The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 4 March 1904

Total Pages: 32
1 30 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. $l5 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 cents. Vol. 2. Penang, Friday, 4th March, 1904. No. 9.
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  • 245 1 Births, Marriages, Deaths Leading Articles: The No War” Prophet» David v. Goliath The Harbour Case The Perils of Russia Leaderettes and other Artioms*: Current Topics A Big* Deal Tibetan Affairs India aud the War Rubber France and Egypt The New Motojr The Russian Threat British Trale with Manchuria The
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 180 1 •*)> O HS- HB* HSt- -*>. -*> -*>. Hi .1 LET, T O s> O O 4> 4> -t> O -t> -»;> *;> <v -$> -»;> 4> •-*>•-«»• -»)> ->» -»)> THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION f i f i a T TS published the day prior to the departure
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  • (26 Feb.) Current Topics.
    • 183 1 Thk Norddeutscher Lloyd Co., through Messrs Belin, Meyer and Co., their Singapore agents, contemplate another magnificent extension to their steamship service in the Far East. They are, .according to the Straits Times, arranging for the purchase of the entire fleet of the Tan Kim Tian Steamship Co.,
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    • 499 1 Thk London correspondent Ot the Manchester Guardian has sported that lie has seen the last Chinese official renort- N VJlll, «se ornciai Chumbi Valiev the l jla ce in the bv Cormw f ’P ne( l to Indian trade and Thibet 101 Tt' e^' Veei s reat that
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    • 457 1 With some 300,000,000 of Asiatics under our rule in India «done, it is, says the London Globe, an Imperial obligation on the governing race always to give the most sympathetic heed to the sentiments of that population on matters of high moment, whether internal or
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  • 564 1 Special Announcement. J It It affords us infinite pleasure to an- nounce that negotiations with Reuter’s Telegram Co., Ltd., which we have been carrying on for upwards of six months, have at last, despite many exceedingly vexatious hitches, brought to a successful conclusion. When the Editor of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 rpiie straits alio. > Oi?. V X/ *ifi w. m j v > *t± ,«tice satisfies everybody, and justice alon e.-Emerson. Established J *me Ist, 190 J. published daily (except Sundays.) at tiir CRITERION PRESS, Ld., jjo. 226-232, Isea.cli St reet', Penang. PRICE DAILY. LOCAL per annum. (Post Free) 27
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  • 516 2 The seventh festival of the first moon is called the Feasti of Lanterns, •otherwise known in Penang as Clnp-<joh-meh, meaning 15th night. tV' The Feast of Lanterns is a great Chinese festival and is a day of great rejoicing, only second in importance to New Year’s Day.
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  • 378 2 Mb. George Kingswill, war correspondent for the London Daily Express and the South African Cape Times was a passenger by the Coromandel to the Far East. Mr. R. Littmann, who has been tried in connection with frauds on the Russo-Chi-nese Bank at Shanghai, lias been sentenced to nine months’ imprisonment,
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  • States’ News.
    • 1031 2 (From Oar Own Correspondents.) Taiping, 22nd Feb.—Mr. CaulfeiU Director of Public Works, arrived here W Wednesday and has been flying- about the W on his new motor-car inspecting all the roU in the town and suburbs of Taiping perhaps will be his last visit to Perak for time, as
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  • 1407 3  -  By Tasmania. With the particular meekness and over estimation of himself, which is so characteristic of John Bull (and which Mark Twain considers will eventually make him conqueror of the world) he is apt to modestly assert in the words ot Caesar, I came, I saw,
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  • 168 3 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sik, —In reply to your correspondent’s remarks re the Municipal Iron Carts, we have the pleasure to inform him and the public in general that the present contract for 1904 is held by Messrs Burn& Co. Ltd., Howrah, Calcutta, the largest
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  • 63 3 Messes McAlister Co. Ltd., notify that they have opened a branch of their business in Ipoh. In the early part of May last a Kling, named Hamidsa, stabbed a woman and assaulted her husband, afterwards seeking safety in the wilds of Acheen. The long arm df the law, however, reached
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  • 72 4 To thk Editor op the Straits Echo. Sir.—l have to bring to your notice that in the article headed Pig trouble, published in your issue of yesterday, reporting the Police case, you said that I appeared as Counsel for Mr. Jeremiah. This is perfectly wrong, as I conducted
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  • 585 4 The marvellous wav in which the Japanese, during the last 80 years or so, have in many directions adopted and often improved the most modern methods of European nations is, of course, already well known. It is not, however, such familiar knowledge that, in spite
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  • 512 4 In view of the hostilities in the Far East and of the grave interest which attaches to the obligations in respect to Japan which ■we undertook by the agreement signed January 80, 1902, we set out below the full text of that treaty: The Government, of
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  • 26 4 The collier Salfordia struck a rock close to Yeeha Island, near Hongkong, and was beached on the Yaumati side of the harbour, to discharge and dock
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  • 438 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) (From Our Own Correspondents.) Loudon, 25th Feb, (8.5 nvj An official despatch received at St. Petersburg states that the Japanese beet again attacked Port Arthur early on Thursday rnornin» (yesterday) and was repulsed. 8 An official despatch received from Vladivostok at St. Petersburg says that
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  438 words

  • 27 5 Settlement Simmering. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27th Feb,—Pourparlers between Turkey and Bulgaria regarding an arrangement for a pacific settlement' of the present difficulties continue favourably.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 24 5 London, 20th Feb.—An influential meeting at Manchester has resolved to raise half a million for the purpose of promoting British cotton-growing.
