Straits Echo, 21 December 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1421 1 ’RESTLFS I MILK FOOD THE BEST F3OO MB VOUh BhBY I 90 cts. ™rL m BAN IK S Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated la England by Royal Charter.) Piid up Capita! |{3serve Fund Beierve Liability of Proprietors Head Office i tfo. 88. BIBHOPSGATE, LONDON, E C, Agencies
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    • 3 1 MILKMAID $20.50 ;HTAMABLI
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  • 1454 2 A Hit of the anbacribera of $l4 Mid »m I» |ht OCB DAT Bad Oroaa lud pnbliehed below: Any trrora and emission* shonld ba rapartad to tka Honorary Boorvlary or Honorary SVNK>. Heak Swat lee leq I •MOO. W Dnncu leq Laa Boo* Fee **q Lim'Mah Okya leq
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  • 1012 3 RACE DAYS: FIRST DAY Tuesday, 21st Jany., 1919. SECOND DAY Thursday, 23rd Jany., 1919. THIRD DAY Saturday, 25th Jany.. 1919. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 21st JANUARY, 1919, j&8 The George Town Plate and Purse, Vain» $4M and $100 to each Second,, Horsey A Handicap for
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  • 2247 3 (from Omr Oran Qnr&pondext.) A Masterpiece oi Diplomacy. London, October 24. President Wilson’s ultimatum to the German people is masterpiece of diplomacy. They mast choose forthwith for war or for peace, for the Hchensollerns and all for whioh that arrogant Hoise stands, or for their own
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 223 3 First 15th Entries Close 5 D .T'wm i= conditions remaining the same. Provided tne ,_„w ra nt« Committee reserve the right to divide any R»ce* th wi ner of any Race run subsequent A Penalty of 7 lbs. is incurred m a Ilanelicap by the winner Rwes tolthe publication of
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    • 397 3 FOR. SALE. ONE COMPLETE CINEMA SHOW, For farther paiticelars please apply to O F. E t ejo Strait» Echo, 934—28—12 WANTED A CHINESE CLERK in Alor Star mercantile firm Must be a reliable man and have previous experience aa Book-keeper andSalesma >. State age and salary required. Apply to *‘0;”
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    • 329 3 GREAT TANK FUND. The Fund will ctosl on Saturday, t Decembe 21st, The drawing will take place on the Esplanade at nosn on Monday, December, 30th. The following is a list of prizes:— Prize No. 1 Motar Car 2 Lady’s Gold Chain 3 Diamond King 4 “Underwood Typewriter 5 1
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  • 1174 4 COMBATING EXTR MISM. (By a wobkino mah This extreme Labourism extreme Socialism. I.W.W., or Bolshevism—extre mism for short—has been coming on for so long and so gradually that the majority of people have got used to it. They do not realise the fact that it is actually
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  • 966 4 The question of teachers’ salaries in Malaya is in the air at present, and a comment on the subject, ma le in our I hearing the other night, prompts us into touching the matter. “Is sahry all they care for, these teachers? Is there ii them no love
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 659 4 X 30<=>OOCDC DC PRESENTS FOR THE LITTLE ONES, Cats. A. whit* Plushet™ Cat with coloured ribbon and ball round neek. Prioe 65 oents oach. mimfm r 'y>‘A i: vtffQ.i 2 PluehetU tats T A whita fur cat with jointed special aye*, hu silk ribbon rou squeaks whan pressed, similar to
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    • 81 4 Crtap. This disease ii ao dangerous and so rapid in its development that every mother of young ohildren should be prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and iet the child sailer until it can be obtained.
