The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 18 March 1904

Total Pages: 32
1 30 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. ?|5 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 cents. Vol. 2. Penang, Friday, 18th March, 1904. No. 11.
    21 words
  • 269 1 Births, Marriages, Deaths: Leading Articles: The Appointment of a Now Federal Secretary A Good Move France and Siam Leaderettes and other Articles: Current Topics: India and China Tea in Politics ('ommercial Education The Tote War and Trade A Libel on Eurasians Free Ships make Free Goods The Australian Mail
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 193 1 TO LET. -$> «*> •4> -♦,> -»,> «*> «*> -»)> •4> •♦)> •4> ■+)> -»;> -»> 4 0 4 f 4 A 4-V THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION 4 4 i >/ Y 4 4 k k V l I 4 4 S published the day prior to the departure
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  • (11 Mar.) Current Topics.
    • 355 1 The despatch of the Government of India to the Secretary of State on Chamberlain's s-lieine is accompanied by a Minute from the phi of Sir E. Law, the Financial Member of the Indian Council, which institutes a detailed review of Indian foreign trade with the purpose of
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    • 240 1 Ihe hitherto inscrutable re--B;*n why the Chi nese authorities in Thibet- shoul i have been formmly so resol v* d to bar out In ii .n exports is at last explained. All Tibehms dearlv love tea; it is as popular in the II runt- Kingdom as in
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    • 231 1 We leirn from Indian exchanges that arrangements have been completed to hold in Calcutta t lie London Commercial Examination 1 his year in various subjects, from 18th April to Uth May. Candidates desirous of securing English diplomas in shorthand typewriting, book-keepi ll g, commercia 1 correspondence, etc., had
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    • 301 1 The Indian Ficdd says it has received two letters complaining of the stringency of the rules for working the totalisators at the Calcutta Races. Hoth its correspondents had winning tickets; bir, having failed to present them for payment till the day after the races, they lost- their dividends.
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  • 377 1 —Straits Times. A Polling Fiasco. The Straits Times (9th March) gives the following report of a polling fiasco in Singapore which stands out in glaring contrast with ihe polling on the occasion of the recent- election of Dr. Locke in this settlement, when, although the seat
    —Straits Times.  -  377 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 e gtraits Echo. 'St* hnm O C/ in w 1 *6 ■ 'M va S' everybody, and Mat ice »lone.-*m«r*.«. Established June 1 st 1903. Published daily (except Sundays) at thr CRITERION PRESS, 1.d., No. 226-232, Beach St reet, Penang. PIUCE: «I 27 P'.r an im» PAII.T, MWAI. (poet Free)
      93 words

  • 104 2 Tub following is a copy of tin; letter sent to the President, of the Municipality a few days ago by Dr. Locke, recently elected as a member of the Hoard, whi di was laid on the table at the' Municipal meeting this afternoon 1 have
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  • 285 2 The Free Press publishes the principal clauses of the Convention signed on the 13th February by M. Deleisse and the Siamese Minister in Paris. The Couveutiau stipulates:— 1 —The recognition of the lists of all the French proteges who shall l>e henceforth exclusively placed under Freii h
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  • 64 2 We hear that Mr. Ted D Cruz will arrive here on or about the 17ih inst. to take up the new appointment of Superintendent of the Money Order Department, which carries a salary of S2.UK) p<*r annum. Mr. Ted D’Cruz was formerly secoud clerk in the Resident Councillor’s office, and
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  • 267 2 The Objections to the Rates to be Charged. I?eg rding the approaching commencement of the working our Municipal Electrical Department ami the scale of charges for current already decided upon, v>e have made enquiries as to the opinions held as to the new rates, as there appeared
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  • 556 2 Fifteeti transports left Nagasaki during last week, taking 25,000 men of infantry, imd cavalry with small ponies and artillery to North-Corea. All transports hav<-, instead of life-boats, large Japanese sampans at their davits and there were also stored two or three rows of sampans on the upper deck
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  • 163 2 For taking French leave on two occasions, P.C. 369, attached to the Magazine station, was this morning cautioned and fined $lO. It is said to Iw probable that H.M.S. Blenheim will leave Hongkong on or about 28th instant for Singapore to relieve the Eclipse, which may sail for Hongkong about
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  • 40 2 (Ostaiatische Lloyd Service.) ywtjuiuuißcrit; uiuyu Mr. Tittoni, the Italian Miniate* Foreign Affairs, has made a statein«fl in the Chamber of Deputies, shows a rapprochement of Italy to group of two Empires in the o ti& politics.
