Straits Echo, 20 December 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1418 1 P’flFmrs i Imiu focu TNI «LS i FOOD MB YOUR BABY I 90 cts. PER i I TIK. < B A /V IK S J Charterad Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter.) £1,200,00' £2,100.1 JO Puid up Capital K<j,er?e 1 und K nerve Liability
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    • 8 1 MILK MAIL MASS $20.50 OBTAINABLE ■■nit ~r~ t
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  • 2074 2 Ws know that insanity such, for instance, as general paralysis can be associated with definite, gross changes in the structure of the brain. These cases of mental disease of which the symptoms ara primarily mental are in fact, cases of nervous disease he I highest and most
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 322 2 oc X :>OooOC3C 'JDOCZXZDOOcd 1 X PRESENTS FOR THE LITTLE OMRS, *8 S' U Pluhitte Cat*. A whit# Plashette Cat with ribbon and bell round neok, Z “Z* Prioe 65 oente each. *m 'V ggr; jjPliuhett* Cats t i "I white fur cat with pointed limbe and ft t. special
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    • 21 2 The reader may consult hia Psychology in the Home University Library, and his great \rork Social Psychology UQYt m, ita tiUu&a:
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    • 70 2 War Neuroses i By John T. MaoCardy M. D Lecturer on Medical Psychology! Cornell University, New York- With an Introduction by W. H. R. Rivers, M. D r allow of St. John’s College, Cambridge. t resent-day Applications of Psychology ,with special reference to Industry, Education, and, Ne rcous Breakdown By
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    • 417 2 ktoticej. From th© l.*- T a the Daily I m p 3rt nui *7>Hl9 List and tb. Foruigh'tU 5*« Report fa, swi ib “J Mark,, Will l>8 avail,Kl Public at the following 10 th. Deilf Import <k Export LbtTlft month, postage extra f P P*r Market Report 60 postage ixtra
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  • 1071 3 Ah Lkto powe«|th<*i behave giveu u. their programme (or the next 12 months it shoald be possible to gain a clear idea of what is to be done in regard to the qaeitions of national drainage, mosqaito areas and general health, and a
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  • 1294 3 Sir Edward Brockman aeea the of explaining his speech at the recent meeting of the Federal Council on the question of the teachers* pay, Hia complaint is that he has not been accurately reported and he furniahes in a brief and concise statement a precis ot the views
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  • 96 3 (From Our Own Correspondent?) Singapore. December 19. The auctions are unfinished Singapore standard Crepe fetched 71to75oents. The best prios for fine pale Crepe was 75 ots, Singapore, December 30, At the Auctions 1242 tons were offered and 863 sold. The following prices were realised per pound ots.
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  • 228 3 Laws Bowls Touenambnt, The ties in the Lawn Bowls Tournament fixed for Monday next, the 23rd inst-, are postponed. No ties will be fixed during the Christmas and New Tear holidays, but any members wishing to play off their ties may do so on notifying the Secretary.
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  • 415 3 Esplamadi, 6 P.M. 1 Overture Nell Gwynn German 2 Polki Obi Honey, My Honey Gary 11 3 Selection Falka Chassaigne's 4 Waltz Marguerite Burn 5 March Ice Comrade* F*re well Retford A shocking fatality occurred at the 9th mile from Raub on the Bata Talam ro«d on
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  • 192 3 The Agamemnon is expected to arrive here about tbe 25th or the 26th Deoember outward bcuod. o The as. Kwai Sang may be expected to arriwe beie from Hongkong on tbe 26th iastant. Bhe is beund for Calcutta. The s.r. Vitim is timed to arrive here on the
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  • 359 3 Pen an a, Dboimbbe 20, 1918. Bnbn— sts. Soup M per catty 30 Roast ewe do 80 Steaks do 80 Stew or Curry Meat do 11 Rump Steak do 80 Ox Tail eaoh 85 Tongue 85 1, Feet do Heart small.„ eaoh 38 Liver per catty 40
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 683 3 UOUR DAY Hr 20th Under the Distinguished Patronage of The Hon ble The Resident Councillor and Committee Members of the RED CROSS FUND THE opular ictura alace EMPIRE Penang Road. 1918 IN AID OF THE RED CROSS FUND WE ARE SCREENING IN THE SECOND HOUSI 915 P.M. SHARP A SPECIAL
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    • 42 3 Robber Returns Books. We ere now prepared to offer for sale book» for the purpose of recording the pare base and aale of rnbber in aooordancu with Ordinance XVII of 1910. Mc*t in'*iuible to rubber dealer», CBajSKION PRISB, Ln»„ FritUrt 4 SUtUnert.
