Straits Echo, 11 November 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1427 1 NESTLES flu* TfcUl THfc BfcSl 0D pUd Yuiih I 90 cts, rEM 1 lt>. TIN. (BANKS. Bank of India, Aubtralia and China. ie .,por»«dl" Royal Charter.) lt JK 1,200,000 piid op J'Pj £2, 000.000 jitjiervo f und geserre Lmhilit/ jei.200,000 Proprietor» Head Office i g 8 BisHurSOATE. LONDON, E.C, Agencies
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    • 3 1 MILKMAID OOMDiNSiD $20.50
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 646 2 Mr Ut^u I JT ’“OUR DAY” TANK FUND. <s> J 5 IE r; r 1 j l i u THROUGH THE COURTESY OF 'T KATZ Messrs. «2 AGENTS FOR FI i M 5 I 4 I; B 9 k I A list of the subscribers of $25, and upwards to
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  • 1073 3 A Mattie of Choice. I wonder if going back to the land is as fine a thin< as it is alleged to be for the welfare of man P Does it improve his character or is it likely to do so P Poets and philosophers, and
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  • 859 3 WHAT IMPERIAL PREFERENCE MEANS. (Bt the Right Hon. W. F. M asset, Prime Minister op New Zealand.) It is new almost a truism to say that ene of the most striking and outstanding features of the war is the significant manner in which the component parts of our
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 531 3 cr; i et: firestone TROPICAL SPECIAL” TIRES. Fresh Stocks Have Arrived. R. r. REID Co., PENANG AGENTS. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN BONDS. Bearing interest from the date of purctavae at jj per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on the aoth January and the aoth July REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE
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    • 42 3 Now Is the Time. For rheamatism yom will find nothin* better than Chamberlain’s Painßalnu How ia the time to get ild of it. TJJ meat and soe how qniokly it will JT paia and aorLness. For eale bj diipe arid aad dealers
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    • 78 3 Creep. This disease so dingeroua and bo rapid in hm d*T@ippina**t that every »>otber of youeg children ifcoald be prepared for t. It iavery risky to wait netrl the attack of orcap appears and then send for medicine and let the ohild snffer antil it c*a be ebtatned. Chamberlain’s Coa«h
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    • 435 3 WANTED A3 CLERK iu Sanitary Board Offise ▲lor Star, a Malay who haa passed the Seventh Standard examination. Commencing salary 935 per month rising by annnal increments of 960 to 9*>5 per mensem. ▲pply Secretary, Sanitary Board, ▲lor 8tar, Kedah, 795—6 *****-15-11 WANTED. Chinese batsman. Most be aoqnamted with local
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    • 445 3 HAVE YOD TRIED NERVONS? WHY Because it is the o&ly remedy for toning up the nervou» system and unfailing cure for the weak. FOR YOUR OWN GOOD get a bottle and be satisfied. Price $1.40 FREE list sod particulars from No. 10, Beach Street. Wholesale orders should be addressed to
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  • 634 4 At the suggestion of Mr. George N. P ec k, Commissioner of Finished Products of the War ladaatriea Board, the War Bemce Committee of the Rubber Induatrj of the U g.A. on July 82, submitted a memorandum to the War Induatriea Board review ins the exieting aituatlon
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  • 141 4 The following are the agenda for the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners to be held to-morrow r—--1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed fi. Any special business the President may bring forward, I, Questions. 4. Some bills to be passed. 5, The following tenders i—(a)
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  • 35 4 EePLAwann Cm. 1 Selection L% Fills da Regiment Danisetti 9 Galop Velocipide Depties 9 Walt a Lysistrata Paul 4 Polka Retour dea Champs Waldteufel 5 Mar oh Push Dem Clouds Away Elliott
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  • 811 4 There was an attendance membeis of the Arnhem n i° M at the tiffin at f ha Car,t ,o CaU October 23, the rmetiug b •°SkH by Mr Jultan Arnold, oial Attache, Cia Mr. S P. Elliott, who ig r a,u inOnina for the new Or.i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 12 4 For drMrea’i Hacking Oagh at Nigkt. Wood**» Omt Pagparirint Omra la. fci.
