Straits Echo, 27 July 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1620 1 CONDENSED S Milkmaid B ra lJ3 Kv rjFr m \§r) in J^SWISSCONDE^ S*iu»ruad; FOR sale. 0„e (2-3) se8ter <bcripps Bootfc jylotor Car ***** model «elf starter and Lining ,n excellent < BANKS Chartarad Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter. DfDdBiO joidition tulles 8 on
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    • 16 1 tfi-s S milk eSSSSBSS u* LOl® 1 sifi T| ON» K»A n*B ,j a mbS 4
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  • 1149 2 Thu Cinbx-4., It is a shabby street of the broader sort, packed with traffic, and lined with assorted shops. From the front the oinema theatre looks like a paste-board palaoe transported from Sbephed’s Bash- Across it, in glaring capitals, sprawls its biil-of fare featuring" Mary Pickford, perhaps almost
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 109 2 ~X X —X )D CDCDO “DCDCDCZ?C XDC SALi ONCE A YEAR. Laidlaw CO., LIMITED, PENANG TAIPING. 0 a 0 2* r* O o xre '■"j- a ir'i* r f 5 NOW PROCEEDING. Extraordinary Bargains in all Departments, n WRITE FOR' BOOK OF BARGAINS. V-/ o n U 4.<>0 00'»'><i+ 0
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    • 444 2 WANTED SUPPLIERS of about 80 tons hardwood timber for building poutooa 52. by 50 by 7 delivery within 2 months. For full particulars apply MANAGER, 51S Rawang Sluicing, Rawang, WANTED. A CAPABLE AND INTELLIGENT SALESMAN is required for a Dispensary, Previous experience in similar capacity essential. Apply Box No. 10,
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    • 546 2 NOTIc TO »11 to *3. PHĔONV”AH h °S t it J"*J us^ss Chinese llth f°°*» 1917> left my protection ,I*’. f «t»J responsible for any debt i fli e«r or h w 0!78 mc e u b r ‘j dsbn b her £rom aQ i after Dated this 15th Jnlj
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  • 1018 3  -  [By Tom Wright.] It is hard to tell whether one should scorn or pity the fellow who is bored by a sea voyage. For the raker whose demand produced the Titanic, who values time so muoh that he has no time to live, who must be in touch by
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  • 359 3 Lxur A Co’s Wuilt Rhpout. With one section of the community concentrating its attention upon Seeing and with a distinot disinclination on the part of men of military age to enter into any fresh engagements until they know how the military bill is affecting them, tbs volume
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  • 231 3 The weekly Bubber Auction held yesterday and te-day opened quietly, at prioesup to 51§ oents for sheet and 51 cents for fine pale crepe Later in the day seme rather erratic bidding brought the prices up to 53 cents for sheet and 51* oents for crepe, but
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  • 303 3 We regret to learn, says the Ceylon Obterver cf July 6, that the Biihop of Colombo met with a serious accident yesterday afternoon. His Lordship, aooompanied by tha Bev. G. B. Ekansyake and the BevMr. Godfrey, was inspecting the Ohuroh ball, of Christ Oburch Cathedral, Mutwal, when
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 473 3 ffTTTTTTTTT ttttttxttttttttttttTTTY ttt“ Wf > /?/»CE WEEK ATTRACTIONS. THE tr* fc EMPIRE ><>♦♦♦♦♦ THEATRE »>»♦♦♦♦—■> the premier ißeatre of the colony. I A y- THURSDAY CHANCE OF PROGRAMME ft •V* w A m w ONE OP TEE GREATEST OP METROS “VAIIITY" H H H H H H H The atory
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    • 809 3 GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH. TENDERS are invited for the exclusire right to prospect for bn and wolfram I a block of mining land situated in the locality of Sungei Prik, mukim of Kurong Hitam, distnet of Padang Trap. North Kedah, The area is roughly estimated at 1.000 relongs. Term. 9 months.
