Straits Echo, 2 August 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 2205 2 It wu stated the other d*y that many' Parisians ere now wearing amulets as e protection against “Big Bertha and airraid,. According to e correspondent of the WetlmiiuUr Qazelte There ere very few jonog Parisians whbm one sees without the übiquitoua Neaette end Biotmtin, pinned on their blouses. Tnej
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 108 2 DCDCDCZ)CZZZ)OCDCZDOCZIZDCDCDCDC SPECIALISTS IN ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON. fl Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd, w n Furnishing Fabrics o r\ IN EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. o n 0 Cretonnes Printed Linens AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF Furnishing Drapery. Despite the great advano* that has taken plaoe in the eoat of production of these goods
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    • 14 2 Fqr Children's Hacking Oengh at Night. Wood*’» Great Pepper nr at Oare 1», 6d.
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    • 600 2 NOTICE, TNT ENDING I'ILGKIMS tike doLpa can be pa owing the No. for (A* 001.0. provided Bfliil lart> ,r •s.ager. to the Moil** r ol «.tax ""Aia pasaprta therefore c u purpo^. F s. JIME^ Colon id 6ecre< ary B’Ul to al|| notic^ Chinese Widows sod OroU's wilßi MEMBER* who
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  • 620 3 Toe following is the report of the directors to be submitted at the eighth ordinary general meeting to be held at tbe '.camber ef Commerce, Downing Street, on Saturday, the 10th day of August, at 12.30 p.m. The Revenue from Rubber was $376,507. 34, Lttt Expenditure on
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  • 269 3 How Gbbmin Dispatch Dogs Wire Caught, An Amerioan wireless message states t Despatches from the Amerioan Army in Franoe contain an amusing acconnt of bow a wise Alabama negro nsed a noval device to ospture a namber of German dogs which were employed in carrying important enemy
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  • 361 3 C From Over Own Correspondent The following cases were beard by Mr. Forrer on Monday and Wednesday last, Inspector Lamerton prosecating. Ohong Peng, a Hokien, on a oharge of bsnng stolen the hat of one Lim Ah Row, a fish carrier, from a eoffee shop in Market Street,
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  • 148 3 The Empire Theatre was paoked last night, especially tbe ground floor when •'Under Handicap,’” a Metro, featuring Harold Lookwood and Anna Little, was tcreened, The plot is a very appealing one and the nearer one gets to the end the more are the emotions roused against treaohery and
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  • 94 3 Paris. The Homme Libre says j “We now possess among the aviation service of tbe Allies monster aeroplanes capable of operations on tbe large 'scale. We can declare that the German aeroplane captured in the Oise sector is not very well suited for its task. It oan
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  • 76 3 The following are the results of the ties played off yesterday s B Singles—G N Saye beat G E Wright Motion by 6—2, 7—4 C Singles—J M Chalmers (os) beat W MjKaight Young by 6—l, 6—2; G Grant w.o. from J S Drummond G B Crisp beat
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  • 95 3 Feidat, August 2. Town Band, Esplanade. War Anniversary Demonstration, Esplanade. 515 p,m, Satuuat, August 8, Government Holiday. Cricket, Esplanade. P V. R. 0. shoot 7 a.m, Bcmat, August A Tenth after Trinity. Mom®at, August 5, Town Band, Esplanade. Government Holiday. Orioket, P. C 0- P. R. C.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 397 3 To Sight, EMPIRE theatre PRESENTS “UNDER HANDICAP” B.—Act METRO Wonder Piety Adapted from the world famous novel by Jackson Gregory. LOCKWOOD AGAIN! &*j“ UNDER HANDICAP Is a real Lockwood picture full of bravery, determination and results H- H- -H-H-H-#4- *H~H“ "H-H —K-M--M-44--4+ ItHURS —FRI.—SATURDAY SUNDAY* iAUCUST. IST. 2ND. 3RD 4TH,
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    • 802 3 DUBBIB FAOTOBY Md PLANT 27/48 SU,iOD Apply for fall particulars to a. b. a, Btraits Echo. ABEIVED 0.1E51H P. N»w V Crade oil engine. For farther partio■law apply to F HEAH BWEE LEE, 62, Bishop Street, Penang. FOFt SALE. Robber Returns Books. We are now prepared to offer for sale
