Straits Echo, 21 November 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1265 1 NESTIE S *|IK FOOD the 9ESI FOOD yOUK BABVI 90 cts. PCII i M>. t to (BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China :0 rporate<Jln England by Royal Charter.) je 1.200, ooo -62,000,000 Pi)d up Capit*' guerre Liabihtj £1,200,000 Proprietor» Head Office t w 0 88, BIBHOPBGATE, LONDON, E,C.
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    • 7 1 V r, 3iia«MuußaAa i~i«vNi*iac z os'oz* aiviimiw
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 669 2 “OUR DAY” TANK FUND. rTMxm i J5 '1. f 1 iF T .S, ."3 THROUGH THE COURTESY OF LIMITED KATZ Messrs. M AGENTS BOTTLING OF 1 A list of the subscribers of $25, and upwards to the Red Cross Fund will be published in this space from time to time.
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  • 1453 3 THE BOAD TO RECONSTRUCTION, As the Allied forces prove their superiority to the enemy, and the proepeote of peaoa begin to brighten on the horiaon, problems of reoonetruotion are coming mure and more into the forefront of publio diseussiou. Up to the present, it must bs admitted,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 157 3 1 I T /i*-!» j .’Lt \J L. firestone TROPICAL SPECIAL” TIRES. Fresh Stocks Have Arrived. R. T. REID Co., PENANG .^AGENTS ttai AT LAST! The Impossible has been made Possible. After repeated attempts, there is such a thing as a Chinese Typewriter which is the latest invention in the
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    • 87 3 RUBBER STUMPS. I otn supply yom immediately or forward deliveries. ANY NUMBER REQUIRED NO ORDER TOO LARGE All guaranteed Fresh. Strong, Healthy, and in first class order. No twisted roots and at least 24 inches wosdy matte'*. G.-own from seeds of trees o?<#r twelve years old. L. HEINTZE. Tan jong
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    • 163 3 THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS $2,000,000 it OUR DAY" 1918 WAR LOAN LOTTERY. SANCTIONED BT GOVERNMENT and run under the auspices of 11 Our Daf Committee. TICKETS $lO EACH. (Singapore Currency), The amount of the Lottery will be Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) or such lesser amount as may be subscribed, 30 par
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  • 1047 4 ONE FORM OF M FRIGHT FULNESS.’* (Bt Libut, F. J. The subaltern sat down on the firestep and scraped the dii t out of his eyes, b e did it mechanically, conscious only of the irritation wh ch the dirt causad him, his musoles involuntarily reacting in
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  • 1009 4 Proposed Programme, (Under S. R. A. Rules of Racing. NOTICE—No amendments to this programme will be considered notice is given in writing to the Secretary at least seven clear d 81 the date of the Bpecial General Meeting which is fixed f r
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 284 4 DO; Tho IIDOOOCDOo cdoOCDC World’s Greatest Dust Gatherer THE O-CEDAR MOP O-CEDAR MOP. CLEANS AS IT POLISHES. O-Cedar Mop. Made with a strong enamelled ateel centre. Indestructible, cleans and polishes at the same time, putting a high lustre on all varnished surfaces. There is nothing to equal the 0-Cedar Polish
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    • 45 4 Mow is the Time. For rheamatiem yoa will find nothin? better than Chamberlain’s Fain Balm. Mow ia the time to get rid of it. Try this liniment and see how miickly it will relieve the and soreness. Far sale by all dispensaries and dealers
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    • 301 4 at 5 p.m. on Friday, 3rd January, 1919 Handicaps for tii# lltriCS dOSe Day will be published on or before Wednesday» January, 1919. n Special Coaditioa Regarding Handicap Race».— In all Handicap Raoes for Hon"/ Ponies, the Official Handicapper may, with the consent of the Committee, divide we® into more
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  • 1081 5  -  (By Tom Wright.) Where heav'nlypenstvs Contemplation dwells And ever-muting Melancholy reigns sang Mr. Pope—if you oan call it singing. My 1 But I never seem to get over the shock of recognising and rerecognising the nature of the hogwash our respected forebedfb used to relish in the
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  • 1173 5 No doubt there will be important ohanges 111 the Government of MaUya during the I next twelve months. His Excellency the Governor is considerably over the age at whioh public servants are expected to exchange salaries for pensions, and war conditions alone have justified the very heavy burden that
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 508 5 0iUi lit < hi Ok-« PA1*0NIZH.D < 1 i 1 4 4 Hj ►4 Hi HI >4 HI A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A BY, ROYALTY wr~* the KNOWN SATISFACTION OF ALL USERS OF SILVA’S JEWELLERY I has established
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    • 628 5 '•OUR DAY 1 1918. IT Id PROPOSED to oelebrate Our Day on Friday and Saturday December 20th and 2iat 1918. The Banka might close early on Friday December 20th as on Race Days A draft programme is being drawn up and the Honorary Secretary will be glad receive suggestions Th?
