Straits Echo, 31 July 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 35 1 Straits Echo daily chronicle of events, circulating throughout the straits, THE FEDERATED MALAY states and the far east generally VOL. 16. $3O Per Annum. PENANG, WEDNESDAY, aist JULY, I*lB. Single Copy, lO No, 17 2
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1037 2 The airman who returns to England on leave from one or ocher of the fronta is .net etruck by any lack of publio interest in the work of the Royal Air Force. Toe public is evidently thoroughly inteiested in every aspect of Air woik; bat
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 105 2 DOCDcrriDncDnr— zd(_' jcpcDCZ)c~T~rrz)oC ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON. U Whiteaway, Laidlaw 8 Co., Ltd, SPECIALISTS IN Furnishing Fabrics c r IN EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS c C I Cretonnes Printed Linens AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF C Furnishing Drapery. Despite the great advance that has taken place in the ooat of production of
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    • 688 2 o -JOV k TRADE MARK. 1 lb NETT u lb. nett m O RO W N. N OTI k CE ere w ,T a that we tro the «o!« proprietor* of *u above Jrade Mark for Ceylon T a imported by u tb# ntbout our authority am such Trade' Mark
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  • 271 3 (From Osar Own Correspondent London, July 29. The pnoes in the London Rubber Market te-day were: Pale Crepe w 2/1* Diamond Smoked Sheet 2 0* [The Market report of Messrs. Aldena' Saoeeasora Ltd., Dated, London, 5th June. We have had a farther deoline in the market during
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  • 290 3 Though the general position in the rubber I world does not bold out any rosy hopes for I the immediate position, and the obairmen of I some of the companies feel justified in asI suming a pessimistic attitude, we need not I come to the conclusion that
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  • 1032 3 A nolo Sumatra—Owing to difficulties of export, As., payment quarterly divds. pro* bibly discontinued, Bikajc—Profit £19,475 1,500 to reserve fi'ial dvd. 10 p.c.. m«kmg 17* p o. tor year; £15,700 forward, subj ot txoass profis. r übok Profits for 1917 £4,574, £1,964 for the period prior
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  • 210 3 Dub ih Pbbajc Nbxt Month. H, E Sir Arthar Young is due to visit Perak next month on the oooasion of tbe meeting of the Federal Council in Kuala Kangsar on August 13. His Excellency will arrive at Koala Kangsar from Singapore on lO and will
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 358 3 f to-nicht .DO* THE To-nicht nn EMPIRE THEATRE the premier theatre of the colony. FIRST HOUSE A METRO VANITY WITH EMMY WEHLEN. 9 P M. SHARP t RED ACE 15 Episodes We hop'* to announce the concluding Episode No. 16 at an early date entitled VIRGINIA’S TRIUMPH THrJ LAST —AND
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    • 833 3 >50 nee ien ae iae wanted. TYTnamo ±J Volte bait dries. 519 DIRECT CURRENT 12 25 Kilowatts Particulars to Bex No. 93, e/# Strait» Echo WANTED. House ob bungalow, i.roi.b.i or unfnrnibhed, to rent cn monthly terms. Send particalsrs to Box 55, 58* do Btrait* Echo. $10 REWARD Lost 230
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  • 95 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price Dally Local #BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) #lB perjannum, Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.’ Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 880. Printing Department 383, V. /■'.—A 11 burinm* eommuniration*
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  • 24 4 Bebvu-Tuckkb O j Ju’y 28, at the Furop«*a Pogpital, Kmla Lompur, to Mr. d M s Gordon B •ovd-Tucksr, Puohong E«>‘are. a daughter.
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  • 58 4 Callecott !nn«s Oj July 27, at St. Vlary’e Clutab, Ku.tU Luorpur, ty the Bight Cev. the Lord of Slng«por->, assiated ''j tbe A- B. Champion, Andrew Caldeott, only surviving son of the Bev. Andrew Caldecott and Mrs. Caldecott, of West Chiliogron, Sussex to Maty, only child of Mr.
