Straits Echo, 14 August 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1560 1 m Mi 'jjC Ml CONDENSED f!RA Milkmaid >Y SWESCONdS® art* SwtU#rlAAd I FOR sale, i Booth One (2-3) seater ‘‘hcripps Motor Car I t-t 1917 iuo<iel self starter and Dvn.uio Lgh«Dg in net lleot Edition ory run 9C0 «lie. cW P«r leaving for b( a>*r. Apply to Jhe undermentioned garage.
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    • 13 1 Ĕ 3 HI® jSSKJ IK MI LO»> Dt^ ??*t<ON« FiX A -13 V
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  • 651 2 anti-bolshevik move. To Thwabt Tuutonb. London, July 13. It is announced that in response to Russian requests a considerable body of Allied troops is protecting the Murman railway and the Murman coast. Further forces a;e being sent, and local forces are b3inpj organised against an expected German
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  • 214 2 A Mild Stib in Ifoh. The fleetin? presence in Ipoh of the Sultans of three tates of the Federation and all the Residents and chief Government officials caused a mild stir, says Monday’s Timtt o f Malaya, at the Ipoh Railway Stat on The mail train brought
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  • 476 2 REGARDING RUS I*. Kvhlmann’s luccbssob. {Admiralty Per Wirtlett.) London, July IS, Court vtn Heitling (the German Charcellor)n(,eakiug id the Kmobstag emphasised that tbu Chief of ihe Army Administiatiot did not conducttae war fur tne sake of war. I told him that as soon as our enemies manifested a
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  • 342 2 Thriving Modrl Colony. The district of Sitiawan has recently been making rapid strides in all directions and what was once a flat waste is now a thrivine and forward part of Perak. Much of *his is due to the work of the MethodistEpiscopal Mission, which, several years ago,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 179 2 n( naonc r oc DCOCOCDC DQCDCDO* iCDCDCDC DO WHITE AWAY, LAIDLAW GO., LTD. ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE PROCEEEINC DAILY 0 n n BARGAINS IN ALB DEPARTMENTS. n ni For 6 persons English China apple green &J 111 nor OOX j ea and g ra pe design Sale Price Tea Set For
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    • 14 2 For Obitfren’o Backing Cea*a at Night. Wood*'* G sat if porta at Cu:» 6d,
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    • 591 2 B6ITISH NORTH BOlSft OUR. DA j LOTTERY. Tickets for this Lottery are i 5sue(t the auspices of the British North Bor War Re'ief Fund Committee, and bythT u OUR DAY Committee for the West Coast. North Borneo Subject to the foi,lowi*u wnditiohn, The lottery to be unlimited. i ieketa $5
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  • 1686 3 (Editbd bt Tom Wbioht.) Tuesday,—Sbem suggested at breakfast this morning that father must be going crazy, to go in for ehipbuilding at hii time I of life. Said shipbuilding only pays when I there ia a war on. Didn’t think it fair to Japbet and me. I privately
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  • 340 3 A Muslim correspondent writes i The appointment of a Kathi for the Eastern District of Penang in plaoe of H»j*e Mahomed Yunus resigned is table talk among the Mahomedan community. The post of a Kathi it may be mentioned in this connection is
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  • 82 3 Fob Bt Stbambb At Te-morrow (Thursday). Port Swettenham and Singapore 12-80 p m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Krian 1 p.m. Australasia (via Fremantle) by train 6 p.m. Rangoon (Mergni and Moulmein via Rangoon) 6 p.m Trang Trang 1-80 p m, Trang (via S Opis) Lian Ohoa 1-30
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  • 226 3 J Pn MAM0, Aucust 14. 1 1?; F tapioca $7.00 sales. IM P. Tapioca 7.00 sales. Gold leaf 72 tellers I Pepper (W.Coast 8 lb. 5 os).$l$l buyers. Black Phpper 25.00 buyers e PP® r 40 nominal Trang Pepper no stock J** 0 $«0 nom. Mace Puking. 55 sellers
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 383 3 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. 1|KTK<>! METRO! t METRO!!! 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 •i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
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    • 487 3 R TJBB1R FACTORY and PLANT at Nos. 27/28 Station Road, Bakit Mertajam. Apply for fall particulars to A, B. 0„ Strati* Ed* FOR SAIiE. OYE BLAND’’ TWO 8EATER CAB i* spleidld rnnalag order; Eleetrie Lights aid Starter, Spare Wheel, Tyres, Ae Apply to Box No. MO, 554 c/o Strati* Ed*.
