The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 25 March 1904

Total Pages: 26
1 24 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 115 Per Annum. Stftgle Copy, 40 cents. Vol. 2. Penang, Friday, 25th March, 1904. No. 12.
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  • 232 1 Births, Marriages, Deaths Leading Articles: Death of the Duke of Cambridge Advance Malaysia Street Traffic France and Siam The War Leaderettes and other Articles Current, Topics:— The Tongkah Scare The United States and the War Russian Diplomacy iifthe Far East Caught Napping Street Traffic Russia's Perils Banzai Japan! Kuropatkin's
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 135 1 TO LET. THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION IS published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States News originally published in the daily issue as well as all important news from various parts of the Far East, including China, Japan,
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  • 491 1 (18 Mar.) It was with the deepest regret that we issued an “extra” this morning containing the news of the death of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, received from our Loudon correspondent last night. From standard works of reference we take the
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  • 1372 1 Forward, forward let us range, Let the great world spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change,— Tennyuon. Sinck the Echo made its bow to the public in June last vast strides have been made in the development of the field of journalism and in other directions
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 82 1 The Straits Echo. m m Wat m jastice satisfies everybody, and justice alone.-. Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903. published daily (except Sundays.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY, LOCAI m p«r mnum (Post Free) 'X MAIL BDITION (Post Free) 15 CAIILH ADDItKSS]: “Echo—Penang.” Telephone
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  • 106 2 The Russian refugees from the Varyag and Koreyetz, sent to Colombo in the Nam Bang, reached there all well on the st,h inst. They were there transferred to the Malaya, specially chartered to convey them to Odessa. Mb. Wong Ah Bah, the cashier of the Batu Gajah Treasury, is to
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  • Current Topics.
    • 193 2 We are in receipt of reliable news from our Tongkali correspondent to the effect that the idiotic “head scare Inis not only been stamped out but* that the probable author of the canard has been laid by the heels and is now awaiting well merited punishment.. 11.
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    • 197 2 It is obvious from latest American exchanges that the sentiment of the masses in the States is increasingly in favour of the Japanese, and Russian diplomatic deceits and misrepresentations of American feeling and policy are deeply resented. The Novoye Vremya’s views are now treated
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    • 406 2 A veit y wed-in-formed correspondent of The Times exposes Russian diplomacy in the Far East. He states that to those who have had an opportunity during the last ten years of watching Russian diplomacy in the Far East on the spot, there is something
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  • 376 2 A Well-Known Figure Passes AW4Y. It is with much regret that we record the death of Mr. Wooi Lim Seng, which took place at 8.50 this morning at his residence, 24(3 Burmali ltoad. He had been iviflg ill for several days past and his
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  • 153 3 Haro you seen the motor-man. With bid spanner and ins can, In the dust Have vou seen his clothes so grimy And his cuffs that should be shiny Red with rust Have you heard his hooter toot, Have you had to do a scoot, From his path Have
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  • 301 3 The Pioneer announces that BrigadierGeneral J. Leach, Colonel on the Staff, Royal Artillery, Bengal Command, proceeds Home to take up the command of the Royal Artillery of the Ist Army Corps. A public meeting is advertised to be held at the Chinese Town Hall to-morrow, at 2 p.m., to consider
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  • 171 3 (From Our Own Correspondents.) Chefoo, 17 Mar.—The United States cruiser Cincinnati has arrived here and reports that a Russian advance guard of three hundred men met a Japanese advance guard of two hundred. A desperate figlit took place and the Japanese force was annihilated, Mukden, 16 Mar.—lt is
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  • The Straits Echo (Special Service.)
    • 137 3 (Supplied bp Reuter.) The Duke of Cambridge. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, 17th March, 11 a.m. 11 is Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge is dead. (Supplied bp Reuter.) London, 18 March.—His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge is dead. [Despatched from Bombay at 8.8] Tributes of Respect.