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  • 44 5 Calcutta, 20th Feb.—The Tibet Mission reports that the Tibetan force at Guru is reported to have dwindled to two thousand men, but the Englishman's correspondent hears there are still seven hundred mounted men at Doclien and a few thousand at Gyantse.
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  • 65 5 Calcutta, 20th Feb.—A Press communique issued here to-day states that the necessity for references between England and India to secure absolute historical accuracy lias somewhat delayed the compilation of the official history of the Delhi Durbar. Ihe work is, however, well in hand and is expected that
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  • 103 5 JSS*}**\ T 2oth Feb.-A Pioneer fecial, dated London, 19th February, Paris ti f u authe ,tic l,1 y stated in anti-Fn r ussia offered to join in an Pashod 81S1 war at tlie time of the xashoUa crisis. ofthcFvl'i Cert:l n ia tlle Chancellor fresh tiixationl"' 1 >Vlll
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  • 491 5 (27 Feb.) The Bangkok T imes states that the war lias sent up the price of Japanese matches a,hundred per cent. Japanese goods nave also risen considerably all over the East. \vo are not surprised to hear this and wo heartily congratulate merchants and traders who
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  • Current Topics.
    • 216 5 Fcwther light has been thrown on rubber planting by the Indian Government which may prove of great importance to rubber-growers out here. The recent explanation of the India Office that seeds are being dropped here and there in the forests of Burma is all very well as far as
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    • 475 5 That alert and usually wellinformed London journal The Tablet says it is remarkable that The Paris T emps should have published a few days ago a brief but complete review of the position of France in regard to Fgypt. The article, if not absolutely official, may certainly
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  • 330 6 Directors’ Report. Following is the Directors’ report to be submitted to shareholders of the Penang Hills Railway Co., Ltd, at the annual ordinary general meeting to be held at the Chamber of Commerce at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, 2nd March:— Tour Directors have pleasure in presenting their
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  • 38 6 His Majesty the King has approved of the appointment of Mr. Frank Bodilly, Barrister-at-Law, as a Judge of the Calcutta High Court, vice the Honourable Mi*. Justice Hill, who will retire, with effect from the 17th March, 1904.
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  • Article, Illustration
    1757 6 11 Viceroy of the Far East,” It is to Napoleon we owe the saying—- In war men are nothing; a man is everything.” Now when the attention of the whole world may be said to be centred in the Liaotung Peninsula, it would seem that the truth of these
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  • 59 7 ct e™r U hJ ,X llanB e 3 re P° rt ‘hat Lord Kit£th r e tirel J re gained ids Ule *ort rife "n h :r Sthan l is :iUb to his favourite charger. fr »m 'l ef .rs 011 good authority, visit of His Royal postDonpl lUCe a^es
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  • States’ News.
