Straits Echo, 12 August 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1597 1 CONDENSED Milkmaid S^ISSCOND B n* avfUciiiari for sale. Booth 1 I Doe (2-3) !ter ia^ S Ulotoi? Car I >' IQ17 model *e!f starter and l ‘t' T., Ming «»!(»> I 5S -v*- 900 f „»er tor b< Apply to Iht undermentioned garage. IF YOU WANTj COMFORT Undermentioned Garage For
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    • 7 1 e S MUsK .5fiJKnwcsaJii*| B«Bsr ustJ 2***<oju
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 56 2 2S c m m m m h ffi m A ESTATE SUPt* K OF EVERY m N S* ft la C+» 31 DESGRPTMM Momi Cases. acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changfcols. Wire trails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire a M a H KATZ BROTHERS, (Incorporated
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  • 1181 3 Prye to Bangkok. The Penang to Bangkok railwaj extension baa now been open for a month, and it is aomefthat surprising that practically nothing in the way of anecdote has come through for aa a rule the invasion of a new territory by the iron horse is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 201 3 \LL BRITISH MOTOR i YR£S. b. obtained at alt the leading Garag* s. AGENTS, E. A. MANASSEH Co, PENANG. RIDE CONVINOIBLE CYCLES. BEST StlrisH WADE. Fitted with the well known Bate’s Tjres, red centre, size 28 by with I ucm Bell and L-mp, tools inflator complete Price $B5. x r
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    • 419 3 Public Auction Sale of a 2 «eater, 2 cylinder BABY HUMBERETTE CAR The undersigned are instructed to sell the above On Friday, 16th August, 1918 AT 11 A M P HARP IN LOCI AN’S COURT! ARD The Car is in good running order, It can be seen and tried by
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    • 177 3 ALLEN DENNYS Co., 7, Union Street, Penang. Phone Nos, 393 A 412. Proprietors of: THE PENANG RUBBER AUCTION ROOMS, where good prices are always obtained. THE PENANG TRANSHIPPING 4 FORWARDING Co., who undertake to forward goods to ANY PART OF THE WORLD. ESTATE DEPARTMENT. —We pay special attention to all
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  • 384 4 Th 9 following is tho directors’ report presented at the m eeting in 3ydoey on June 29: The Diiactors present herewith their R-portfrrtha twelve months a ided 31*t December, 1917, accompanied by duly audited statements of account, Although everything possible has been done both by
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  • 308 4 The following is the directors’ report for the meeting on June 29 ia Bydcey The directors present herewith tlrir report for the year ended 31st December, 1917, together with duly audited Statements of Account. The priccipal work during the year was the p ospectiug and subsequent acquisition
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  • 199 4 Singapore, August 9. At tbe weekly rubber auction hf Id yesterday and fo-diy, buyers held off completely in the early part of the sale, and came in later only to a limited extent, at prices which show a considerable droD. Pine Pale Crepe sold up to 45$
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  • 597 4 cFrem Our Oun Amongst the esses disposed of by Mr, Forrer on Tuesday last were the following A Mtlay named Silleh and bis wife 8 m Salleb workirg on Liuderdile Estate paid $5 each for having bolted. The Ist accused went on a week’s leave and his wife
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  • 168 4 Appbopuiation Account, Remitted to British R?d Cross Society, London $30,831 96 Balance on Hand carried forward tj 1918 Fund 568 88 $31,4 '0 84 Balance brought forward $228 97 Collected for the year 1917 31,171.87 $3l 400 84 The accounts are certified by
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  • 192 4 Punanq, Acquit lo S. P. Tapioca M. P. Tapioca Gold leaf ?00 Pepper (W.Coast 3 lb. Sozi'i-? Black Pepper 0l) M Sb White Pepper ,M 25 -00 Trang Pepper Mace Bn «toe* Mace Pickings ,M n o®. Cloves M M «Her, Nutmegs 110 s (No. 1 Sugar 5 No.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 195 4 r DCDCDCDC DOCDCDOC- ."-DCDCDCDC DO o GREAT CLEARANCE SALE 0 BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. VJ Gent’s White Lawn Handkerchiefs p r 'ce 0 Tweed Gaps Si,e Price Sweaters do Neok Ties Large Variety do Boots Shoes The “RBX” Brand, Tao, pointed tee do Face Towels Size 18 x 34 inches
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    • 51 4 Accidents Will Happen It may bo impossible to prevent an aooidfnt, Jbut it is not impossible to be prepared tor ft Chamberlain's Pain Balm is net be. joed tnyene's parse. and with a bottle of tb s liniment jon are prepared fer almost anything. For sale by all dispensaries a»d
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    • 346 4 'W AJNTTEL. CLERK wanted at the Panic* h Befool. Salary |5O par n»c W tiaiog by manual increment! of to g per metsem. Apply to 548-12-14 HEADMASIgE. FOR. SALE. Rubber factory »nd phi at Nob, 27/28 Station Bukit Mertaiam. Apply for full particulars to A. B.C, e/a Btraik Edit FOR.