    (Ostaiatische Lloyd Service.)  -  40 words

  • 532 3 (from Our Own Correspondents.) London, 10 Mar.-(U|..' I am in receipt of a wire tnnn my St. Pptersbnrg correspondent reporting Lt M. <>« Plehve O li lst r,)t l he Interior and Secretary of State for Finland) lias issued warning t 0 the Editors of Moscow St IVtersbarg
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  • 120 3 National Hunt Steeplechase. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, 10 March.—The National Hunt Steeplechase, run to-day, resulted as follows: Mr. Partridge’s Timotiiv Titus ...1 Mr. Wadsworth’s Poim.ifjur ...2 Mr. Warrant’s Ri diiall ...‘3 Eighteen ran. Betting on the placed horses <m the course was brisk and the odds
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  • 68 3 Prince Pulum in Shanghai. (From Our Own Correspond nt.) Shanghai, 9 March.—The Chinese Commissioner to the great World's Fair to he held at Sr. Louis, 11. H. Prince Pulum, jjjg) has arrived here and will he entertained at a banquet given hy the Consular Body
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  • 143 3 Says i!:c Prosperity of the Straits Largely due to the Chinese. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, lOtli March. —Last night the M tubers of Gray’s Inn entertained Sir John Anderson (the new Governor of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner of the Federated Malay States) at a banquet.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  143 words
  • 101 3 Discussion in the Commons. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 10 Mar.—During the discussion of the new Army Estimates Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman declared that the bin den of military expenditure would becoine insufferable. lie was of .opinion that the country was sick of a policy of conquest and adventure.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  101 words
  • 315 3 The Treaty Ratified. Washington, 24 Feb.—The senate lias ratified tlie Panama Canal Treaty. The third United States Infantry has been ordered to take station in the new republic to protect American and local interests and property. (Aladdin did not rub the wonderful lamp with anticipation more breathless than
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  • 1159 4 News from Korea. (Japanese Exchange) (Shanghai Times Service.) Cabl> news Service.) Chemulpo, 17 Feb.—The Chemulpo office of the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. was formally taken possession of by the Japanese troops ye>terday. Seoul, 17 Feb. —Twentv-four wounded Russians have boon admitted to tho Japanese Red Cross Hospital at
    (Japanese Exchange); (Shanghai Times Service.); (Cabl> news Service.)  -  1,159 words
  • 210 4 Page 7 of this issue of the Straits Echo is completely filled with a timely advertise* meat calling attention to the most useful and effective fire-resisting material iu existence. The manufacturers of this fireproof, damp-proof, water-proof material which is known to contractors and builders as Uralite are doing an enormous
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  • (12 Mar.) Current Topics.
    • 317 5 The domestic uses of camphor are recognised the world over, but it is not so generally known that in the a l.vr crystals that are retailed by ts lies 15 per cent, of the deaJly c 'V iv e which is used in modern warf pl The
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    • 385 5 A Calcutta daily reverts to what it styles the somewhat time-worn discussion of the Eurasian problem” which has been revived in the columns of the Spectator, in which a Mr. J. H. M. Ryan takes Mr. Herbeit Spencer and the Spectator to task for what he
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  • States’ News.
    • 559 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpuk, }> March.—The special collections on Sunday last in aid of the British and Foreign Bible Society realised a total of nearly S22d. I am informed the amount was made up as follows:—C. of England, $80; American Mission, $00; Baptist Church and Chinese Mission,
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  • 466 5 As reported in the account of the Municipal meeting in this issue, the authorities have decided to purchase a. lire escape. This step lias been, actuaated by the terrible havoc caused by Tuesday’s conflagration. It is obvious that something more is required to cope with such an
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  • 125 5 Mr. L. P. Ebden is appointed Senior Magistrate, Selangor and Negri Sembilan. Some fishermen were rescued from a somewhat perilous position yesterday afternoon by the master of the Thaipeng. As the vessel was approaching Penang three Malays were seen to be clinging to some fishing stakes near the south edge
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  • 2048 6 Ordinary Meeting. At yesterday’s meeting of the Municipal Commissioners there were present Messrs. J. AV. Hallifax (President), Cheah Tek Thye, A. K. Adams, Quail Beng Kee, Dr! Park (Health officer), and R. P. Phillips (Secretary), Absent: Mr. F. S. B. Gaffney, Dr. Locke, Messrs. S. Reid (Engineer) and
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  • 492 7 Coolie Superstition. The "Head Cutting” Canards ABOUT IN TONQKAH. EFFECTUALLY STAMPED OUT BY THE COMMISSIONER ON HIS RETURN. Ope Tongkah correspondent writes under date 9th March:— H. E. the H. C. Kliaw Lim Bee returned from PangNgali oil the 6th inst., at 7 p.m. by the s.s. Puket
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  • 891 7 {Supplied by Reuter.) (Deli Courant Service.) (Ceylon Observer Service.) (Statesman Service.) (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, 11 March.—An influential committee has been formed here to establish a Fund to provide additional hospital comforts for all soldiers and sailors wounded in the war. It has been arranged to establish
    {Supplied by Reuter.); (Deli Courant Service.); (Ceylon Observer Service.); (Statesman Service.)  -  891 words

  • 40 8 Gloomy Prospect for Taxpayers. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 12 Mar.—The Times computes this year’s deficit will be two millions sterling and that as next year’s expenditure will probably be £142,376,007 the prospect for taxpayers is anything but cheerful.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  40 words
  • 27 8 (Supplied ly Reuter.) London, 12 Mar.—Sir John Anderson, the new Governor of the Straits Settlements, embarks for the Far East on the 24th instant.