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    • 384 4 o: v —:dc DO TOOTAL EIO» IĔ n u vwi 4^- :I Or ,,/f o </A p P fln i\\\ BrALC ITOOTAL P1QUF. 'One of the Toot»! guaranteed Fabrics, lofatock in white, grey, b sou t >nd a»xe b’ue. F»at wa-bicg colours. Htasy iib. Width 44 inehes. Price $2-90 per
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    • 474 4 WANTED t IWO TEMPORARY QUALIFIED A DISPENSERS, stating salary re qaired. Apply to CRITERION PRESS Ltd.. Fenang WANTED. A TEMPORARY DRESSER for hospital work. Apply THE MANAGER, Gala Estate, Quia. 725— bo WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Experienced clerk for office and St <re, Apply stating salary required. act. manager, 8, Gettah Estate,
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    • 31 4 NAVAL ARCHITECTS Wltf» MESBB9. BEOB3ABJ),MOH** tbs larviO** OF TIENTSIN require W several navel irobiteata supervisors well rsn dia c 1 of wcoden hosts. Write stating qualification firm in Tientsin (Chios), 777—1-4—ll
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  • 280 5 81 ME, DABBY A Co’» REPOBT, Singapore, November 9. London Quotations. —Tb» latest wire from London reaaived here on 6th instant dated 4tb was as follows s —"Bobber 2/4, 2/6 market very quiet-’’ Auotiohs 6th and 7th Novara w, The market opened with a decid dly firm tone
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  • 606 5 Singapore, November 7 The Weekly Rubber Auction which commenced yesterday saw a further substantial advanoe in the prioes of all grades, lathe eariier part of the sale spirited competition rushed the price for Smoked Sheet up to 67* cants (which is 4* cents above last week’s best) but
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  • 516 5 A SAD ENDING TO A BRILLIANT CAREER. The sad intelligence that Mr. John Charles Sugars, of the Straits Settlements Civil Sarvio9, had shot himself yesterday afternoon came as a great shook t® many peeple in view of the respaot and eateem in whioh ho
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  • 424 5 Msas»e. Feashb and Co's Wmklt ClEOULAB In their weekly share circular, dated I November 6, Messrs/ Fraser A Co. report i— Some advances are shewn in rubbers again this week but dealt have been on a smaller goals. Tbe raw material has been in good demand, in
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  • 162 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Land on, November 9. A French communique state* t To-day onr troops resumed their advanoe along the whole line. An Americas oommunique states i North and sonth of Damviilers onr advanoe ■aooassfnlly continues, meeting strong maokine«gnn resistance, An Italian wireless message oomplains that the ensmy has
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  • 230 5 The following are the alterations in Messrs* A. A. Anthony A Co.’s share list to-day i Alor Gajab 340 buyers and 3-66 sellers; Ayer Kuning 115 buyers and 1.80 sellers Ayer Molek 2.40 buyers and 260 sellers; Balgowoie 5.00 buyers and 550 sellers; B. Lintang 5.50 buyers and 6.00
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  • 468 5 Uateat Quotation» Tin (sarefined) is quoted be e to-day at j $145.05, business done, in S.ngapore (refin ed) at $145.80, business done (310 tons sold.) The appointment of Probationary Sanitary I Inspector, Ipob, has bien vaosted from the 12(h June, 1918, by the absmoe of Abdullah Sani bin Muhammad
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 465 5 1 PAIKONIZED BY ROYALTY J •H •H THE known satisfaction OF ALLS USERSjOF ij SILVA’S JEWELLERY has established faith in the quality of his manufacture all the World over. h BSS Speciality QEMBET BROOCHES t B. P. De Silva, The Ideal Jeweller and Diamond Merchant. I Street, hint W/W High
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    • 672 5 “LION if NOTICE is hereby givtn that the above Tr ide Mark is the Trade Mark of |th« NORTH BRITISH RUBBER COMPANY, LIMITED, a Comps?? incorporated in Great -Britain and is used by them ia connection witi pneuma'ic tyres. Lega proceedings will be taken against any persons using such Trade
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  • 98 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price x Daily Liooal $BO Per annum i, Outstation Postage Extra. Mali Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum, Cable Address: “ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 80. Printing Department 343, All business