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  • 479 5 P. 0.0. Second XI m, P.R.G. Second XI, The cricket match between the Second XI of the P 0 C and that of the PRC whioh was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon ended in a victory for the latter by a broad margin. The P 0
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  • 321 5 Bmt Machine-Quit In ExiaTUNen.” Sardonyx” writes in the New States man: —The most wonderful thing that ever happened at the War Office ii the affair of the Madsen gun. The Madsen gun is admitted by everybody, iooludiog the War Office experts, to be the best machine-gun in
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  • 402 5 In his report for 1917 on the Trade and Customs Department of tbe F.M S., Mr, E, Burnside, Acting Commissioner states i The import and export trade of the Federated Malay States continued to show remarkable progress in value notwithstanding tbe effects of the war, and it would
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  • 235 5 Mr. Justioe Ebden was apparently suffering from a bad throat on Friday and at times his voice oould hardly be heard at tha Singapore Assize Court, but he struggled oa and delivered a judgment before proceeding with the Sikn murder oase. At the conclusion of this Mr.
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  • 154 5 Gkiit Fowbk Scheme tor Spain. The Sol (Madrid) announces the formation of a powerful oompany to exploit the falls of the Douro, These falls oocur at the point whore the river forms the frontier between Spain and Portugal. They are 390ft* high, and are reckoned to
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  • 181 5 Mavrina with F.M.B. Mun. Mr. M, B. Dukes, Sabrang Estate, Teluk Anson, has reoeived a letter from Mr. E. C. Lawford, formerly of the same estate, from which we Timet of Malaya) take the following extract, which may be of interest to our readers t—“Am staying
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  • 192 5 I [To Tnn Editob of thu Strait» Echo.] 8ir, Your correspondent Mr. Kee Ee must 1 have boon very much out ofjhis element when in bis letter to the Tim»» of Malaya reproduced in the Echo on Saturday he speaks of the United Malaya Council as
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  • 87 5 The following is the agenda of the Munieipal Commissioners to be held to-morrow i 1. Mioetrs of the last meeting to be read and confirmed, 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3- Questions. 4. Some bills to ba passed. 5. Petition by Fruit Stall-holders at
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  • 579 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) 's quoted here to-day at 1174.75, business donp f ia Singapore at 1175.50, hairiness done, sold 500 tons. The output of Siamese Tin Syndicate Limited tin ore from the Ngow property of the Siamese Tin Syndicate Ltd for July was 1532 pieuls, Mr. Ebaw Joo
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  • 53 5 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening t at 6 p.m i—i 1 Overture The Fair Maid Of V Perth Hartmann 1 2 Two 8tep In The Night Gilbert 3 Selection Crown Diamonds Auber 4 Walla Love Adien La Thiere 5
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  • 46 5 Fob Bt Stuamhb At To-morrow (Tuesday). Fort Swettenham and Singapore Klang I p.m, Rangoon (Mergui and Moalmein via Rangoon) 3-30 p.m, 15th instant (Thursday). Madras taking mails 10 a.m, for Europe etc. via Regist. up to 9 a.m. Bombay 0 Parcels 8 a.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 610 5 D a— THE an- m I f m HUM KE \o4*+44 THEATRE »♦»»»♦♦»< TH« 1-RESIIER THEATRE OF THE COLONY. K 3 “METRO” I 1 Another Groat St&r with MADAMS PETROVA t h 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 TO THE DEATH”
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    • 576 5 ‘OVERLAND’» TWO SEATER CAR n splendid ranning order; Eleetrio Jghts and Starter, Spare Wheel, Tyres, Ac i pp l y to Box No, 600, 554 e/e Straits Echo. NOTICE OF SALE, By Order of the Administrator of James Irving dscsased. to an sold BY PUBLIC AUCTION On Tuesday, the 27th
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  • 98 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price x Dally Local #BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.* Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 886. Printing Department 343, N.H. —XU busiuea*
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  • 23 6 Bauixo Gould —Oa the 14 h July, at Tba Hill, Kuching, the wife of the Hon’ble J. Baring Goold of a son.
