Straits Echo, 6 December 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1418 1 8 NESTLE *liU FOOD T«i 9LST FOOD N 108 YOU» DaflY 1 90 cts. •jndran j pus Stream ‘siejjodaii eps ‘oo^aaioNvix 01 AHHY s3D|Jd puc sje|noj)jcd JO J *<inyh ox isnr AiiiMvnO aHiiwn QH V INBMIdIHS HS3UJ 'S3dVBO T3XVOSIIW XMOIOHO ROM BOTH spuaig Alfl BJ)XJfpUB J99MS 3I9VdNVH3 \}~~s* V 'i»
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    • 2 1 MILKMAID $20.50
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  • 2036 2 Official correspondent* write under difficulty, no doubt, and Mr. W. T, Masssy is not altogether to blame if his spirited account* of the Egyptian campaigns of i9is, 1916, and 1917 appears a little incom plete in places and always a little too lt is hardly conceivabe for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 283 2 8 DOC X )Qry-K-« 1. JOCXDpOOC. NEW ENGLISH DOLLS IN GREAT V ARIS '1 Y, o o UNDRESSED STONE DOLLS. A lerge consignment of thrse famous Stone Dolls just unpscksd. Stock in sizes. Height 20 inches, Price *4.25. “ZEM.” ~X Very pretty ry it y t S Sleeping Doll, A
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    • 10 2 *Tke Desert Cowxwgwfl, Bj W. T. Mawey CoMtltfetoi ft. IMtf
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    • 45 2 Now Ig the Tl*e. For rhevmatism job will find nothin* better than Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Now is the time to get rid ot it. Try this liniment and see how qnickly it will relieve the pain and soreness, For sale by all dispensaries and dealers
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    • 519 2 MALAY OR T-WTiT" Conductor» for Gkh ia Eita.e., fwk c *»es B 676-9-12. Apply to Goaui KciIE *1 wa ktt^; A dresser aua]ifi to Labour Coda reoa &CCor H work as Assistant biLT retn#ot Hospital. Ul68ler m Apply to. MANaqer Sabrang Es’ate. T,l ok A Cower Perak, u.o. FOH^I^ Land
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  • 842 3 S ISK PABBY A CO.’a EEPOttT. BurouT Dubino thb o' m8 Singapore, Deoemoer 6. nD during the month for Fine oked Sheet and Fine Pale Crepe November, Rubber 2s 4d., 0» tbfl i-pt very quiet. November, Rubber 2s. 4*d„ 00 rirat steady but quiet. ,®J 6 b
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  • 432 3 We are glad to find that the Frec Preeel shares the views we expressed in a Random Note a few days ago with regard to missionary activities in British Malaya. In tbe course of an article reviewing the progress the Church of England has made under the
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  • 181 3 Close of Sessions 1 |i i C From Our Cum Correspondent^ Kuala Lumpur, December 6. The Federal Couucil meeting concluded 1 1 yesterday evening. Non-Ferrous Meta la* The Non-fairous Metal Industry Bill wail passed. Quarantine Hon. Mr, Kenion, speaking on the Qaar- I antine and Prevention of
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  • 239 3 Mrs. John Mitchell gratefully acknow- L ledges the following subscriptions for the Queen Elisabeth Belgian Orphan Children’s! X’mas Fundi Previously acklowledged $1,290.35 List 11 No, 50 collected by Mrs. John Mitchell: 11 Messrs. Chee Wor Lok 5, Quah Beng Kee 5, i W. Edmonds 5, E. A,
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  • 830 3 Abbitai*. Ipoh Br, s.s. 528 tons, Captain Daly, C/12, from Singapore 4/12, for Singapore 7/12, General cargo, A. G. Co. Ltd. Buys Maru Jap. s«s, 1764 tons, Captain Nakans 6/12, from Hongkong 27/11, for Bangoon 7/12, General cargo, H.S. Co. Ltd. Oleufalloch Br. s.s. 1424 tons, Captain Maokensie
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 466 3 Under the Distinguished Patronage of the Hon’hie the Resident Councillor. The Members of the PENANG SINGHALESE BUDDHIST UNION WILL STAGE IN A D OF “OUR DAY” TH« BKNOWWBD BHAKB8PEAABAN Play “Romeo and Juliet AND The Scottish Play ‘Bramford’ On the 10th and 11th inst., respectively at 9 p.m. AT THE
