Straits Echo, 23 July 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1568 2 [Extracts from bis Diary (or 1918.1 Kay 11 i The new* come oat of London asi diktit of anew blow aimtd by tbe fleet apooO'tflode Thursday night, wherem the Vindictive moit cleverly tank betwixt the 2 pierres of tbe harbcar. And this morning the story of it
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 102 2 r oc XZDCDCDCZHDOCDCDOCZZDCDCDCDC XX o Reserve Tour Purchases. o W hi tea way, Laidlaw CO., LIMITED VJ ANNUAL CLEARANCE U n 0 n 0 A i VJ c Commences Monday, July 29th. IWRITE FOR BOOK OF BARGAINS. fOO i Mail Orders Pm 0 0 esDaicneu. 0 o o 0 Whiteaway,
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    • 331 2 notice by her from ami after Dacember, lj\ 7 Dated this loth July, 1918, Sgd. PHEONQ AH OH a a 489 acute sufferiug with each appearance?!! wear away the strongest human The first shooting pains seem trivial as they continue they grow worse and Z constant racking tortu e is
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  • 1346 3 R REPORT FOR 1917. i i, g In concluding his report on the State of Perak in 1917 Mr. R G. Watson, the Bri- tish Resident, says that “apart from a «hot tage of supplies of certain European fi commodities, and somewhat increased prices, hardly a shadow of
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  • 375 3 (.From Our Own Correspondent^ At the Bukit Mertajam Police Court before Mr. C. H. G. Clarke, on Monday I gharry wallah named Narian Singh was convicted of driving his gharry otherwise I than on the left hand side of the road and sentenced to pay a fine
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  • 171 3 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ending June '2l, 1918. [Male 50) V 75 Female 25) Death rate 36.69 per mille per annum compared with 36.14 in the preceding week and with 49.34 in the corresponding week of last Nationality. M,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 200 3 fffTfffwwwwTffwwfwwwtwwfwm m# to-night TO-NIGHT' THE ]k EMPIRE x »<>♦»♦♦♦ theaIre ftttttm w L the premier theatre of the colony gigantic race week attractions. SPECIAL BLUE-BIRD PHOTO-PLAY mutiny L ■■iwsfc 4% \%y WITB* 1 Myrtlo Gonzalez V»1 l‘*nl and Geo. Hernandez. A Story of the Sea. IN SUPPORT HER CROOKED CAREER
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    • 576 3 KD [I AUCTIONS. The undersigned are prepared to take up auction sales of: Lands, Properties, Estates. Houses, Furniture, Motorcars, Rubber, etc. PROMPT ACCOUNT SALES RENDERED. for Terms Apply to: ALLEN DENNYS 8 Co., Auctioneers, Appraisers etc 7, Union 8tr«et, Penang. Phone No. 393. ISMSBO. n notice. Chinese Widows and Orphan's
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  • 103 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, st, Beach Street, Penang Price: Daily Local $BO pep annum. Outetatlon Poatag-e Extra. Mall Edition (Poat Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: "ECHO PENANG.' Tslsphono Noa. (Coho) SB6. Printing Department 343, N. 8. —411 buainaM
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  • 1396 4 Thera are still gre&t msoy people who have at the back of their mind—some of them b-ing qaite uooensoious of the fact—ao idea that whilst admittedly Qeriutr.j has made several bi? attempts to defeat the Allies she has not yet brought oat her real effort. That she
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  • 261 4 TO DAY’B SCRATCHINGB AND SELECTIONS. Tbe following are the soratohinga for to* day's races. Baca I.— Britisher, Back 2.— Merthyr Boy Baca 3. Midas and Singapore. Raoa 4.—A1l running, Baca 4. Singapore, If ores and Firefly Baca 6.—A1l fanning, Racb 7.—Allranning, Baca B.—All ranniog. The following were the
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  • 54 4 Baoa I.— Ampang, The Earl Aringa, Raoa 2 Bol Dhu, Dandy, Manhattan, Baca 3 Silent Friend, Gloria, Playmate Baca 4 Golden Rock, Milky Way, Black Watch Baoa 5. Queen Imal Baoa 6. Sandy Creek, Pretty Boy, NuUo. Raoa 7. Oh La La, Floradora, Good Omen, Paoa B Lot. Tinggi,
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  • 33 4 Fob Bt Stbambb At To-morrow (Wednesday). Calcutta 130 p.m, Muulmein 8 30 pm. Singapore 3-30 p.m, Tbe Money Qrder and the Savings Bink Departments will be ch.eed at noon to-day.