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  • 96 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pnbllc holiday!,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Daily Local *BO par annum. i, Outatatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) #lB pepjannum, Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Non. (Eoho) SB6. Printing Department #43, M.B.—A II business communication#
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  • 1222 4 11 “Honduras has declared wir against Get many.” We can imagine the good M tempered smile wbioh will greet the I announcement in those circles which regard the war merely as a thing of the present. I We can equally well imagine the scowl which it will bring to
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  • 81 4 The following are the results of the ties i played off yesterday i I Ladies Singles—Miss Hooker beat Mrs Hogan by 6—l, 9—7. A Donblei—Prentia and Harries beat S F B Martin and Sayers by 6—l, 6 2 B Doubles—Niool and Harvey beat Fell and Adamson bv
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  • 20 4 The third and final raoe of tbe Gibbons Cup Competition via. 200 yards handicap theSwiming Club to-morrow
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  • 969 4 I Mr Lxmg Erg Ebean and Mr. Chung x Ah Ming leiurned to Ipoh on Thursday from Penang. I c l Mr. P. F. Filiierald arrived in Ipoh on 3 Thursday from Pdnang. He is on bis way to Singapore. I Father Duvelle of the Cburoh of
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  • 942 4 All About Snakes (real). Soue, ,„o, whm p„i lono were more numerous in the „.w FW than they ar. nowad.j, an old Penang raaidant a j. 11 demand in ca.ea of .nakebit, «ft’"" .aid without contradiction that M single the 11 1 Called to attend the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 157 4 IT’S NO USE BEINC A CHILD, IF IT CAN T SLEEP IN ONE OF THESE COTS. A m w shipment of Babj Cota just received, from the well known manufacturer*, Fitter Bros, Birmingham, England. ■< £>rico 42-50 k y << m mj&kw m tola Price $37-50. PE\A/SrG And IPOH. w
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
  • 23 4 DEATH. Chua Tung Kux Oa July 14, at No. 30, Chin 8 vee Road, Singapore, Chua Teng Kee, aged 59 years. Deeply regretted.
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  • 1439 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] cerman desperation. London. Ju y 25, 4 15 p m. french c. mmuniquil ssys we took 30 i„ a raid south of Montdidier. On pri, t bank of the Marne the enemy in fjine powfrfully oounter-attack.d tk ',be rtgion of Dormans and occupied a 18 gii
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  • 627 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] EXCITING BATTLE WITH SUBMARINESLondon, July 24The 82,000 tonner White Star liner Juttilia was sunk off the north Irish coast on the morning of the 20th July after an J extraordinary twenty-four hours’ fight with a submarine. The first torpedo wrecked the engine room and stopped
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  • 586 5 A Complete Surprise London, July 25, 7.55 a*m. The King in inspecting the Grand Fleet I Inspected the mystery ship that was employed las aeroplane carrier in the attaok on Z-p-Ife’iiD sheds at Tondern. She reaohed a I point on the German coast in the early morn-
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  • 50 5 SußsoaiPTioK List. Penang Tent No t 8 amount previously acknowledged $998 02 Mr. J. R Brown 10 00 Mr. Jamea Stark 5 00 Tbe Holm-Diokinson Theatres Limited 1,206.68 Total $2,***** $BBO.BO still required to oomplete this unit Sd, R. P, Phillips, Hon> Trsatursr. 9, Union Street,
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  • 278 5 I 8CBATCHINQ8 AND SELECTIONS. The following are the tciatohings for today’s raoes> Back 1 —AH runnjeg. Baob 2 Singapore, Bach 8,— Playmate, Silent Friend and Bide-a Wee> Baou 4.—Blank Watch and Golden Rock Bacu 5.— Golden Rock. Milky Way Lo ddier, and Nullo. Eaci 6. —Sandy Creek, Queen
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  • 52 5 Baou 1 —Fall ovlav d, Aringa, Flora dor*. Bacu 2. —Charles K, Baba Kechit, Polar Hi tar. Bacu 3— Gloria, Tim Baou 4 —Pretty B High gate. Bacu 5 .-—Black Watch, Playmate, Bacu 6— -Lady Poddington, Nullo. Baou 8. —Bonnetty Bob, Pretty Molly, Ok La La Bach 9. Faritha,
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  • 184 5 We understand that, siys the Malaya Tribun* the application for Strain 8 -ttlemeut» ii peroent War Lian Bends baa been fairly brisk and oontinnes so. No doubt the terms are sufficiently attractive to make the loan a suooeas and with the oertainty of a safe investment the
