The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 3 February 1905

Total Pages: 22
75 96 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 924 75 (Friday, 27 Jan.} In the trend of current exciting events in the Russian empire—much of which is not at all surprising, taking into account the proverbial weakness of the head of the House of Romanoff—it may safely be regarded as an established fact that the whole truth
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  • 1253 75 Views of Leading British Nava! Experts. Interesting and Important Statements. (From Our Own Correspondent.} London, 2 Jan.—The Central News says the Government has been officially informed of the surrender of Port Arthur. The news was immediately telegraphed to the King. Admiral Sir E. R. Fremantle
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  • Page 75 Advertisements
    • 87 75 TH© jESoSolo. jf 4 m < I LiAP u r~' jnstice satiHflfts everybody, and jnetice alone.— Established June Ist, 1903. rnblishod daily (except Snndaye.) at th» CRITERION PRESS, L<l., No. 226-282, Bea*']) Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY, LOCAL $?4 per annum OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra MAIL EDITION (Post Free) S's CABLE ADDRESS:
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  • 2711 76 Penang January 1905 Meeting. SECOND DAY, THURSDAY, 26th JAN. Last Thursday’s racing was remarkable m many respects, but the outstanding features were perhaps the closeness of t he finishes ami thesurprisingfactthatthemajority ot spoi.> lost at the totalizator what they had gained on the previ >us Tuesday—and standing
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  • 282 77 The report for 1904 stales —The statements of account shew a credit balance on the Working Account of $8,780.52. The Committee suggest that 10 per cent of the Debentures shall be redeemed, which will absorb $6,000. The following Committee was elected at the last general meeting —Mr.
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  • 1863 78 The Expropriation Scheme. Principal Provisions in Bill. Appended are the principal sections of the Ordinance to provide for the acquisition by the Government of the Straits Settlements of the Tanjong Pa gar Dock Company, Limited, and the management of the same, which was read a first time
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  • Russian Revolt.
    • 233 79 Repressive Measures. (Supplied by Reuter.) Tnndon 26 Jan.—The Tsar has issued a rlpcree conferring upon Mons. Trepoff, the U ewk-created Governor-General of St. Petersburg, the most drastic poweis of administration and transferring to him the rights of the Minister of the Interior over the local authorities of the
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    • 103 79 More Strikes. London, 26 Jan.—Strikes have been declared in Smolensk, a government of Middle Russia; Saratov, a government of South-east Russia; Reval, a fortified seaport on the Baltic; Riga, a seaport on the Gulf of Riga; and Kerch, a district town m the Crimea. More Strikers and Demonstrations.
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    • 24 79 More Butchery. dav a° n A 26 Jan Afc Moscow, on TuesCossacks fired on three thousand 8 rators, many of whom were wounded.
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  • 96 79 Alleged Anglo-Japanese Intrigue. Moscow 011 A 7 Jan :~Q uietu ess prevails in Governor of+hJ° C matlOn issued by the Protection th Clty P roinlses tlie fullest Moscow noho m f n reinainitl S at v '°rk. The that the X J )aVe P sted notices alleging
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  • 1000 79 (Saturday, 28 Jan.) That substantial benefits are invariably derivable from well-conducted literary and debating societies is generally admitted, and if such be the case in respect of those which exist in Western States, where debates are carried on in the mother-tongue of most if not all of their
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  • 2882 80 Annual Distribution of Prizes. Last Friday afternoon St. Xaviei s Institution was en fete, the occasion being the annual distribution of prizes, Ihe function commenced at 3-39 pan., and the guests and parents of the boys were conducted to the 4th Standard Class Room which had been tastefully
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  • 689 81 A Graceful Tribute to the Press. A general meeting was held on Tuesday, the 24th January,; at No. 5, Weld Quay, when the following members were present: Hon. J. Turner (President), Messrs T. Boyd (Vice-President), L. es Chasseriau, E. es Chasseriau, Joseph Moir, F. O. Hallifax,
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  • 249 81 The Race Bail. The Penang Club was the scene of revelry last Friday night on the occasion of the Race Ball. The fine hall was tastefully decorated, by the übiquitous Sergt. Wells, with greenery and bunting, the British and Japanese flags being particularly conspicuous. The floor was in
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  • 1517 82 Ordinary Melting The ordinary Lift nightly meeting of the Municipal Commission of Geoige Town was held in the Municipal Chambers last Friday afternoon. Mr. J. Hallifax, 1 resident, presided and there were also present Mr. L. H. Clavton, and Mr. Lirn Eu Toh; with Dr. G. W. Park
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  • 221 82 Progress Report. Since the date of last report very little progress has been made, due partly to the incidence of the Taipusuni festival. Sixty-seven men were at work last Saturday morning principally on the excavation for the dry stone wall at Pegs 35-36 and at the reservoir.
