Straits Echo, 1 August 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 32 2 OF EVERY f? Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. am* .4 9 (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 1539 3 Stout or tbe Net s York Herald Mr, James Gordon Bennett, who was I of mixed Soottish and Irish descent, says tbe Times, was a man with whose name almost I everybody was familiar, and about whom many strange stories were told, but comparatively
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  • 275 3 In his neswspaper, tbe Novaya Jiehn (New Life), tbe well-known R*esian author Maxim Gorki sketches the following striking portrait of He writes M Lenin is one of the most remarkable men of the Socialist 1 Internationals.* He is very intelligent, and possesses all the qualities of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 663 3 tuc )OCDO( XT O r\ NETT lb. NETT l lb o CROWN. N' person wt y D»t d this I 7 h4>j of J«if, 1918. Y. SWEE Coy., 64/66 ,B!£\oa STREET, PENANQ. OTICE is hsreby giren that we are the *ole-proprietor! of the bore Trade Mark for Ceylon T a
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    • 22 3 WANTED. House or bungalow, fumiibea or anfurimhed, to rent on monthly turns. Bjrd particalara to Box SS, 5f j do Btraiti Echo,
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    • 67 3 ESTABLISHED »74. the oriental Government Security Assurance Company, Ltd. Uierpentci ii li4ia, BRANCH OFFICE, JHJALA LUMPUR. A. 0. Lathtoh, Secretary Fenang, Kedah, A FM.B, Funds exceed *****,000 Claims Paid 128.600,000 LOW RATES LIBERAL CONDITION' Apply tor Proi pectus etc. to L, Y. SWEE Coy 64 A 66, Beach Sheet Peummf.
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    • 339 3 TRY IT IN YOUR BATH BY APPOINTMENT TO M. M. THE KINO. SCRU B 3 S°“ ddy AM M 0 N i fl MARVELLOUS PREPARATION Invaluable for Toilet and Domestic Purposes. Softens Hard Water. Splendid Cleansing Preparation for the Hair. Allays the Irritation caused by Mosquito Bites. Cleans r»late, Jewellery,
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  • 926 4 Arrau Was Duamwaa. The abrogation by France of commercial treaties containing the most-favoured, nation olause and the possibility of similar action being taken by Great Britain, because of its bearing upon the question of the supply of raw materials to the Allied Powers,
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  • 386 4 BIG HAUL IN IPOH, Plant at tub Masonic Hall. Before Mr. W. Pryde, in the Ipoh Police Court, on Monday, Mr, J. Cullen, Acting A-C.P. (head of the Perak Datective Department) uncovered part of the plot which was recently discovered in Ipoh for issuing a Urge number of
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  • 333 4 A point of great interest in the Regis-trar-General’s report for 1915 is discussed by the British Medical Journal. "The war has brought with it a definite decline in the proportion of suicides to the population. Among males the rate per million living was 157 in the
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  • 73 4 Fbidat, August 2. Town Bund, Esplanade. War Anniversary Demonstration, Esplanade. 5.15 p,m, Satuedat, August 3, Government Holiday. Cricket, E-planade. P V. R. O. shoot 7 a.m, Sunday, August 4. Tenth after Trinity. Monday, August 5. Bead, K-tlanade. Government Holiday. Cricket, P. C C w, P. R. C.
