Straits Echo, 24 July 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1625 1 ndensed I BRA Milkmaid SWISS CONDE» S*lU#rUiiil rl if for sale. Booth *IW) sel,er Motor Car ,al7 ui"'* e l Bt»rter >cd |tf IT 0 L ,n < XCfe l |ent >■» 9CO IM L.»°g Apply to Jh« undermentioned garage. lIF KOI) WANT! COMFORT j c 0 10 THE j
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    • 8 1 E’S MILK s«Jl®sMlTsalU*s to* '.'CTIONi b*£ BS SX3
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 28 2 OF EVERY Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand)„*Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. 9 (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 1215 3 CixocTTA. Spoktimu Maw's EiPumuNone (For The Statesman.) Memsahibs in Yokohama whose husband so raoing mast be most unoommon glad wbeu “hubby" has a good day, for he ia no paid his winnings in oash. Instead, he i given a ticket for the amount won on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1417 3 pfNANG AUCTION MART By Order of the Recc appointed by the Supreme Ccurt of the Straits Settlements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG. IN fctJIT 913 No. 389. BETWEEN nfiH ENG UEOH and KHOO SIT CHEANG Plaintiffs AND ta\ t SIEW KIM, the Administratrix of the Estate f KHOO SIT HOE, deceased, KHOO
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    • 765 3 I I 26. All that place of land and hereditaments situate in the Division of Permatang Toh Glam in the Northern District of Province Wellesley comprised in Grant No 2690 which said piece of land is estimated to contain an area of |0 a. 8 r. 34 p. and is
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    • 440 3 FOR. SALF. Rubber factory and plant at Mob. 27/28 Station Road, Bukit Mertajam. Apply for fall particulars to A. B. C, e/o Strait* Echo, FOR SALE. Rubber Returns Books. We are now prepared to offer for sale books for the purpose of recording the purchase and sale of robber in
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  • 1125 4  -  By Capt R. P. P. Rown. A GREAT ACHIEVEMENT. s 1)]IIn Mulberry Walk, Chelae», there ia curried at, on »u evir-iac easiog uo*le war-woik E exception»! v*luei for hbre 1» aitu.ted the leadquartera of the 8urgic*l Requisites Lssooiatiou. The Asaooiation waa founded in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 89 4 fp° c XZ3CDCDC=DOCDCDOC=Z=3 CDCDCDC DO Reserve Your Purchases, o Whiteaway, Laidlaw CO., 0 LIMITED, ANNUAL CLEARANCE r\ 0 0 Commences Monday, July 29th. I > WRITE FOR: BOOK OF BARGAINS. «CT i 0 0 v> 0 ram rant mm. w o o 0 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd., VJ ptnu A
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    • 113 4 NOTICE. M w... Jos.PH Co*Nir4U. 81, beers admitted P*rtiarg i a oar from the Ist of J,am r j Ills *o| BOUBTE4D 4 EXPECTING Shipment Shortly TORINO m Gancia Champa ne Sweet and Extra Dry Blends. pgy- Made from the choicest Ijrt MUSCUEL GRAPES. 3KO®WI f hianii Claret (I.M.C) Gancia
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  • 827 5 Th« Administration Report for the year Kelantan of the acting British Adviser Mr. R. J. Fairer is issued from the F,M.S. Government Printing office at Kuala Lumpur, and is the record of the progress of that State dutiog the seventh year of its protection by Great Britain.
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  • 136 5 After six weeks’ trial of the one-session 8 s.m, to 2 p.m. day, the British Amerioan Tcbicco Co. is returning to the regulation summer office day of 8 noon to 12 s.m. and 2 p.m, to 4 p.m Tbs N.C Daily Nwog says it was found
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  • 511 5 Cftwn Out Own CbrrespondexU) On the 19th inst. one Rengasamy, a Tindal of Windsor Estate, near Taiping, was obarged before Mr H. A. Forrer, the Magistrate at Taiping. Mr G. H. Garteide prosecuting said the man was brought up on charges of oheating and of criminal breach of
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  • 108 5 Amount previously acknowledged $3,000 Members of the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce i Lim Boon Haw $2O Lim Boon Aw 5 Obee Wor Lok ss* 5 Qiah Beng Kee 5 Yeoh Paik Tatt 5 See Kew Lye see Lim Beng Hoci 5 Lim Eu Toh
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  • 46 5 The following programme of muiio will be played at the Esplanade thii evening at 6 pm:1 Overture The Calif Of Bagdad Boeldieu 2 The Homes They Leave Behind Rubens 3 Selection Gondoliers Sullivan 4 Waits Dream Of Autnmn Joyce 5 March Seivad Franklin
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  • 42 5 Fom- Bt Stbaxbb At To-morrow (Thursday). Port 8wettenham and Singapore Krian 1 p.m, Calcutta 1-80 p.m. 27th inatant (8aturdaj). Madras taking maila 10 a m. for Sarope etc. via Regiat. up to 9 a.m. Bombay H Paroela 8 a.m.