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  • 51 83 Chinas Neutrality. A Conference Proposed. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27 Jan. —It is announced at Washington that the Hon. John Hay, United States Secretary of State, has suggested to Russia that the questions relating to the alleged violation of Chinese neutrality be submitted to a conference of the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  51 words
  • 174 83 St. Petersburg;, Five Thousand Arrests. (Supplied by Reuter.} London, 27 Jan. —The Daily Chronicle's St. Petersburg correspondent wires that five thousand persons were arrested on Wednesday evening, including a hundred lawyers, who are now on their way to Siberia. Butchery Denounced. The Councils of the Civil Engineering, Polytechnic,
    (Supplied by Reuter.}  -  174 words
  • 195 83 Largest Diamond in the World. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 28 Jan.—The" largest diamond in the world, weighing 3,032 carats, has been found in the Premier Mine in the Transvaal. Swine fever having ceased to exist among pigs in Province Wellesley, the quarantine restrictions have been rescinded. H. E.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  195 words
  • 462 83 The Through Train Service. ——-4 Everything Ready for a Start. PENANG TO KUALA LUMPUR IN 111 HOURS. New Cars, Improved Accommodation, Lavatories in all Compartments. FIRST POSTAL van in MALAYA. (Monday, 30 Jan.) Everything, it is said, is in readiness for the through train service between Penang
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  • 1921 83 An Accomplished Fact. La&t Sunday evening a large gathering assembled at the Chinese Cycling Club, at the invitation of Mr. Lim Eu Toh, to discuss the advisability of forming a debating society for Penang. Among those present were Mi. Lim Eu Toh, Dr. Gnoh Lean Tuck, Messrs Oh
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  • 2874 84 Penang January 1905 Meeting. THIRD DAY, SATURDAY, 28th JAN. Saturday was about as miserable a dav on which to race as one could have picked out of the whole 365 of the year. About ten o’clock it commenced to rain steadily, and the downpour kept up all
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  • 423 86 Manchuria. Fighting on the Hunho. RUSSIANS RETREAT. (Echo Special.) Tok io, 30 Jan.—A despatch received from Field Marshal Oyama repoits that the Russians on the right bank of the Hunho have been displaying activity since the 25th instant and have advanced with at least one army corps from
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  • 71 86 Arrival in Singapore. (Echo Special.) Singapore. 30 Jan. —General Stossel arrived here by the French mail Australien and was met on landing by the Russian Consul-General, Mons. Rudanovsky. He proceeded to the Raffles Hotel, where he is tiffining with M. Rudanovsky and other Russians. He onlv speaks Russian
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  • 192 86 Moscow The Anti-British Notices (N-upphed by Reuter.) London, 28 Jan. —It is stated that the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Ilardinge, British Ambassador at St. Petersburg, has made a fresh and stronger protest against the notices posted in Moscow ascribing the revolutionary movement to Anglo-Japanese intrigue. The Chief of
    (N-upphed by Reuter.)  -  192 words
  • 147 86 Selangor Chinese Literary and Debating Society I (Echo Special.) Kuala Lumpur, 30 Jan.—A n animated discussion took place at the Selangor Chinese Literary and Debating Society’s meeting last evening, the motion being That, in the opinion of this House, the recent introduction of A and B carriages
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  • 21 87 u. s. Consul Resigns. {Echo Special.) Singapore, 30 Jan.—Mr. OG. Williams, the United States Consul-General here, is resigning his post.