      (Supplied bp Reuter.)  -  137 words
    • 1161 3 (19 Mar.) Theie an old lady of Harrow, She weni to Church in a barrow, She stuck in the able And said, with a sL.ilc, They build these ’ero Churches too narrow’.” Had the old Harrovian lady immortalised in the nursery rhyme, whose progress up the aisle
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  • 297 4 The Manchester Guardian has an interesting note on the new Franco-Sian;-ese agreement from its London correspondent, who rightly asserts that this treaty is well worthy of consideration. When Lord Salisbury made his Convention with France in 1890, guaranteeing the possession to Siam of the valley of the
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  • 162 4 Tonokah, 15 March. —The Puket Government office has been closed for six days from 14th to 19th March owing to the Siamese New Year, or “Krat Thaie” in Siamese. Nothing in comparison to the Chinese New Year, when wine and champagne were lavishly drunk and wishes of a
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  • 72 4 On the 16th ult., in the House of Commons, Mr. Weir asked whether, having regard to the fact that coal was available in British North Borneo, the Defence Committee had yet considered the expediency of acquiring some portion of the Chartered Company's territory with a view to the establishment of
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  • 275 4 The Agitation Promptly Snpp reisel Secret Society Men Scattered Chafe before the Wind Un High Commissioner Vigorous,.. Hunting down M.sch,ef. M o Soim BAGS A BOSS AGITATOR AND HOLDS IN GAOL. I (From Our Own Correspondent) Tongk ah, 15th March-In the couns», the recent investigation made by
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  • 242 4 Lieut-General Sir lan Hamilton, who lias just reached Tokio, is armed with a letter to the Tsar asking that he may be 1 allowed to see as much of the operations as possible. Russia is, however, placing all possible difficulties in the way of foreign military attaches. A public meeting
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  • 206 5 tj \f S Espcigle is a sloop of 10/0 Counting sii-Wn. and four 8-pdr. t 0 „,1 turning a crew ol IbO men. by Commander E.G. n tnn Every vear a gunboat or sloop at Newcliwang and Tientsin. h h ports are closed by ice, for the
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  • 102 5 (Deli Courant Service.) The Hague (via Batavia), 14 Mar. —The last bombardment of Port Arthur was the most effective of all. The new town suffered considerably. The Russian casualties are 5 killed and 10 wounded, among them 5 officers. Admiral Makaroff attempted to attack the Japanese, but as
    (Deli Courant Service.)  -  102 words
  • 42 5 Good News for Students. (Supplied by Re liter.) London, 18 Mar.—ln connection with the proposed incorporation of the London University and University College, Sir Donald Currie has given one hundred thousand pounds to be used for the furtherance of medical studies.
    (Supplied by Re liter.)  -  42 words
  • 40 5 To be Buried at Kensal Green. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 18 Mar.—The late Duke Umbndge will be buried at ensal Green beside his wife. There Wtw,* 6 a S^ ate mem orial service in Abbey on Tuesday
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  40 words
  • 25 5 London. 19 Mat\—King Edward and the Prince of Y> ales will attend the funeral of the late Duke of Cambridge. O
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  • 62 5 Cairo Judge's Dismissal. (Supplied by Heater). Loudon, 18 Mar.—Earl Percy, Parliamentary Under Secretary for India, in reply to a question in the House of Commons, said that both Lord Cromer and the Judicial Adviser approved of the dismissal of Judge Blairiaux of Cairo and that an appeal had been
    (Supplied by Heater).  -  62 words
  • 47 5 Submarine Run Down. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19 Mar. —It is officially reported that the British submarine Al. was sunk by being run down by a liner off the Nab yesterday. All hands perished, including Lieutenant Loftus C. 0. Mansergh and Sub-Lieutenant John Preston Churchill.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  47 words
  • 38 5 5 The Hague (via Batavia) 16 March.—'Hie revolt of the Herreros in German Southwest Africa has assumed alarming dimensions and the German Government is therefore hurrying forward reinforcements with a view to suppressing the insurrection.
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  • 115 5 Arrival at Gibraltar. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19 March. —The Kaiser William has arrived at Gibraltar. Field-Marshal Sir George White, V. C., Governor and Com-mander-in-Chief, boarded the Koe nig Albert to welcome His Majesty, who landed in a launch between two lines formed by the boats of the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  115 words
  • The Straits Echo (Special Service.)
    • 35 5 Financial Adviser Appointed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, 17 Mar.—Mr. W. J. F. Williamson has been confirmed in the appointment of Financial Adviser to the Ministry of Finance, vice Mr. C. J. Rivett-Carnac, resigned.
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  • 787 5 Vladivostok Besieged. (Cablenews Service.) (El Comer doe Service.) (Cablenews Service.) Tokio, 1 Mar.—Vladivostok is now in a state rof effectual blockade by the Japanese squadron dispatched from Port Arthur for that purpose. So far no engagement has occurred, the Japanese contenting themselves with patrolling the harbour mouth. The
    (Cablenews Service.); (El Comer doe Service.)  -  787 words

  • 54 6 Message to the Mullah (Ceylon Independent Service.) London, 5 Mar.—Reuter wires from Aden that General Egerton has sent a message to the Mullah that tile Government is determined to prosecute operations until he is captured or killed, and that his surrender will not be adapted unless he brings a
    (Ceylon Independent Service.)  -  54 words
  • (21 Mar.) Current Topics.