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  • 1154 6 It not bo easy, as might at first glance Iba supposed, to eaj what we hare been fighting for in this war. In a sense» Iwe hare been fighting for many things, IWe hare been fighting, for instate?, land most obrioisly, to olear the German out of the lands
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  • 51 6 The next Homeward Mail is mail E for Madras taking mails for Europe etc via Bombay whioh closes on Thursday next, the 14th instant at 10 a.m, registration up to 9 and parcels up to 8 the aame morning. mail from Europe is expeoted in Penang on Thursday
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  • 910 6 Tin Governor has appointed Lieutenant W. G- Bennett, B, N, B, to be a Magistral (or Penang. Sir Charles and Lady Crewe and their son left yesterday (or Java. They expeot to return to Singapore on December 9. Mr. W, H Torelfall, Accountant, Genera) Poet Offce, Singapore,
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  • 981 6 The Number of Lepers. For obvious reasons the n;eou.. leprrs in the different oountrie, M is oot e,.j to 0^7.7«»» the Indian oensus authorities I,o’ a fied that tbeir figures on that hf*»/ 01 trustworthy. The mission to i.H B Wi S'* c rld or,, million 6 Dc.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 27 6 TANK FUND. TICKETS $l. FIRST PRIZE I New Elgin Motor Car VALUE $6,000. OUTSTATION APPLICANTS MUST ENCLOSE POSTAGE And apply to the Hon. Bees.. Tan* Fund, Penang
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 34 6 THB WEATHER. 10th Kotimbib. Temperature 73* Rainfall 24 hours 47 m.m. 11th Notbmbbb, Temperature 78° Rainfall 24 hour* 6 m.m. 80°. 1.9 in. 81®. .24 in. Late cables will be found on page 5.
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  • 2394 7 renunciation by_ crown irince. NEW GERMAN CONSTITUTION ELECTORAL reforms AND NATIONAL assembly. BELIEF IN THE JUSTiCE OF MICHT CONQUERED. KICT 19'" T.l.o»«» LoLdoo, Noteirber 9, 6.10 p.m. j f ii«l»i Q«"“ D offici l p lin ct Mil of ‘be Imperi»' n Kar-er »d King b.e decided
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  • 1198 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] j TBE FLANDERS FIGHTING. Allies' Joint Progress London, N.▼ember 10, A Brtish-BtTgian oommun quo states i The Belgians occupy the western bank of the Ghent-Terauzan canal from the Dutch frontier to Ghent station. The French occupied the Melden heights e»at of it and the northern
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  • 62 7 The following artioles will be found on our outside pages i 3, —Back to the Land, Self Contained. 4, America and Rubber. America and the Paoifio. 5, D iath of Mr, J, C. Sugars, Rubber Market. Singapore Share Report, 8. —F. M* 8. Railways, The Inflaenia, Telegrams 10. —Lawlessness
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  • 1207 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] The following telegrams were published Sunday edition yesterday ECI8ION BY MONDAY MORNING- German Proposal RefectedLondon, November 8, 4.6 p-m, A wireloie Frenoh offioial menage anoanoea that the German plenipotentiaries eceived the conditions of the armistioe and rere gbren until Monday at eleven in the ooming to
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  • 1389 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] British Front. Villages Captured- n London, November 8, 11.60 p.m. p Sir Douglas Hsig reports i —There was a sharp fighting yesterday evening in toe j neighbourhood of Eelaibes and Limout Fontaine to the south of Hautmont. We t oaptured these villages and made a
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  • 1130 8 new no's 10 annual d-p-rtoeotai reports is struck >a h-*c oe the F.Mi?, for 1917, which mak’s up for ita brev ty by a wealta of tabular statistics and by in roduolog, for the first time m oar of official reports in Malaya, a di av. pages of
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  • 522 8 Toe increase of male births durin„ W4r now sxolting widespread interest— n wpl-l"«* -tile, D.-, A-übalU K, ,»U I ••lo'o.ngp, Because of men’s greater risk», to hf P Nature provides that to every 1,000 B irU b rn normally from 1.045 :o 1,050 boys «'I born Our
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  • 314 8 Epidemic in Sabawai Tlie first cases of influeost were first »eea o: tbr eof tbe Malay crew of the is. Kuchinj early in July and tbe disease spread to tin kampongt '.nd became very prevalent airing July and August, Tbe basaar did act however appear to be affected.