    • 644 7 (From our own Cor respondents.) Taiping, -2nd Feb.—There is an exodus of officials and other people going to Kinla for the races. Several left by this morning’s train*. Some of the Penang jockeys and horses passed through to-day and more are expected tomorrow. The Resident lias promised to be
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  • 41 7 The firm of Yamanaka and Co., which deals in Japanese art goods in New York, with branches in London and Berlin, sold by public auction its New York stock, and devoted the proceeds to the war i'nnd of J apan v
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  • 781 7 Received by Wireless Cable. (From All Sorts of Sauces.) Port Arthur, (undated.) Owing to a serious outbreak of tlie yellow peril, in epidemic form, this hitherto populous health resort has been declared infested, or invested—don’t quite know which—and all sorts of sanitary, insanitary and other precautions are
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  • 362 8 The Hustler.” Notes from the Diary of a Modern Newspaper Owner. A. M. 10-0 A rri ve at offico. 10-2 Discharge 15 employees and engage 19. 10-7 Sign 100 one hundred pound cheques for winners in Snipperey Snips” hidden treasure compettion. 10-13 Discharge three employees. 10-15 A
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  • 1402 8  -  Will He Work in the African Mines. (By Francis Grihb’e.) The question of cheap Cbine-e l.iboui foi the Transvaal is usually looked at trom two points of view: those of the white shareholder and the white working man respectively. What is the Chinese view of the matter? Formally
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  • 1593 9 (The Cosmopolitan Dec. 1903.) —Straits Times. The commanding position which Russia has grasped along the frontiers of China, India, and Persia seems to leave no doubt as to her intentions. We are to have one great final war, which promises to he so frightful in
    (The Cosmopolitan Dec. 1903.); —Straits Times.  -  1,593 words

  • 415 10 (From Our Ovm Correspondents.) London, 20tli Feb. (3.55 p.)— Viscount Hayashi has issued the following in reference to Admiral Tojo’s plan to bottle up the Russian warships inside Port Arthur:— Early in the morning of the 24th February four old vessels were towed by some torpedo boats round
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  • 477 10 Admiral Alexieff’s Order to the Troops. (Rangoon Gazette Service.) (Hongkong Telegraph Service.) (China Mail Service.) London, 18th Feb. —Admiral Alexieff lias issued a stirring order to the Army and Navy and exhorts the Russian forces to unite for the coming struggle on which so much depends lie reminds
    (Rangoon Gazette Service.); (Hongkong Telegraph Service.); (China Mail Service.)  -  477 words
  • 903 10 (Pioneer Correspondent.) New Chumbi Camp, 4th Feb.—Although the Mission is a peaceful mission and although up to the present not a shot lias been firdd nor any incident occurred to which any really military significance can be attached, it ought not to be forgotten that the safety
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  • 25 11 (foyon Gazette Service.) ion. ]Qfi, tv.i T Lonflr i /v Gazette service.) lOfi. p, T for tho w' t T ln the coursing
    (foyon Gazette Service.) ion. ]Qfi, tv.i T '  -  25 words
  • (29 Feb.) Current Topics.
    • 266 11 Pauticulaus of a wonderful new motor, invented by Mr. Peter Thornley, a Burton-on-Trent engineer, are given r by the Manchester Guardian. The invention is ui such importance tliat its development may result in express railway engines running at twice the present speed, at only half the cosi,
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    • 509 11 The Calcutta Daily News (18th Feb.) has some very interesting comments on the latest Russian threat to attempt the impossible, i. c., the invasion of India. It is of opinion that the statement emanating fioin St. Petersburg tint General Ivonoff, the Governor of Turkistan, lias been instructed
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  • 140 11 A somewhat venturesome sampan crew of three was picked up by the s s. Cornelia on Saturday morning nearly 1 50 miles outside Muka Head The sampan—or tongkang—had intended making the voyage fiom Langkasa, but was in a helpless condition owinj to having lost the rudder
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  • 341 11 The “Head-Cutting” Canards Spread To Tongkah. Penang's Example Emulated in Siamese Malaya. It will be remembered by most people in Penang tnat during the recent rikisha scare” the belief was held among the superstitious lower class Chinese that numbers from their, ranks were being murdered and their heads
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  • 183 12 Dissolved by Order of the Officer Administering the Government in Council. Last Friday’s Strait* Government Gazette contains tin order (No. 189) issued by His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government in Council under the Societies Ordinance 1889.” It reads as follows Whereas it was enacted by section
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  • 378 12 Lord Plunket, appointed Governor of New Zealand, was born on 19th Dec., 18G4, and is the son of the late 4th Baron, who was Archbishop ol‘ Dublin. He was educated at Harrow and T rinity College, Dublin, where he took his B. A. degree. He is aJ.
