Straits Echo, 27 December 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1416 1 REBTIFS I Imilk h>ou ĕ THE BEST F3OO MB YOUR BABY! 90 cts. “xi B A N\K S Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (locorporated.ln'Eogland by Royal Charter.) p&id up Capita! K3ierve Fund Ke*erve Liability of Proprietor! Head Office i No. «8, BIBHOPBGATE, LONDON, E.C Agencies and Branches. X
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 1755 3 (i'Voa Otar Own (hrr&pondadO London, November 7. All Alone. At last Germany stands alone in the world with her back to the wall—going down to her fate, snarling, snapping and biting to the last in accordance with the t.nets of bar accursed kuUur whioh for the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 426 3 i 1 •r K ur’ V? *1 -j! A J8 a !|l»l NATURE’S WONDERFUL GIFT TO AFFLICTED MALAYA A CERTAIN. SAFE SPEEDY CURE FOR ALL CASES OF MALARIA, SPLEEN KALA AZAR U Juat think of it! —more people are killed by malaria, spleen and kali-azar in the tropics every year
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  • 906 4 Th Victoria Cross has been awarded Lieut William Donovan Joynt, of the Bth Battalion of Australians for conspicuous travery and devotion to duty During an attack, in herleville Wood, Peronne on August 23. Joynt's company commander was killed early in the advance. He immediately took charge of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 258 4 DOCDC iOOO O OOO! XZDCDC DC WOODEN TOYS FROM WFITEAWAY’S BAZAAR, FENANG. n Motor Bus. Very Prettily painted X in light green U oolenr and strongly made with 14 seats. Length 24 ins. Price $6.50. r.ARAGE AUTO 31 a i 9 m m Motor Vans. Brightly painted and j varnished,
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    • 916 4 Federated Malay States War Charities Lottery. Ticket» for this Lcttery are issued under the auspice» of the Federated Malaj States War Charities Committee and the Prizes will be allocated as follows: The Prizes. The allocation of the amount subscribed will be as follows: 20 per cent. for one 10 5
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  • 1049 5  -  (By Tom Weioh») In May last I was Invited to join the editorial staff of the China Mail at Hongkong. I agreed, and made inch arrangements a* are neoessary to a man having friends and correspondents all over the world. It was settled that 1 was to leave
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  • 934 5 2(To Thu Editor of tbr Malay Mail “Sir, —Fortunately the letter of Law aod Order” in your paper was oopied by the Strait» Echo for the attention ef either its numerous subscribers or the looal Government. Perhaps “Law and Order.” in suggesting the wholesale disarmament of all Chinese
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 335 5 To-night To-night THE tS EMPIRE P Second House 915 p.m. Snarp 4 enang Road. enang B n m MBTRO PICT0RR8 CORPORATION PRKBRNTS TEE CELEEEATED STAB EMILY STEVENS 8UPPORTKD BY EARLE FOXE In 6 act Me ro wonderful pi y of Inted'e Drairut c Suspanae ‘OUTWITTED’ EMILY STEVENS jr\ "OUTWITTED” THOUSANDS
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    • 512 5 CORRUGATED IRON ENGLISH JUST AaHITED Telephone 572 Cable AURELY.” FCXR. SALE WILLY 8 KNIGHT CAE painted grey, 6 tv res and Bits; perfect condition, any trial. P>icd $4200* Apply to WEAENE BEOS. NOTICE. MEMBERS of the Chinese Benevolent Association are informed that the funeral of the late Mr. Lee Huan
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  • 96 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang Price: Dally Local *BO Per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) 918 per annum. Cable Addreaa ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Coho) 980. Printing Department 343, .V.S.—All ou.inee* communication. should
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  • 1218 6 When the date of the General Election was announced, alternative days, December 21 and December 28. were given at the date on which the votes would be counted. A few days ago Reuter told us that the soldiers were still voting, so it may he concluded that
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  • 907 6 It is understood that General and Lady Birdwood and their daughters will pay a visit to Australia shortly, With the approval of the Emperor, the Japanese Bed Gross Society has awarded Colonel Boosevelt ita Medal of Honoar Mr. Trowell, Inspector of Mtohinery, F. S, has returned to
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  • 991 6 Bice and Railways. The prioa of best quality a;. ST® r ,ad by local dealer,® r 0e h Christmas Holidays from eo to 7l gat tang. There is no excuulw 0 this renewed extortion, neither t l°? ered fo lMu r lltloa DOr tho fl30(lg nor OK?? C