    (Supplied ly Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 24 8 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 12 Mar. —H. H. the Sultan of Johore called on the Hon. Alfred Lyttleton at the Colonial Office yesterday.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  24 words
  • 217 8 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, Mar. 11.—An Arab Chief who was granted permission to visit Aden with 10*0 followers, arrived with 250 armed men and refused to reduce his escort. When the Chief’s bodyguard was informed of the demand of the British Com- mander at Aden they became very
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  217 words
  • 38 8 (Statemnan Service Lucknow, 1 March.—The Loudon correspondent of the Indian Daily Telegraph cables —A Victoria (British Colombia) message states that the cruiser Bonaventure is ashore on the American coast and that her position is dangerous.
    (Statemnan Service.)  -  38 words
  • 61 8 A Change of Routes Contemplated. (Ceylon Observer Service.) Calcutta, 3 March.—The General returns to Chumbi after inspecting the Nathula route. Possibly Inter Jelnpla may be abandoned in favour of this route, which is already successfully used. Captain Minogue succeeds Major Rae on the staff. The latter is
    (Ceylon Observer Service.)  -  61 words
  • 138 8  -  Statement by Mr Brodrick. London, 27 Feb.—Replying a t Manchester to a deputation from the British Cotton-Growing Association urging the gieater possibilities for cotton-growing in India, Mr. Brodrick admitted that it was necessary to stimulate the Government of India to further endeavour, and he hoped great things
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  • 210 8 Coast Defences. (Cable,levs Service.) Washington, 17 Feb—Co ngns taken up the question of an a p pro tio» for Suing bay and other Philipp naval and coast defences. This matt!' was by mutual consent brought for»,J in the regular order of business urgent and extraordinary,” The report submitted
    (Cable,levs Service.)  -  210 words
  • 302 8 A well-known expert, is at present in Ceylon inquiring into the possibilities of that Island as a source] of supply for the rubber market. By the Taiping yesterday afternoon there arrived from Perak a fine collection of elephant tusks and sladaug horns, the property of Mr. G. S. W. Curtis.
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  • (14 Mar.) Current Topics.
    • 99 9 President Roosevelt's proclamation of neutrajilv in the Russo-Jap-anese war was publish'd iust a month ago. Tlie .j-mvition,’besides slating America’s P rot j-‘ aaz ,ounces her adherence to £?s&'• free sliips :f e T g& treaty of 1851. Tl,e United States maintains that {foods belonging to
      99 words
    • 189 9 IUK xi ;-naiian mail service i-s still unsettled, it will be remembered that the Comnion- wealth Government refused to continue sending mails, aft* r the expiration of the present contnet, by any lines which employed c o ired labour. Mr. Chamberlain, who was then Colonial Secretary,
      189 words
    • 223 9 iuK Lavorpvjul Journal of Commerce calls attention to the fact that, with reference to a notice on page 124 of I t Vil pll V iMr V i the Board of trade Journal of January 2ht, a cespatcli dated January 2 ini has been received from Ills Majesty’s
      223 words
    • 259 9 That wholly sunerfluous measure, tiie Boil rs Ordinance, is sin »l ved. At the meeting of the Legist live Council on I ridtiy last Air. Napier remarked that tlie report of tin* sel ct committee appointed in cmmriioii wnn the Boilers Ordinance Amendment Bid having now b
      259 words
    • 493 9 The In Ja i Press thinks that one of Russia’s greatest perils to-day is the uanger of a popular uprising of the X i. i O d 'wntrodd' n masses against t heir ulers. The Calcutta Daily News is of our opinion that even the stri *t censorship
      493 words
  • States’ News.
    • 471 9 Taiping, 10th Mur.—The Acting Resident, Air. H. Conway Hoi ield, has returned yesterday from Kuala Lumpor where he liad to go for the conlerence of Residents. The Residents were te have discussed many important matters in connection with the administration of these States; and it is believe! in some
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  • 55 9 At tin* annun general inerting of the Singapore Chamber of Commeice on 18th inst. Air. W. H. Frizell was elected Chairman bv —1 out of a possible 27 rotes. Mr W. H. Shelford was elected deputy Chairman. The following Committee was electMessrs. J. Bin. on, Becker, J. C. Nicholson Sugdeq,
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  • 641 10 Si noapore Opinions. v There are few questions woich have so vital an interest for Siugap re as that deaiing.with contraband of war. telegram published oil the Bth stated that in the House of Com nous Mr. J>alfoiir said Russia's declaration of coal as contraband of war
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  • 386 10 The following list of Japanese statesmen, military and naval leaders, etc., gives the names and offices of men prominently before t he public, and should be interesting, uui mg the present struggle: The Genko (Elder Statesmen.) Marquis I to, G. C. 8., President of the Privy Council. Marquis
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  • 50 10 The Singapore Race Course is now open for training for the Mav meeting. 'l he two huge battleships recently contracted for in Eng'aud by Japan are to be named Katori and Kasliiina. 4 The subscription to the Japan War Bonds amounted on the 17th ultimo to over 160 million yen.