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  • 99 4 PUBLISHED DAXL Y (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price x Dally Local SSO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Pont Free) $lB pep;annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.* Telephone Noe. (Eoho) SSG. Printing Department 343, N.B. —411 business
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  • 1356 4 Tbe special report of the meeting of the United Malaya Council, or more correctly of tbs meeting called to pat that Couooil on a constitutional basis, eveais a good many things we suspected sod confirm? some opioions we had formed, but not expressed. In a previous
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  • 917 4 Mr. H. M Devitt bas arrived from Home. —M M. Messrs. E. S Hose and R. W. Muaro are stayiog on the Taipiog Hills, Mr. and Mra. Leong Bog Ebean of Ipoh left for Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday. Bishop Lefroy, of Calcutta, the Metropolis tan of India,
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  • 957 4 Useless Wealth. The following advertisement a home paper. We reproduce it lO for the fortunate persons who are ll L n to win the one and two million dollar 0 u“ 1t if Malays, as they will also probaM* know what to do with their moSey 7 ot
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    • 99 4 C JRTV ARDS FOR V*~ SS BEDSTEADS V f* V.' /< 'J tll tl' V ;GIH a» tUA..'i a .wfll, lAv sc see: our mmmi showrooms, UNION STREET, PENANG. V rx n DC -iv D CD C DC DnCDC H OLD FAVOUBHE i RETAINS THE EXCELLENT QUALITY WHICH MAD£ IT
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  • 1407 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] I allies still PBOGBESS. I BfT BAtfcli I London. J-U 31. AIO P--I h eoamuniqn* nays,-After a I tbe Germans attaokid K b itions of Ou,oby le CcateftU I ?J tbe ao(i maiQtained I f tiot O fl tbfl rif?ht baDk f the 1 0
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  • 285 5 Tbe Shanghai Club was sued before Sir i Haviland de Sausmarti in tbe Biitisb Supreme Court by Mr, Gordius Nielsen in an action charging wrongful disnissal from membership. Tbe claim is for a declaration (hat tbe plaintiff is still a member of tbe Club and
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  • 294 5 Mivagub Suht to Pmxsow -von Twuntt Mouths. This is no time for relaxing oommercial morality,” said Mr Justice Atkin at the Old Bailey at the conclusion of the Immingbam Deck case. Eric Brotherton, manager ot the Humber Graving Dock Company, bad been found guilty on three indiotments
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  • 45 5 This week-end (June 2) marks the disappearance from the London Fire Brigade Service of tbe last horse-drawn fi e engine. There are still left a few horse-drawn esoapes and ladder vans in use, but these will probably soon disappear also. Em.
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  • 47 5 The following artio'es will be found on onr outside pages i 2—Amulets. B.—Taiping Notes. Kedah Rubber Company* 6. Tbe Conscription L*w. Coliosburgh Rubber Estate, Limited. Singapore St. Andrew’s Society. Wsr Anniversary Meeting. Germany’s Trade War. Monkey in Court. 7, Latest German Dodger Mining in Negri Sembilan.
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  • 3136 5 CONSTITUTION FORMED. 1 1 Colony F. M, S Interests. (straits Echo Special 1 lo the Mercantile Bank Buildings, Ma>ket Btreet, Kuala Lnmpsr, at 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning, a meeting of representatives from ail parts of) tbe Straits and F M. 8., took plsce, to oonsider tbe
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  • 686 6 Married Mmn Not to oo ok Survioc. The following notification wts by command of the Governor, published in a Government Qaiette Extraordinary, issued yesterday afternoon i His Excellency the Governor has been informed by the Secretary of 8tate for the Colonies that in vi«w of express instructions
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  • 288 6 [To thb Editor or tib S.F P.] Sir, —I «lull be obliged if you will kindlj allow me to inquire through the medium of your paper the meaning of the advertisements inserted by the importers of oigarettes It might interest them to know that dealers are demanding
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  • 604 6 The following is forwarded by the Secretaries for publication i Tbe first annual general meeting of tbe shareholders of Colinsburgh Rubber Estate, Limited, was held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 4, Fort Road, Malacca, ou Saturday, 27th July, Major W. M. Sima presiding.
