Straits Echo, 30 August 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1787 1 NESTLES dILK FOOD t THE BEST FOOD!” FOR YOUR BABYj!| 90 cts. PER 1 lb. TIN. J notice. gitoo Daubook No Liability. are hereby informed that upon delivery of their to E. J. Kennedy E»q„ Manager, Katoo Deebook No Liability, 395 in» Melbourne on or before litXorember next they will
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  • 972 2 JAPAN NEEDS A GREAT LEADER. Bt 8. Akimotto, j If it is tru8 that a national crisis produces great men, then it is tima that great men nave come forward to solve tbe momentuous j problems now facing Japan. We look round and behold
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  • 578 2 The g>cd story says a review ia the Daily Chronicle, should be persistent in and you will dad It often in Mr. Aifrtd E T. WtUon'* Spo>tng and D amatio Career (Mscmilliao, 12s net Naturally, because for long years he baa known everybody worth knowing in sport and
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  • 338 2 I am informed that the main principles of the extended German Austro-Hungarian alliance had already been agreed upon and initialled in the summer of 1916 during the Emperor Francis Joseph’s lifetime, telesrraphs the Times Amsterdam correspondent Daring the Emperor Charles’s stay at German Headquarters a three-fold
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 82 2 Croup. This disease ii 10 dangerous and so rapid in its development that every mother of young ohildren should be prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attaok of eroup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be obtained.
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    • 47 2 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to prerent an accidsnt, but it is not impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is nat beyond anyane s perse, and with a battle of this liniment yon art prepared far almost and deal* n by di*Pi««ariN
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    • 436 2 -isS S> FKIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,30 A.*. To 7 k ADMISSION SOCENi, WB-21 27, 30, 4, 7,11. la 1S fosT>r,v^ •111. .111..,, situated on 1J acres Jelutong, with road im frontages a ALLEN DENNYS 7 i U« 0 brutt 586-26, 28 30 7 *cQ| H9mnKtrr m 3XTOTXCE. TTHE TODEuSiom. k„. bj
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  • 571 3 C From Over Own Correspondent^ Alor Star, August 27, 1917, The Kedah Football League held a special meeting at the olub-housa of the Iindoogan Bulan when the following gentlemen were elected offioe-bearers for the ensuing year* President i Tunku Oassim Vioa-President and Manager i Tuan Syed Mohamed Idid
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  • 350 3 Ytrdiot aid Sente nos. (From Our Own Correspondent, Singapore, August 29. Shafto Stevens was found guilty of criminal breech of trust and sentenced to eighteen months’ rigorous imprisonment, The oaau against Mr. Shafto Stevens was continued, before Mr. Justice Whitley, throughout the whole day yesterday, says
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  • 299 3 Expimu Txbatuu. As was expeoted the Empire draw a large orowd last night when the celebrated B'o Bird play A Doll's House." a play c f great power in a charming setting acJ featuring the fameus Star Dorothy Phillips, was screened. It was supported by tl famous Metro
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  • 45 3 The following programme of music will !>e played at the Esplanade this evening at 6 p.m.t— Overture Seir D'Automne Bovillen 2 Two Step My Little Black Sweetheart Federikien 3 Selection Booaocio Suppe 4 Walts Tout Paris Waldteufel 5 Maroh The Pioadere Sousa
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  • 579 3 Members are asked to note tk&t tke next Cleb Shoot is on next Sunday, September 1, at 7 a.m. It is the last Deliberate Shoot of the Season, A Copenhagen report from Berlin states that the Ukraine has agreed to the oession of Bessarabia to Bu
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 482 3 thV RSDAY TO SUP*DAY NIGHT ~ftS §j J (I»CLTJ«TM> Special Announcement EMPIRE THEATRE I b THE PREMIER THEATRE OF THt COLONY. t Dorothy Phillip*—Lon Chaney—William Stowell. (“Dorotny” i» a World Favourite) rn a A DOLL’S HOUSE” f A BLUE-BIRD AND A OEM. fRO« THE CELEBRATED PLAY BY HENRY IBSEN. This