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  • 388 12 llari Raya Iladji is a red-letter day in the Islamic Calender. It is the tenth day of the Mahomedan month Dilhejah.” It is neither the anniversary of the birth nor of the death of Mahomet. It is a special day set apart for the performance of the
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  • 921 12 The Chinese Recreation Ciub’s Ahum A.hletics. Thert: was a crowded attendance fn, *u p“j ular fixture, the C. R. C. annual Zj? at Lake Villa on Saturday, and the heat f a noon sun did not deter hundreds of no, i from taking up their positions
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  • 329 13 Surgeon Major T. C. Mug.iston of the Singapore Volunteer C' rps reserve has been attached to the Penang Volunteers during his stay in Penang. The importation of cattle into Singapore from Penang has been prohibited for thirty days from 23rd inst., owing to rinderpest existing in Penang. The steamers T<ti
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  • 289 13 (From. Oar Otvn Correspondents.) Singapore, 29 Feb. (10.45 a.) The ludoChnsa steamer Nam Saner, witii lour lr.nnlre 1 Rjhs ans rescued horn the uiTag ami Korevtz, lias arrived li re an i is proceeding on her voyage to Colombo to-dav. Ihe I* i f*ilc 1 1 (Tti;sf»r Rascal,
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  • 100 13 Independence to be ST cognised. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27 Feb. —Lord I.ansdowne, .Minister for Fdre gn Affairs, speaking in the liaise of Lords, sai<l that the view f the British Government was that the independence of Tibet slmidd be recognised, but-that if any ower was to exercise a
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  100 words
  • 233 13 Official Repokt. (Straits Times, 27th Feb.) Early this morning the Japanese Con.'ul here received the following ne\v>: A telajrvam from tlie Foi’eign Office, Tokio, recm\o.l ui inidnig’lit IO.Ii Feb. states.—“ In the on ly morning’ cf.tlio 24tli three or four old steamers, being* escorted by Japanese torpedo
    (Straits Times, 27th Feb.)  -  233 words
  • 27 13 William Watson Co. Enormous Liabilities. London, 17t,h Feb.—The liabilities of Messrs. William Watson Co. are now estimated at b tween six hundred and seveu hundred thousand pounds.
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  • 37 13 (Rangoon Gazette Service.) Calcutta, 13th Feb.—Tlie weekly total of plague d* atlis rose in the seven days ending the 13th instant to 25,630. The principal increases are in the Punjab, Madras Presidency, and Hyderabad State.
    (Rangoon Gazette Service.)  -  37 words
  • 205 13 Strengthening the Defences of Indo-China. (Straits Times Service.) London, 2Ct ii Feb.—The Paris papers announce that M. Pelletm, the Minister for Marine, lots made explanations of a reassuring nature before the Naval t’mi.inittee. concerning the position of his Department in regard to tlje matter of Colonial defence. In
    (Straits Times Service.)  -  205 words

  • 252 14 Calcutta, 17th Feb.—The twentythird annual General Meeting of the Indian Tea Association was held yesterday. Mr. Tocher, seconding the report, said he congratulated the Association on the excellent year's work, and eulogised Mr. Mann. Mr. Hutchinson remarked the question of the increased duty on Indian Tea entering
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  • 71 14 Allahabad, 20th Feb.—lt is understood that the Amir of Kabul will not persit in nominating Khavvas Khan, the notorious Afridi refugee, as one of his Boundary Commissioners to meet Major Roos-Keppel. Reports from Peshawar confirm the statement that Surdar Umar Jan and liis mother Bibi Halima are still
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  • 63 14 Calcutta, 17th Feb.—A special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce is to be held on the 22nd proximo, to consider the proposal for the constitution of a tribunal of arbitration for the determination of mercantile and otlmr disputes, and to prescribe the Constitution and objects of
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  • (1 Mar.) Current Topics.
