Straits Echo, 26 July 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1607 1 f MI Milkmaid Ur) m 1 J&SWISSCONDE» Wf u*i a for sale. oie 12-3) jVlotor Car ,1917 mode! eetf staiter Ltiim 1 I ud 1 latf* I»*' 1 i )n excellent S£ 5 <»«» i App'y to V Jht undermentioned garage. IF YOU WANT! comfort 60 'lO THE Undermentioned Garage
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    • 9 1 kĔ’S MILK a ait^r *®*l:JO U o lfl §8
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 169 2 THE SAVER OF INFANT LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY STARCH-FREE If mothers who cannot nourish their own babies would give them the Mellin Diet from birth we should hear less of infant mortality. Mellin’» Food with cow’s milk will do more to bring your baby safely through infantile health-dangers than any food
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  • 2707 3 Eabtkrjt Trading Co. Win. Tbe following ii the tuxt of the judgmeni delivered bj Mr. Justice L. M Woodward on tbe24'.b instant in tbe 6Uit bj the Easterc Trading Coy. against Ban Teik Bee Oil Mill for the recovery of 18.900.52 aa damages for non-fulfilment of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 669 3 PENANG RUBBER AUCTION ROOMS. OUR 397th AUCTION SALE WILL BE HELD AT T, UNION STREET. On Tuesday, 30th July, 1918. AT 10-30 A.M. StiARP -r SALK EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY- -PRIVATE SALES DAILY. auction FORWARD SALES ARRANGED Consignment* of Robber solicited. Liberal Cash Advances made on Consignments Prompt Settlements of
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    • 321 3 1ST OTIC XU. 'Vf~ Ki'ks Fbah k Younobb Blaib and J08BPH COBN WALL BbSSON hiT8 bean admitted as ptrtiers in our firm as from the 1st of J.nutry 1918. BOUSTEAD Co, NOTICE. APPLICANTS for my Bunglow in Tanjong Bungah are kindly requested to apply to Mr. T. O. WOODFORD, c/o
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    • 442 3 AUCTIONS. The undersigned ere prepared to take up auction sales of: Lands, Properties, Estates. Houses. Furniture. Motorcars. Rubber, etc. I s M s PROMPT ACCOUNT SALES RENDERED* For Terms Apply toi I ALLEN DENNYS 8 Co.. u o Auctioneers, Appraisers etc. I 7, Union Street, Penang.Phone No. 393. I ■■■MO
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  • 422 4 Dr. Saosom’s report to 1917 covers just I over seven pages of printed matter and con- j tains figures dealing with all matters relat- j irg to vital statistic*. The population of tcu F.M 3. la 1917 was estimated to bt 1,244,018, thu birth rate was 27.94
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  • 380 4 The Director of Education closes bis annu.l report for 1917 on Education in the F,M,S. in tbeae words i—- la concluding this review of the work of the year it is not out of plaoe to record that while public attention here is being focussed on
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  • 47 4 Fur dat, July 26. Town Band, Esplanade. Sato an at, July 27, Penang Races. Sunday. July 28. Ninth after Trinity. Monday, July 29. Town Band, Esplanade. Italian Opera Town Hall 9 p.m. W uDNiiDAT, July 81. Town Band, Esplanade, Italian Opera, Town Hall, 9pm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 110 4 (f >oc ->(—)(—)(—>{ )nQQO( ZDCDCDCZJC DO n Reserve Tear Purchases. 6 Whi tea way, Latdlaw CO., 0 U ;ccrzr LIMITED, ANNUAL 9 CLEARANCE 0 a G J I' Commences Monday, July 29th. WRITE FOR 1 BOOK OF BARGAINS. yd 0 V~T 0 0 0 0 V 0 o rders Prom
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    • 70 4 When a child develops on l of nasty hacking coughs which keep the family awake at night it is annoyin for them but more serious for the child, because of the strain thrown on its undeveloped bodily organs, Bupture is often caused by a straining rough WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE.
