Straits Echo, 24 August 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1687 1 nestles «ILK FOOi 0 H 011»"«' gets. Pin 1 lb TIN. AUCTIONS. P r, P“ r 1 Uk Ruction i» 1 o{ 1 Land*. prop® rt1 0 Estate*. Hou»*» purnl turß jlOtOfCftP*gubber. etc. ,J|PI ACCOUNT UIU UIUIUM, for T.rra. Apply to: BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 31 2 OF EVERY Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. KATZ BROTHERS, LTD (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 1351 3 As it was in the days of long ago, so today soldiers of the West are visiting the churches of Jerusalem and Bethlehem for prayer and thanksgiving- By the door of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre our men j may still oe tbe tombstone beneath
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  • 1432 3  -  (Bt G E Cmmtebtoh It can hardly be too often repeated that a man commonly ca'Is himself international only because he is in sular It is not a paradox but a plati tude for a moment's thought will show that it must be so Even
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 345 3 mnnr vmnnr 'jHJ CHEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. Head Office»—SINGAPORE. your Horae Possess One Strong: Anchor. k® 1 f 0 r«sipht should nrovide comfort and provision for yonr loved you Hie first, and yon should make such provision to-day. NVxt dsy, who knows, yon may be oninsurable. un t.,d
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    • 256 3 FOR SALE ONE Z\ b p. ROVER MOTOR CYCLE E'tch 1-DglCe, la good Oordl'DR. Pmc $500. Apply to ZZ,” c/o Straits Echo. THE LATEST IN GEAMAPHONSS. 2&C FOR SALE. EDISON graoaapbone with record* practicslly new. No needles required. Perfect in every respect. Apply to Bjx No. 17, 560—a o c/o
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    • 299 3 CHIN SENG A Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) NOTICE OF MEETING. NOTICE is Ni th Ordinary a 0T6 Company, registered Office Farquhar Street 3' th August, 1918 at noon BUSINESS. here y given that the General Meeting of the v ill te held at the of the Company. No
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  • 1238 4 Tfl* PROLETARIAT DICTATORSHIP." We have before us a pempniet by M. Litvlocff, the “Plenipotentiary of the Russian People’s Governmen in Great Britain," **nico dtseivei tne carelui consideration of ih<.se who wish to uniHrsiand tbe Revolutionary movement m Russia. 1c gives a briet History of the Revolution,
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  • 484 4 UNION Id STRENGTH. Sometimes, From CaDton comes a very suggestive telegram to the tff*ct that for the first tim° since the re organization of the Military Government, Tang yj, Tanj? Ooi-yao, Wu Ting-fang, San Yat-sen, L d Pao-yi, Lu Yung-tingand Tun Chun-bsuan the seven Administrative Directors, have
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  • 93 4 Satueuat, August 24, Inter-school Sports, Esplanade. St Bartholomew. Selangor Raoes. SujrsxT, August 25. Thirteenth after Trinity, P.Y.R.O. Shoot, 7 a.m. Moitdat, August 26, Town Band. Esplanade. M's. Miohell’s At Home Residency. Yarak Rubber 00. Ltd., Genaral Meeting, 1». Penang Street, 10.80 a m. Bt. Andrew’s Boeiety, General
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 74 4 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., JLtd. SALE. r’total I BARGAINS i INF LINENS DRAPERY I CHINA AND GLASS. Whiteaway, Laidlaw Go., Ltd., S PENANG. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) TAIPING. j J C K f o A 4 B I 1 i “UNICORN BRAND ONE TO SIX STAKS BEST cj 1 s i CHEAPEST
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    • 11 4 For Children's Hacking Oengh at Night. WoedVf Creel Out I#, M.
