Straits Echo, 16 December 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1433 1 nestle-s MILKI-ODD THE VEST FOOD fOB YOU ft BABY I 90 cts. r>ca 1 TIM. <BANKS chartared Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter.) Paid op Capita! >m 41,200,000 Bewrve F und 42,000.000 ugierve Liability of Proprietors 1,200,000 Hoad Office i No |B, BIBHOPBOATE, LONDON,
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    • 4 1 MILKMAID «20.50 BTAIMABCK =7/.r=
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 885 3 a damaging bbcobd. It ii never to be forgotten that far the exceaiea of the Russian Bolshevists and for the awful anarchy to which Russia baa been redused oar Britiah Bolshevists are largely responsible, Thia fact ia well emphaaiaed in “Jaatioe” in an article from whioh we
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 253 3 ill •v* A tyres M m 1 «a. XM P m ’SA. < 'S^ a K TO ULU •*l' xZ*:* 'T&&gr x\ m N\ r dL’ -J V x -i \>' v v\ v X »K .-'■V*- TSST V7T Jg< Heart of Empire Series No. U. Victoria Embankment From Westminster
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    • 43 3 flow Is the Ti®**.For rhe«mati«m yen will find nothing better then Chamberlain’* Pun Balm. Mow i« the time to get rid et it Try thii linimamt ami me how qniokly it will retort the and serenes* *Fer ®le hy ell diepen•ante and dealer*
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    • 538 3 Q I I a a B B S B I e i i 1 i STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN BONDS. Bearing Interest from the date of purchase at 5$ per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on the aoth January and the aoth July REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 20th JULY,
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  • 1675 4 FACTS ABOUT TfciE BURMA P ioITION. StATSMBXT BY THI SINQAPOBB AUTHOaiTIKS. Oar morning c~ntamporaiy, says the Strait t T.mtt of Friday, bad to-day what must bavs seemed most gratifying anoounofment, via. i We are authoritatively informed that the report of the Burma Government having prohibited the export of
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  • 201 4 A one-innings game between the 1 Chinese Recreation Club and the Government Service was played on Viotoria Green on Saturday afternoon and resulted in a win for the Chinese by thirteen runsAppended are the scores Gove&vkent Sexvioe. W H Bcully c Keng Cauan b Joo Wan 17 Rangel b
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  • 86 4 Mrs, John Mitchell gratefully acknowledges the following subscriptions for the Qaeen Elisabeth Belgian O pban Children’s F «td; Previously acknowludgpd *4.582.35, Mr. aod Mrs. Ho 2O Anthony and Clodagh Mailer Balik Pulau 5, Bome Balik Pulau Orphans Mss E'gm 5, Mrs. Y*ap K»ng T ng 10, Collected
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 323 4 JQcXXDCDC 50 )C n PRESENTS FOR THE LITTLE OXES, Plushette Cats. whit* Plnshette Cat with riobou and ball round neak.'] Prioa.BSiioanta aach. .T I V. n CTl«»h«tte Cats whita fmr oat with pointed limba and ajaa, haa silk ribbon round nack, squeaks whan pressed, similar to skatob. Prioa $1.35 each.
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    • 550 4 J auctions' Lands, 1 Properties, Estates. Houses. J Furniture. Motorcars, Rubber, etc. PROIPT ACCOUNT UUS RENDERED For Verms Apply to: ALUN DENNYS 8 c 0 Auctioneers, Appraisers etc 7, Union Street, Penang. Phone No. 393 tuh 6 m D ones, NOTtCE i* hereby girsn that I (h 81 w Lan,
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  • 331 5 FRABER Co's REPORT. In tbeir weekly share circular, dated December li, Messrs. Fraser and Co. report:— Our market has been remarkably lifeless the whole week and quotations have scarcely varied with the one exception in Tins referred to later. Ths Government issued a Gazette late this evening
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  • 604 5 Guthbib Co ’s Report. Singapore, Ddoember 13. At the Weekly Rebber Auction held yesterday and to- «Uy, demand was on a very limited scale, the manufacturing interests oeing pr*eticaily out of the market. Prices of S aodard Grades show only a slight weakening, but the state of the
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  • 924 5 Mr, A. B. B?in, Cadet, F,M.S. Service, has passed the prescribed examination in the Cantonese dialect of Chinese. Mr. H. Marriott who has resumed his duties as Auditor-Genera’, has been appointed Custodian of Enemy Property. e e e Miss Florence Maud Walton was married i to Mr.