    • 246 14 The Liverpool Journal of Commerce o tils att< n ion to the tact that some 35 per cent, of th«‘shipping Ifquenting Newcliwang is British, while the foreign trade with tiie port was in 1902 of the value of AG, 130,000, o which the British share was
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    • 422 14 It will doubtless interest many of our readers to know th it tue semi-official Pioneer takes precisely the same view of the trumped up charge” made against Japan by tie Bubble Empire as does the Echo and many other'*Eastern journals. Our Indian contemporary says:—Russians are great
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  • 390 14 Cliap-goh-meli,” tlm Feast of Lanterns. The Chinese quarter, and more particularlv some pm tion* of Beach Btieet, quite a fairy like scene last. evenim» many of t he Chinese stores being Ruminated in celebration of the first day of Cliaju tjoli-mill, or Ftast of Lanterns. Lanterns there
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  • 69 14 11. M. S. Anjtnue leit Singapore bound for Hongkong on 2 th instant. Da. Jamieson was summoned to Ke* suddenly last evening and left early this morning by special steamer. It is belie that His Highness the Sultan is illPara and Rimboug rubber trees h®*® l>ceu planted in the grounds
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  • 545 15 t vinese fl-et at Port Arthur is on.', the Mikasa and Id?.* both of 15,200 tons cri'j'ias o and fourie n 6-m. guns, t.e ful,r ‘is of 14,850 tons, tin* Sluku |>,J in 1 F ]5 000, with the ,Jlat6U ?rinament, while the Yosliin.a is of' 12,0-0
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  • 64 15 ing 0f 6611,11 or(!,na, y puioral nioef. for Co., Ltd., Co.aretho P.T 18 Saud,la,l<ls buttery A 4th ultimo A' a T en t' 8 held in London on 10 1)01 that Jev<. y i P His obvious from this chief market a aV< f llle tirn) llo!tl ou the m
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  • 506 15 (Hongkong Tel. Special Correspondent.) Yokohama, Feb. 10.—News reached here late yesterday evening oi l he Japanese naval victory at Port Arthur on the night of the otii aud morning of theOtli lust., concerning which I wired you 10-day. A private dispatch received by one of
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  • 480 15 A War Correspondent’ s Libel Suit. Aftermath of tiie Famous Massacre Telegram Libel Cask. Tii* N.-C. Daily News of the 13th lilt, contains the following report of a ease which came before Mr. F. S. A. Bourne in the Civil Court at Shanghai on the previous day:— In the case
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  • 410 15 Market Quotations. Latest Prices from the Skat of War. By wireless telegraph from live cors.) Russian battleships per doz. 875. Japanese fireworks any price, buy[ers. Kussian war chances the lot; 10 cts. [buyers. Port Arthur 85 no buyers. Japanese beer free. Viceroy-ship of Far East 82; sellers. Russian
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  • 891 16 The following are the results of the Chinese Recreation Club Sports which were crowded out when a report of the sports was published yesterday. Patron a.—Cheali Chen Eok, Esq. and Foo Choo Choon, Esq. President. —Lim Kek Chuan, Esq. Vice-President. —Quali Bong Ho. Esq. Members of
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  • 86 16 Tiie Slrnifg Tnn> j s hoars that it is proposal to start a Malay paper in Singapore. 1* will l>e printed in Am hie chaiacters and will be issued once a week. '1 he paper will l)e called Taman Penytahwan or “Source of Information.” It will he printed by Alwee
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  • 747 16 Convictions Quashed. Tin: Strain ’limes -ives Ihe ••'Tori of proceedings iu Ihe 'liileke a pp J The appeal of Mr. A. F. (3. Tilleke f r the sentence of six mouths’ passed by the British Court ST* au indictment, which charged him receiving stolen goods, ended
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  • 92 17 .—Free Press. Crew Safe. Messrs Siemssen and Co., Hongkong, .re in receipt of a telegram from Saigon them of the total loss ofc the £man steamer Deuteros belongingto-the Pleushnrger Dampfschieffahrts-Geselschaft n 1869 The steamer was on her way Za Saigon to Hongkong. The crew has been gaved
    .—Free Press.  -  92 words
  • 112 17 According to St. Molchanoff. Following is an exact copy of hairraising vvar news as published in the Colombo Observer on the 16th Feb.— Serious Japanese Reverses. Losi Six Warships and 3,000 Troops. By the courtesy of M. Essipow we are enabled to publish the following telegram
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  • 915 17 A correspondent from Peking who is passing through Penang gives us the following account which will be of interest and possible encouragement to some of our local millionaires Some time ago, when in IVkiug, I was informed of the arrival at the capital of a great personage from PenanjJ. On
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  • 416 17 (Deli Cournnt Service.) w {From Our Own Correspondents.) London, 29 Feb, (5.40 p.)—Three hundred Russian engineers are le’avmg Aijnmovgorod to repair the damages inflicted upon Port Arthur by the bombardment of the Japanese fleet under Admiral Togo. Instances of repeated and widespread corruption throughout the various departments of
    (Deli Cournnt Service.) • '  -  416 words

  • 173 18 w The Estimates. (Supplied by Re liter.) London, 29 Feb. The British Army Estimates provide for an expenditure of £28,900,000 sterling* being a decrease of £5,600,000 upon last year. The total force provided for amounts to 227,000 men, being a decrease of 8,761. Provision has been made for
    (Supplied by Re liter.)  -  173 words
  • The Straits Echo (Special Service.)