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  • 553 10 The Kobe Chronicle writes -.—-War real and imaginary, may be looked for and it is not surprising that the papers are beginning to publish item» wF? may seem appropriate as indirectly rehr to the present crisis. The Yushin ft story winch sounds like an extract from novelette, but
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  • 1797 11 an interesting and opportune mof when the whole world is watch--i breathless suspense the progress war between Russia and Japan, the History of the Expansion of Kussia, >lr F. H. Skrine, has made its apuW, phe period selected by the author embraces the greater part of
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  • 117 11 The Russian Ministry of Marine, and particularly the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailov itch, are much annoyed that the Admiral Commanding the Russian Pacific Squadron should have allowed himself to k* surprised. Admiral Alexeieff conies in lor his share of reproach. The HandelsMad, an Amsterdam paper, in its issue of *>t
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  • 228 12 Truth. London, Feb. 21. 'J lie Viedomost i, a St. Petersburg journal, published a remarkably frank communique in regard to Russia’» present jKisPiou. That journal states that the Trans-Siberian railway cannot be efficiently guarded with the few troops at the disposal of Admiral Alexeieff, and the concentration of
    228 words
  • 139 12 “Married” vs. “Single.” The following is the result of the Match played ou the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon last: Single. Ist Innings, Gralmin, c Mitchell b Parkins 14 Griffith Jones, b Kasfim 41 Zelinder, c BaidoD b Knssim 13 Sharp, b Woli'erstan 7 Later, retired hi Talma, b Pei
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  • 66 12 Th* residents of Tokio had ap; lied, up to February 19, for jierinissioii to contribute Yen 115,700 to the War Fund. Some Americans have offered to send out a hospital ship to the Far East, and the Japanese Government hits gladly accepted to offer. Mr. Justice Law returned from Singapore
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  • 681 12 (Supplied by Renter.) (From Our Own Correspondent* Tokio, 13 Mar. (1.10 p.)—.It i* officially reported that a «Japanese torpedo flotilla attacked Port Arthur on the 10th instant at midnight. The attack resulted in nothing of importance being accomplished. At daybreak the Russian batteries opened fire upon the Japanese
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  681 words
  • 34 12 (Supplied bg Reuter.) London, 14 March. —Baron yamatsu, a prominent j H P a statesman, has arrived at Liverpw It is believed that he ha« com® England on some special mission-
    (Supplied bg Reuter.)  -  34 words

  • 536 13 How**™ Ekskink's Store of Fittings. during the fact that it is but six C «iuce tiie fire occurred which destroyjjj- yi, Quees building in Beach Street, l that Messrs, llowarth Erskiue A Cos i and Ires were situated in that buildit i*surprising that on Saturday morning,
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  • 80 13 THEmMica! c 0m «d,Th e Geisha, which bur» JT'2, K hoU8es m St Pe,CT,iwrthdmwn on account of hostile roonstratious on the part of the public. o£ Enjjlish. Th* aU ,B Cl of Com. ‘he 17th Inst, at 4-15 8t. Qwge's Ban.f d gemenU for the annual Vh :irH a vil,K
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  • The Straits Echo. (Special Service.)
    • 63 13 The Burglary at the Russian Legation. (From Our Own Correspondent Bangkok, 13 Man h.—The trial of the two Malays charged with the robbery of a number of valuables from the Russian Legation has been concluded at the Criminal Court. The prisoners, named Ai Rulok mid Ai, who are
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    • 47 13 (From Our Own. Correspondent.) Singapore, 12 March.— I The Eastern Extension Telegraph Company’s repairing steamer Scotia is ashore on the Ladronos. It is reported that the crew have been saved. The Company’s steamer Patrol has been despatched to render assistance to the stranded vessel.
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    • 70 13 The Chinese caouur Question. (Supplied by lieuter.) London, 12th March.—lt is officially announced that it is the King’s pleasure not to exercise his prerogative and disallow the Transvaal Labour Ordinance, but that it cannot be brought into operation at present. It is understood that this means that the
      (Supplied by lieuter.)  -  70 words
    • 63 13 American Treaty witli Emperor Menelik Ratified. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 14 March.—The United States Senate has ratified the treat-v negotiated last year by the U. S. Consul of Marseilles with Emperor Menelik. This treaty provides for the establishment of trading stations and much needed means of transport and a
      (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  63 words
    • 80 13 Trouble on the Belgian Railway in Shansi. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 14 March —Reuter’s agent at Tientsin telegraphs that serious anti-foreign riots have occurred in connection with the construction of the railway in the province of Shansi by a Belgian syndicate. [lf the methods of Belgian railway
      (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  80 words
  • 855 13 Japanese Captures. London, loth Feb.—A German steamer named Yokohoma, with a cargo w hich included dynamite, intended for Port Arthur, has been captured by the Japanese, who have also seized six Norwegian vessels, which were chartered by the contractor to supply the Russian navy with coal. Russian Reserves
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  • 37 14 —Neues Wiener Journal. Like swift hounds, these Japs have sprung upon the slovenly, clumpy Russian 'bear, with the result that the Tsar, instead of attending a Court ball, had to go to a grayer meeting.—Neues Wiener Journal.
    —Neues Wiener Journal.  -  37 words
  • (15 Mar.) Current Topics.