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    • 541 4 ON SALE. Oandlepower, Economical 8l f *i°!° °W Crude Oil Vertical B.H.F reidy complete „,th sp"*, U Crude Oil Boat Motor, -6 h p fall equipnunt. U P With Eeroalae Motor—3 H.p f Qr u and fcUtionary, Most useful l| tUe light and portable. 0 MoUr Ooalds Pomp»— Pyramid, rotary
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  • 497 5 LEAN A Co’s WEEKLY REPORT, < Ptn«ng a December 20. t When early in the week it was announced 1 that all import restrictions on orude Rubber j to the U. 8. A. had bean withdrawn, one j might have been justified in expecting an immediate hardening
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  • 514 5 Musses. Fkasek and Co.’s Weekly I, ClKCULAB. In the weekly share cironlar, dated Decamber 18, Messrs, Fraser and Co report 1 There have been no radical changes in I .ny section of the market throughout the I week. The removal of importation restriotons in crude Rubber int)
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  • 749 5 A Tamil woman who would not betray j her honoar was brutally asssulted by a man of the same nationality who inflated snob terrible injuries with a chopper that the poor woman died at the Tan Took Sing Hospital a few hours later. These sad faots
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  • 344 5 Judging from information obtained along t he waterfront the time is nigh when the l shortage of British tonnage trading out this port will be things of the past. It will doubtless be recalled by many of our readers t hat several looal steamers were long ago
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 402 5 THE popular ’icture a lace EMPIRE Penang Road. S' cond 9.15 o.m Sha*“0 LAST TWO NIGHTS. OF THE SPECIAL AUTHORIZED FILM DEMO’S 4 TEARS lisr GERMANY First Horsi 8 pm “Harold lockwood” in “The Haunted Pajamas A Special Metro »>-Reel Comedy Drama. WATCH HO I I M The Brand of
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    • 209 5 r T U RK EY S AND »3.i HAMS Orders are now being booked for delivery about 25th instant. r* m iff Singapore Cold Storage Co, LIMITED. II ENO’S U6HTNIN6 COUGH CURE Stops Colds in a Night— CHECKS INFLUENZA Overcomes Nasal Catarrh. Vano’s Lightning Cough Cure will i an ordinary
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  • 97 6 PUBLISHED 'DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Daily Local $80 Per annum* Outatatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $18 per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Eoho) «8«. Printing Department S43, N.B.— All bua.neas
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  • 1250 6 Every Allied oountry will appreciate the aigoifioanoe of President Wilson’* visit to Europe in oonneotion with the Peace Conference. It oompletes the departure from tradition which waa begun by American intervention in the war, It marks the recognition by the United Statea of the faot that heroeforward
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  • 849 6 Capt. Kerr, well known to old residents of Penang, is com ng from home on a visit to the Straits, in the spring, i Mr, C. Trim Johnson, Manager of the Georpe Town Dispensary, has returned from long leave in England, i Tho Hon. Henry Burton K.O-
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  • 114 6 We have received for following Oo.eiDmeot oommuo^*,'*! •I»™»ot etetements nj, «w.p.per., otwhlob irresponsible «d ln.ocor.l. Ul authorised to state that the opplj .Id tho prio, ot rioe In throughout reo.i.ed ,„d rJ oIMMt *“o»tioo of tire Qj4 Committee and tb. Oosero» ent ‘•Orsiog to th, oomplrcsted o,t,
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  • 233 6 Loss of the “Ma ry Austin.” CLAIM BY THE OWNEHd. Jijdgmbnt Rsasavsn baft Mr. /.r.“ 9 L, WGT? r!n R° D WBon d Lt w.g w £2 R.N.R., (as assessors) the hearing n, eluded ot the suit institutsd bv the F (ae s-s. Mary Austin, whiott wan aßn ir w!lb
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  • 150 6 The following having appeared in our issue of the 13tb instant under the head of 14 Taiping Gossip The Police, who are most aotive in arresting unoffending individuals for supposed gambling and otber off-noes are really powerless in detecting these theft», though many bicycles have disappeared. These
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  • 61 6 Muusua. Dunnts A Co ’s Acotiov, per pound Ots. cts. Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 64 „73 Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 55 63* Unsmoked Bheet No. 1 56 Unsmoked Sheet No. 2 42 „50 Crepe Fine brown 48 „53 Dark 32* 45| Barky 27* 30 Scrap,
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  • 55 6 Tna following are the alterations of Mestra. A. A. Anthony <& Co’s share list to-dayi— Yesterday. To-day. Rubber. 5 5* =3 S' a m a Palau Bulang 4,00 4.50 4.00 4.25 Mining. Taiping 1.50 1.57* 1.50 1.60 Trong 23/6 24/6 24/- 25/Tongkah Harbour 22.75 23.50 22 75 23.25 General.