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  • 385 6 The Strait» Timet grows more cheerful nowadays. The following extraot from a leader on the German position is interesting. At the end of four years, Germany faces absolute iu n. Her armies have not won the great victories that were promised. Her navy has not foroed the
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  • 237 6 Aauinrs Can at Bats. Before the Baub Magistrate last week, ■ayB the Malay Mail, Vioomte de Bandy was summoned for having allowed his Broh monkey to injure oertaia shade trees in Rsub town. He pleaded not gailty. The monkey which bad been oaptured overnight and confined in
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  • 144 6 Sayings of the Week I could not be proud to fight for a selfish purpose but I can be proud to fight for mankind.— President Wilton. Wrong is often a good starter, but he is always a bad stayer.— Mr. Lloyd George. If I live to the age of Methuselah
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  • 127 6 The public meeting in connection with tbe War Anniversary will be held this afternoon on the Padang at 5.15 p.m. wben the ohair will be taken by the Hon’ble Mr. Mitchell who will move the resolution. From half &n hour prior te the proceedings the baDd will
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  • 112 6 Messrs. Powell and Co, Ltd, acting under instructions of the Collector of Land Revenue, sold at auotien on Monday 18 lots of building sites situate at Ceoil Street for the aggregate sum of $149,622 50. The particulars of sal* are as follows i No. 1 David and
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  • 286 6 The P. W. Volunteer Rifle* will parade for the Speoial Service to be condnoted by the Chaplain of Province Wellesley on the Padang at Butterworth on Sunday evening 5.15 prompt. Hymn sheets and fall service forms will be provided. In the event of rain the servioe
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  • 741 6 The annual general meeting of tbe St. 1 Andrew’s Society was held in the S. CC. 1 Pavilion on Tuesday, being attended bv 1 Messrs A. W. Still (vice president), F. Y 1 Blair, J. G- Campbell, R. M, Goldie, W. C. 1 Hill, T. C.
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  • 267 6 Owing to the food shortage, the monks at St, Barnard Monastery hare killed all of tbair famous Bf. Barnard dogs bot six. The monetary is sitaated in an Alpine pass between Piedmonts and the canton of Valais and is famous the world over for its dogs.
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  • 198 6 The unexpected baa happened, and Mr. Sidebotbam baa been persuaded to leave M*Dobeater and come to London, where be will write military criticism and leadera for the Times. It was always understood that, pr fernng Manchester—a ci'j wbiob he lov d and comprehended—Mr. Sidebotbam would never
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  • 74 6 ([From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, August 2. At the auotion 628 tons were sold at the following prices* per pound cts. ots. Bibbed smoked sheet 46 tl 50} Good 38 „46 Fine plain 314 Crepe pale thin 48} 50} Good pale thin 38 „46 Pale blanket 43
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  • 30 6 Straits 205,000, Penang 183.000, Tali Ayer 73,000, Rabana 48 000, Bagan Serai 31.00 J, Batak Bibit 29,000, Sangei Gettab 6.769, K. M. 8. *****, Sitiawaa 14.800 lbs.
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  • 140 6 Ksmunting Tin Dredging Ltd. Dredge —Pi?ul* 101, Hours rua 518 Y*rds treated 56 00; V*lue of output $*****; Cost of mining $ll4OO and Tnbutors 16 Total 117. Cbendenang Tin Dredging L*d Dredge— Piculs ISO, Hours run 570 Yards treated *****; Value of output $*****; Cost of mining
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  • 24 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $lBO, business done, in Singapore, (nfioed I at 1180.06, business done (150 tons sold).
