Straits Echo, 29 July 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1572 1 NDENSED Milkmaid 0 r» «A*»^** SWISSCOND Swftwru ad I for sale, „IH> B00th Motor Car sff »»v r !u> ri for b DS8. Ofiitr K»»*r b App y t0 jh« undermentioned garage. ilF I YOU WANT! COMFORT i ~r y GO 10 THE iMermentioMd Garage ifor Brand New Can for
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    • 7 1 tĔS MILK ItST LO»« Si D»S *JO\«
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 29 2 OF EVERY Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. 9 (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG
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  • 2048 3 There was a time when I defended the sparrow with considerable vehemence. I disliked all those people who oounted the number of grains of oorn found in some I I unfortunate sparrow’s stomach. There I seemed to me to be something niggardly and even indecent
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 781 3 rj rrm 'fE CHEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd Head Office» —SINGAPORE. 9 9 9 9 lvfa rlatr e-Lloens© and an Insunanoe Policy A > ht u> go together. The handaomest and wisest compliment a n?n oan pay hi» wife wr »PP»d n P in Great Eastern Insurance 1 Life
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    • 113 3 /Hl* a THIS IS TO GIVI NOTICE that the above Trade Mark ie the property of Vacuum Oil Company, a Company incorporated in Rochester, New York, U. S A and bavin? a branch firm at No 44, Robineon Road, Singapore Lubric a tin? Oil Manufacturer», and it ie used by
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    • 76 3 IT’S NO USE BEING A CHILD, IF IT CAN'T SLEEP IN ONE OF THESE COTS. A new shipment of Baby Cots just reoeired, from the well known manufacturers, Fitter Bros, Birmingham,; Bngland. mmmm Price 942-50 Price 937-50. KENO CO.. PEftAfrC and IPOH. rrr !Andrew Usher Co.'s SPECIAL RESERVE w O
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  • 1022 4 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners of Singapore w.s held on Friday afternoon attended by Messrs W, Peel (Presient). J. Polglase (aecreUry), W. A. Bims, E, Teasmsotn, J. A. Elias, A. W. B :an, Tan Kbeam Hock, B. Ball (Municipal Engineer), W. Lowther Ktmp, Boland
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 100 4 r i oc y, —X —y —K ~)D CDCDO C —>CDCDCDC DO SALE ONCE A YEAR. 5%u; I} -yj»w as -SOP 1A 'V Whiteaway, Laidlaw CO., "f limTtkd? i PENANG &TAIRING. \J u 0 W o o NOW PROCBlEDi N G. 0 o VJ 0 Extraordinary Bargains in all Departments.
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    • 422 4 a u n d d n n r. K K! 1! I! K I' nn^nrmannnndnnnmnnwdHwiniQj^r Ruanymede Hotel, Peaaai (SEA-SIDE) Every Wednesday and Saturday Musical Selections DORIES DIMMER, .la nnannHuimnaHun Ui f FOR ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. ret mutnja m prices apply to HAW 8ENC A Co.. Iff. BEACH STREET. OR
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  • 648 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, July 27,10,40 p.m. 8 r Douglas Haig in his report on aviation ■ays t We attacked on the 25th July three large ammunition dumps and also the dooka at Bruges and numerous villages used as billets, A strong west wind greatly favoured the enemy
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  • 532 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, July 26, 8-20 p.m. n Reuter baa interviewed an oficer who has e just reached London from Rumania and a I who indicates the terrible oondit'ona of s Rumania under the heel of her German I conquerors who are dally exoeediog even the 51 barbarous
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  • 137 5 Owing to steamer arrangements it has been lound impossible for Signor Gonsalea company to sing here two nights and only the one performance will be given, that this evening. It has been decided to give for this the well-known Cavalleria Rustioana in preference to La Traviata. The
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  • 21 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $l7B. business done, and in Singapore, at $178.80, buyers no sellers.