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  • 179 4 Municipal Comm is sion. Minutfl. of t mt.tiog 0 th. m Coram,...oner. h.ld on T»e,a!, M, ;*K Pruent w. P„ L E«>. /V w^ A M. Goodmak Esa C. E. Ceaio E>^. Quah Bum» Ksb e*o Cbm Wo* Lo*, Esl i— Y*oh Goan Sio* Eio F. Duiboet, Esq, 1. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 121 4 DOCDCnZDnCDCC (T DCZ)CZ)CIDC=DOC=)CDOC=DCIDCDCJC ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON. Whiteaway, Laidlaw 8 Co., Ltd, SPECIALISTS IN Furnishing Fabrics IN EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. VJ o O i 0 O I mm i Cretonnes Sl Printed Linens AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS OP Furnishing P r apery. Despite the great advance that has taken place in
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    • 350 4 /w» rnHIS 13 TO GIVE NOTICE that t* X above Trade Mark is the propet? of Va.uum Oil Company, a Coup® incorporated in Rochester, New yJ U. S. A. and baviu» a branch fins g No.44. Robinson Road ing&pore Lab» ating Oil Manutacturera, and it it ug by them as
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  • 1179 5 ORDINARY MEETING, MONDAY, JULY 19. Puusunt. H E the Governor (8ir A Young, o m a K B U.) H E the General Officer Commanding the troops (Major-Gan. Ridout, o M G, O B The Hen the Col 8?o(Mr F 8 James, oa«) do Att General (G A
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  • 459 5 Tbe enemy rush in Fracoe has been stayed, and tbe rush has recommenced—on a different aeotor. It remains much aa it was in the first days of the war. As Col. Repicgton tells ua, tbe strategy of the enemy in this war is constantly returning to the
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  • 355 5 Aladdin’s lamp was mislaid some years ago, but it seems to fcavs turned up aiain on the North E*st Coast. There, at any rate, a human miraole has been wrought; and it is hard for an observer to believe that L?rd Furness and the directors
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 323 5 ToXight, To-hi&ht EMPIRE THEATRE PRESENTS ‘UNDER HANDICAP” B.—Act METRO Wonder Play Adapted from the world famous novel by Jackson Gregory. LOCKWOOD AGAIN I UNDER HANDICAP is a real Lockwood picture, full of bravery, determination and results ItHURS —FRI-—SATURDAY SUNDAy| August, Ist. 2nd. 3rd 4th. i9is* T yg.j4.-HH- It t4-4tf4 —K
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    • 450 5 WHIN YOU CAN BUY YOU SURZLY NZSD GOOD THINGS 70 R THl FRR7BCT GUBI 07 TOUB COMPLAINTS TO PROTECT YOURSELF From the dreadful troubles you are suffering. TLen why not TRY the preparations of The Pharmaceutical Trading Company, of Soorabaia SACUNA These are pills for Malaria compounded in the Sourabaia
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    • 537 5 w ANTED Dynamo direct current 230 Volts 12 25 Kilowatts for belt drive. Particulars to Box No. 93, e/e Sir aitt Echo. 519 for sale. Rubber factory and plant at Nos. 27/28 Station Road. Buktf Martaiam. Apply for full particulars to A. B. C, ejo Straits Echo for SAXE. Juar
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  • 99 6 PUBLISHED DA ILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price t Dally Local *BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall EdlUon (Post Free) •18 per.annum. Cable Addresa: 11 ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 880. Printing Department 383. A./?. —111
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  • 25 6 Faetholomevsz Oj July 29, 1918, at 5 39 p. m to M'. and Mr#. H. C« B«rtholomeu‘s, Brewster S ad, Ipob, a s n.
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  • 1342 6 Taking a level headed view of the war situation only one conclusion oan be arrived at and that is that oonditioas are becoming increasingly favourable for the Allies. As regards tha totual land fighting that has gradually oonoentrated in tbe West ts the only area in
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  • 888 6 Mr. W. H. Elkins, Assistant Traffic Manager, F.M.8, Railways, who has been on active service in Mesopotamia, arrived hete yesterday on one month’s leave. Mr. W J. Gallagher, a former Direotor ci Agriculture, F. M. 8, and now planting adviaer to tha General Rubber Company, Medan, Sumatra,
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  • 25 6 tSZVggJS* re, th A Singles »—B. E. Prentis beat Y Q JlVu,!;,’' 111 D Lad_*s Singles «--Miss M. Pritchard beai
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  • 1002 6 Thought for the Day. Iu ituss war days tilesaed are intend to get married and don’t." 0 Contradicting Nature. Tin belies its natu e for it n<w; rise with a buoyancy which can accounted for by th/fact that the 3* bi reputed to be fixer*, it been pri(
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 22 6 DEATH. Chua Tufa Kbb—On July 14, &t No. 3S Cnii 8w. e Ri«d, Siagspore. Chut Teng K3P, 59 ye«rs D ep!y regretted.
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  • 2279 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] .JJIIKB BESISr DESPERATELY. 8E Eat Alll“ Still Progrew. London, Jolj W, 3 55 p.m. p rf0 ch nommon qo< Iber. w.n u 0 importance at nipht north of V*'"' London, J.lj 81, l.!0 n m. ,.„,.1, oomo..» q''< O- ,b cl tbe Ourcq *e .de.noed
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  • 779 7 One of the natural results of tie war hi I been a loud and quite reasonable outon e I against the management of the Fountain ol I Honour, owing to the e; ratio way in which E lit rquirts when it is periodically turnrd on 11 Everybody
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  • 1154 7 PlFAK MUBOIAHT»’ VllWi. I At the special general meeting of the Perak branch of the F M.8, Chamber of I Commeioe at Ipoh on Monday last the following discussion, says the Timet cf\ Malaya, took plaoe on the mac-power question. The chairman (Mr. F. 8 Physiok) said
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  • 27 7 (From Out Own Correspondent) Singapore, August 1, The Chamber of Commeroe baa eleoted the Hon’ble Mr. Darbishire aa its representative on the military tribunal.
