Straits Echo, 30 July 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 627 2 EXT&A.TAOA.NT. UnHUALTHT, An» Ixmodbst. Although the adjption of foreign-style clothing by Japanese men has been general j .a t ffioUl At d business circle!, says the Japan Chronicle, very few women have taken j tj toe Western style of drees Exactly why tola shoula be
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  • 418 2 According to tbe Palestine News the traditions about the burial p!a n e of Mose are numerous, e«pocially as tbe Prophet did not sross the Jordan into the promised Land. Acoordiug to the most current of theae traditions, God promised M;ses to make his years of life
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 833 2 (T DOCDCDOC DCZXZDCZDC DO O n ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON. Whiteaway, w 0 O rv Laidlaw 8 Co., Ltd., V-/ o w SPECIALISTS IN U o Furnishing Fabrics IH EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS U 0 o n Cretonnes Printed Linens AND ALL DBSCRIPTIONS OP Furnishing Drapery. Despite the great advance that
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    • 729 2 NOTICE. Chinese Widows and Orphan's Institution MEMBERS who have not paid their arrears of contributions or subscriptions are hereby notified that unless the tame are paid within SO days hereof, the Central Committee hare no alternative but to proceed to strike out their names from the Register of Mem ers
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  • 405 3 SIE V. CHIEOL’S CRIIICISM. Eights or Minokitiss. London, July 10 Sir V*lentiae Cbirol, writing in the Times on the Indian Reforms, point# oat that dualism exists wherever, us in Canada, State Governments and Lsgislatures exist within he same terriory as Federal Government and Legislature, and says that this
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  • 1196 3 Allahabad, July 14. Calcutta, July 13: A Conference of influential men was held in the ball of the Indian Association, Calcutta, on Wednesday last. the Hon’ble Mr. Surendranath Banerjee presided. Among those present ware > Sir Krishna Gupta, Raja Kuhori Lil Goswami, the Hon’ble Rai Bahadur Mohendra Nath
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  • 153 3 The following are ths latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s share list t Yesterday. To-day. Mining. J 1 J 3 m 2 Asam Knmb&ng 29/- 30/- 29/6 31/Bangnon 3/6 1/6 3/6 2/9 Deebook 18/6 19/- 19/- 20/Katoo Deebook 14/- 15/- 14/6 15/3 Hatred Basin
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    • 416 3 00! T < mtw nmmmmmmrtm w t m »0 J Tq-NICHT 1 r 1 f To-night THE -nn EM PI HE THEATRE the premier theatre of the colony. ft ft ft ft ft ft FIRST HOU>E METRO VANITY WITH EMMY WEHLEN. y F y y y y y y y
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    • 204 3 Public Holidays. The Exchange Banks will be closed on Saturday and Monday, the 3rd and sth August. 1918, which j have been proclaimed Bank Public Hoi days respec- j tively. $7O REWARD. Lott on Monday night between the Town Hall and E 0. Hotel a Pearl Earring. Please communicate with
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  • 99 4 PUBLISHED DA ILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 39, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local «80 per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Ponfi^ree) «18 per. annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.’ Telephone Noa. (Eoho) 58«. Printing Department 343. N.h All bu.ine**
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  • 1294 4 A wind, cot txtotiy of democracy bat certainly of dissat -f*oii >a with burraucr&cy, is blowing over the E*bt. It Lsb raged «lmost to the violence of s storm in India where the result hsa been the sohems of Indian reform wbioh is now being so thoroughly discussed
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  • 1047 4 More Snake Stories. Mr, H. Gk B*rwar writes anent oar rcoent srtiole t I oime from Lahore, the ospital of the Punjab, where snakes of ail kinds abound, I can easily recall a large number of true stories bat the following will do as specimens. An old snake-fancier
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  • 206 4 (.from Our Oion Correspondent,) 8in g*pore, J,u M In Council yesterday the Hallway was left to a Committee await, og the, of the Federated Malay States regard! T the suggestions that the buildings ereot |J by the railway administration and lands 1 resumed by the local Government.