    • 100 18 Glenturret Probably Total Loss. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, 1st Mar. (2.20 p.) The Glen Liner Glen turret took fire at the Tanjong Pagar Wharves to-day and has had to be towed into the roads in order to prevent the fire spreading to the warehouses and other
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  • 723 18 (1 Mar.) French opinions of Japan s military prowess as reflected in the columns of the Saigon daily Courrier Saigonnais are somewhat amusing. The journal says Japan may, to the surpnse of not a few, come out of the contest victorious. It draws a curious picture of
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  • Current Topics.
    • 145 18 An advertisement in this issue calls attention to the fact that the second master of the Atiglo-ChiueBe School is about to open a Night School in Penang for the use and benefit of youths who have left scholastic establishments and may be desirous to improve their education.
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    • 157 18 The Hongkong Telegraph publishes a telegram which bears most weightily upon the attitude of Japan with regard to China, showing that she has no designs upon Manchuria or any other portion of the Chinese Empire, but is, as the Times pointed out, fighting in the cause of all
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    • 451 19 The Government of Indi i s despatch on the Fiscal Qnestions raised by the lit. Hon. j os pli Cl la ti i bei lain late Secretary of State for the 0 published in a recent issue Pioneer. It is d ite<l 22nd OctoO 2 1903 addressed
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  • 42 19 following informed that the Kiata Tin Mine "«f outpnt frwm the ary Mnes for the month of FebruOutput for the mouth qaa i te I va,„ e WorlrL rom water rent 35 065 g expenses for the month *6 200
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  • 47 19 a v erv ot tllls lssue vve publish witl > Colonel Oka oft if °t n in, *I view on the Droll oi 4 the J:l P HU ese Armv W V— of the miiilarv which mud, Cor t a ilu<l Manchuria, of re Slould heard in the
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  • 369 19 The Ver> l. jgnol, Vicar-Geuevai of the diocese of Malacca, has received details of the last days and death of the lamented Bishop Fee* lhe last letter from the deceased was dated January 15th, from which it was evident; that Mis Lordship failed to realise
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  • 162 19 Peculiar Counting. The master of the Tung Chay Un, a launch plying between this port and Kedah, was this morning charged before Mr. Hereford, 3rd Magistrate, with carrying an excess of passengers, thereby endangering his vessel and the lives of the passengers. Marine P. C. ‘2l stated that
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  • 101 19 The great difficulty that has been experienced for years past in getting subordinate officers to take up appointments in the Pahang Government Service still continues, savs the Pahang cor. of the Straits Times. So great is the aversion to service in Pahang that there have been instances in which men
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  • 212 19 How Kobe Received the News. (From Our Own Correspondent Kobe, 11th Fob.—When the news reache 1 here on Tuesday that the Japanese had sunk.two Russian boats at Port Arthur, the greatest excitement prevailed. In the evening a procession paraded the town with banners, lanterns and a
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  • 1101 19 Statement by Mr. E. W. Birch. To a representative of Reuter’s Agency Mr. E. W. Birch. Governor of British North Borneo, who, as our readers are aware, suddenly returned to Europe in consequent of disagreements with the British North Borneo Company, said:— My term of office expires
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  • 252 20 The members of the above Club were at home” to their friends at 20 Leith Street on Monday and Tuesday nights. The Club grounds were most tastefully decorated with Japanese lanterns and flags. On the lawn in front of the Club a platform had been
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  • 277 20 The Hakuai Maru and Kosai Maru (Cosy Mary, as she is irreverently but appropriately dubbed on the China Coast), which are to be used as hospital ships by the Japanese during the war, are two vessels of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha fleet and were specially constructed iu
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  • 447 20 {Echo, 20th Feb.) With regard to the seizure by Russian warships of colliers in the Gulf of Suez flying the British and Norwegian flags, Russia is perfectly justified iu her act, if the c<»al is intended for Japan, under a decision given by Sir G. Lee in
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  • 892 20 (From Our Correspondent.) Bangkok, 12th Feb.—As the great war dwarfs everything else I suppose we poor correspondents have no other recourse than to cut our cloth accordingly. I may say that here in Siam the news of Japan’s initial success was received with unbounded delight by every class; and,
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  • 1869 21 PBan of Campaign. A Military Forecast. New York, January 19th.—War between Russia and Japan lias one great object in view—the supremacy of the Muscovite or Asiatic in the Far East. That issue at least has been made clear as day. When one comes, however, to consider the precise
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  • 48 22 That strictly impartial sheet the Saigon Screamer otherwise the Champion Caricler or Courrier Saigonnais has got ’em badly. It brands the Japanese night attack on Fort Arthur prior to a formal declaration of war as “perfidious.” Bravo! A bas les despots! Vive la republique Fraucaise! Vive Courrier Saigonnaise!