    • 152 6 The persistence with which Russia is appealing to Heaven and the Powers to observe »he justice of her cause and the *A. a 1. a. m s-w r» i n “revolting” iniquity of her foe is scarcely dignified, to say the least of it. A case which needs
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    • 218 6 It would appear that even in the Sister Settlement traffic regulations are either wanting or are not properly enforced, for, writing to the Straits Times, “Trap sa\ s: —“lt is quite a common occurrence in Singapore to hear of rikisha accidents, and it is a wonder to me
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    • 321 6 A well-informed writer in the Birmingham Gazette and Express avers that there is within Russia her- self an almost universal longing for defeat at the hands of some foreign foe. Oue of the acutest observers of national life in modern Russia says that this ominous aspiration may be
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  • 780 6 Hiii Lee’s Godown Suffers Damage. A Midnight Conflagration WHICH MIGHT HAVE CAUSED MUCH HAVOC. Following the recent big conflagration which destroyed the whole block of buildiugs in Beach Street lietween Church and Bishop Streets, another tire occurred late last night, in the godown occupied by Messrs
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  • 147 7 The funeral of the late Mr. Wooi Lim 1 Seng, formerly secretary of the Perak Opium Farm, took place this morning, at Mount Lrslune cemetery. There was a large attendance of Chinese, including a number of e deceaseds Perak friends, and several Europeans,
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  • 80 7 of sliansWd C tf ?dan f Hydraulic Tin !»i to consider property f or fi easm g °f the Company’s »°me discussi ears 11 Was decided after 1 year’s^ T tha lf arrangements for a itet ad 5 in»* to ha VP ,I'°'”'' a ree t 0 it, the to
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  • 475 7 Tribute From the Penang Chinese. A public meeting was called for two o clock on Saturday afternoon in the Chinese Town Hall for t lie purpose of determining upon some form of tribute to the good service of the llon. C. W. Snevd Kynuerslev, Resident,
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  • 156 7 w L. Chill Carries off the Honours in the Championship.. Yesterday brought a conclusion to the fourth Annual Rifle Meeting of the Penang Volunteers. The Championship Challenge Cup aud the Zobel Prize were competed for, oil the following conditions Open to 12 highest aggregates in
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  • 407 7 Times. .—Pall Mall Gazette. Express. A New York telegram of 2nd Feb. to the Sanfrancisco Examiner says:—The cotton market went to pieces this afternoon. When traders were at the craziest pitch of their lives Daniel Sully announced that he was through with the game; that he needed
    —Times.; .—Pall Mall Gazette.; ,—Express.  -  407 words
  • 122 7 Admiral of the Fleet the Hon. Sir Henrv Keppel, o. c. b., who died on Jan. 17, aged 94, bequeathed to his housekeeper, Mrs. E. Fox, <£6o; to his daughter, Maria Walpole, wife of Captain F. T. Hamilton, r. n., his shares in the Direct United States Cable Company; and
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  • 760 8 Straits Times 10th March.) A meeting of the Council was held on Friday last, 18th instant. His Excelleucy the Officer Administering the Government presided, and there were also present the Hons, the Acting Colonial Secretary, the Attorney-General, the Colonial Treasurer, the Auditor-General, the Acting Colonial Engineer, and the
    ( Straits Times, 10th March.)  -  760 words
  • 264 8 Fink Batting by Zkhnder and Sharp. A practice game of cricket wss played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon, between sides captained by Messrs Sproule and Talma. The features of the game were the splendid displays with the bat by Messrs Sharp and Zehnder, both players topping the
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  • 34 8 Mr. E. S. Hose, from theF.M.S. Service, is appointed to act as Deputy Public Prosecutor, Singapore, and Mr. *P. J. Sproule, Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court, Penang! will continue to act as Assistant Registrar Penang.
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  • 100 8 Times New Light Sumatra E* Bt Cout The white fixed light candescent light) at Edi hw on tta June, 1903, been replaced bv a f tb 5 th fl or ler %ht show, v,,-y short flashes e.erv 10 second, S’ liL'ht is 20 metres above high water
    Times  -  100 words
  • 189 8 A new paper is about to be started 5* Shanghai, called the Shanghai Truth.”-Ej“ Farewell now to Shanghai bunders, Bid adieu to startling news; Solier fact, instead of wonders, Shall this modern press diffuse. Let us rise and sing in gladness That the canard’s radiant youth Has
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  • 233 8 The official title of the Society suppressed by Government recently is stated to be Kwoug Heng Thong or Pork sellers’ Guild" and not “Porkbutchers’ Guild,” Penang. Mr. E. S. A. Cohen, residing at Passu: Paujang, Singapore, has been granted the exclusive privilege of an invention for improvements relating to insulating
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  • 170 9 (frow Our Own Correspondents.) Shanghai. 10 Mar. (6.22 p.)Russiau infantry, dragoons and a.fillery ha v occupied An well wang. 'fhey have also occupied the railMV station at Newchwang. but are Ilot interfering with the Chinese train service. The Russian gunboat Sivootch is B till in her w ,,tx
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  • 454 9 {Deli Courant Service.) The Hague (via Batavia) 17 —Three Norwegian steamers which have been detained at Port Arthur for six weeks have arrived at Shanghai. Members of the crews of these vessels have pointed out that ninety per cent, of the news emanating front English sources is exaggerated.