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  • 364 4 C tVam Our Own Cwrc.'ponde*U) The following cases were brought by lospector J. Hobbs of Matang to day before Mr. Forrer. Four Chinese were oharged with hiring overloaded their bullock osrts in eiceas of 21 piknls, No. 1 exceeding by nme piknls and six katties. The loepactor informed
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  • 268 4 SIItTUB WUDOina CeLSBRATIOS Bergeant Major and Mrs. J. H Webbwsrs 1 host and hostess to the officers of the 1 Penang Volunteer Corps and their friends 1 yeuterday afternoon at their reiidenoe the ocoasion of their silver wedding, Jhi funotion went off sHcoessfally and Mr. >»<l
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 2742 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] MANOEUVRE. Mon PrUcner* Take* London, Jely 28. No,,b continued omr pm'»" .1 the Mai* e t|Ilfnta reB ched “T lk „d .pprotohtd the roid Ourcq. o.r right upprowhed rf,d> we ittacki on our new poeitiona aoutb 9.u.t«®. 0,th ,t ot 8t UDk‘i,nslo,i"n„licp»ted in tb. b»ttle
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  • 152 5 In exercise of tbe powers oonferrpd under Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 1910, tbe Governor in Coanoil has been phased to grant, for a period of six months the following exemptions from certain of the provisions of the said section i The following steamers, when employed within the Loo«l
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  • 23 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day st $175 25, business done, and in Singapore, refined) at $17A59, sold 160 tons.
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  • 413 5 1919 ESTIMATES PA88ED. A mertiog of the m mbers of the Penang Rural Board was held at the Land Offio > y-sterday afternoon, theie bamg present I Meters. C. A. Cavendish (Piesideot) C G May, G. C. G Muiier, Cotab Seng Fean and Cnee Kuk F e
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  • 167 5 Pkospxot or Rxoovubt. Lou a on, July 6. i In a letter to the Timet 11. E. Armstrong siys that the indigo dyers of the Kingdom have had toe opportunity cf testing natural indigo and are agreed that, though it cannot be used for light shades as
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  • 146 5 Nnws rsoM Tubist. M.dras, July 5. A correspondent writes la view of the recent alarming news of the fate ot the unfortunate Eut prisoners in Turkey, it may interest friends and relatives of Lieut, A. R. Übbays, I. M. 8., who is one of the prisoners of war,
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  • 254 5 KuaopiAir Last Eillud. (Jaioatta, July 12 Monday's earthquake did great damage in Assam, Reports from tea districts sbow that almost all tea districts were »ff ct d Most of the bungalows have been destroyed, while factories, leaf houses and machinery have been seriously d imaged. Ihe shock was
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  • 296 5 g Every part of the Town Hall held its j I complement for the peiformance of this r I company whose depletion in numbers sinoe I it set out a couple of years ag-> on a tour in I the East and Australia, was by that means
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  • 173 5 E.vbmt Hbld Up bt Mibb Haidpui. London, July 18. (7-40 a.m.) Yesterday’s acoounts show that the battlefront ia shrinking and is now twenty-five as compared with fifty miles at the outser. Correspondent* are moat enthusiastic over Souenaum’a metboda a ast ot Rheims in lightly holding Moron Villers Massif
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  • 194 5 Bombay, July 17, His Excellency the Governor, acoom* panied by his Staff, arrived at Belgium yesterday morning and attended a recruiting meeting in the evening. His Excellency, speaking at the meeting, urged on the public the urgent necessity of subscribing to the W»r Loan and raising morn recruits.
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  • 78 5 CaUSI OF tHORTA'iI. Bombay, July 5, One ef tha reasons for the shortage of petrol in Bombay was the abseooe of provision for the storage of petrol in bulk This d fficulty is soon going to be removed by building an oil pier in the north of
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  • 30 5 Members plane note the following change! la the Oiob Shouts. Ssoots. August 8 7 a.m Deliberate. M today 5 R-pids. Ca.ncilli.tioh. Saoday, Aigusi 4, 7 *.m.
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  • 79 5 Compulsory parade on Esplanade on 2nd August 1918 at 5 45 p m. Dress—Shorts, Shirts and o*ps An escaped Ghrirao, who was ohallanged by a bu ebrr’s boy n-iar Douglas, Islo of Man, attempted to r«n away, but was pursued and stepped by tha boy's sheep-dog. Obeying its
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  • 546 6 July 15. Oa Saturday there was another alnmp in the Rice Mnk*t and by 5 pm, tbe priced h»d fallen to July, Rs. 227; August, Re 231 80; aod three mootba, R«. 239. Tbi? morning the p>ioes went up again with a bound, owing, it ia said,
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  • 478 6 Calcutta July 17.. The local temperature which has been rising steadily for the past few days reached its olimax yesterday. An unclouded sky and tbe extreme dryness of the air made it feel less like a d*y in tbe middle of the monsoon than a day in May.