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  • 94 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local SBO Per annum 1, Outatatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343. M.B.— All busines#
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  • 1650 4 Times without number during the past fiw years, when important questions affecting the welf«re of the Colony or the F.M.S. have arisen, we bare bten asked and we bare asked ourselves, what is the Government's policy in this matter P And on every single occasion wa have been force
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  • 948 4 ,ou j Wright, fortnerlv 1?ai» Straits Echo, Us arrived at UongkoL°! Honolulu and joined the Chi™ a? S ,ro our Singapore correspondent. "‘J* The degrees of Bachelor of Bachelor of Surgery bavj h 9dl lne »P« Hun Ho. I daattl announced of the Hon n John Percivai,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 161 4 I ALABASTINE SOMETHING QUITE NEW IN WATER COLOUR FOR WALLS. ARTISTIC, SANITARY, LASTING AND ECONOMICAL. Alabastine when applied on the walls gives a clear, streakless, and spotless appearance and is particularly suitable for standing the trying light of the Tropics. I i s Alabastine u is stocked in a wide
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    • 10 4 HAS ARRIVED. Don’t forget your Money or your Purse! lanaooa,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 332 4 THE WEATHER. 20th Dkcbmbbr Temperature 74° 80°. There will be no more drills for the M. S. V. B. aotil the beg.mug of February. Tna Bog'isb mail, sent via Serbia, of Janua r y 14 to February 18 was reoeived at the Hongkong Post Office on November 19 The London
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  • 1166 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Welcjm» from MunicipalityParis, D cimber 16. Monsieur Adrien Mathouard, President t e p*ris Municipal Con noil, welcomed I pendent Wilson as “The Chief of the n tioD w ho»e aid arriving to opportunely fought victiry, and the upright man whose ciDlC i, oC e
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  • 209 5 A PAINTER’8 DEATH. (From Our Own Correspondent^) Smgapere, December 19. The death is reported at Home of Mr. John Adamson the painter cf Mr. C. B. I Buokley's picture for the Singapore I Memorial Hall, FOOD CONTROL IN MALAYA. Hon- Mr. F. S. James to tak* Charge- I
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  • 313 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ADVANTAGES OF INTERVENTION, Explanation by Lord MllntrLondon, December 18. The Press Bsreau announces that Lord Milner, replying to a correspondent, states that Allied forces, of which ths British form ouly a small proportion, were sent to Rnsd* because the Bolsheviks we e assisting our
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  • 485 5 F. liar, a Filipino teacher in the Anglo- 1 Chinese School, appeared in the Second Court, before Mr. Langston, yesterday after- i noon, at the instance of Khoo Kim Cheaog, J a pupil in tbe Second Standard, charged I with voluntarily causing'hurt. Mr. J. Crabb Watt intimated
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  • 953 5 Excerpt fiom tbe minutrs of a meeting of tbe commit ee of the Penang Chamber of Commerce held at tbe Chamber, No. 1, Downing Brrpet,8 r rpet, Penang, on Tuesdxy, 17th 1 Djcember, 1918, at 2.39 o'clock p.m. Present:—Mr, H A. Low, Chairman, Mr, < CM.