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  • 1360 6 We are inclined to think that the Flandtrs offensive has accomplished even greater things than the Marne attack did, for it is quite clear the eniwj was not only taken by surprise but was for a time absolutely swamped. The attack has only been proceeding for
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  • 849 6 D', DewdeD, M.O., Tapab, is ill in hospital in Btttu G*jah. s Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule took tbe oivil oases in the District Court to-day. Ur. A. B. Voules is indisposed to-day and unable to attend office, His Exoallency the High Commissioner is in residence in
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  • 848 6 A Famous Penny Such is Pamp. the Tims, of Malaya h n satisfactory way is CBr t and p-ny «bo 7 i -w 4 j while ago in Penang, 1 koo »i> a Musical Exemption*. The Topici.t in tte 8inga Dora P 8 *J 8 A music»! cou>
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  • 108 6 The following are the resalts of Ib 9 1 played eff on Saturday sud SuDdayi-" Single Handicap—E, G. Foley y beat A P. Foley (—25) by 250—19* Double Handicap —J J. Tbeaeira ww R Dias 70) b at C. F. Fibber A. de Cruz 40) by
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 5332 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] 35,000 PRISONERS. armies victoriously advance. Enemy's Resistance Broken, London, August 9. 3 40 p.m. glr Doug!»» Haig reports i Progress on the battle front continues. The Frenoh taken Fresnoy-en-Ohausse and the 5* are now east of le Quesnel and CUix. The enemy vigorously resisting north
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  • 186 8 The following ties have been« fixed for (ta-day) Monday 12th instant: A Singles—S E Prentis vf'H Syer (4) A 8 H.ii v T M Bbe r vingten (5). B Singles—B Beimann v B Powell (1) Winners (Hogan v Shannon) v 1 A Swaa t 6). C BingUs—A
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  • 58 8 London, August 9. {From. Char Chen Correspondent The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Ctepe as 2/1. Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/|* Messrs. Boustead Co. inform m that (he following are the quotations for Rubber cn Spot in London on the 9th inst, received to-day
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  • 1370 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, August 6, 3,15 p.m. The Press Bureau announces that Allied Naval and Military forces on the 2ad August with tbs active concurrence of the Russian population landed at Archangel, The inhabitants greeted the arrival with general enthusiasm. Siberian Expedition. London, Angnst 9, 6,35 p,m,
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  • 689 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Heavy Air Balds. London, August 9. Italian official i We lepulsed two attacks on Col del Rosso. Oar airships b moed military establish* ments at Pols, io the Venetian plains and at Trent Londc August 9. British Italian offical Oar divisions carried out eight successful simultaneous
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  • 514 8 Outside the treat? n< /rT correspondent J *riu, China Herald, few facts ar# l th N W P'ormnent than th 9 itvari.b'* Pp,! »o* pvlttene&s ft uad, not me -H eipL0 «e to oulturtd cUssee, but ,n, aly a 0D g tt, ommonijr known as t he
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  • 143 8 Moving picture lovers who wish to bam good night’s entertainment should not mini the pictures to be screened at the abwe theatre to-night and the following two nights. Among the items on tha programme is The Golden Billet," a three reeler, featuring Harry Carey, who al*»y« keeps
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  • 231 8 The Annual Speech Day will ba be!d D Wednesday, 14th August, at 5 p.m. D I the School Hall, Mrs, Miohell will prsswt I the certificates and (ha Hon. Toe Boldest Councillor will take the chair, f riund* are cordially invited to attend. I At a dedication
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 668 9 RU3SIAN3 WILL STAND BY THE ALLIES IN INTERVENTION MOVE. An Amhbioan's Vibws, Thi Russian situation may resolve itself into a race to tbs Urals between the Allies and the G rmats, according to Dr Poilip Newton of New York City. Dr. Newton is stud nt of Rassian
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  • 183 9 Michael’s Prisoner. The Canadian war correspondent. Mr. W. A. Willison, relates the following incidents in tbe course of an account of a raid by Alberta troops t Ooe of tbe companies had offered a pr z of 10 francs (8s for every prisoner. Ia the midst of tne fighting a