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    • 432 4 K *ar RACE WEEK attraction q EMPiIiE C ><><>»*♦♦ THEATRE THE PREMIER THEATRE OF THE COLONY 5 THURSDAY CHANCE OF Ss Ui i* SCENE. FROM VANITY 51 r- a~ programme ONE OF TES GREATEST OP METROS "ViNin II The .tor; of a K i r inf who was entrapped hv
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  • 2418 5 I MALAYA’S CONTRIBUTIONS. We have received frr m the Government of the Straits Settlements the following etters and reports which are self-expla-natory. Space does not permit of the in- elusion of the reports from Singapore and Johore The documents are as follows: [To Thb Editob or thb
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  • 431 5 The eighth annual report of the United’ Malaoca Rubber Estates. Ltd, to be presented at the general meeting in Malaooa on July 31, is as follows: The directors have pleasure in submitting their report and statement of accounts, duly audited for the year ended 80th April,
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  • 495 5 o Besides the usual activities of the Dan&>.» 8a V con,id8r »ble increase in work m connection with measures to be adopted to increase the food supply pr^ l ith th8 F *8. andthVOolony and between August and the end of the i ear the Committee
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 114 5 evening show. 5 to 7 p.m, pjULYj 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 TOWN HALL The ftalian Grand Opera POPULAR PPICESjS3, $2 and $l. I OJKiNG "PLAN NOW OPEN AT
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    • 174 5 WANTED, Dynamo direct current 230 Volta 12-25 Kilowatts for belt drive. Particulars to Box No. 93, 519 c/e Straits Echo. for sale. QKAMOPHONE (Hi. Master’. Voice) with a large and excellent selection of record* and plenty of needle*. All practically new. Total cost $475/-. Offer* may be made after inspection.
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  • 98 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Eicept Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 39, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local 180 per annum n Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) 918 per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343, N.B.—A 11 businee»
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  • 1154 6 The news which is coming through from tbe western f-oat continues to confirm the impression that Focb intinds to press bis operation boms and to reap from his new position of attack the fullest possible ad* vantages. Tbe fight is developing into a stiff combat in certain
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  • 32 6 Tbe tbird and final race of tbe Gibbons Cup Competition vis.- 200 yards bandioap will be held at tbe Swimming Clnb on Sunday, the 28th instant at 11-30 a.m.
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  • 79 6 (Ptaae Char Own Correspondetd^ Singapore. Jaly 25. The wedding of Miss Sophia Lea, eldest daughter of Mr. Alfred Loa of Oxley road to Mr. Albert G. Stredwick, of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, took plaoe at the Presbyterian Church to-day. Mr. Fern was the bestman and Misses Dorothy and
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  • 986 6 Mr. Justio Farrer-Manby returned to [pob on Wednesday, the Fall Court ot Appeal having concluded its session. Lieutenant Herbert Laurie, icstructor at Beamsville training camp, Canada, flew under the ateel arch bridge at Niagata gorge without mishap. a a Mr P- F. Wise, who is in ooutrol
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  • 948 6 1 A Big Dividend. A larger attendance at tha feature yesterday giving h r 08 ’*<» tmuance of the possibility of Tu h l Cross and olbsr war 0rg».;,,,.” ware more Indie, p re!e t ,nj of the dresses were qmi o char-. M particularly notioeabia that they
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 2107 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] pFRIVIANS RELENT G lessly attacked. ■breaking in the salient. London, July 24, 15 a.m n ti l (r 1 correipondent at French Head CD tbe 23rd at two in tbe afternoon q 4 tbit on tbe night of tbe 22nd July aod rainstorms greatly hampered
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  • 1804 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] THE TURNING TIDE. r Viotory Nearer- London, July 24. Speaking in London General Smuts, referring to the general military situation, said it was most interesting and hopeful. We I were not entitled to cherish extravagant anticipations, but there was sufficient ground after the happenings of the
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  • 59 7 (From Out Ohm Correspondent) London, Juiv 28. The prioee in the London Bnbbur Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/2$ Diamond Smoked Shoot 2/1$ Messrs, Boa stead A Co. inform no that the following were the quotations for Bubbor on spot in London on the 24 h inst.