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  • 482 22 a steamer’s experience. London, 10th Feb. r ihe steamer Colombia, of the Pacific Steam Navigation Coinpan v, has reached Chifu, on the Shantung Peninsula. She reports that while lying in the roadstead at Port Arthur on Mondav she was surrounded by fourteen warships. Shortly before midnight a
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  • 341 22 The French cruiser Sullv, which left Toulon for the Far E ist with sealed orders for the French fleet, has passed Colombo. A home paper states that she should never have been sent to sea, as she has undergone neither speed nor gun trials. 1 hr 1 glits fire now
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  • 103 22 (From our own Correspondent.) ♦Singapore, 2 March (11.40 a.) —A telegram from Tientsin states that the British Vice-Consul and all British subjects have been expelled from Vladivostok and have arrived at Tientsin. They state that the Russo-Chinese Bank at Vladivostok has suspended payment and that provisions of all
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  • 28 22 Appointed Resident of Perak. (Supplied by lleuter.) London, '1 March Mr. Birch, late Governor of British North Borneo, is appointed Resident of Perak, Federated Malay States.
    (Supplied by lleuter.)  -  28 words
  • 45 22 Fire Successfully lixtinguished. (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, 2nd Mar. (0.50 p-) r l'lie file on the Glen liner Glen* turret, which it was feared would result in her becoming a total los s > has been extinguished without recourse to scuttling the vessel*
    45 words

  • 260 23 (3 Mar.) Ail know the story ot the lnsh.«au in counted a litter ot pigs belongto his muster, but could only there were more than nine, “be- there was one little pig that ran S t and couldn't bo counted.” The in which a marine constable prosecuted
    260 words
  • 613 23 Some time before the commencement of hostilities in the Far Fast the Echo pointed out the probability of Russian malcontents seizing the opportunity afforded by any triumph of Japan’s arms to stir up the embers of revolt in European Russia. That this forecast is in a
    613 words
  • 1262 23 Art Exhibition at the Town-Hall. Penangites pride themselves upon the beauty of their Island most justly, for it may well be described as one of the Gardens of the bun, and lienee it is not surprising to find that some folk who have artistic leanings have banded themselves
    1,262 words

  • 259 24 Chinese Prosecutor Fined for Perjury. Sequel to Dispute re Launch Tickets. Li Keug Soo and a woman named Oo Suan Lu appeared 'on summonses before Mr. Hereford in the Police Court yesterday afternoon, charged respectively with using criminal force to one Khu Gim on the 19th January
    259 words
  • 2827 24 Ordinary Meeting. At yesterday’s ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners there were present Messrs. J. W. Hallifax President), Cheah Tek Thye, A. R. Adams, Quail Beng Kee, Dr. Locke, R. P. Phillips Secretary and Dr. Park (Health Officer). Mr. C. W. Anderson was absent. A Misunderstanding. The President
    2,827 words

  • 61 25 Rumours of Death. (China Mail 19th Feb.) Rumours are current in town that the Viceroy of Cantou has received a telegram from Peking announcing the death of the Em press-Dowager of China. Applications for information in likely quarters have failed to obtain confirmation of the rumour; but we
    (China Mail, 19th Feb.)  -  61 words
  • 322 25 The Congregation of Oxford University bv 164 to 16 J have agreed to the exemption of Greek in certain examinations. 4 VVe gather from last year’s report on the Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, that during the year an exhaustive enquiry into the mosquitoes of the country and their
    322 words

  • 1510 26 (Cahleneu'K Service.) (Hongkong Telegraph Service.) (China Mail Service.) (Asalii Service.) Japanese Official Reports. Mr. Tanaka, Consul for Japan at Singapore, lias received the following telegrams from tin* Foreign Office and has courteously placed them at the disposal of the press Tokio, 28 Feb.—At nine o’clock yes--terday morning Russian
    (Cahleneu'K Service.); (Hongkong Telegraph Service.); (China Mail Service.); (Asalii Service.)  -  1,510 words

  • States’ News.
