Straits Echo, 10 December 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1358 1 RESTLFS «IIK TIE BIST FOOD cAfi YUUh BABY! 90 cts. TMt a A NZK s Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) •.jj ap Capital A1,200,003 U0&IM *2,coo,coo B*ier»a Liability of Propwt'jn 200,0 JO Head Office i Ke |8,.BI8BOP8GATE, LONDON, E.C, «Agencie* and Branches.
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    • 2 1 MILKMAID •20.90
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 2210 3 C From Chur Cion Correspondent^ Loudon, October 17. The Barr Laid Plans. Four years ago the K»i*er waa racking his braioa to invent a sa.table punishment tor perfidions England, which had than •erioasly interfered with hie schemes of world-wide domination. To-day he is 1 racking his
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 556 3 r i i s a a 9 8 I I I I 8 8 I I I 8 a 4 1 I I i STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAM BONDS. Bearinf Interest from the date of purchase at B i per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on the aoth January and
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    • 373 3 WA3NTTE3D. A GENERAL CLERK (Chinese) for an Estate in Tanjong Bungah, Penang. Only those who hare experience in Estate work need apply. Application» enclosing testimonials and references to be sent to Heintze Ctcoaaut 8 Rubber Estate. 3)1, Tanjong Bungnh, d Penang. Government of Kedah. Auction Sale of Village Lots at
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    • 550 3 NOTICE. WE BEG TO N /TJFY that Mr Donald Munro hai left the aerrioi of thia Company, Mo A LISTS B A Co. Ltd* 904-11-12 Sungei Patani Our Day" OXIR DAY Songei PaUni ia postponed to the 18tb and 19th Janaary, 1919. AH lottery countorfam should reaoh the Hon Secretary
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  • 1138 4 ••DONE AWAY WITH FEIIZ." (Bt Majo* C.J.C Stbiet For a good half hoar efore tbe Major came down to breakfast the shell had been meaning over the town, to burst in rever berating crashes amongst its empty ruins He was in no mood to let such a trifle
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  • 467 4 A HOME OPINION. The inaugural meeting of the United Council of Malaya held in Kuala Lumpur at the beginning ef August should have the ff?ct of clearing the atmosphere of certain unjust suspicions as to the scope and purposa of the new Council. Some of the associations which
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  • 283 4 Tuisday, Dbokmbbb 10. Mun cipal Comm ss on, Bomso and Juliet at the Empie in aid of Oer Day.” Day Saogei Pantani, oenoert and dance, Wkdnbsdat, Dioimbm 11, Town Band, Esplanade, Brvmford at the Empire in sid of Oar Day.” Fkidat, Dae bmp sb 13. Town Band, Esplanade.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 302 4 NEW ENGLISH DOLLS IN GREAT VARIETY, 3* Mf O r\ 0 A DO c =XDOCZ)C 'OOCDCDCDOcdC DOC D «< ZENA. M UNDRESSED STONE DOLLS. A large consignmeat of these famous Stone Dolls 3 net unpacked. Stock in sizM. Height 20 inohes. Price $4.26. Height 18 ins. Pnoe $8,60. Height 14
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    • 580 4 PO s^ Q 0 NE .Vx“ ord r- d j«*“o liJu" i« throughout i, u < toll, excellent order "l ui Pf-**- iau A PPlj to No 152 B«ich Strut, p,874—16—12 Pn FOR _!'^S" THS SEASON TO plant 13° BUST A CoAe. J„Z Z M iV tearing after 18 rnooth.l
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  • 1012 5 A BaXKIXO COMIDT. (Bj Stephen Leacock, Author of “Fr nzied Fiction,’* “Further Foolishness,” ate., etc.,) When I go into a bank I get rattled, I Tee clerka rattle me; the wicketa rattle me; j i the eight of the money rattlee me every- thing rattlea me The
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  • 1044 5 The fame of Birbal, like Solomon's had travelled to the ends of the earth till King Chanderkant of distant Manipur heard of it but, like Sheba of old, he would prove Birbal and his wisdom. Accordingly donning a peasant's garb, King Chanderkant, unarmed and unattended, made his
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 642 5 WANTED. Expert shorthand clerk and TYPIST (or Penang Office. Apply McAULIFFl, DAVIS 4 HOPE, Penang, WANTED. Thoroughly competent bookKEEPER (or Mining Company at Tongkab. Good Salary to experienced man. Apply MoAUUYFE, DAYIS 4 HOPE, Penang. WANTED. WANTED A NUR8E PRO BATIONER for the GENERAL HOSPITAL. PENANG. Salary $180 p.a. .-icing
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  • 97 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Snndays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price Dally Local $3O Per annum Outstation Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Eoho) SB6. Printing Department 383. M.B.—A 11 bus me»*
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  • 1184 6 Tentative at: ns *n what may be going to happen to Germany, on the mischief which would accrue to Europe sh a d Kuterism be sacceeded by sn anarchy as appalliug as that which has devastated Russia (thrown Russia back into a worse position than
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  • 1032 6 Mr, L.Y. Swae, of Kaala Lumpur, is on a brief business visit to Penang. Mr. C. K B C. Onettyar baa been appointed by the Government aa a Memb:r of the Hindu Advisory Board, Peaang. Our Singapore correspondent telegraphs that the death took plaoe in the Hospital
