Straits Echo, 29 August 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1636 1 NESTLES milk food the best food TOR TOUR BABY PER 1 lb. TIN. go cts J 0 III*» mm auctions. aer«i Ml‘re pr.pared to take p .action of Lands. propentl® B Estates. Houses, Furniture. Motorcars. Rubber, etc. pgOIPT ACCOUNT SALES RENDERED* For Term* Applf to: ULLEN DENNYS 8 Co.. j
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    • 7 1 [milkmaid BRAND BWEETENED CONDENSED $20.50 bminaile EvcrrwHKßi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 171 2 THE SAVER OF INFANT LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY STARCH-FREE If mothers who cannot nourish their own babies would give them the Mellin Diet from birth we should hear less of infant mortality Mellin’s Pood with cow’s milk wiU do more to bring your baby safely through infantile health-dangers than any food
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  • 1487 3 American Japanese unity Th< official statements tbat have been issued by the A merican and Japanese Got ernments, defining, as they do. with the utmost precision the motives which have actuated the Allies in their decision to act in 8iberia t-erve to *how the decree of
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  • 337 3 “Thky All Shall Equal Fh.” Since the days when Gilbert wrote his forecast of the new ans’ooracy that should spring up in the mythical kingdom of Barataria there has been nothing more fantastical than our periodical Honours L'Sts. Whether indeed, these so-oslled distinctions are any longer worthy of the
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  • 68 3 Friday, Auouer 80. Town Band, Esplanade. Chin Seng Co., Ltd., General Meeting 41, Fsrquhar Street, noon. Saturday, August 31. Cricket—P.O.C. 2nd XI vs. Government Service 2ad XI, Esplanade. Penang, Golf Clnb, Monthly Melt Competition. SURDAY, SIFTUMBRR 1. Fourteenth after Tricity, St. Giles, P.V R.C- Shoot 7 a.m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 634 3 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN BONDS. 9 9 t Bearing interest from the date of purchase at ji per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly •n the aoth January and the aoth July REPAYABLE *T PAR ON THE 20th JULY, 1928 PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT A.LL proceeds of this issue will
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    • 370 3 Telegrams LEESAN Penang:. ’Phone No. 765. Old Tyres Made New. Worn-out tyros retreaded. Cuts» bursts, broken beads and side-walls repaired. Penang Tyre Works, 71. BISHOP STREET, PENANG. •®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®(S)®®* n u n n 3 A m v m r h Runnymede Hotel, Penang (SKA-SIDF) Eyerv Wednesday and Saturday Musical Selections 1
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  • 1597 4 Y PUBLIC MEETINGThe Hon. Mr. W. 0. Michall, Evident Councillor, yesterday afternoon presided at a very large and representative meeting of the publio of Ponang »t the Town Hall lor (be parpo.e of duouiiog P™PO»»*« 1« collecting subscriptions in aid of Our (1918) lied Crow Fund.
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  • 257 4 Teial ov Me. Shafto Stevins A t the adjourned Singapore assizes on Monday before Mr Justice Whitley the bearing was started ot the case in which Shafto Sidney Stevens is charged with (1) that he on or about March 5, 1918. cheated Louis Dupire, a partner in the
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  • 193 4 According to press comments the publio of Penang are promised something out of the common on the arrival about the 7th p oximo of Willison Wirth’s Oirous and M nsgerie which is making its third tour rcund the world and has been giving Yb y successful performances
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 45 4 Now Is the Time. For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Pain Balm, Now is the time to gst rid of it. Try this linim“at and see how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 539 4 Municipal Minutes of Commissioners held on* T° f th# Mas» August, 1918. T 9 *<J»j 1 y?S Pruent l|» 4L P*i 7| th *ia^ A Yki B. Voulus, Esq r, f i Absent Ch« Wo. Lo, 0* E. C*aio, A M. Qoodmaj, ro»d ud confirmed! th 9 ««6«, I‘ttcr from
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  • 990 5 r o thi Editoe of thh Strait» E»ho Sir. The Government, after muoh inexcusable delay, hai cow appointed a Committee, consisting mostly of unoffioial members, to inqiire into the robber position. Bat not a single Asiatic gentleman has been nominated to represented Asiatio interests, at least as