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  • 157 7 Col. Adams Elected President. C from Our Own Correspondent^ Kuala Lsmpu”, August 1. Yesterday’s meeting resulted in the unanimous constitution of the United Council of Malaya. Buies were passed and delegates allotted to the number of €0, the P. A. M. securing seventeen. The subscription was
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  • 127 7 General Pershing haa oabled the Secretary of the Amerioan Treasury, Mr, McAdooi All ranks of the American kxpeditionsry I Forces deeply appreciate the generous I measure of the Government iu providing insurauoe for their familiee. The proof ia shown by the faot that more than 90 per
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  • 411 7 Washington, July 4,—Mr Baker, Secretly of War, has reported to President Wilson that more than a million American soldiers have sailed from the United States to participate in the war in Franoe, The firet ship aailed in Maroh 1917 having aboard base hospital unit No- 4 and
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  • 2107 8 PROBLEMS CONFRONTING THE INDUSTRY. Essentiality of Crop Limitation, The ordinary yeueral meeting of t'ie Rubber Growers’ Association (Incorporated) was held os Friday. May 24, at the Cannon Street, Sir Edward R >sling, tbe Coairman, presiding. The Acting Secretary (Mr. A. C. Rnd) read the notice convening the
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  • 486 8 A great sensation has been caused amongst the natives at Matu, by the «pent discovery of what was supppsed to b-g rubber man. on the sands between Tanjong Jual and Quala Matu. The figure had apparently been washed up on shore by the sea, but for the
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  • 116 8 A Check Wanted. At tbe meeting of the Perak Branch of the F.M.8. Cbambe” of Commeroe on Monda*, the Chairman (Mr, F. 8- Physick) read a pottim of a letter from Mr. to him regarding imports of rubber into Singapore from the Dutch East Indies. The
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  • 45 8 (From Our Own Correspondent£ Singapore, August 1. Tbe auotions are unfinished. The quantity catalogued is 1170 tons large quantities are being breught in i—per pound n-.. 3 otß ots. Bibbed smoked eheet 47 50 Fine ribbed 50± Plain imoked sheet 32 i
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  • 19 8 (From Otar Own Correspondent^ Singapore, July 31, Tin sold 150 tons at 1178, Rubber auctions weaker.
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  • 149 8 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $lBO, business done, in Singapore, (rrfiaed) at 9180 05, business done (150 tom sold). As s guidance to members of the Force (says the Hongkong Polioe Reserve Oasette) it may be notioed that the familiar street crowds which the ordinary
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  • 1198 8 Desirability of Trohnioal Assistance. At a recant meeting of the Royal Society of Arts Professor J. Bretland Farmer, of thn Imperial College of Science and Technology, read a paper on Science and tha Rubber Industry.” The two principal enemies of tha industry, either p tential or real,
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  • 452 8 [To thu Knrrou oi thi Free Press Dear Sir, —I am constrained to write this letter on account of a remat k passed by one of the Municipal Commissioners at their last meeting regarding the King Edward VII M'dic*l School and its graduates. The
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  • 220 8 Hongkong papers report the death of another European member of the Hongkong I polios force. Sergeant Glendenning, who I was stationed in the Now Territory, was I shot dead on July 17 by an Indian constable under remand on a charge of theft. The constable had bean
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  • 79 8 Penan Women Woskeks. Amount previously acknowledged |8 124 67 Mr* P. N Syer QO Mr H. Syer g 00 Mrs. Pritchard, A Co* 37.00 Mrs. Jamieson aaa 10 00 Mrt 3 *J O 5.00 •8,124.67 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers will be
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  • 39 8 The following War Funds have benefited by the recent Exbib tion 3t Duostan’a Fund for Blinded Soldiers and Sailors «370 qq Facially Wounded 351 Kug Albert’s Civilian Hospital 256 Prisoners of War Fund A Clothing 195,7*
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  • 798 8 r Tha following »re tha t the Demonstration t0 B «S«. for M 5-15 p a. u, N, d f BOORAMMb, B»nd 0^l1'tLrp.tnofioA I r. U1 *S t'n:- ,,r0P0,a 108 .ion T „?a“^““:r r t y ,te N,a Citizens of Penang record* iu*?* 111 cf determination to