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  • 525 4 J Frid*y afternoon the Padang will 3 03ce again be tbe soene of that meeting of “S the public of this Settlement wbioh has bren he’d regularly in tbe past three years to mark the continued intention to prosecute J tbe war until such time as victory
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  • 667 4 We have no inherent objections to the propagation of lotteries under such ciroum*uu.C6g as at present exist, provided that thry result iu a really material sum being put at the disposal of war funds. For tbis reason we feel no need to cavil at the new Straits
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  • 886 4 Tbe mar-iage of the Raja B?ndahara takes plaoe in Kuala Kangsar in tbe third weak in August. Mrs. Bertram Brooke, the Dayang Muda cf Sarawak, continues to make satisfactory progress after her recent serious operation*— L. A 0. Exmrett Tbe death bas occur rad at tbe South
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  • 946 4 The Busy Hub. Ipoh has one of these bio ’urea which makes it impossible ttiog. unless it does them well w the banks there are not to be h» 8 Do 8 rn.liaiiid.daeu .bout re,trt“dta b,,, J ».r time for they ere olo.iog, ““'*>■ pipir, on s.tu-d.y, Mood.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 111 4 uTiii: ITJfek. «TV. ARDS FOR BRAS BEDSTEADS A -a,. w w :V 'ilajduj gir irs 3 J V'W* 'V V rr i .4 ••'SZi;V JZ’J,I !.v l' SEE Q(7f? FURNITURE SIMOOMS, I U NlO M STREET, PENANG. OdDDC 0 n DCTT DCDC DC jhcdc n u y D FAVOURITE. RETAINS
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 29 4 THE WEATHER, SIit July. M. Temperature 73° Owing to the •■xtfcteooe of BindjunaaBaio, Samarang, and tbeaa porta are declared infected Quarantine Ordiunnoe. PM 81° cholera at Sjarebaya under the
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  • 33 4 DEATHS. Mbiklu May 26, at Keithick, Ooupar Angus, Bobert 8cott Meikle, formerly of Federat'd Malty States. McKuuuow Mav 27, at 3, Parsifal road, Hempstead, William MoKerrow, late ot Singapore, in kit 75th year.
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  • 617 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] BcrllU E3 STILL PKOGBESS. ««lit B«® ,s fl ,r0,r londov. 39. t p m. M ,b eUt,,,_DUr P f „,«„Tiolent fightiD* od ««rth»r tbe Maree. I ,,M hcie e ,..taD0e b.a .tronglj n '“'’topabS e "'T ,0 t0,gr nd ,nd bKb b T n merou
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  • 783 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] WHAT WE HAVE DON*. Whit li Still to do. London, Jmly 30, 2 am. Lo:d Curson, speaking at a banquet at I Gray’s Inn said that at the baginning of the fifth year of the war the purpose of the nation and the Government showed
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  • 700 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SHORT TREPIEB TO DILLON. A Challenge to Nationalists. London, July 29, 6 80 p<m, I In tbe Commons, Mr, John Dillon moving 11 his motion deolared that the Irish were I bolding baok from tbe war beoause they i j believed the Government wai determined to
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  • 158 5 NO MARRIED MEN YET. CFr&n Our Own Correspondent^ Singapore, July 81, A special Gazette has been issued which I states that in view of instructions from the War Office that passperts are not being j granted to wives of recruits unless there are I spfoial circumstances apart
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  • 314 5 In the third article which be has contri* I bated to Timet Trads Supplement, on BritI !sh Trade with Coma under tbe title of Commerce and Industry of Hongkong,’ Prcf-ssor C. A. Middleton Bmith says i A tribute must be paid to the looal gevernI (tect officials
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  • 46 5 The following programme of musio will be played at the Esplanade this evening at 6 pm:— 1 Overture Ruy Bias Mendelssohn 2 Bolero Leggero Invisible Godfrey 3 Selection The Earl And the Girl Caryll 4 Waits Lis Patinenrs Waldteufsl 5 March Maritana Riviere
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  • 307 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $177 50, business don% in Singapore, (rtfiaed) at $l7B, sold 150 tons. Higher postage rates at boms may be exported shortly, as the Bill authorising them received the Royal Assent on May 16. One thousand two hundred and thirtyeight coolies
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  • 841 5 W® don't suggest to the bon’ble M r J. Mitchell that he aboald model his remarks eiaotly on what appears below, bet the I sentiments are so admirably fitting for the coming occasion that we thank the oorrespondent who has forwarded them and give them
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  • 125 5 Mr. Hallifax has bad an arduous and thankless task as president of the Mnnioipi) Commissioners, Singapore, and his many friends will be pleased to hear, s>vs the Strait* Time», that, th ough all its difficulties he has preserved the personal este?ia of his fellow Commissioners. At
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  • 698 5 Moan Casus or Plaouu. A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon and there were present Messrs. A. B. Voules I (President), F, Duxbury A. M. Goodman, Yeoh Guan flaok, Chee Wor Lock, 0.1. Craig, L. M, Bell (Municipal Engineer) and L.A.C. Biggs (Sscretary), The minutes
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  • 105 5 Saxi o» Pxopiett CovrixMin. An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Tar j >ng Pm«n< loe Company, Ltd., was held at the offioes of Secretaries yesterday afternoon, There were present Messrs. Lim Seng Hooi (in the ohair) A. S Anthony, John Martin (J Lim Joo
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  • 39 5 The following articles will be fond oa 'inr outside pages i 2 Publlo Opinion and Air Interests. 3. —Rubber Market. 6—War News and Gossip. Bhipb«ild. W.r Cabin, t. Biysl Visit to Dockyards* Far Eastern Trade. 7,—lndian Reform Scheme.