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 139 6 ALABASTINE SOMETHING QUITE NEW IN WATER COLOUR FOR WALLS. ARTISTIC SANITARY, LASTING AND ECONOMICAL Alabastlne when applied on the walls gives a clear, streakless, and spotless appearance and is particularly suitable for standing the trying light of the Tropics. Alabastlne n is stocked in a wide raDge of colours in
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 561 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] WHO FINANCED IT? Bolshevik Claims. London, December 21, fbere is a good deal of controversy in the Oerinsn newspapers on the question of who fla»noed tin revolution. The Barlin Soviet Eicoutire admits it received half a million «arks through a nayaterions man named Eltioh woo
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  • 551 7 [Buutuk’u Tulsouams APPEAL BY MILIUKOFF. London, December 20. A cable from Reme says that M. Miliukiff, ex-Russian Foreign Minister, in an interview, deolared that Russia was threatened with tbe meat appalling oatastrophe in history, Allied intervention was absolutely imperative. A small effort would have saved Russia a year
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  • 375 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, D-oember 24 The King in a message to the Forces •ays I—* Another Christmas has come r ound and we are no longer fighting, God having blessed our efforts.** Their M*jaeties specially greet the disabled, the siok and the wounded, and hope they will
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  • 76 7 Fob Tulbobam jtbox Pbnang, The Hon’ble Resident Councillor received the following by the mail yesterday i General Headquarters, British Armies m France. 14th November, 1918. On behalf of all ranks of the British Armies in France and in my own name, I beg that you will
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  • 61 7 Latest Quotation. Tin (unrefined) ie quoted hare to-day at $118.73, no business done and in Singapore (refined) at $119.50, business done changing hands 50 tone, Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform ns that the following were the quotations for Rubber on Spot in London on tbe 2Qth iost.
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  • 125 7 Singapore beat Selangor CFrom Out Cun Correspondent^ Kuala Lumpur, December 27, Singapore beat Selangor at baeeball at Kuala Lumpur yeeturday evening by eixteen points to one. Sir E- Brookman pitohed the first ball. Sir Joseph Larmor, Unionist M. P for Camb idge University siooe 1914 who
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  • 1498 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] WILSON INTERVIEWED. Thi Freedom of th# Seal. Louden. December 21. Pre»id«tt Wiliou, in an interview granted to the Paris correspondent of the Timet said that the greatest question as regards the Peaoe Conference was "W.ll th*re be found enough of wisdom of purpose among the
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  • 924 7 L cklrg rffiral corfiroatioo, tho report tba* Great Britain is withdrawing from Gibraltar is not likely to receive gere al credence at present. Geographically considered, Gibraltar it an isolated mass of rock m the aouth weat of Spain, ruing to an altitude of 1408 feet, 3 miles
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  • 66 7 The following articles will be found oo our out'ide pages i 3-— War N*w« and Gossip 4, V C.” Heroes. 5. —B cent Adv-mtnres, Gang Robberies, 8. —K. 14. 8. (Malay States) Kubbir and Cooonnt Plantations, Ld. Rufcb'r Market. Waterfront. Two Assault Cases. Japan and HilUnd. Chrutmas ia Penang.
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  • 902 8 Stbambes Exfiothd. r ilsm, from Calcutta, due December 80, for Singapore and Hongkong, Bouatead 0o warns Maru, from Deli, due Deoembur 30, for Singapore, Guthrie A Oo. The e.e. Kwai Sang will leave here to- Borrow afternoon for Calonttu. The e.s. Tara is dne to louvo here at
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  • 311 8 Ng Ah Seng appeared before Mr. S H. I Langston this morniag in answer to a I oharge of voluntarily causing hurt to one Leong Ah Weng with a dangerous weapon, to wit, a koife in Perlie Road. The aooused was released for a week on bail
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  • 294 8 The following is the Market Report of Messrs. Aldene’ Bacceß»ors, Ltd. t— Dated, London, 7th November, 1918, Oar market has shown a slight decline since our last Report but remains very steady. Only small suppliea are comiDg foiward frem day to day and these are readily absorbed. This
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  • 380 8 Per N Y K s e Mithima Maru: —To Singapore: Mr F Reid Swainston, Mr F Hicks, Mr D G George Mr R A Wanless. Mr J H Brown, Mr F J Morten, Mr D McK Bennett. Mr D C Rand, Mr L E Child, Mr
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  • 801 8 The Directors’ Report and Statement of 1 f Accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1918. to have bem presented at the eightn annual general meeting to be held at the I registered office, 5, Whittington Avenue, London, E C-S, November 28,