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  • 731 6 Yesterday’s Resolute. All j Ist detestation and -ki, tha common enemy and hi- bh rrolc of ‘J 9 Settlement fou^tty in tha unanimous a Pprovi J X ff e, »Wn solution p.t before th. k of the r« yesterdiy. I n the words V 2. ttBetlQ man retribution
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  • 73 6 Plantar Amnlttd and SobbedC From Our Ovm CorrespondcnQ Koala Lumpur, December 10. Mr, W. G, da Mornay was proceeding to hie Estate situated at the seventh mile on the Damansara road yesterday in a bullock cart with $1,500, when he was attacked on the estate
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  • 47 6 Perak Hirer Valley 13,147, Ssmangfel 12,185, Jura 13.500, and Kong Lae 935 lb. The through railway mill sernce te Singapore has been resumed. The reesel which oonreyed Mail 0 des* patched from Peoaag on the 4th QjioM r reaohed London on the Ist instant.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 312 6 ASTINEI SOMETHING QUITE NEW IN WATER COLOUR FOR WALLS. ARTISTIC, SANITARY, LASTING AND ECONOMICAL ‘Alabastine when applied on the walls give3 a clear, streakless, and spotless appearance and is particularly suitable for standing the light of the Tropics. Alabastine u is stocked in a] wide raDge of colours in 5
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  • 552 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] PB0CE3S1ONS IN BERLIN, Oppoiition to Ebert. London, December 8, 4tflle) r m to Copenhagen from Berlin L when the arrest of the exeentive y Iwm known, the troops of the Sol- "e™ Peering L ebkneoht and dl,r that Ebert and Soheidemann must They went in
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  • 735 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] STATEMENT BY MR ROOSEVELT. The Freedom cf the SetsLondon, December 4A cable from New York says that Mr* Roosevelt in the oourBe of a statement dei dared that it was the business of the United States te stand by the Allies. It should be
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  • 278 7 [Rbutbb'b Cablbs.] OFFICIAL ENTRY INTO METZ. Jubilation of PopnlioLandon, Daoember 9. At Meta there were soenes of indescribable j>y on the occasion of M. Poincare’s ceremoaious entry. The President was accompanied by Lard Derby and other diplomatic representatives and was received by Marshall Fooh, Joffre and Pl;ain,
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  • 222 7 Fourteenth List of Subscriptions Received. Amount previously acknowledged »103,894 08 I 0. K’k Peng 25.00 Chung Tbye Phin 800.00 Ewe Joo A Co. 250.00 laD Kbeog Hoon 100 00 Ong B >on Swee 100 00 Collection at Bt, Xavier’s Church 8.85 from Boys
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  • 142 7 “Romeo A Jwliit” To Nioht. This world-renowned Shakespeare Play will be staged at the Empire'' to-day by the Penang Singhalese Buddhist Union, the members of whioh have with great enthusiasm and ata heavy cost undertaken to pr sent to the publio. The chief characters of this play
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  • 701 7 PRESIDENT’S SUPINE ATTITUDE Peking, 0;t. 16. The third attempt by the militarists to have one of their own order eleo v ed VicePresident failed to-day for lack of a quorum, a large number of members of Parliament abeentiag tbemealves by departing for Tientsin to attend
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  • 189 7 Calcutta Mbdal, The following are the scores in the above oats petition which was won by Mr. J, Crsbb W»tt J. Crabb Watt 39 39» 78+ 4=82 nett J. C. Cowap 53+41= 94—11=83 A. 8 Hall 44 54= 98—14=84 J.Tryner 52+56=108—24=84 d. H. Langston 56+48 »104— 19=85
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  • 1605 7 EXCLUSION OF GERMANS. Rusolutiom Unanimously Passed. A large gathering of British subjects of every section of the community, such as was never witnessed 10 Penang before, assembled at the Town Hall yesterday afternoon 1 to consider the question of excluding all 1 persons of nationality from the
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  • 180 7 The s.s. Carmarthenshire du6 here on the 16th instant is loading for London. The s.s, Speelman is due to sail about the 12th iasUnt for the Ssmatra East Coast porta. The ss. Kaga Maru is expected to arrive here on the 20th instant homeward bound vi i the
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  • 54 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages i B.—War News and Gossip. 4. —Under Fire. The U M. C. 5. —My Financial Career. Birbal,C, J. 8. —Chinese Will Gasp. Training of the Clergy. The L«boer Battalions. 10,—-Children and the Navy. Germans in Chins. 11-— The Government
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  • 3264 8 FULL TEXT OF JUDGMENT. The following is the fall text of the judgment in the Chinese Will Case Probate 1916 No 443. In the goods of Oheong Cheng Kean (Deceased) Between Lim Gaik Teen Neoh (Plaintiff) Respondent and Lim Gaik Kee, Choong Lje Hock and Choong Lje