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  • 214 5 Mies Carroll, with $12 500 Ihoovh, Tills Court Shr Owrs $3.600. New Yoik, May 28. Miss Lorena Carroll, 19 yaars old, a pupil at the Ogen’s Sohool near Philadelphia, told Surrogate Fowler yesterday that she is unable to live on the $12.500 income allowed her
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  • 276 5 PENAn v r 5® eD^ C E3eH. The At and memb'ii of tn. favoured with very 00 result of which there wa. od tfck including a sprinkling of 0 menta were served and the 'Motion y qaita a success. Thi Polo Matos* I The Polo Matoh between
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  • 109 5 A Left handed Compliment (.Fnm Oust Own Correspondent^ Singapore, July 27. Mr. Bean on behalf of the Municipal Oommiesieoere weloomed Mr. Peel eayiog he came from Penang with one great idea namely that he was charged with ‘‘menioipal eleotrioity,” It bad been proposed that Singapore municipality
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  • 144 5 A meeting of the Executive Committee was held yesterday afternoon in the Chamber of Commeroe to make the detailed arrangements regarding Friday’s publio ceremony of commemoration of the war anniversary, There was a full attendance of the representatives of all nationalities and the Hcm'ole Mr, J. Mitchell presided.
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  • 75 5 Jitlt 28, 9th 8uhp A t Anns Tsivitt, 7-00 am. Holy Communion (Tamil). 8 00 a m. Matins. 8 30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10-00 a.m. Matins ((Chinese) 6 00 p m. Sunday School. 6-00 p.m. Evensong Hymn 612 Paalas: CXXX VI tsouxrTiij 1,10x4 Magnificat Nano Dimittis 70
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  • 149 5 9 00 a m. Children's Service, 6 00 p.m. Public Worahip Preaoher: R-t. D maid J. Rosa. A Hymna 632, 248 880, 468, 61«. Bsttmwort* Srrtzhb, Publio worahip will be conducted in the Straits Trading Oo ’a Club, Butterworth, on Sunday morning, July 28 n at
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  • 455 6 The following is the directors’ report to ■harebolde's to be presented at the annual meeting in Singapore on August 2 at uoon, The net profit for tbe year as shown by the Profit and Loss Aocoant, amounts to $12,961.85 as against $45,***** for the previous
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  • 468 6 *'Puhitivk Expedition Descuibkd If there arc still to be found people who btlieve that Germany’s African colonies should be returned to her, except under the most stringent safeguards for the welfare of the natives, we commend to their consideration an artiole by Messrs. Evans Lswin and L.
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  • 678 6 Thu Tuadu Offensive. Wo le the Prussian Franchise Reform D ha e was prcoteoiag in tbe lust week, the organisation of the German trade £f asive afterthe war was be ng discussed in tbe Reiohstag on the estimates for the npw Imp-rial Office of Eoonomics, which
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  • 231 6 Changed Since March 22. London, June 5 —Mr. Hilaire Belloc says Sinoe March 22 the enemy’s scheme for rapid victory has changed from a single topogrspbioal strategical plan to a general effort to destroy the Allied armies, dissolve organisation and shake the oiviiian and military morale by tbe
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  • 548 6 Nuw Depahtmbst But Up. The report of the committee appointed to consider the resettlement of officers has'been approved by the Minister of Reconstruction, and it» accordance with its recommendations, the Minister of Lsbouc is proceeding to eet up a Digartment to known us the "Appointments Department,” to
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  • 151 6 M. CiiBMMOEAu’s Regent Snici. London, June 9, —Major-General F. B. I Haurioe, the military correspondent of the London Daily Chronicle, commenting on the recent declaration of the Supreme War Council and M. Clemencuau’s speech in the French Chamber of Deputies, saysi—"Speaking bluntly, we are now in the same
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  • 208 6 I 8omu Ihtbkhstihg Discovuaius. British Headquarters, June 15 —The ■helling of Amiens proceeds daily in the usual Boohe-like manner, while Corbie and its splendid old church have also suffered, this plsoe resembling Arrse for the completeness of the destruction of all that is beautiful iu the town.