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    • 464 5 Penang St. Andrews Society. A BALL WILL BB HBLD 111 TAB TOWN HALL, On Friday, 29ta November, 191 S, At 9-30 p m. 00LD SUPPER WILL BE SERVEDAdmission, including Sapper, $lO, LADIES FREE. No official invitations will be Issued. Refreshments will be obtainable agains* cash chit only. The nett proceeds
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  • 100 6 PUBLISHED DA ILY (Except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, B«ach Street, Penang. Prioe s Daily Local (80 Pep annum Outstatlon Postage Extra. MaU Edition (Poet Free) $lB pep annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Coho) OB®. Printing Department 343, A.B.—AU business
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  • 1901 6 The references to E location in the I Legislative Council mist have come ss a very ru<?e shock to anyone who takes any real interest in the problems cf local education. We ventured to suggest a few weeks ago that oar educational machine was about to be
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  • 954 6 Mr. ’om Wright, who write. j u cheerful strain from Honolulu,contend setting forth once more on his travel» The Sarawak Qasette understand. *l. the Ranee of Barawak will be leaving mont^’ TilA e^iC d riDB tbe Bis Excellency the Governor of a British North Borneo and Mrs.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 31 6 r=Jr. OUR DAY 1 1918. TO-NIGHT: ESPLANADE 930 p m. Special Victory Band Performance FOB Messrs. and THI TAM WILL BILL TANK FUND TICKETS. OXENHAM, EOW THOON, Hon. Secretaries “TANK FUND.*'
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 2627 7 rBuoTua’s Tulkouams bcrbendek of warships. Visit* Grand Fleet London, November 19. o>.t the Oerm.t. «r--ball surrender in Britinb waterson the 'iT ThO K>n* vi,itB tbe orand Fleet borrow p.i« de P* rt, t 0 Uke the o?im* D bi P ß Vessel! Lear» Del. London, November 1». te
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  • 101 7 Oir 20 and 21st Dsoumbub. As appears from an advertisement elsewhere it i* proposed that the Day celebrations in Penang sh uld take place on Friday and Saturday December 20th and 21st. A draft programme is bein* drawn up and the Uon« -ecy. will be glad
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  • 1599 7 The C S." Tbe Straits Timet is something rather less than kind to Mr. F S. James in tbe article wanoh Wd r p oiuce on page 5 to-day, Tbe > trouble is that the Colonial 8 oretary is a “man*'—in mind as veil as inches—and any man
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  • 200 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] A Hugo Total. London, November 19. Id the House of Cjmauoi, Mr. Maophersod, Under Secretary for War, announced that the Br.tisb Empire's casualties io the war were 3,050.000, of whom 560,000 were killed. New German Government, CONSTITUTION STILL VAGUE. Max s Ministers Remain. London, November
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  • 46 7 The following articles will be found on our out-id* pages 3 —After The War. '4.—Tba Lesson, 5. —Heloise and Ah. 1 rd Eluoatim. B.—Telegrams, Ohira and tb<* Coming B°ttleireat, Alleged Breach of Trust and Cheaiiug. 10—Japan and the Far East. 11 —Libelling the British Soldier.