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  • 416 87 Daring Burglary. {Echo Special.) Kuala Lumpur, 30 Jan.—The house of Mr. Swee Guatt, in Klyne Street, was entered by armed burglars yesterday evening who bound the inmates and took away jewellery to the value of over two thousand dollars. Eight persons have been arrested in connection with the
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  • 1084 87 {Tuesday, 31 Jan.) His Ex. Tong Shao Yi, China special Imperial High Comand missioner to Lhassa, arrived Tibet. from Shanghai at Hongkong on the 17th inst. He called upon His Ex. Sir Matthew Nathan with whom he remained for a short time. He proceeds direct to Calcutta, where,
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  • 874 88 In Civil Jurisdiction. (IL'fore Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice.) Action for Alleged Wrongful Dismissal. Healing was commenced on Monday afternoon in an action brought against Messrs Helm, Mever, Co. by Lean Nym Hin, formerly in their employment as general clerk, for $B5, lieing one month’s salary in lieu
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  • 332 88 New Arrangements. It is notified that from to-morrow, Ist February. mails for the undermentioned places will close as follows: Tai ping, Kuala Kubu, Kaub, Kuala Lumpur, Serembau and Malacca, 6 a.m. daily. Frye, 7-30 a.m., 11 a.m., 2-45 p.m., and 4-45 p.m. on week days. Bukit Tambun,
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  • 1388 88 Mrs. Birch wore a stylish black crepe de chene, with white lace, and a white hat trimmed with chiffon, black lace, and a large white feather. Mrs. Adamson had a dainty white silk, trimmed with white insertion and a toque of white net, ribbon, and flowers.
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  • 490 89 Brilliant Prospects for 1905. Greatly Increased Consumption. ROOM FOR THOUSANDS OF TONS FROM THE STRAITS.” Messrs S. Figgis and Co., in their Annual Review, recently issued, state: —We had another year of activity, and rapid fluctuations in price. The increased consumption for motor and other tyres, referred to in
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  • 695 89 Prize List. Following is the annual prize list of St. Xaviei s Institution, which was unavoidably crowded out of our issues of Saturday and Monday:— Special Prizes. Scholarships, and Medals. “Centenary or Koh Seang Tat Scholarship,” K. Oo Kek. Tliye Scholarship,” J. R. Aeria. 3rd Government Scholarship,” J.
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  • 361 90 Perak Subscriptions. The following further subscriptions are acknowledged with thanks Brought for- Fook Loong 5 ward 51,278 Cheong Wall 5 Nutter Pearse 25 Koong Yoon 3 Cheong AOn 10 Kong Loy Chan 3 WooiThean Thong 10 Wah Yik Chan 3 The following receiv- Ban
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  • 193 90 Brcadless Warsaw (Supplied by Feuter.) London, 30 Jan.—There are a hundred thousand men on strike both at Warsaw and Lodz, in Russian Poland. The newspapers have ceased publication and the bakeries are shut. Warsaw is almost bread less. More Bloodshed. Serious riots occurred in Warsaw on Saturday, many
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  • 287 90 1 The Strike. London, 30 Jan.—The strikers at Libau, the Russian Baltic arsenal and seaport, have destroyed the telegraph poles and attempted to raid the bakeries, but were dispersed by t he troops, who were reinforced. The Anti-British Placards. London, 31 Jan.—The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Hardinge, British Ambassador
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  • 1755 90 Wednesday, 1 Feb.) As briefly reported in our columns two or three days ago, an important case, which has been exciting no little interest in business circles for some weeks past, lias at last been concluded in the First Police Court. Ku Liang Cheng and Chin Kuang
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  • 654 91 The First Express Train. Our Special Commissioner s Report. On Wednesday it was our pleasing duty chronicle the fact that another step in advance—and one calculated to greatly benefit the general public—has been taken in Malaya. At 7-46 that morning the first Express train that ever whizzed
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  • 1288 92 (Malay Mail, 27 Jan.) By the courtesy of Mr. G. C forties, m.i.m.e., the Locomotive Superintendent of the Federated Abd iy States Railways, we are enabled to give our readers an insight into the work of his department, which for the present is being carried on under