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    • 461 3 am«T > m Iraucu Bsmßi sakura; BEER STOUT I THE DELICIOUS DRINK EVERYBODY STOCK IT. SOLE IMPORTERS: G. ADRELY Co., PENANG AND SINGAPORE. SINGAPORE AGENTS MESSRS. BRINKMANN 8 Co. FOR SALE, Motor cycle hove a. s* h.p S speed gear Bosch Magneto Coed condition. Price $430 or near otter, Apply
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  • 103 4 PUBLISHED DA ILY I (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, PenangPrice s Dally Local ISO per annum. Outntatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. I I Cable Address: PENANG.' Telephone Not. (Eoho) 886. Printing Department 343« N.B.—A
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  • 1340 4 Maybe we hare become unduly wary, but there is euoh a striking unanimity about the gravity with whioh the German newspapers regard the situation on the Western front that we are bound to suspect tha mot d or dr* from above to whioh the enemy press is
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  • 930 4 Messrs. W. D. Fraser and J G Orr have returned from Austral a. Mr, Justice P, J. So.oak, whj wset Kuala Lumpur, f-r the Fail Cork of Appeal there, return# 1 tbi« morning. rr Ool Ad*ms, who w«s in Ku»l* Lumpur for the Uoitad. M» aya Cornell
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  • 1009 4 An Eveleaa 'rhlVilhop M f H si^T' h lr71 et^ r aDyladi03 this dir’ allowed to go to MeeopoUm^f^* 2 of helping in the Church Army like Basra and Bagdad f K UU been referred to the ,u ,tUr Z Mesopotamia but no aumJ reoeived, er yet As
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 136 4 r PRITCHARD’S STORES I THE FAMOUS ROVER CYCLES. STOCKED IN ALL SIZES. Lady’s Royal Rover Cycles. i CYCLE ACCESSORIES ji- m Cycle Oil Lamps From $2.50 to $9.00 Cycle Bells From $lBO to 2.20 Cycle Acetylene Lamps Price $7.50 each• Motor Cycle acetylene lamps $17.50 $27.50 LUCAS PUMPS from $2.50
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 933 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] WOTABLE HR1TI3H SUCCESS. In the Scarpe Valley. L cdon, August 29, 12 10 a n». Hai re P° rlB Tbe Aq 6 T:f joroB*ly advanced and resched i line from Fresnr to Herbecourt, tb T itabbf nly resisting before the of the Somme at Brie
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  • 108 5 Post-War Prospects C From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, August 30, At the Malayan Collieries, Ltd., meeting Mr. J. A. Bussell, who presided, said there was no lack of demand for B twang coal, but the output was stationary owing to lack of labour and plant. He
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  • 50 5 (From Out Own Correspondent Sirgapore, August 80, At the annual meeting of the Sicgipore Oiicket Club it was stated that the Committee was considering the exclusion after tbe war of enemy subj ctsi It was also considering tbe extension of the hour of olosiog of the Club,
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  • 37 5 (From Our Own j Correspondent) Singapore, August 30. The death has occurred of Mr. J. C. Hudson, Superintendent of the Saliora’ Heme and a resident of Singapore for upwards of forty years.
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  • 129 5 From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, Aaguat 80. At the anotion 847 tom were offered and 727 tons §old at the following price»* per pound ote, ota. Fine ribbed 40 „47 Good 29 894 Fine plain 84 87$ Good 21 Ummoked fine plain 32# Good 27 Crepe fine
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  • 639 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] PRECIPITATE RETREAT. London, August 29,1 40 a.m. A Frenoh oommuniqie states i—We continued to pursue the enemy who under our pressure precipitately retreated on a front of thirty kilometres. We reached the heights on the left of the Somme from Cusancourt as far as
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  • 366 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] THE BOL9HEVIK TERROR. London, August 28, 5 55 p.m. An Arohangul message says that those competent to judge state that the Bolshevik Government is maintained by the Lett battalions and Red Guards who are limited 3 in numbers but are well supplied with guns, rifles
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  • 36 5 Taken over by tbe Dutch{From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, August 29. Tha Rotterdam L oyd agents have taken over the Silesia, Uhenfels, Gtrnis, Wettmxrk Onsullpelesch and Lsnden, interned German steamers in Java ports.