    • 182 14 Last Friday afternoon a gathering of friends, which included His Ex. the Acting Governor and Miss Taylor, nearly all the local members of the Straits Civil Service, and several ladies, assembled at the residence of Mr. F. G. Penney at Nassiin Hill, Singapore. The occasion and
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    • 173 14 The short uncredited article in our last issue on The man who began the w r ar” was an excerpt from a copy of JT 7 L J the London Daily Mail received here last Saturday by the Negapatan mail. It is not a
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    • 424 14 The Times (19 Feb.) recalls the resolution of the British Empire League, in April last, urging Mr. Austen Chamberlain to endeavour to make a reduction in the rates charged upon British newspapers and periodicals posted to Canada and other parts of the Empire. The Postinaster-General replied to Mr.
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  • 196 14 Improvements have been proceeding at the Taiping Racecourse which bid fair to make it the fastest course in the Straits Settlements. Col. Walker, the President of the Club, and Mr. W. W. Douglas, the Honorary Secretary, have been working hard for some time and on Saturday there were
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  • 215 14 A representative of Reuter’s Agency has had an interview with Sir Ralph Moo* late High Commissioner for Southern ria, who is reported to have said—- The country behind Assaba is now* combed with secret societies, to whic elder chiefs formerly belonged. As back as 1898 the Niger Company hadgn*
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  • 608 15 (Before the Hon. A F. 0. L uc, Puisne Judge.) 15th March. o. W. Barnett vs Pinano Gazette Press, Ltd. This case, in which 0. W. Barnett,, civil engineer of Penang, claimed $10,000 damages for libel from the Pinanq G;iz»tte Press, Ltd, was resumed on the 15th iust.
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  • 423 15 Record Scores foiiitiie Penang Volunteers. On Saturday afternoon, the Gth day of the P. V. Fourth Annual Rifle Aleeting* the Command;i nl s Challenge Cup was competed for, at a range of 500 yards. It was open to marksmen, flrsfc cliss shots and the holde of the
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  • 550 15 (Ceylon Observer, 2nd March.) Sir llenrv Blake has been, perhaps, one of the most criticised Governors Hongkong lias ever had. I;is administration, by reason of its remarkable impartiality and recognition at the same time of good qualities among the Chinese, has been 1 hi*
    (Ceylon Observer, 2nd March.)  -  550 words
  • 187 15 Rear-Admiral Rozhdestvenski, Chief of the General Staff of the Navy, left for the Far East on the 16th ult. The Grand Dukes Cyril and Boris of iussia were to leave for the seat of war shortly after the last mail left home. Tiik dimensions of tho new screw pile pier
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  • 2785 16 Friday, 11th March. (Strait ft Times.) His Excellency W. T. Taylor, c.m.g., (Officer Administering the government) presided and there were also present Hon. C. W. S. Kvnnerslev, c. M. g., (Acting Colonial Secretary), Hon. W. It. Collyer 1.8.0. (Attorney-General), Hon. F. Gl. Ecnnv (Colonial Treasurer), Hon. E. C.
    (Straitft Times.)  -  2,785 words

  • 390 17 The Japanese Consul has furnished the Singapore papers with the following official report as received from the Japanese Government, of the bombardment of Vladivostok and search for the Russian squadron supposed to be in that harbour or in that neighbourhood Admiral Kamimura reports as follows —On the 6th
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  • 1342 17 T he War. Railway Destroyed. Vladivostock Cut oft from Port Arthur. (China Mail Service.) (Hongkong Telegraph Service.) —Kobe Chronicle. Tokio, March 3.—The Railway from Kharbiu to Nicolaievsk has been destroyed near Ninguta. Russian Army Located. Four hundred Russians are between Wiju and Anju, and the telegraph offices at Anju and
    (China Mail Service.); (Hongkong Telegraph Service.); .—Kobe Chronicle.  -  1,342 words

  • 309 18 (a rum Our Own Correspondents) London, H Feb. (1.50 p. A startling revelation in connection with the corruption and chaos p re vailing in some of the departments i of the Russian administration has I come to light in St. Petersburg, ft will be remembered that the first
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  • 575 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, 14 March. —Che sian Consul lias received an offici report from an agent attached the Foreign Office to Admiral A ex ieff, the so-called Viceroy Far East.” This report states ttt* on the 9th inst. there was an gagement off Port Arthur bet*#®
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  • 30 19 Dutch Oilmill Gutted. Sinapore, 15 Mar. —The Hemer’s oilmills at Pontianak, in Dutch Borneo, have been destroyed by a disastrous fire, tidings of which have just reached here.
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  • The Straits Echo (Special Service.)