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  • 408 5 A Dishonnst Sub Postmaster. Ia the Distriot Ojnrt before Mr. R. D Aotoa this morning Phillip Symons, Sab Postmaster, Lamar, pleaded guilty to three charges of criminal breach of trast as a public servant in respect of $13*35, $19.99 and $39 92. Ooart Inspector Nicol stated that
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  • 159 5 Property Inspected. The manager and directors of the Taiping Tin Dredging Company, Limited, were M At Home” to the shareholders and friends at the mine yesterday. Among those present to view the company’s property and the dredge at work were Messrs H. Waugh and W. 8. Goldie
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  • 114 5 Dioimbek Monthly Mmdal Competition, The above Competition viu 440 yards handicap for "A Oiaas and 50 yards for B Class was held at tbe Swimming C ab on Sunday morning, the 15tb instant, with the following results i—- A Class n. n n Actnal Hoap Time, sec»,
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  • 203 5 EsFLANADB, 6 P.M 1 R 'miniec a ßoes of Roaaini Godfrey 2 Galop Tbe Garibaldi Albert 8 Wa'tz Amor«tten Gang'l 4 Polki Ran Wild Jonea 5 March The Old Ship Ke fa The Cambridge local examinations in Singapore concla ed on Friday. The following passengers arrived per
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  • 856 5 BOWLS TOURNAMENT. The following ia the draw in the above i CHAMPIONSHIP. J M Chalmers (o) bye W E O Turvill J H B Smith D Mnnro H Btarr G B F Southam F N Syer 1 E H Byer i R L Livingstone i JG Allan
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 880 5 Showing To-night Empire theatric PENANC ROAD. GERARD'S 4 TEARS IST GERMANY lO Reels Reels lO UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF The Rouble W. C MICHELL, Resident Councillor and The Consular Corps of Penang Monday, 16th Dec ,1918 Lieut. Col. Sir ARTHUR ADAMS, V.D., K B E. V M L.C. Commandant
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  • 97 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Daily Local $3O Per annum Outstation Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Pont Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Eoho) SB6. Printing Department 343. M.B. —AU business communication!
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  • 2590 6 In sll this talk of reparation by Germany, making them pay the uttermost farthing and such like, we hear litt'e or nothing of reparation by and punishment for the Germans ef Austria, the Magyars, the Bulgars and the Tarks, all of whom hare ravaged, robbed
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  • 986 6 The Sea Scout a. British seamen and the'r au have prove,l a lateral part ,r* 0t -.11 10 W‘«; .n<i D «hM« b supremacy is to ba ma,nta, Q9d o,r authorities must certainly DO 9 n **»l k'V'a h niB th (TV 0 British b„,i tor Btlti.ti ,hip,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 163 6 t SOMETHING QUITE NEW IN I WATER COLOUR FOR WALLS. ARTISTIC, SANITARY, LASTING AND ECONOMICAL if Alabastine when applied on the walls give 3 a clear, streakless, and spotless appearance and is particularly suitable for standing the trying light of the Tropics. if Alabastine is stocked in a wide range
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  • 615 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] UNTIL 17th JANUARY NEXT. Father Renewal ProbableLmdoo, December 14. tror* Treves the re|.ort is that the jgtice has been eztendei until five in tbs morning of the 17. h January and can bs renewed after that date until the con. u .ion of preliminary peace,
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  • 435 7 Reuter's Telegrams.] MR. WALTER LONG AT OXFORD. Native Inhabitants Wishes. London, December 11. Mr. Walter Locg, Secretary of State for the Colonies, in a speech at Oxford, giving reasons why the ex-G rman colonies should be retained by the British Empire, recalled German atrocities upon natives, especially
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  • 120 7 The Services Honoured* i CFrom Our Ovm Correspondent Singapore, Deoember 16. At the Oar D*y” lunohson to the Army and N*vy, the .Hon. Mr. F. 8. James, Col. Secretary raad a telegram from H- E. the Governor regretting hia absence and expressing the thanks of Malaya