    {Deli Courant Service.)  -  454 words
  • 33 9 Land Act Stock Issued. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20 Mar.—The Government has issued five millions sterling worth of 2J per cent, stock for carrying out the provisions of the Irish Land Act.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  33 words
  • 73 9 Deplores Anti-Clericalism in France. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 10 Mar. —His Holiness the Pope, in his speech to the ''members of the Sacred College, deplored the vigorous anti-clerical measures taken in France, which he stigmatized as contrary to the idea of liberty, the rights of the Roman Catholic
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  73 words
  • 94 9 The Sully Failure. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19 Mar. —'The failure of Daniel Sully, the “cotton king,” lias caused a panic on the Cotton Exchange, prices dropping three hundred points, and has also smashed the wheat market and depressed stocks. Sully’s liabilities are estimated at two midions. London, 20
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  94 words
  • 27 9 Baron Suyematsu in London. {Supplied by Reuter.) Baron Suyematsu, now in England on a political mission, interviewed Lord Latisdowne, the Foreign Minister, yesterday 7
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 32 9 International Championship. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20 Mar.—ln the Rugby football match between England and Scotland, the Scots proved victorious. gaining six points to England’s three and thus winning the Championship.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  32 words
  • The Straits Echo (Special Service.)
    • 59 9 Appointed to Arrange for Chinese Labourers for the Transvaal. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, 19 Mar. (4 25 p.) The Free Press publishes a statement to the effect that the Imperial Government has specially empowered .sir Frank Swettenham to make all arrangements requisite with a view to the
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    • 196 9 Mr. A Chamberlain’s Reply. {Ceylon Independent Service.) London, 5 Mar.—Mr. Austen Chamberlain, in his reply to the India and Ceylon Tea Associations, says that, owing to the present state of the finances, there is no prospect of a remission of taxation in the coming year. He
      {Ceylon Independent Service.)  -  196 words
    • 35 10 Ceylon Independent Service.) London, 2 Mar.—Mr. Austen Chamberlain, receiving a deputation of Licensed Victuallers, said lie could hold out no hope of a remission of the war taxes this year.
      (Ceylon Independent Service.)  -  35 words
    • 35 10 (Ceylon Independent Service.) London, 4 Mar. —The Hon. Charley Hardinge has been appointed Ambassador »c St. Petersburg. Sir John Eldon Gorst succeeds him as Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs.
      (Ceylon Independent Service.)  -  35 words
    • 54 10 (Ceylcm Independent Service.) London, 4 Mar.—The Tibetan Mission to St. Petersburg, which was expected in February, has been informed by Russia that a later date will be more The Mission, therefore, will probably reach St. Petersburg at the end of May, bringing presents for the
      (Ceylcm Independent Service.)  -  54 words
    • 75 10 War Duty on Tea Condemned. Ceylon Independent Service.) London, 3 Mar. —Sir West Ridgeway delivered his address on “Ceylon” before a full audience at the London Chamber of Commerce. He dealt mainly with economic questions, trade, products, taxation, and public works. He urged a Royal Commission for
      (Ceylon Independent Service.)  -  75 words
    • 77 10 (Ceylon Independent Service.) London, 7 Mar.—Elections for the London County Council have attracted particular attention because the new Council assumes the control over education. There has been throughout a strenuous tight between the Church and NonConformists, the former supporting the Moderates and the latter the Progres-
      (Ceylon Independent Service.)  -  77 words
    • 25 10 Ceylon Independent Service.) London, t Mar.— General Bruce Hamilton has been appointed to command the Second Division of the iiist Army Corps.
      (Ceylon Independent Service.)  -  25 words
    • 27 10 (Shanghai Times Service.) Peking, t March. —Senor Blanco, 'Hie Portuguese Minister to Peking, has concluded the agreement regarding the railway between Macao and Canton.
      (Shanghai Times Service.)  -  27 words
    • 53 10 Mercier Implicated in Further Forgeries. Cey'on Independent Service.) London, 5 Mar. —The Court of Cassation has granted the demand <M Dreyfus for a revision and ordered tire necessary proceeding. The enquiry has revealed further forgeries on the part of Mercier, Gonse and others; but the French public
      (Cey'on Independent Service.)  -  53 words
    • 277 10 Jeffries v. Munroe. Cab'enews Service.) New York, 1 March. —Jim Jeffries has signed articles to fight Jack Munroe in San Francisco in May for 825,000 a side, for the heavyweight championship of the world. [Jim Jeffries will hardly lose to Munroe. Jeffries, the champion of t lie heavyweight. fistic
      (Cab'enews Service.)  -  277 words

  • 70 10 The output of tin ore of the Sipiao Tin Co. s mine tor the month of February was about 36 piculs, of which 27 piculs were sold for ;>1182.08. The reason for the low output is stated to he due to the monitors having cut into a run of very
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  • (22 Mar.) Current Topics.