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  • 54 5 Wudnusdat, July 24 Full Moon. War Anniversary Meeting Clumber of Commeroe 415 p m, Town Band, Esplanade, Thursday, July 25. Penang Raees. Friday, July 26. Town Band, Esplsnade* Saturday, July 27, Penang Raoes. Sunday, July 28. Ninth after Trinity. Monday, Judy 29. Town Band, Esplanade. Italian Opera
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 261 5 rjjjflflfffTflTWWWwnnwwnHmwm I" TO-NIGHT to-night 1 the e+eeeeee jg aa* r 4 r r r r l Gil N KE >♦♦♦♦♦♦ THEATRE Hi the premier theatre of the colony GIGANTIC RACE WEEK ATTRACTIONS. SPECIAL BLUE-BIRD PHOTO-PLAY. (W MUTINY <R r r r V t r r r t* tr r t*
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    • 587 5 AMERICAN 30th U. Bar Harrows W/BaiK Apply to Ths Eastbbk k, Pacific Tbadifo Compaht, Ltd., B. Weld Quay, Penang. A POUR WHEELED Rubber Tyred Carriage in good condition in Prorince. Applj to ‘'DOCTOR,’* Btraits Echo. NOTICE. A PPLICANTS for mj Bunglow in Tanjong Bungah are kindlj requested to apply to
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  • 100 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays tod public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, SI, Beach Street, Penan*. Price s Daily Local 180 per annum. Outetatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Poet Free) $lB per annum. Cable Addreaa: ECHO PENANG.* Telephone Noa. (Eoho) 080. Printing Department 343. N.F.—AU busineaa communication*
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  • 1340 6 Sometbiog of the romance attiohiog to the d*ys when Sir Frank 3wettenh*m was 000 of the early officers in the States on the Peninsula has disappeared from Malayan S-jrvic», bat civil *erv-nta of that establish* ■amt still bare opportunities of seeing backward and disorganised Dative states transformed, under careful
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  • 859 6 Oil. A J Pox is back from tia holiday in j India. i M-. Horne, the Negri Sembiian planter, b<»«» left to join up. Mr. O. B. Sykes is to act as assistant P:o'toio.' of Ch eese, Singapore. Mr. P. Bpde Cox b.«a returned to Klaog, and
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  • 960 6 Pirric. Lrd Pirrie appra r s to he making gome thing of a th >w with the diffhultsbipbatlding problem so it is not out if place to quote contemporary opinion of Liu Lordship which is as follows i Lord P.rrie is now defiaite’y regarded at a sucoess in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 150 6 jQ L3MITED (TnCOIIPOHATBD &TBAITB SITTLIWBBTS) Penang and Ipoh OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. New Season’s Goods. <*.* m 1 3® Sa d 9 i 2* r !■> h b to I 98 Pyjama*. Flannel Pyjama uit Chat's ('ey lea Flannel Fyjama I. aits* Stripped, 5 a 3 qualities. S.M. size $6 00 *8
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 2020 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] STRIVING HOLD the jaws LowkD, Jalj 10 50 Fni.cb Head* B .irirg at eleven in the evening on Cl',,*-The ficht.Dg Montagne w*8 extraordinarily bitter. Higbj, Rbeinof W,B r I No ,th CcwtJ troop., .dt into ihr .1' ,bl, <•'">« progrt.std de.pitf j
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  • 21 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $170.50, buainesa done, in Singapore, (refined) at $l7l, buyers no sellers.
