Straits Echo, 20 August 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1777 1 NESTLES milk foot JUST THE STUFF j f# VOUH BABY 1 90 cts. tin j! HIISH NORTH BORNEO. OUR "J" DAY LOTTERY. MI for this Loliery are issued under the British North Borneo “‘"lief Food Committee, and by the n 0 UR D*Y'Committee |bt West Coast. North Borneo. l n»
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 29 2 OF EVERY Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changfeols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. 9 (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 1086 3 Alor Star, August 18. Cbe Md. Ar ffio, late 8 cretary toG< varo died to-day at 2 am. after a f w days’ illoea f'orn an scue attack of dropsy follow P P ai as oia and gene a 1 d biliry. The deo >**P(i ifrrr a long
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  • 272 3 Tbe annual report for the year ended 3(>th June, 1918 to be presented at the annual aeeting on the 26th instant is as follows: J he ommittee has pleasure in submitting their Report and Audited Statement of Accounts for the year ended 3Jth June, i»18. MKMBiasHip—During
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  • 205 3 Repatriated through the good offices of tbe British Government a party of Chinese consisting of 591 men 49 women and 20 children were recently in Bnrma from Tibet on their way across the border to Yunnan. The men belonged to the force ot Chinese troops that was sent
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  • 111 3 For the period from the 16th to the 22nd August. 1918 inclusive the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance with N tification No 764 pu lia’ ed in the FederaUd aloy 'tales Government Qaeet's of the
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  • 266 3 Fob Bt Stbambb At To-morrow (Wednesday). Deli, Ltngsa, Edi, T. S°muw a Begli, Olehleh and Sabang Van Ooent 10 a.m. Tongkah and Beaong Penang 12-80 p.m, Lingkit and P. B andan Ji+ So 10 a m. Trang and Pang Nga Pumah 12 20 p.m. 22ad ins’ant (Tnureday).
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 574 3 IK ipHPIRE THEATRE l L|THE PREMIER theatre of THE COLONY. Tin m m m SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS MONDAY 10 WEDNESDAY’S PROGRAMME. t n i ay a Butterfly) adapted from the fascinating hook by A photo-p M 1 RGARE I' HIDDEMaR Xhe Hose 1 Garden Husband Molt European have read this story,
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    • 517 3 BTOTICB. AI UBLTC WEE t ING will be held at ’he Town Hall Penang on Wednea day, August 28th, 1918 at 4 15 pm to discuss proposals for col ecting subscrip turns in aid of the 'Our Day” 1918 Red Cross Fund. Ladies and Gentlemen of all nationalities and communities
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  • 99 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price Daily Local <BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.' Tslephons Nos. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 3 A 3. N.H.— All
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  • 1232 4 Among the eubj ots that ha?e engaged the attenlijn of the Imperial Confererce in London wsa naturally the perennial question of the relations between the mother country end the Dominion*. Hitherto tbis has been largely s matter of academio discussion; delegates might express their individual ▼lews and the
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  • 729 4 Mrs. L P. Ebden, who arrived here from Singapore yes’e day, has gone up Penang Hill. Mrs. Michell will bs at home to the ladies «ho are assisting at the Lingerie B*le in aid ot St Danstan s on Monday, 26th August, *t 11 30 a.m to
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  • 159 4 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s i share lilt i J Yesterday. To-day. Mining, 5 B =2 a D oS Bangnon 1/6 9d. 1/. et Deebook 25,6 26/- 24/9 25'3 KampongKamuting 56 6 58/- 57^ Katoo Deebook 17/- 17/9 17/6
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  • 997 4 Duelling. It is just ab at seventy TBlr ling ceased to he rag» r d-d 01 f*- fitting British officers o^dset DAeof W-llingt 0 a had co, n ,a but iht social i.fl.eace of Prince A^ 0 1 actively against it and it fiuallv n to the Weight
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 118 4 PRITCHARD S STORES THE FAMOUS ROVER CYCLES. STOCKED IN ALL SIZES. Lady's Royal Rover Cycles. CYCLE ACCESSORIES Cycle Oil Lamps From $250 to $9.00. Cycle Bells From 80 to 2.20. Cycle Acetylene Lamps r.i Frice %7,50 each. Motor Cycle ACETYLENE LAMPS $11.50 V 27.50 Motor Cycle HORN 16.50. LUCAS PUMPS
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 579 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] aI iIES AT BOTE. lB, 10.10 p.m. re- t d B ,Bh H d B>t 0D ibe 18 h i»y* BfVere patrol r ,,r 'J wffD Cb.ulm. Eoye bah bt,B (b p ,,t tweD<y-four boars. Th* ed dg y dosing mcn E >yr. The A!lif
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  • 719 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ULTIMATUM IBSUED. London, August 18, A Madrid message says that as regards the Spanish Note to Ge many mentioned on tbe 17*b August it is stat-d that the N jte it really an u.tmitum. The situation is believed to be more grave than ever before.