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  • 88 9 U. S. A. Ann Russia. Mr. Taft, addressing Delaware College Commencement celebration, advocated the United States going into Russia and making an Eastern front in place cf that lost through tbe treachery of Germar. We have,” le said, “to whip tbe Qe macs, and we bsva to
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  • 583 9  -  WONDERS OP THE NEW ARMIE 3 By Lieut J. B. Morton. Some time ago one beard a good dral of talk about tha dwindling numbers of the old regular army. Splendid as were the new armies it seemed that they never could quite replace those veterans. To
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  • 238 9 Ebasons fob his Rbsionation Sydney, June 20. Lord Jellieoe, writing to a fiifnd in Sydney, gives tbe reason for his departure from tbe Admiraltj. Ia the couise of the letter he says: I did not leave the Admiralty of my own wist, Tbe powers that be have never
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  • 98 9 LoS’M IN TH* WaB. Th. DiuUchu AdiUbUtt, a j,»rn»l d(TO*. ad 10 tbe deads and interests i t 'h" German aristocracy, publish»» n tn.r, ot its losses m the wsr. The German c-mots who bare fallen comber 270; ,b,j include seen Comte D-thca and mean Oonnts Flock. ail
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 397 9 DCD nCDwCDC 0C^ OC An enemy conquered DCD C DO KheumatUm is not a mere effect of cold and damp. It ia a noisoo in the blood. With good red, pure blood a man or woman age c n dafy rheumatism, and rheumatism can be conquered h killing the poison
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    • 318 9 0 R. F, BRADFORD. 1 F, Penang Street, Penang. 8 0 REPRESENTING g ALDENS’ SUCCESSORS Ltd, O RUBBER MERCHANTS 0 LONDOV, LIVERPOOL and NLW YORK. i «SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR Shipping: and Forwarding:. 0 0 O G 8 0 2 10 b unnnnnnnnnGan0nt3GGMH0HBiKist2Mnn^ n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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  • 1329 10 PRESENTATION TO THE RAJAH. On Monday, the 22ad Jaly last. His Highness Rija Vyoer Brooke was publicly presented with the Sword of State, the symbol of tbe Rij, by Abang Mobamed Kasaim, the Datu Bandar, in the name of tbe people of Sarawak, and took tbe
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 139 10 Since the War egan The Allied Governments Have Bought Over, J- iv f YAL TYP r\ To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS AND
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    • 499 10 N' KTOTtcJ 1« OTfCE is hereby of Attorn,tbit Qa*h Thn» br w Sfr| Qt*d to v Hb, y ,„d g„, h HtA jiflM-iS Konggi) bag h-„ T *rlj"** < ft ft Quab b% th p T,u kc f '^lil Penang, 7tb August, 19ig notice; jntenoino TTTgcms j- Uk« notict that
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  • 776 11 Without doubt Goner*] Horvath is the piyot round whioh the Siberiftn sitifttion revolves, and he seems destined to make himself end his supporters the rallying point for; loyal and patriotic Russians who are endeavouring to make a supreme effort to rid their country of the taint of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 124 11 nc:_: 'Gnomical in application, DO QUITE READY A )OCDOC dcz: FOR USE. THE ANTI-CORROSIVE /'ALCOMPOPAINT L. Y. Swee Co., Penang, K Lumpur <fc pKF.VENT'f IRON COR. ro5 |ON INDEFINITELY. Singapore. DRYS QUICKLY. U ncDoc Andrew Uslier Co.’s; SPECIAL RESERVE VVH1SKV. MUDS. BUTTERY S Co J Sole Agents for Penang Perak.
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    • 89 11 Gkuikerlili’i disk Beatty When 70« bare a bad cold 70m want a remedy that will not only give relief, bmt effect a prompt and permanent cm re, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injnrions. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements, It acts on
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    • 94 11 F ♦E=ZO] ESTATE SUPPLIES. IN STOCK Aoetio Aoid 99 per oent. Barbed Wire. Gary’s Box Strapping inch. English Sodium Bisulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. Latex Pans. Momi Gases. Mosaic Tiles. Par-Boiled Rice. Peninsular Acetate, Tapping Knives. Veneer Chests WITH canvas fittings. White Porcelain Gups. White Lino Paint. #I ll ii
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1543 12 P. fl. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated In England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as accommodation
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