Straits Echo, 7 August 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1665 1 condensed mj HR* Milkmaid gWBSCOIIDffI W*- SwfUfriurt i pOR SALE, j Booth I .2-3) ,ler Scripps Motor Car 1917 model **-'f starter and L* 1 1 1 I -tint? in J Q(,n rujies "Li,.Mi U, Arp y to Jht undermentioned garage. ilftflU *ANTi COMFORT I Cara^t f„ llt.nd N»«r C»n
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    • 8 1 53 »<TJ •«.0 #Ol SrtOSmWTQjija spnHS,s «9 »31
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  • 1237 2 M. Vnnizilos and Bii Great Task, The splendid and inspiring success gained bj tbe National Army of Greece on the Micedonian front, upon which Mr. Lloyd George has sent a warm message of con gratulation to M Venizelos, was the sub ject of an interview which
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 149 2 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., limited. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Con’inues Daily Throughout August. BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS II GREAT SALE OF Ladies milliner/, oatfitting’, woollen coat*, blouses, fancy neckwear, hosiery, dressing gowns, skirts and ladies shoes GREAT SAlE OF Gentleman’s hosiery, shirt» pyjamas, waterproofs, hats and caps, ties and collars, handkerchiefs, gents
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    • 284 2 GOVERNMENT of Ke »*H. r pENDEKB »ra in.ited (o r X right to pro.poct (or t .J***! a bio k of mining land sitn.ti loMlitj of Sungoi Prilr, muk|lu jj* d,,triet of p,d 5 ra Th, r i. rooghly «tio, lWlllw Term. 9 month*. Eight*, (a) To prospect f or
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  • 733 3 How Wi Oan Hblp. M. Jodin, io tbe Arne Bilge (the Belgian Soul), a periodical published secretly in Belgium, describes tbe sequel of tbe trial of many civilians in Charleroi. The sentences were not announeed to 19 oondsmned man, whose families were summonsed by telegraph and informed that
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  • 69 3 Fob Bt Stbaxub At To-morrow (Thursday). Asahan and Batu Bahra Kalmoa 8 a.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore 10-30 a.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Krian 1 p.m. Setul, Trang and Tongkah (via Songei XJpeh) Mambang 4*30 p.m. Trang and Pang Ngu Padank 1-80 p-m. 9th instant (Friday)* Madras
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  • 426 3 a A correspondent writes t —The price of rioe has of late greatly advanced and we 0 found it a great difficulty to make both ends f meet bat now fortunately that the prioe has i *°Q0 down It is only 36
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  • 148 3 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ending July 20, 1918. {Male 63) V 86 Female 23) Death rate 42.C1 per mille per annum compared with 40.54 in the preceding week and with 28.04 in the oorrespondiog week ef laet yean Natienality.
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  • 80 3 The July Monthly Medal Competition vis—2oo yaide handicap for “A” Class and 75 yards handicap for "B Class was held at the Swimming Club, on Bundsy morning, with the following result t—- A Class Ist D, Rsndle 40 secs2nd 8, A. Tell Scratch B Class Ist
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  • 83 3 Ratrut Basin Tin Dredging Co-. N.Loutput for July 360 piculs. Hours worked 435. Yards treated 80,000. Estimated value of month’s output $31,000. Estimated working costs $ll,OOO. Mr. Ehaw Joo Tok advises us that the outputs from the following two companies for July, were i Bangnon Valley No
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  • 50 3 Baksp 21,200, BatuMatang 11,424, Jong Landor 41.087, Eedah 45,094, Parit Perak 11,600, Bungei Bata (Malaya) 22,200 Val d’Or 24,000, Kurau 22,300, Malakoff 46,300, Straits Sattlaments (Bertam) 95,000, Windsor (F.M.S) 27,700, Mayfield 23,000, Merobiston 7,310. Foothills (Malaya) 11,200, Muda Syndicate 11,624, Kuala Sidim 24,000, Bassett 18 079 lb.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 450 3 «9************444 *****4 e-scial Anncuncoment Special Ann: un com out THE m 3« A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A EMPIRE, ♦>•♦»♦♦♦ THEATRE ,1,1 4 the premier theatre of the colony. Special Announcement
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    • 485 3 Rubber factory and plant at Noe. 27/28 Station Road, I Bakit Mertajam. Applj far fall particulars to a. b. a, e/a Strait» Echo Robber Retains Books. We are now prepared to offer for sale books for the purpose of recording tba parobase and sale of rubber in accordance with Ordinanea
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    • 202 3 NOTICES. ;r Tyrone* ie hereby gi T9n that the IXI Power of Attorney granted to Mr. Quah 800 They by M 9 lrß Qaah 800 Phay and Qaah Hock San (traetees of Qaah Kongai) haa been revoked. w a ta Truttee of Quah]'Kngti, vo. QUAH 800 PHAY NOTICES. F TENDING
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  • 98 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local (80 per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mail Edition (PoatFree) $lB per annum. Cable Address: "ECHO PENANG.' Telephone No». (Coho) 080. Printing Department 303. N.B. —Sll buii nea* coramumc*tion»
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  • 1076 4 We aie not ready to tßoribe too mnob importance to the reports which sre being circulated regarding disaffection in the enemy ranks in the Flanders sector. We heard of this kind of tbieg a good deal last year and we shall doubt'ess hear of it again It
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  • 22 4 Latest Quotation» i’ia (uoiefined) is quoted here tc-day at $174 business don*, in Singapore at $175, bu-ioess done, sold 150 tons.