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  • 100 4 PUBLISHED DA ILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Daily Local $3O per annum. i, Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 880. Printing Department 303. N.B. —111
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  • 1278 4 A noticeable feature of Ute has been tbe marked increase and aotivity of German airwork probably due to increased supplies of petrol now that the Rumanian wells have been to an extent restored. It is also probable that Germany has been husbanding her air rqusdrons possibly in p
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  • 618 4 The f llowing pasieogers arrived from Singapore i—Messrs. J. McDonald, F. H Bugttor, 3, B. Moore and Mr. and Mrs, W, G Anderson. F om Port Swettehhan>t Mr. H. C. Biown. It is reported that Dr. Beinscb. the American Minister in Peking (who is now on furlough),
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  • 189 4 Tb* hearing of the appeal of the defendanta Lim Gaik Kee Neoh, Choong Lye Hock and Choong Lys Hin against tte decision of Mir. Justice L, M, Woodward wto found in favour of the plaint £f Gaik Teen Heoh that the will of the late Choon Cheng
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  • 96 4 U t hm Owr Own Qyrrespondadd Sing»pore, August 14. Vine, a steward in charge of the steamer jfataram, was sunam' ned for removing ohandu without a permit, Saunders the second steward was charged with aiding and abetting. The former pleaded guilty in ignoranoj but Saunders olaimed
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  • 957 4 War Worries, Hero is one of the minor n.oki which v Orry tboae who thmk t 0 o eimpiy stated in the propo sl t lon T p, pc uadEd 10 bo 0 pal 11 after all, detrimental to the EA**. supply to spare the cattle P A.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
  • 28 4 DEATH. Noveis— A* Mu r, on August 8, Maris Msud Adeline Norris, daughter of tbe latr Mr tnd Mrs. W.iliaai Ncr i*, of Singapore in her 43rd year.
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  • 1250 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] .RiscH attacks at lasaigny r Looa l British Advano*. London, August 13 AUi» c “P tored G,rJ A ,»ule i,»g from Br»j to 1« Boj® 'here th, .r, re.otiog. Germ.n in u-, frotjaiTi» 0 It baa bero ite F ed there
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  • 184 5 A Klano Oabb. Before Mr. Kempe, Magistrate, in tbe Klang Police Court, F. G. Melonias, clerk, of Pantai Estate, Seremban, was proseoated by the manager of North Hammook Estate and oonvicted of crimping eighteen of the estate coolies and fined 2108 or in default three months’ rigorous imprisonment. The
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  • 660 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] i RAIDS ON METZ AND FRANKFURT. Tights on tho Battle Front. London, August 12,11 65 a.m. Sir Douglas Haig in his aviation report a'atee i In the dey and the night of the 11th we dropped fifty tons of bomba chit fly on the
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  • 437 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] STRONG ANTI-GERMAN FEELING. Ottawa. August 12. It iB cffioially announced tbat Canada is being represented in the Allied expeditionary foroe in Siberia and a force will be mobilised and despatch'd early. London, August 18. The Times correspondent at Tckio wiring on August 7 says the Cs?cbo-S]ovabs
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  • 172 5 Fova Casus or Puaoub. A meeting of the Mun'oipal Commissioners was held at the Muoioipal Office yesterday afternoon and there were present Messrs. A. B Voules (President), F. Doxbury, O-E. Craig, Teoh Guan Seok, Chee Wor Look, Quah Bang Kee, L. M. Bell (Municipal Engineer) and L. A.
