Straits Echo, 26 August 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1713 1 nestle s I IHILK FOON I THE STUFF fOE TOUR BABY I J._ M« tlb )0 ClB. TIN AUCTIONS. LmidOTiinel are prepared to Uke j ,peoction of Lands, properties, Estates. Houses furniture, Motorcars. Rubber- etc. PIOIPT ACCOUNT sms RENOEREO. For Terms Apply to: ALLEN DENNYS S Co., j Auctioneers, Appraisers
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 172 2 THE SAVER OF INFANT LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY STARCH-FREE If mothers who cannot nourish their own babies would give them the Mellin Diet from birth we should hear less of infant mortality Mellin*» Food with cow’s milk will do mors to bring yeur baby s&fily through infantile health-dangers than any food
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  • 3178 3 AN UNCONSOLED EXILE. I write only of the typical denizens of Broadway. The attempt to delineate the real Amercan with the brush whioh so freely bespatters his B oadway brother would be as unjust as it would be to point to the architecture of a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 270 3 FI'S I Si a i IRON FOUR POST BEDSTEADS. H in. pillars, size 4 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 6 inches, Flowered hosts, Enamelled Black, Price $45-00 IRO\ FOUR POST BEDSTEADS. H in. “M” Pillars, Brass Mounts X on Four Pillars also on Two Foot X Pillars size, 4
      270 words
    • 339 3 CLERK for an Estate in L>wer Burma, malt understand Estate co note sod doable entry. Good selary paid to aaitable man, fit p y in own handwriting atating «alary squired to Box No, 723, 585—26, 28, 30 t/o Strait» Echo. THE LATEST IN &RAMAPHONE3. FOR SALE, EDISON gramupdone with raoordi
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  • 1055 4 Although the following was written before the landing of British aod French troops in 'he Murman Peninsula and the arm d i« invention of Japan in Siberia, it is well j worth attention at the present juncturei Nothing could be more confusing to the *virage reader than
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 268 4 NIPPON CONFECTIONERY 22, Leith Street, Pening, Phone No, 4S0, OPEN FROM 6 A M TO MIDNIGHT. Sweets, Ice Cream, Cakes, Etc. can be had at any hour. Orders for Cakes booked at any time MODERATE CHARGE PRICE LISTS FREE 0 4 APPLICATION. FOR PRIVATE SALE gPAOtOUd b iok godowas 158’6”
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    • 612 4 Notice. M 0 j| hereby gj T 0 XI mimmam price V lj blt l gantang for standard paddy J.I k P* the miller, for »)i p d J b paid by season in the S ttlement of p° Wq n ’*t delivered at the mill door tniD 8 *»d
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  • 1278 5 FREE SCHOOL RETAINS SHIELD. Tbe second annual contest for the Glagor Bbiejo” presented by Mr. D. A- M. Brown to b- competed for by the three principal Schools of Pt-nang was held on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon. Everything went off without a hitch from start to
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  • 215 5 Sunday morning's shoot resulted as under s Deliberate at 200, 300 and 500. H.P.S. 105. H’oap made Pie L MB: II .68 98 92 8t F N Srr 71 98.33 P.p T-'ik Boon .67 98 07 Capt C D D Hogan 09 97 72 PteLM
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  • 340 5 The following are tbe resalts of the ties played tff yesterday i Double Handicap i —J J Tbeseira aod F E Dias 70) be** T J Williams and G W Holloway (—3O) by 250—202; G C Mo Gaire and S E Capel 70) beat P M
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  • 810 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Double Turning Movement. B 7 Britiih Armies I London, August 24. 8 5 s.m. i Experts at Parle recognise that the British have the hardest task in the present battle. The enemy haa evidently decided to etand at all costs against a firther advanoe of General
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 678 5 3 iuuuLiuMMitikd MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY’S PROGRAMME ONE OF GREAT YARIETY »4 •4 *4 EMPIRE THEATRE i Km| A Variety Zntertainm*nt Full of Everything (hi Sh of the Beit—Cartoon*—Scenery Big Stunt»— -4 *4 *4 hi Excitement WonderEveryaoe's Favourite —HAPRY CAREY ind CLARE DUBREY in SIX SHOOTER JUSTICE •4 hi Harry Carey
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    • 360 5 TWO SETTER Di Dion 0»r, 2 Cylinder 9 b.p F ir condition. Apply Lumvt Rubbis Eitatbi, Bitiawan, NOTICE. Katoo Deebook Mo Liability. O HAREHOLDERS are hereby informed that upon delivery of their Scrip to E. J. Kennedy E«q., Manager, Katoo Deebook No Liability, 390 Collins Street, Melbourne on or before
