewed. M Hile passing through Hongkong on the 28'n ultimo on his way home by the English mail, Mr. Bennert Burleigh, the Dai.y 'fjccvpli s special correspondent, was interviewed by a representative ef the Hongkong Telegraph, his report reading as follows: Air. Lurieigh was very courteous
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  • 103 108  -  C. C. A." in Japan Chronicle. Brave Japanese Your Eastern seas Repeat our Western story! In deeds well done. The Rising Sun Revives his sotting glory Armed wi*h the best, from East ami West, Complete, the focman round yon. With Britain’s fleet, all cleat-to-cleat, To keep the
    in Japan Chronicle.  -  103 words
  • 99 108 The Tim<' correspondent atTokio has reported by wiie that t he Japanese newspapers, while applauding the bravery of Stoessel’s defence, are unanimous in condemning what they describe as his unsoldier-like conduct in taking the parole oath ami returning home without his army. 'I he same authority adds that
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  • 376 108 Madras, 24 Jan. —The rats found in the Cassimode fishing village and the Mauritius Emigration Agency have been examined at the King Institute of Preventive Medicine, and have been found to be swarming with plague bacilli. This has led to the Emigration depot being declared plague-infected, and
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  • 216 108 To tub Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —The entries for the Lawn Tennis Tournament of the Penang Giicket Club have closed and the members joining are few compared to those held on previous occasions. The reason for this is nut far to seek. The first
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  • 419 108 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, —I think that the public of Penang and the Malay States cannot but unanimously endorse your valuable suggestion to our postal authorities to make arrangements for local mails per B. I. liners being sorted en route from Negapatam and
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  • 642 108 The Yokohama daily known throughout the earth beneath ami the heavens above as the Japan Herald was put up for sale by public auction the other day but was withdrawn, the price offered being below the limit placed on its value. The bidding started at Yen 10,000 and
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  • 639 109 Mb Holland, Director of the Geological flnrvev India, in a review of mineral production in Burma in his Report for *****903, just published, has the following regarding tin b As regards the prospects of tin-mining in Burma, it may be worth notice that the country in which
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  • 602 109 Ihe Rangoon Advertiser publishes a wire from Madras giving the following information respecting the outbreak of plague in that port Plague is reported to have broken out at a small fishing village near Cassimode, on the northern outskirts of the town of Madras. The village has been
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  • 134 109 German Praise for Japan. {Echo Special.) Berlin, 8 Feb.—The German press, on the anniveisaiy of the outbreak of the war, praises the Japanese for their successes and hints at Russia’s critical position. Dissensions. Everywhere reports are current of disunion amongst the Russian chief commanders» General Gripenberg. 4 (Supplied
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  • 52 109 Gapon in London. 4 (Echo Special.) London, 8 Feb. (6.15 p.)—The reports of the arrest of Father Gapon, who took a leading part in the revolt in St. Petersburg, are false. lam assured by a Russian revolutionary that Gapon arrived in London to-day and is keeping his whereabouts
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  • 329 109 A Satisfactory Explanation. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 8 Feb.—The Rt. Hon. Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles, British Ambassador here, has given a satisfactory explanation regarding the speech made by the Rt. Hon. Arthur H. Lee, Civil Lord of the Admiralty, at Eastleigh. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 8 Feb.—The Rt. Hon.
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  • 51 110 Chinese Ccnimisidoners Due in Penang Echo Special.) Singapore, 9 Feb.—The Imperial Chined I li? n Com miss loners Tong Shao Yi and Leong Si Ye, who are proceeding to India to confer with Lord Curzon upon the Tibet question, are passengers by the indo-China liner Suisang, due in Penang
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  • 146 110 Births. On Ith January, at Poking, the wife of R de Luc t, of a son. On 15th January, at Chofoo, the wife of Vyvyan R. Eckford, of a son. On Ist Feb., at lhe Central Police Station, Singapore. the wife of R. .J. Kirke, Straits Settlements Police,
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  • 132 110 Pen \no. 9th February. fßy roUTi"»t! or //«c Chart enoi Haul: London Demand Bank l /ll* f months’sight Bank ...1 llj 3 Credit 3 Document", rv 2 Caimi:tn. D iimmi Bunk Rs. i 46.4 3 da’.C sight Private I4B| Bombay. Demand Bank ]J 6 F 3 day s' sight
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  • 193 110 Bersawah Gold Mine Co., Ld. 10. sates Ranh A ust laiian Gobi ?.lining Co.. Ld 4 uom. Redjang Iciiong Gold Mining Co., Ld 5 230 notn. Kaduna Gohl 3liningCo,,lJ 3. (fully paid) I l —uem. Bruseh Tin Mining Co., Ld. 2— sales Karangan 'I in M»ning(’o. 9. sellers Kinta
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  • 175 110 I’m... 76.80 Business done Gold leaf 79| B. Pepper (W. Coast 31bs.5<>z.)? 24.— sales White Pepper 38— sellers Trang Pepper, business S 25.50 sales Cloves (picked) 8 37.—sellers M.'-we 85 sellers Mace Pickings 72.— sellers Nutmegs 110 s 41,— sellers No. 1 6.10 nom Sugar 2 no stock. Baske-
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  • 96 110 Deaths. On 28th Dec., at Folkestone, Captain John llejidersoji-Smith, R. N. R., late Commander of IL M. S. Worcester, Thames Nautical College, aged 78 years. On 11th January, at Yokohama, H. Moss, aged 69 years. On loth January, at Shanghai. Wilhelm Disch. German Post Inspector, aged 31- years. On the
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  • Page 110 Advertisements
    • 463 110 They Cure biliousness Through the Biood. Dr. Williams Pink Pilis make Sluggish Livers Active and Weak Digestions Strong. Proof from Kuala Lumpur. It is because they make good, strong blood at every dose, ami healthy blood gives renewed vigour and strength to the whole digestive apparatus, that Dr. Williams’ Pink
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