Straits Echo, 6 August 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1563 1 4 iDENSED milkmaid SHSSCONDOM Lo- fOR SALE, w) seller ‘Scripps Booth Votor Car w» l917 t ::iil'r Pl^ 0 v JUJ 900 ttitiei <« b Apply t0 jke undtmtntioned garage. fill WANT! (OJFORT (iJermentioived Garage „Hn t dN.-Cir. for kir. j 0/t y AND NIGHT J Tele>b«ne No. 694 M*npkic
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    • 12 1 •wMILK "'•BMBTKI BuST A AA iot*> *®CTJOnb usff 'o* IV, ■s; s:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 167 2 V SAVER INFANT IS ABSOLUTELY STARCH-FREE tf mothers who cannot nourish their own babies would give them the Mellin Diet from birth we should hear less of infant mortality. Mellin’» Food with cow's milk will do more to bring ycur baby safely through infantile health-dangers ihaa any food short of
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  • 1209 3 EYE3 OF TBI WOR r D ON THE WESTERN FRONT. DusoaiBiiro a Battlu. Seven men are the eyes of the world Ion the great Western battle-field. They I larePercival Phillips, W Phillips Simms, I I De Witt Mackenzie, Herbert Bussell, I Philip Gibbs. Arthur Gleason and W
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  • 284 3 A Miktino With Hibbhnivbo. Amsterdam, May 81. 1 The os sating of the Kaiser and Field-Mar-f I *<b»l Ton Hindenburg on the Mont d’Hiver I (.Winterberg) and their tour of the neighi boaring battle-fi‘ĕld is described by Herr Karl Rosner, the Lokalarueiger’t special war correspondent as
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  • 275 3 An indispensable condition is trust absolute in General Foeh. No unified oom nand in this situation can work mirsoles, but we would have been lost without it. General Foch alone has the responsibility. He alone has the coherent, far-reaching plm which looks firmly through all incidents
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  • 247 3 The transformation of Londonderry, which, as w»s explained to a House of Commons Committee, has been a”6utt:>med to an extraordinary preponderance of women over men,” but is fioding the balance redress ed by the establishment of shipbuilding works, can be paralleled in many other town» in oonseqaeaoes
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 660 3 )0CD3C XZ -~>0 n lib NETT 1 lb. NETT CROWN. NOTICE is hereby gWen that we are the sole proprietors of the alto'» Trade Mark for Ceylon T*a imported by u« and any < n w i, 0 without our authority uses such Trade Mark or any "rable imitation of
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    • 290 3 R. P. BRADFORD. 1 F| Penang Sireet, Penang. representing ALDENS' SUCCESSORS Ltd, RUBBER MERCHANTS LONDON, LIVERPOOL and NEW YORK. SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR Shipping and Forwarding IT’S NO USE BEING A CHILD, IF IT CANT. SLEEP IN ONE OF THESE COTS. A Dew shipment of Baby Cots just received, from the
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  • 2549 4 THE QUESTION IN MAL4YA. Unofficial Vibwb. Aa brifflf mentioned yesterday, aaja the Malay Mail, at the first meeting of the UJted M .lay* Council, held in Kut.l* Lemper on Wednesday, the Military Service measures of the Colony and the F.M.S. were discussed. The debate was opened by Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 141 4 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., LIMITED. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Continues Daily Throughout August BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. GREAT SALE OF Ladies mi 1 linery. outfitting, woollen coats, blouse*, fancy neckwear, hosiery, dressing gowns, skirts and ladies shoes GREAT SAlE OF Gentleman’s hosiery, shirts pyjamas, waterproofs, hats and caps, ties and collars, handkerchiefs,
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    • 356 4 funeral, The nume ous feiend3 cf Ki, Idlo 8»on Koeng better Idowi u Tbio 8*ow Korg me informed tbit tin remains of his belored wife will be remold from her residence at No. 215b, ArgyleRii on Sund.y, the 11th inaiaut at 11 u, for interment at M jant Erskine CemeUn
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  • 3418 5 [To Thb Editoe of the Strait» Echo.] Sir. I much regret to have to take exception foth to the report of the meeting of the Council on the 31st ult and your leader thereon based on such report in your issue of to day. To start
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  • 250 5 The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday, the 7th instant I Ladies Singles—Miss Pritohard v Miss M Pritohird (2). A S ogles—C Cunradi v A S Hall (6); F N dyer v 0 W F King (6). Mixed Doubles—Miss Jones and E Beimann v Mrs Evans
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  • 85 5 The management announoe a grand change of programme to-night* In ths first bouse the 4 reel comedy drama entitled Crooky will be shown. In the second house will be screened among other interesting items Pathe’s extraordinary 5-reel Gold Booster play, featuring the juvenile Star B*by Marie Odborne,
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  • 26 5 (Pfcms Our Onus Correspondent,') London, August 1. The prices in ths London Bubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/1$ Diamond Smoked Sheet 20*
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  • 17 5 New Columbia 30.751, Consolidated 55,294, Nellmay 8,679, Sungei Patani 19,500. B.S. (Bartam) 90,000 lb-
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  • 35 5 Bubscbiftiok List, Penang Tent No, 3 amount previously acknowledged $2 219 70 The Penang Turf Club 380 80 "Mangosteen” M 1000 12.610.00 Sd. B. P. Phillips, Hon Treasurer 9, Union Street.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 460 5 Ir J O'NtCHT To-night •aa< THE an4 4 4 i EMPIRE ♦>»»#♦♦♦ THEATRE MM»»» 777/? PREMIER 1HEAT&E OF THE COLONY. uc r«n I FIRST HOUSE LOCKWOOD IN i < UNDER HANDICAP ij jjQgj who bare not seen this powrftl Play have still the Opportunity Monday to Wednesday, 8 P M.