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  • 621 6 A Lesson in Dbbivation. In the romance of words or tbe piotoresqoenese cf thnr origin few are found more attractive tbaa the word angary woich has come to tbe front in connection with tbe seixere of Dutch ships. Woen to-day, one spaaks pf tbe right of angary,”
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  • 232 6 Mr Liang-Shih-yi aud Mr. Chen *Yni chung, the Chairman of the Peking Chamber of Commerce, Are the promoters of a plan to establish in Peking and all oommerical centres of China a bank for the promotion of industry and oommerce in the oountry. r_:jf .o
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  • 121 6 There was a very good house at the Electric Polyscope last night when a special race week programme was given. Among toe new piotures was the final episode of The Negl oted Wife entitled “A Sacrifice Bupreme f in which the final •cere is well worth going a
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  • 1462 6 STEAMER SUBMARINED. Kinta Ladies' Terrible Experiences News has been received of Mrs Parkins and the Misses Perkins, formally of Batu Q-jab, who left the FMB, for Home on April 9 last, says the Timts of Malays, Toe letters detailing the terrible experiences of their journuy were written at
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  • 284 6 EXTEAOBlJINABT Rsvilatiosi London, Jons Id Extraordinary revelations are oonuu* in the report of the Auditor-General resin ling the national munition factories Thenl I was a complete breakdown in the Inti quarters record of material* despatched si and from the factories. The factors» aiel failed to keep adequate record*,
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  • 44 6 Satuedat, Jolt 27. Penang Races. Suedat, Jolt 28 Ninth after Trinity. Moudat, Jolt 29. Town Band, Esplanade. Italian Opera Town Hall 9 p»®' W UDNB8DAT, JOLT 31. Town Band, EspHaade, Italian Opera, Town flail. 9 P®' Fbidat, Auoobt 1. Town Esplanade.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 47 6 Accidents W iIJ Htppea. It may be impossible to prevent an accident. but it is not impossible to be Dreoared tor it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm isnet be. yond anyene’s parse, and with battle of this liniment yoa are prepared far almast For Bale b J »11 dispensaries
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    • 50 6 Middle-aged pt-ople are otl‘ a 1 jf with that diatressiog 3^ apaams. They anem to out lik® £Dl ferera should get a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT The very first dose will bHog r oroT« ita Talu*. 8?ld by Di»P' iQ ;j bto.ea e?ervwlnre at 80 oeots P ?r V%.
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  • 1051 7 ASTOUNDING ALLEGATIONS. Mud Tnowisra. American papers to band contain some farther details of the bearing at tbe Old I Bailey of the charge of criminal libel against Mr. Pemberton Billing, M. P. On May 30 defendant called Mrs. Tillers Stuart as a I witness to prove the
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  • 287 7 J Punaug, July 87, 1918, jßiErSoup per catty 80 Steaks H go 1 Stew or Curry Meat gi Rump Steak so Ox Tail M each 85 Tongue Feet Heart small... each 35 Liver per oatty 40 Fillet of Beef 64 I Poax— Lean only per catty 62 and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 577 7 HACfI DIWNWHB SATURDAY 37th JULY. &0 Orchestra at tiffin and dinner every day during Race WeekI^KXmXKX^XXXXXX^XXXXXKKKXKXXk# X LACTOGEN X J». THE X X NATURAL MILK i I X X X X A A A X POOH FOR Infants and Invalids JL 4 X 31 I X it X X X
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    • 107 7 Gramophone (Hi* Master’s Voice) with a large and excellent selection of records and plenty of needles. All practically new. Total cost $475/-. Offers may be made after inspection. Can be seen and tried by arrangement:— B. A. B. 8., 517 c jo Straits Echo, FOR PRIVATE SALE, Delicate Foliage and
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    • 219 7 Dnc DC DOCDOC 1 lb. NETT i lb. NETT VJ GC CROWN. NOTICE is hereby giren that we are the «ole proprietors of the above Trade Mark for Ceylon Tt a imported by na and any peraon who without our authority uses such Trade Mark or any colourable imitation of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1239 8 p BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PA88ENGER 8ERVICE8, PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majestj’s Government The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as fares mods lion is
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