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  • 224 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] IMPENDING! CHANGES. Lmdon, August 18, Tin Press Bureau annouooes that for tbe ptst two and a half months tbe Imperial War Cabinet has been io oontiouous session. Every aspect of policy iff cting tbe coDdnct of the war and the question of pesos was examined
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  • 636 5 A SHABT CAPTURE, Motor Baio in Oopuno Avertsd, Daring the past two months or so robberuson tbe road and daring attacks on outlyiog house, from Gopeog to K«mpar, and even as far as Tapab, have beea becoming more fnqaent, reckless, and damg, e»y* tde Ipjb p»pe
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  • 807 5 [To Thb Editor of ths Btra\t% Echo Btr, 5 I quote the shorthand report of tbe d b.-e m Cou-cil on tbe 16th Au*. “Col Adumti— We do most hffci-iiij wvioume the assurance that the t "Cjlooiai 8 cretary has given that fiiancial /support will
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  • 45 5 Tbe following articles will be found ot onr outside pages i 7,—A D sordered Mooaroby. Knot Suicide Through War. B—p nang St. Andrew's Bociety. Kedah Notea. E patriated Chinese. 6.—The Yarak Rubber Oo„ L»d. and R’duoed. A Week’s Warring Cbioeso Education, The Rubber Crisis.
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  • 22 5 Latest Quotatiosin^ Tin rn^rfiaed) is quoted liswlo-dsj a* 25. bu-iness dooe ani in Singapore (rtfioed) at $169, business sold 250 dons.
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  • 810 5 CHINS. E WILL CASE. Judgment Ressbved The heirog was conunued this morninp of the *pp>ti of the dcf-rdants L' no Gait K-'b N-»ob, Cboong Lye Hock and Cboook Lye din »u* Oft the decision of Mr, Justio> L. M. Woodward, who foead in favour of •he plaintiff,
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  • 532 5 The next case heard was that of L’e Soon Poe who appealed against the decui-in of Ylr, Justice L. M. Wo. dvard in the suit C. N lluan vs L e Soon Poe in wbiob the plaintiff claimed the aam of $lO,OOO being .ummissioa for the sale
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  • 371 5 COMMITTEE MEEIING MINUTES. The Rubber Crisis Messrs. Brown, Phillips 'and Stewart send us the following excerpt from the Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Commit ee of the ienang Chamber ot Commerce held in the Chamber on 19th August, i 9.8, at 2 3j o’clook
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  • 101 5 FIRST DAY’S LOTTERIES. From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, August 20. The lotteries last night on the First Day’s Races to-day were excellent, the farouritee at them being as follows i Raou I.— Pegatut $260. Rach 2 —Tim $240, Raou S. Highgate $220 and $525 (in $5 lottery.)
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  • 36 5 To-day's scratching» are i Race I. Victory, Race 4, Roumania, Florador and Matter Jack, Race 6— Loaddetr. Race B. —Myttic atd Sol Dhu, Besides the above Grand Cordon has been eoratohed for ail bis engagements,
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  • 1798 6 ANNUAL report. We bare reoeived a copy of the report and balance sheet for presentation to the shareholders at the siita o dinar j general meeting of this Comp*ny to be held at 1 F, Penang Street, at 10 30 e.m, on Monday
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  • 74 6 EfiIPIRR THEATRE. There was a fairly large sudienoe at the above theatre last night when a five-reel Butterfly attraction entitled A Wife on Trial was shown, featuring Mignon Anderson and Leo Pierson. It is a play full of humon touches and intense interest inolnd ing a motor acoident.