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  • 89 7 t From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, July 26. p»r pound Ota, o»s, Fme ribbed 48 to 53 Q *»d 36 47$ Crepe fine pals thin 48 J Good pale thin ...41 „47$ I Good Pale blanket 41 Brown blanket M 85 Fine brown 87 41$ Good brown
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  • 49 7 The following programme of mneie will be rl-yed at the Esplanade this evening at 6pm 1 Overture The Bob»mitn Girl Bslfe 2 B.ster Basie’s Hewing Shirts for Soldiers Darewiki 8 Sdeotien The Yeomen Of The Guard Sullivan 4 W.lta Panl 5 Maroh Null) S cundus Bentley
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  • 23 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to*day at 1173*00, business done, in Singaporu. (re* fiutd) at 3173 50, buyers no sellers.
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  • 95 7 Ooe rf the leading J*p«ne*e st**tEiSip ««ropaebs, the Mitsubishi Shcji Ksisba, L d., ie abont to inaugurate a naw Hoe of -reamers f»om Singapore to B itiah North B -meo for s. The fi at sailing of the new i>ne «ill be the Kateura
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  • 67 7 Tbe following artielo» will be foand os >ur on«iid« pteM i S—A f o sat OH Oaotr«ot. 4.—F. M 8 Medical B p)rt, Edioi* Mud io F, M 8. 5 Uat*d AU>*o«« Bobber E«t*te«. Oar D*y 1917 8 —TbB A a tamo Room. The Military 8 rrloe The B*m«»1
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  • 2959 8 BECOND DAY'S EE ULTB. Good weather again favoured the meeting yeaterday an 1 there was a considerably larger atten ance than on J uesday, and many more ladies took the opportunity of a fine afternoon to attend. The racing was generally very much keener than on the
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  • 317 8 Yesterday we summarised the result! of Straits trade for the fitat quarter of the year. We give below more detailed figures aken from the Singapore Free frees. The return of impoits and exports for the quarter ended Mareh 31. now to hind jontaio the following comparative figures! Imposts
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  • 195 8 Nswe or Fokmbk Magistrate News has been received of Mr. M. J. Hart, formerly Magistrate at Bitu G»jah mcbGopeng, says the Times of Malaya. In the early part of 1915 he enlisted for ovarseas service, but was refused on aooount of defective eyesight and bad feet.
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  • 210 8 270.100 people died in the F.M.S. during the year 1911 to 1917 inclusive, and of th's number the appalling total of 117 043 deaths were due to the curable disease of malaria 111 Something ought to be done end must be done to oheck tbia preventable watte of
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  • 363 8 To t*b Editob or thb Malay Mail* g,r—l enclose a catting fioui the Englishman with reference to the phenomenon Known »9 “Barisal Gun*.” It will be read with iatereat in Selangor, because there the najaterioas guns are beard nearly all the year round, and poaaibly ell through
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  • 344 8 PRBSBWTATIOir BT Mb. TaH JIAM ChOO. The Malacca Cadet Corps has had an unbroken existence for more than thirty years. It is oomposed exclusively of the boys of the H'gh School, Malacca, and is officered by members of the school staff. Ox Saturday, 20ch July, ihj Corps
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  • 248 8 His Lordship, Mr. Justice Ebden addressing the assembled jurymen at the Assises, Singapore said that he did not know in what way military servioe was likely to engage those called, but if a man sat on a jury he would have to carry his duty through.
