Straits Echo, 31 August 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1608 1 'ĕiWßßi NESTLE* S I milk food THE BESTiFOOD f gg YOUR BABYj! 90 cts PER 1 lb. TIN. J Hill» AUCTIONS. H, H'I tra pr.pawd to take ,J lit two »1« Of. Lands. Properties, Estates. Houses. Furniture. Motorcars. Rubber, etc. pddlPT ACCOUNT SUES REN0ERED,For Terms Apply to: ALLEN DENNYS
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 169 2 1 SAVER INFANT IS ABSOLUTELY STARCH-F If mothers who cannot nourish their own babies would give them the Mellin Diet from birth we should hear less of infant mortality Mellin’i Food with cow’s milk will do more to bring your baby safely through infantile health-dangers than •r v" any food
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  • 420 3 We have received from Mr. George L. Logan, American Consol at Penang the following interesting extraot from The Chemieal Color and Oil, a daily published at New York. Bibber seed oil woild be ▼aliable aa a bye-product of the Bibber Industry t Bibber seed oil
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  • 577 3 To Thu Editob ov thu Btatetmon Sir, —Abinash and Biren were playing Cbaru and Deno. B was dummy. After nine tricks had been made, it was discovered that dummy had only three cards left on the table and that C had five A and D had their right
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  • 479 3 As A market for B ltish goods China baa for many years occupied a poaition of extreme importance and the atatua of Britiah trade in that oountry after the war ia a question that ia exeroiaing many of the greatest commercial intellect a. There are two
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  • 522 3 British Government's Protest. Very sharp language has been used in diplomatic correspondence between England and Holland, and the text of the letters as published in a White Paper contains the following conclusion to a memorandum communicated by Sir W. Town'ey, British Minister at The Hague,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 338 3 FOR UST 0 ORDER .IS To URGE{ N 0 OIIDER To SMM,L 4 (•(‘tic Acid 99 1 per cent gu»r»atied < lianskol* different pattern.) 4X<‘U (American) paints and Oil l»i*hd ecEantB »nd all aorta of Estate Suppliea and Requisite* QUOTATIONS PROMPTLY SUBMITTED ON BEQUEST. fIPBCIAL ATTENTIVE OITEN TO OUTftTATION ORDERS
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    • 12 3 For Ohildroß’a Haokmg Ooagh at Nigkt, Wooda’a Ghraal Fifpwmml Oara 1* «d*
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    • 456 3 THI LATE'T IN 3EAVAPHONB3. EDISON grannpbooe with records practically net, Noneedlei squired Perfect in every 1 aspect, Apply to Box No. 17, 660—» c cjo Strait» Echo, M oT CYCLE KOVEB, 3* H.P TWO BEATER Dc Dion Or, 2 Cylinder 9 h.p. Fair oonditioo. Apply LuMUT RuBHIE EiTATBS, Sitiawan, Fo«r.aeatsr
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  • 1514 4 In the present strenuous times throngh which onr premier ijpdustry is passing it is especially comforting to note that the planters of Malaya are keenly alert and sensitive to the andombted sinister iclinen* oes prevalent at the moment. Testerday the Planter’s Association of Malaya met in
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  • 295 4 AUTUMN EXAMINATION RESULT S The pass lists in the examination for the L. Diploma held in August, 1918 are as follows i Licentiates —R Letohamanasamy, M A Gabriel, S Perampalam, Lee Kek Soon and Laa Pick Hicngi Passed in Medicini.—John de Silva, 5 L S
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 89 4 I White away, Laidlaw Co., Ltd,, SALE. THE LAST FEW DAYS OF SALE i BARGAINS IN f m v y** n LINENS I DRAPERY I CHINA I AND GLASS 1«? THE LAST FEW DAYS OF SALE EL —> Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd., PENAN8. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) TAIPIN6. f v IO*l
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    • 81 4 Group. Tbia diaease ia ao dangeroua and ao rapid in iia development that every mother of yoang children ahoald be prepared for it. It ia very riaky to wait antil the attaok of oroap appear* and then send for medicine and let the child aaffer until it can be obtained.