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  • 42 6 Holland Amerioau 554 166, 81 Para Pare 24,202, Netherlands Laogkat 7,399 lb, Said the Slraitt Timet of Thursday last i —A mail from Enrepe will arrive by train on Saturday, Correspondence will be ready fur delivery at 9,30 a,m,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 230 6 SF FOR PLANTERS AND MINERS. CHEMICALS Acetic Acid 99% Alum, Refined and Powdered Calcium Carbide Caustic Soda Sodium Bisulphite, English Sulphur, Refined Soda Ash Sulphate of Copper i ELECTRIC SUPPLIES OF ALL SORTS:— ENGINEERS’ STORES:— METALS:— Brass. Copper, Iron, 8teel and Zino COTTON WASTE:— PROVISIONS:— Green Peas, Canned Salmon i
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    • 22 6 Wear your Flags and Rosettes And be at the Racecourse at three this afternoon And at the TOWN HALL 15 p.m. annnan,
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  • 575 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] national assembly prospects. Socialists Securing Support Loidou, Deoember 17 A cable from Copenbagm says that the National Assembly eleotiona for Anhault I ftD d Mecklenburg show narrow Sooialiat majorities over non Sooialista. Resignation of Solf At the Berlin Soviet Congreaa, Bittmann announced that Dr. Solf had
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  • 366 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE UNION OF BAOES First Ministry Formed London, Dcoember 17. A message from Belgrade says that the fi»st ministry of Slovenes, Croat*, and Serbians, representing all partirs, has been formed under the premiership of Pashitoh. Position in Portugal, Resignation of Cabinst. London, Deoember 17, A oable
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  • 108 7 Fourth Sunday in Adthnt. 8-00 a.m. Matins 8-30 a.m. Holy Communion 10-80 a.m. Matins (Chinese) 5- p.m. Sunday Sohool 6- p.m. Evensong Hymns 208,49, and 193 Psalm CVIII Russell Magnifioat 50 Nuno Dimittis 70 Turns day, Dio. 24. 6-00 p,m, Evensong and Carols Christmas, Dho. 25. 64X)
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  • 60 7 9 am. Sunday School 6 pm. Pnblio Worship SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICE. Preaoher: Rev. Donald J- B M 1 Hymns i 41, 86, 88, 39 and 816 1 Bvttuwokth Bm*vicx- Publio Worship will bs cmduot id in the Straits Trading Ooy.’s Club, Batterworth, on Sunday
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  • 348 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] Demobilisation of German ArmyParis, Deoember 19. In the Chamber a deputation yesterday made an interpellation as to the absence of any stipulation in the Armistioe regarding the demobilisation of the German army, The Under-Seoretary for War answered that the guarantees provided by the Armistioe were considered
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  • 51 7 The following articles will be fouad on our outside pages t B.—War News and Gossip. 4, Labour in Australia, Teachers’ Salaries. 5. Brutal Murder in SingaporePenang Share Market, a—F. M. S. Trade. A Naval Chaplain’s Note-Book. President Wilson and his Polioy. 10. -Discharged Combatants. Jim’s Pal. 11. Affairs in
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  • 2581 7 FETE AT THE RACECOURSE SUCCESSFUL JIPENING DAY. BAZAAR AND GYMKHANA All their aotivitiei during the last few months having moved to the one appointed end of the B-zaar, Flower show acd Gymkhana at the Baoeconrse, the looal Committee and its host of willing helpers have every reason
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 50 7 Grand Theatre of Varieties. TOWN HALL TONIGHT, 915 P.M. The Management requests that all those who are unable to attend TONIGHT'S PERFORMANCE— (a) Because the House is Full. (b) For any other Reason send thelr subs criptions to the Hon. Secretary, OUR DAY, 1918 II AID OF THE RED CROSS.