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  • 735 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] I Mere Guccesifal Balds. Lo d>c July 22, 115 pm. 8r DcOgha fl>ig report*: We gained I ground on th8 21 t July sou h-east of iHibuterne. We, in cor junction with the I French, oarried cat a successful m<no, I enterprise at night south of
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  • 772 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] L ndo", July 28. A Frrncb o.mtru iq 6 states t On I bombing .qu drons were mett o'ive on tb* r 121at d »p *e the we and droiped that Idsy and right 50 tor a on communication», I cantor men's and bivouacs in the
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  • 56 7 Holland American Plantation! O, 605,253, Notbe'la da Rubber M j 15,881, Si P rd 30 866 iba. Mr Jaaticn L. M. Wxdward tbia mornins delivered judgment for plaintiff in the uit in wnich toe Extern Trading Co, aued tbe Bin Teik Bee Rice Mill! for 98.900.52
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  • 578 7 Cv»tinobnt or Ambk:can Teoops Killed Tbe Time» of May 25 »*y- 1 The S-cretary I t the oi-.kiH the followiog I announcement i H. M Arnt.i M rovntileC ais«r Moldavia I (siting C ptain A. H- Smyth, R N *«s I 'orpedoed aad suck on
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  • 216 7 The annusl sports f r tbe inmates if the Central Asylum, T*nj mg Rambufcso, were »eld on S«ta'd»y afrtraoon. Taere wt rs no fewer than 22 events and both patients and attendants entered into the fun provided with great gnsto. Mrs W. F. Stmuels provid 'd tea
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  • 93 7 Tho following are rbe latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s share list i— 1 Yesterday. To-day, Rubber, I* =s 5’ ca ca rjj Bassett 070 0.80 065 075 Ulu Pa n dan (B’pore) 0-55 0-65 0.60 070 Mi’.ing', Bangnoa 3/- J/6 3.6 dis 2/6dis
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  • 68 7 Tbe following aruoio* will be fcmd oa our outaide ptgea i 8, —Racin ia tbe Far E»et. 4,—Tbr» Work of tbe R quiaitfi Aa*oci«rion. 5 —Ta.pirg N wa. King O orpn'. Fand ftr 8 lion. K-ianfan io 1917. B—TheAutamn Raoea. 001, O rrett and tbe Sbropahirea, Ta blitz Planter»’»
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  • 2620 8 FI 'IST DAY’S RE ULTS Fine, but rather opr ressively hot, weather favoured the opening day g racing jester day and there was quite a good attendance of members tnd friends on the coarse The meeting had attracted a good entry nd as most of the ho
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  • 673 8 1 The Steward** Vase. Vain* s49°, and $lOO to the Seeond Horse. Handioap for all Ex-Griffins that have entered for the Firat Day- Entrance Fee $25. Distance fire furlongsMr. M. 8. Ariffin’s o m Polar Star 9.10 Mr. C. W. Abram's b m Manhattan 9. 7 Mr Chendry’s
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  • 329 8 Eutrw* (or th* big annual Colombo meeting the of which tbii year are August 3rd, 6tb, 8 h and 10th closed at the negmuing of tbis month, and reveal that 53 English horses 3, Australian and 15 Arab* *re taking part. Time was when Australian norses bad
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  • 440 8 Thf quarterly general meeting wn held at tbe Perak Ciub, 11 a m. t 20th July. Present i —Mr. Co kaon.oaalrman, MessrsJeoklop, Owen, Palmer, Grant, RitobiP, Uroal, D-ion. Bmitb, Powell, L*motf*. Brcb, J perling, Willi», Jameson, Walker Jones, M a s and D MoHucbison. Visitors: —Messrs. Gordon
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  • 274 8 The following circular has baen issued by Messrs, Barker and Oj, Saoretaries pro tem. You will no doubt recollect that at the me.ting of representatives of 47 Companies registered in the Straits Settlements and F-derated Malay States held on the 18ch of Marob last one
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  • 191 8 Eftuot Or Vic Tomas On Exchange. London. June 21,—The Austrians have not yet succefd'd in passirg guns and supplies across the Piave, and they are only dropping food from snroplams. Accord nv to the ooi respondent of the OiornaU d' l talia oneoompaoyat Fossalta an* enven to
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  • 235 8 The claims ot tun* bl, Light lnf.uiiy Prisoners ot VY«r J^ Ir fcfiouiivc y *uvuu»tej at iho p*o, Q liU eonvaneu by tne Lord Lieutenant, of Powis and held at the ohiran., 3 bury, reoently, Lord Powi* clearly aH*** traud that it watahsorUitiy ut«
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  • 227 8 Com PLAINTS OP ILL-iJtXATMXNT UITBCI, At a meeting of the Bengal Lsgulalni Council Lord Rouatustiaj replied io tut allegations tnqueuny made that ihe detenu Wbre suamekbstji til treated, lire Hun, Mr. U. J. OtwVensou Muote, 1 U.B aud tbe Huo. dir Cuacd.a Miner, who ttq,u 6l j