    • 723 27 4 T n s 22 Feb.—Mr. F. E. UAL f lie Acting Assistant District Offi,lor'ini went to IJudu and Sepan last “V ’a rent-collecting mission and, w f£ t i iere was the victim of a theft. His wb OUR night, but was subsebol ,K, ,Ld in tlie jungle
      723 words
  • 306 27 Now that Sabang is more resorted to than ever before, malaria is found to be rife there. Mosquitoes are said to be the piillie movers in spreading the disease, and measures have been taken to curtail tlmir powers for mischief. The medical authorities also give a small dose
    306 words
  • 429 27 Mr. J. F. Owen, Acting Senior Magistrate, Pahang, has returned from leave; Mr. H. 11. Burgess, D. O, Temerloh, lias been granted an extension of leave for six mouths from 19th April; and Mr. S. G. George Ins been appointed Inspector of Mines, Pahang. The Fortnightly publishes an article on
    429 words
  • 509 27 (Supplied by Reuter.) (From Our Own Correspondents.) London, 2 Mar. (2-15 p.)— Twenty-five Japanese officers, who have been study ingin England, have left for Japan via America. They received an enthusiastic farewell from the crowds assembled to hid them adieu. The Berlin newspaper Tagliche Rundschau states that Russia
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  509 words

  • 135 28 The forts of Port Arthur, so frequently mentioned in our war telegrams, are very heavily armed. The fort at the entrance to the hpibour last year received four new 63-ton guns and seven Canet 5-5-in. quick-firers. The lines of forts on the adjacent coast extend 40 versts
    135 words
  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 46 28 On 13th Feb. at Jlougfcong, the wife of E. F. Gros, of a daughter. On Bth Feb. at Shanghai, the wife oi Charles K. Shaw, of a daughter. On the 26th February, at the General Hospital, Singapore, William Dunlop, Master of the s. s. Alooin.
      46 words
    • 185 28 On 27th January, at Holy Trinity Church, Portlaw, by the Lord Bishop of Cashel and Waterford, assisted by the Rev. W. W. if lemyng, ai. a.. Incumbent of the Parish, and Kev. J. y. M. Morley, M. a., Vicar of Kothwell (brother of bribe), \Y illiam 11. Shelford of
      185 words
  • 112 28 Penang, 4th March. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...1/11/, 4 months’sight Bank 111 3 Credit ...l/ll, 9 a 3 Documentary ...1/1 If Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 143 3 days’ sight Private 145 Bombay, Demand Bank 143 3 days’sight Private 145 Madras, Demand Bank 143 I
    112 words
  • 175 28 Bersawah Gold Mine Co., Ld. 15 50 Kaul) Australian Gold Miniug Co.. M 8 6.25 Mia Redjang Lebong Gold Miniu« Co Ld 5225,— n0,, KadanaGold Mining Co„Ltd. (fully paid) 10,— n0., Bruseh Tin Miniug Co., I,<l. 8.25 Cheudariaug Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 20.-safei Karangan Tiu Mining Co. 20.—
    175 words
  • 147 28 Tin 74j buyert Gold leaf 84. I». Pepper (\Y. Co isl3lbs.soz.)s 27.50 sellers White Pepper 48. —tellert Prang Pepper 30| sellert Cloves (picked) 43.— nom. Mace sl4o.— nom. Id ace Pickings 15.—sellers Nutmegs 110 s 60 .—sellert Sugar 2 5.20 (Basket 3.70»e/Jeri Tapioca Flour 1.95 talet Copra 8.15 buyen
    147 words
  • 107 28 Deaths. On 6th Feb. at Kobe, Robert Hughes, a native of Liverpool, England, in his fifty uiuth year. On 11th February, at the Government Civil Hospital, Hongkong, Capt. William Hutton, of s. s. Benlomond On sth Feb. at Yokohama, Henry Collins, aged 66 years. On 4th Feb. at Hangchow, Malcolm
    107 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 614 29 TO LET. Eu J 0 E- A Stage Secret. says find How Actresses Keep Their Good Looks. It is quite exceptional now-a,-day,' an important London newspaper, to an actress who has not mastered, the secret of preserving lier good looks, despite the late hours* and the ill-vent dated atmosphere of
      614 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 228 30 < < < < I 4 1 .*< < ?< < '1 r ~-“*r '^VS.L -m*#T h n /TiSp" T in TERION PRESS, Ltd I V i > f M. ixoc k rA^Li r «•eks > $»El* I ;x*x#c ESTABLISHED 1883. PUBLISHERS. V Proprietors of the ‘‘STRAITS ECHO,’ “SIN POE,”
      228 words