    • 62 19 For Development of the Trade between Siam, India and Malaysia. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, 11 March.—The Birmingham Post announces that the Governments of Great Britain and Siam are engaged in negotiations looking to the completion of a new Agreement having for its object
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  • 286 19 Lord Kitchener has been elected an honorary member of the Instuition of Civil Engineers. We are requested to correct the statement made in our last issuo that the cableship which came to grief on the Ladrones belongs to the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co. We are told that she is the
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  • 538 19 (16 Mar.) From our up-coutitry correspondents comes news of :i. rumoured change amongst officials, which will involve a great shuffling of the Federal Government pack. Dame rumour starts by stating that Air. Venning, the able and indefatigable Federal Secretary, will net as Resident
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  • 200 20 A meeting of the Malay Peninsula Sugar Industry Association was held on the 14th Ujst. to discuss certain memoranda of the Protector of Labour, F. M. S., forwarded to the Association by the Superintendent of Indian Immigrants, Penang. The members were much surprised at the
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  • 69 20 Poor Val is dead! Vale, good valiant Val! For twelve long years the Colonel’s constant pal. For some time ailing was this faithful friend, In spite of loving care then came the end. No more in Taipiug’s halls is heard his whine, The Colonel’s grief—for once —is
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  • 135 20 A Gazette Extraordinary was issued on 10th containing the King’s proclamation bf neutrality, which does not appear to differ from that already published in the local Gazette. The following telegram from the Colonial Office is added Russian declaration as to Contraband states as follows Generally speaking, all
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  • 83 20 1 Lady Curzon arrived in England on the 11th ult. 4The Hamburg-American Steamship Company has declared a dividend of 0 per cent, for the year 1903. Mr. W. C. P. Keun has been appointed Acting Deputy Registrar of Shipping, Marine Department, Singapore. 4 The Principal and Manager of the Anglo-Chinese
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  • 526 20 Hoover—Young. A very pretty wedding was celebrated at the Presbvterian Church yesterday afternoon, the contracting parties being the Kevd. James M. Hoover, of the Methodist Episcopal Mission, Sarawak, Borneo, and Miss Ethel Mary (May) Young, eldest daughter of Mi s. Pykett, the wife of the Revd. G. F. Pykett,
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  • 98 20 The danger of heedlessly handling current coin has just been exemplified by the death of Mr. J. Clarke, a medical officer in India, from blood poisoning which arose from his counting out a number of rupees while suffering from a cut finger. The return showing the applications on the Register
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  • 850 20 The long awaited report of Mr. Casern the British Commissioner sent by the Brin Government to travel through the Con Free State and investigate the stories S massacre, cruelty, and extortion brouplo back by explorers and missionaries issued recently by the Foreign Office The Daily Mail states that
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  • 1814 21 oof? uuu un jivl 11 —Straits Times. The President’s Address. The annual meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce took place at the Exchange Boom on 10th March, there being present a considerable number of members. Mr. John Anderson presided. Addressing the members after the presentation
    oof? uuu un jivl 11 —Straits Times.  -  1,814 words
  • 126 21 Mr. Advocate J. van Langenberg has been appointed Burgher representative in the Ceylon Legislative Council in place of the Hon. F. C. Loos. During last year vessels entered at Port Arthur were as follows: —British 221,401 tons, Russian 248,975, American 13,760, German 37,633, Norwegian, 83,878, Japanese 133,483, Others 65,768. Major
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  • 267 22 The advent of Mr. Stead’s latest freak, The Daily Paper to wit, was heralded with a great flourish of trumpets and sensations galore. Its birth on January 4th was announced in every conceivable wav, the “attractions” including baloons and free fireworks—but no free drinks, for Stead is
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  • 307 22 We note that in the Supreme Court, Judge, Jury, Couusel and even the Pressmen, enjijy the full benefit of the punkahs, while the miserable witness, who is probably more in need of cooling down than anyone else, especially when under cross-examination, is clear out of range of the gentle zephyrs
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  • 293 22 (Sujiplied by Reuter.) •om Our Own Correspondents.) London, 15 March (1.30 p) —It is reported from St. Petersburg that Viceroy Alexieff lias issued orders to the Governor of Russia’s great convict station at Saghalien Island (to the north and eastward of Vladivostok) to liberate and arm all convicts
    (Sujiplied by Reuter.)  -  293 words
  • 124 22 Sir Francis Lovell, Dean of the London School of Tropical Medicine, left Colombo for Burma on 2nd inst. After visiting Burma he will come to the Straits Settle” ments, and hopes to return to England in June. Sir Francis has undertaken this journey with a view to get more residents
    124 words
  • The Straits Echo (Special Service.)
    • 209 22 Government Defeated by Snap Vote on Irish Education Question. But Balfour Keeps Cool and Bkfo House Rises Gets a Majority of 2o GREAT CRISIS EXPECTED OVER BUDG 81 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, 15 March (6.10 p.)—The Government was defeated to-day by 141 to 130; majority against, 11. It
      209 words
    • 85 22 Mr. E. W. Presgrave Succeeds Dr. Brown. (From Our Own Correspondent.) •Singapore, 12 March.—lt w rumoured here that Mr. E. Presgrave, of Penang, has been appointed an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council during the absence of the Hon. Dr. W. 6. Brown in Europe. ■On making inquiries
      85 words
    • 21 22 England v. South Australia. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 15 Mar. —The En# 1 XI has beaten South Australia nine wickets.