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  • 267 4 A K ing, nrmed Mydin, was ’hi? rooming cbaigcd b.fcre Mr. R. I) Acton, D strict Judge, with cheating ten Tamil coo.tes in reap ct of $37 being the amount of their passage to India. Another man named was charg’d the abetting the ■•me efferoe. Both
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  • 880 4 Aiohdeacon and Mrs, Swindell arrived here to-day from Singapore, Mr- R D. Acton, Distriot Judge, has j resumed duties after his illness. t Mrs. Hoops and children have returned j to Alor 8t*r after a holiday spent at Pulau Langkawi. Mr. Alfred Ervr, Inapcotor of Works, P.W.D.
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  • 958 4 A Dastardly Inexactitude. It is not true, as far we u nn Government baa decided to nS'*** for the wives and dependant* «I*®** men who are going to the f rr „fL lr M for each of them at the Geneva! b, 1J l m the Settlements a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 176 4 4 1% X:> r FOR BRASS BEDSTEADS 1 I *s I w Mr: 7a.. n (Mil a E' J 43 H V '—a, 'f fii <a .11 j I 1 T\ j j j>* ;1 ovt-h ii I 1 r j |S X~''Z *dl i f -riM:?!.*. rJ I|{ j
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 1410 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] „l!8 Oi'IHKK ON THf3 VKBLE. 4 PNp a rin?<» rth,!:ro f' i r: f Lo (i o’, August 5, 4.4 p.m. p t ,b M»im«nlquP »*T* «■><«» > .ppoini lo «port- O.r light .mi. sow 02 j <he Veslo everywhere cn-j-iab crouch «n 0 ll
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  • 678 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] MORAL GERMAN EBB3 Our Patrols in Albert. London, August 6. s Sir Douglas Haig report!: We took a few prisoner* in the neighbourhood of Neaville i V its is?. Hostile artilieij wa9 very active t in toe night time opposite La Btssee and > also
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  • 669 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] NO GERMANS ON BOARD. Who Told the Enemy L'.'tdcn, August 6. t The Admiralty announces that the homeward bound ambulance transport I Warilda was torpedoed and sunk cn the I 3rd August. 123 are missing ircludi-g i seven of the crew Two British destroyers
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  • 716 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] •‘MYoTERY” SHIPS SINK ILBOAT3. Lauden, August 5. Sir Erio Geddoi related at a ooncart to Am?r:c»n troops one of the moat thrilling atorfe* in naval warfare in which the decoy i known as “mystery ship fought a submarine for five hours. ThB ship
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  • 449 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] LENIN AND TROTSKY NEXT. Lord n, August 5, An Amsterdam message says that the > Bu-so-Finnish peace negotiations have opened at Berlin. London, August 6. An Amsterdam report from Berlin is that delegates to Russia from Fiuland have arrived at the invitation of the German Government
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  • 200 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages 2 —Tbe Revival of Greece. 3,—A Chines to Keep Down the R oe Prices. Vital Statistics. Swimming Clnb Competitions, July Tin Outputs. July Rubber Crops. Belgian Sufferings, 6—-Future ot Music. Singapore’s Social Problem. Singapore's War Anniversary Internees’ Y M
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  • 1020 6 IUTURVIRW WITH 818 HbNRT WOOD, Manr considerations hare influenced Bir Henry Wood in his decision to remain in London and to d dine the flattering offer cf the conductorship of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. It was such a very great compliment, and shows a very pleasant tie
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  • 951 6 Questions and Answers i« House of Commons. House of Commons, May 28 Mr. Hewins Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, to day circu'ated written answers to questions which had been put by Mr. F rens, a Rrivy Councillor, and who represents Hull, and by Mr Chancellor, the
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  • 1786 6 Indiam-Ceylokbsb Abdrbss of Loyalty JThose wbo were present, seys the Strait, Times, en Saturday evening at the mass meeting of Indians and Ceylonese, residents of Singapore, to express their feelings of loyalty and devotion to the British Baj on he occasion of the anniversary of the war,
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  • 152 6 ▲OCIDUNT Nbaß SuBEMBAN, A motor bus belonging to the Seremban Motor Ssrvioe while returning on Saturday to Seremban from Mantin at about 8.45 p.m„ was overturned into a ravine near tbe sth mile, at the bottom of which ran a stream of water, the bus falling on its
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  • 309 6 The s°cond T.M C.A bat—at the corner of Weat-Duinweg, Scbeveningeo—was opened bj Brigadier G neral Graham Thomson in May, in the presence of the British Minister, Sir Walter Townley, aod numerous other prominent British nod Dutch personages, It contains a large recreation hall with Übea
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  • 225 6 The report for 1917 of the Netherland Steamship Co. states tdat the company was able to despatch from Amsterdam in the course of the year only seven ships whilst from London two were loaded for Netherlands India, Tne ss. Colebtt which in May, 1917 c eared
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  • 176 6 A meeting of the Straits Chinese community of Singapore wbiob filled every avai* •able seat in the Y M 0 A Hall was held on Thursday night to hear an address from Miss Strout. Dr Chen 8u Lam occupied tbo chair, and in introducing Miss Strout referred to
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  • 153 6 A big fire occurred early on Sunday morciog at Hallang Pudding, when the old rice-mill owned by Mr. Tan Ea Eee, at psesent being used by Messrs Kata Bros as a store was burnt down, the flames practically destroying all'the extensive storage of rattans and jsiutoug.