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  • 466 5 FIBBT QUARTERLY MEI TING. Ixpoiun Quistiows Discwmsb. The first quarterly general meeting of 1 the members of the Kedah Planters’ f Association, which was recently oonstitnted, held at the Chamber of Commeroe en Saturday. Mr E D Lane presided and > among the others preset were Messrs
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  • 343 5 The final race of the Gibbons Onp Competition was held yesterday, Sanday morning, at Tanjong Bangah with the following remit i Handicap. Actual Time, G B Crisp Ist 40 S min 54 secs 3 A Tell 2ad Scratch 3 23 D Rendle 3rd 45 secs 4 f 18
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 235 5 f T0 N/CHT To-NICHT .aa- the +**e< empire r *voe»eee THEATRE eeeeoeoe» m m tbe premies theatse of the colon t. FIRST HOUSE A METRO VANITY i WITH EMMY WBHLEN. F 9 P.M. SHARP s ,jJ. RED ACE 15 Episodes W* hope to announce the concluding Episode No. 16 at
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    • 104 5 Chnheriali's OHgk Remedy When 70« hare a bad cold 70« want a reined 7 that will not only give relief, but ef fact a prompt and permanent cmre, a remedy that is pleaaant to take, a remedy that con* taina nothing iojnriona. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements, It
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    • 482 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. ALL PERSON8 claiming ref and of assessment in respect of dwelling f bouses vacant for any portions of the half. i year ending 30th Jane, 1918, are hereby reminded that each claims mast be seat in to the Commissioners on or before the Slat I day of July,
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  • 101 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Eicept Sundays tad public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 50, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local 180 per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) flB per annum. Cable Address ECHO PENANG.’ Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 589. Printing Department 343, M. 8 .—411
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  • 1299 6 News from the Msrae front grows i:• oreasingly favourable sad hopes of the oomplete ezpalsion of the Germans frtm this salient oan now reasonably be entertained. The advanoa is being pressed at a number of points bat probably the most important is the Franoo-American] movement between Longpont
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  • 874 6 Mr. and Mrs G. P. Owen are on a visit to Koala Lumpur. Mr B. Naan is appointed to tot as Resident, Mai ooa, from July 26. Mr. R. 0. Cuasec, DistiL: Officer, Dindings arrived here to-day on business. Dr, S. R. H, Lucy is appointed to
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  • 900 6 Ware the Illustration. Rj*ily people should b„, H tDoo.b wbeo hi reooi.o. cirooj lri tio.U, proclaim!., the «i Uc 80 I,'l?> <oods picla.ed to„e, n tioa see, sUiiog bim m the ‘"l* the .bow lllmlr.tioo, tb, WMd *< Old stuck which b„ J?* doubtless, but
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
  • 58 6 DEATHS, r 'HUA Tuiro Kui. —Oa July 14, at No, 80, Chin 8s»"S Rial 8icgapore, Obua Ttog Kee. 59 'ear*. D’ep'y regre* t d. f arson.— Oj Jo’s 25 at Palo 8amb> <«; Plryd A'be t, son < f D- R. Carson, ag-d 3 mentbe, Gone but cot forgotten. Obituary.
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  • 2785 7 MARNE LINE CLEARED. allied troops pursuing. French advance at «11 Points London, July 25, 11.15 p According to reliable evening reports the in tbep,rb VvH«o. but *b(ir 0 M* d They d-o.e th. Pr.uob west of Helen station which the L.WI ooc.pj- The a.o.1 .ew. Mitdiot lb.
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  • 611 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] JAPANESE TKOOPS LANDED. London, Ju'y 27. Tbe P.ri* Le Petit Paritien states tta* Japanese delict arn's Undid at Vl*div<‘itock weeks ego acd are co-operating wi:b tin s’cbo Slovaks □< rib of Nikolstaoci uriisk. London, July 26. Lenin in a speech at M >eoow said tbe position
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  • 607 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SUCCESSFUL RAID 3 CONTINUELondon, July 25, Sir Douglas Haig reports i—The enemy attacked four of our posts south of Meteren i after heavy artillery and trench mortar preparation and was repulsed suffering many casualties. We took a few prisoners. The Londoner! in a successful daylight
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  • 234 8 The fourth annual report of the directors of Dunguo Limited, to ba presented at the annual general meeting m Singapore on Aug. I, is as follows J Gentlemen, Your directors have pleasure in submitting their fourth annual report and statement of aaoouota as at 28th Pcbiuary, 1918. For