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  • 2361 9 a I 1 Dividend. •5 Numbe c*f a. C»piUl Sbar > issued. ■8 0 to TV last fLoanfar eorreni Name. s s 0 in S Hd 08 fc cial year. year. m n 1 GO 3 <y RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. 8 ct s. f et i. 1*6* 1 1:0,000 120.0
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 282 9 8 f Motor Cars Motor Cycles, (1917 MODELS) For Immediate Delivery MO I Ox CARS:— 0*kl»nd, Maxwell, Briaoae, Pullman and Chevrolet. Equipped with Hiph-teniion Magneto, Eleotrio light*, Eleotrio Horn*, and belf Starters. Five or Iwo 6eater. MOTOR CYCLES:“Harlej Davidson”—that beat the World’s Reoord.-Twin or single Cylinder, Free Engine Side Car
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  • 687 10 Chihisb Capitalists i.v Ccat. In the Ipok Judicial Oommissionei's Coart Mr. Jastioe Fairer Mmbj delivered judgment on Monday in the important min* ing action in which some well-known and wealthy Chinese capitalists in Poak and Penang were concerned. In this case Tow* kay Wong Fong, Irving at Jelspang,
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  • 231 10 T*b Up Mail Arrives I, at*. Heavy raina in Lower Ferak, «ay* the T.O,M occurred on Monday and a rather considerable landslip resulted on the Hail way at Kuala Kubu It transpires from passengers who arriv •d in ipoh on Tuesday from Kuala Lumpur that the Kuala Kubu
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  • 963 10 k OWUS AND CraKS», Sweet sound, «nd sights are not whole refreshment of spring it, and soberer notes have an equal attrSF* There is a solemn music in the le„ ant and passionate voices that tant places and bygone seasons »nH Tiuhtj of a M.J
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 52 10 Aeeidenta Will Happen. It may be impossible to prevent no accident, bat it is not possible to be prepared for tt. Chamberlin*’* Pain Bairn is net beyond anyene’s perse, and with botth of this linimeet v oe are prepared ter alme t any thing For sale by all d-spe suits
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    • 204 10 Since the' The Allied Governments Have Bought Over; -V*-' ly f' ROYAL TYPEWRITERS g To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS: H AND COMPANY.
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    • 72 10 The scour go of tropic»! country 1» 7 eatery, but e*.ry trouble b 1« it* D end (ordjtfcntdrj th? medicine to WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CUREIt id a m dicino th»c will proride 4 reaef and cure, ihcne who b» ye t 0 away into the out portion* of tbii cou
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  • 736 11 HOW IT MAY BE ACHIEVED. 1 Thu Fou* Wat». I P®°P le who belie»» that the war I W u deolded *>y aircraft there ia considerI able difference of opinion as to the precise i wa J in which the decision will be brought about Some look
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  • 685 11 KERENSKY A BOLSHEVIST NOTES. Lindsay, Gbacik, and Co. v Russian Bank won Foneion Tkadb. Before Mr Justice Bail hat hit on King'e Bench. The plaintiffs in this case olaimed a declaration that the defendants were liable to pay to them the amount of a rouble aooount held
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 531 11 AUCTIONS. M l.™P"P* r ,itoUk „p »«<■»“ ,,le,of! kands, properties, EBtate*Houses furniture. Motorcars. Rubber, etc. (,01ft ACCOUNT sales rendered, I for Terra* Apply to: ALIEN DENNYS S Co., j Auctioneers* Appraisers etc 7 Union Street, renmg. Phone No. 393. NOTICE. intending pilgrims »bo«id I uk notice that no acoo-samodation u
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    • 154 11 XIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIISIIIBIIK' The World’s Family Medicine The reason why Beecham's Pills hay* come to occupy this premier place among family medicines is clear to everyone who has had occasion to test their unequalled medicinal qualities. Between the many so-called cures for digestive disorders and this wonderful remedy there is a wide
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    • 95 11 p •E D B D n a D ESTATE SUPPLIES. IN STOCK Aoetic Aoid 99 per cent, Barbed Wire. Gary’s Box Strapping inch. English Sodium Bisulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. Latex Pans. Momi Gases. Mosaic Tiles. Par-Boiled Bice. Peninsular Acetate, Tapping Knives. Veneer Chests WITH CANVAS FITTINGB. White Porcelain Gups.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1300 12 P. 0.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PA8SENGER SERVICES, PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with Hi« Majesty’s Government The Company MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present ««pended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombs* as opportunity offers and u far as aoeommodstion is
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