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  • 102 6 A mission from Iceland hu arrived in Britain to renew the former eoonomio treaty between tbe two countries. Representatives of the French, Italian and Amerioan Governments will attend the conference. The ofeief aim of the Icelanders ia to ensure a supply of provisions to tbeir country
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  • 184 6 The H-K S Guoners. Of the Hongkong a„d at the battle of Maghgaba what General Cox told me 1 VJ ■2 was attached to the Camel n/ he b ‘C a time it was plaoed at the P b (2 Light Horse, General (£**<2 Major in command of th« l
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  • 128 6 A Timelt Demohsteatioi In view of the great amount of nut, that is tuiog given to Brown Bait ft* moment, and the cowparntively little of this disease and its cure by the planter, xt is of interest to hear that. tioal demonstration on this arranged by Mr W.
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  • 175 6 It is rumoured that America has fondi substance in a sort of clay to replace piu* bago in its use for crucibles. This discovery, it is believed, has to a large extent redui the imports of plumbago from Midigm; and Ceylon. Comparing the experts of these tie countries,
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  • 64 6 Despite the U”-Boats. London, May 7. (Reutsr).— The aertutile marine service association reports tW during the past year 13,000,000 paurMW and 1,000,C00 sick and wounded ried by tbeir ships. Furthtr, 2t,OOOOOOwj of materials were transported, 51W® tons of oil, coal and other fuel, 2.000,wj horses aod mules, 100,000 000 cwti
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  • 53 6 A Milli wire states that tbe W* man-of-war Medjidie which was •>“ L mine in the Buck Sea was salvaged. was lying at Sibastopol and w»i t"** seized by tbe Turks. [The MedjidU is a cruiser of 3,W carrying two 6" guns and sight has a
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  • 91 6 WuDWieoAT, August 7. Town Rand, Esplanade. New MoonTbu as day, Aueurr 8. Football Match, Esplanade* Feidat, August 9, Town Band, Esplanade. j 0« P. F. 8. Boy Scoet latertamm»». Hal), 9 p m. .wrai A* Taiping Tic Dredging Co ing, Chamber of CommerceThe Dispensary Meeting, W B
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 78 6 Good articlea recommend themaeivea, their value causes the pab’io to a>k for them and not be aatiified with a aubatitata Toat ia why WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. haa ao increased ia favour daring the 20 yeara and more it haa been aold. It ia a medicine pat forward aa a
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  • 1352 7 The Use ow Gab isr Witmi, One of the chief surprises of the war to I the critical spectator ia the alowoeaa of the I combatants to seisa the psychological moI cnent for pressing on to Yictory. There were I several momenta of tbia sort m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 643 7 JKjy t O A Ilb NETT 1 lb. NETT N CROW N. (/1 ICE is hereby given that we are the sole proprietors of the abo*e Trade Mark for Ceylon T a imported by us and any on w h„ without our authority uses such Trade Mark or any imitation
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    • 492 7 FUNERAL, THI NUMEROUS FRIENDS of Mr. Thio Soon ilbsog better known at Thio Biow Koeg are informed that the remain* of hi* beloved wife will be removed from her reaidenoe at No. 215b, Argyle Road on Sunday, the 11th inatant at 11 a.m., for interment at Moent Erakine Cemetery. 538
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    • 329 7 oc DCDC DO nCDOCDC DCDC If your daughter is pale feels tired after *little exertion if she tells yon of headaehe or backache, do not disregard these warnings. She needs help for she is most probably anaemic. Should any of these disturbing signs come to your notice, lose no time
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1334 8 P. O,—BRITISH INDIA AND APfJAB LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER BERVIOEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undei Contract with Hia Majesty’s Government.) The Company’» MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present impended. Passengers for Europe are hooked via Bomba* ae opportunity offer* and aa fare* acoommodauon ie
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