    • 152 10 Banzai Japan A VERY interesting revL*. lb- curs., of the War *5 KhmpeM of f|,e ev “'-I by the i„f o rm ti m our sneehil 1011 containeJ in our special wires 'J' 11 a !T?>- tUe Echo v\o arc indebted tor it to a ~Jl man who is specially
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    • 175 10 There’s nothing like being definite about tilings and hence it is most kind of General Kuropatkin to have told the world that he didn’t intend to begin to fight till May and would then polish off Japan in a couple of months. It will save the newspapers heaps
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    • 215 10 To-day the Racing Season on the Flat begins in “inerrie, urerrie England” and 1 ICy lII* A I **3 the thoughts of tens ot' thousand* sportsmen were concentrated on the Lincolnshire, the result of which we should get by wire tonight. Although purely iocnl interest in the Lincolnshire
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    • 213 11 Who is Bought The Rangoon Times publishes a telegram, dated Allahabad lltli March, reading as follows .1A «necial calila from the Pioneer’s corro,'A a ted London 10th March, says there fPT L'st authority for slating- that an iw1S A lt American news agency has been secured interest, whicl/explains, the or“nisei
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    • 434 11 The Co.ombo Observer (7 March) draws .attention to the fact that it is n-t very many months since attention has been drawn at more than one Eastern British port, Colombo included, to the absurd and almost mediaeval system of doing nearly all local Government business through those expensive
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  • 805 11 (Before the Hon. A. F. G. Law, Puisne Judge) Ooi Chee Chuah v. Ox a Hun Teng and Others. His Lordship the Puisne Judge yesterday delivered judgment in this case which had been heard by him on the 12th and 13th nst. The main question involved was as
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  • 121 11 Charles Rodyk, Conveyencer of Penang, appeared on remand before Mr. Herefqrd this morning charged with fraudulently ana dishonestly using as genuine a forged document, a cheque for £3,050, apparently drawn by O Lian Fee, payable toCheali Kim Soon, l'lie case was before the Court days iigo and
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  • 198 11 The annual report on this Fund for the past year shows the amount at credit on 31st Dec. was £424,671, and the number of contributors 494. Niue contributors dieel during the year. An important decision, concerning the future of the Fund, was come to
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  • 264 12 The New Club House. The Butterworth Recreation Club lias now removed to its tine new habitation. Gang Robbery. A gang robbery took place at midnight on the 17th inst. at the hou>e of a Teochew named Tang Ah Bi, in Simpang Ampat, Sungei Kechil, P. W. It is
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  • 338 12 The American cruiser t*.anlrancisco has arrived at Singapore en route Manila. Chinese resident in the United States have cabled to Peking that should China fUin Japan in the war they will undertake to raise a subscription from the Chinese in America and Europe. Mu. Thomas Longley, His Majesty’s heaviest subject,
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  • 462 12 Further Particulars. As reported by wire a few days ago the F <fc O. Jiuer Baliaarat and the river steamer Changon were in collision at V\ oosung on Sunday, 6th inst. We now lea'ii f*om the Shanghai Daily News, of the 7th inst., that the Baliaarat 1*
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  • 772 12 D. Maher, the well-known American jockey, arrived in England from the States on the 28th ult. Mr. George Macartney, the British representative at Kashgar, left Loudon on 25th Feb., for his post. He expects to reach Kashgar in April. Mr. E. A. Ram, partner of the well known Hongkong firm
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  • 332 13 (From Our Own Correspondents.) Toki<> 21 Mar. (0.45 p.)—A wmese Brigade rvhich was landed 2 r I’ort Arthur (probably in Rav on west side of Liaotun" Peninsula —Ed., S.E. opened fire on the evening of the X|, instant on the forts at the rear of the town and
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  • 18 13 Mission to Advance. (Supplied by Reuter.) nea by lleuter.) ar —Orders have the Tibet Mission "«‘vance directly.