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    • 501 4 TO Ljjtj, HuQ; F o°®pOß ri d, Fo' f! A calars «pp*j to Ur, h r Dlf SSB u o, P*rtu R OX N) 7i c l° Strait, E ch Penang, St. aridrwTw fl T HE AN *tfAL oiNgß.r u X ING win be h-tri l 0 Cr.eket Cub on
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  • 357 5 DOLING OUT A LITTLE OF THEIR OWN. Toe folic circular been o~nt tu ub i ['strait» Timet atiunyuKUbly i—(Jjlunul 8 c.fci*i j’e> Offise, fcj.r gapnts August 12, 1918. CIRCULAR—To THB GOVERNMENT P*NSIJNBBS AND pKKSONt* IN DKCEIPT 07 Pensions us kb the Widows' and Orphans' Pensions Obdinanok. Wit'll a
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  • 381 5 Under this heading there appears a contribution in the current Diocesan Magazine from a prominent Tamil gentleman of this country from which we make the following extract: The fault is not all, I confess, on the side of the white man. Toe Asiatic contributes not a little
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  • 146 5 Acent the closing of subscriptions to the above fund on the 15tb of September, the following is from the Diocesan Magazine for the i*st quarter: Early in April, the Church Army cabled to ask if we cculd help them to replace tl e Tents and Huts which
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  • 644 5 CHINESE FLANIERS’ VIEWS. The Chinese Planters of Malacca debated rhe rubber position on Monday last at Tracquerab. The first spe»ker, Mr. Tan Cberg L ck said ke was oonvinosd that over-production was at the root of the p esent trouble, but if that meeting agreed to a
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  • 293 5 Rain is badly wanted in Province Wei* lesley. Almost all the wells have «one dry owing to the severe drou.h The water of the Bukit Sarayah R servoir has considerably diminished and the supply tfcer.» from has been cut short at night and for several hours
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 468 5 SI SI SI •4 'I *4 ■4 >4 *4 4 4 Hi 4 4 4 4 4 Hi hi A* Another Stupendous Programme THURSDAY’S CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. August 22nd to 25th inclusive W ho Played in “A KENTUCKY CINDERELLA” Tb° rros" am■ *irg Child Antress in the World—This ircrdorful Chi
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    • 499 5 THE CHURCH WITH A CORDIAL WELCOME Fitzgerald Memorial M.E. Church RIGHT on the CORNER (BURMAH ANSON ROADS.) SERMON EPWORTH LEAGUE 7 P.M. “Our Battle Cry” PREACHING SERVICE 8 P.M. IN CASE OF ASTHMA GET ASTHB'RO The quickest, surest, and most reliable remedy for Asthma, and one of the most valuable
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  • 103 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dully Local $BO per annum. Outatatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG. 1 Telephone Nos. (Coho) see. Printing Department 343, N. P.'
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  • 1337 6 i We understand tbat a Conference of n Headmasters of the English Schools in the U Peninsula and officials of the Education j Department is to be held shortly. On many LJ oooasions we have urged in these columns j the desirability of some such consultation I
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  • 879 6 Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Weatherstone, of the Prai Dock, left for the Southern 8e.dement to-day. Mr. B St. J. Brad dell, who oame to Penang for the Full Court of Appeal, left this afternoon for the F.M S. Mr. A, White, Government Veterinary Inspector, who baa
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  • 935 6 The Week s Warring. Raiment 0 W iU method, k to tbe service of new. a D(i th 0< »pr*j mg with tbe various on ;'djT Belgian, and Bbeim. ia supplemented b, l.tet repodV V*-! •mwd «■«ltM.°. y wil J°, l b W, tbe reader more hopeful ..ew.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 190 6 mnrmmnryg tnrrms Avoid Golds and Chills /T, 'T' 9. :JLJ mm A fresh stock of waterproofs just arrived. LADIES* A genuine waterproof coat, latest fashion, London cut, assorted sizes PRICE $22-50 Gents $22-50. Rikish&w Capes. $lO-50. Boy’s Waterproof Coats, olive green, fawr, grey, etc PRICE $l2-50. KENG CO., PENANG IPOH.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 725 7 [Reuter's Telegrams. fEO id ARR* 8 T0 B11EIM3 *ili d Ham mer Blows Ljndon, August 22, 6.20 pm. ..n elf interesting battle position rbe ;;Tbeonegr,at topic. Event, are t tb t it is difficult to keep pace a saromary of the week’s .itbtbf»»* but may be usefi
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  • 2751 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] MID-WEEK CAPTURES. London, August 22 1 10 p.m. 8ir Douglas Haig reports We Matured i two to three thousand prisoners and a i few gunB on Wednesday, This morning we attacked the enemy's positions between the Somme and the Ancre, London, August 22, 1 55 a
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  • 24 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrrfiaed) ii quoted here to-day st $164 25, bu«io*is done, in Singapore (refined) at $16$, business done, sold 75 tone.