      (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  21 words

  • 142 23 ToW5 Club Funds Mibappbopeiatbd. before a special Bench Court, ,1 Talma and Hereford sitting for the o nf trving this cusp, Oil Seng Klmy, P U K at the Town Club, was charged with na l breach of trust in respect of certain crl
    142 words
  • 191 23 Among the comparisons between Japan and Russia which are inevitable just now one is peculiarly striking. Although Japan lias only a population of 47,000,000 and an area of 163,000 sq. miles, against Russia’s (circa) 130,000,000 and nearly 9,000,000 gquare miles, Japan has neveitheless more pupils in her schools than has
    191 words
  • 509 23 Important to Shipmasters. The following extracts from the Notifications issued by the Minister for the Navy, relating to sea areas declared as strategical zones, are published by the Kobe Harbour Oflice for general information:— The Kii Channel. Ihe Kii Channel Strategical Zone Area comprises a circle of
    509 words
  • 152 23 To-day is the birthday of St. Patrick, the patron Saint of Ireland. Since 15th inst. applications are being accepted for mining land in any part of the District of New Territory, Perak. Lieutenant Camperio, of the Italian Navy, who is at present in China, has been ordered to follow the
    152 words
  • 866 23 (1? Mar.) Proposed hew Recreation Ground. Another Lung for Penang. That the truth of the time-worn adage mens sana in corpore sano is firmly? and rightly, impressed on the minds of the go-ah ad members of the everpopular Chinese Recreation Club is clearly demonstrated by the steps
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  • 749 24 We find an interesting resume of the final stages of the Franco-Siamese negotiations and of the main points of the new Convention in a paper received by the last mail. It runs as follows France and Siam have at last settled their long-standing differences. At Saturday’s Cabinet
    749 words
  • 76 24 The following Perak appointments are gazetted:—Raja di Bongsu, Orang Kaia Kaia Stia Bijaya di Raja and Haji Abdul Raof, Pauglima Besar, to l»e Members of Council of State, Mr. R.L. lugali to be Senior Magistrate, Perak, Mr. P.F. David to act as Assistant Secretary to Resident, Mr. G. J. Ameryto
    76 words
  • Current Topics.
    • 126 24 Spkakiko at Montreal other day Sir Wilfrid lui Lanachan Premier)/» dared «.at he would remain in so long ns the Liberal party wanted hiT He made it clour that lie will to the of the manufacture» tor a high tariff. Canada, he said asked to imitate the United States
      126 words
    • 493 24 So far there has been a marked difference between the manner in which the Japanese ;-nd Russians have conducted the war. In fact it seems to have been run on a division of l,hour principle, for while our sturdy allies have done the lighting the Russians, particularly Nicholas
      493 words

  • 828 25 C- Rodyk in the Police Court To-day. An Intricate Case Puzzles the Magistrate. Before Mr. Hereford in the Police Court this morning, Charles Rodyk, a conveyancer of Penang, was charged on remand with fraudulently and dishonestly using as genuine a forged document purporting to be a valuable security,
    828 words
  • 343 25 An eclipse of the sun, plainly observable in Penang, occurred to-day. It began at 9.32 a. m. and ended at 3.40 p.m. That is why the sun’s rays have been so cool to-day in comparison with its usual method of being much en evidence. Penang would be a
    343 words
  • 79 25 The Home Secretary, replying to a printed question by Mr. Channing. says that the Government have not found it possible to include a Bill dealing with betting in their programme of legislation for the present Session. At the same time, if a Bill dealing with street betting on the lines
    79 words
  • States’ News.
    • 510 25 (From Our Own Correspondents.) TAiriNa, 11 March. —Muhamed Osman, 4th Clerk, Police Office, Taiping, is to be installed as fcri Maharaja Lola in succession to his lather Datoh Sri Maharaja Lela. Mr. McIntyre of Penang has been appointed Assistant Master, Central School, Taiping. The Centi •al School reopens on
      510 words
    • 297 25 Kuala Lumpur, 11 March.—-There was a monster Chingay here yesterday, nearly half a mile long. The route of the procession was lined by enormous crowds and passage through the principal streets was difficult. The procession started from Market Street Temple at 10 a.m. and finished about 2 p.m. The
      297 words

  • 682 26 w The Breaking off of Negotiations. Japan’s Final Notes to Russia. The Japanese Government recently published the next of the final Notes, breaking off the negotiat ions, delivered to the Russian Government by Mr. Kurino, the Japanese Mi viator at St. Petersburg. The instructions ..of the imperial
    682 words
  • 273 26 P. C. C. Tournament Finals. Yesterday evening three finals in the Penang Cricket Club Tennis Tournament were contested, and the plav was very keen. In the Mixed Doubles Mrs. Jamieson and Mr. C. Bradbery only just managed to beat Mrs. Adams and Mr. McArthur by two sets to
    273 words
  • 67 26 Bruin I say, where the dickens are you taking Master Stripes to Leo: “To Tibet—to the Land of the Lamas! Bruin “Yes; and what for, pray Do you know I've had an eye, too, on that land these many years? Leo Your eye is not my eye. I guess what
    67 words
  • 250 26 A Correction. To lino Editor of the Straits Echo SiK- With reference to your in Saturdays issue reporting tlie Harbour Authorities against pS i 1 art horn, the Master of th e s s i n- importing decrepit coolies. I should hi glad it von would correct
    250 words
  • 178 26 The Russian destroyer Steregutchy, sunk by the Japanese off Port Arthur, which Inis figured so prominently in the telegrams of the last few days, is a vessel of 350 tons, 26 knots speed, mounting one 12-pdr. and three 3-pdr. guns with two torpedo tubes. The destroyer Venushitelne,
    178 words
  • 88 26 The Gharry ami Rikislia Stands at the front of the new Jetty have been comply and the vehicles are now taking up P OB 1 10 under their respective sheds. The nlufj®» peons are busy keeping things in r there. —i A despatch from Buda Pesth to Frankfort Gazette states
    88 words

  • States’ News.