    * (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  18 words
  • 38 13 Outbreak at Johannesburg. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 21 Mar.—An outbreak °f plague lias occurred in the coolie lines at Johannesburg and several deaths have resulted. London, 22 Mar.—Thirty deaths from plague have occurred at Johannesburg since Friday.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  38 words
  • 24 13 Ireland v. Wales. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 Mar.—lreland has beaten Wales in the International Association Football Contest by one goal to nil.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  24 words
  • 204 13 The Chinese Labour Problem. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 Mar.—Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, in moving a vote of censure upon tbe Government for not having advised His Majesty to exercise his power of disallowance with regard to the Transvaal Chinese Labour Ordinance, said that the British workmen in the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  204 words
  • 54 13 Deficiency and Inefficiency Revealed. (Ceylon Independent Service.) London, 5 Mar. —In connection with many weeks 5 delay at Toulon in preparing a single warship to go to the Far East, there have also been delays of months in other cases; also in the construction of new battleships
    (Ceylon Independent Service.)  -  54 words
  • 54 13 (Rangoon Times Service.) London, II Mar.—Earl Percy "replying to a question in the House of Commons said the question of the Russian confiscation of contributions of British Armenians in Madras, Calcutta and Bombay for Armenian educational* objects in Russia was one of internal administration with which
    (Rangoon Times Service.)  -  54 words
  • 120 13 (Rangoon Gazette Service.) Allahabad, 16 March.—A shocking incident occurred at Kohima on the evening of 9th instant wherf Mr. Tolly, Subadar-Major of the Naga Hills Police battalion, was murdered by a trumpeter of the corps. He was at dinner with his wife when the murderer stole
    (Rangoon Gazette Service.)  -  120 words
  • 274 13 (Rangoon Times Service.) Calcutta, 16 Mar.—The following news has been received from Sikkim Severe weather has again set in. Two companies of the 23rd Pioneers and 12th Mule Corps were overtaken by a blizzard when escorting a convoy from Pimri to Tuna. They camped in two
    (Rangoon Times Service.)  -  274 words

  • 480 14 (Rangoon Tunes Service.) Pbarijong (Tibet), 7 Mar. —M r. Claude White, Political Officer, Sikkim, has arrived at Chema to interview the General regarding the Nathula route. A further batch of. ekkas have reached Chumbi and will be taken up to Phari by Captain Drake Brockman. Capt. Cook
    (Rangoon Tunes Service.)  -  480 words
  • 1324 14 (S 3 Mar.) Dy a Military Critic. Let ns take it for granted that the news we received yesterday from i’okio is correct, and then glance at the situation. Starting at the most interesting point at present, we begin at Pore Arthur and we have a Japanese liect
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  • Current Topics.
    • 313 15 The list mail brought news that the French cruiser Mar seillaise, which had been reported as having left for the Far East, was at Brest coal- y ing and shipping ammunition. The Petit Var states that the French cruiser D’Assas, which is also at Brest, was ordered
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    • 386 15 I kom time to time the illeffects of jerry building are severely felt :n various Eastern ports, Lust year Bombay was the scene of shocking catastrophes resulting from scamped work, lack of proper supervision, and failure, in ‘the good old days, 5 to cause contractors and architects to
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  • 219 15 Lieut. Radcliffe, r.n., Acting Master Attendant, Straits Settlements, arrived lu re from Singapore by the steam yacht Sea Belle this morning on a visit of inspection. He inspected the light houses at Malacca and the Bindings on the way up. A fiasco was associated with the Bebdale flat race at
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  • 245 15 Lei us i no to Comply with Magistrate’s Order. A peculiar c *se was before Mr. Hereford in the Police Court yesterday, when Wi Cheung, a Chinese property owner, was fine 1 $320 as the result of refusing to comply with a mandatory order issued by Mr.
    245 words
  • 294 15 Many Chinese Mulcted for $25. This morning in the Police Court there were a number of cases before Mr. Hereford, the defendants having been summonsed for letting off crackers during prohibited hours in Beach Street and Prangin Road, during the festivities occasioned by the of Lanterns.
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  • 68 15 Warsaw, the town mentioned to-day in one of our London specials’, is a town in Poland noted for its woolen and clothing manufactories. Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice, arrived here from Singapore yesterday and commenced business in the Supreme Court this inorrriug. There are many cases waiting for trial, and
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  • 506 16 (Singapore Free Press, 19 March.) It will be with pleasure that the public in the Straits will learn that Sir I rank Swettejiham’s services are to be utilised by the Imperial Government in the arranging for the immigration of Chinese labour into the Transvaal. The position of the
    (Singapore Free Press, 19 March.)  -  506 words
  • 123 16 Before the Chief Justice in the Supreme Court this morning, the case of Tungku Hamzali (Mr. Presgrave) vs. Hadji Amin (Mr. Adams) was heard. Court cases between these parties have been proceeding for the last twelve months, the dispute being that the defendant says he deposited in trust with the
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  • 562 16 Yesterday’s Evidence. As briefly reported yesterday, Charles Rodyk, conveyancer, was committed to the Assizes for trial on the charge of using as genuine a forged .cheque, apparently drawn by 0 Lian Fee and payable to Cheali Kim Soon, for 33,050. The case was previously
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  • 62 16 The new pier was illuminated last night by three Kitson lamps, hired by Government from Messrs Huttenbach. The innovation was well appreciated by those having occasion to use the pier. There were the mail s.s. Roon and the Sumatra alongside, and the 1,000 candle power lamps did much to dispel
    62 words
  • 1562 16 The port of Talienwan, close to P Arthur, which the Russians christened Sf nv when they were busy nicking <m ber of imconsidered" trifles’* in v I™*' Asia, is described by Mr. George Lynch tU famous war correspondent, in hi...®’? 8 of Empire as follows Pathil Going out from
    1,562 words

  • 426 17 Catt. Lingard, of the Langkat, has exchanged places with Capt Morier of the Avagyee. 4k Ills Ex. Khaw Sim Bee, High Commissioner of Tongdcah, arrived here by the Cornelia last night and may be here for about a week. .4 Councillor of Slate Bezobrazoff,who was instrumental in having Admiral Alexieff
    426 words
  • 273 17 {From Our Own Correspondents.) London, 22 Mil*. (2.!0p.) —The Birmingham Post states that the British Foreign Office is collecting information regarding the stopping of British steamers in the Mediterranean by Russian warships. The Foreign Office has already commenced a correspondence on the subject with the St. Petersburg Government.