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  • 278 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Mammoth German (hmParis, August 27. Thousands of people yesterday visited the Champ de Mars to wiew the biggest gun ever seen in the heart of Paris —an eleven inch German gun mocnted on railway truoki whioh was oaptured oomplete with its train and munitions on
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  • 575 5 We learn with regret that news has been reoeived in Penang of the death in Kuala Lumpur yesterday of Mr Loke Chow Kit, J. P. The following biographical note of the deceased gentleman is from 11 Twentieth Century Impressions of Malaya published n 1908
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  • 432 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Loudon, August 27. The Timet Harbin correspondent reports fighting on the Ussuri front in which tbs Czechs, British, Frenob sod Japanese lost 800 killed and wounded. The line withdrew ■ix milts. Japanese reinforcements are Arriving. Trade With Enemy, London, August 27. Toe Liverpool Cotton Association
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  • 530 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] DOVER PATBOL AWARDS The Attack on OstendLondon, August 28. The Gazette contains stirring stories of deeds of heroism and indomitable ocurage in tba course of a long list of mentions by Vios-Admiral Keyes, commanding the Dover Patrol, in connection with the second blocking operation at Ostend
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 586 5 I 1 4 4 A 4 4 4 i 1 i 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 tHV rSDAY TO SUNDAY
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    • 128 5 (f* W* '♦m» «WM» t if Big Gold Booster Anncunctment For The Grand re-opening Night 29th August and 3 mors nights at THE COLISEUM DRURY LANE The management have put down an exceptionally strong Programme for the re-opening of their SHOW TO-NIGHT ONLY WITH PATHE’S SPECIALS A gold rooster play
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  • 97 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pnbllc holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Daily Local 180 per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) 118 per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.' Telephono Nos. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343, P. —All bu.ineee communications
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  • 1189 6 Lord Roberts, whose far-sesiag eye foresaw tha present war, was also wont to point to the Paoifio Ocean as the field where at no distant data tbo destinies of the world would be deoided. But during the past year tbe whole situation ai regards tbe I
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  • 265 6 A cable to the Times of Ceylon from a London on July 29th laat stated that there t was a strong impression in rubber circles >n England that the Government would shortly r agree to regulate the rubber trade for the rest of the war. It was
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  • 566 6 Mr. J. Ross, Assistant Traffic Manager P. M S Railways is in Penang on a visit of inspection. Mr. G. E. Shaw, of the F.M.B. Civil Service, is still workiog at the Wat Office—long hours and seven days a week—acd expects to be there till the end
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  • 306 6 YESTERDAY S MEETING Bubbib Expose Duty. CFrovi Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Augikt 29. At the P. A. M. meeting Mr. B. C, M Kinderaly presided and announced that contributions to War relief from 1st April to 27th August amounted to 120,339.87. Oa the question cf the
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  • 947 6 The s "PerIIuo u 7^~r~. 0 y 8,< "A Bill p. b h ;?f w *7. prorids for ih, pr0 'he j, petts. The bill P gj Ve ctl fr m ioc r ul“Jation a d 8pr8%d Consumption aodM^ Since there has ba.-n j’ wb.t am.iiog ute ll,,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 143 6 X— >DGL7:' ZZZZDCD c V— ><• DZDDOC I PRITCHARD'S STORES THE FAMOUS ROVER CYCLES. rib STOCKED IN AIX SIZES. iHiiliiHlHijJj.iite,’m Lady’s Royal Rover Cycles. CYCLE \ACCESSORIES 3. Ell i. n I»4 i £tr~ Cycle Gil Lamps From 2.50 to $9.00, From SiSOjo 2 20. Cycle Bells Cycle Acetylene Lamps /rice
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 3257 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] TBE SC'ttTE VALLAX. British SuccessesLondon, August 27, 1 a.m. B.ig report, t At tb-ee v't!. c»“‘ diaDi 18oot,ieh 0*' .rucked on b.tb .ide, of the Cl0 i,elle, to the nr ighbonrhood W? q d the south bank the i*' r Bt tack»d gallantly and passed