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    • 185 3 AND STOUT THE POPULAR DRINK. Sold all over Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States, Sumatra and Slam. SOLE DIRECT IMPORTERS Telephone 572. Cable «‘AURELY.” COME AND SEE BILLY WEST (THE ORE AT> FILM COMEDIAN) IN THE SLAVE KING BEE COMEDY. Francis X. Bushman AND Beverly Bayne IN RED, WHITE, AND BLUE
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  • 102 4 PUBLISHED DA ILY (Except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local *3O Per annum Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum, Cable Address: "ECHO PENANG.»» Telephone Non. (Eoho) 88«. Printing Department 343, I N.B.— AU
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  • 1221 4 If wfl may by the brief intimation conveyed by the oibbgram yesterday regarding the decision taken by the Nationai'St and Sinn Fein Parties, it would Seem that of all continents, countries and islands embraoed in the entity we osll the Brit sh Empire, Ireland has been the fist to
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  • 909 4 Mrs. J. Brown and her two sons depirted lor England on Monday by the French mail.— MM Dr. B. H&nitach, Director of Museums, has gone on a collecting trip to Pahang and will probably be away for a fortnight M.T. Mr, Quah Thean Lok, of the Benong
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  • 1009 4 Civil Service Salar*e«, V Bajs i he Fret Free i \V^ n ai H Byan oversight the name of w' T 1 Hampshire was loft oat of the lit, E M o tie CM P.r.ico 8»M, Curiously enough, the ,au„ mhtak^ lMi te? lQ I Individually, the Ccmmiision..
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 166 4 ft ASTINEI SOMETHING QUITE NEW IN WATER COLOUR FOR WALLS. ARTISTIC, SANITARY, LASTING AND ECONOMICAL- Alabastine when applied on the wallß giv©3 a clear, streakless, and spotless appearance and is particularly suitable for standing the tiying light of the Tropics. “Alabastine’ 1 is stocked in a| wide range of colours
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    • 32 4 BUY GRAND TANK FUND TICKETS. $1 New $5,009 Motor Car, cash and other valuable prizes. Sales close Dec. 21st Drawings on Dec. 30th. H. W. OXENHAM Bon. LIM EOW THOON Secretaries. taannnuß&GsJt^esilSĔiĕM
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 601 5 [REUIER'S TELEGRAMS] RECALL OF ROYALTIES. CocferMioo in Switzw and. London, November 80. Io ocnaeotlcn with the report that the g»ner h»« de finitely renounced the throne jtil noteworthy that strong movements jth whic h powerful military element! are identified inain B »t the restoration of tbo o
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  • 589 5 [REUIER'S TELEGRAMS.] A FOBEWELL CONVERSATION. Russia Responsible for War. London, December 1. A oable tfrem Copenhagen aaya that Professor Wegener Communicates to tbe Cologne Gazette a conversation he had with the Kaiser five days before the latter’s flight. Wilhelm asserted that von Bethmann. Hollweg and von
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  • 540 5 [REUIER'S TELEGRAMS] Extradition of Hohoozollorni* London, December 3* It is understood that the Inter-Allied Conference unanimously agreed to demand the handing over of the ex-Kaiser and the ex-Crown Prinoe in oonneotion with breaches of international law in war time. JOINT SITTING WITH WAR COUNCIL. Peace Policy Determined. London,
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  • 602 5 [REUIER'S TELEGRAMS.] GERMAN INVESTIGATION. Erzbtrgtr DeclarationLindon, Deoember 4. A cible from Amsterdam from Berlin says tbat Ersberger, in opening the Prisoners of War Commission to investigate allegations of cruelty, promised ruthless punishment of those oonviottd of ill-treating prisoners. Met hy the QueenLondon, Deoember 3. H. M. the
