Straits Echo, 30 December 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1439 1 NCBTLFS MILK I-UOD m BEST F3OO mb voliit Baby i 90 cts. I < BANKS Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. (Incorporated la Royal Charter.) 1,200,00 a £2,000,000 Paid up Capital KeserveFund Ke«erve Liability of Proprietor* Head Office i No. 88, BI3HOPBGATE, LONDON, E.C, Agencies and Branches. £1,200,000
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    • 7 1 MILKMAID S2O.M Z. STAIN ASCI l wtmni
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 1984 3 Lord Milnoi's apprenensioa lest theie may be a revolution io Germany has ear* pnsed some people who havo read in all the books of the last four years that the Germane are a docile nation who can be taught anything under the tun except liberty,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 978 3 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS I WAR LOAN BONDS. Bearing interest from the date of purchase at per cent per annum, payable half-yearly on the aoth January and the aoth July REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 20th JULY, 1928. PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT. I a 8 3 8 J 1 8 I
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    • 8 3 *rjiyme and Revolution in G'.rmangI*ggo» Coaiubl*- 15«» n*U
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    • 46 3 Mow Is the Time. For rhenmatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Now ia the time to get rid ol it. Try this liniment and see how qnickly it will relieve ths pain and soreness, tor sale bj aU dispen- trie* and dealers
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    • 354 3 WANTED ADREBBER qualified according to Labour Code requ rements, to work aa Assistant Dieaaer in Eetafce Hospital, Apply to, MANAGER, Esate. Telok Anson, Lower Perak, u.o. WANTED ACHINEBB CLERK in Alor SUr mercantile firm Must be e reliable man and have previoua experience aa Book-keeper andSalesmaa. State age and .alar,
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  • 1134 4 C From Our Own Vampondcnu') Aior Star, December 27. A committee meeting of the O. S. 7 nion was held at toe G. 8. last wtek to diaw op rales. There were present Mr. E. A.G. Stuart (President); Oae Ismail 1 Meiioan and Tuan Byd Jan (Vice-Presi-dents); Mr,
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  • 484 4 Chiistmss celebrations in anticipation of the event were held in the Cntnese Methodist Cou ch, Taiping, on Thursday the 13. h iust. at 6 p.m. The hall w«* crowded and a programme of ten items was very successfully carried through, among the best being a du»t by two
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  • 345 4 Mr. W. G. da Mornay, of Effingham E«Ute ninth mils, Damansara Riad, who waa atttcked by gang robbars about midday on Monday, December 9, and aerioasly injured by many stab-wounds, b-aides being relieved of $1,500 in cash, came out of the European Hospital on Christmas Ere,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 434 4 DOCD< iOOcs O 000 IXZDCDC DO Vseftal Articles HARDWARE Popular Prices, f Crinkled Padding Moulds With cover lid*. English tin m sketoh in 3 sizes. 71 inches. Prices $1.25,1.50 and «1.75 each. The New Combination.” Jelly Moulds i I Crown 'Corkscrew Jand Tin "Opener as illustration. J Best English block
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    • 87 4 CkAMfeerUU’s Ceigk Ken^j. Whan yon hare a bad cold y om want a rtmedj that will not only in bßt f hot n prompt and perm. Bent Qare Bed that ii pleasant to reme dy that con Jf 1 ootl lojirlois. Chamberlain's Ooagh Kemedy^ eeta a u tbaM requirement», ald
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    • 514 4 Public Jloliday, The Exchange Banks will close on Wednesday tjj e ist of January, 1919, which has been proclaimed a Public Holday. Instant Relief f or DIZZINESS and Speck* before the E ye Liver derangement ia the belund tlieat «strewing condition,, „1 onlj restoration of perfect natai action can effect
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  • 991 5 Steamers Expected. Stentor, f >r L verponl, due January 1, W. Mar-tfi Id <t C f rium from L veipool, Jaauarv 4 for China and J.pan, W. Minefield A Co. The s i. Tara is dae to leave h»r* at noon on January 4 for the Coromandel Coast.