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  • 766 8 Thu Qwsino* ov Allow4 Solataccjuisd otuWlar wi vbif> in i-orpuga ag tt *m u „t tn. »*ys i We uodoibUnU, tUcretuie Governor of Hongkong fu ed “J U* separation allowances ioi .“^ei» iuu#ih Hito m ext(a tor each ihd age ot 20 in the casa J ‘J
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  • 77 8 Booking is now open for tbs Itab* l Opera Company’s performances on llaoJ»,’ and Tuesday, These artistes are sings™ l first quality and have earned the bigo r!> praise wherever they have appeared. Company is passing through Malay* oo ‘1 way for a tour of ladia. The
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  • 82 8 An Austrian Piisuner of War gw®* name ot Dubofsky and passing as a U*»'* is missing from the Prisoner of War o*®r| Tanglm. His description is Age 23 or 24. Height 5 f** 8 1DC “'T Broad shoulders and well set, Ejei t 1 Complexion fair,
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  • 76 8 Mr. T*n Cheng Kte, the weH-kjio*aP£ prietor of the Alhambra and other grsgh shew* in Singapore, was 00 day fired |25 with costs by the Senior trate, Mr. Langbam Ca ter, on made by Mr. Duncan- Roberts, the Censor of Ointunotograph Fiiuis, lo to lubmit prugianmi aof fim*»
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  • 2305 9 m i -2 Dirii and. vs Nninb» 0 d, I Capital Bbarr iuntd. t Lj TS last finanfar entrant Name. i C 5 Ci 0 h m 1 h* n *4 oial year. year- 0 =3 00 9 Of I 1 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARKS. f ete U ots IK* J(Mj9
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 296 9 Motor Cars Motor Cycles. (1917 MODELS) Immediate Delivery a 3C DCTTDCD nczoncDc with tarter*. S I I i For HOTOX CARS: Oakland, Maxwell, Briscoe, Pullman and Chevrolet. Magneto, Electric lights, Electric Horns, and Five or Two rieater. MOTOR CYCLES: “Harley Davidson”»—that heat the World’s Reeord. Twin or single Cylinder, Free
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  • 316 10 Thu Timet Hoaxed nr a Fobomd Biqhatoeb. An audacious hoax has been perpetrated on the Timet by a wit wbe is alao an expert in forgery. One inane contained the following abort poem to wbiob waa appended the aignatnre of Mr. Badyard Kipling and the addreaa, Burwaab, Sussex”
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  • 408 10 New York ia to be made the greatest port in tba world. A programme inaugurated by the Bbippiug Board has this eud in view. lia harbour facilities are to be greatly enlarged for the war period and the same programme haa in mind the period
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 91 10 (hanaberUlns Ctagk itemeij When you bare a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, bat ef < feet a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy that con* taina nothing injurious. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets a)ltb?ee requirement*, It aeta
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    • 842 10 fjk% 4 Smce the War The'Allied Governments Bought Over i -,s if E WRITERS 7o Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS ra bv AND
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  • 610 11 Matxjual ajid Mokal Effuots, Of the devastating material tffots produced bj the activities of the Royal Air Force daring the German offensive in Franoe and Flanders which opened in March, ample evidence is provided by the photographs taken from the air by British pilots,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 148 11 f estate supplies IN STOCK Aoetic Aoid 99 per cent. Barbed Wire. Cary's Box Strapping inch. English Sodium Bisulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. Latex Pans. Momi Cases. Mosaic Tiles. Par-Boiled Rice. Peninsular Acetate. Th B,s ,Qd 5 0 1 4 > m the Market. Tapping Knives. Veneer Chests WITH CANVAS
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    • 116 11 Required Immediately. TjIXERIENCED CLERK to take, X2i cha rga of Robber Factory. Good •alary to suitable mao. Apply to Bab rang Estats, Telnk Anson, IN the tropics, constipation is the cause of most ills and requires promptly dealing with* Harsh purgatives are useless because they upset the stomach, irritate the
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    • 266 11 ftfe 2&S ife efe sfc t&s efe sfe <fe efeefe ife efe jfe jfe efe «fe *fe, gfe «fes&slJs “JEZ. RACE DINNERS SATURDAY 37th JULY. it» if* n* every E. &0* Orchestra at tifilu and dinner day during Race Week* A Perfect Food for Baby Mellin’s Food. Perfect because it
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1492 12 P. O,—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER BERVICEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majeaiy’a Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT are at present aaepeaded Passengers for Europe are booked ria Bombay as opportunity offers and as far an Moommodstion is
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