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  • 219 8 Still Anothhu Disootskt, The action of the Government m putting into oncuiatiun ten-Ount notes of sues I uatuie as o*n be easily forged is mm b-giu-mog to have its tffcot, a»ys the T. 0 M. W< meutiontd in oar last issue that tun polios had made a
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  • 75 8 How TO Eud THU Wa*. London, May 23 —Mr. F. G. Kell»*»;’ (Parliamentary Secretary to the MidisNJ tor Munition'), in a speech in Whitscbsp* l yesterday, said It is now clear that have reached material and personal »upeocrity in the air. If we shall exploit that aim
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  • 139 8 The Goasalcz Company will g‘ rß operatic concerts at the Town Hall be'® Monday and Tuesday next The has tog of th ee talented artistes will membered here with pleasure, htc the Company is not complete euotg stage eniire opera they wlil gire JJ® 00 and fourth aots
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  • 2305 9 I J2 Dividend. o S Nsmlw ef m A, |1 CipiUl. 8b»r*> ieeced D -0 last fiaam for current Vasa. 5 -4» 2 s M •2 oial jMur. yaar0 n CD 1 9 ete. 9 ete 19» iw; 19» 1989 IK»» IW 1918 120,106 990 000 120,0')# 1 1
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 295 9 READING-STANDARD MOTOR CYCLES 12 H P. 3*speed Twin Cylinder complete with Clectrieal Equipment. Finest a'd Most Powerful Motor Cycle BUILT l_N AMERICA. Writs for Particulars aa I Price to CYCLA AND CARRIAGE £0.. LTD. o (1NCOBPO BATED IN THE FeDKBATBD MaLAT STATES.) V BEACH STREET, PENANG. V SOLE AGEhTS. •‘»C'<>»000*2>0000«"&«00’OOi)IIF
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  • 1151 10 Some day a patient German student, says Everyman, will oast up the various ills whioh his fellow-countrymen derived from the war, and among them not tbe least will be tbe diseases suffered by the civilian population. In 1916 there was a big crop of si ments.
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  • 864 10  -  By Captain Lord Dunsany Karl Bleibtreu a German haj be en his estimate of German loaiai, Writi *7** paper named Daa Neu, luropa. Ioiim he estimates at 4,600.000 up J*? end of January of thia year. The.* fi M include the killed and wounded 2 priaonera.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 143 10 Since the War Began The Allied Governments Have Bought Over ROYAL TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS: HUTTENBACH OS., AND COMPANY, For
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    • 135 10 ESTABLISHED 1874. the oriental GoTsrnment Security Assurance Company, Ltd. la«orporate4 Ik laAia. BRANCH OFFICE, KUALA LUMPUR. A. 0. Lawton, Secretary Fenang, Kedah A FM.B. Funds exceed 88.300,000 Claim» Paid $28.600,00C LOW RATES LIBERAL CONMTIONS Apply tor Proipectus etc, to L. Y. SWEE Coy. 64 A 66, Beach Street Penang. or
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  • 1443 11 Joseph Conrad, in some fioe prose of his, Tradition.” begins by quoting Leonardo da Vinci, The Master,’* he says, who has meditated so deeply on the re-birth of arts and scienoes, on the inward beaaty of all things—ship’s lines, women’s faoes—and on the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 158 11 f estate supplies IN STOCK Aoetio Acid 99 per oent. Barbed Wire. Cary’s Box Strapping inch. English Sodium Bisulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. Latex Pans. Momi Cases. Mosaic Tiles. Par-Boiled Rice. Peninsular Acetate, Tu Tapping Knives. Veneer Chests WITH canvas fittings. P White Porcelain Gups. White Zinc Paint. I I
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    • 317 11 Required Immediately. EXEBTBNCED CLERK to take, charge of Robber Factory. Good salary to suitable mao. Apply to Manaokk, 8abeano Estats, Teluk Aneon, What Price Toothache When it comes on, say, in the small hoars of the morning and you hare to continue to suffer for several hoars before relief or
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    • 533 11 THE REGISTR VTION AND MEDICAL 5 EXAMIN ATION ORDINANCE, 1918. e- NOTICE. 1« id D ll C1« ll b f b>> THE MEDICAL BOARD under Seetioo 9 of the Registration and Medical Examination Ordinance 1917, will sit at the General Hospital, Penang, daily from 2 p m. to 4 SO
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1351 12 P. 0. —BRITISH IMIA AND APCAB LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England c MAIL AND PAS8ENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with Hia Majesty’! Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OE BOMBAY are at preeent anspondod PuMnrtn for Europe are booked via Bombay aa opportunity offers and aa far as
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