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    • 140 5 FOR. SALE. Q_RAMOPHONE (Hi» Matter’» Voice) with a large and excellent selection of records and plenty of needles. All practically new. Tota cost $475/-. Offers may be made after inspection. Can be seen and tried fcy arrangement:— B. A. B. 8., 517. cjo Strait* Echo, FOR SALE. JUST ARRIVED ONE
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  • 98 6 PUBLISHED DAILY 1 (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 90, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local $BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. MaU Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.* Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 886. Printing Department 343. y.B.—All buiinaM
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  • 48 6 Biilbt.—At the Earopean Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, on July 80, to Mr. and Mrs. P. B-ilby of Parit Tinggi Estate, Kuala Pilab, a son, Ellison —On August 8, at Wilkie House 5, Wilkie Road, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs, I. Ellison, a ion. Mother and child doing well.
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  • 1226 6 Feoh’s operation continues to progress with remarkable success and oontinued energy His characteristic of driving forward onoe be has decided on a movement is being graphically illustrated in this affair of the Marne sector for he has pressed the Germane hard for nearly three weeks new
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  • 1565 6 Messrs. R F. Aylward, A, Btrteigh and H. W. Cookes, all of Negri Bembilan, have joined the R, F, A. Th 4 Bishop of Singapore has relumed; to Singapore and will probably be here till the end cf September. By s. e Rajah of Sarawak on Ist
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  • 111 6 The following are the l»t*t in Meeers. A, A. Anthony and Comp»*, •bare lilt i Friday. Tt l it M x Rubber. J j a 3 <a Baasett 0-65 0.75 Jeram Kuan tan 1-20 1.30 jjj Kedah 3.20 3.40 Perak River Valley 1-90 -10 ..j iJO Songei
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 151 6 FOR t I N BRASS BEDSTEADS. i -~irf NEW p 4jr f'L' V* rf W I Li ,yjij; iij i I vsp% «V' :Wtn j, v i > r 1 <-> I Mil /1 I 1 I j i 1 i/hvv > I w A I 1 7 1:!; r-
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
  • 25 6 DEATH. Ong Chwbx Tbx —On July 29. ftt Pulo Bimboe, Ong Chwee Tok, son of Mr, Oog Ohoon Seng, Tank Installation, in bis 6th year.
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  • 2109 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] allied cavalry pursuing. VESLE RIVER CROSSED. tub bush for the aisne. French Despatches. London, August 4, 4,20 pm. The b e »«“"i' 6d d th6r 8 gf*rt London, August 4. Frwcb eommuniqod lays i We re,oh y„|e rt.ew.l point. e..t°f F,.n.e.. 'T m r«r«».rd 8
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  • 1432 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE CLOUDS LIFTING. I Allies Rejoice on Wap AnniversaryLcid n, August 4, I The Press Bureau anncuioos that the I King has sent a message to the rulers of Brasil, Franoe, Greeoa, Italy, Japan, Portugal and Serbia emphasising the Empire’s unchanging resolve to oonoantrate its entire
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  • 554 7 {From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, August 8, The war anniversary meeting was held in a erowded theatre those present beiDg mostly Indians, HE. tbe Governor, H. A. Admiral Tudor, and H. E. General Bidont were present. Mr. Perkins proposed the resolation Dr. Tin seoonding it on behalf
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  • 139 7 The output for July The Tronoh Mines from all sources is 2,275 piculs. Mr Khaw Joo Tok advises us that the outputs from the following two companies for July, werei—Tin Bentong No Liability Cubic yards 72,50C0, Hours 629, Piculs 384, Value $41,800 constantly digging through worked out patohes
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  • 22 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $173 50, business done, in Singapore, (refiaed) at $174, no business done.