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  • 100 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pobllc holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price x Dally Local $BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address ".ECHO PENANG.’ Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343, N.B. —a 11
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  • 1298 6 Excellent news continues to come steadily and continuously from the western front where the German re* treat is being harassed and hastened with* out cessation at points so far apart as to suggest that the Allies hare now regainec numerical superiority as well as moral asoendanoy over
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  • 26 6 (From Our Own Correspondent London, August 22. The prioes in tbe London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/1J Diamond Smoked Sheet 2
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  • 930 6 Mr. G. C. Valpy b*s granted leave i for three months from July 15. M C dd*, G'nfval Secretary, Y.M C.A.. 8 ngaporp, and Mrs. Oranna are Visiting Kuila Lumbar, i Tor G v-. njr bas appointed Mr. L. M. Bell to b} a m*mb r of
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  • 887 6 A Railway Anniversary. August 26th i« Manner, mt rest in railway hi, o rv rVT day of the French sy J L7o( '*tll,l"'awinch English now making memorable add,? 9 J Ui North E. stern Departments f 10 in 1837 saw in Franco, which ran from pi Germains. On
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 148 6 PRITCHARDSSTOfiCS THE FAMOUS ROVER CYCLES. Vs p STOCKED IN All SIZES. O !<Lady’s i mu Royal Rover S* M 3 A--c*-"» mm Cycles. v EZXiiS CYCLE ACCESSORIES Cycle Oil Lamps From 2.50 to §9.00. Cycle Bells From %l SO to 2.20. Cycle Acetylene Lamps Price $7.00 each» >l, Motor Cycle
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 3476 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] '.tMSOF THE ALLIES. i. Siriis of Succtsse*. ‘Ttd Am" 23,5 20 p.m. 1* wh c a 5. I» working o.t in the o#** ’°,,l btttlM i« '5O e .bj«ctcf f*JL»**»* Lo«do»andP.ri. a. oninloo cf tb» nporto i. d T.dtd pfto' I** 1 fn\o belitre that
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  • 494 7 Senator Lodge’s Programme, London, August 24. A Washington oable says that ttf. Lodjft speaking to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in support cf the Man.Power I Bill, warned them against the insidiois and poisonous German peace propaganda, declaring that peaoe mast be diotated to and not
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  • 59 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $l6B 25. buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $164, (100 tons sold) business done; Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform ns that the following were the quotations for Bibber on Spot in London on tbe 23id inst, received
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  • 87 7 The following articles will be foiad on oar outside pages i 3. New York Before the war. 4. Germany and Bussia. 5. —lnt»r-Bchool Atholio Sports. P. H. Billiard Tournament. P. Y. B 0. 8. —Telegrams. Selangor Btoes. Msoicipsl Commission. The Week's Brents. The Bobber Position. The Proposed Lottery. 10—C.
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  • 721 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Reply to Dr. Self Lad n*i August 28. Ia the oourse of ad interview with i Bntir, Lord Robert Cecil, Und*r Seere- l feary for Foreign Affair», referring to i Dr, Bolf'a observations regarding German oolooie?, aaid that Dr, Soif wae indignant at the suggestion
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  • 792 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] L nd >r, A 24, 1 > m. An Aua-teidnua reltgram from Pitiogrid states that besides oholera and famine typhus is now raging terribly in Petrograd j and tbe northern Russian provinces The population of whole villages who receive only two pounds of oats weekly
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  • 405 8 THIRD DAY’S EEBDLTS, C From Owr Ovm Correspondent^ Euala Lumpu August 24. The results of the last day’s races are ai follow?: Eacu 1, Royal Plume 9, 7 Bowden 1 Good Omen 7. 4 Scott 8 Britisher 810 Southall 3 Won by a length; 3 lengths between second
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  • 462 8 Tbe following are the agenda of the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners to be held to-morrow 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special busineas the President may bring forward, 3. Questions. 4. Soma bills to be passrd5. Proposed acquisition of premises No.