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  • 1285 8 [Reuter Telegrams] THE COMMONS AND THE KING. Address to the Throne. I London, November 18. In the Home of Commons, Mr. Bonar I Law, on behalf of the Premier who it* ■lightly indiipoaed, moTad the resolution j ••That an humble Addiess be presented oongratnlating Hi*
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  • 1649 8 INSURANCE EMPLOYEE CHARGED. In the District Court before Mr. R.DActon this morning the hearing a 8 resumed of the case against Tah Ah Kuat, alias Tian Ah Kwi. a former employee of tbe Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, who was charged on three oounts
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  • 303 8 The following are the alterations of Messrs. A. A. Anthony Co.'s share list to-dayi— Yesterday. To-day. Rubber. J I I 0 4) 0 9 »0Q 00 Bassett 1.00 1-10 1.00 1.07 J Jimah 1.75 1.00 1.70 1.80 Kuala Sidim 180 1.90 1.75 1.85 M&laka Pinda 2.80 3.00 2.70 2.90
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  • 1437 8 Yeaterday wa published a Reuter summary 1 of a timely article appearing in The Pek ng Leader whose underlying object is to oo apei c the Chinese nation to pause from the dis- 1 traction of the civil strife that has been dissipating the
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  • 537 8 In July last the Honorary Treason (Major-General Dudley Ridout) remitted Home the sum of £4Bl 10« bi on account of contributions received from 'he people of Malaya for the Fund for the Soldiers' Hospital for Facial Injuries, Be has now received 1 tters from the Secretary
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 2372 9 0 Divid end. 1 1 n Nimbi of o9 a. -y* i\ l\ Shari' IMUod. *3 i S *—t i fc> -e ‘3 Pi lut financial year. for current yearfeeit e h 0 1 i 00 1 C£ RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARE3 8 eta. ots 120,000 i 600,000 450,000 1 120,000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 270 9 4 ILEN DENNYS Co.. I union «root, Ponnnfl. Phone Nos, 888 4 412. proprietorm oft TNI PINAHQ RUBBER AUCTION ROOMS, where good price* in always obtained. TNK PENAN! TRANSHIPPED FOnWARDINC Co., who undertake to forward *oods to ANY PART OF THE WORLD. ESTATE DEPARTMENT We pay special attention to all
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  • 835 10 Th# Par East Unveiled. By Frederick Coleman. Cassell. 7a. 6d. net. A book by Mr. Coleman, who dtatr.bc» bimself aa merely a bland, always snailing t imperturbable, (at, oertainly harmleas man with a aomawhat annoying pencbann for aaklng foollah questions,” ia oerUin to be very
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 25 10 JUST ARRIVED FRASER NBAVE’S 1919 DIARIES Price $1-50 each. Latest selections ut Christmas and New Year Greetings in labge; assortments. Criterion Press Ltd. PRINTERS STATIONERS.
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    • 959 10 2 V I i 4 W/M/ W//M 'ISi K H *4C 'S? •4 'J,\ 1L NATURE’S WONDERFUL GIFT TO AFFLICTED MALAYA A CERTAIN. SAFE SPEEDY CURE FOR ALL CASES OF MALARIA, SPLEEN KAT A AZAR Just think of it! —more people are killed bj malaria, spleen and kaU-azar in the
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    • 678 10 ORIGINATING SUI 7 1918 No, 2 8 In the Supreme Court lh Settlements, f *itt In Settlement of Penang i the matter of an 1897 .Registered No. 5« Vr i r o?9 <nt«; 1897 of land known H* V di IV Balek Pulow in p„ ntr 01 iU(,' SUtatorj Grant
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  • 2111 11 Ni thi g is easier than to make general isations about soldiers. It is easy to show how religious they are It is easy to show how irre gioui they are It is easy t portray them as a swarm of cheerful coves it is easy
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 559 11 r^cr=aic rt H (Sm+^*) W^XC W M I' < f’ "4 fK£; 2 ft ’v /i mmw s >?tCIAL BhLWtD FOR -N ,W EAr' fT I. < >s> 'V,,vX' i The Reason Why You Should Dr ink II n y; ,.i tjSiiP* 1 a ini W» Klin iP I,: j
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    • 280 11 i'9iaii■ AUCTIONS. f The undersigned are prepared to take ap auction sales of: Lands, Properties, Estates. Houses. Furniture. Motorcars. Rubber, etc. 'v O i,i PROIPT ACCOUNT SALES RifiOEKEDi For Verms Apply to: 5 ALLEN DENNYS 8 Co., Auctioneers, Appraisers eto- 7, Union Street, Penang. Phone No..893 u th 6 in
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1112 12 u 1 P. 0. —BRITISH IRDM AMD APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL AND PABBENOER BERVICEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undei Contract with Hii Majesty's Government.) The Company's MAIL BEEYICEB EAST OF BOMBAY an at present impended. PuwDftn for Europe ara booked via Bomb*} aa opportnnitj offers and aa
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