Straits Echo, 13 August 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • 1251 2 MB. APPLETON ON HIS VISIT. UUIVTINO THU NaTIOM. After 9,000 miles of travel in Americs, Mr. W. A. Appleton, the well-known trade union leader, has come back, believing in America, and Americans, convinced that American labour is solidly behind the war, convinced that the United
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  • 746 2 Market Types Every Thursday morning some one must go marketing for the mess to the neighbouring village of It is an agreeable duty, for what is the New Cut or Petticoat-lane on a Sunday to the many-coloured glories of K market P Tne villagers themselves make as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 81 2 30CDC r oc DCDCDCDC DOCDCDOC DCDCDCDC DO GREAT CLEARANCE SALE o A BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Bent’s White Lawn Handkerchiefs S' w 0 w $1.75 per dozen O V/ 0 n 0 O .0 \J 0 0 oc DCDCDCDC DOCDCDQC 3CDCDCDC DO j. f I V 1*1 I» I» I»
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    • 475 2 N °Tlc^ \TOTICE 18 ll the Eight OrdmaVy^” (U K* Th h Kedab Kabb r Comp»/. b»s tern adjourned Bn a Li®^ 17th d.jol ,918, t want of ft quorum. 5 "P».!o r .HEREBY GIVES 555 12. 13 14. By Order of the Board. Katz Bkoth«u NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby
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  • 655 3 The following letters have been received by Mrs. Winfield, the local hoc. sa% Q.M N.G. > June 5. D.-ar Madam, The 24 pairs of socks, 17 flannel shirts and 2 caps advised in your letfer of February 16 have arrived safely, and 1 »m desi ed
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  • 260 3 The fact that the Australians were chosen as the mentors of the Americans in the battle of Hamel, put the Australians on their'mettle. As a result the representatives of tie two great new nations started from the assembly line like runners in a race, There was even
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  • 563 3 Colocnn on Raid Day. The Hague, June 8. I have obtained the following first hand I account of the Rhenish conditions during I the past fortnight from a traveller in the I Rhineland f My business took me to Cologne on the I great raid day, I
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  • 435 3 A RBM.BJtKA.BLK ScCOBSBIn the course of the Marne operations Mr. Philip Gibbs telegraphed i Most of the ground which the Australians captured on Saturday was in the nature of No-Man’s-Lsnd. in which th°re were only a few enemy outposts. It is certain that no more will be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 393 3 I 4 4 4 4 j k cPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 <gi ,niO! METRO!! METRO!!! il HE t: empire theatre m i THURSDAY TO SUNDAY,. AUGUST 15th TO 18th. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -t 4
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    • 426 3 GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH Penang Sales Room TENDERS are invited for the exclusive right to prospect for t’n and wolfram a block of mining land situated in the locality of Sungei Prik mukim of Kurong Hitam, distnet of Padang Trap, North 1 Kedah. The area is roughiv estimated at 1,000 relongs.
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  • 99 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pnblle holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Daily Local $BO per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address ECHO PENANG.’ Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343. S.B. —All business communication*
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  • 589 4 The description of the scenes in the Montdidier enclave very accurately pictures what we anticipated would happen if tb e French pressure continued in the direction of shutting down on this pocket. In the small area at bis disposal for movement roughly between Roye, Noyon and Lassigny
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  • 745 4 We had almost decided that it would be appropriate to say nothing more regarding the Unittd Malaya Council meeting on July 31« t since we had accepted the statement the President had made that the fears we expressed as to its tending towards amalgamation were perfectly groundless,
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  • 1043 4 Court Humour. Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden who is well known for bis curt md humorous retorts in oourt in the Chinese Will Oase to-day in reply to Mr. Van Someren, who said that nothing was however mentioned about the China wife of the late Choong Cheng Kean
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  • 417 4 A BHORT LI3T. The Full Court of Ap pe 'his morning in the Bunrem<. n Chief Justice Sir John Bucknilj US Justice L- P. Ebden and M r j' Mr. Sproule. There are altogether thS for bearing. aree sppeu, Chiuksk Will Cass, The first appeal heard
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  • 166 4 The fol’owing are the results of the tin played off yesterday A Singles—F K Syer beat B E Prentis by 3— 12—10, 6-3; A 8 Hall beat BhsrviDgton by 3 —6, 6 —4, 6—3. B Singles— E A Swan beat Shannon bj 3—6, 6-0, 7—5. 0 Singles—A
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  • 71 4 Cfr'rom Our Own OorreypondmtJ Singapore, Aug®** Tho Straits Times hears that led* American house in Singapore has reoervsd a oabler that the rubbar restrictions for August and 8 pternber are continuing at the sams rata n< 1,0 that one of the greatest tyre factories o*blM that
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  • 71 4 As will b 8 seen from our advediw® columns yet another R;J Cross been sanctioned by the Govornm® 8 time promoted by the British Nort Our Day oommittee. The lottery quarter of a million the ticket* and the prise (if Eu 1/ sabscri ba
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  • 10 4 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) quoted hsre «173.75, business dons.