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  • 96 5 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s share lilt i Friday. To-day. Rubber. J 1 J nm n S Ayer Panes 7.00 7.50 7.50 8.00 Batu Lin tang 6-00 6.50 5.50 6.00 Indrag iri 4.85 5.25 4-90 5,15 Semanggol 1.25 1.35
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  • 469 5 RUBBER CONTROL. CFrom Our Own Correspondent,') Kuala Kangsar, August 13. The Federal Ccunoil opened here at t<. o’olcck. There are 24 items on the agend and the morning session disposed of ha i of them t ut the remainder includes oont:i tious items like th; Military Servioe
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  • 163 5 The annual report of tbe Commissioner of Trade and Customs, shows that compared with 1916 tbe year 1917 saw a net diminution of five slops, and the amount consumed dropped from 1,799,942 tabils to 1,509,863. All the states show a diminution of consumption. The revenue
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  • 27 5 C From Our Own Correspondent^ London, August 12. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Orepe 2/2 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/1
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  • 44 5 Fiild Opixatiovb fob Sunday. A and B Coys t Maxims, Mounted Soouts (unmounted) and Signaller* will assemble at Magauine Polioe Station at 6.45 »,m, prompt. C and D and Ambulance Coys i will assemble at Magazine Polio* Station at 7,16 a.m. prompt.
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  • 898 5  -  HIoIORY OF HE FES!IV*L. (By Bi hop Browne) Amorg countless side iesujs of tb a years of war, none is more to go down to history thin the carious petition of the Germans in Cologne, and the even more curious r quest of the Vatican, that the
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  • 53 5 The following article* will be found oa our outside paj?f s i 2. —Tbe Rossi in Position d>imm Politic*. 2 —Ham’s Diary. X*tbi for tho Eastern District of Penang. 6 P.ant Disease*. Taiping Njwf. MSV R. Prosecution. Sii king f the Wimmera. Guardirg a Dutoh Conroy. 7.—Tortured Prisoners, A
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  • 726 6 Tmuxe Prbvbution and Control. An interesting lecture on rubber dispases was delivered to member* of the Centra Perak Planters' Association in its rooms in Hale Street, Ipoh, on Sunday, bj Mr H C Pinching, mycologist in Perak of the Bobber Growers' Association The Chairman of the C P
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  • 267 6 Memorial to an old English Worthy In a grove orerlooking the busy naral port of Yokosuka the British Ambassador Sir W. C. Greene, lately nnreiled a monu ment to Will Adams. The company in eluded Baron Sufu, ex Governor of Kanagawaken, who was chiefly instrumental in
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  • 460 6 (irons Char Own Correspondent Tbe following oases eame before the Taipiog Magistrate on the 10th and 12th instant, lospeotor Lamerton protesting t A fine of $lO was imposed on Perumal for having allowed his bullcok to stray on the main road at 2 p-m. on the Btb. The
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  • 135 6 In the Coroner’s Court, Singapore, before Dr. Murray Bobertson, on Saturday, an enquiry was held into the circumstances attending the death of a Javanese named Rosof bin Mawi Jawa, aged 18, a furnace ooolie employed at tbe Palau Brani Smeitiur Works According to evidenoe given by other
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  • 138 6 Another true story from a Cadet school. An was lecturing and demonstrating on the tying of knots, which is part of the course at all the artillery schools, and he spotted one cadet who seemed inattentive, listless, bored. ••Your’ snapped the officer, bringing the cadet up with
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  • 121 6 The following programme of mnsio will be played at the Esplanade this evening at C p.m i—--1 Overture Flying Dutchman Wagner 2 Two Step Everybody Doing It Now Berlin 3 Selection Mmsanieilo Auber 4 Waits Ls D’Amour Harmann 5 March Boom Ta-Ba Williams M. Maroel B*mbat, writing
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  • 501 6 POSITION OF CIVILIAN REBERVISTB. Dbvbndant Discharged In tbe Seremban Polioe Court, last Wednesday, says the Malay Mail, Mr. C, L, Harte-Lovelace was charged on tbrea separate counts with failing to attend compulsory parades on April 18, May 16 and May 30. The D P.P. Mr. W. T. Chapman
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  • 214 6 Thi Custom or b inoapork Mark it Uphold. On Saturday morning Mr, Justice Ebden at Singapore delivered judgment in the ease in which Mr. 8,J. Judah, trading as Messrs. 8. J Judah and Co., sued Messrs, Sime, Darby and Co., for $2,100 damages sustained through wrongful termination
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  • 20 6 Bukit Kepong 10,862, Ksmasan 20.180, S s rend ah 22,992, Utan Simpan 11.400 and Didsbury 12,150 lb.