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  • 121 6 Collier Weekly is responsible for the following t The family of a reserve officer in the American Army who lived in France before the war occupies a flat in Paris, His -wife recently gave birth to a son, The officer was anxious to inform his mother-in-law of
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  • 69 6 Aueuer 4, 10th Bvhdat Arran Tmhitt. 7-00 am. Holy Communion (Tamil) 800 a m. Matins. 830 a,m. Holy Communion. 5- p.m. Children’s Service 6- p,m 8p?oial Service of Intercession for tbe Empire Hymns 540, 437, 165, 274 Rational Authem Psalms XOIV 2G2 Gray Nunc Dimittis Tonus Peregrinus
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  • 631 6 Toe party in EoglaDd tD( j p i advocates the lull and releotl... 1”, wh, :k of the Pa is Resolutions will fi-, i rc?tt '«»t 8 re t; J strengthened by the a-tahi recently reported from Chrtatun 1 1 huge combine to control Germ cf i
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  • 250 6 Ware-Time standard boots for me* are soon to be followed in Eagland by the provision of ready-made stand»rd suits id terpM and tweeds at approximately 80s, for the first and 575. €I. for tbe second materlai, Berge, both black and blu°, will also be availlable for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 93 6 ChftMberlaiß’s Cw* Whm you bare bad cold yo* ,D remedy that will not only give relief, W* feot a prompt and permanent care, r J that ia pleasant to take, a remedy t“» tains nothing Injarioae. Chamber» Cough Remedy meets all tbsse req»ir tnu It acts on nature’» plan, relieve*
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  • 424 7 APPEAL TO AMERICAN SYMPATHY. "W» ah Starving!" Washington, May 22. "Seventy million people alowly dying of banger. Old men and women, young men and woman, children and babiea starving to death not figuratively, bat actually dying day by day beaauau they have no food. For the world
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  • 135 7 Dbcbuasu in Tin Output. Thu Resident of Negri Sembilan reports i— The revenue from the mining industry ia returned as $213,097 aa oompared with <i211,174. in the previous year. There was, in spite of the high prioe realised in the latter part of the year, a
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  • 90 7 The Taiping com «pendent of the T.O M,, writing on Tuesday, states: A rumour was current in Taiping yesterday to tbe effeot that a European had been attacked near Kamunlng Estate and done to death by highway robbers srmed with parangs, but enquiry ulicited the faot
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  • 52 7 The following programme of music will be played at tbe Golf, Club to-morrow evening at 5.45 p.m i—--1 Sambo’s Holiday African Danoes Tchoakoff 2 Gike Walk Tbe Palm Stella 3 R-minisoenosa Of Wales Godfrey 4 Walts Venus On Earth Paul 5 Gounod Serenade Riviere 6 March Katie
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  • 74 7 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ending July 13, 1918? Total Deaths < f 83 Female 28 Death rate 4 A 54 per mi lie per annum compared with 34.68 in the preceding week and with 3140 in the corresponding week
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 641 7 •A —>0 t ib NETT •Z.' 1 lb. NETT o CROWN. NOTICE i* bsreby given that we are the sole proprietors of the abo»e Trade Mark for Oylon T- a imported by us and any who without our authority uses 6uch Trade Mark or any colcu r abi« imitation of
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    • 1085 7 flU«a This is to give notice that the i above Trade Mark ia the propertj of Varuum Oil Company, a Company incorporated in Rochester. New York, U. S A. and bavin; a branch firm at No 44, Robinson Road, Singapore Lubricating Oil Manufacturers, and it is used by them as
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1376 8 p. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAB LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undei Contract with HU Majesty’s Government.) The Company*. MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY era at present .«ponded Passenger, for Europe are hooked via Bomba> opportunity offen and a. fares esnommnriitinn is available.
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