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  • 435 4 London, July 1, 5-5 p. tu Liptons, Ltd. bare nude an offer to absorb the Aerated B ead Co. Nego'ia- lions aro in progress.—Tims* of Ceylon, 1 Mr. W, T. Gresswell, the well known 1 Somerset and Ceylon orioketer, writes of tbe big German offensive
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  • 1041 4 Foch a Counter. The rew* from the Mirne front Conf to be of a most cheering character J impossible as yet to say how long d movement will be kept up. I t j ook r ncl > evtr as if a real attempt U to be M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 160 4 Pritchard 8 Co., LIMITED—- In COB POP AT KD In'tHE StBAITS SlTTLIXIITl) OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. New Season’s Goods. ft Flannel Pyjama 5 uit Gist's Coylca Flannel Fyjama Suits- Stripped, in 3 qualities. S.M. size $0 00 SSOO 8.50 M. size $6.50 $8.50 $9 00 O.S.M. size $7 00 $9 00 $9.50
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  • 2013 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ENEMY hard pressed. further cbound captured. LvDCon.Ju!j21, 4.20 p.a. F,. M b c French J,, „t.rrf Ch.te.e Thierry tbi. d't eorrh .J 0 l.b.O.«q*»‘ t-l-ee* the M.ree jmr- l)».p>le * re.i.l.eoo ■*a,,.», we oo.tlr.eed .er progre,,. LoodoD. Jo'y 22, 4.t0 p-«- preneb aoimnuniqud states The
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  • 171 5 The Electric Polyscope Company are]* presenting a very strong change of pro-1 gramme for Bice Week. The piotures 1 to-night inclnde a “Gold Rooster” play s entitled “Honour in Pawn” in four parte, 11 ••the Two Lovers” in three parts, and a Luke Comedy entitled “The Devil’s Little
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  • 325 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ANOTHER HAUL OF PRISONERS. L?ndot\ Ju’y 21, 10.50 p m. Reuter’s correspondent at British H adquarters on the 21st July fijs that a busy a&d satisfactory wtek-etd was rcunded off by a aid on the German positions in Aveluy Wood, our troops destroying dugouts
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  • 478 5 Beatie Babs. Pbrbobmubs Awd Thbib Fkbtohbs. I A dispute oonoerniag the authorship of three music-hall sketches, “Kitoheu Frolics," 1“ Pavement Rehearsal," and The Little Saggragetfa," waa beard recently by Mr. jjustioc Neville in the Chancery Division. The plaintiff was Mr. Arthur Kahn and the defendants Mns B atrioa Samuels and
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  • 433 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] FURTHER ZECH ADVANCE. Amsterdam, July 21. A Berlin corrrrpondent .t Moscow says the Czec l s c p und Birsk and tke Soriet troops *re withdrawing. Amsterdam, July 21. The F heiniseh Wetifaeluche Zeitung'i Berlin correspondent says the 8ovirt Government while refusing to agree to a
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  • 122 5 In aid of the Penang Free Bohool food for a Bed Tiiangle Hat for the Chinese Üboar oorps, the Bdj Soouts of that inatita* tion are giving an entertainment at the Town Hall on Friday, Angnat 9 next at 9 p.m. whm the piĕce <U rttiitaius on
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  • 122 5 The following are the particulars of out. pat of the Renong Tin Dredging Company’? tin ore for the first hslf of Jaly i—No. 1 Dredge Pis 180 00; No. 2 Dredge P t 73*0; Total Pis 253.00. Fat but Pasijt Tin Dbbdoibto Co N L The General Manager
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  • 305 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] f, July 21. Three British aeropbnes returning from 1 1 Tondern we»e fir'd on by Orman warships land chased by German serop'»nes. the I fight ended on the Danish bcH< n Three British airmen lard<-d at various poii ts in I Denmark and were interned. They
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  • 489 5 Niutbai, Pbisohbbs oh A U Buat, In the course of hie desorption of Lfe ae I a prisoner on board a German submarine la neutral says The German seamen tllowed us to use their mattresses, to that Iwe were able to take iff our things. A I
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  • 103 5 The following articles will be fcund on our outside Paer-s i B.—-The N w P^pys 1 B—Buktt8 —Buktt Hertsj»m Cases. Prosperous Perak. fi.—Equipment for M»'pot. Lewis Gun, The Z*b ug V e R. d. A Naval Chaplain’» N te B iok. 7,—Germany’s Prowd Record. The following arriv-d early this
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  • 1178 6 A Ceylon man who recently joined the LA B O. writes on the subject of baying equipment r All I wanted is a couple of groundiheeti and a water-bottle for use in "Mespot.” Considering that the city at the present moment contains about 100,000 civilians and 30,000