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  • 359 5 THE POSITION IN THE F M 3. The following correspendenca on the subjsot of rioa bupplie* bn t b*i p'-ica bet Wien the Government and the F. M. 8, Chamber of Commerce:— The General B;oretary of the Chamber on D*c. 11th wrote to the Uodsr-S’cretsry, F.M B.* I
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  • 320 5 Paris, D-cember 12. i The Council of Mioiiters decided on a L bill providing a credit of one milliard 696 < millions in order to give an indemnity of i 250 francs without any distinction of rank to every demobilised soldier. The Council I of Ministers decided
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  • 102 5 At Government House, Enli Lumpur, on Thursday morning last at 10 o’clock, His Excellency the High Commissio ter, Sir Arthur Young, G.C.M G„ was to Bat* presented the Imperial Service M-dil to Mr, Horace Felsinger, Chief Draftsman, Survey Office, Penang, Mr, Felsinger, who is well-known in Penang,
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  • 106 5 Tbe following telegram has been received by His Exoellency the Governor from tho Secretary of State for the Colonies:— British Industries Fair will be held in London from February 24th to March 7tb, at which about 600 British manufacturers will exhibit glass,earthenware, china, paper, printing, stationery, fancy
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  • 672 5 IlMPOUTawT Chances in Import DutiesBy notice in the F M 8- Gazette the I Residents ot Perak, Selangor,Negri Sembilan land Pahang, eaoh in- resp°ct of the State of I which he is Resident, cancel as from DjotmI bar 1C, 1918, the duties imposed by No 1fioation No. 3114,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 59 5 Grand Theatre of Varieties, To-Morrow Saturday TOWN HALL 9.15 P.M. Don’t do To-day, what you can put off until To-morrow. A superior man is he who Corfucius,) AT BCEINSOH'S, tou know But, if you haven’t booked And cannot get a seat, Come all the same! YOU can BUY TANK TICKETS.
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  • 6218 6 CLAIM BT THI OWNERS. Is the Supreme Court on Wednesday before Mr, Jaetioe L. M. Woodward, Captain Dawaon and Lt. W. G. Bennett, B.N.Ri, (aa aaaaaaora) the hearing waa resumed of the anil inatitated by the Eastern Shipping Company, Limited, aa owners of the a.a.
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  • 283 6 Penang "Our Day Red Cross Fund 1918. 8iv*.ntbinth List or SunsoniFTion Ricbivbd. Amount previously acknowledged 1111,894.57 I Collecting box No. 105 iaaaed 1 1 to Major A. R. J, D*war 47.45 Col Ifotmg boxes N is. 186, 187, 188, 189, and 190 itaaed to Government Monopolies 85.68 I Collecting Card
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  • 854 7 THE NATIVE AND DEINK. (By Sim Harbt Joustow.) The Editor of The Daily Ngwt has called my attention to a letter in the Qaaker newspaper, The Friend, from a correspondent of that journal, in which attention is drawn to the permission reoently granted to Dntch
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 347 7 m GOOD STOUT 18 AS SCARCE A 9 GOOD WHISKY; IT REQUIRES I I i 8 TO MATURE A LOVELY FLAVOUR AND MELLOW TASTE. OGSHEAD BRAND has a long-standing reputation fo* possessing these rare qualities. It is an excellent stimulant and tonic for Weak and infir.n persons. Doctors prescribe it.
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    • 62 7 THE SEASON TO PLANT, ROBUST A. Coffee nurieries (gives bearing after 18 monthi). Liberian Coffee nurseries (gives bearing after 24 months) Kabber Stumps year, 1 year, 1J jear old to suit buyers. Coconut nurseries from well selectedseeds. Rubber Seeds from over 10 year old trees. Price 11 per 1,000 or
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    • 1164 7 WANTED. A DRESSES qualified according to Labour Code requirement!, to work ai Assistant Dresser in Estate Hospital, Apply to, MANAGER, Sabrang Estate, Telok Anson, Lower Perak, u.o. NOTICE. INFLUENZA RELIEF FUND. NOTICE is hereby given that as the aooennts of the a bore fund will be closed on Deoember 81,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1300 8 P. O.— BRITISH i I Fo ft Irtimdid to Bail Livgsa, Lbo Bemawe,B€gli,BabAng.olehleh Sieolga, Padang, Benksslen and Batavia. 28(b DtCfmt'ir lltb Jeon»iy and apcab line. (Caapamisa laeorperated la England.) MAIL AND PMSENQIR BtAVICI», PENINSULAR .AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undoi Ceatraet with Hi> MijiHtj’i 0*»«it) Tha CoBJMLDf’i MAIL SERVICES EABT OF BOMBAY ara
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