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  • 24 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Auguet 29* Interesting developments are expected in the immediate future as regards the Globe Hotel murder.
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  • 264 5 Tbe following are the alterations in Messrs, A A, Anthony Co.’s share list to-day i Yesterday. To-day. Minin*. 1 j f§ m pa cn Katoo Doe book 16/3 16/9 16/- 16/6 Tongkah Harbour 25.50 26.00 25.25 25.75 We read in a Calcutta Exchange: Both Hongkong and Singapore
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  • 828 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] LEAVE NO TRACE METHOD3. London, August 28. Harrowing details are published of the sinking of the Frenoh steamer Lydiana eff t the north coast of Spain on the 16th July whilst returning from Baku, The orew was largely Senegalese. A submarine torpedoed f I the vessel
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  • 49 5 The following artioio* will be found on our outside pages i 2.—The Crisis la tbe Far East. Good Stories. Hua Heel on Austria. 3—Kedab Notts. Tbe Cinemas. Band Programme. P. Y, R G. 6. P. A. M 7. —Government in War. Toe W ek’e Events. P. A. M.
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  • 25 5 Latest Quotation#. Ttu (unr fioid) is qaotid here to day at $159.00. lu-iaess done, in Singapore (refined) at $l6O busineta done, sold 200 tons.
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  • 1026 5 CHIN SENG CO., LTD. GENERAL MEETING. The ninth ordinary general meeting ef the shareholders of Chin Seng and Company, Limited, was held at the Registered Offices of the Company, 41, F*rqubar Street at noon to-day. There were present Mrs ire. B. E. Ross (in the chair), Cheah Leocg Keab, A,
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  • 6844 6 K. L. GENERAL MEETING. 1 I INDICTMENT (^GOVERNMENT. PORT SWETTENHAM QUARANTINE CAMP. I RUBBER EXPORT DUTY j “SLIDING SLIPPERY SCALE.” I [By Our Bi ecial RepreientoUive A general meet ng of the Planters’ Asiociation of Malaya was held in the Mercantile Bank Buildings, Kuala Lumpur, at 10
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 432 7 The Morning Pott publishes an interestlog and suggestive aitiole on Thj Govern, meat in War,” pointing out that the presen system is not generally understood by tbe nation at largo. After emphasising tbe supremacy of the War Cabinet our contemporary ooutmues us folluws Translated into prsotioe, under
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  • 482 7 Fei dat, August 30, Town Band, Esplanade. Saturday, August 31, Cricket—P.O.C 2nd XI vs. Government Service 2nd XI, Esplanade. Penang, Golf Club, Monthly Mudal Competition. SUVUAT, SUPTUMBU* 1. Fourteenth after Trinity, Bt. Giles. P.V.R.C. Shoot 7 a.m. Penang, Golf Club, Monthly Medal Competition. Momlav, SIPTUMBUB 2. Town
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  • 304 7 Pniio, August SO, 1918. Bnr— eit. Soup per catty 2 o Roast 80 Fteaks 80 Stew or Currj Meat 21 Bump Steak 80 Ox Tail each 35 Tongue SO M Feet Heart small... each 35 Liver per catty 40 Fillet of Beef 64 Pouc— Lean only per oatty
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 332 7 oc 3CZX An enemy conquered 3 CD DCDO CDCT )CZ>C Rheumatism is not a mere feffeot of cold and damp. Itiia poison in the blood. With good red, pore blood a man or woman def T rhtnniatism, and rheumatism can be conquered by killing the poison which, cauaaa it. The
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    • 339 7 NIPPON CONFECTIONERY 22. Leith Street, PeMn*. Phose N 0,410. OPEN FROM 6 A M TO MIDNIGHT. Sweeti, Ice Cream, Cakes, Etc. can be had at any hour. Orders for Cakes booked at.any time. MODERATE CHARGE 3. PRICE LISTS FREE ON APPLICATION, Complete Tapioca Plant. for salh. FOR SALE as a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1346 8 P. O—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Undei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) Tbs Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY aro at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as oppoitonity offers and as far m acsemmodation
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