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  • 756 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] The Fresh Develt pmei.ts»f I Paris August 28,12*5 p.n. The operations direofted by Marshal Foch I were yesterday marked by a f:. sh develop. I meet, General Byng’s Third British Army I stacked at dawn on a front of about tea I miles between Arras and
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  • 78 7 The following article* will be fotnd on our onteide pages i 3. Holy Plaoes of Jernsalens. Tbs German and His Foes. 4. —Russia and tbe BiUberikt. Affairs in Ok ins, Tbe Week’s Brents. 5. —lmpecnnioui Pensioners. Tbs Co’our Line. Cbnroh Army Tent*. Tbe Bobber Position. Drought in Prorioee Wellesley.
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  • 640 8 LEAN A CO’S WEEKLY REPORT. Penang, August 23. With astonishing suddenne»* tbe general publio and tbe umt-d p'ess of Malaya appear to have retliaed the Net that all is not |wel! with Plantation Rubber and, after some busitali >n on the put of Governmenf, a Commission has
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  • 404 8 Misses. Feasub axd Co.’s Repoet. In their Singapore share circular, dated August 21 Messrs. Fraser and Co. state j— i The past has been an absolutely featureless week, the steady drop in the price of tin having again caused some uneasiness in the mining section. Rubber shares
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  • 225 8 Singapore, August 22, At the weekly rubber auction held yesterday and to day there was comparatively little buying by manufacturers, but the present low prices appear to have attracted dealers, amongst whom there was consider-1 able competition for prime lots of Ribbed Smoked Sheet and Fine
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  • 47 8 Fob Bt Steam» At 26:h ins'aifc (Monday). P. Brandan and L%Dgsa Flying Dragon noon Colombo Dhaoushkodi and United Kingdom Mail F 12-30 p tn. Australasia (and articles prepaid at lrtter rate for Wt s‘ern Australia via via Singapore Sydney) by train 6 P m
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  • 509 8 The fol'owing are the results of the ties played cff yesterday Mixd Doubles—Mrs Evans and R A Hunt beat Mrs Low and A S Hall by 6-1, 6—3 Ladies Singles—Miss Hooker beat Miss M Pritchard by I—6 6—4, 6—2. C Singles—W E O Tuvill beat J M
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  • 1762 8 Letters to the People of India on Responsible Government. By Lionel Curtis. (Maomilian. 3s. 6d. net.) I Neatly a whole century ago, in 1824, one of tbe greatest British administrators under the old East India Company, Sir Thomas Monro, then Governor of Madras, was I *1 ready
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  • 68 8 August 25, 18th 8uhdat Am* Tmhity 8 00 a m, Matins 8 30 a,m. Holy Communion 10-80 a.m. Matins (Chinese) 5 00 p.m. Sunday School 6-00 p.m. Evensong Hymns 13 Psalms Puroell CXIX Kelway Walmisley West Magnificat 47 Nano Diarittis 61 Hymns 315, 232 and 197 Oh
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  • 55 8 9-00 a.m. Children’s Service. 6-00 p m. Public Worship. Preaober R«v. Donald J Ross, M.A. Hymns 246, 142, 850, 419, 516. Buttbkwokth 8uutt«u, Public worship will be conducted in tbe Straits Trading Co ’s Club, Butterworth, on Sunday morning at 9 o’clock. Preacher i
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  • 1244 8 One significant inference to be drawn from the speech cf His Excellency tbe High Commissioner at the mie ing of tbe Federal Council m Kuala Kangs-r, when the dtbate on the Military Servioe B.U was in progress, was that the political system of the Strait* Settlements acd
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  • 62 8 TO-DAY’S SCRATCHIKQ8. (J'rcri» Our Corrs'pondent^ Kuala Lumpn-, An^,t24 To-day’s sc atohing» ares— Rice 1 Floradora and Haut Qltn RiC> 2. —Grand Cordon. Nulln r j Paddington, G and Fleet *rd Montrose, Race 4 .—Miss Linacre, and Fallotolnd Rice'S. Beaulight, Beau Br im.j Victory and Will o' the Wiep.