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    • 335 4 IN CABB OF Get asth BRo The quickest, snrest most reliable rem.dV t Asthma, ando.e of the valuable of the several paration. Of the PimmaC tical lrading Co. Pricß $1.75 bottle. On sale at No 10. Beach Street agent L-. C. HONg 191 Victoria St., NIPPON CONFECTIONERY 22, Leith Street,
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  • 985 5  -  (By Tom Weight). Tou all know the Biblioal narrative of the slaves who bad to make bricks without straw. Perhaps, like me, you haven't got, in your head, right new, precisely all tfce deetails but you’ve met the allusion, and got the hang of it There are seasons
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  • 1071 5 M. CATHIRAVELLOO BUED. 11 I 1° the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice |L. M Woodward yesterday the bearing was I begun of tbe mse instituted by David I Graham against Murugsan Cat hi ravel lou for the reoovery of tbe sum of $1,554.70 I being as to $1,278
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 535 5 ft THURSDAY TO SUNDAY NIGHT (lWCLD8IV«l Special Announcement ■49 <4 4 4 9 4 H8 4 Hi hi HI H3 4 "I 4 I hi ■4 ■4 Ht Hi O HI hi *4 HS *4 •4 •4 HI '4 HI 1| HS EMPIRE THEATRE f THE PREMIER T HEATRE OF
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  • 103 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price! I Daily Local «80 per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. I Mall Edition (Pont Free) $lB per annum. Cable Addrees: "..ECHO PENANG.* Telephone Nos. (Eoho) »80. I Printing Department 343. j
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  • 1127 6 There have been prophets of woe ever since the outbreak of hostilities who predioted that whatever the armies might do, the war would be stopped by univereal 1 famine or the imminent threat of it before another year was over. Events have proved the
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  • 168 6 Third Meeting on Thursday. C From Out Oim Correspondent£ Kuala Lumpur, August 30The rubber committee is now appointed as a Commission entitled the Rubber Industry Protection Commission. Its third meetiog was held yesterdsy. Sub-committees were fotmed at the first and second meetings for the purpose of obtaining
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  • 932 6 M<. E. H- King- Harman, manager, K*p*r Para Rubber Estates, who was on a visit to Penang with Mrs. King-Harman re» I tamed to Kapar to-day. Mrs Mayhew and Miss Maykew who have been spending a holiday in Penang returned to the Southern Settlement to-day. e Mr,
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  • 105 6 C From Char Own (hrrc°pondev f j London, August 29. The prioes in the Lond ■'>lo Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe ewe 2/1* Diamond Smokod Sheet 20} An extract from an article in th* Diorttan Magazine that appeared in cur columns recently, leads Mr. W. Tong
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  • 1002 6 America’s Mercantile Fleet. The American Official n. described as a oomni Bt M tAn > w Wh Government a3tivitie, P p ttbUih <c *;J 0. a order of the und br by the Committee on Fubl c T T >8(1 gives the figure, of U 8 A .h,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 217 6 WONDERS WILL NEVER CEASE. A splendid offer of Dress Goods at prices which have beoome prises. BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT. Fine Navy Blue Tweed, 56 ins* wide, fast colour, smooth surface. Price $9-50 yard. S Sped si Show Xlress els r, oo VI n: Excellent Black Tweed, 56 ini. wide, fast
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 1873 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] 0 the Northeru Area. A Peek's B»g-" Voodoo, A»g0.t 29, 4 80 p.m. (.port* i South of the 6 f ouot.ioed preMure »pon the I*®*' ht D d ore .dv.noiog to the I» 1 “‘b 0 the Somme .,f»r». the I»* 0 i Fontaine lee
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  • 615 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] GERMAN EXPLANATION. London, August SO. The following is another example of how the great retreat is being explained fcr home consumption, The well-known military writer, Captain von Stlsmann of the 1 Vouitehe Zeitung, says "We are drawing i the enemy into a terrible wilderness in