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  • 98 92 On Monday night last, while four Cliinese were returning in a sampan to Penang from PuloKraaml had reached Kuala. Juru, another sampan with tiveChinesecame alongside and, after assaulting them, carried away cash and jewellery valued at S4OO. The matter was reported to the authorities here on
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  • 152 92 A Find at Malacca. The Straits Times learns from a trustworthy source that there is a certainty of tin being found in the district of Malacca, and along a good road. It is a fact that tin was exported from that port about half a century ago, and it
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  • 189 92 Calcutta, 24 Jan. —The investigations of Mr. Gourlay, who is on special duty in connection with the starting of agricultural banks in Bengal, are producing encouraging evidence of the feasibility of working this class of institution. He Las inspected a large number of banks started by Mr. Lyon,
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  • 149 92 Mariners are notified that the Russian torpedo-boat destroyer Rastoropniy has l>een sunk in Cliefoo harbour in 16 feet at low water springs. The masts and tops of the funnels are visible above water. A basket has been placed on top of the mast and a red light
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  • 372 93 4 Manchuria. The Hunho Battle. {Echo Special.) Tokio, 1 Feb.--Field Marshal Oyama reports, under date of 31st ultimo, that the number of Russian corpses found on the battlefield in the vicinities of Litajenton. Chinchiepao and Heikotai since 25th ultimo is not less than twelve hundred. Kuropatkin's Position Critical.
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  • 618 93 ('1 h u rsday, 2 Fib.) IhiE harm done bv the U,lts almost universal credit or chit system in Shanghai and othei eastern ports, has been often animadverted on, and in these days when bank notes of all denominations and fractional currency are so plentiful, and one is
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  • 490 93 Increase in Price of Rubber Goods. In consequence of the advance in the price of raw India rubber (there was a rise uf (id. in fine Para during Nov.) the Indiarubber Manufacturers' Association announce that, as from December 6th the prices of all manufactured rubber goods have been advanced
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  • 161 93 Obituary. .Mr, Justice Lawrence C. Jackson, K. C. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 1 Feb. —The death is announced of Mr. Justice Lawrence Colville Jackson, K.C., lately hidicial Commissioner of the Federated Malay States. [Mr. Justice Jackson was the sou of Sir Charles R. M. Jackson. some time Judge of the
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  • 1627 94 Borneo's Beck Case. Mr. Robertson s Testimony. THE BORNEO HERALDS EDITOR CALLED OUT. We have mm n pleasure in publishing the following whoHy unsolicited and, we may add, quite iiD' X ,rf*cted letter i < <>m Mr. J. C. Robertson of Rudat, British North Borneo, which reached
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  • 393 94 In Civil Jurisdiction. (Before Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice.) T. J. Lesslar vs J. L. Woodford. This was a case in which T. J. Lesslar, at present bailiff in the Municipality, sued the defendant, J. L. Woodford, claiming $l,OOO damages for wrongful dismissal from his service when employed
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  • 712 95 Municipal Progress. Wednesday night saw another step forward in the progress of Penang’s Municipality, the abattoirs and Pig Market being lighted by electricity for t he first time. In both establishments the installation has been put io by Messrs Howarili Erskine, Ltd., and consists, in the Abattoirs,
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  • 244 95 Annual General Meeting. Ihe annual general meeting of the Malaya Branch of the British Medical Association was held in Penang for the first time on Monday evening. In addition to the local medical men, Dr. Finlayson and Capt. Sheehan were present from Singapore, and Drs. Connolly, Watson,
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  • 453 95 To the Editor ok the Straits Echo. Sir, —In order to show that Dr. Boomgardt, Asst. Registrar of Deaths, was in no way to blame re a. letter entitled “Another Burial Scandal that appeared in your paper on the 25th inst„ ami also to prove how people exaggerate
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  • 549 95 Tu the Editor of the Siraiis Echo. Dear Sir,—With regard to my letter of the 24th instant, it has since come to mv knowledge that a slight correction is necessary. I wrote In the meantime, messengers were sent to Pulau likus Station a,nd Carnarvon Street Station and
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  • THE WAR.