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  • 537 5 [REUIER'S TELEGRAMS.] INDEMNITY TO FRANCE. Extradition of Kaiser. London, November 29. Mr. Lloyd George, in his speech at New* castle on the 29th November, said that all the Allies were now considering the question of indemnities. The Government had established a very strong expert committee, representing every
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  • 153 5 Muhtiwo oh Mohdat Nrxt< A meeting is being convened bj Sir Author Adams and the H >n. M John Hitchell for 4 o’clock on Monday afternoon next, at which the British community is invited to be present en mow*, for the purpose of considering toe question
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  • 921 5 R.val or Bevel waere the Bolshevist are in force is a seaport and the c*plta- of Eithonia. In stands on a srn&’l ba; on the south side of the Go f of Finlarrjjj opposite Hellingfois (from whioh it is 51 miles distant) and is 232 miles by
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  • 67 5 Messrs. Allin Drnnts A Co’a Aucnc per p.utid clb, cts. Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 ...61 C9j' t 3moked Diamond Sheet No. 2 54* €C{ Plain Smoked Bheet 50j Unsmok-d Sheet No, 1 47 &8{ Unsmoked Sheet No. 2 43 45‘ Crepe Fine brown 50 51*» Dark 32
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  • 1182 6 A Commission has b9«n Appointed to iaqnire into the rates of pay of Government 1 Hrnoti, nod the composition of it leaves little to be desired. Sir John Backnill will preside, assisted by the Hon. Mr, Marriott, the Hon* Mr, Addie, the Hon. Mr. Hamp■hire, and Mr.
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  • 504 6 (To THi Editou of thu Strait Timet.) Sir,—As a Chinese I thank you for having touched on the question of rickisha pulling in your yesterday's editorial. For the last sixteen years I have been in this Colony, and Ido not remember any one having publicly expressed his condemnation
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  • 219 6 Paris, December 2, President Wilson will leave on Tuesday on board the steamer George Workington, and will arrive in Brest on the 10th or 11th. The King of Wurtembarg has issued a letter of abdication. London i The entbnsiasm of the Londoners over the visit of Marshal
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  • 180 6 The New Fantastic* will give one farewell performance at the Town Hall to morrow night when an entirely popular programme will be given With th 9 exception of two or three of the old favonritee which have been specially asked for the programme will be wholly new, Theprinoipal
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  • 282 6 In the Police Court before Mr. S. H. Langston this morning one Abdulrahmsn was charged with theft of $l2O from tha person of one Ehor Ang Sow. Accused claimed to bs tried* Ehor Ang Eow, a carpenter, deposed that about July 30 two Hindus met him in
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  • 35 6, 6 P.M, 1 Overture La Sirens Aaber 2 Polka Are You Engaged P Hewitt 3 Selection From The Opera Dasillodel Suppe 4 Waltz Eva Leo i 5 March Bona Fide Goring
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  • 43 6 Consolidated 54,224, Nell may 6,704, Ayer Eining (P M,8.) 39,000 Bradwall (F.M S.) 28.436, Chersonese (F.M 8.) 42,400, Dennistown (Erian F.M. 8.) 42,500, Highlands and Lowlands 95,433, Elabang 17,473, Erian 13,900, Sangei Erian 54,000, and Bungei Way (Selangor) 38,481 lb.
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  • 55 6 The output and profits from Eramat Pulai, Ltd* for the month of November 1918 were as follows:—From the Mice: Tin Output Dieased Ore 200 pionls, Soheelite Output Dressed Ore 300 piculs, Estimated Profit $28,500; Prom Tributors Output Dressed Ore 126 piculs, Estimated Profit $1,400; Total Output Dressed Ore
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  • 23 6 Latest Quotation. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $124.25, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $124.95, business done, (175 tons sold.)