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  • 241 8 Expoet to Uhituo Status. The following letter from the Commissioner of Trade and Customs has been received by the F M 8. Chamber of Commerces I have the honour to quote for the information of y ittr Chamber the text of a circular of June 1918 by the
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  • 211 8 [To THU Enrroa or thi Straits limes Sir, —An enactment was passed in 1917 *>y which land held under tbe Country Lands Cultivation Enactments could not be transferred exoept that small blocks of less than 59 acres oonld be sold to persons who owned laud
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  • 226 8 The delay to the down mail train from Penang to Singapore on Friday wai «lightly over three and a half hours. The oauae of the delay, «ay« the T 0 if., wa« the oumplete derailment of a covered waggon of an earlier train between Bagan Serai and Alor
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  • 402 8 A despatch has been reojiv d from the Secretary of S’ate for the Colonies enclosing a communique for publication in the Oaaett* of the n*mes of those who have been brought l to the notice of the Sec etary of Slate for < War and the
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  • 397 8 C if'ram, Cher Chon C brreepondwU\ i Among the esses heard by Mr. Forrer on r Monday was one regarding a sewing machine. Che Pah (female), a Malay was 9 given the option of a fine of $25, or one r month's jail for criminal misappropriation of a
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  • 92 8 (From Oar Oicn Correspondents) London, July 25. The prioea is the London Rubber Market to day were: Pale Crepe 2/2 Diamond Smoked Sheet M 2/1 L>ndon, July 26. Pale Crepe 2/1 f Diamond Smok'd Sheet 2Of A correspondent writes Oa Saturday at the Rice Coarea a Chinese
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  • 623 8 Calduooxt Ixvua. Tbe wadding took place in Kuala Lum- j pur on Saturday of Mr. Andrew Caldecott. of the F.M 8. Civil Service, and Miss Olive t lonep, m'y child of Mr. Justioe and Mrs. lanes. t The ceremony took place at St. Mary’s (Church of England), the Rev.
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  • 183 8 Final Subsobiftion List. Applies Amount, tions. November 1916 237 $427,760 Deoember 144 283.040 January 1117 192 243,870 February 203 881.750 March 322 246,770 April 142 314,560 May 114 264,220 June 74 159,440 July Ill 152,470 I August 117 133,340 September 110 166,970 October 134
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  • 164 8 New Volvmu CF TMU JoUBKai,,” The June of the Journal of the F. M. 8- Museums, just received, oentains tbe following articlesi Bah"* 8 Customs and Folk-Tales of tbe Bihrang Valley Benoi,” by Ivor H N Evans Ethno’ogioal Misoellanea,” by Ivor H N Evans j “Notes
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  • 185 8 The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday, 31st July A 3 ogles—C Caaradi v A S Hall (4) V G B*vi v R E Prentfr (5) M D Ruiley v S H Syer (6). B Singles—C D D Hogan v H G Shannon (7); E A
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  • 77 8 L fis Chasserian 50 O G Williams 10 J Wilson 50 W Darke 25 J A Bus. *ll 100 J Granston 25 E D Lane 145 P W Rmtliffe 10 A R Freeman 10 F P Rocks 10 LF Grata 10 C N
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  • 145 8 The Club Shoot on Sunday mo r ning resulted as under i Rapids at 200, 300 and 400 yards. H’oep. made. Pte Chan Hock Seng 70 78 40 Corpl G N S«ye 70 7810 Pte E Bdnnet 69 76 94 Lim Teik Soon 041.. 7686 Sgt
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  • 79 8 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week endin? July 6, 1918. {Male 46} f 71 Female 25 Death rate 34 68 per mills per annum compared with 39.56 in the preoeding week and with 41.82 in the corresponding week of last yeari
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  • 101 8 Following epon Mr. W. G, Maxwell’s ffort at centralis* 1 io a for the whole of Malaya, the public of Perth is about t j make e formal rrquest to the authorities that funds raised in various towns and districts should be forwarded Home through a single
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  • 1476 8 Am Imtbbbutiuo Qamm. Ia the Supreme Court, Ku.U Lumpur, i oo Thursday, before Mr. Jastioe Earn* haw, the civil suit, the New Serendah Rubber i Company, Limned, it the Rice Supply Agency of K>«ng, was ooj»mtjnc-d. The plaintiff company are suing tne defendant» for the specifia performance
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  • 269 8 F. M. S. Conscription Bill ia expected to come up at the Council meeting un A«| 13 It will be the duty of iha Unofficial Members to ohampiou the interests uf thou whom the Bui release for active servlet, particularly the married men. aud to exitact from