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  • 633 6 Ths Tank as we know it to-day is a com* p site invention, being derived partly from the armoured trsias and mo f or cars familiar b fore tin war, and partly from tbe mechan* ical tractor. To an engineer, it ia this d-
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  • 356 6 Hale A Million Collected, London, July 12. Franoe’e Diy for raising funds’ for the French R°d Cross, was celebrated in London to-day. There was a great publio demand for souvenirs and flags, wbich with liberal snbsoriptiors is estimated will result in the collection of ba’fe million
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  • 650 6 BOMBAY HEALTH OFFICER’S REPORT. IRTROSUORD Br Sra, Bombay, July 11. D\ J. A. Turner, Executive Health Officer of the Bjmbay Municipality, has submitted a report on the r«cent outbreak of influensa-like fever epidemic in Bombay, He says th 9 first intimation he had of any unusual sickness in
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  • 161 6 Otbe 1£ Lakhs Worth Stole* Bombay, Ju.j 5. Pandit Bhaiigram, an attendant cf the Mabarsja of Visianagram, was to-day charged at the Masakon Polios Court with the ttuft of jewellery, valued Rs. 1.88,000 tba property of the Maharaja. In May last aermei wrote to Messrs. P. Mehrali
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  • 72 6 Tuisdai, July 80. Town Band, Esplanade. Municipal Commission, 4 p.m. Tanjong Psnang Ice Co.. Ltd. Ixtrs* ordinary General Meeting, 9, Betoh Street, 2 pm. Wbdotbuiiat, Jut,? 81. Town Band, Esplanade# Far day. Axjovrt 2, Town Band, E«plan«de. War Anniversary Demonstration, Espta* nade. Satu»dat, Auocst 8, Government Holiday.
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  • 1561 6 SUCCESSFUL ADMINISTRATION. Tribute to Bbitish Rule. Calcutta, July 16. The following has been received from Reuter’t Special Correspondent in Meso- po.ami* i—"The hot weather is on u?. The migratory stork has returned to Bagdad, hia second season sinoe our occupation. Tbe recent rain is probably tbe last
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 200 6 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT, EMPIRE THEATRE presents “UNDER HANDICAP” S.-Act METRO Wonders pi ay Adapted from the world famons novel b, Jackson Gregory. LOCKWOOD AGAIN! UNDER HANDICAP” I Is a real Lockwood pictore fall of bravery, determination and results. THURS —FRI. —SATURDAY SUNDAY AUCUST, 1ST. 2ND, 3RD 4TH. 1918 Those who do
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    • 344 6 w ANTED. TVYNaMO DIRECT CURRENT 230 12 26 Particulars to Box No. 93, e/e Straits Ech* NOriCR OF SALE. By Order of the Mortgage! TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION On Tuesday, the 6th of August, 19JI, AT 11 A..U At the Archway of Logan’» Buildings Beach Street, Fenanj. The
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  • 2321 7 a j Jfl Dividend. *< V Ninbt ®f >. a. ii Capital. Share» i»«n»d 0 fc> 2 laat iuafor«arrant Wane. 5 <69 3 aS oial year. j»ar. B DQ i 1 ROBBr.R—DOLLAR SHARK*. f cts f cts IK»» 1 12#,##« m/p# i l Alor Sajah Rnhber Rotate, Ltd. 25f
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 492 7 p en ,nV C'ub Red Cr... Letter, Sif «MUimed »■> h <*»*• w i 11 5» "0“ r T laDl cr«l'l« w l im EoW I UOON, H. OXENHAM, Joxnt Ihn Stcretarioo Pe'-» 0 6bJui i9lB 477 NOTICE. tktbndinq Tllgrims *lio»ld I uke notice that no accommodation unnvideJ until farther
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1635 8 P. C. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAB LINK. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER 8ERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Cndei Contract with His Majesty's Government The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY ara at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as acooa
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