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  • 394 6 Ia Red, White and Blue Blood now i showing at the Empire the popular stars Franois X Bashman and Beverly Bayne, are seen as John Smith, a virile young American and Helen Malloy-Smythe, a i society coquette, respectively, Throughout there is action with a 11 punch in this
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  • 748 6 There ia not very mmoh to comment on in the executive review of the internal position of affairs in the F. M. S. which His Excellency the High Commissioner presented at th i first day’s sitting of the Federal Canned, His Excellency’s statement that the big diiorepancy between
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  • 150 6 Fbidat, Dbobmbbb 6. Fantastios at Malakoff, Town Band, Esplanade. Penang Volunteers, Compulsory Parade. Penang Cricket Club, Annual General Meeting, 6 p.m, Satcbdat, Dbcembbb 7, Kinta Agricultural Show, Town Hall, Ipob. Batu Gajah Our Day Fancy Dress Ball, Kinta Club. Cricket.—Government Service v$ C. R. C„ Victoria Green, British
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  • 1521 6 We must congratulate the Solangor Miners' Association and their ohairman on the very dear and able presentation of their views on the present tin crisis, Mr. Ohoo Kia Peng, in his introductory speech, gave one of the best reviews of the events wbioh led up
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  • 356 6 It appears the news that Mr. J, Law. renoe Mott has been deported from Japan is accurate. We {Japan Chronicle) must confess to some surprise at this step, which is presumably taken at the suggestion or un the advice of the Allied Ambassadors, for it gives
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  • 172 6 Tmibtbbhth List or Subsobiftioxs Rbobiybd. Amount previously acknowledefd 1101,. 059.38, Collecting Card No. 93 i«ww to Dr. J. E. Smith 10, R. F. Bradford 100, Anonymous 100, Chew Muan Tong 10. Sundry subscriptions per Chinese Subcommittee Tseng Kia Puat 100, Din Eng Boon
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1461 7 It is curiou* that none of the authors who predict and describe for as what the brave world wilL be like under Socialism has thou|ht it worth while to dwell upon the achievements in governance of a nation which has already come as neir to establishing
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  • 353 7 (By Laobsncb Burrow.) Gross, with protrusive ears Sleek hair, brisk glance, fleshj and jet alert, Ked, full, and satisfied, Cased in obtuseness confident not to be hurt, He sits at a little table In the crowded al glare and noise, jingling Coin in his pocket; sips. His glass, with
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 414 7 RUBBER STUMPS. UOTICK LABOUR CODE» 1912, FMS. |lljis Iromijrttioo Fund Ordinanct. 1911.” gj(PLOV£E3 OF INDIAN LA BOD 3 rt ber«bj that assessment ‘Toms for the preceding quarter must Z lent to the Ofioe of the Depoty Stroller of Labour, Penang, during of April, July, October and fVt*'’ f° r the
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    • 91 7 ChamberlniM» Cwgfc Benetj. When yon bare a bad cold yom want a remedy that will not only give relief, but ef» feet a prompt and permanent onre, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy that con* taina nothing injurious, Chamberlain’s Comgh Remedy meets all these reqairementa. It acta
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    • 870 7 OUR DAV I NOTICE. The Cross Proceeds in aid of the above Fund. DINNER AND DANCE j iND i (OTHER ATTRACTIONS J AT THIS 11 E. O HOTEL, ON X MAS EVE Tuesday 24th Dec 1918. Dinner and Dance $5 per Head. Wines Against Cash Coupons only. Booking of Tables
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1228 8 p. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAB LINK. (Companies Incorporated In England.) MAIL AMD PABBEMQER BERVICEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undnt Contract witk Hli Majesty's Government.) The Cowpanj’e MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY an at present suspended Pwilf|n for xuopt art faookad via Bombay as opportunity offers and ai fare* ■•dation ia
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