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  • 527 8 The official reports concerning the trade of the Federated Malay States during last year, a period of stress and uncertainty here’as elsewhere once more direct attention to this interesting and prosperous portion of the British Empire in the East. Lvge w rks ani improvements have, of course, been
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  • 240 8 The effect of marriage on airmen is one of tbs points di-ousaed by Captain T. 8. Bippon, R A-M C, M B-C.B-, stationed at m aerodrome, and Lieutenant I. G- Manual, B A.F-, a pilot of 660 hours’ experience ta a Report on the Essential Characteristics of
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  • 166 8 Before the Balkan war of 1912 King Peter erected a beautiful white marble church at Topola in memory of his grandfather, Karageorge, the liberator of -Serbia. When in 1912 the Serbs destroyed the flower of the Turkish army at Kumanovo and avenged Kosovo, where, five centuries
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  • 1019 8 Pbksidbnt Wilson’s Fobuign Policy, Messages, Addresses, Papebs. Edited with Introduction and Notes by James Biown Scott; Oxford University PreßS. 15s. net We have found the reading of this wellprinted, well-bound and well-edited book a matter of quite peouliar pleasure and interest. It iB not only
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  • 1236 8 THE DESERTER, Peter Bunter’s troubles aud subsequent downfall may be traced entirely to the Picksburs,” or, more remotely still, to the Lighting Aot. And although I am not prepared to state that his own temperament and his general laisaes-faire dootrinairiness may not be held partly responsible,
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  • 742 8 Stkaits Govbenmunt Servant Honoured. At Govumment House, Kuala Lumpur, at 10 o’c ook yesterday morning, H, E The High Commissioner, Sir Arthur Young, G 4 C M G*, conferred the Imperial Service Medal upon Mr, Horace O. Folsinger, who until recently was Chief Draftsman, Survey Office, Singapore.
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  • 213 8 The Yokohama~Maru jAnßa ;y- Cn d eit The Agamemnon is expsoted here about the 25;h or IheYch r? irr T outward bound. Oeoeuaber snive hereon da to bound via the Suez Canal 1 ho 8W4 M o The ss. Krcai Sang any k b arrive hero from Hongkong
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  • 145 8 The following are the agenda of the Muulcipal Commissioners to be held on 23rd instant i—--1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President nuy bring forward. 3. Questions. 4 Some bills to be pasted. 5 Proposad acquisition of land in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 519 8 In th« Hitter of the Straits Sittlemsnts Companies’ l Ordinance, 1839 AMD I In'the Hatter of the Kwong*! Yik Banking Company, Limited. (IK LIQUIDATION.) NOTICE ia hereby giveu that the Liquidator* of the Company have declared a seventh dividend at the r J ot 18%, making a total dividend of
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    • 90 8 Chamberlain's Ceagb Kerned y. Wheu 70« have a bad cold yon want a remedy that will not only give relief, bat ef feot a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy that contain! nothing injarloaa. Chamberlain's Coagh Remedy meets all these reqairements. It acts
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    • 47 8 Now Is ths Time, For rheamatiam 70« will find aothiog better than Chamberlain’» Pain Balm. Mow ia the time to get rid of it. Try this lini> meat and aee how qnickly it will relieve the paia aad aereaeee. Far sale bj all dianta■•nH Md toisri I
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    • 182 8 Federated Malay States War Charities Lottery. Tickets for this Letter/ are isssed under the auspices of ths Federated Malaj States War Charities Committee and the Prizes will be allocated as follows The Prizes. The allecation of the amount subscribed will be as follows:— 20 per cent. for one 1st prize.