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  • 57 7 The following articles will be foand on our outside pages i 8, —Getting War News. 4» —Military Servioe. 5. —Tbe United Malaya Council, 8. —Ulu Pandan Bubbsr, Dengun Limited, The Revival of Greece. Holiday Cricket. A Telegram Jubilee, Highway Bobberies. 9—Telegrams. 10. Where the Allies Agree with Nietssche. Singapore
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  • 787 8 London, AatfQit 3. A Copenhagen report says that a Berlin semi-official states that Hol'undorff, chief of staff of the Admiralty, has reaigced for reaaona of health and that Ton Scbeir commanding the high eese fleet suooeeds bim. Airman’s Extraordinary Courage. London, August 8. A feature in a
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  • 509 8 The annual general meeting of the Ulu Pandan Rubber Estates L‘d waa held at the registered offioes of the company, French Bank Buildings, Singapore, at noon on Saturday. Mr. Koh San Hin was in the chair and rbose present were Messrs. Tan Kbian Hock, Lim N<.e Soon,
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  • 313 8 Says the Singapore Fro* Pro** r Three old Straits bands are living within a cricket pitch of each other in Earl’s Court Square, London r R N Bland, who is looking well, but bis deafness has not improved C O Bisgdeo, pretty fully engaged with bis
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  • 173 8 The members of the Penang Hindu Sabah the sixth anniversary of the S*bab, ia its prtmises, Kramat Road on the 4th inst. There was a large attendance of members and visitors from Penang and districts. Special prayers were offered on tbe occasion for the viotory of
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  • 318 8 CouamumaxLu Dimoranm Now Pxocauns. The fourth annual general meeting of Dunguo, Ltd., was held at the registered (ffioes of the oompany, 64, 65 and 66, Market Street, Singapore, at noon on Friday. Mr, W L. Watkins presided, the others bsing present Messrs- J. M, Sime R. H. Sharpe,
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  • 217 8 Singapore, August 1, The weekly rubber auction held yesterday and to day opened very quietly, and in the early stages not more than 48} cents per lb. was obtainable for the best Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Later in the dsy, however, additional buyers earns in, and though prices
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  • 241 8 We regret to annouooe the death at the front of Harald de Bondy, the youngest sen of late Comte de Bondy, says the S ngapore Free Pres*. He joined the colours early in the war, and served in an infantry regiment. After having taken part
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  • 144 8 Taa Eo Toko Six Mr. C. S. TbarsUn hu received a letter from his brother, who ii ia the Teak Oorpa, in the course of wbioh ha says i—--1 Btrargely enongb, my new Baa Hr as presented by the Hon Mr, Ea Tong Sen of the F*d»ral Ccancii, F.
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  • 269 8 BEIGN OF TERROR AROUND K AM PAR. Suvbual Pbusons Killed. Further details of the work of a desperate gang of robbers in the Ktmpar district raaoh us, says the TO.M A correspondent from Gopeng who reported a series of hold aps and murders along the Kampar road is
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  • 219 8 The Kampar correspondent of the T O M. writes i There was a big fight between a Chinese gang of coolies working in a deviation of the Kampar river near M-lim Nawar, oo W d nesday, at noon, and a ba oh cf M*l«y women
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  • 239 8 C From Our Own Correspondent^ Singapore, August 3. A Oautte Extraordinary publishes regulations in respeot to the functions and procedure of tbe Military Exemption Tribunal. The grounds of application and exemption were covered by the speeches in the Ligislative.Council. Mr. Codrington appointed dark to the Tribunal in Singapor
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  • 145 8 Certain letters, says tbe Strait* Timet discussing the arranging of prses, eta, in oonneotion with the Government Lottery are being rejected, Tbeir publication would make us and tbe writers participators in illegal proceedings. We understand that certain persons who received a epeefio assurance last year from ike
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  • 435 8 P.C C. Bbat P.E.O. 1 3 their whole day game yesterday the •*.O 0. recorded another win ov-r the P R.C., beating them by 70 tuns. Taking ft it koook, the P C.C. were given a good start by Sproale who made 35 oat 53 for the first
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  • 406 8 Tbe cricket match which was played on Saturday afternoon between Mr, Sharpe’s XI and Mr Henderson’s XI resulted in a victory for tbe former XI. The winning side In both winnings scored a total of 207 runs while Mr Henderson’s side could only