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  • 1778 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ()EB viaN3 -happed again. Stews Hamper Advance. London, August 11,11-80 pm. i* portsFresh enemy o' Doughe i 4 e- 8 r m hi* refc8rve the morning fur poiition at Lihons and P rfh f it. AH tke attacks wrre ed after e.vere fighting in
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  • 190 5 SCARE GERMAN AMBASSADORS. Moatcw Captured. London, August 12. An Amsterdam message says it is officially announced at Berlin that- He fferich informed the Soviet Government that the Sooial Revolutionaries’ threat to employ terror as a fighting method endanger! the safety of tbe members of the German Embassy whioh
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  • 597 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] J HOW THEY ARE EXPLAINED. 1 London, August 12, 7 a.m An Amsterdam message states tbit German newspapers are ba nning to admit the Allied sucoess though pofessing calm confidence in the future All dwell cn tLi surprise due to fog enabling tanks to break
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  • 39 5 The following artioles will be found on our outside pages < 2. Impressions of America at War. Pettiooat-Lsne in Macedonia. 3. —Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild. Germans’ War Spirit. 6. —Chamber of Commerce, 7. —Chamber of Oemmeroe. Food and Behaviour.
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  • 920 5 COMMUNIQUE FROM THE GFNERAL 8TAFF. The first main *xpeditionary contingent frcmSam has .rived safely in Europe, says the Bangkok Timet, Thry left Bmgkk aid now the following details aKut their d p rlure snd viyagi j can be au'horitafiv. ly givtn to tho public. No publio
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  • 726 5 THE FOOD PROBLEM. There has lately b*en an agitation, nn a I larger scale than the ngrtalioa wbioh I takes place at this tion of year, for tbe parI tial abolition of the German system of I rationing. Both agrarians and traders a-e I »kmg advantage if
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  • 268 5 The German snd Austrian newspapers are ■till full of reports of "wsr crimes.” During the whole of last week Vienna sterns to h»Te been less interested in the Western rff-nsivs and the dcepenirg” of the German alliance, tbsn in the murder in the Hotel Bristol
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  • 5976 6 Half-Yearly Meeting. COLONEL ADAMS AND THE LOCAL PRESS. The half-yearly general meeting of the membera of the Penang Chamber of Commerce to receive a resume of the work done since the last annual general meeting waa held yeaterday afternoon. Mr. H. A. Low, Preaident, presided, and the
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  • 246 7 E XTRAORDINARY MEETING. Scale of Tonnage for Lighters. 1« Chairman said, •The neit business on the agenda is to (oinder and if approved to adopt the revised Ktle of tonnage fcr lighters which hai been a force in Singapore sinco 1st January 1918, We received a letter from the Harbour
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  • 143 7 OItMAN CIBCULA*. Paris, June 6. y velLi&fornaed correspondent of the on the German-Swiss frontier **j* nt to the' fact that the German tiicii b |Te j»ht sent out a confidential Jo** *kich shows the real state of mind L 0 Preparations are already forth, neitw.r. 'I clout
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  • 604 7 WOBK OF WOMUN POLICE. I Speaking at the Britieh Dominion- Woman I Suffrage Union Oonferenoe on Juno 6 Mias j Mercy Aeb worth (India) Baid that tbe fun* Idamental cause of the enormous increase of I juvenile orime was not the absence of tbe I father or
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  • 381 7 COMMMCLAL TkAXSPOUT. The future importance of aerouautios in commeroe is fully recognised by the British authorities, but there are military obj otions to any measures which would transfer men and material from the Royal Air Foroe to civilian activities while tbe war has still to be won.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 Cugh Uene4j bad cold yom want a 1,11 A Qi OC,y Ri?e re,,ef but el fell u ,-u. pi nd Permanent care, a remedy kin nt take, a remedy that con* 9*tgh iu>iy Chamberlain’* on tbeae requirement*, t l re plan, relieve* the lange, s«ore* th. OD °pen* the seoretiona
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    • 221 7 Borden's Eagle Brand Condensed Milk has no Enual. LARGE TINS FULL WEIGHT &3&S&I obtainable EVERYWHERE ft Connei Brother* Coy. Role Agents Hengmoh Hongkaa Co., Special Agents Poh Seng A Co. C.6MDEN3 BORD zr*^ As com» rrsco A*- 1 1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX4 HUTTON’S PINEAPPLE” X X X 3 ARK THK BEST X
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    • 49 7 Accidents Will Happen. It may be imponible to prevent an aocident, bat it ia not impossible to be prepared for It Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is net beyond anyene’s parse, and with a bottle of this liniment yon are prepared for almost anything. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 808 7 BRITISH NORTH BORNEO. OUK DAY LOTTERY. Tickets for this Lottery are issued under the auspices of the British North Borneo War Relief Fund Committee, and by the OUR DAY Committee NOTICE. for the West Coast, North Borneo, SUBJIOT TO TIB FOLLOWING CONDITIONS 1- Ths lottery to be unlimited. 2. 1
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    • 1619 8 0 BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICE8. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with Hie Majesty's Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Paasenfere for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as lodetion
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