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  • 636 7 Tbe following will be found on Our outside pages i 8. —The Allies and Siberia. Honours. 4-—Oar Day 1918- Singapore A a z*s. 5. —Ad Aeatio Grievance, Djath of Mr. Lobe Obow Kit. B—Late Mr. Eilis. 10. —Afftire in Chins. A SnlUo’s Little Ways. 11, After tbe War. >
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  • 69 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (un-ffiaed) is qaoted here to day at $!6O 25, business done, in Siogapote (refined) at |l6l business done, sold 50 tons. cables from Borne that tbe Italian Piemier, Signor Orlando, has oongratnlated Mr, Lloyd Qdorge on »h« B itiah victories. A Keuter’s cable from ArobaDga* states
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  • 6317 8 THE RESUMED ENQUIRY. Further Evidence. Oa Saturday morning in the Magistrate’s Coart, Kual* Luaapu', tne official enquiry wa* resumed regarding the death of Mr. J. W. C. Etli*. acting Deputy Controller of Labour, FM S. Kuala Lam per, before the Senior Magistrate, Mr. A W. Je«t, McCabe
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  • 16 8 The prices in the liendou te*dav were: a U Pale Crepe Diamond S«#W
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  • 2396 9 if -5— m Dividend 4 a Numbtf e* n A r* 1 Warn* 1 ••pit** lk»r issued. D T3 lut finanfar eurreml t E 9 S3 h 3 ‘3 eial year. year0 20 0Q cr i RUBBER—DOLL A R SHARES. 8 cts. f cts «8.000 180,440 200,» '09 l
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 271 9 vmv T3S 5SBAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE Co Head Offiow —SINQAPORE. Ltd .O ..TRIl INSPKANCBt Forth» Yoanff Man—A Sound Inrsstmont. For ths Married Man—The Bulwark of his Home For the Man of Affairs—A Basinets Necessity. Consult us about Your Insuranoe Needs. I FAIR, Managing Director. Horaoe W. RAPER, Director uf Agendas.
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  • 904 10 PEKING OPENS BOGUS PARLIAMENT. Tw Significance of Handclapping. Peking, August 12, The "Au Fu” Parliament opened at 9 o’olock this morning, In the House cf Representatives 258 members and m the Senate 106 were present. Both acting President Feng Kuo-cbang and Premier Tnan Ohi-jui were present—weaiiog mi.itart
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  • 818 10 MOiMj O' W EX BOLES *T AT nca Y A ggy Round-up, Commandeerinq a d c *droor More excellent stories 0 °.T° ‘Ji’ 8 recent| J be «"p‘bS t, *f After the proclsmatio/" f ~h M; t rotecorate over Morocco it ,J* F ««t desirable that
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 13 10 For Ohiidten’i Hacking Caagh at Night, Wo^W 1 Graat Fappeiauat Onxe la. 6d«
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    • 92 10 Ml. The Allied Governments Have Bought Over ROYAL m i'. To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS! AND COMPANY. matm &S BORDEN’S PEERLESS LV
      92 words
    • 74 10 ChAmtorUii's CW k When joi hare bad cold jot remedy that will not only K 1 9 gjd* feot a prompt and pe-rmanent c r, that ie pleasant to take, rt taina nothing ,D J ,r 'entirea*» 11 Coigh Remedy meets ail j |o< a It du on ntt.ra’i pi..,
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  • 1740 11 THE RECON SUCTION OF INDUSTRY. [It Ebhkst J. P Bmrv Among all the problems that will f«oa tbe new Ministry of Reconstruction the mott urgent, and from home pjinta of view tbe most important, is that of tbe rebuilding of British industries. Our prosperity and our happiness
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 357 11 jpOH SALE. «I i,. BuVErt AdOl '>R CLE A 1 S JrH 10 KOud Coudillua PlC j#. ZZ m c/o Sfraits Echo f oB SALE, fo»r ter ..CHARRON” in excellent Jitioa. APP^ 10 0. j. M KEULEMAN8. FOR '0 3K4 F»ir C' Apply TW0 SETTER Da Dion Car, 2 Cylinder
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    • 97 11 D 0 3 i ESTATE SUPPLIES. IN S^OCK Acetic Acid 99 per cent. Barbed Wire. Gary’s Box Strapping inch. English Sodium Bisulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. Latex Pans. Momi Gases. Mosaic files. Far-Boiled nice. Peninsular Acetate,, Th Best d ch,apf,t Tapping Knives. Veneer Chests White Porcelain Gups. White Lino Paint.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1306 12 p. BRITISH IHD1A AND APCAK LINK. (Companies Incorporated In England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES, 41 K. P.M KONINKLIJKE PAKEmtRT MAATSmPPU, (ROYAL PACKET S.NCOM PAN Y. r\ u/iorpoeatsd in Holland) Foa A CLASS OF COOD BEER* 9 to quench one’s thirst is highly appreciated b eve*y one but a good brand
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