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  • 2289 9 l s Divid end. I fn a 9 o Nialt of l a. fspital. Khar t- bust financial year. Bamg i Is issue! 1 3 TJ 1 (k for current 7»“ 0 eq 4 QQ 1 cts. 8 cts w\ *****, 1W» 1960 1 190/ 1966 19W 120,000 500,000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 403 9 ALLEN DENNYS Co., T, Union Strnot, Ponang. Phono Moo, 383 A 412. Proprietor* oft— THE PENANC RUBBER A WOT 1 OR ROOMS, where good prices are always obtained THE PENANG TRANSHIPSaNQ A FORWARDING Co., who undertake to forwara goods to ANY PART OF THE WORLD. ESTATE DEPARTMENT.* We pay special
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  • 748 10 Formation of Singapore Branch of I National Association. At a will Attended meeting of discharged I B'i orfi and soldiers and time-expired men I which was hr Id on Taesdaj evening in the! Singapore Cricket Club, kindly lent for the I oovi«“ion by the committee, it was «o*
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  • 104 10 Saturday, December 21, St, Thomas. Town Band, Golf Club. Bed Cross Gymkhana, Basaar, sideshows and etc. Rac* Coarse Grand Theatre of Varieties in aid of “Our Day” at Town Hall. F. M. S. Art Club Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Taiplng "Our Day” Bazaar from 12 p.m, to 6.30 p.m.
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  • 872 10 STORY OF A LITTLE SURPRigg (By a correspondent) Like the gentleman in '«a d i Spectacles," he came fra’ Sheffield? u° f speech n.ver left you for u hu doubt .bout that. Ho und.S“ freckled, and pug-nose i. He waa worker and an eternal optimist everybody called him
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 46 10 Now Is the Tlae. Vor rheumatism yo* will find nothing Wttar than Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Now the time to Rtt rid ot it. Try thia lini* nt and aee how quickly it will relieut the p»m and aoreneaa. For aa\« by all diapea.•w*i aad dealeie p
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    • 673 10 ’T' Si IS >o 'rb U *TJ U >S4fcJJIU .1 ,*)ti b' fc jS »ci t *T?i/' a u The Allied Governments .ji* i t&isn *i?ii M S ii q s>tij n jih *1' £8 tdr*rjG os ad u rn** ><iqst3 A i u .1 Si I if till? H.
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    • 88 10 ('ham Snjr lain Ceigh When job hare bad cold yoa Dt remedy that will not only give relief, b* l feet a prompt and permanent care, a re®e J that is pleasant to take, a remedy that ooa tains nothing injarloas. CfianiDerl* h Komedy meets all these reqairemen It acta
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  • 992 11 THE OTHER SIDE. ii. As we have «aid already, Mr. Liang Chi-ch’iao i« a little bard on (general Tnan in the latter half of hia articles, and we hardly think he doea him fall jastioe in several details. Mr- Liang points oat, truly enough, that the attitude
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 218 11 firestone TROPICAL SPECIM.” TIRES. —MU I 1 "Tresh Stocks Have Arrived. R. T. REID Co., PENANG AGENTS. DON’T HESITATE TO GO TO THE HUSIC SUPPLY AGENCY No. IB Hutton Lane, For best music and musical goods at tbe very lowest prices, Best violin strings &S 25 eta. each. Latest pieces
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    • 930 11 Robber Returns Books. We are now prepared to offer tor sale books for the purpose of recording the parchase and sale of rabber in aooordanoe with Ordinance XVII of 1910. Most invaluable to rabber dealers, CRITERION PRESS, Ltd, PnularM 3 StcUionart. 'DAY WATCHES You Wind These Watches Only 52 Times
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1279 12 p. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Oompemiea Imeerpereted 5a England.) MAIL AND PABBENQER BERVICEB, PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undoi Contract witk Bia Majeaiy’a Government.) The Company’a MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY an at proeant auaponded for Earopa ara bookad via Bombay aa opportunity offer* and aa far m eaoommodation ia available.
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