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  • 142 6 The output of the Ayer Weng Mine for the month of July was 75 piouls roasted ore The Times’ correspondent at Salonika fives the monthly totals of Bslgsrs desertiDg to the Allies lines in Macadonis ss follows j— May, 270; June, 210. Previously the monthly totals were only
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  • 569 6 FIGHT FOR LIFE IN STORMY SEA, Extended details of tbe sinking of the steamer Witnmsra by a. mine on tbe voyage from Auckland to Sydney on Wednesday morning, June 26, reached Sydney says the Sydney Daily Telegraph, by the Manuka Several of the Wivumra'» passengers and
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  • 186 6 The annual meeting of the Austral Malaj TiD, Ltd., was held at Viokery’e-chamber Bydney on June 29, Mr. W. A. Freeman presiding. In moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet the chairman pointed out that the 8.000 shares held in the Kaapong Ksmunting Company had yielded
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  • 214 6 The searoh for a word to express adequately the opposite of militarism is b9ing pursued with muoh teal. Among the suggestions made are paoifism, populism, civicism, democratism and Wilsonism—the last a tribute to the President of the US A. The Shoe and Leather Qazette has not
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  • 773 6 o*lB of she mysteries of this year's campaign will always ba tha long intervals which havs been allowed to elapse betweea the various German offensives at a period when time means everything to the enemy. It is possible that a contributory element in the delay is the
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  • 198 6 Sir William Manning, the new Governor ef Caylon, states a Colombo message of Julv 80, to the Rangoon Qatette. has had an audience of the King when his Majesty conferred upon him the honour of Knighthood of the Order of the British Empire. Owing to
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  • 845 6 A DAY With Tue Fle Et$ T"« M l” tZ"u, number of journalists to be d,., P the destroyers escorting a *nd though this particular h Co “H the Navy calls it, made unch»| L T 11 m fine weather, was an e S y j
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  • 162 6 Despite the rain last night there l crowded house at the Electric Among the changes was a Vitagrapb’i Bf* Ribbon special entitled “The m*n could not kill conscience,” with M» b: Costello, of “Crimson Stain Mystery" in the character of a man who in eerJy J OBl
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  • 512 7 ''EBRIELE RECORDS OF GERMAN BRUTALITY. Yet another long and appalling list of atrocious cases of cruelty to British pri sonere has just been compiled, It was only last April that Sir Robert Younger’s Com mittee revealed some terrible examples of German inhumanity and broken faith, and now come
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  • 410 7 Mr. Roberts oh Increased Production, Mr. G- H. Roberts, Minister of Lsbonr recently gave an address at the Dartford Cinema on Humanizing Industry.” Th» Bishop of Rochester presided. Mr. Roberts slid that the Chnroh wii awaking to its shortcomings. It was foi tbe Churoh not to formulate a
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  • 1029 7 Nature i« Sight or raa Line. I Large woods form in the North of France a preserve of the wild life which to f English eyes is deficient in the fields and I village i Here are the birds and flowers r which recall our country
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 250 7 Vide CONVINOIBLE CYCLES. BEST BRITISH MADE. > «,tb tlio «>' known Bate’s Tyre», red centre, siz« 28 br lJ with E" m ucM Bell and Lamp, tools mfUtor complete Price 185. V' n y it W" \y m t >7# II r r Ar V-s f Be’e's Tj«-, tor Bicycle.,
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    • 50 7 Middle-aged people are often sfflicted with that distressing ailment, windy spasms, they seem to cat like a knife, (offerers should get a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. The very first dose will bring relief and prove its value. Sold by Dispensaries and Stores everywhere at SO oents per bottle.
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    • 50 7 Accidents Will Happen It may be impossible to prerent an acci dent, bat it is not impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is net beyond anyone’s parse, and with a bottle of this liniment yon are prepared for almost anything. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 955 7 NOTICE. [jyOTICE U hereby given that the Power of Attorney granted to M Soo Tbay b? Quah Boo H ck San (tinstaes of b' en revoked. Qaah Pbay aod Qa.b Qaah Koogsi) has ft ft IB it. QUAH BOO PHAY, Trnitee of Quah Kongsi, Poaang, 7th Aegnst, 1918. 545—14 8
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1461 8 P. 0,—BRITISH INDIA AND APGAB LINE, (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENQER 8ERVICES, PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINCS (Undei Contract with Hia Majesty’s Government.) Tha Company’■ MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present «upended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far m modation
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