    273 words
  • 30 17 More Deaths at Johannesburg. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 Mar. —Thirty-four deaths from plague are reported from Johannesburg. The disease is announced to be of the pneumonic type.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  30 words
  • 207 17 GDeli Couraut Service.) The Hague (via Batavia) 19 Mar. —Another attack on Port Arthur is momentarily expected, and it is believed that this time the attack will be delivered from the land-side and the sea simultaneously. The whole Japanese squadron will take part in tiie bombardment. The new
    GDeli Couraut Service.)  -  207 words

  • The Straits Echo (Special Service.)
    • 191 18 The Lincolnshire Handicap. From (Jar Own Correspondent.) The Lincolnshire Handicap of 1000 sovs, added to a sweepstakes of 15 sovs lO ft; winners of any handicap after ’January 28, at noon, 5 lbs, of two or one value 200 sovs 71b extra; second to receive ‘5O sovs
      191 words
    • 81 18 Chairman Resigns. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, 23 Mar.—There was an unprecedentedly large attendance at the meeting of the *Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, Limited, held yesterday afternoon. Mr. John Anderson in announcing his resignation of the chairmanship of the Hoard of Directors said that he took
      81 words
    • 52 18 The Singapore Case Concluded. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, 22 Mar.—The breach of promise case, in which Miss Juliet Jansen claimed $l,OOO damages from Mr. Patton, was concluded before Mr. Hyndman Jones, Puisne Judge, to-day. His Honour gave judgment for the defendant with costs. The evidence was
      52 words
    • 64 18 Five Hundred Homeless. 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, 22 Mar.—A big fire is reported from Rian, the whole of one of the islands of the Archipel- ago being burnt out and five hundred persons rendered homeless. Singapore, 23 Mar.—ln the big fire at Riau all the
      64 words
    • 60 18 Singapore, 28 March (8. 10 p.)—At yesterday’s meeting of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. Mr. .lolm Anderson’s amendment was carried by a show of hands. This did not satisfy the supporters of the London Directors who demanded a poll, which when taken showed that Mr. Anderson had
      60 words
    • 48 18 (Rangoon Times Service.) London, 10 Mar.—Earl Percy in the House of Commons said that immediately the general charged with the reorganisation of the Macedonian Gendarmerie leaves Constantinople in order to assume his duties, he will be met at Salonika by ten British officers and eleven non-commissioned officers.
      (Rangoon Times Service.)  -  48 words
    • 54 18 [Rangoon Times Service.) Calcutta, 10 Mar.—The plague mortality during last week was 28.919 or LOGO higher than in the previous week. The chief contributors towards this total were the United Provinces 6,910; Bombay 0,442; Punjab 5,550 and Bengal with 8,805 deaths. Last year during this same period
      [Rangoon Times Service.)  -  54 words
    • 403 18 Tlic Russians and the “Mombast." I Rangoon Times Service Madras, 9 Mar.—The MomW which arrived at Madras to-d y onh way to Calcutta, was on- of the “h-'l'.l up", in th* R,„ Russian cruisers. On tie 2-) a i at 10-30 p.m., when most "of senders had retired,
      I Rangoon Times Service )  -  403 words

  • (24 Mar.) Current Topics.
    • 158 19 Chinese correspondent writes to the Straits Times from Malacca complaining tlit there has been no proper election a Captain-China this year. and asserting that the new Captain-China of Malacca was simply nominated and put in position bv a, powerful Chinese lovvvav who did not bother about any ot the
      158 words
    • 240 19 In giving the decision of The Hague Tribunal on the question of costs in the Venezuelan affair, M. Muravieff, the President, went out of his way to make perfectly extraneous remarks relating to the war in which his country is engaged. What M. Muravieff, who is Russian Minister
      240 words
    • 420 19 The Birmingham Post’s thoughtful remarks on the war are worthy of note. The Editor is of opinion that the struggle nw entered upon in the Far East has ortously close interest for Great n am, inasmuch as we stand pledged y reatv to interfere on
      420 words
    • 414 19 It appears that the organisation referred to in recent telegrams as Hunhuses and Red Beards are hardy Manchurian hillmen, and that they are led by a Mongolian named Tulensan, and that this chief has two lieutenants as during and resourceful us himself. It is stated that
      414 words
  • 442 19 11. M. S. Clio called at Colombo ou 13th inst., and sailed for Sydney on the 17th. Major Horne and Captain Macquoid, of the British Army, are passengers by the Prinz Heinrich to Hongkong from Colombo. The Dutch gunboat Valk (197 tons) touched at Colombo on her way from Amsterdam
    442 words

  • States’ News.