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  • 430 8 Yesterday was j a0llB( taoos submarine tel eK i, pb th f 8 Si*, notable vioio.iea of p B Je i, in th# S of a period, namely the «d °l tb n! umpteenth oentary, that many epooh making i uv b,r ‘b to! cove lies with
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  • 402 8 Saturday morning’s shoot resalted u follows Deliberate at 200, 300 and 500 yardi. H’cap, mad». Lt J W Hunt Sor. 94,19 Capt ODD Hogan Bcr, 94ti Pta L M Woodward 15 9111 1 WE Hutson 57 9210 B*t R D D.vies 29 9111 B Q M
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  • 3827 9 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ALLIES' FINE ADVANCE. London, August 2. A French commun que says that north of Ourcq the FreDC0 io U li 011 with ,b,t i. units drove back the enemy from ’’’“Li... bet.t.n Pl»»ier H.lleo ud 1 jwr We oarried the height n rth #f g.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 635 9 *1 o I AUCTIONS, I The nnderai.ned are prepared to take I ap auction sales of i Lands, Properties, I Estates. 1 Houses. Furniture. Motorcars. Rubber, etc. PROIPT ACCOUNT SALES RENDERED, For T.rm. Apply to: ALLEN DENNYS 8 Co.. Auctioneer*, Appraisers etc 7, Union Street, Penang. Phone No. 393. tu
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  • 972 10 (Bt Liiijt K.N. Colyili To the man in tbe street the name of Nietzsche is associated with that abomin able doctrine of the supreme excellence of physical strength and material efficiency on which Frussianism is founded. It is perfectly true that he did preach
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  • 418 10 In their Singapore .bare circoU l. Messrs. Fraser and Co ta dlUd The price of tin ah,., ranee thin week with la.t e Hpicul but this IS not Jet up to th. 8 ous high water mark. Mining lh r P* been persistentlj enquired for anH h
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  • 412 10 The following letter has b j en reoeived bj the Straits Government and is published for perusal by those interested Sir, At the request of the Executive Committee of the Colonial Nursing Allocution, which is the Association employed by ths Colonial Office m the work of
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  • 93 10 A sharp fall of hail occurred in 2p m. on Tuursday, the st<n* bBIB S large as pgas The fall lasted ho,r minute* end was followed by s be»ff rain la this connfOtion we read. T O.M, in a Orylon txebaDge that tbffP »n unprecedentedly st»ere hailstorm
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 179 10 Since the Began Governments Over The Allied ■jtob Have Bought a «6» TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF. POLICY S FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS i pi 3* -I
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  • 534 11 THE LAUNCHING OF THE TCCnaHOE.” Mb, Scbwab and His Min. Philadelphia. Maj 5. I sp 9 nt this morning with Sohwab, Mr. Pies, and Mr. Hurlev the heada of the American International Shipbuilding Corporation at the most significant launching that has taken plaoe sinoe America entered tbs
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  • 215 11 When we oall that white, flaffy substance known to as all eotton wool,” we are talking nonsense, Tbe terms '‘ootton” and wool” oontradict each other, Cotton wool” is nothing more than pure, raw cotton from lodia, Egypt, or tbe United States. The practioe of oalling raw cotton cotton
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 238 11 ymr Tmnr. 1 111 GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd Head Office!—SINGAPORE. 0 9 A Marniagre-Lloense and an Insurance Policy Ought to go together. The handsomest and wisest compliment a man can pay his wife is wrapped up in a Great Eastern Insurance Polity. Great Eastern Life Policies include total
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    • 28 11 TIMBER FELLING CONTRACTOR. WANTED CHINESE to cnt and clear forest 2UO acres Taluk Bab&ng, Penang. Applj in writing to M* T. IBAAO TAMBTAH, Solicitor, Penang. 540—2 6 10
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    • 112 11 festate supplies.! 1 D D II a m l IN STOCK Aoetic Aoid 99 per oent. Barbed Wire. Gary’s Box Strapping inch. English Sodium Bisulphite. Breen Mosquito Wire Gauze. Latex. Pans. Momi Gases. Mosaic Tiles. Par-Boiled Rice. Peninsular Acetate, Th,B 5 “°o t ieXk.t Co,fr Tapping Knives. Veneer Chests WITH
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1489 12 P. 0.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in Ingland MAIL AND PA88ENQER 8ERVICE8. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undei Contract with His Majesty’s Government) Ths Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. PMMDgers for Europe are booked via Bomba) as opportunity offer» and as ferae Company’s INTERMEDIATE
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