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  • 2334 9 Jg Divid end. a e 5j Numbs of 09 a. fi 0 6h 0»»iUl 8h»r< issued. 0 a fc> TJ *3 0< last financial year. far currant year. Kr.«na 5 K 0 SO 1 1 1 cr RUBBER—DOLLA K SHARKS. f ots. 2 ots 1905» 1907 1909 1900 1909
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 269 9 ALLEN DENNYS Co., f, Onion Stmt, Paaang. Phona Moo, *03 4 411. Pro0rl*t° ra Q f* TNI PENANQ RUBBER AUCTION ROOMS, whsre good prices are always obtained. TNI PENANG TRANSHIPHjtQ 4 FORWARDING Co., who undertake to forward goods to ANY PART OF THE WORLD. ESTATE DEPARTMENT.- We pay special attention
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  • 1246 10 Kim par baa bad tbe unpleasant ciperiecce of a hoid-up by a gang of armed robbers. It ia staff'd that there were afcoat fifty robbsrs who serna to bays boldly marched into the town and teiroted three opium shops aa ihe moat attractive place» tor loer.
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  • 765 10 USUAL ART1LL. BY ACTIVITY'» (Et Capt. A F. Ozanns) Whei the responsible officer France comes to the end of a per ect daj, his labours are not jet complet. ed, for there alwajs remains the tactical report to be considered lake the case of a Siege Battery
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 834 10 ym m -T*-., r> S3L\+ mr IT M A m 'v w 3 a > NATURE’S WONDERFUL GIFT TO AFFLICTED MALAYA A CERTAIN, SAFE SPEEDY CURE FOR ALL CASES OF MALARIA, SPLEEN KALA-AZAR Jnst think of it!—more people are killed by malaria, and kali-azar in the tropics every year than
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    • 84 10 CfeMberUiß’aCoigk liemedy. Whan yon have a bad cold yon want a remedy that will not only give relief, bat ef* feet a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that ii pleasant to take, a remedy that contame nothing injnriois. Chamberlain’» Cobgh Remedy meet# all these reqiirementi, n aota on nateres
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  • 1634 11 I WHAT SBE HAS STOLEN 1“ Of rmany has spent in three years of w »r l er head of population £64 10§„ or A!24 f e, less than France. /ranee has spent £88 16s or 38 per cent, more than Germany. Great Br.tain has spent 11
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 534 11 i r* O BEER ilSENER ORa ES N D R BRITISH EXHIBITIO*-!?! PAC.oiC EXHIBITIOKI» 8^ v <<v <1 y o V o A* SPECIALLY BREWED FOR V EXPORT. X ill (V The Reason Why You Should Drink ASAHI BEER Because it is so superior in flavour and quality to ordinary
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    • 629 11 ORIGINATING SUMMONS. SUIT 1918 No. 292. !ln the Sapreme Conrt of the Strait»" Settlements, {Settlement of Penang.] '.,m In the matter of an Indenture of Statutory Mortgage dated the 15th day of November, 1897 Registered No. 56, Vol LXXVII of 1897 of land known at Lot 79 Mukim IV Bslek
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1152 12 BRITISH IRDU AND APCAB LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PA88E.NQER SERVICE8. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with Hia Majesty's Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY an at present suspended Pemengen for Europe an booked via Bombay as opportnnity offers and aa far a» sjodatioa is available.
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