    • 798 20 (From Our Oo:n Correspondent.) Ipoh, 22 March. —The suggestion that appeared in the Echo in the form of a criticism of the road leading from Ipoh station to the town is now being carried into effect, and this work may with justice be credited to your paper, which recorded
      798 words
  • 592 20 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, March 17. we have the celebration of the hroot thai holidays which mark the beginning of the Siamese luna-solar year, and religious ceremonies, tonsure ceremonies, and holidaying have been the order of the loth, 10th, aud lHh insts. among the native populace of all
    592 words
  • The Straits Echo (Special Service.)
    • 182 20 Tuesday’s Sensational Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, 23 Mar-Yesterday meeting ot the Tanjong P agar J! Comonny Ltd., was of a rnostsen sationalcharacter. Mr. JohnAnders°n resigned his position as Chair* man of the Board of Directors and spoke for two hours. He con. demned the
      182 words
  • 287 20 On the 10th inst. a tiger broke loose from its cage in the Victoria Gardens, Bombay. Two of the keepers ran after it with sticks an<l attempted to catch it, whereupon the animal turned on one of the men and bit him on the wrist. The injured man ws treated
    287 words

  • 1730 21 News from Chemulpo. The British store-ship Humber arnni from Chemulpo affr"L and went to the Blue Tunnel iZv suvs the Shanghai Times ot 9th iastant Her officers had an mterestL gtory to tell of events up north which is the more valuable because the date of their departure
    1,730 words

  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 82 22 On 24th February, at Kofye, the wile of W. A., liradley, of a daughter. On 18th March, at Everton, Singapore, the wile of F. W. Webb, of a son. On 12th March, at Woodneuk. the wile of James Campbell Ker, Esq., S.M.J., of Johore, of a daughter. On 2nd
      82 words
    • 102 22 ON Feb. 23rd, at Upper Berkoley-streot, London, Raphael Emanuel, son of Hon. E. R. Belilios. c. M. 0., of Hongkong, to Vera Carlotta Hart. On sth March, at Hongkong, Gertrude Jackson, to Sam Turney Neely, of Paris, Kentucky. U.S.A. On 12th November, at Victoria, 8.C., Alec Stewart Anton, of
      102 words
  • 119 22 Penang, 24th March. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...1/IOjJ, 4 months* sight Bank ...1/11 3 Credit ...1/11* 3 Documentary ...l/11, 3^ Calcutta, Demand Bank Jts. 140^ 3 davs’ sight Private 142 J Bombay, Demand Bank 1401 3 days’ sight Private 142.^ Madras, Demand Bank 140^
    119 words
  • 205 22 Bersa.wu.h Gobi Mine (Jo., Ld. 5 1 .o 0 bteye) < e i Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld —sales Redjaug Lebong Gobi Mining Co., Ld 3225.— n0m Kadana Gold Mining Co„Titd. (fully paid). 10. nom. Bruseh Tin Mining Co., lid. 3 8.25 seller* Cheudariaug Hydraulic d in Mining
    205 words
  • 169 22 Tin 3 80.25 layers Gold leaf 3 82. B. Pepper (W. Coast Bibs.soz.)s ‘27.50 seller White Pepper 3 47 sellers Trang Pepper 30| sellers Cloves (picked) 3 43.— nom. Mace 3125. nom. Mace Pickings 95. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 55 .-r-sellert No. 1 7.?0 Sugar 2 5.20 Basket 3.55
    169 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 98 22 T&iE bi Ifi (Malay Weekly. N ew&} s' A sJjl* AaM The only Malay Pape| in Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States JW U*,. j. 3 y£~jrh y% d l ifj* ']y.& Patronised by tlie Straits Nen Sembilan and I’erak Governments Also by the Sultans of Johor,, Pahang, Langkat, Asahan,
      98 words
  • 87 22 v UUATHS. On ,24th February, at Burlington. Ontario, Canada, the Rev.Tergil Chittenden Hart, d.d., founder and for many years Superintendent of the Central China Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church. At No, 6, Bent Lane, Shanghai, Jose Cyrillo D' Aquino. aged 53 years. On 18th March, at the General Hospital,
    87 words

  • 851 23 Some. Interesting Facts a.ic i Singular Coincide nce. In a few weeks' time, to l»e precise, oil the 16th April by the P. O. Mail. His Excellency Sir John Anderson should arrive, and with the aid of the above photograph, the first published of him in this part
    851 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 196 24 ESTABLISHED 1883. /////?/w// i»xxx*x: PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO." “SIN POE," A “CHAYA PULAU PINANG.” The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and lithographers in the Orient. Our plant is of the very latest pattern and, by consf tantly supplementing our type, we have gained for ourselves a name
      196 words