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  • 184 8 The following is the agenda of to* I meeting of the Municipal Commissioner* be held to morrow 1. D-olaration by Mr. A. B Voule* u 1 I Ooromisaiocer to be laid on the Table. I 2 Minutes of last meeting to be read I aod confirmed. 3. Any
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  • 42 8 The following programme of musio will b* I played at the Bsplanade this evening (pm 1 Overture La Sirene 2 My Dream. Song 3 Select un Three Little Maids 4 Walt* Loin du Bal 5 Much Bona Fide Gorl, <
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  • 2151 9 CONCLUDING DAY'S RESULTS Poke Close Finishes Saturday’s racing brought to a conclusion I* Tory successful Autumn meeting both I financially—so far as the profits of the club I are concerned and we have no doubt these I will be devoted usefully to charitable funds 1 1 —and
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  • 413 9 Owners Placed. 1st 2nd 3rd Mr 0 S Manasseh 4 0 Q FS Goodall 2 2 1 “Pen” ...2 2 0 D F Bostock 2 2 0 Sherwood Eongsi 2 1 0 Mr M.S Cowan 2 0 1 Scots Eongsi 2 0 1 Mr ••Hart” 2 0 0
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  • 70 9 Monday, July 29. Towd Band, Esplanade, Italian Optra Town Hell 9 p«m. Tubs day, July 80. Town Band, K-p*made. Municipal Commission, 4 p.m. Tanjong P*nang Ice Co., Ltd. Extraordinary General Meeting, 9, Beaoh Street, 2 p ir. Wbdnbsday, July 81. Tom Bir.d, Esplanade. Friday August 2, Town
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 392 9 Vast*™»- obIunoalow, l«rDi.l»J tf 0Ci Llu“i.b.<l. 5'Mf'"” 1 10 Bo,M. clo Biraiit Echo. Ranted. BOOK-KEEPER whole 4 nf«D*0* '«P^V* .gQOltti-P tbe book- of whole* fitii®* 1 ,uP j dipp pn8ar y* 8 1 ch 8 |Cd plough Knowledge of boobkeepSJi .pp'j. AW* Box No, 100, c/o Alreti* Echo. WANTED AN
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    • 340 9 PENANG HARBOUR BOARD /^10PIE9 Of tht Biard’s New T.riff mar be V7 obtained free of charge on the surrender of copies of the tariff dated 7th September 1917 to the undersigned. By Order 522 J. TRYNER, Acting Secretary. OUBBER FACTORY XV at Nos. 27/28 Bukit Mertajim. and Station PLANT Road,
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  • 1088 10 The exploits of the Arab of the Hedjai against the Torka make it worth while, writes George Jenoison in the Manchetter Guardian, to reoall bow be came by his greatest as-et in war, the famous Arab horse. The horse which oame from the New World
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 828 10 We the tiny laxative* The Allied Governments Have Bought Over* w f To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS: 12 H.P. 3-speed Twin Cylinder
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  • 1253 11  -  (Bt CAPfAIK H.BC- Fol-akd,) a 1 he Company Commander shifted his e wounded leg with all the concentrated t caution that such a move requires, leant back on the sofa in the hospital lounge, and proceeded to answer the question I I had just put to him. How
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  • 608 11 Lanci Corporal Micharl O'Leart, 1st Battalioji Irish Guards, By the 20th of NovemVer 1914 the First Battle of Ypres had died away, and both sides settled down for the winter to the comparative monotony of trench warfareThe dreary months that preceded Neuve Chape le in
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 570 11 W* ef JUt lor »1« «“"STSSS. ol record,n« the .j, I»' ,b i! «I rubber in ucoordunoe 1910. Mo.t Sbwr' bb,rd, PBSSS U J, to rubber de.l«'«1 JjiEBlO» PBS9S, Inn. t L •-r«i. d ;:r g -.T h ‘‘h. w •»J ,,l0B8 of Kheamatiam, canning .■>< S th e,ch *pp
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    • 50 11 Accidents Will Happen It may be impossible to prevent an accident, but it is not impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is nat be« yond anyone’* parse, and with a battle of this liniment yoa are prepared far almost anything. For sale by all dispensaries aad dealsrs
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    • 106 11 «I ESTATE SUPPLIES. I o 0 Q a a Wire Gauze. IN STOCK Aoetic Aoid 99 per oent. Barbed Wire. Gary’s Box Strapping inch. English Sodium Bisulphite. Breen Mosquito Latex Pans. Momi Gases. Mosaic Tiles. Par-Boiled Rice. Peninsular Acetate, Tapping Knives. Veneer Ghosts WITH CANVAS FITTINGS White Porcelain Gups. White
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1596 12 P. O—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAB LINE. (Companies Incorporated in Eneland MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICEB, PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with Hi« Majesty’s Government The Company’» MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOM BAT are at preeent «upended. Paeeenwere for Europe are hooked via Bombay aa opportunity offer» and as far an Passengers
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