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  • 2127 6 CJFYom Chur Own CcsretpmdezU) Bizzo'a Fiat. L tidon, Jane 20. The naval war discloses nothing mo r B brilliant than the atroke by whioh Commander Lucoi Riuao, Italian Navy, »?nt two Austrian Dreadnoughts to the bottom of the Adriatic last week. •In the darkness just before
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  • 349 6 The April returns of the Bjard of Trade have tbe usual quarterly appendix showing the value of British trade with all foreign countries and possessions, during tbe first quarter of the current year. From these figures we find that the declared value of United Kingdom exports to
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  • 387 6 1 It is an axiom amongst British merchants 1 and manufacturers that the less State inter--1 ferenoe there ia with trade the better it is 1 for the commercial welfare of the country. 1 ’We b?lieve this, in the main, to be a sound 1 doctrine,
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  • 160 6 t i Fo-tber amounts for “Our Day" fund for I the British Bed Cross Society and the Or-, i der of St. John include additional'; contribu- j 1 tiona from the Philippine Islands, r Cebu Branch P. L. B. 0., per bon, secretary i J. C Sloan, Esq
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  • 990 6 Thu Kino’s Full Dat, The King paid a visit to the dockyards at Sheerness and Chatham recently. Arriving at the former a little before half-past ten in the morning, be made a tour of the shops, inspected the crews of auxiliary craft, and also oertain military
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  • 681 6 AN IMPROVING POSITION. (Bt A Mxiixi Etraixniß When last writing on this eubjct, eays a correspondent of a Home paper at the end of May, tbe* United Kingdom merchant shipbuilding output was compared with the losses from the submarine and marine risk up to the end of the first
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  • 306 6 War With A Big “W. r Ambbioa’s Plans. I Colonel Albert W. Swalm, United State* Consul at 8onthaB»pton, addressing the i members of the Portsmosth Botary Club on America’s Part in the War/* stated that the biggest and moat modern battle* ships afloat had been sent orer here, and what
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  • 391 6 The tint meeting 0 f thq r m Cabinet was Held m BonUon W» r June &ad the tint meeting 0 f the I U War Conference was held i MSr P®'* l bouies wire to meet on atteruar*' a A 8 l L:.,d Uoorg. mil
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  • 326 6 All Details Now Shttlbd, As already stated by us, says the Timuof Malaya, it has bu <n arranged to hold a w»r lotteiy of $1,000,000 for the Federated Malay States under the auspioes of what termed the Federated Malay States War Funds Committees. Since tbiß decision
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  • 103 6 A huge stock of gold is housed in t*>* vaults of the Uoited States Treassry Washington. A corridor in the ba*s® (pDI has been shut off by steel gate», and l |> e gold is stacked up like bricks awaiting tc mascn’s hand. In that pile is
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  • 75 6 WUDNUSDAY, JULY 81. Town Band, Esplanade. Friday, Aooost 3. Town Band, Esplanade. War Anniversary Demonstration, nude. 5 15 p.m, Satubday, Aoocbt 3, GoTPrnroflDt Holiday. Cricket, Esplanade. P. V, E. C. aboot 7 a m, SUNDAY, At OUST 4. Tenth after Trinity. Monday, Auocst 5, Town Band, Esplanade.
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  • 2125 7 Aw Official Summabt, 1 (The following has been prepared by the Government of Iodu). 7 Th ro P° r which the Viceroy and the Secretary of State have embodied their eo.mmendatiun on constitutional reforms ia India will iank wub the historic document in which Lord Durham lard
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 626 7 NOTICE' 1 nnu PILGRIMS flioiild 1 that oo accommodation .mil farther notioe fnr A U .idfd «niil lBrtK-r nottoe for C #b#pr fiotbe Mo»le* Holy PUces P"*'fo tbe reqoiiemeat. of dottniaif N p -r» rt b,, !or c be hnMd (jrlMKP 0 F. S. JAME8, Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlement*, jjoTICE.
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    • 140 7 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I EMPIRE THEATRE eawaa— PRESENTS “UNDER HANDICAP” B.—Act METRO Wonder Play Adapted from tbe wor’d famous novel by Jackson Gregory. LOCKWOOD AGAIN! UNDER HANDICAP” is a real Lockwood picture, full of bravery, determination and results fTHURS —FRI. —SATURDAY SUNDAy| «AUGUST, IST. 2ND, 3RD 4TH. 1918* »4- -H-K- -H
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    • 304 7 DCDC OC Sleeplessness )CD nCZ)OCDC DCDC has always something of disease or undue excitement in it. The excess re use of tea, coffee, tobacco, or any narcotic, may bring it on. may also come from dyspepsia, a general run-down condition of the system, trom disease, insufficient nutrition, excitement, etc. It
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1274 8 P. 0.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Cndei Contract with His Majesty’s Government The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Paesengere for Europe are booked via Bombay aa opportunity offers and aa ferae accommodation is available-
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