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  • 435 8 ▲t the Lotties over $33,000 were totalled The favourites ares— R ice 1 ,—Rovmania, $170, $200, and $47$ RiOd 2 .—Sandy Cre$h, $160 tnd $150 Race 3.- Qem $160, 170 and $400 Race 4 —The Earl, $200, 180 and 425, Race 6.—May B, $240 and $190 ud Bonnetty
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 47 8 BILLET WANTED' By bxpbbunoep tti know!*)*» ot Book*»»* work etc. Go-.B Box No. Port cfo Eanger, W 684—27, 8 MM Penang ImpressWjf Exhibition AT Tflfi shinese merchants (toiii Sin*) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER I* 9.30 a.m. TC A f; rENT^ admission 50 Cl 178—81» 27, 80, 4,7, H» 1S
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  • 2416 9 0 o 0 Dividend. i *2 N tun be o' > d. 2 8k»r*> I iiBatd. fc> TJ last flnanfor current WanM. e •m 0 m k j m 00 0« fc cial year. year. 0 CQ m QQ 0 Cf I 1 1 1UBBLR—DOLLAR SHARES. cts. 8 cts
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 186 9 FLE'T op brand new motor-cars. S'for hire, DAY AND NIGHT I Ready at any time, ’Phone to 420 MOTOR service. I BETWEEN I gutterworth p W Alor Star and F.M.S. 5 Special Hire to any Town apply to Penang Office. I I f I i FOR SAE E ob ECONDHAN-)
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  • 1286 10 FRAGMEN i OP a PLATONIC DIALOGUE. DiaUgi f*no*ae Smbiiii, Kbnsokides. 800. i Wnilher ere you bound, Kensoudea, locking no exliemely nolenn Ell, Upon a business of the itmoit gravity, Sooratea. 800. What is that P gw. Igo to the Aoropolia to report to the oitnana what befell in jefter'
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  • 890 10 /ZT COSmE »CE. T m lo*»**.,, E r J one recoKoiies lt 1,1 I. T,n f K efiaU “d t?,7 U* It >• m such tin.,, th r **> Mi,*.,, settle, and ie»ea ,„th. «“‘M* the true source» if the r A** 4 1»»iS when confidence is blric
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 450 10 A CLASS OF COOD BEERS to quench one’s thirst is highly appreciated by 1 every one but a good brand is hard to find. I Blue Gold Brand American Laoer S I I Beer has filled this Need. g Connoisseurs are agreed that this is ths best beer prodnced by
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    • 67 10 Chaahcrbla’tCMff 1 fill When yon bene bed »M 7« remedy that will not on J g 1 ,r feet a prompt and permanen j*r that ii pleasant to take* taini nothing i»J Br req* ll 6 Oongh Remedy meet* all ImngJ It aets on natere’s plan, rel» aids expectoration, open*
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  • 979 11 THE VALLEY WIND Living in retirement beyond the world silently enjoying isolation, I «pull the rope of my door tighter And stuff my indow with roots and ferns. J Mj spirit is tuned to the 8pring-season At the fall of the year there is autumn in my heart
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  • 494 11 Perhaps the event of most genersl interest in the last qaarter is the passing of the ordinance for Compulsory Service, This h%s already come into action in the Straits Settlements and a similar enactment will vary shortly be passed in the F.M S, Tbs Diocese
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 415 11 lStb AUGUST, 1918 S P pON CONFECTIONERY PkM No «0. c#eet«. |CB Cream CalcB8 > can ba had at an, hour. ord .r. for Cakes booked at any time. moderate charges. Flic* LISTS FRtE 0N APPLICATION. •Ranted. »b e to keep C Ch«:k R‘ rri F*otory account!. i:»y |74-o c
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    • 122 11 r 7E 5 A D (1 a a ESTATE SUPPLIES. IN STOCK Acetic Acid 99 per oent Barbed Wire. Gary’s Box Strapping inch. (English Sodium Bisulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. Latex Pans. Momi Gases. Mosaic Tiles. Par-Boiled Bice. Peninsular Aeetate, Tapping Knives. Veneer Chests WITH CANVAS stings White Porcelain Gups.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1362 12 P. O,— BRITISH INDIA, AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAILSAND PASSENGER SERVICEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(TJndei Contract with Hii Majesty's Government.) Ths Company's MAIL BEEYICEB EAST OF BOMBAY arc at prccont suspended. fKWfin for Europe art booked rim Bomba) aa opportunity offers and as far*» aoeommodation is available.
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