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  • 1065 8 [io Thb Editok of thf Strait• Echo.] 8u, rue decision ot QoremntDt not to permit me flagrant violation ot the lew by the holding of ft public lottery most hare been reoeived with great sfttiafftotion and relief by all thinking men and women in the Colony and
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  • 306 8 MOBE SINGAPORE CRITICISM Dealing with the mober p aition and the Government’s attitude, the Strait» Time» f- ars the delay to take action on the Secretary of Statue cable has made the proposals of that message almost uorealisabie. The Rubber Growers’ Association’s proposal cf a guaranteed pries
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  • 644 8 The following programme of music wild ba played at the Esplanade this evening at 6 p,m 1 Overture Esmond Thomas 2 Spanish Patrol Daehayes 3 Potpourri Railway Gomes 4 Walts Destiny Bayn&si 5 March The Chinatown Bosey The Perak Water Bights appeal case is to be resumed
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  • 778 8 Th e Week’s Event. I**™. Strife' Bt.A«K,-. Society. CBD.T, A, (JO 2 'N Mqqicid.' Commission Acq ow ,J pTm”!/’ E,pl,n le Public Meeting, Town H.ll, 416 rai AT August 30 Towo Band. E planade. Cbm Sog Co. Ltd n *l. P rqchat Street! omT*' Fo„t r D b ,"«.VT t
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  • 17 8 Obituory. Loodor, August 21 The death is announced of Mr. H. L. Moysey, late Postmaster-General of Ceylon
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  • 2319 9 1 1 0 1 J3 Dividend. h.s Nnmbe ef Bb»r*» issued. aO t> a, ddM lit D T3 last flnanfor enrron* lint s e 1 rz m m ft-* a Ch oial jear. joar. 0 n 00 <y ets ets jlfOf 1*9,<M 1*0,000 88 000 l i l I
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 262 9 vvm "the great eastern life ASSURANCE Co., LtdH«ad Office.— SINGAPORE. insurance? For tb*» Young Mau—A Sound Inrestment. For the Married Man—The Bulwark of hit HomeFor the Man of Affaire —A Bnsine*s Necessity. Consult ns about Your Insuranoe Needa. i FAIR. Managing Director. Horaoe W. R A PER, Director of Agencies.
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  • 1010 10 Officially, the company-quartermaster* Mrgeant, who ia usually a sarnt-major, is a warrant offioer. second class, entitled to bo addressed aa "sir” by privates, lancecorporals, and other small fry. In practice he ia by way of being a combination of a gent’s outfitter,” a general stores,.and the late Sir Joseph
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 30 10 Kow Is the Time. F° r yon will find nothing btHer than Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Now of it. Try thi| ißi ££MSi!" v} ck] y u wi]l tbs For b > «•»>*
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    • 695 10 Since 1 it The Allied Governments Bought Over To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS: NBACH AND COMPANY. CjKX. 4SW& ~nanr Ttiffimi—> my in
      695 words

  • 1878 11 The Making of Women Oxford Escava in Feminism. By A. Maude Rotde**, Ralph Roopk t Eleanor F. Raihbone. ELrNOR Burns, "The Round Table,” and Victor Gollancz. Edited by Victor Gollancz. Allen and Unwin. 4a. 6d. net. Presumably any group of Oxford land ladies or its ferrymen,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 510 11 CASE OF ASTHMA get asth ro The «1° nd icke-t. Barest. »i Ide remedy for 4 10 one of the moat A utble of the several preMillion» ®f the PharmiceuEesl 1 rad mg' Co price 51*7 i bottle. l v n 1' Beach Street t 0ENT l_ C. HONG. 191
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    • 108 11 Of* D n 0 a ESTATE SUPPLIES. IN STOCK Acetic Acid 99 per oent. Barbed Wire. Gary’s Box Strapping s inch. English Sodium Bisulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. Latex Pans. Momi Gases. Mosaic Tiles. Par-Boiled inice. Peninsular Acetate, Th B t d th‘Zlt Co,p Tapping Knives. Veneer Ghests WITH canvas
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1337 12 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AnFORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at preeent suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as accommodation is available.
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