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  • 345 5 [To Til Edztok or the Straitt Echo Bm, Ia connection with the alleged ill-treat-ment of a pupil by a teaoher, I admire tie considerate policy of the Ohioeae Town Hail members in amioably compromising the matter aod at the same time b~w my h ad to
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  • 97 5 Service for the Failed* C From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, December 26. A most impressive service for the fallen wss held in the Oatkedral yesterday veaing, conducted by the Van. the Arch* leacon, Rev. F. G. Swindell. Their Excellencies the Admiral and the General and Sir John Bucknill,
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  • 407 5 E8FLAXADB, 6 P.M. 1 Selection From Lucia Lammermoor Donisetti 2 Galop Wonnetrunken Faust 3 Walts Nsvellen Gung’l 4 Polka L«s Greneuilles Dalbrsck 5 Match Castaldo Novaoek One of the Malay police night patrol on the Sungei Besi Road. in the early hours of yesterday morning, says the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 568 5 ■♦♦♦♦♦♦nnnnnn nnaf# Special Announcement THE IS EMPIRE P enang Road. enang. IS OFFFBINO FOR A FEW NIGHTS ONLY Commencing from To-night Non., 30th Dec., In the Second House 9.15 p.m. Snarp 1918 The moat Stupendous and Amaz ng Film Production in the World’s liiatorj is TARZAN ofthe APE’S -m From
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    • 303 5 CORRUGATED IRON ENOLISH JUST ASIUVED. Telephone 572. Cable AURELY.” a 'a /< «V IE v 1 H. /1 -v e r. r > E11VEW DE 7 s N V’ t£> ?>tf n* A k C/J X ERVEN DE N/ JS> v 3,-cf ?ji. va’.A 7 ROTTERDAM The l*t quality Shag*
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  • 101 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang Price: Dally Local *BO Per annum. h Outatatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Poet Free) *lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Coho) 586. Printing Oepartmant 343. I N.B.— All
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  • 53 6 Elliot-Febousoe. —At Bt. George’s Church. P-mac?, on Saturday, D?cember 28:b, 1918 by the R-v. Keppel-Garnter, Colonisl Chaplair, Tbomai Linton Elliott, only son of Thoi. Elliott, Oamburbarron, Stirling, N, B. snd of Mrs. Elliott, to Msdelina Margaret, elder daughter of tbe lste W. H. Fergvsos, Tonbridge, Kent, snd Singapore, snd
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  • 1097 6 Now that the German campaign again it I merchant shipping has ended, moat people I will want to know the net remit on British I mercantile tonnage, and particularly how I the British merchant fleet now stands in I relation to the other merchant fleet of
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  • 926 6 M r L m Eiw Tboon who has been ili has i re-umfd duties. D-. P. St. L* L st a, Mil, Liston and i Miss M«hier retu n-d to-day from home I I We understand that Mr. Row Soon Eim I was one of tbe party
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  • 939 6 Aerial Smuggling, The report of the Allied Ooaferenc* aonal navigation which is due tn 1 1 oa in P-ri. e.rlj i. tk 0 omin tarnish ioma totsresling reading o M the most important points that win S! brought forward for discussion i, the institution of ways and means
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 146 6 ALABASTINE SOMETHING QUITE NEW IN WATER COLOUR FOR WALLS ARTISTIC SANITARY, LASTING AND ECONOMICAL- “Alabastine’ when applied on the walls gives a clear, strcakless, and spotless appearance and is particularly suitable for standing the tiding light of the Tropics. Alabastine is stocked in a wide range of colours in 5
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 1282 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS* MELEE. Plots and Countor «Plots. LiodoD, December 25. A cable from Amsterdam says there was heavy street fighting in Berlin on the morn* jpg ot the 25th round the Oaatle and the Boyal stables which a naval division ooou pied. The Third
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  • 566 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] British Capture Destroyers. London. Deoember 27. An Admiralty report states that Captain B. I. Thesiger, commanding the Calypso, reports having oaptured two Bolshevik destroyers one of which was engaged in bombarding the lighthouse in the vicinity of Beval. The offioers and men were made I prisoners.
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  • 720 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Intervention in Russia' Paris, Deoember 28, Th 6 Allied Powers’ decision not to inter vene in Russia is being much discussed. Its opponents are stating that the troops going to Russia to restore order are «expected of wanting to re-establish the old regime- The peasants favoured
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  • 737 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ALLIED COMMISSION. Its Work in German Waters, London, December 27. The Press Bureau has issued an account of the Allied Naval Commission’s work in German waters. The Commission was headed by Vice-Admiral Sir Montague Browning and included distinguished members of the American, French, Jipanese, and
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  • 327 7 The fi st p.'Si of the *b.vj fuad, an Elgin motor cur, was wot by Mr. Goh Tong Boon, Court Interpreter, Lumut, and the s-oond pr si went to Mr- A. d Hassan, of Penang Prize Winning Nos. Nos. 1 Motor Car ***** 2 Lady’s Gold Chain