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  • 623 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] Lor don, Auguat 28, 7 20 p.m The situation created in Siberia fcy the interposition of General Horvath < and its probable eff-cts all completely pnule official quarters in London, The whvle situation is so complex and confused that nobody understands it All official news
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  • 111 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Ineffective Enemy Rally. London, August 30, 6 40 a m. Beater's correspondet at French Headquarters on Thursday night says the German counter-attacks are supported b/ he» v ly reinforced artillery, A German attaok on Morchain on the west bank of the Somme was diiven back after
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  • 196 7 Fine Heerniting FignreiLondon, Angus 80. The Timet Simla correspondent says that an interesting indication of the attitude of certain frontier tribesmen is afforded by an expression of loyalty of the Jirgas of Lower 3-vat and tbe Ranizai tribe who at the same time offered to hold
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  • 79 7 Tenancies and Contracts (From Our Own Corre$j»nd*nt-) Singapore, August 81. In this week’s Qcuette the new Bills include a Courts Oidinanoa Amendment Bill which provides that members ot the Overseas Force oalled out for aotive service beyond the limits of the Colony should be entitled to apply
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  • 324 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $l6B 25, business done, in Singapore (rtfined) at 1159 business done, sold 160 tons. Resorting, or reverting, in its own words, ro that simple 11 horse sense” which me of its esteemed correspondents was once good enough to desonba as
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  • 68 7 The following articles will be found oa -mr outside pages i 3.—America and Bubbar S;ed Oil. British Trade in China. Holland and an Interned Bhip. 4* —The P. A. M King VII Medioal School» 5 —Supreme Court. Just Burble. 8. —Penang Bhara Market. .Guthrie’s W«klj Report. Ok.roh Service,.
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  • 19 7 Obituary. London, August 28, The death is announced of the Reveraed A, E Moale, late Archdeacon of Mid China.
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  • 440 8 LEIN <fc CO’S WEEKLY REPORT. Pnang, August 30, 1918. Speculative buying ot rubber Jon* caubed kd advaaoa m toe pro» of b jfca Sheet and Grope whioh are reported to hare made 45 oenta at tbe Singapore auction and there is laid to be a fair aaaonotof
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  • 500 8 Singapore, August 29. The weekly rubber auction held yesterday and to-day opened rather quietly, but, owing to mannfactu-ers coming in to buy, improved very considerably and closed at be«L Oa tbe first day Fine Pale Crepe and Bibb d Smiked Sheet both reached 46 cents per
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  • 992 8 [To the Editob or thu Straits Echo.'] Si a, It is as much the duty of the State to care for its sons when wounded aed dying as it is to equip them for the front neks of sacrifice.” Oa that declaration I base an appeal for
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  • 2056 8 The Pbbtty Lady. By Arnold Bennett. Cassell 6s net. Mr Bennett, as everybody knows, once wrote a novel called The Card, in which the hero devised many ingenious plans for the entertainment of his fellow creatures. One, of his bri hteot ideas was the purchase of a
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  • 54 8 The following programme of musio will be played at the Golf Club thia evening at 5-45 p.m.t 1 Selection The Gaiety Kappey 2 The Boston Two Btep Cavendish 3 Selection Welsh Hare 4 Walts Tbe Sefton Everett 5 The Belle Of The Barber’s Ball Cohan 6 March
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  • 61 8 Sept 1, 14th Sunday Ait» Teinitt. 8 00 a.m. Matins 830 a.m. Holy Communion 500 p.m. Children’s Servioe 6-00 p.m. Evensong Hymn 209 Psalms VI Bruwnsmith VII > Cooke VIII Lawei Magnificat 46 Nunc Dimittis 60 Hymns 185, 307 and 20 On Wednesday, 10*00 a.m. Matins and
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  • 281 8 9-00 a.m. Children’s Service and Saorament of Baptism v 6-00 p.m. Public Worship and Sacrament ot the Lord’s Supper. Preaober Rev. Donald J Robs, m a Hymns 252 680, 270, 277, (3-6). 274 (4 —8), 494 (Vesper) Choir Practice on Friday evening at 7