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  • 252 8 BAR OF ENEMY ALIEN ORIGIN. The first paragraph of Clause 2of the General Regulations respecting Open Competitive Examinations for situations in the Civil Service, inoluded in Schedule A of tho Order in Council of J&nnry 10, 1910, is as follows: Thee* examinations are open to all
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  • 193 8 Mrs. John Mitehellj gratefully acknowledges the following subscriptions for the Q jeen E isabeth Belgian Orphan Children’s Christmas Food. Already acknowledged Collected 2505.35 by Mrs. John Mi’chell Mr J Crabb 2, Anon, 5, Mr R E Prentis 5, Mr R L L vingstoae 5, Messrs, Khe
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  • 211 8 Punajto, Duosmbsk 10. 1918. 8. P. Tapioca $8 SO esHers M. P. Tapioca $8 75 sellers Gold leaf 72 sellers Pepper (W.Coast 3 lb. 5 0*).916| buyers. Black Pepper 25.00 buyers White Pepper 40 nominal Trang Pepper no stock Mace $BO nom, Mace Pickings 61.50 sales Cloves in season
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  • 1028 8 THE INTELLECTUAL DEMAND. [From a Times Correspondent.] CuurotipeopSe h*ve been provided with muon material for anxious reflection by the publication of the various report* of the ▲robbisnops’ Committee* on the Church’* work aid crgamsasion. Perhaps the most important of these report?, which haa jast been published,
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  • 859 8  -  SPLENDID service (By L OT F J «UtTB, Oermain When the German» no the British l.rok« Hinuenburg fine before Camk the T *unw Bounced that a vc ry il the enemy advance. m In the present fighting Ubon, u. have again gained promptness with which the,tj breach
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 2305 9 s Bivid and. v a 0 Humbe of t*. d, Ism. ■4 4 t i Capital. Ek»r> issued last Imamfar earraat 5 e i or 0 J '3 •ial jwr. yaar- 0 m —•'I 8 ets. 1 ets itw'i lW7i. 1M9 m, IK»', IK'i 1*0,000 400.000 450,000 100,000 T50,000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 174 9 STERLING value ft IV f w A 'I s* v*t y ft iikftil STILL THE KEYNOTE OF OUR BUSINESS POLICY: A good range of Caaement Cloths jast received. The very latest and most elegant style. Fast colours, superior finish, width 5? inches, Price only $1.60 PEE YAED. vmnr ■rrrrr THU
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  • 1723 10 I have seen small bat promising riots started in foreign places, as far apart as Vigo and Jerusalem, by children, with the hearty cooperation of British B/aas. Toey are generally began by oar sailors* characteristic affection for children. The Blue will do anything, pay anything, risk
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  • 495 10 Most allies will be gratified to find that the Chinese Government is now showing a keener interest in the movements of the enemy subjects in the country than ever be fore. Some of the principle nabobs who have been able to pull many wires in the past
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 459 10 i 3 uC < 't W W,\ mt y ft 2*1L NATURES WONDERFUL GIFT TO AFFLiCTFD MALAYA A CERTAIN. SAFE SPEEDY CURE FOR ALL CASES OF MALARIA, SPLEEN KALA AZAR Jaat think of it!—more people are killed bj malaria, spleen and kala-azar in the tropies every year than die in
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  • 1365 11 There is snob s thing known m the Government riaw. It usually moans the opinion expressed by soma strong-willed member of the Government, or the opinion of seme official whose position is too high to permit loose half-way np the ladder daring to txpress a contrary opinion.
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  • 725 11 "Twixt Eaglb asd Dovb.” By E. V. Luoaa Methuen. 6a. nat. Some few year* ago the Xdinburqh Revie discoursing en the contemporary emay and its rumoured decay predicted that since these compositions, in sofor as they contain solid substanoe, present it in a oouipressed form, tabloid-wise, an
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 347 11 o n JniScNER tIEB h£J** nd prises i mSH EXHltlfß* ‘3| 2**M PACIFIC EXHIEIHOA- I 4 lli. > A <1 ■B' 5 p o 01 K 2. SPECIALLY BREWED for «i EXPORT a* D olAl. 34 The Reason Why You Should Drink AS AH I BEER BecauBe*it is so superior
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    • 409 11 Penang Auction Mart. By Order of the Mortgagee, TO BB BOLD BT PUBLIC AUCTiON On Tuesday, I7th December, 1918 IT 11 A.M I At the Archway of Logan Buildings i Tha following property: I, Ail that piece of land and hereditaments situate in the North East District of Penang comprised
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    • 65 11 •th ■i -V 3S In time of prosperity one is inclined to be extravagant and when the pinch cornea it is time to look for economy. Expensive things are not always the best. Coagulatex costs only $l5. a Jar enouph to make piculs first grade dry rubber or less than
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1129 12 P. O,— BRITISH IHOIA AND APCAR LINN. (Companies Incorporated I» England.) MAIL AND PABBENQER BERVICEB. PENINSULAR jAND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (oRdßi Contract with HU Majesty's Government.) Ths Company's MAIL BIBVICIB EAST OF BOMBAY an at present suspended Tnmtmgen far law m booksd via Bombay as opportunity offor* aad aa far a.
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