    • 530 27 (from Our Oku Correspondent.) -.L LUHPUB, 13 March. The gjmkhan» ,1, yesterday afternoon wan a 7„,.c«5« as all functions earned out under rlanicea of the Selangor Polo Club usually tic P .the afternoon rain threatened nVI a ]i«-M shower fell. It soon aml a beautifully cool breeze iSSITSU it
      530 words
  • 126 27 A. general meeting of Englishmen was called to be held in the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon with regard to ie dance to be given to celebrate the feast w St. George which falls on the 23rd of Oaly a few persons responded Haii f Ca amon
    126 words
  • 273 27 (Supplied by Reuter.) (From Our Own Correspondent) Shanghai, 16 Mar.—The officers <>f vessels arriving here from Port Arthur deny the reported evacuation of that stronghold and report, on the contrary, that the Russians were in full occupation on Sunday last. The shooting of the Japanese fleet during the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  273 words
  • 199 27 Victory for Government on Irish Education Question. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 16 March. —During the debate on the Irish Education Vote, and subsequent to Mr. Balfour’s announcement that despite the slight reverse sustained on Mr. Redmond’s motion Government would proceed with the Bill, the Opposition moved that progress be
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  199 words
  • 167 27 Defeat of the Government. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 16 Mar. —The French Government was defeated yesterday by a majority of eleven on an amendment adopted by 282 to 271 votes making the period for the suppression of clerical teaching ten years instead of five, as proposed by Government. M.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  167 words
  • 251 27 Understanding on Colonial and Other Questions Reached. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 17 Mar. —Reuter understands that prolonged negotiations between the Governments of Great Britain and France have resulted in a good understanding being arrived at on all questions, colonial and otherwise, long pending between them. All questions
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  251 words

  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 194 28 On the 14th instant, at St. George's Church, Penang, by the Rev. F. W. Haines, m. a.. Colonial Chaplain, Robert Hendry, third son of the late William Canwell Hendry, to Elizabeth M. Southon, elder daughter of James Southon, of Launceston, Tasmania. On tho 2nd March, at Union Church Hongkong
      194 words
  • 115 28 Penang, 18th March. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 1 /10} 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/11} 3 Credit ...l/ll, 7 fl 3 Documentary ...1/114 Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 142 3 days’ sight Private 144 Bombay, Demand Bank 142 3 days’ sight Private 144 Madras, Demand Bank
    115 words
  • 196 28 Bersawah Gold M iue Co., Ld. 16.50 Raub Australian Gold Alining Co., Ld 7.25 sales Redjang Lebong Gold Alining Co., Ld $-25. now KadanaGold Alining Co„ Ltd. (fully paid) 8 10— nom. Bruseh Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8 8.25 sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Alining Co., Ld 8 20. sales
    196 words
  • 148 28 Tin 78.50 buyers Gold leaf 82. B.Pepper (W. Co ist3lbs.soz.)s 27.50 sellers White Pepper 47} sellers Trang Pepper 30} sellers Cloves (picked) 43. nom. Mace $125. nom. Alaee Pickings 95. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 55.— sellers No. 1 7.50 Sugar 2 5.20 (Basket 3.70 sellers Tapioca Flour 1.90 sellers
    148 words
  • 48 28 Deaths. At G, Dhobie Ghaut, Singapore, on 11th March, William Karel Lodewyk Kraft Van Ermel, of Don Haag, Holland, late Asst. Resident of Bengkalis, aged 54 years. On the 18th instant, at No. 240 Burma Road, Pulo Tikus village, Wooi Lim Seng, agod 41. Australian papers please copy.
    48 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 97 28 THE “Chahjah Palau Penang." (Malay Weekly News.) £—i T --,—i y+±}\ The orciy Malay paper in Straits Settlements and Federated Malay State». JW A 4| y£Lj£i jyk* 0' j ojy Patronised by the Straits Negri Sembilan and Perak Governments. Also by the Sultans of Johore, Pahang, Langkat, Asahan, Deli, Kedah,
      97 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 564 29 T O L E--63 J 0 EDeath in the Pifiier. A Chinaman Poisoned. Many people think that bemuse they use a filter the water they drink must oi' necessity he pure and wholesome, and they are right provided the filter is clean. 15uv water passed through a dirty filter is
      564 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 210 30 0 X»*» ***> <1 (I 4!>\ •«c k vi --J-• J- r*r .ir, *r* LX*XXX*>C The CRITERION PRESS, Lf ESTABLISHED 1883. PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. -Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO," “SIN POE,". “CHAYA PULAU PINANG.” The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and lithographers in the Orient. Our plant is of the very
      210 words