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  • 450 7 His Excellency tbe Governor Sir Arthur Young aod suite left Prai by speoial train for Alor about 9 o’clock this morning* A special Penang Harbour Board lauooh j conveyed tbe party to Prai at 8.30 a.m. It is expected that H. E, will return from
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  • 3304 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] MESSAGE TO U. B. A. London, Dsoember 26. A oable from Paris of the 24th says that President Wilson to-day sent the following message to ths American people: "I hope that it will eheer the people at home to know that I find their boye
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  • 256 8 Penang Mo rtality Returns. The mortality returns for the Municipality of George Town Penang for the week ending December 21 show that the total number of deaths was 68 of which 45 were males and 23 females. Tnedsath rate p«*r milla per annum was 33.21 compared with 35 1/ in
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  • 620 8 L mburg, menUoatd so fcanumi. n a territory on the M* %te i ■he provinces of Liga fcnd j> .ntexauoi by t*>e German? r 8-orriy after 1151 it Wa s m87 Toe b.Ule ot Woaiingen in lv«a auoD JloeDakes of B abant aff? wb.fc" a° toe fonunes
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  • 405 8 [To thb Edito* of thi Strait» Echo bin, —I wooder if there are sufficient motor cyoliats interested enough to form a Ciub for the advancement of their intere t*. Ttsere are many matters upon which a well organic d body can prove mataal helpful, •nd I wouid
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  • 2299 9 Cl Divid end. fl rt o Numb* o* j ■a d. Sa»« 33 Capital. Shar** I issue»! na last finanfor onrrent i ►b E m m cr M 0 6# 0 1 TJ P< oial year. yearCO m RUBBER—DOLLAt SHARES 8 cts. ots 1909 1907 1909 1 120,000 500,000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 242 9 K ALLEN DENNYS Co.. 7, Union Street, Penang. Phone Nos, 383 A 412. Proprietors of/ TNi PENANG RUBBER AUCTION ROOMB, where *ood prices are always obtaiiu i. THE PENANG TRANSHIP* IMG i FQnttAKOINU Go., who undertake to forward fuods to ANY PART OF THE WORLD ESTATE DEPARTMENT.—We pay special attention
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  • 1201 10 England and Palestine: Essays toiTAtDS THK RESTORATION OF THE JEWISH State: By Herbert Sidebotham ("Student i t War”). Constable, Mr, Sidebotham is unfortunate in that nine months elapsed between the completion of his book and its publication. In eonsequenoe, many of the prophecies made or
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  • 1079 10 It in apparently a national ner* u we should have a bogey man n !T ty thit 0 side when «e are at ?a ther has 1 n filled tha* t art t ftnn lho f tut he hd no claim to the Vu* 1 I** 1 00
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 332 10 W/. i m m ■$r. mr ts W rVr v\ N V. M V; > NATURE’S WONDERFUL GIFT TO AFFLICTED MALAYA A CERTAIN. SAFE SPEEDY CURE FOR ALL CASES OF MALARIA, SPLEEN KALA AZAR Just tbink of it! —more people are killed by malaria, spleen and kala-azar in the tropics
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    • 124 10 im a i Wj USEFUL PRESENTS. new range of Vacuum Flasks by the Icy Hot Bottle Co., U. 8. A. Guaranteed to kepp contents Icy Cold for three days or steami g ho: for hours. Useful Flask $3.76 Water Flask. >12.00. iij Picnic Basket *8 ‘f «ketoh $12.60 Restaurant well
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  • 1210 11 The Freedom of the Seas By Michael Cababe. Murray. 5s. net. The Freedom or thi Seas. Special Lectur s by Gerard Fiennes, Sir Francis Pigott, and John Leyland. Royal Society of Arts- Is. 6d net. The Development of German Priz* Law. By C. ti. Haberich
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 173 11 a BRITISH GOODS e n r 11 j; h D USE THE POPULAR SUMMERSCALE’S RUBBER MACHINtS. fi #72 b I! ti THE “SIRIUS.” A. Rol ors Diamond Cut> 20 inches by 3* inches forming diamond approx. 1 inch by inch by s'i inch deep. Rollers p lain, Polished. The Machines
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    • 332 11 MUNICIPAL NOTICE THE REVISION of the Assessment Lists for Houses and Lands within the Municipality of Georgs Town, Penang, for the year 1919, baring been completed and the Municipal Commissioners having certified in terms of Section 62 of *‘Tbe Municipal Ordinance 1913" that no val d objection has b?en made
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    • 216 11 BRITISH (SIAM.) WAR AIL ASSOCIATION. "OUR DM” 1918 WAR LOAN LOTTERY. TICALS 1.000,000 Tickets, Tics's 5 each, Tickets, Tieals 5 each. If all tickets are said Prises wil be Ist Prize Tieals 200,000 apply to Phnang To»» Club, Pbhang Club ahd Mb. Khoo Hook Tth, FEED KEMPTON, Hon, Secretary, Lottery
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1367 12 p BRITISH IMU AND APCIB LINE. (Otapulia I*»rp«r*t«d I» liglud.) MAIL AND IPASSCNOER BERVICEB. PENINSULAR jAND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Umdm Contract with His Majeety’e Government.) The'.Gompnny’i m*». BBRVICBB BAST OF BOMBAY aw at promt tuapwwtod. Fmupn (or Earapa an bockad via Bambay ai opporinuity offtn and aa far>e alien ia available. Tk*
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