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  • 767 6 HISTOBT AS Ta’ «HT BY THI COBFOKAL., Now ’oo can tell me,” asked the machine gun corporal, "oo inventei the Lewis gun The squad of recruits gathered round him looked at one another, each one expecting his comrade to answer this conundrum, whieh to them represent ed
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  • 974 6 Wbittun Bbfobk it Hafpbmid. Mr. fc>. Vaux writes from Kobowilla, Kalawellawa to the Times of Ceylon. I enclose soma extracts from a latter jest received, some of which you may fiad to be of general interest as throwing light on one of the biggest tours de force
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  • 820 6 Norm ros'i Whit,,» s Tbis is the most d.fSeeh that i have to preach in t h ti “J** whole year, because it matt ba 6, i subject concerning which tha de <P‘m of d.t Mh found and entire that—l’m K ed in words what 1
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  • 51 6 Tuisoat, Jolt 23, Penang Rices. Singapore Assizes Open. Widkuoat, Jolt U Poll Moon. j War Anniversary Meeting L-*®-Commerce 4-15 p.m, Town Ban, 4 EepUnade, Thoabdat, Jolt 25. Penang Races. Fkidat, Jolt 26. Town Rand, Esplanade. Sonnat, Jolt 23. Ninetb after Trinity. Monday, JotT t 9, Town Band,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 302 6 INTERESTING INVESTMENT. A rnbber estate of about a hundred aores fully 0 plauted, with trees aix to eight years old. i Q FULL PARTICULARS FROM O R. F. BRADFORD. g i 0 loeoGoooeooeootije oPosoeoGOSOOiT 1 1 F, Penang S reet, Penang. YOUR DELIVERY PROBLEMS ARE BEST SOLVED BY Brockway Motor
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    • 89 6 (hnatortalns Cragk Bmmiy. When yon bare a bad cold jon want > a remedy that will not only give relief, bat ef. feet a prompt and permanent cere, a remedy that ii pleasant to take, a remedy that contain* nothing injarioi*. Chamberlain’* Coagh Remedy meet* all these reqairement*. It aet*
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    • 12 6 For Chiidreo’a Hacking Caagh *t Nr. h Wood» Great Oar* la, flj.
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    • 68 6 Digestive troubles. What a world of misery those worlds represent, and yet the disorder can quickly be corrected by a Gmiraa nt J WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE, a medicine that ia effioaciou. in ST.»* flatulence, aciditr or the rtomach If T ou are affected u thi. way, buy a bottle
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  • 776 7 German propaganda ia a curicusly thorough business. It appeals to a!l tsates, to all pointa of view. It ia unlimited in its soope, and in its methods knows no restraints, o metimea it even employs tka truth aa its weapon, though aa a rule, it ia not
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 598 7 99 66 i i RACE DIHNER8 TUESDAY 33rd JULY. THURSDAY 25th SATURDAY 27th r 0« Orchestra at tiffin and dinner every I day during Race Week- ,Y* cat Fxpecting Shipment Shortly Gancia Champagne Sweet and Extra Dry Blends. Made from the choicest sseffl MUSCATEL GRAPES. Chianti Claret (U.P.V.C) Gancia J.
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    • 126 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE The Commissioners of George Town, Penang hereby invite tenderi for the following:* Construction of cement conorete drains at Kampong Java Lama Road from Dato Kramat Road to Brick Kiln Road. Fall particulars can be obtained and plans and specifications inspected at the Municipal Engineer's Office. Tenders which should
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    • 398 7 Required Immediately. i EXEBIENCED CLERK to take charge of Bobber Factory. Good > 8a)fry to suitable man. Apply to MaxAGtaa. Sabbaho Ebtatb, Teluk Adboo. FOIFL S ALE. EUBB1R FACTORY and PLANT »t Nos. 27/28 Station Road. Bakit Mertajam. Applj for full particulars to A. B 0, e/e Straits Eckc\ Robber
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    • 291 7 ♦♦♦♦♦nnnnnnnnnHnnamj4Hunn444n4 “BIRD BRAND” J a INNER TUBES FOR BICYCLES n n n n n a 0 n CHEAPEST AND BEST Obtainable from all general and cycle dealers throughout S.8. and E.lf.8. SOLE AGENTS: K. LEE SAN CO.. PENANG. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ♦♦♦♦♦0Pn000P0P00nnnDDnnn»++n++ Worn out Men
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1502 8 P. O.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PABBENQER SERVICEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bomba} as opportunity offers and as far an eeeommodation is
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