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  • 872 8 The Directors’ report and statement of ■coounts of the above Company for the year I endeded June 30 which was to have b en presented at the annual general meeting in j London on October 31, was as follows s. d. The Profit for the
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  • 482 8 Church StnritM. At St. George’s the festival was ushered in by the usual Carol Service at six in tbo afternoon on Christmas Eve. There was a crowded congregation of the Tamil community at Matins and Holy Communion on Christmas D»y. The S r- vice began at 5
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  • 458 8 Of a sum of $320 acknowledged by the Honorary Treasurer in bis list published on th c 20 a instant Mr. Lim Eow Thoon subscribed $lOO, the Penang Mutual Improvement Association $2OO and $2O was collected on a collecting card issued to the P.M,I.A. Tables published
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  • 989 8 Th® Paris Curtespondent 0 f Ws.tmxn.ter sends tt0 «count of iniemew with the Dutch statesman oi n V »n Sol oo th»* question of J* D 0n a or East reprodj -d fro® lelegraaf It waa the Vosasche 7®, he which alleged that a conation exiftV
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  • 2285 9 m a Dividend. a Nnmbe ef •a d, -4 '•S fapital. Sham Mam*. r E S a m u 0& issued. 0 a »-< -a '3 Ch last financial year. for current year. h 0 to S3 OQ 0 CP ets. 1 cts 1109 120,000 500,000 450,000 200,000 T50.000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 220 9 -rtm w mim ALLEN DENNYS &> Co., 7, Union Street, Penang. Phone Noe, 383 3 412. Proprietors of/— THE PENANG RUBBER AUCTION ROOMS, where good prices are always obtain*! THE PENANG TRANSNIPMNQ FORWARDING Co., who undertake to forward goods to ANY PART OF THE WORLD. ESTATE DEPARTMENT.*—We pay apodal attention
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  • 929 10 ENEMY GENERAL’S REVIEW. -r fc Missed Opfoetueitiis. London, Not. IfMr. Wsrd Prioc, telegraphing from Con atantinople, laid he interTiewed General Liman Ton Sanders, who oommanded the Tnrko-German forces against the British. Von Sanders said he found the British a brare and chivalroui enemy both in the Dardanelles and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 850 10 AAA AAA A A If you do not know me Allow me to introduce myself lam the famous AMD Liqueur Scots Whisky. My eld friends call for mi, and, what is more, see that they get me. Now, I want my tnew friends to do the same. Please insist on
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  • 910 11 (Bt Lieut. JW G. Tomkin Brown settled himself on the park seat beside the wounded Tommy and opened his evening newspaper. This was a short time before the Great Allied offensive. “We seem to be holding ’em," he said The soldier took
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  • 384 11 IMPORTANT PROPO3ALS DOWN FOB CONSIDERATION. A meeting of the Legislative Council will be held on Monday next when the orders of the day include: Motion by the Attorney-General.—That this Council approves tbe construction by or bv the authority of the Government of the Federated Malay States of a
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  • 432 11 Baron Hayashi late Minister to Peking, recently visiting Peking, in reported to have made the following remarks on the disposal of Tsingtao Regarding the final disposal of Tsingtao. opinions are divided. According to the fifth clause of the Peace Terms proposed by President Wilson, all German colonies
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 510 11 [BRITISH GOODS! USE THE POPULAR SUMMERSCALE’S RUBBER MACHINES. Vh mmm m THE “SIRIUS.” A. i Rol.ors Diamond Cutr 20 inches il by 3t inches forming diamond apprcx. i incH by f inch by A inch deep. Rollers Polished. The Machines that will Ensure your Rubber to be Readily Accepted. ft
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    • 394 11 BRITISH (.SIAM) WAR AID ASSOCIATION. MY” 1918 WAR LOAN LOTTERY. TICALS 1.000,000 Tickets, Tics'■ 5 each, Tickets, Tieala 5 each. For further portion I srs and tioketa apply to Pbnang Torn* Club, Prsano Club abb Mb. Ehoo Hook Ttb. FEED KEMPTON. Hon. Secretary, Lottery Sub Committee, Hongkong Bank Lane, Bangkok*
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1099 12 p. ry«*BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Giapuiai Incerporated la England.) MAIL AND PABSENQER BERVICEB, PENINSULAR jAND ORIENTAL SAlLlNGS(Undoi'Cemtract with His Majesty's Government.) Tke* Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY in at present suspended. PuHipn for Eurapa art booked via BomUj u opportunity offers and aa far as Mosuamodation ia available.
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