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  • 109 7 Tbe following h.w kindly Mot K lft ,or the B.««r on the 20th nnd 21-i m.1.0t M... Arnold. Mr.. Benefit, Mr.. B .tone, Mrs. B.igbt, Mr-. C'.j.on, Mr. Oink, Mm. Dodd*» Mr.. hreree, Mi.j Fenoulbet, Girl, of the Coo.eni. Go'. ol fit Qt-orit*» School, Mr»- Goodomr,
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  • 621 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] OPPOSITION BY SOLD.ERB* COUNCIL Calmer Feeling in Berlin. London, Deoember 13 A telegram from Berlin says the differences between tbe Provis onal Government and the Soldiers* Counoil continie. Toe latter opposes the summoning of a Constituent. Assembly, to whioh tbe former is pledged The presence
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  • 641 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Official Reception at Brest London, D o-mbar 10. A message from Paris says tbe Ministers of Marine and Fore’gn Afftira and others, accompanied by Mr. Sharpe, the American, Ambassador, General Pershing, and Colonel House, are proceeding to Brest on the 12th to welcome on the
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  • 650 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE COALITIONIST MAJORITY Safe and Doubtful Seats L uduD, D -c- mber 13» The election in which twpntyone mil ion voters poll to morrow, though described as the most momentous in modern times, is charaoteiised by acsrijua lack of ezc te« ment and almost apathy. This
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  • 504 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] "AN END OP CIVIL 81 RIFE.” Participation in Eccccs'.niciioa* Lood< n, D OemO*r 10. A cable from Peking e»y n the Allied Mmiatera bare banded to the Colneae Govern m nt an Aide stating that tbe Allies are gravaly cooceroed at civil Strife
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  • 61 7 Latest Quotation. Tin (unrefinedJ is quoted h re to-dsy at $124.50, bu.luess uojr, m biog-ipore (refi,d) at f 125 10, buyeis dj sail rs. Me’SrS. Bu-te.d Co. inform us that be following Weie the quotations tor Rubter on S pot lu Ljcdju on tne 10 h i
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  • 42 7 The Amerioan Consul at Penang, Mr. George L Lagan, has been adv.sed y the SiCretary of S:ate tne U 8 a. by cab e under date of December 13 that al. import restrictions on crude rubber ate removed.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 50 7 Part of The Costs” of Victory. British Empire’s Casualties. (Army only: NiVy Mercanile Marine Air Force and Civilians o.nitted Killed &ick Wounded 658.000 2,400,003 The King has asked you to subscribe to this work of ihe RED CROSS. Subscriptions tf 2b a d over in P.neng to daie 3X3. laoßooi
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  • 608 8 [Reuter's Telegrams] FIRST-HAND NORWEGIAN REPORTS. Pillage, Plunder and Destruction. London, December 10. cable from Christian!» says that eighteen Norwegians belonging te various olasses have jnst arrived from Rnssia where they lived thronghont the Revolution. They deolare that life is absolntely unbearable, even (or the most favonred olasses. The
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  • 543 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] A > INE RECORD. 8ct«& Months’ Good WorkLondon, December 14. The Press Bureau announoss that the activities of the Royal Air Force in antisubmarine work and home ooast patrol during the last seven mouths of the war included the sighting of 216 hostile submarines, of
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  • 757 8 [Blirru's TlLIO KAJI8. Lord luohcspe’s Optimism. London, December lit An optimietio view of proipeota in the next i decade was taken by Lord Inohoape when speaking at the annual meeting of the i Peninsula and O.'iental Company, Dealing i with the question of employment,
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  • 1002 8 Following it« leader the other day, an edaoational expert sends the Singapore evening paper the following notes The present position in educational affairs is to a great extent owing to the pusillanimous, and pa'Simonioae past edaoational policy of the Government. The Government shirked its responsibilities. Probably demands in other
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  • 886 8 The s.s. Carmarthenshirs due here tomorrow will load for London. The Agamemnon is expeoted to arrive I here abouc tbe 25:h or the 26th eutward bound- The as. Kag a Maru is expeoted to arrive here on the 20tb instant homeward bound via the Sues Canal. i The