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 423 8 book, for th J JJ <»„ uh £i“"« *v’fr icT.iuible to' ruhb^daVlv^ CRITERION PRRo, t p,nt noti^ "N’OTICE i. hereby for at.ndird p.di will b, pM b <or Ail p*di grown next J iilJJ District of Krian and daliveraH U 1# Ui door. This price will remain 11 30th Jane,
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  • 2298 9 a Dividend. w 9 *v Nui*»be o! A toe it Sli»r, Issued i 1 9 m an e-4 D *w S fta lui ftnaneial jetr, far eurrtmi Vuu s PQ r l i i 8 ets. 8 ets utH lit),00') 500,90« i50,000 f( ii 1 750,#00 t*t>,**<) 700,000 120,0
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 197 9 ALLEN DENNYS Co.. 7, Union Strsst, Panang. Phoaa Has. >93 412. proprietors of:— THE PENANG RUBBER AUCTION ROOMS, where good priees are always obtained. THE PENANG TRANSHIPPING a FORWARDING Co., who undertake to forward goods to ANT PART OF THE WORLD. ESTATE DEPARTMENT. —We pay special attention to all supplies
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  • 967 10 HOW TO WIN THE WAR. Henrj Ford tells uh that we otn win the war it we will only throw into tbe balance the whole weight of oar industries and toolpower. In an article oordributtd to th<i American Machinist (Now York), Uncle Henry” assures as that the victory will
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  • 739 10 ihe whole world iecogni ge defeat which Germany «nH et k°rou;A Prince have .u.tuned 7 rL e C 4 course be no official »dn»„j 0 'A ,1 tr °P beßer The ,i„, 0{ tk at. lready been indicated. '1 ha nl hai it will be announced a vanceY®'
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  • 60 10 Satuedat, August 31, Cricket—P.O.C 2nd XI vs. Governm»» Service 2ad XI, Esplanade Penan?, Golf Club, Monthly Competition. Sumbat, SirreMßiß 1. Fourteenth after Trinity. St Giles. P.V R.C- Shoot 7 a.m. Penan?, Golf Club, Monthly Competition Mohdat, S*rTiM3ia 2, Town Band, Esplanade, WIDNIBCAT, SUPTiMDW 4 Town Eand, Esplanade*
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 For Children’s Hacking Coegb at night, Wood’* Great Peppermint Cure Is. 6d,
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    • 124 10 Since the The Allied Governments Have Bought Over > ROYAL To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF. POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SO LE IMPORTERS AND COMPANY. <i C al L
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    • 89 10 Ckam her lain Cogk liemttJ When yoa hate a bad cold 7°‘ w ‘ats£ remedy that will not only gite re feet a prompt and permanent care, that ia pleasant to take, a renae 7 tain, nothing iojirio... Coagh Remedy meets all th?* 0 r BD f#, It aots on
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  • 1367 10 ..y that «6 ars all lain but a a Vo ucb luck- Wa ware born ram, ,t «•r 30 tu r many of us fell an, ji et t 0 the jnortin? instincts of the 1 #rlj moralist aud got it knocked out of j ,0
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  • 565 10 IN FATHER’S FOOTSTEPS. Accord ng to Dr, A ib?rt Mol), an au'hotify )d pedsg< gie», youthful cnmicadty in Geimany is more developed aud bes assumed more dangerous forms than in any other belligerent country. Crime among young persons, he writes in a Berlin daily paper, is, peculiarly rife
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 435 10 m i urn WMrjk' J w ■i 4» 4 Stf* a 4 f' I -TvS V pm ■J V >1 V V v’c I vJ\’i L t 'A- M /zhJA 7 l r^jo(Vi t- rj!.\i -at.w-iKrf til fk ir/ t\sg;«\ *X\ }< iL '^SSft V/ «!•>-' ei> via t ts~
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    • 121 10 Kewalarm Chellaram GENERAL BOMB Y MERCHANTS, 34, Beaeh Street, Failing and i 7, Treacher Street, Ipoh A long range of British, American, Chine°e, Japanese, Indian goods consisting of the most durable and up-to-date:— Gold, Silver, Nickel Watches and Wiist Watches, “Big and Baby Ben” Alarm clocks, Best quality Wool Blankets,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1399 12 P. 0. —BRITISH IKDIft AND APGAB LINE. (Csmpantea Incorporated in England MAIL AND PAS8ENQER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undei Contract with Hi* Majesty's Government.) Tho Company’» MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY aro at prssent suspended. Passengers for Enropo aro booked via Bombs* as opportunity off era and as far
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