    • 104 96 Further Fighting (E< ho Special.) Tokio, 1 Feb.—Field Marshal Oyama reports that the Russians bombarded the Japanese light and centre on the 30th ulto., while small detachments attacked from various directions. All the attacks were impulsed by the Japanese outposts. The Russians on the i ipanese left opened a
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    • 68 96 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 1 Feb.- The Tokio corresponded <»f the Daily Telegraph wires that the casualties sustained by the Russians in tJic lighting Ixjtween the 25th and 29th iiltinios an? now estimated at from 30,000 to 12.01)0, while those of the Japanese are estimated at
      (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  68 words
  • Russian Revolt.
    • 50 96 (Echo Special.) Berlin, 1 Feb.—General Prince Sviat-opolk-Mirski, the Russian Minister of the Interior, has been dismissed, it being alleged that the dismissal is in consequence of his ill health. (Supplied by Reuter.) London. 1 Feb.-General Prince Sviat-opolk-M irski, the Minister of the Interior, has finally resigned his post.
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    • 44 96 (Echo Special.) Berlin, 1 Fob.—Despite the riots at Warsaw and Lodz a general Polish insurrection is not anticipated. This belief is based on the attitude of the nubles and citizens and the refusal of the English and French Philopoles to countenance a rising.
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    • 165 96 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 1 Feb.—The St. Petersburg police yesterday surprised a meetin" of strikers assembled in a tavern and fired upon them, wounding four and killing a little girl. Casualty Lists. A supplementary official statement has lieen issued to the effect that 96 were killed in St.
      (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  165 words
  • 76 96 A Clerks’ Strike. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 2 Feb.—The clerks employed by the Vacuum Oil Company here have struck work, because one of their number, named Olivero, has been superseded by a European. A summons has been issued in the matter. Other Strikes. Summonses have also been issued against thirty-three
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  • 88 96 Births. On Ist January, at 17 Yamamoto-dori, Kobe, the wife of R. H. Clark, of a daughter. On 12th January, at Foochow, the wife of Alexander Michie, I. M. Customs, of a daughter. Marriages. On lUh January, at Hongkong, W. Reid Boyd, to Annie Alison Robertson, of Nairn,
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  • 113 96 Penang,2nd February. Hiy courtesy of the Chartered. Hank.) London Demand Bank ...1/1U 4 months’sight Bank |...Lll‘g 3 Credit ...1/11 3 Documentary 2 Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. |45" 3 days’ sight Private Bombay. Demand Bank 145-*- 3 days'sight Private 117 3 Madras, Demand Bank’ 145* 3 days’ sight Private 147|
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  • 196 96 Bersawah Gold Mine Co.. Ld. 3 13.— sales Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld 4.— nont.‘. Redjang Lebong Gold Mining Co., Ld 3 20()n0,n. KadanaGold Mini ng Co,, Ltd. (fully paid) 3 10.— now. Bruseh 'Tin Mining Co., Ld. 2.— sales Karan gan Tin Mining Co. 9. sellers Kinta
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  • 181 96 Pin... 3 77.— buyers Gold leaf 3 79j B. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.)3 24.— sales White Pepper 3 38—seZ/m Trang Pepper, business 3 25| sellers Cloves (picked) 8 41] sales 85— sellers XI 1 Nutmegs 110 s 41.—seZZera C No. 1 ij.lO fioin 3,1 g«- r m 2 m>
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