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  • 358 8 OHISP JBOBBrABTj Vlg Wi Bmrio CaiTio, Sir Bdward Brockman K u «l**, to th. A] Certain comm nts ha™ i“ Haxl public press on mj r fa th, of teachers' salaries at th. the Council. Po»n.; e T.I^ by the reporter, and certii n u\t y h rd
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  • 502 8 Monday, DscaMßaa 16. Town Band, Esplanade. Tubsday, Diobmbib 17 Town band, Golf Chub. Wednesday, December 18, Town Bind, Esplanade. Friday, December 20. iown Bind, E^plansd'*, Penaci? Oar Dm*" Red Cross Ovnukhac* Ba/i»r, F*vcj Fĕ e and etc R*cs C-iarst* Sale of Flags, Badges and Boseths throuhfhoat tho Town
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 92 8 Chamberlain's CengJh Remedy. When yon hare a bad oold yon want a remedy that will not only give relief, bat ef feet a prompt and permanent enre, a remedy that ii pleasant to take, a remedy that con tains nothing icjnrions. Chamberlain's Congh Remedy meets all these reqnirements. It acts
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  • 1098 9 There ii do need («ays the Btraits Time»') to become excited over the stoppage of noe exports from Burma if the only eff-ct It produces is shortage in Java, The Dutch are quite capable of looking after the interests of their own people, and no donbt they will
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 404 9 MORDAUNT BROS, IA ST. HELEN S PLACE, LONDON E.C. 3 PRODUCE BROKERS AND IMPORTERS D EXPORT AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Est. 1867. CabIes:— MORD AUNTS London. U d n n Oils, Nuts, Seeds, Rubber and General Produce J Consignments Received and Advances Made. INDENTS EXECUTED. naannnnnntmnnnnnnnnaeeeeei 9’ 0 l R. F.
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    • 12 9 For Ohildraa’i Haakimg Oaf k at Nifkfc. Woods’* Oraat Psffsimiat Oars Is,
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    • 842 9 BRITISH (SIAM) WAR AID ASSOCIATION. “OUR DAr 1918 WAR LOM LOTTERY. TICALS 1.000,000 Ticket*, Tic»! 5 each, Ticket», Tieals 5 each. If all ticket! are eeld Pntei will be j Ist Prize 2 Prizes 4 16 n 32 50 M 140 The balance expenaes, Ticals 200,000 SO,OOO each 20.000 10,000
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  • 2300 10 There ia nothing upon whioh Allied opinion is so thoroughly agreed as upon the penalty whioh must be ex*oted from the Germans for their of piracy upon the high seas. The Germans deliberately oboee to break not only conventions, as they might ■ay,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1132 10 W/. V i uc ■1 •r v\ a 'JI 'A Ji -1, > NATURB’S WONDERFUL GIFT TO AFFUCTFD MALAYA A CERTAIN. SAFE SPEEDY CURE FOR ALL CASES OF MALARIA, SPLEEN KALA AZAR Just think of it!—more p°ople are killed by malaria, sple j n and kala-azar in the tropics every
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  • 1786 11 There is one point on which the Labour 1 and Soci list organisations of the Allied Nations have been specially insistent as regard the Peace Settlement. It is that neither tte negotiations nor the treaty shall be confined to the cessation of the struggles
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 418 11 o a °«ScNER BEER "<ND PRICES 1 BRITISH EXHIBITION.1 PACIPIC EXHIBITION.! lOM" D D MM «e «> V O 4 -0 4$AW' 5 o 2 SPECIALLY BREWED FOR S. EXPORT. > SjmppjS D A. at The Reason Why You Should Drink ASAHI BEER Because it is so superior in
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    • 357 11 •ft OUR DAY.” The Cross Proceeds in aid offthe above Fund* DINNER AND DANCE AND OTHER ATTRACTIONS ▲T THI “E. St 0-" HOTEL. on X MASIEVE Tuesday, 24th Dec, 1918 Dinner andjDance $5 per Head. Wines Against Cash Coupons only* Booking of Tables open from 1st December. «■□□nnnn The Chinese
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1101 12 P. O.— BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Ompuki Incorporated ii IsglAad.) MAILfAND ?PABBENQEW BERVICEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL! SAILINGS(Uftdtt Contract witk Hi* Majesty's Government.) The; Company's matt, BEEYICEB EAST OF BOMBAY are at prsosnt winded, p—.. for Emrvp* »r* book*d vi» Bombo> m opportmnity offer* end as far e* notation i*
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