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  • 93 6 There is another strong change of pregramma *t tb» El*ctr o Polyscope to-n ght. The World Film Corporation presents a five-reel d inn eotitUd Her Q eat Hour,” It is a story of a shop girl who steals a ring bat in irnocent girl is arrested in
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  • 1539 6 SEMI OFFICIAL BEVI1W. The following cable* from the British Foreign Office ere published io our Bangkok J contemporaries London, August 9. The German retirement in Champagne has Continued. Oa August 1 the FreLOu, assisted by the B itih division, captured toe important pLuaw of B say, which
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  • 89 6 The output of the R nong Tin Dredging O mp ny’s tin ore for tbo Ist half of Augu-t was s—No 1 D edpp, Pikals 278 00 N>. 2 Dr.dg Piku s 104.00; Total piauis 382.00 Th* output of tbe Bandon property ot the Siamese T u Syndicate
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  • 218 6 Tubsday, August 20, Town Baro*. Rgplxaade, 8 Itngor E'Ces. WioNUDU, August 21. Town Esplanade* Thursday, Aueusr 22, Fall Moon. Selangor Rices. Friday, August 23. Town Band, Esplanade. Saturday, August 24, Inter«school Sports, Esplanade, St. Bartholomew. Selangor R>o°s. Suhday, August 25. Thirteenth after Trinity. P.V.RC. Bhoot, 7 a
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  • 1348 6 The more one cou i .era (ha position of ruborr to-d»y the bss is oib i ciinrd to b.-iieve that it is a poswi n that is miviraoie owing to lack of shipping and overproanotion or teat it la d v id i f sola ion. It
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  • 478 6 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS, a Bishop Prodsham jrav? a lecture to tha sludents of tbe Caeltenham Trank, College for teachers some time ago sp a ta ediCAtion policies of the F.r East. describing the methods of the old which be bad seen working in 1902 tha Bishop Btated that the
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  • 119 6 Pikahg, August 20. 8. P. Tapioca *|tO 5S «pTr* nrS Pepper' (W.Coart 3 lb. Black Pepper White Pepper Trang Pepper J,* 5t »I'«™ Mace Picking. Cloves |4 jn Nutmegs 110 s No. 1 Yfi Bugar No. 2 jj (Basket J66 oDij«f Cepra Bundried gj Soonde «a* Gutta < Susu
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  • 1246 7 THE SOUTHERN 8L\V REVIVAL. North Italy. Tha great national revival of the Sourharn Slavs is complicating things seriously for Austria-Hungary, or more strictly speaking for the oorrupt Government of that Monarchy, for the leaders, in or out of offioe, for all the Tissas and Cssrnins and Andiiisyi
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  • 332 7 Sir Bern&'d Mallet. the Registrar General, delivered a lecture in mail week at the Royal Institute of Punlic Health on “The Effects of the War ai Bhown in Vital Statistics Dealing with the decline in the birth rate due to the war. h said that in
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  • 258 7 August 6,1918. There was barely any business done to» day as the market was closed at 9 30 a.m. on news being received of the death of U Po Kin,a rice miller from Kamakasit. The market opened steady with August at Bs 247-8, September at Bs 256,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 617 7 iCDCDCDC 30CDCD0C DdDCDCDO” annual clearance sale how on. 1 Whiteaway, Laidlaw 8 Co, Ltd., SPECIALISTS IN Furnishing Fabrics IN EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. Cretonnes Printed Linens AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF Furnishing Drapery. D r spite the great advance that has taken place in the cost of production of these goods we are
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    • 88 7 Gkuiherlaii’g CMgk tteaeij. When yon have a bad oold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, bat ef feet a prompt and permanent cere, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy that con fairs nothing it juriou* Cb <mberlaiu'e Gough Remedy meets all tb'jse requirement
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    • 694 7 TENDERS FOR COOLIE LINES. j j rpENDERS are hereby inrited for the k i. erection of two set» of brick and 1 timber Coolie Lines on the p operty of the Eastern Smelting Co Ltd. i Full particulars can be obtained and plans and specifications may be inspected at the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1435 8 P. 0 -BRITISH INDIA AND APCARPLINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PABBENQER BERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(TJndei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) Ths Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are hooked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as «fiwodition is
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